
发布时间:2020-08-15 19:01:40











最后感谢在本书编写中给予帮助和支持的同事们和朋友们。尚楠Chapter 1教育类 EducationList 1

ambition美[æm'bɪʃn] ★★★

n. 雄心;抱负;野心;精力

➢ You will achieve your ambition if you work hard. 如果你努力, 你的抱负是可以实现的。


➢ achieve ambition 实现抱负

➢ awaken an ambition 唤起野心

➢ great ambition 伟大的抱负

➢ out of ambition 出于野心

近义词 desire; intent; purpose

ambitious美[æm'bɪʃəs] ★★★

adj. 有雄心的;野心勃勃的;有抱负的

➢ They ventured on an ambitious program of reform. 他们贸然采取一项野心勃勃的改革计划。

➢ Only ambitious students get the best marks. 有抱负的学生才能取得最好的成绩。


➢ ambitious politician 有野心的政客

➢ be ambitious for sth. 对……有野心的,渴望得到某物

➢ be ambitious of success 渴望成功

近义词 arduous; aspiring; desirous; eager; enterprising

seek美[siːk] ★★★★★

vt. 寻求;追求;试图

vi. 寻找

➢ Some nations will seek the change of their energy supply sources to reduce carbon emissions. 为了减少碳排放,一些国家试图改变他们的能源供应来源。


➢ seek help 求助

➢ seek information 搜集情报

➢ seek industriously 努力追寻

➢ seek through 搜遍

近义词 explore; hunt; look for; search

professional美[prə’feʃənl] ★★★★

adj. 职业的;专业的;专门的

n. 专业人员

➢ He is a professional journalist. 他是一位专门的新闻从业人员。


➢ professional standard 专业水平

近义词 expert; well-skilled

attainment美[ə'teɪnmənt] ★

n. 达到;获得;成就;才能; 学识

➢ That will help lead you to the attainment of your goals. 那会有助于你达到目标。

近义词 accomplishment; achievement; success; fulfilment

enterprising美[‘entərpraɪzɪŋ] ★

adj. 有事业心的;有进取心的;有魄力的

➢ She is certainly the most enterprising woman. 她无疑是最有事业心的女人。

近义词 adventurous; ambitious; venturous

specialize美[‘speʃəlaɪz] ★★★

vi. 专攻

➢ He specializes in history. 他专门研究历史。


➢ specialize in 专攻;精通

近义词 concentrate; focus; major in

obligate美[‘ɑbləˌgeɪt] ★

v. 使负有义务;强迫

adj. 有义务的;必要的

➢ He felt obligated to help. 他觉得有责任予以帮助。

近义词 require; force

underestimate美[ˌʌndər'estɪmeɪt] ★

n. 低估

v. 低估

➢ Don’t underestimate the difficulties of the work. 不要低估了这项工作的艰巨性。

➢ You shouldn’t underestimate the risks of the enterprise. 你不应低估这一计划的风险。

近义词 undervalue; underrate

uniform美[‘juːnɪfɔːrm] ★★★★

n. 制服

adj. 一致的;统一的

➢ The students are wearing school uniforms. 学生们穿着校服。

➢ Lack of uniform standards is a problem. 缺乏统一标准是个问题。


➢ wear a uniform 穿着制服

➢ school uniform 校服

➢ in uniform 穿着制服

近义词 costume; dress; suit

innovation美[ˌɪnə'veɪʃn] ★★★

n. 创新;革新

➢ In the age of global competition, design innovation is vital. 在全球激烈竞争的时代,设计创新至关重要。


➢ introduce an innovation 采用一项革新

➢ radical innovations 彻底的改革

➢ technical innovations 技术革新

近义词 novelty; invention; origination; revolution

male美[meɪl] ★★★★★

adj. 男性的;雄性的

n. 男子;雄性动物

➢ In early days only male athletes were allowed to take part in the Olympic Games. 在奥林匹克运动会早期,只有男性运动员才能参加比赛。

