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一直以来,市面上都把Analyze an Argument部分理解为简单的驳论,认为做法就是顺着文章发展顺序,逐句挑错。然而,官方指南明确要求考生要理解文章的论证线索(line of reasoning),进行逐步的分析,甚至辨识出文章隐藏的推理步骤。因此,本书为部分重点文章配以详细的逻辑结构图,帮助考生快速理清文章脉络。这将大大简化考生的分析过程,考生只需按照推理线路图逐条考察,就可以实现文章的条理性。四、是非分析部分注重全面思考

关于Analyze an Issue部分,官方指南一直强调,本项考试并不在意考生同意或者反对某个话题,而在意的是考生能够对任何一个话题进行全面、理性的分析。无论是同意或是反对,考生都需要从对立者角度批判地看待自己的视角。因此,本书中每一道是非问题的分析,都给考生们提供了多种视角,引导考生进行全面思考。如果在考场上遇到相应的话题,只需要参考本书中的思路,则至少在思维层面上可以做到万无一失。

最后,希望广大考生可以充分利用本书,也祝愿大家能够早日顺利杀G成功,实现飞跃重洋的梦想。本书在编辑出版的每一环节中都力求审慎周全,但恐仍有疏漏之处,尚祈读者不吝指正。你们的支持,是我们前进的最大动力。你们的成功,是对我们努力的最高奖励。编者PART 01|第一部分Verbal Reasoning文字推理Question Type 1|题型一Reading Comprehension阅读理解Practice Set 1: Easy(练习一:简单题目)Questions 1~2Lines 1-3 Ragwort was accidentally…the weed was rampant.

首先文章描述的对象是ragwort这种杂草,其特点是被引进到New Zealand后有害,并且蔓延。Lines 3-9 What made matters worse was…can even result.

接着文章描述了农业从sheep farming转向dairying(养牛)之后,ragwort的危害变大,因为ragwort本身有毒,羊吃了这种草数月后才会显示出生病的迹象,而牛吃了之后会马上生病,且可能是致命的。

总结 文章讨论了ragwort被引进到New Zealand后对当地农业产生巨大危害的原因:ragwort本身是有害的,同时它对牛的危害要比对羊大很多,并且其蔓延的时候碰巧当地的畜牧业从养羊转向养牛。1. The passage suggests that the proliferation of ragwort was particularly ill-timed because it

A. coincided with and exacerbated a decline in agriculture

B. took place in conditions that enabled the ragwort to spread

faster than it otherwise would have done

C. led to an increase in the amount of toxic compounds contained

in the plants

D. prevented people from producing honey that could be eaten


E. had consequences for livestock that were more dramatic than

they otherwise would have been

答案E ragwort的蔓延ill-timed是因为碰巧农业从sheep farming转向dairying(养牛)。关于选项A,文章没提及正好碰到农业衰退,排除;关于选项B,文章没提到使ragwort传播更快的condition,排除;关于选项C,文章没提到ragwort的蔓延使它自身的有毒物质增加,排除;关于选项D,在任何时候,以ragwort的花粉为原料的honey都是不安全的,因此这不是它ill-timed的原因,排除;关于选项E,这个选项描述的意思是对于livestock来说,后果比本会有的更严重,也就是说本来是养羊的,后果较轻,现在变成养牛了,后果更严重,正确。

For the following question, consider each of the choices separately and select all that apply.2. The passage implies which of the following about the problems ragwort poses to dairy farmers?

A. Milk produced by cows that eat ragwort causes illness in

humans who drink it.

B. Ragwort can supplant the plants normally eaten by cattle.

C. Cattle, unlike sheep, are unable to differentiate between

ragwort and healthy grazing.

答案B 根据题干无法精确定位,看选项。关于选项A,文章没提到人喝了吃ragwort的牛产的奶会生病,排除;关于选项B,定位至“Livestock generally their pasture”(lines 6-8),牲畜一般情况下是会避免吃ragwort的,只有当 ragwort代替了牧场上其他草时它们才会吃它,而文章提及从养羊转向养牛后问题更严重了,意味着牛在吃ragwort,说明ragwort代替了牛吃的草,符合;关于选项C,定位至“Livestock generally avoid grazing where ragwort is growing”(lines 6-7),文中提到牲畜通常可以辨别ragwort和healthy grazing,并没有说牛和羊有区别,排除。Question 3Line 1-4 Despite the fact that…by restaurant meals.

