
发布时间:2020-08-15 05:54:26







Unit 1


Intensive Reading

divide [di5vaid] vt. 划分;除;分开;使产生分歧

vi. 分开;意见分歧

n. 分水岭,分水线【例句】The Nile divides near its mouth and forms a delta. 尼罗河在靠近河口的地方分开,形成一个三角洲。【词组】divide into 除,除尽,把…作除数;把…分成…

divide up瓜分;分割;分配

divide out分配;除,约去

various [5vZEriEs] adj. 各种各样的,不同的,多方面的,多样的【例句】There are various colors to choose from. 有各种各样的颜色可供选择。

gesture [5dVestFE] n. 姿态,手势;表示

v. 做手势,以手势表示【例句】①He put his arm round her in a protective gesture. 他用一只手臂围住她做出保护的姿势。

②He gestured (to me) that it was time to go. 他向我示意该走了。【词组】make a gesture 做手势,表示;做一个手势【助记】ge(哥哥)+s(死)+ture(真的)→哥哥装死的姿态真的很吓人。【派生】gestural adj. 手势的;示意动作的

illustration [7ilEs5treiFEn] n. 说明,例证;插图,图解【例句】It’s not a very good novel,but I like the illustrations. 这本小说不是很精彩,但我喜欢里面的插图。

bare [beE] adj. 赤裸的;勉强的;仅仅;空的

vt. 使赤裸,露出【例句】①Don’t walk on that broken glass with bare feet. 不要光着脚走在那些碎玻璃上。

②He bared his head as the funeral procession passed. 送葬行列走过时他脱帽致敬。【助记】ba(拼音:爸)+re(拼音:热)→爸爸热了就脱衣服→赤裸的。【派生】barish adj. 部分裸露的

baring n. 暴露,掘开

alphabet [5A:lfEbit] n. 字母表【例句】M precedes N in the alphabet. 在字母表上M在N的前面。【派生】alphabetic adj. 字母的;照字母次序的

parenthesis [pE5renWisis] n. 插入成分;圆括号【例句】Put the word in parenthesis. 把这词括在圆括号里。【词组】in parenthesis在(圆)括号里

Let me add,in parenthesis,… 让我加一句题外话…【助记】parent 父母 + thesis 论文,论文的父母指论文的来源(对其他论文的后续或引申),引用其他文章时用括弧括起来的;在文章中,括弧( )象父母的两只臂膀一样。

check in报到,记录;到达并登记【例句】You must check in the equipment after using. 这些器材用后必须办妥手续归还。

check out结帐后离开;办理退房手续;检验【例句】Guests must check out before noon,or they will be charged for the day.


appointment [E5pCintmEnt] n. 约会,约定;任命,委派;委任的职位【例句】My hair appointment is tomorrow. 我预约的理发时间是明天。【词组】make an appointment 约会,预约

drugstore [drQ^5stC:] n. (美国兼售化妆品、家居用品、饮料、小吃等的)药店,药房【例句】I will bring stuff from the drugstore for your hands. 我到药房去给你的手弄点药来。

and so forth等等,诸如此类;以此类推【例句】He has done many jobs: typist salesman,deliverer and so forth.


tea ceremony茶道;茶艺【例句】The main thrust of the tea ceremony is invisible. 茶道的主旨是无形的。

shrine [Frain] n. 神殿,神祠,圣地【例句】Many pilgrims worship at the shrine.许多朝圣者参拜圣地。【词组】yasukuni shrine 靖国神社

appropriate [E5prEupriEt] adj. 恰如其分的,适当的;特有的

vt. 拨出(款项);挪用,盗用【例句】A dirty face is not appropriate for the school photograph. 脸脏了不适合照学生像。【助记】ap + property 财产,所有物,所有权→占有,将拨款占为已有;ap加强 + proper 适当的,合适的。【派生】appropriately adv. 适当地;合适的;相称地

section [5sekF(E)n] n. 章节,部分;地区,部门,科;截面,剖面【例句】The last section sums up all the arguments on either side. 最后一部分总结了双方的全部论点。【助记】sect(部分)+ion→(事物的)部分【派生】sectional adj. 部分的,节的

sector n. 部门;扇形

immigration [7imi5^reiFEn] n. 外来的移民;移居入境【例句】The government has decided to tighten its immigration policy. 政府已决定收紧其移民政策。

automobile [5C:tEmEubi:l] n. 汽车【例句】In old China there was hardly any machine-building industry,leave alone an automobile industry.