➢ The male is physically stronger than the female. 男性在身体上要比女性强壮。

近义词 masculine; manly; manlike

female美[‘fiːmeɪl] ★★★★

adj. 女性的;雌性的

n. 女性;雌性动物

➢ The male and female genders are equal. 男性和女性是平等的。


➢ elegant female 举止文雅的女人

近义词 feminine; womanly

labor美[‘leɪbər] ★★★

n. 工人;劳工;工作

➢ Genius is nothing but labor and diligence. 天才无非是工作和勤奋。

➢ I’m a strong believer in the dignity of labor. 我深信劳动的尊严。

近义词 work; task; job

division美[dɪ’vɪʒn] ★★★★

n. 划分;除法;部门;分开

➢ The divisions between the various classes of society are not so sharply marked as they used to be. 现在社会上各阶级的划分不像过去那样明显了。


➢ administration division 行政部

➢ division among... ……之间的分裂

➢ the division of business 营业部

近义词 section; separation; department; classification

victim美[‘vɪktɪm] ★★★★

n. 受害者;受骗者;牺牲

➢ He was the victim of injustice. 他是不公平的牺牲者。


➢ accident victim 事故的遇难者

近义词 sufferer

domestic美[də’mestɪk] ★★★★

adj. 家庭的;国内的;驯养的

➢ Myvalue for domestic tranquility should much exceed theirs. 我应该远比他们重视家庭的平静生活。

近义词 homemade

violence美[‘vaɪələns] ★★★★

n. 猛烈;暴力;暴行

➢ People strongly oppose violence and war. 人们强烈反对暴力和战争。

➢ The act of violence made people boil with anger. 这种强暴的行为令人发指。


➢ brutal violence 野蛮的暴行

近义词 force; anger; rage

chronic美[‘krɑːnɪk] ★★★

adj. 长期的;慢性的;惯常的

➢ There is a chronic unemployment problem in America. 在美国存在长期失业问题。


➢ chronic disease 慢性病

distribution美[ˌdɪstrɪ'bjuːʃn] ★★★

n. 分布;分发;分配;散布;销售量

➢ The species of plant has a very w ide distribution. 这种植物的分布范围很广。


➢ forbiddistribution 禁止散发

➢ fairdistribution 公平分配

近义词 delivery; sharing; allocation; division

volunteer美[ˌvɑːlən'tɪr] ★★★★

n. 志愿者;(自行生长的)植物

v. 自愿做……

➢ He is a volunteer at off time. 在业余时间,他是个志愿者。

➢ They volunteer for good causes. 他们自愿做好事。


➢ volunteer suggestion 主动提出建议

➢ volunteer for service 自愿服兵役

comm un ity美[kə’m juːnəti] ★★★★

n. 社区;社会;公众;共同体;团体;共享

➢ Everyone should invest some time in community service. 每个人都应该花些时间在社区服务上。

➢ There is a strong sense of community in this town. 这个镇上有一种强烈的社区意识。


➢ establish a community 建立一个社团

➢ serve the community 为社会服务

➢ community hospital 社区医院

近义词 social group

discrimination美[dɪˌskrɪmɪ’neɪʃn] ★★

n. 歧视;鉴赏力;辨别

➢ He is passionately opposed to racial discrimination. 他极端反对种族歧视。


➢ racial discrimination 种族歧视

➢ religious discrim ination 宗教歧视

➢ discrimination between right and wrong 区别正确与错误

近义词 discernment; distinction; prejudice; bias

racial美[‘reɪʃl] ★★★

adj. 种族的;人种的

➢ We should not have racial discrim ination. 我们不该有种族歧视。

➢ Anew law has been brought in to discourage racial prejudice. 一项反对种族歧视的新法律已被提出。

近义词 ethnic

prejudice美[‘predʒudɪs] ★★★

n. 偏见;伤害

vt. 伤害;使……存偏见;使偏袒

➢ Ajudge must be free from prejudice. 法官必须不抱成见。

➢ Anew law has been brought into discourage racial prejudice. 一项反对种族歧视的新法律已被提出。


➢ arouse prejudice 引起偏见

➢ break down prejudice 消除偏见

近义词 favoritism; partiality

minority美[maɪ’nɔːrəti] ★★★

n. 少数;少数民族;未成年

➢ There are 55 minorities in our country. 我国有55个少数民族。

近义词 subgroup

dynamic美[daɪ’næmɪk] ★★★★

adj. 动力的;动态的;有活力的;【音】力度变化的

n. 动力;动力学

➢ We are looking for dynamic persons to be salesmen. 我们正在寻找充满活力的销售人员。

➢ Adynam ic government is necessary to meet the demands of a changing society. 一个有活力的政府必须适应社会的改变。


