
发布时间:2020-08-17 01:03:58


作者:贝约,Patricia SUN(译)





Smurf Village精灵村

Far, far away from here, in a small village of mushrooms, live the Smurfs.

These little blue people are dressed in white trousers and hats. As tall as three apples, they speak the"Smurf",a language only they understand.


这些小蓝人穿着白色的裤子,戴着白色的帽子。他们有三个苹果那么高,他们说的是“蓝精灵语”,那是一种只有他们自己才能听懂的语言。Papa Smurf蓝爸爸

He is the village chief. He is 542 years old.


Full of beauty and charm, Smurfette has a special place in the hearts of many Smurfs.

蓝妹妹非常漂亮,力四射,在许多蓝精灵的心中都占有特别的位置。Brainy Smurf聪聪

He's sure that he knows everything better than the others, and he would like to be Papa Smurf's favorite.

他相信自己对所有事情的理解比其他蓝精灵更好,并且他希望成为蓝爸爸最宠爱的孩子。Cook Smurf厨厨

He is the master chef of the Smurfs. He can make a variety of snacks.

他是蓝精灵们的大厨。他会做各种各样的小点心。Poet Smurf诗诗

He is a poet and likes to write poetry.

他是蓝精灵里的诗人,喜欢作诗。Jokey Smurf乐乐

What he loves is making jokes. His specialty?Explosive gifts!

他喜欢开玩笑。他有什么拿手绝活?那就是,会爆炸的礼物!Chapter 1Bigmouth Is Hungry

In the forest, two Smurfs are walking side by side and singing happily. But Brainy Smurf, who follows them, makes a sign for them to keep quiet.

"Hush!Don't smurf so loudly!"

"Hush?But why?"

"We will smurf right by Gargamel's house!If he hears you, the nasty wizard will come out and smurf us. You know very well that……"第1章大嘴巴饿了


Before Brainy Smurf can finish his sentence, a thud is heard from the forest. And the noise is getting closer!


The ground begins to shake under their feet, and the three Smurfs, frightened, hide behind a tree. When they peek out to see what is happening, they can't believe their eyes.

"He's so……is that a real smurf?"exclaims Brainy Smurf,"And he is smurfing to Gargamel's house!"

Inside Gargamel's house, the wizard finishes preparing a potion that has taken a lot of work. He only needs to add a few drops of concentrated potion.And he must be very careful!

"One extra drop,"Gargamel reminds himself,"and们很清楚那样的话……”




在格格巫的房子里,邪恶的巫师即将调配完一种魔药。格格巫花费了很大的力气来配置这种魔药,现在他只需要加几滴高浓度药水就可以完成了。但一定要非常小心!“哪怕多加一滴药水,”格格巫提醒自己,“混the mixture will explode!"

His cat Azrael, who is sleeping on a cushion, opens his eyes. Hearing the word"explosion",he feels an urge to get out!But what he sees outside is so frightening that he turns around and throws himself at Gargamel's feet……


Startled by the noise, the wizard exceeds the dose and his potion explodes under his nose!

"Stupid cat!"yells Gargamel,"I'll tear your whiskers off!"

He pursues poor Azrael towards the door. But as soon as he steps outside, he stops dead.A giant stands in front of him!And he isn't only very tall, he is also very, very fat!

"Who……who are you?"Gargamel stammers,"And合后就会爆炸!”




他追赶着可怜的阿兹猫,一直追到门外,猛然看见一个巨人站在他面前,格格巫惊得呆在门口一动也不敢动!这个巨人不仅身材高大,而且非常非常胖!“你……你是谁?”格格巫结结巴巴地问,“你what do you want?"

"My name is Bigmouth,"rumbles the giant,"and I'm hungry!"

"Sorry, I have nothing for you!Go away, I'm busy!"

"I'M HUNGRY!"repeats the giant, lifting Gargamel and shaking him violently.

The wizard understands that he must be a little more welcoming with this visitor if he wants to avoid getting hurt!

"Uh……come in!"he says in a trembling voice,"Now that I think about it, I think I have a little stew!"

Bigmouth lowers his head to enter the door, but he's so fat that he almost gets stuck!

The Smurfs watch the scene想要干什么?”“我叫大嘴巴,”巨人低声地说,“我饿了!”“对不起,我这儿可没有吃的给你!快走开,我现在很忙!”“我饿了!”巨人又说了一遍,一把将格格巫拎起来,狠狠地摇晃。



蓝精灵们远远地看着这一切。尽管很危险,from afar. Even if it's dangerous, they can't resist the urge to see more.On their tiptoes, they approach the house and jump onto the windowsill.

Bigmouth has sat down at the dining table. Under his weight, the old wooden stool creaks and seems ready to crack!Gargamel takes from a pot the rest of his lunch and flls a large plate.But it only takes the giant three bites to empty it.

"There you go, are you satisfied?"Gargamel asks him,"Good-bye then!"

"I'M STILL HUNGRY!"growls Bigmouth.

"But I have nothing left to offer you!"exclaims Gargamel,"I am only a poor wizard. There is no food in the house."

"And this?"Bigmouth asks innocently.

He just catches Azrael by the tail and dangles him upside down.他们还是忍不住想看看后面会发生什么。他们踮起脚尖,悄悄靠近房子,然后跳上窗台。



"But……but that's a cat!We don't eat cats!"protests Gargamel.

"Why?I eat everything!"answers Bigmouth smiling,"And I'm hungry!"

Certainly, this giant doesn't seem very clever!

The three Smurfs, watching the scene from the window, writhe with laughter. Their old enemy Gargamel is having big problems!

"No, no!"cries Gargamel,"It's a sick old cat. It would give you a stomachache!And cramps!And also……cholera!"

"Oh?Too bad!"sighs Bigmouth, letting go of Azrael.

The giant then decides to search the closet. Since he can't fnd food, he starts to eat candles!

Gargamel wonders how he is going to get rid of this hungry ogre. And suddenly, he has a wicked idea……

"If you like good food,"says Gargamel deviously,“这……这是一只猫!我们不吃猫!”格格巫抗议。“为什么?我什么都吃啊!”大嘴巴笑着回答,“而且我很饿!”




格格巫绞尽脑汁想找个办法摆脱这个饥饿的怪物。突然,他想到了一个邪恶的主意……"I know something delicious!It's the best taste in the world!"

"Oh!What is it?"Bigmouth inquires, swallowing a last mouthful of candles.

"Soup!"the wizard answers,"But not just any soup……Smurf soup!"

"Smurfs?What are Smurfs?"

"Little blue people, as tall as three apples. And precisely, they live in this region!You're in luck!"

On the windowsill, the three Smurfs no longer laugh at all. Gargamel has found a new way to take revenge on them!





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