在旧中国几乎没有机器制造工业,更不消说汽车制造业了。【词组】automobile industry 汽车产业,汽车业;汽车工业【派生】automobilist n. 使用汽车的人;常用汽车的人

karate [kE5ra:ti] n. (日本)空手道(日本的一种徒手自卫武术)【例句】Alice's boyfriend knew a little karate. 艾丽斯的男朋友懂一点儿空手道。

brick [brik] n. 砖,砖块,砖形物(如茶砖,冰砖等)

v. 用砖砌,用砖填补【例句】He had a brick thrown at him at that meeting. 那次集会时,他的头部被一块砖头击中。

fold [fEuld] n. 褶,折,褶皱;羊栏;信徒

v. 折叠;合拢,交叠;抱住【例句】The company folded (up) last week. 那家公司上星期倒闭了。【词组】fold in把…调入,拌进,抱住

fold up 倒闭;撒手;垮台;放弃

futon [5futan] n. 日本床垫,蒲团;(有支架可折叠成长榻的)蒲团【例句】I had just enough to buy a futon. 我只够有钱去买一个蒲团。

fascinate [5fAsineit] v. 使着迷,使神魂颠倒,入迷【例句】Anything to do with old myths and legends fascinates me. 任何与上古神话传说有关的东西都会使我着迷。【词组】be fascinated by被…迷住【助记】fasc(看作fast牢固的)+in(里面的)+ate→牢牢地困在里边→迷住,强烈地吸引【派生】fascinating adj. 迷人的;吸引人的;使人神魂颠倒的

fascinated adj. 着迷的;被深深吸引的

fascination n. 魅力;魔力;入迷

tub [tQb] n. 浴盆,木盆,澡盆【例句】He grows roses in tubs on the terrace. 他把玫瑰种在阳台上的大盆里。【词组】in the tub 破产【助记】记法tub →but(ad. 只是) →那只是个浴缸而已(It’s nothing but a tub)。

recommend [rekE5mend] v. 推荐,介绍;劝告,建议【例句】I recommend you to wait. 我劝你等一等。【词组】recommend for 推荐;由于…而称赞

recommend sb. do sth. 推荐某人做某事【助记】re(一再)+com(共同)+mend(修)→这本书是大家一修再修的成果,强力推荐→推荐。【派生】recommendation n. 推荐;建议;推荐信

Fast Reading

contagious [kEn5teidVEs] adj. (有)传染性的;有感染力的【例句】Scarlet fever is highly contagious. 猩红热传染性很强。【助记】g=c 源自contact 接触性传染病【派生】contagion n. 传染病;蔓延;触染

rage [reidV] v. & n. 风尚,风靡一时的事物;愤怒,狂怒【例句】The poem was all the rage then. 这首诗在当时十分流行。【词组】all the rage 时尚;风行一时的事物

be the rage 风靡一时【派生】raging adj. 愤怒的,狂暴的

queue [kju:] n. 行列,队伍

v. 排队【例句】There’s a long queue of people waiting for new houses. 很多人等待着买新房屋。【词组】queue up 排队等候【助记】把queue看成eueue:推着小车排队的人们。

release [ri5li:s] v. 释放,解放;发表,发行

n. 释放,豁免,放松【例句】I released the horse and it ran away. 我放了这匹马,让它跑走了。【词组】release from 解除;豁免【助记】re(一再)+lease(出租)→发行【派生】releasing n. 释放

edition [i5diFEn] n. 版本,版,版次【例句】He owns some valuable first editions of well-known authors. 他拥有一些著名作家珍贵的初版作品。

combat [5kCmbAt] n. 战斗,格斗

v. 战斗,与…斗争,搏斗【例句】The ship combated with the wind and waves. 那艘船与风浪搏斗。【词组】combat with与…战斗

combat corruption 反腐

single combat一对一的对打【助记】com(共同)+bat(打)→共同打→格斗

contempt [kEn5tempt] n. 轻视,藐视;受辱,丢脸【例句】A liar is held in contempt. 说谎者为人轻视。【词组】bring into contempt使受人鄙视

in contempt of 不顾;不把…放在眼里;藐视【助记】con(共同)+tempt(引诱)→共同被引诱,受蔑视【派生】contemptible adj. 可鄙的;卑劣的;可轻视的