➢ dynamic personality 充满活力的性格

近义词 active; energetic; lively

conform美[kən’fɔːrm] ★★★

v. 使一致;遵从

➢ His ideas do not conform to mine. 他的想法和我的不一致。

➢ Students are required to conform to the rules. 学生被要求遵守规则。


➢ conform to 顺应

近义词 agree; obey; adapt; correspond

civilization美[ˌsɪvələ'zeɪʃn] ★★

n. 文明;开化;教养

➢ Chinese civilization is one of the oldest in the world. 中国文化是世界上最古老的文化之一。

➢ The civilization of mankind has taken thousands of years. 人类经数千年才文明开化。


➢ modern civilization 现代文明

➢ spiritual civilization 精神文明

➢ Oriental civilization 东方文明

➢ Western civilization 西方文明

近义词 cultivation; culture


n. 商品的消费和销售性服务;消费主义;用户至上主义

➢ They have clearly embraced western consumerism. 他们显然完全接受了西方的消费主义观念。

➢ Consumerism ideology appeared in the special phrase of modern history. 消费意识形态是在现代历史的特殊时期出现的。

privacy美[‘praɪvəsi] ★★★

n. 隐居;隐私;秘密;私生活

➢ I object to our privacy being invaded. 我反对我们的隐私权受到侵害。

aesthetic美[es’θetɪk] ★★★

adj. 美学的;审美的;有美感的

➢ It also shows the aesthetic values of the time. 它也反映出当时的社会审美时尚。

➢ Music induces aesthetic feeling in us 音乐使我们产生美感。

➢ These pictures give us aesthetic satisfaction. 这些画给我们带来了美的享受。


➢ aesthetic education 美育

➢ aesthetic enjoyment 审美享受

➢ aesthetic judgment 审美能力

➢ aesthetic sense 美感

➢ aesthetic standards 审美标准

近义词 artistic; beautiful

neighborhood美[‘neɪbəˌhʊd] ★

n. 邻近的地区;邻居;附近

➢ He lives somewhere in the neighborhood. 他住在附近某处。

近义词 vicinity

enrollment美[ɪn'roʊlmənt] ★

n. 登记;注册;入伍;入会

➢ The school has an enrollment of 2000 pupils. 学校有2000人注册。

近义词 membership; registration; admission; acceptance

academic美[ˌækə'demɪk] ★★★★

adj. 学院的;学术的;理论的

n. 大学教师,大学生;学者,学究

➢ Applicant must possess good conduct and obtain satisfactory academic results. 申请者必须拥有良好品性,并考获令人满意的成绩。


➢ academic discussion 学术讨论

➢ academic institution 学术机构

➢ academic qualifications 学术资格

➢ academic research 学术研究

近义词 collegiate; educational; instructional; scholasticList 2

double-sided美[‘dʌbls’aɪdɪd] ★★

adj. 双面的;两面的

➢ The changes are double-side. 这些变化具有两面性。

advancem en t美[əd'vænsmənt] ★★

n. 前进;进步;晋升

➢ The advancement of science and technology brings unprecedented changes. 科学技术的进步带来前所未有的变化。

近义词 development; progression; progress; improvement

interrelated美[ˌɪntərrɪ'leɪtɪd] ★★★

adj. 互相联系的

➢ Alljobs are interrelated and no single job can be isolated from others.所有的工作都是互相联系的,没有一种工作可以孤立存在。

demand美[dɪ’mænd] ★★★★

v. 要求;需要

n. 要求;需求

➢ The higher educational standard make great demands on the teacher.更高的教育标准对教师提出了很高的要求。

➢ There is a huge demand for high-quality products and services. 对于高质量的产品和服务的需求量巨大。