总结 文章介绍了这样一个paradox:一方面在卫生检查上catering establishments比ordinary restaurants更严格,另一方面在报告给health department的食物中毒案例数量上,catering services导致的比restaurant meals导致的更多。3. Which of the following, if true, helps explain the apparent paradox in the statement above?

A. A significantly larger number of people eat in restaurants than

attend catered banquets in any given time period.

B. Catering establishments know how many people they expect to

serve, and therefore are less likely than restaurants to have, and

serve, leftover food, a major source of food poisoning.

C. Many restaurants provide catering services for banquets in

addition to serving individual meals.

D. The number of reported food-poisoning cases at catered

banquets is unrelated to whether the meal is served on the

caterer's or the client's premises.

E. People are unlikely to make a connection between a meal they

have eaten and a subsequent illness unless the illness strikes a

group who are in communication with one another.

答案E 根据文章,我们需要解释在catering establishments比ordinary restaurants卫生检查更严格的前提下,为什么catering services导致的被报告的食物中毒事件比restaurant meals导致的更多。解释这个paradox的关键是要意识到报告给health department的中毒事件数量并不等同于实际发生的中毒事件数量。关于选项A,因为在卫生检查上ordinary restaurants比catering establishments更不严格,假如在restaurants 吃饭的人比在catered banquets 吃饭的人多,结果应该是前者产生的中毒事件多,加重paradox,排除;关于选项B,catering establishments更少提供剩余食物(食物中毒主要来源)的结果应该是它产生的食物中毒事件更少,加重paradox,排除;关于选项C,restaurants 提供catering services与否不影响两者中毒事件数量的比较,排除;关于选项D,catering establishments引起的食物中毒事件的数量与它举办的地点是否有关无法解释上述paradox,排除;关于选项E,它的意思是除非遭受食物中毒的人之间会互相交流,一般情况下他们不会将生病的现象和食物联系起来,即实际产生的案例不等同于被报告的案例。参加banquets的人们更可能是熟人,因此去参加banquets的人比去餐厅吃饭的人更可能处于这样一个会互相交流的群体,随之而来可能产生更多被报告的案例,这可以解释为什么参加banquets会引起更多被报告的食物中毒案例,正确。Questions 4~5Lines 1-3 African American newspapers…African American publications.

文章首先指出20世纪30年代 African American newspaper面临很多困境,并举了一个困境的例子:广告商忽视它们。Lines 4-7 Advertisers' discrimination did…to secure revenues.

接着文章承认了广告商忽视带来的好处:可以更容易地印刷politically charged material。Lines 7-12 Unfortunately, it also…to boost circulation.

接下来出现转折,描述了广告商忽视带来的坏处:售价更高,并且被迫去印刷更多sensationalism, sports, and society news以增加发行量。

总结 文章指出African American newspapers在20世纪30年代面临的一个困境并详细展开描述困境的几个方面。

For the following question, consider each of the choices separately and select all that apply.4. The passage suggests that if advertisers had more frequently purchased advertising in African American newspapers, then which of the following might have resulted?

A. African American newspapers would have given more attention

to sports and society news than they did.

B. African American newspapers would have been available at

lower prices than large national dailies were.

C. African American newspapers would have experienced

constraints on their content similar to those experienced by large

national dailies.

答案C 定位至“advertisers of consumer products often ignored African American publications”(line 3)可知广告商很少买African American newspapers的广告,这种情况产生了一系列影响,而本题题干问的却是广告商如果多买广告会怎样,因此正确答案一定是原文信息的反面。关于选项A,定位至“African American publishers often felt compelled to print a disproportionate amount of sensationalism, sports, and society news to boost circulation”(lines 10-12),原文描述的就是广告商很少买African American newspapers会导致这些newspaper做更多的sports和society news,选项描述的和这个结果方向一致(应该相反),所以排除;关于选项B,定位至“Unfortunately, it also made the selling price of Black papers much higher than that of general-circulation dailies”(lines 7-8),文章只是说African American newspapers比national dailies贵,广告商买更多广告后可能会使它们的价格比原来低一些,至于是否会低到比national dailies更便宜,无法得知,排除;关于选项C,定位至“Editors could print politically charged material more readily than could the large national dailies, which depended on advertisers' ideological approval to secure revenues”(lines 5-7),这里指出large national dailies不容易出版politically charged material,因为它们depended on advertisers' ideological approval to secure revenues,假如广告商买African American newspapers更多广告,那么它们也将depended on advertisers for revenues,由此导致的结果就是它们也将不容易出版politically charged material,正确。5. The author of the passage suggests which of the following about the “advertisers” (line 3) mentioned in the passage?