penetrate [5penitreit] v. 渗入,刺入,刺穿,洞察,了解【例句】The knife penetrated her finger and made it bleed. 小刀扎破了她的手指,出血了。【词组】penetrate through/into…穿过,渗透【助记】pe(谐音:盼)+net(网络)+rate(速度)→盼望网络速度进入得快些。【派生】penetration n. 渗透;突破;侵入;洞察力

chamber [tFeimbE] n. 室,会议厅,房间【例句】The heart has four chambers. 心脏有两房两室。【派生】chambered adj. 有房间的;隔成房间的

amidst [E5midst] prep. 在…当中,在…的包围中【例句】The bridge was completed in 1811 amidst much rejoicing. 大桥于1811 年竣工,当时大家欢欣鼓舞。

climax [5klaimAks] n. (兴趣等的)顶点,顶峰;高潮;层进法【例句】The music approached a climax. 乐曲接近高潮。【助记】cli(谐音:克里)+max(谐音:马克思)→克里联合马克思(代表社会主义),达到票数顶点。【派生】climactic adj. 高潮的;顶点的

boy wonder青年才俊;神童

appeal [E5pi:l] vi. 呼吁,恳求;上诉;诉诸,求助;有吸引力,迎合爱好;(体育比赛中)诉诸裁判

n. 呼吁,请求;吸引力,感染力;上诉;诉诸裁判

vt. 将…上诉,对…上诉【例句】Does the idea of working for a venture company appeal to you?你有没有兴趣到合资企业去工作?【词组】appeal to sb. for为…向某人呼吁

appeal for恳求,请求;要求

appeal against 提出上诉\

be a hit风行一时;轰动一时;成为明星【例句】Her new song was a hit,and spread fast among the students. 她的新歌很成功,很快在学生中传开来。


Intensive Reading

1.A Basic Introduction to the Japanese Language and Culture by Edward Schwarz and Reiko Ezawa,is divided into three parts,each of which gives readers a clear picture of the life in modern Japan:本句主干是A Basic Introduction to the Japanese Language and Culture is divided into three parts,介词短语by Edward Schwarz and Reiko Ezawa作后置定语修饰这本书,each of which gives readers……是一个非限定性定语从句,修饰three parts。divide into把…分成。例:Administratively,the country is divided into 50 states.这个国家在行政上划分成50个州。give sb. a clear picture of让某人清楚地了解。例:A book by Fritz Max Cahen gives a clear picture of the anti-Nazi activity,with which the author claims to have been connected since 1932. 弗里茨•麦克斯•卡享自称从1932年起就和反纳粹活动有联系,他著的一本书清楚的描述了这种活动。

2.It is very important that the reader begin Everyday Japanese by reading all the material before Part One:本句为虚拟语气。当虚拟语气用于主语从句时,用于该句型主句谓语的动词主要是表示说话人的态度或愿望的词。常用的这类形容词或分词有:essential,important,natural,required,suggested,ordered,urgent,desirable,recommended,requested等,该类虚拟语气的句型为It is + 形容词/分词+that+主语+(should)+动词原形。

3.Part One,“Getting Around in Japan”,gives general conversation and introductions and teaches the non-Japanese-speaking people how to buy a ticket at the train station,take a taxi,check in and out of a hotel,make appointments,shop,and be understood at the doctor’s office,the drugstore,the post office,and so forth:本句话较长,构成了整个段落。主语是Part One,谓语是and连接的gives和teaches。teach的宾语是由the non-Japanese-speaking people和how to buy a ticket at the train station……构成的复合宾语。check in报到,记录;到达并登记。check out检验;结账离开;通过考核。

4.They learn the language and the culture,as the book says in its title:as引导定语从句,修饰前面的话。as指代前面整个句子。

5.I found it very interesting that karate means “empty hand” and that a karate expert can break bricks and piles of wood with his bare hand:本句主语是I,谓语是found,it是形式宾语,真正的宾语是and连接的两个that从句,very interesting是宾语补足语。piles of成堆的;一大团;一大批。例:He’s got piles of work to do this morning.今天上午他有大量工作要做。bare空的;裸露的。例:The sand was warm under bare feet.光脚踩在沙滩上,感到热呼呼的。












7月21日,这部电影的上映与J. K. 罗琳的第七部哈利·波特小说的发行几乎同步进行。










Part Ⅱ Text Comprehension

Reading Analysis







Information Recall and Summary


1.Part One,“Getting Around in Japan”,gives general conversation and introductions and teaches the non-Japanese-speaking people how to buy a ticket at the train station,take a taxi,check in and out of a hotel,make appointments,shop,and be understood at the doctor’s office,the drugstore,the post office,and so forth.

