
发布时间:2020-08-17 01:09:51







版权信息书名:读双语故事学人生品质作者:创想外语研发团队排版:辛萌哒出版社:中国纺织出版社出版时间:2015-10-01ISBN:9787518019083本书由中国纺织出版社授权北京当当科文电子商务有限公司制作与发行。— · 版权所有 侵权必究 · —前 言






我们都在寻找一本能正确传授知识的书籍,我们都在企及一本能引领人生道路,指导人生方向的精神指南。幸运的是,我们已经找到了。那么,请打开它,继续人生的漫漫旅途吧。编者2015年6月  第一章乐观01 A Pessimistic Dog 悲观的狗

There was once a farmer who devised a competition between his dog and his rabbit.He made a hole in one of his biggest fields, and hid a carrot and a bone in it.He wanted to see which animal would find them first.

The rabbit was very cheerful and optimistic, and he threw himself into looking for the carrot, digging here and there, totally convinced that he would find it. But the dog was pessimistic, and after sniffing around for a bit, he lay down on the ground and began to complain how difficult it was to find one bone in such a big field.

The rabbit dug for hours, and with every new hole the dog complained even more about how difficult this was, even for the rabbit. The rabbit, on the other hand, thought that each hole dug was one hole less that needed digging.When there was no place in the whole field left to dig, the rabbit dug a tunnel to right under where the dog had been lying all that time.There he found the carrot and the bone.

And this is how it was that the dog lost due to his pessimism. Because, thanks to his great instinct, he had already found the right place at the very beginning!





Moral of the Story:

Many of our natural shortfalls can be replaced by a positive attitude and perseverance.






throw into 扔,扔进;使……(突然)陷入某一状态







perseverance[pɜːsɪˈvɪər(ə)ns]n.坚持不懈;不屈不挠02 The Incredible Black Rain 难以置信的黑雨

Gus Grumplings was never happy with anything. He had lots of friends, and parents who loved him dearly, but all Gus could think about was what he didn't have, or things he did have which he was unhappy with.If someone gave him a car, it would be too big or too slow.If he went to the zoo, he'd come back disappointed because they hadn't let him feed the lions.If he played football with his friends, he would complain, saying there were too many of them for just one ball……

What caught Gus unaware was Chuckles, the prankster cloud. One day, Chuckles was drifting past, and heard all of Gus's complaining.Chuckles wafted over to see.When the cloud was right above Gus, he started dropping heavy black rain on him.That was Chuckles'favourite trick to play on grumpy little kids.

Gus wasn't at all impressed by this new development;it just made him complain even more. He was even angrier after he realised that the cloud was following him.

Well, this carried on for almost a week. Gus couldn't get away from the cloud, and he got more and more infuriated.

Gus had a little friend, a happy and generous girl called Gladys.Gladys was the only one who had been willing to hang around with Gus during all those black, rainy days.All the other children had run off to avoid getting soaked and ending up completely black.

One day, when Gus was at the end of his tether, she said to him:"Cheer up!What you should realise is that you're the only one of us who has his very own cloud, and even better, its rain is black!We could play some fun games with a cloud like this, don't you reckon?"As Gladys was his only company these days, and he didn't want her to leave as the others had, Gus reluctantly agreed.

Gladys took him to the swimming pool, and left him there until all the pool water was black.Then she went and got other kids.They came and played in the pool.The water being black meant they could play hide and seek!Grudgingly, Gus had to admit it had been a lot of fun, but what was even more fun was playing Wet the Cat.

Gus would find cats and run alongside them. When the cats felt themselves getting wet they would jump about in the craziest way, and run off at top speed, with funny looks on their faces.Before long, all the children in town had gathered around Gus, thinking up new games they could play using the cloud.

For the first time ever, Gus started to see the positive side of things;even things which, at first, had seemed so bad. Chuckles, the prankster cloud, thought that he could now leave;his work had been done.But, before leaving, he gave Gus two days of multicoloured rain, with which the children invented the most fun games ever.