➢ demand for 要求

近义词 need; require

talent美[‘tælənt] ★★★★★

n. 天赋;才能,才艺;天才;人才

➢ Not everyone has talent for music, thus learning to play musical instruments can become a burden for them. 不是每个人都有音乐天赋,因此学习乐器会成为他们的负担。


➢ talent for… 在……方面有天赋

近义词 gift; ability; capability; endowment

comprehensive美[ˌkɑːmprɪ'hensɪv] ★★★

adj. 全面的;广泛的;综合的;理解的

➢ Comprehensive skills can give interviewees an edge in a job market.综合技能会使面试者在工作市场中具有优势。

specialize美[‘speʃəlaɪz] ★★★

vi. 专攻

➢ I maintain that it is better to select broad subjects than specialize in a specific subject. 我认为选择广泛的学科比专攻单一学科要好。


➢ specialize in… 专攻……;以……为专业

近义词 major (in); focus; concentrate

academic美[ˌækə'demɪk] ★★★★

adj. 学院的;学术的;理论的

➢ A higher academic qualification does not necessarily mean a betterpaid job. 更高的学历并不一定意味着更高薪酬的工作。

近义词 educational; theoretical

associate美[ə'soʊʃieɪt] ★★★★

vt. 联想;联合

➢ His success is associated with his spirit of never giving up and persistent efforts. 他的成功与他永不放弃的精神和不懈的努力密不可分。

近义词 connect; relate

confine美[kən’faɪn] ★★★★

vt. 限制;禁闭

➢ Cross-cultural communication do not confine one to a single language and culture. 跨文化交流不会把一个人局限在一种语言和文化中。


➢ confine oneself to… 限制于……之内

近义词 lim it; restrain; restrict

individual美[ˌɪndɪ'vɪdʒuəl] ★★★★

adj. 单独的;一个人的;独有的

n. 个人;个体

➢ The interests of a group come before the interests of individuals. 团队利益优先于个人利益。

range美[reɪndʒ] ★★★★★

n. 范围;一系列

➢ College provides a w ide range of elective subjects to cater for different interests. 大学提供了多种多样的选修课以满足不同的兴趣。

equip美[ɪ'kwɪp] ★★★★

vt. 装备;具备;准备

➢ University education equip students with know ledge and skills necessary for their further study or employment. 大学教育使学生们具备对于深造或就业都很必要的知识和技能。


➢ equip with… 用……装备

master美[‘mæstər] ★★★★★

vt. 控制;精通

➢ It is common that a person now can master one or two foreign languages. 现在的人们能够掌握一到两门外语是很常见的。

versatile美[‘vɜːrsətl] ★★★

adj. 多才多艺的;通用的;多功能的

➢ Smart phone is so versatile that it totally have changed people’s lifestyle as well as perspective of the world. 智能手机有如此多的功能,它完全改变了人们的生活方式和对于世界的认知。

近义词 all-round; multifunctional

com petitive美[kəm’petətɪv] ★★★

adj. 竞争的;有竞争力的

➢ Advertising is an intensely competitive industry. 广告业是一个竞争激烈的行业。

近义词 capable

arouse美[ə'raʊz] ★★★★

v. 叫醒;唤醒;激起;睡醒

➢ A well-designed class and an experienced teacher can better arouse students’ interest in learning. 精心设计的课程和经验丰富的老师能够更好地激发学生对于学习的兴趣。


➢ arouse curiosity/interest/sympathy 引起好奇心(兴趣、同情)

近义词 provoke; stimulate

limit美[‘lɪmɪt] ★★★★★

n. 限度;限制;界限

➢ There is no age limit for university applications. 大学申请者不受年龄限制。


➢ a time limit 时间限制

➢ an age limit 年龄限制

➢ set a lim it 设定限度

➢ exceed a limit 超出限定

近义词 lim itation; restriction

boredom美[‘bɔːrdəm] ★★

n. 无聊;厌烦;厌倦;令人厌烦的事物

➢ Relaxation can relieve the boredom and tiredness of a whole day’s repetitive work. 放松可以缓解一整天重复工作的无聊和疲惫。