2.The pronunciation of the letters in Japanese and the symbols used are explained in the Introduction. It is very important that the reader begin Everyday Japanese by reading all the material before Part One.

3.Part Two,“Only in Japan”,teaches readers important expressions and correct behavior at tea ceremonies,theaters and sporting events,temples and shrines,and in a Japanese house. It also teaches about Japanese holidays and festivals,clothing,and the Japanese bath.

4.Part Three has useful expressions in sections on the immigration office,buying or renting a house or an apartment,buying or renting automobiles,gestures,and counting in Japanese.

5.The book is useful for those who are interested in Japanese language and culture,and those who are planning to travel or live in Japan.


This book review examines the content and layout of the book Everyday Japanese by Edward Schwarz and Reiko Ezawa. The report first introduces the three major parts of the book,“Getting Around in Japan”,“Only in Japan” and “Living in Japan”. Then he names a few interesting things in Japanese culture. Finally he recommends this book to those who are interested in Japanese language and culture,and those who are planning to travel or live in Japan.

(80 words)

Information Organization

Team Work


Part Ⅲ Skill Building

Word Forms







Vocabulary in Context








1.It is important that he remember to lock the door before he leaves.

2.The author finds it interesting that the Japanese wash themselves outside the tub.

3.Please check in before 9 o’clock.

4.The book gives us a clear picture of the history of the American Indian.








1. 1) checked

2) examine

2. 1) empty

2) hollow

3) bare

4) blank

Key Structures


1) I find it fascinating that there is a rainbow in the sky.

2) I found it strange that he didn’t say any thing to me when he passed by.

3) I find it common that average students become top students.


1.It is desirable that all staff pay attention to this rule.希望这条规则引起全体职员的注意。

2.In this university there are many overseas students,half of whom come from South Korea.这所大学有很多留学生,其中一半来自韩国。



1.Japanese language and culture

2.give readers a clear picture of modem Japan

3.useful expressions





1.This series are composed of 10 volumes,each of which gives a clear picture of Chinese culture at different times.

2.If you are planning to travel abroad,it is important that you have some idea of the language and culture of the country.

3.Illustrations in this book make the book appropriate to young readers.

4.My parents recommended this university to me because it has a long history.

5.Those who are interested in Chinese culture will find this book very useful.


This book gives general conversation and introductions and teaches the non-English-speaking people how to buy a ticket at the train station,take a taxi,check in and out of a hotel,make appointments,shop,and be understood at the doctor’s office,the drugstore,the post office,and so forth. It is a valuable book for those who are planning to travel in English-speaking countries.

Writing Practice


Claims of facts: a,b,g

Claims of values: c,h

Claims of policies: d,e,f


Claim: d

Warrant 1: e,a

Warrant 2: i,b,f

Warrant 3: c,h,g

Part Ⅳ Fast Reading

Reading Comprehension








8.giving just theoretical knowledge

9.the climax

10.old Harry Potter loyalists

Unit 2


Intensive Reading

inform [in5fC:m] v. (of,about)通知,告知;告发,告密【例句】We were informed of the change in plans. 我们被告知计划已改变。【词组】inform of/about/that通知,告诉,获悉【助记】in(在里面)+form(形式,形状)→将形式通知你【派生】information n. 信息,资料;知识;情报;通知

promote [prE5mEut] v. 促进,增进;提升,提拔;宣传,推销【例句】Our teacher has been promoted to headmaster. 我们的老师已被提升为校长了。【助记】pro(向前)+mot(移动)+e→向前移动位置→提升【派生】promotion n. 提升,晋升;推销,促销;促进;发扬,振兴

appointment [E5pCintmEnt] n. 约会,约定;任命,委派;委任的职位【例句】My hair appointment is tomorrow. 我预约的理发时间是明天。【词组】make an appointment 约会,预约

fiscal year财政年度;会计年度

renewal [ri5njuEl] n. 重新开始,(中断后)继续;复兴,重建【例句】We are delighted at the renewal of negotiations.我们很高兴重新开始谈判。

annual [5AnjuEl] n. 年刊,年鉴;一年生植物

adj. 每年的,年度的【例句】They met at an annual convention in New York. 他们在纽约年会上会面。【助记】ann(年)+ual(…的)一每年的

contract [5kCntrAkt] n. 契约,合同;婚约

v. 收缩;订约;感染(疾病);染上(恶习)【例句】①The city contracted for a library with their firm. 市政当局和他们公司订立了修建图书馆的合同。