When Chuckles finally left, Gus didn't complain. Now he knew to focus on the good in life, and the good thing about Chuckles'departure was that no longer was Gus soaking wet all day.Now he could go and do dry things, and that's exactly what he did.










Moral of the Story:

Everything has its good and bad side. We are happiest when we look for the good in all things.






waft over[wɒft]飘荡


hang around 闲荡;徘徊



swimming pool 游泳池



soak[səʊk]vi.浸泡;渗透03 The Knight and the World 骑士与世界

There was once a heroic knight. He was one of the knights whose triumphant deeds are still recounted in the old stories, in all languages, everywhere.His bravery was great, and his sword was feared, but he was tired of hunting for dragons, ogres and monsters in story after story.He decided to abandon that fairytale world, and come and test out his bravery and skill in the real world.

However, when he arrived here, he found no terrible creatures, no evil wizards, not even a poor stepmother to wave his sword at.

It was very strange. All he saw were worried people, with the same looks on their faces as he had seen on the faces of people he was rescuing from dragons or ogres.

It didn't seem like there was anyone to put them in such fear, or to make them live in a state of such anxiety. Everyone hurried here and there, not speaking to anyone, as though something terrible was about to happen.

But, at the end of the day, nothing really bad had ever happened. And so it was, day after day.The knight thought that maybe this could turn out to be his most heroic adventure ever, and he decided to totally devote himself to finding the source of this mysterious worry in the real world.He searched, he inquired, he investigated, he sailed, he climbed……but he found nothing.

Not willing to give up, he returned to the fairytale world to speak to The Wise Old Man.

"Tell me, wise one. What is the great invisible enemy that strikes fear into the hearts of people in the real world?I still haven't found it, but I won't rest until I have defeated whatever it is, and freed everyone.Just like I did here, for so many cities.”

The Wise Old Man was quiet for a long while, then finally said:"You have neither the strength nor courage to win this battle. The enemy does not exist, yet it is powerful, and as numerous as the stars in the sky."

"What?!"protested the Knight,"Is that even possible?"

"In the real world, because they have no dragons or ogres, they invent their enemies, and they carry them inside. Each person there has an enemy made to measure, which lives inside their heart.For some it is called greed, for others envy, for others selfishness, pessimism, or desperation.They have sown the seeds of negativity in their souls, and take the fruits with them wherever they go.It is no easy task to uproot all that."

"I will do it,"answered the knight,"I will set them free."

And so the knight returned to the real world, bringing all his weapons with him. Everyone he met, he would offer to free them from their negative inner life.However, no one paid him the slightest attention, all he found was indifference and looks of surprise.

Finally, exhausted and confused, he threw down his weapons and went over to a rock at the side of the road to rest. On his way there he tripped over his sword, and fell to the ground, knocking his head against a cockerel which had been crowing in the vicinity.

A sad looking little man was passing by, and when he saw this he burst out laughing, so much so that he could hardly stay on his feet.The knight was angry, but on looking closely at the man, he could see in his eyes a joyful shine that he had never yet seen in the real world……

And so it was, that the knight finally found the solution to the deep sickness of the people in the real world.They only needed a smile, a laugh, a little help to banish their negative feelings, and to finally enjoy life……

From that day on, the knight, armed with a big smile, started recruiting an army of liberators:a large and growing group of people able to remind anyone of the joy that is life.

And what do you know!The knight won the battle just as impressively as he always had.














Moral of the Story:

Our greatest obstacle to happiness is our own self, with its fears, vain preoccupations, and negative patterns of thought.














读书笔记__________________________________04 Johnny the Lizard 蜥蜴强尼

Johnny the Lizard lived between some rocks out in the country. Like all lizards he loved to quietly sunbathe, laid out on some flat stone.He felt so relaxed doing so, that more than once he had fallen asleep, and that's exactly what happened on the day he lost his tail:some kids caught him, and Johnny could only escape by losing his tail and running to hide.