近义词 tedium

endow美[ɪn'daʊ] ★★★

vt. 捐助;赋予;使具有某种品质

➢ Everyone has been endowed with a particular ability, like an ability for music, language, or sport. 每个人都天生具有某种能力,比如对于音乐、语言或者运动的能力。


➢ be endowed with… 具有……(品质、天资)

enthusiasm美[ɪn'θuːziæzəm] ★★★

n. 热情;热心;热衷的事物

➢ Graduates left campus fired with enthusiasm for future work. 毕业生们满怀着对未来工作的热情离开了校园。

近义词 excitement; passion

unavoidable美[ˌʌnə'vɔɪdəbl] ★★

adj. 不可避免的

➢ It is unavoidable to have difficulties; what matters is what attitude we hold when we encounter them: optimistic or pessimistic. 困难是不可避免的;重要的是我们在面对困难的时候持哪种态度:乐观还是悲观。

近义词 inevitable; inescapable

反义词 avoidable

interdisciplinary美[ˌɪntər'dɪsəplɪnəri] ★★

adj. 各学科间的;跨学科的

➢ Interdisciplinary talents are favored, because more and more work involves information and skills of several fields. 跨学科人才受到青睐,因为越来越多的工作涉及多个领域的信息和技能。

近义词 transdisciplinary

profession美[prə’feʃn] ★★★

n. 职业;声明;行业

➢ He is a lawyer by profession. 他的职业是律师。

近义词 job; occupation

pursue美[pər’suː] ★★★★

v. 追求;追捕;继续执行;从事

➢ Education should encourage students to pursue their own interests.教育应该鼓励学生追求自己的兴趣。

近义词 chase

apply美[ə'plaɪ] ★★★★★

v. 应用;申请

➢ Extracurricular activities provide opportunities to apply theory to practice. 课外活动提供了把理论运用到实践的机会。


➢ apply for 申请

goal美[ɡoʊl] ★★★★★

n. 目标

➢ The goal of education is to help children become healthy, responsible, and capable members of society. 教育的目标是培养孩子成为健康的、有责任感的、有能力的社会成员。


➢ set oneself a goal of doing sth. 为自己确定做某事的目标

➢ reach one’s goal 达到目的

近义词 aim; purpose; object; target

perspective美[pər’spektɪv] ★★★

n. 远景;看法;透视

➢ An experience of studying abroad gives someone an international perspective. 出国留学的经历给人们一个国际化的视角。

近义词 view

pave美[peɪv] ★★★★

vt. 铺路;铺设;密布;为……做准备

➢ The new policy pave the way for more people to have a better education. 新的政策为更多的人提供条件以获得更好的教育。


➢ pave the way for… 为……做好准备

qualified美[‘kwɑːlɪfaɪd] ★★★★

adj. 有资格的;能胜任的

➢ He is qualified for the job. 他能胜任这份工作。


➢ qualified for… 有资格做……

近义词 competent; capable

official美[ə'fɪʃl] ★★★★

adj. 正式的;官方的;公务上的

n. (政府)官员;行政人员

➢ They expressed their dissent from official policy. 他们对官方的政策有异议。


➢ government official 政府官员

➢ official statement 正式声明

近义词 formal; authorized

economy美[ɪ'kɑːnəm i] ★★★★

n. 经济;节约

➢ The last five years have seen a consistent improvement in the country’s economy. 在最近的五年里,这个国家的经济状况一直在好转。


➢ national economy 国民经济

➢ economy of words 语言简洁

fundam en tal美[ˌfʌndə'mentl] ★★★

adj. 基本的;根本的;重要的

➢ Reading is a fundamental skill for a student. 对学生来说,阅读是一种基本技巧。

近义词 basic; main; essential

institution美[ˌɪnstɪ'tuːʃn] ★★★

n. 制定;制度;机构;名流

➢ The institution of school rules is necessary. 制定学校规则是很有必要的。


➢ charitable institution 慈善机构

➢ educational institution 教育机构

➢ business institution 商业机构

➢ government institution 政府机构

近义词 establishment; organizationList 3

spotlight美[‘spɑːtlaɪt] ★★

n. 照明灯;车头灯;公众注意的中心

vt. 用聚光灯照;使瞩目

➢ This footballer is a sportsman who likes to be in the spotlight. 这个足球运动员是个爱出风头的运动员。