A. They assumed that advertising in African American

newspapers would not significantly increase the sales of their


B. They failed to calculate accurately the circulation of African

American newspapers.

C. They did not take African Americans' newspaper reading into

account when making decisions about where to advertise.

D. They avoided African American newspapers partly because of

their sensationalism.

E. They tried to persuade African American newspapers to lower

the rates charged for advertising.

答案A 关于选项 A,定位至“For instance, knowing that buyers of African American papers also bought general-circulation papers, advertisers of consumer products often ignored African American publications”(lines 1-3),advertisers知道买African American papers的人也都会买general-circulation papers,所以他们知道买African American newspapers的人都会看general-circulation papers上的广告,因此再在African American newspapers 上投放广告不会带来更多明显的效果,正确;关于选项B,文章没提到广告商对发行量的计算,排除;关于选项C,文章没提到advertisers在选择投放广告时有没有考虑过African Americans' newspaper,排除;关于选项D,sensationalism是advertisers不投放广告的结果,不是原因;关于选项E,文章没提及advertisers是否劝说African American newspapers降低价格,排除。Question 6Line 1-4 Years ago, consumers in Frieland…from nonrenewable sources.

总结 文章介绍了从几年前开始,Frieland的消费者消费nonrenewable energy要交税,从那以后nonrenewable energy的消费量稳步下降。6. If the statements in the passage are true, then which of the following must on the basis of them be true?

A. There was a steady decline in the yearly revenues generated

by the energy tax in Frieland.

B. There was a steady decline in the total amount of energy

consumed each year in Frieland.

C. There was a steady increase in the use of renewable energy

sources in Frieland.

D. The revenues generated by the energy tax were used to

promote the use of energy from renewable sources.

E. The use of renewable energy sources in Frieland greatly

increased relative to the use of nonrenewable energy sources.

答案A 推断题。从文章可知,能源税针对nonrenewable energy,又因为nonrenewable energy的使用有steady reduction,可以推断出关于nonrenewable energy的能源税总额稳步下降,A正确;关于选项D,从文章无法推出能源税的用途,排除;关于选项BCE,因为原文只说了nonrenewable energy 的消费量稳定减少,没有提到renewable energy的变化情况,所以可能性很多,可能是增加的(没有选项提到)、减少的(C错)、相对增加的(B错)、相对减少的(E错),总之无法判断,因此BCE都不对。Questions 7~9Lines 1-4 In a plausible but…disappears in the summer.

首先文章介绍了由Douglas Martinson提出的看起来可信的猜想:全球变暖引起的温度上升不会显著影响南极环境的稳定性。Lines 4-12 True, less sea ice…not be excessive.

接着文章提到虽然全球变暖会使冬天形成的冰量减少,但是Douglas Martinson认为这种因为冰量减少而产生的对于南极环境的影响会被抵消:更少的冰形成使得表面海水的盐度更低,盐度更低的表面海水密度更小,因此不容易下沉去搅拌储藏着热量的深层海水(对流减少),因此深层海水(温度高)升到海面的速率更低,因此尽管海面覆盖的冰减少了,但是表面海水温度足够低,所以减少的冰不会太多(因为温度高的深层海水上升而导致的融化减少了)。

总结 文章介绍了Douglas Martinson的观点:全球变暖引起的温度上升不会显著影响南极环境的稳定性,并描述了他的理由。7. It can be inferred from the passage that which of the following is true of the surface waters in the current Antarctic environment?

A. They are more affected by annual fluctuations in atmospheric

temperatures than they would be if they were less salty.

B. They are less salty than they would be if global warming were

to occur.

C. They are more likely to sink and stir up deep waters than they

would be if atmospheric temperatures were to increase.

D. They are able to offset some of the effects of global warming

beyond the Antarctic region.

E. They are less affected by the temperature of deep water than

they would be if atmospheric temperatures were to increase.