②I'm under contract to teach here for one year. 我按照聘约要在这里教一年书。【词组】draw up a contract草拟合同

contract in承包【助记】con(共同)+tract(拉)→共同把利益拉向自己一,合同

performance [pE5fC:mEns] n. 履行,执行;表演,演出;工作情况;表现;(机器等)工作性能【例句】The pilot rated the airplane’s performance in high winds. 飞行员在强风中加大了飞机的功率。

workload [5wE:k7lEud] n. (某一人或组织)工作量,工作负担【例句】He cited his heavy workload as the reason for his breakdown. 他说繁重的工作负荷是导致他累垮的原因。

expertise [7ekspE5ti:z] n. 专长,专门知识(或技能等)【例句】We were amazed at his expertise on the ski slopes. 他斜坡滑雪的技能使我们赞叹不已。

in part在某种程度上;部分地

expire [iks5paiE, eks-] v. 期满,(期限)终止;呼气;断气,死亡;散发【例句】My season ticket will expire this week. 我的月票这周就到期了。【助记】ex(出)+spire(呼吸)→呼吸没了→断气【派生】expired adj. 过期的;失效的

contingent [kEn5tindVEnt] adj. 因情况而变的,视条件而定的

n. 代表团;分遣队【例句】Our arrival time is contingent on the weather. 我们的抵达时间取决于天气情况。【词组】contingent on 视…而定;取决于…

contingent claim 未定权益;或有求偿权;附带要求

contingent liability 或有负债;不确定债务;临时负债【派生】contingency n. 偶然性;[安全] 意外事故;可能性;[审计] 意外开支

contingence n. 接触;相切;偶然性(等于contingency);意外事件;可能发生的附带事件

demand [di5mB:nd] vt. 要求;需要;查询

vi. 需要;请求;查问

n. 需求;要求;需要【例句】It is impossible to satisfy all demands. 有求必应是不可能的。【词组】demand sth. of/from sb. 向某人要某物

meet the demand 满足需要,满足要求;符合要求【助记】de 加强 + mand 命令→一再令人做→苛求【派生】demanding adj. 苛求的;要求高的;吃力的

thereof [TZEr5Cv] adv. 由此;其,其中,属于它【例句】All citizens of the United States are ruled by the laws thereof. 美国的所有公民均须受国家法律之约束。

entitle [in5taitl] v. 给…权利(或资格),授权,给…题名,给…称号【例句】Their qualifications entitled them to a higher position. 他们的资历使他们取得了较高的职位。【词组】entitle to赋予…做;给…权利【助记】en(使役前缀)+title(名称)→给…命名

progressive [prE5^resiv] adj. 前进的;先进的,进步的;逐渐的【例句】This is a very progressive firm that uses the most modern systems.


discipline [5disiplin] n. 纪律;学科

v. 约束;训练;惩罚【例句】Students must learn to discipline themselves. 大学生必须学会约束自己。【助记】dis(不)+cip(拿)+line(线)→不站成一线就要受惩罚;disc—碟片,ipline—IP电话线碟片的内容,按顺序、有纪律的从IP线上传过来像被训练一样。【派生】disciplinary adj. 规律的;训练的;训诫的

termination [7tE:mi5neiFEn] n. 终止【例句】The landlord gave notice of the termination of tenancy. 房东给了租期终止的通知。【词组】early termination 提前结束

cable termination 电缆终端;电缆末端;电线封端

termination of contract 合同终止

termination notice 停职通知;终止通

bring to a termination = put a termination to 使…结束

hearing [5hiEriN] n. 听力,听觉;听,倾听;听得到的距离;审讯【例句】His hearing is very sharp. 他的听觉很灵敏。【词组】give sb. a hearing让某人申诉;给某人以发言的机会

grievance [5^ri:vEns] n. 委屈,冤情,不平【例句】I think you have several saved-up grievances. 我看你的心里累积了好多牢骚。【词组】nurse/have a grievance against sb. 怀恨某人;对…心怀不满

attached document附属文件,附署资料

accrued [E5kru:d] adj. 权责已发生的;(会计)应计的;增值的【例句】The main current liabilities are accounts payable and accrued expenses.


sick leave病假

uninterrupted [7QnintE5rQptid] adj. 不间断的,连续的;一览无余的【例句】His hearing remained good,so that his contact with the world was uninterrupted.