近义词 highlight; illuminate; limelight

ethics美[‘eθɪks] ★★★

n. 道德规范;道德标准;伦理学

➢ He began to question the ethics of his position. 他开始对他的立场是否符合道德准则提出质疑。

近义词 conscience; morality; moral code

up-to-date美[‘ʌptə’deɪt] ★★★

adj. 最新的

➢ All our information is up-to-date on the computer. 我们计算机上的信息都是最新的。

近义词 current; latest; modern; new

celebrity美[sə’lebrəti] ★★

n. 名人;名誉;社会名流

➢ She achieved celebrity status overnight. 她一夜之间成为名流。

近义词 notable; somebody; fame; renown; superstar

paparazzi美[ˌpæpə'rætsi] ★

n. 狗仔队(paparazzo的复数形式)

➢ It is difficult for stars to hide from paparazzi. 明星们要躲开狗仔队很困难。

violate美[‘vaɪəleɪt] ★★★

vt. 侵犯;违反;扰乱;亵渎;强奸

➢ The country violated the international agreement. 这个国家违反了国际协议。


➢ violate sb.’s privacy 侵犯某人的私生活

➢ violate the peace 扰乱社会秩序

近义词 break; infringe

distorted美[dɪs’tɔːtɪd] ★

adj. 扭歪的;歪曲的;受到曲解的

➢ The newspapers gave a distorted account of what had happened. 媒体对所发生的事作了歪曲的报道。

近义词 perverted; crooked

censor美[‘sensər] ★★

n. 检查员;监察官

vt. 检查

➢ The censor insisted on excising the passage from the film. 电影审查员坚持剪去影片的这一段。

近义词 examine; inspect

media美[‘miːdiə] ★★★

n. 传播媒介;媒体;新闻媒介(m edium的复数)

➢ The media have a lot of power today. 现在大众传播媒介有很大的力量。

cutting-edge美[‘kʌtɪŋ’edʒ] ★★★★

n. (刀片的)刃口;尖端;前沿

adj. 先进的;尖端的

➢ This shipyard is at the cutting-edge of world shipbuilding technology.该造船厂的造船技术处于世界最前沿。

近义词 leading-edge; front-line; pioneering

widespread美[‘waɪdspred] ★★★

adj. 分布(或散布)广的;普遍的

➢ There was w idespread support for him among the rand and file. 那些普通职员们都普遍支持他。


➢ widespread praise 普遍的赞扬

➢ widespread attention 广泛的注意

近义词 broad; common; popular

satellite美[‘sætəlaɪt] ★★★★

n. 卫星;人造卫星

➢ The equipment picked up the signal from the satellite. 这台设备收到了卫星发出的信号。


➢ launch a satellite 发射卫星

➢ commercial satellite 商业卫星

spacecraft美[‘speɪskræft] ★★

n. 宇宙飞船

➢ The spacecraft is orbiting the moon. 宇宙飞船正绕月球飞行。

近义词 rocket; space capsule; space shuttle

transaction美[træn’zækʃn] ★★★

n. 交易;办理;处理;事务

➢ They charge a fixed rate for each transaction. 他们对办理的每项业务收取一定的费用。

近义词 deal; sale; business; contract

durable美[‘dʊrəbl] ★★★

adj. 耐用的;持久的

➢ Our products have the quality of being durable. 我们的产品经久耐用。


➢ durable material 耐穿的料子

近义词 enduring; lasting

accelerate美[ək'seləreɪt] ★★★

v. 加速;提前;使(学生)跳级

➢ Our present task is to accelerate economic grow th. 加速经济发展是我们当前的任务。


➢ accelerate the pace 加快步伐

➢ accelerate the process 加快进程

近义词 hasten; hurry

standardized美[‘stændəˌdaɪzd] ★★★

adj. 标准的;定型的

➢ In physics, units of measurement are standardized. 物理学的度量单位是有统一标准的。

surgery美[‘sɜːrdʒəri] ★★★

n. 外科手术;外科;诊所;手术室

➢ I want you to go to the hospital surgery for a general check-up. 我希望你到外科医生的诊所进行全面检查。