答案C 关于surface waters的描述,定位至文章第二部分“True, less sea ice...not be excessive”(lines 4-12),其中谈到了全球变暖之后surface water密度更小,不易下沉,下层带有热量的海水上升更慢,导致表面水温更低,因此surface waters目前的情况是比全球变暖后密度更大,更易下沉,更易受深层海水上升影响而水温更高。关于选项A,文章没提到annual fluctuations in atmospheric temperatures对海水的影响,排除;关于选项B,目前surface water应该比全球变暖后更salty,选项说反了,排除;关于选项C,目前surface water比气温增高时更易下沉并搅拌深层海水,正确;关于选项D,文章没提及Antarctic region以外的地区的情况,排除;关于选项E,surface water在目前状态下应该比在气温升高时更多地受深层海水影响,选项说反了,排除。8. The passage suggests that Martinson believes which of the following about deep waters in the Antarctic region?

A. They rise to the surface more quickly than they would if global

warming were to occur.

B. They store heat that will exacerbate the effects of increases in

atmospheric temperatures.

C. They would be likely to be significantly warmed by an increase

in atmospheric temperatures.

D. They would be more salty than they currently are if global

warming were to occur.

E. They are less likely to be stirred up when surface waters are

intensely salty than when surface waters are relatively unsalty.

答案A 关于deep water的描述,定位至文章第二部分“True, less sea ice...not be excessive”(lines 4-12),全球变暖后deep waters更不容易被surface waters搅拌,上升更慢,因此目前状态相对变暖后更容易被surface waters搅拌,上升更快。选项A符合,正确;关于选项B,文章没有提到deep waters储藏的热量对atmospheric temperatures的影响,排除;关于选项C,文章没有提到an increase in atmospheric temperatures对deep waters的影响,排除;关于选项D,文章没有提到deep waters的盐度与global warming的关系,排除;关于选项E,surface waters在intensely salty的状态下比relatively unsalty的状态下更容易搅拌deep waters,选项E说反了,排除。9. According to the passage, which of the following is true about the sea ice that surrounds the Antarctic continent?

A. The amount of sea ice that forms in the winter has been


B. Most of the sea ice that forms in the winter remains intact in the


C. Even small changes in the amount of sea ice dramatically

affect the temperature of the surface waters.

D. Changes in the amount of sea ice due to global warming would

significantly affect the stability of the Antarctic environment.

E. Changes in the amount of sea ice affect the degree of saltiness

of the surface waters.

答案E 全文都在谈sea ice,根据题干不能定位,看选项。关于选项A,文章没有比较现在和之前冬天形成的冰的数量,排除;关于选项B,定位至“where sea ice forms on the periphery of the continent in the autumn and winter and mostly disappears in the summer”(lines 3-4),大部分冰夏天会消失,选项说反了,排除;关于选项C,定位至“the surface waters would remain cold enough so that the decrease would not be excessive”(lines 11-12),冰的减少not excessive,没有dramatically affect,选项说反了,排除;关于选项D,根据Douglas 的观点,全球变暖导致的冰融化不会significantly affect the stability of the Antarctic environment,而作者认为他的观点“plausible”(line 1),因此选项说反了,排除;关于选项E,定位至“less sea ice would mean a smaller increase in the concentration of salt”(line 8),正确。Practice Set 2: Medium(练习二:中等难度题目)Question 1Lines 1-6 That sales can be…than the other departments.

总结 文章指出根据Savefast连锁店中唯一一家拥有天窗的商店的经验,阳光照进商店可以促进销售:天窗允许阳光照到商店的一半空间,减少人造光的使用;另一半空间使用人造光。商店开张两年来,能照到阳光的一面销售额明显高于另一面。1. Which of the following, if true, most strengthens the argument?

A. On particularly cloudy days, more artificial light is used to

illuminate the part of the store under the skylight.

B. When the store is open at night, the departments in the part of

the store under the skylight have sales that are no higher than

those of other departments.

C. Many customers purchase items from departments in both

parts of the store on a single shopping trip.

D. Besides the skylight, there are several significant architectural

differences between the two parts of the store.

E. The departments in the part of the store under the skylight are

the departments that generally have the highest sales in other

stores in the Savefast chain.