optional [5CpFEnEl] adj. 可以任选的,随意的【例句】It is optional with you. 那是你的自由。【助记】记忆:【音】噢不行。当你选择了她作为你的意中人时,你的父母却说你的选择:噢不行。

notify [5nEutifai] v. 通知,告知,报告【例句】She notified us of the meeting. 她通知我们开会。【助记】not(注意)+ify (使)【派生】notification n. 通知;通告;告示

eligible [5elidVEbl] adj. 符合条件的;(尤指婚姻等)合适(意)的

n. 合格者;适任者;有资格者【例句】Only native-born citizens are eligible to the office of president. 只有本国出生的公民才有资格当选总统。【词组】eligible for 合格;够资格【助记】e+lig(=lect选择)+ible→能被选择出来的→合格的【派生】eligibility n. 适任,合格;被选举资格

capacity [kE5pAsiti] n. 容量,容积;才能,能力;身份,职位【例句】The drama drew a capacity audience;you should have gone to see it.

这出戏吸引了满场观众;你真该去看的。【词组】to capacity 达最大限度、满负载

capacity for …的能力【助记】cap(帽子)+a+city(城市)→可以装下一座城市的帽子→容量很

feel free to随意…【例句】Feel free to share your own ideas in the comments section. 在评价栏那里尽管自由地表达你自己的观点吧。

Fast Reading

receipt [ri5si:t] n. 收据,收条;收到,接到【例句】On receipt of the news,he left. 他一接到消息就走了。【词组】on receipt of 在收到…后

in receipt of 已收到…

meantime [5mi:n5taim] n. 其间,其时

adv. 同时,当时【例句】I had meantime paid my respects to the pastor's wife. 这段时间里我在问候牧师的妻子。【词组】in the meantime 在此期间;于此际

at the meantime 同时

come up to达到;等于;接近,靠近【例句】①He came up to us in the street. 他在街上向我们走来。

②This piece of work does not come up to your usual standard. 这件作品达不到你们平常的标准。


Intensive Reading

1.Continuation of your contract will be based on performance,workload conditions within the department,availability of funding and the need for your expertise:be based on根据,以…为基础;建立在…基础上。例:Democracy is based on good will and mutual understanding.民主建立在善意和相互理解的基础上。the need for…的必要;对…的需求。例:His speech highlighted the need for educational reform.他的演讲强调了教育改革的必要性。

2.You are entitled to receive at least 90 days notice of non-renewal:be entitled to有权;有…的资格。例:You may be entitled to reclaim some of the tax you paid last year.你或许有权要求退回去年你交付的部分税金。

3.The policy under which you will be employed is SPP 320: “Conditions of Service Professional Service at Arizona State University” contained in the attached document:定语从句under which you will be employed修饰policy,该定语从句由“介词+which”引导,其中which指代the policy。过去分词短语contained in the attached document作定语修饰“Conditions of Service Professional Service at Arizona State University”。

4.Also,attached is the job description for this position:本句为全部倒装,主语过长,将其置后。

5.Please note that if you wish to take advantage of an optional retirement plan,you must do so within 30 days of being notified from Benefits that you are eligible:本句为祈使句。that从句作note的宾语。该从句中,if引导条件状语从句,从句that you are eligible作notified的宾语。take advantage of利用。例:People concentrate in cities not only to get jobs but to take advantage of cultural facilities.人们聚集在城市不仅是为就业,而且是为享用文化设施。

6.If you have any questions,please feel free to contact me:feel free to随意。例:If you need further help,please feel free to contact me.如果你需要协助,请随时和我联系。







Part II Text Comprehension

Reading Analysis






Information Recall and Summary


1.Associate Professor.

2.His performance,workload conditions within the department,availability of funding and the need for his expertise.

3.He will remain in paid status until the 90 days have expired.

4.He must decide within 30 days of being notified from Benefits that he is eligible.

5.He should sign the letter and return it no later than Nov.26,2006.


In the letter Mr. Brown informs Mr. Smithfield that Mr. Smithfield will be promoted to the position of Associate Professor in the Law Department. His salary will be $9,000 per pay period. His position is for the 2007—2008 fiscal year as a full-time Service Professional and will be reviewed annually by June 30. Whether he can stay at the job or not will be based on his performance,workload conditions within the department,availability of funding and demand for his expertise. And enclosed are the requirements of the position. If Mr. Smithfield accepts this appointment,he should sign this letter and return it to Mr. Brown no later than Nov.26,2006. Mr. Brown is looking forward to working with him. If Mr. Smithfield has any questions,he can contact Mr. Brown.

Information Organization





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