➢ perform/undergo surgery 施行外科手术

近义词 operation

reform美[rɪ’fɔːrm] ★★★★

n. 改革;改良

v. 改革;革新;改好

➢ Many reforms must be made to the education system. 教育体制要做许多改革。


➢ advocate reform 提倡改革

➢ propose reform 提议改革

➢ conduct reform 实行改革

➢ against reform 反对改革

➢ benefit from reform 从改革中受益

近义词 amendment; correction; reformation

virtual美[‘vɜːrtʃuəl] ★★★

adj. 实质的;【计】虚拟的

➢ For example, in a virtual space, students can “talk” with Shakespeare.比如,在虚拟空间中,学生们可以与莎士比亚“对话”。


➢ virtual reality 虚拟现实

近义词 practical; actual

guardian美[‘ɡɑːrdiən] ★★★

n. 保护人;监护人

➢ The legal guardian must act on behalf of the child. 法定监护人应该维护这个孩子的利益。


➢ legal guardian 法定监护人

近义词 custodian; protector

cognitive美[‘kɑːɡnətɪv] ★★★

adj. 认识的;认知的;有认识力的

➢ Linguistics is an important branch in cognitive science. 语言学是认知科学的一个重要分支。


➢ cognitive development 认知发展

➢ cognitive learning 认知性学习


➢ intellectual; perceptive

bilingual美[ˌbaɪ'lɪŋɡwəl] ★★

adj. 双语的

➢ He is virtually bilingual in Spanish and Portuguese. 他实际上讲西班牙语和葡萄牙语两种语言。

misbehave美[ˌmɪsbɪ'heɪv] ★★★★

v. 举止失礼;行为不端

➢ I struggle to keep my temper with the kids when they misbehave. 孩子们淘气时,我强捺住性子不发脾气。

近义词 misconduct; misdemean

curriculum美[kə’rɪkjələm] ★★★

n. 全部课程;课程

➢ Our curriculum comprises politics, Chinese, English and history. 我们的课程共有四门:政治、汉语、英语、历史。


➢ arrange the curriculum 安排课程

➢ basic curriculum 基础课程

➢ rich curriculum 丰富的课程

➢ the curriculum in engineering 工科课程

近义词 course

constrain美[kən’streɪn] ★★★

vt. 强迫;限制

➢ Don’t constrain yourself only to class study. 不要把自己的学习只局限于课堂。


➢ constrain grow th 抑制生长

近义词 force; compel; oblige; inhibit

creativity美[ˌkriːeɪ'tɪvəti] ★★★★★

n. 创造力;创造

➢ Asking questions often generates the spark of creativity. 提问常常会引发创造的火花。

近义词 ingenuity; originality; imagination; inspiration; inventiveness

passive美[‘pæsɪv] ★★★

adj. 被动的;消极的

n. 被动性

➢ You are passive when you allow things to happen, but do nothing. 当你让这些事发生而不做任何事来阻止它,你是消极的。


➢ passive observer 冷漠的旁观者

➢ passive resistance 消极抵抗

近义词 apathetic; inactive

nurture美[‘nɜːrtʃər] ★★★★

vt. 养育;培育;照顾;扶持

n. 养育;培育;环境因素

➢ They are best friends and nurture each other. 他们是最好的朋友并且相互扶持。


➢ nurture personnel 培养员工

➢ good nurture 好的教养

近义词 foster; raise; train

astronomy美[ə'strɑːnəmi] ★★

n. 天文学

➢ Astronomy is the scientific study of the sun, moon, and stars and other heaven bodies. 天文学是研究太阳、月亮、星星和其他天体的科学。

近义词 stargazing; space science

enlightening美[ɪn'laɪtnɪŋ] ★★★★

adj. 有启迪作用的;使人领悟的

➢ She was anxious to enlighten me about the events that led up to the dispute. 她急着要使我明白引起这场争执的那些事情。





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