答案B 加强题。前提:商店中照到阳光的一面销售好于未照到阳光的一面。结论:阳光照进商店可以促进销售。文中逻辑背后的假设是只有阳光这个因素会影响两面的销售差异,即没有其他因素会导致能照到阳光的一面销售比未照到阳光的一面销售好。关于选项A,阴天使用更多人造光不会影响照到阳光一面与没有照到阳光一面的销售额比较,排除;关于选项B,晚上阳光消失后,白天能照到阳光那一面销售额不比另一面好,控制变量,排除了其他可能影响销售的因素,说明在白天阳光有促进销售的效果,加强了,正确;关于选项C,来买商品的顾客在两面都买东西,根据这个信息无法判断在哪面买的多,对两面销售额影响无法确定,排除;关于选项D,两面还有其他显著差异,说明可能有其他因素导致一面比另一面销售好,削弱而非加强,排除;关于选项E,Savefast chain其他商店的位置和有天窗的这家店能照到阳光的一面相同的区域一直是销售最好的地方,说明确实是有其他因素导致有阳光一侧比另一侧销售好,削弱而非加强,排除。Questions 2~4Lines 1-10 While the best sixteenth-century…from syntax to science.

文章首先描述了best sixteenth-century Renaissance scholars以original Latin的形式在original historical context中去精通和理解Roman classics,而和这些scholars同时代的受过教育的人只是从节选的拉丁文教科书中去了解它们。因为这些Roman classics中的部分内容被认为并不总是适合Renaissance young,因此Renaissance teachers考虑到这些年轻人的需求,对这些文本进行了筛选和剪辑(from syntax to science),再提供给他们学习。Lines 11-12 Thus, I believe that…sixteenth-century reader.

接着作者得出结论:现代读者不可能知道a line of ancient Roman poetry or prose对particular educated sixteenth-century reader意味着什么。

总结 文章主要介绍了文艺复兴时期学生如何被教授Roman classics。2. The passage is primarily concerned with discussing the

A. unsuitability of the Roman classics for the teaching of morality

B. approach that sixteenth-century scholars took to learning the

Roman classics

C. effect that the Roman classics had on educated people in the


D. way in which the Roman classics were taught in the sixteenth


E. contrast between the teaching of the Roman classics in the

Renaissance and the teaching of the Roman classics today

答案D 主旨题。文章主要目的是介绍文艺复兴时期Roman classics如何被教给学生,因此选项D正确;关于选项A,文章确实提到了Roman classics不适合道德教育,但这不是文章的主题,写它只是为了说明为什么那些老师将Roman classics进行筛选和剪辑,排除;关于选项B,文章确实也提到了sixteenth-century scholars学习Roman classics的方法,但这只是为了引出学校里教授Roman classics的方法并与之作对比,排除;关于选项C,文章没有讨论Roman classics对于文艺复兴时期educated people的影响,排除;关于选项E,文章没有讨论文艺复兴时期和当代Roman classics教学的对比,排除。3. The information in the passage suggests that which of the following would most likely result from a student's having studied the Roman classics under a typical sixteenth-century teacher?

A. The student recalls a line of Roman poetry in conjunction with a

point learned about grammar.

B. The student argues that a Roman poem about gluttony is not

morally offensive when it is understood in its historical context.

C. The student is easily able to express thoughts in Latin.

D. The student has mastered large portions of the Roman classics.

E. The student has a sophisticated knowledge of Roman poetry

but little knowledge of Roman prose.

答案A 全文都在讲16世纪学生如何被教授Roman classics,根据题干无法定位,看选项。关于选项A,定位至“and using these to impart lessons extemporaneously on a variety of subjects, from syntax to science”(lines 9-10),16世纪老师还是会用那些被剪辑过的教科书教授语法(syntax)的,因此那些学生很自然地会将诗歌与他们学过的语法联系起来,正确;定位至“While the best sixteenth-century Renaissance...most of the scholars' educated contemporaries...on selected Latin texts”(lines 1-4)和“chopping dangerous texts into short phrases”(line 9),学生并不能understand Roman classics“in their original historical context”,也没有精通“large portions of the Roman classics”,排除B和D;关于选项C,文章确实提到学生们学“selected Latin texts”(line 4),但并不代表他们能“easily able to express thoughts in Latin”,排除;关于选项E,文章并没有讨论学生关于Roman poetry和Roman prose 掌握程度的区别,排除。4. Which of the following, if true, would most seriously weaken the assertion made in the passage concerning what a modern reader cannot know?

