
发布时间:2020-08-14 12:37:27








丁福秋,1948 年9 月出生,贵州省赤水市人。1970 年下乡知青,共青团第十一届中央委员,曾任中共赤水市委书记、中共遵义县委书记、中共遵义市委常委宣传部长、中共贵州省委宣传部巡视员,现已退休。中国摄影家协会会员,中国红色经典摄影网“天堂e 鸟”和“天下动物”版主。爱好书法、摄影,曾出版《思的光影》、《读水》两部个人摄影作品集。

Introduction to the author

Ding Fuqiu, who was born in September, 1948, came from Chishui city, Guizhou Province. As an educated urban youth, he once stayed in countryside in 1970. He was a member of the eleventh session of the CCYL Central Committee, once serving as secretary of Chishui of the CPC Municipal Committee secretary of Zunyi county Party committee of the CPC Municipal Committee, minister of Zunyi Propaganda Department of the CPC and inspector of Guizhou Propaganda Department of the CPC, and at present he has retired. He was a member of China Photographers Association, and a moderator of 'E Bird in Heaven' and 'Animals of the world' on China Red Classic Photography website. His hobbies include calligraphy, photography, what’s more, he had published two personal collections of photographic works, including Light and Shadow of Thinking and Reading Water.


转折之楼——遵义会议会址 获2010年“四渡赤水放光辉”摄影大展三等奖A building Symbo Lizing a turning point-Site of the Zunyi Conference was 'Shining from Crossing Chishui for 4 times'awarded the third prize of photography show, of which the theme was.


|Author’s preface



我过去偏爱风光摄影,近年逐步转向纪实、动物摄影。有时候拍到一张自认为理想的照片,我会兴奋几天,甚至很久。这本集子收集的图片多数是近些年拍的数码作品,也有过去用胶片拍的老照片,虽然水平参差不齐,但我是用心拍的。可以说每幅照片都有一个故事,不仅定格影像瞬间,而且飘溢着我的心境之曲。在图片影像之外,看不到的收获是我敬畏大自然、珍爱生命、感悟人生水准的提升; 在图片后面珍藏着我的人生风景。


After retirement, I decided to choose several hobbies accompanying with my second life, and photography was my first choice, so I joined the ranks of the national photography. I admitted successful turning that some people said and I was immersed within my happiness.

Photography is very interesting indeed. A picture is worth thousands of words in this era of pictures. Photography has enough space with a wide range. The level of art and the depth of the level are unrestricted. Photography has a lot of fun, and you can learn a lot, as long as you are far away from fame, benefit and master and just as a happy amateur photographer.

In the past, I prefer landscape photography, and in recent years I have gradually shifted to the documentary and animal photography. Sometimes I took one photo, which is ideal for me, so I would be excited for a few days, even a long time. The majority photos of this collection are recent shoot digital works and old photos by the film shooting. Although the level is different, but I took them from my heart and every photo has a story, which not only focuses on the image moment, but also has a state of mind with melody. Besides picture images, the harvests that can not be seen are my awe of nature, life cherishing, sentiment enhancing of standard of life; there is my life scenery behind the picture.

This is my third photography collection, which composes of the scenery, customs and animals. The publication of pictures has arrived strong support and help from friends, so I express my sincere thanks.黄金水道——赤水河 获2009年“第二届多彩贵州·中国原生态国际摄影大展”交通环境类三等奖Golden waterway - Chishui River was awarded the third prize of the traffic environment of the International Photography Exhibition of the Second Colorful Guizhou Chinese original ecology in 2009.旭日——拍摄于贵州省仁怀市The Rising Sun - shot in Renhuai city, Guizhou Province.贵州省赤水市燕子岩国家森林公园Yanziyan National Forest Park of Chishui,Guizhou Province


|Endless Vitas


我把风光摄影当作发现美、记录美、享受美、传播美的过程; 当作热爱大自然、敬畏大自然、感恩大自然的过程; 当作旅游观光、锻炼身体、修身养性的过程。所以,心中的风景总是奇巧瑰丽,美不胜收。

My hometown is beautiful, so I love hometown and also fall in love withphotography. My lens often focuses on the mountains and rivers of my hometown, andalso focuses on locations across the country and around the world I have traveled.