A. Some modern readers are thoroughly familiar with the classics

of ancient Roman literature because they majored in classics in

college or obtained doctoral degrees in classics.

B. Some modern readers have learned which particular works of

Roman literature were taught to students in the sixteenth century.

C. Modern readers can, with some effort, discover that sixteenth-

century teachers selected some seemingly dangerous classical

texts while excluding other seemingly innocuous texts.

D. Copies of many of the classical texts used by sixteenth-century

teachers, including marginal notes describing the oral lessons that

were based on the texts, can be found in museums today.

E. Many of the writings of the best sixteenth-century Renaissance

scholars have been translated from Latin and are available to

modern readers.

答案D 削弱题。根据文章,作者的assertion指的是“I believe that a modern reader cannot know the associations Roman poetry had for Renaissance readers”(lines 11-12),因为这些associations来自于文艺复兴时期老师用筛选剪辑而成的教科书进行的教学,这个论证背后的假设是现代读者无法知道文艺复兴时期老师是如何运用这些教科书教授学生的,选项D提供给现代读者一种可以了解到文艺复兴时期老师教授方式的途径,否定了这个assumption,因此削弱了作者的assertion,正确;关于选项A,现代读者对Roman classics的熟悉与否与作者的assertion无关,因为对Roman classics的熟悉不等于对文艺复兴时期老师教授Roman classics的方式的熟悉,排除;关于选项B,知道哪部文学作品被用于教学并不代表知道具体的教科书是什么,因为实际用作教科书的文本可能被剪辑过了,无法削弱assertion,排除;关于选项C,知道16世纪老师选择哪种作品作为教科书不代表知道16世纪具体的教材内容,无法削弱assertion,排除;关于选项E,best sixteenth-century Renaissance scholars的作品和老师用作教材的作品无关,排除。Questions 5~6Lines 1-6 In humans, the pilomotor reflex…think twice before attacking.

文章首先提出人类的goose bumps(鸡皮疙瘩)可能是一种退化(vestigial)的现象,而有些动物可以利用goose bumps来躲避捕食者。Lines 6-10 But human hair is too puny…as a signal to others.

接着文章转折说人类的毛发太微小以至于产生的goose bumps不能被用来帮助躲避捕食者,但是它可能跟人类的一些情绪反应有关(notably fear, rage, or the pleasure of, say, listening to beautiful music),因此goose bumps的功能可能是用来传达信号。

总结 本文介绍了一种生理现象goose bumps,并讨论了它对于动物和人类的作用。5. In explaining the “new role” (line 7) that goose bumps in humans may have acquired, the author assumes which of the following?

A. Emotional responses in humans can be triggered by

thermoregulatory mechanisms.

B. The perceptibility of emotional responses to other humans

offers some kind of benefit.

C. If human hair were more substantial, goose bumps would not

have acquired a new role.

D. Goose bumps in animals with feathers, fur, or quills may also

be linked to emotional responses.

E. In humans, goose bumps represent an older physiological

response than flushing.

答案B 文章描述了在人类身上,goose bumps在它原来的作用——降低被捕食的几率——已经消失的情况下继续存在,可能是因为它有了新的作用——传递强烈的情绪,背后的假设是这种传递情绪的能力是有用的,即对人类是有利的,选项B符合;关于选项A,从文章中无法得知emotional responses是否能被thermoregulatory mechanisms引起,排除;关于选项C,无法得知在人类毛发更多的情况下goose bumps是否会有新的作用,排除;关于选项D,根据文章无法得知对于有feathers, fur, or quills的动物,goose bumps是否与emotional responses有关,排除;关于选项E,根据文章无法得知goose bumps和flushing哪个更古老,排除。6. Which of the following best describes the primary function of the next-to-last sentence (“Like... music”)?

A. It makes a distinction between two types of mechanisms.

B. It corrects a common misconception about the role of goose

bumps in humans.

C. It suggests reasons for the connection between emotional

responses and goose bumps in humans.

D. It suggests that flushing and goose bumps signal the same

emotional state.

E. It helps explain a possible role played by goose bumps in


答案E 定位至倒数第二句话“Like flushing—another...beautiful music”(lines 7-10),并对应前句“Goose bumps in humans may,





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