I take landscape photography as the process of finding, recording and spreadingbeauty; as the process of loving nature, awe of nature, thanksgiving nature; as a processof tourism, exercising and self-cultivation; accordingly, the scenery of the hearts is alwaysmagnificent and beautiful.梵净山太阳展翅 获2010年“第三届多彩贵州·中国原生态国际摄影大展”自然风光系列优秀奖Solar wings in Fanjingshan was awarded the prize of excellence the of natural scenery series of the International Photography Exhibition of the Second Colorful Guizhou Chinese original ecology in 2010.娄山烟云Cloud and Mist of Lou Mountain遵义凤凰山文化广场Cultural Square of Phoenix Mountain in Zunyi茶海晨光 获2011年“红色遵义,绿色凤冈”摄影大展一等奖。Dawn of Tea had won the first prize photography exhibition of Red Zunyi and Green Fenggang in2011.竹溪 获2008年丰田、中国国家地理“竹韵人生”摄影展入围奖。Bamboo River had won Finalist Award of Toyota, China National Geographic Bamboo charm life Photography Exhibition in 2008.电网跨越大山 获红色经典摄影网2011年“多情乌江”山水类优秀奖。Grid Crossing Mountains was awarded Landscape Award of excellence of affectionate Wujiang from Red Classic Photography Network in 2011.流云入海——拍摄于贵州省赤水市大同古镇景区Running Cloud in the Sea - shot at scenic spot area of Datong old town in Chishui city, Guizhou Province别有洞天——拍摄于贵州省赤水大瀑布景区Unique sky in the deep hole - shot in Waterfall Scenic Spot in Chishui city, Guizhou Province赤水大瀑布——拍摄于贵州省赤水大瀑布景区Chishui Big Waterfall - shot in Waterfall Scenic Spot in Chishui city, Guizhou Province彩墨田坝——拍摄于贵州省凤冈县仙人岭Colorful cropland - shot in Xianrenling, Fenggang County, Guizhou Province江山多娇——拍摄于贵州省凤冈县仙人岭The country is charming - shot in Xianrenling, Fenggang County, Guizhou Province山乡的早晨——拍摄于贵州省赤水市大同镇Village morning - shot in Datong Town, Chishui City, Guizhou Province丹青山水——拍摄于贵州省赤水市大同古镇景区Landscape - shot in Datong ancient town scenic spot Area, Chishui ,Guizhou Province太阳城的太阳 获2010年“百鸟之都、魅力威宁”山鹰杯国际摄影大展入围奖。Sun of the Sun City - won the Finalist Ward Capital of hundreds of birds , charming Weining Eagle Cup International Photography Festival in 2010.千年银杏——拍摄于贵州省遵义县平正乡Ginkgo of thousand years old - shot in Pingding Town, Zunyi County, Guizhou Province长江第一湾长江第一湾共鸣——贵州省赤水市中洞瀑布Resonance-----shot in Zhongdong Waterfall, Chishui ,Guizhou Province凤凰头——拍摄于贵州省赤水桫椤国家级自然保护区The Phoenix head - shot in Alsophila Nature Reserve, Chishui ,Guizhou Province天籁之音——拍摄于贵州省赤水市狮子岩景区Sound of nature - shot in Lion Rock scenic spot, Chishui City月亮潭瀑布——拍摄于贵州省赤水市四洞沟景区Waterfall of Moon lake - shot in Simendong Scenic Area ,Chishui ,Guizhou Province神女瀑布——拍摄于贵州省赤水竹海国家森林公园Fairy waterfall - shot in Bamboo Sea National Forest Zone, Chishui ,Guizhou Province甘沟叠瀑——拍摄于贵州省赤水桫椤国家级自然保护区Wet Ditch and Stack Waterfall - shot in Alsophila Nature Reserve, Chishui ,Guizhou Province佛光岩瀑布——拍摄于贵州省赤水市五柱峰景区Foguang Temple Waterfall - shot in Wuzhufeng scenic spot, Chishui ,Guizhou Province





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