Shocked and frightened, he listened to how the children laughed at seeing his tail continue moving about, even though it was no longer attached to his body.After a while they threw the tail away.When the children had gone, Johnny started looking everywhere for his tail, wanting to reattach it to its rightful place.However, the countryside was very big, and as much as he searched for it, Johnny could find no sign of his tail.He left everything else in his life, devoting himself to the search.He forgot about his home, his possessions, his friends.Days and months passed, and Johnny kept looking, asking everyone he met whether they had seen his tail.

One day, someone he asked surprisedly replied,"Why do you need two tails?"

Johnny turned and saw that after so much time searching he had grown a new tail. What's more, his new tail looked stronger and better than his old tail.Seeing this, he realised how silly it had been to dedicate so much time to a problem for which there was no solution.Johnny turned back and headed for home.

On his way home he found his old tail at the side of the way. It was dry and dusty, and looked really bad.However, Johnny, having spent so much time looking for it, was happy to find it, and he picked it up and resumed his journey.Soon he met a frog.The frog, surprised, asked Johnny:

-“Why are you carrying such a horrible old tail when you already have such a lovely tail of your own?”

-“Because I spent months looking for it,”replied Johnny.

-“You really spent months looking for something so ugly and dirty?”said the frog.

-“Well,”Johnny explained,“previously it wasn't as ugly as this……”

-“Hmm, but now it is, wouldn't you agree?……How strange you lizards are!”said the frog before jumping off into the distance.

The frog was right. Johnny still thought of his tail as though it was the same tail he used to have, but in reality it was now disgusting.Now Johnny understood, so he decided to drop his old tail there, leaving with it all his past worries.As he continued his journey all he took with him were thoughts of the future.







Moral of the Story:

If we're forever thinking about the past we can miss the fact that the future can always be better than what went before.




attached to 附属于;系于;爱慕




head for home 回家,往家走



in reality 实际上;事实上


读书笔记__________________________________05 Art Town 艺术城

Mickey was a nice, cheerful, optimistic boy. No one could remember ever having seen him angry;he didn't mind whatever people said to him.He seemed incapable of insulting anyone.Even his teachers admired his good disposition, which was so unusual that a rumour was going round that Mickey´s goodness must be due to some special secret.The fact that there was a supposed secret meant that no one could think about anything else.They interrogated Mickey so much that, one afternoon, he invited his favourite teacher, Mr.Anthony, to tea.When they had finished, Mickey showed Mr.Anthony around the house.When Mickey opened his bedroom door, the teacher froze, and a big smile spread across his face.

The huge far wall was a unique collage of thousands of colours and shapes!It was the loveliest decoration Mr. Anthony had ever seen.

"Some people at school think I never think badly of anyone,"Mickey started to explain,"and that nothing at all bothers me, and that I never want to insult anyone, but that's not true at all. I'm just like anyone else.I used to get angrier than all the other kids.But years ago, with the help of my parents, I started a small collage.I could use any kind of material and colour for it.With every little piece I stuck on I added some bad thought or act.”

It was true. The teacher looked closely at the wall.In each one of the small pieces he could read, in tiny letters,'fool','idiot','pain','bore',and a thousand other negative things.

"This is how I started turning all my bad times into an opportunity to add to my collage. Now I like the collage so much that, each time someone makes me angry, I couldn't be happier.They've given me a new piece for my work of art."

That day they discussed many things, but what the teacher never forgot was how an ordinary boy had shown him that the secret to a cheerful and optimistic character is to convert the bad times into a chance to smile.

Without telling anyone, on that very day, Mr. Anthony began his own collage.He would recommend it so often to his students that, years later, they called that neighbourhood“Art Town”.Each house contained its own magnificent works of art, made by those cheerful and optimistic children.






Moral of the Story:

Idea for everyone, to help see the positive aspect in all experiences.











读书笔记__________________________________  第二章诚实01 The Boy Who Always Won 常胜将军

There was once a boy who liked nothing more in the world than to win. He loved winning at whatever it may be:football, cards, video games……everything.And because he couldn't stand losing, he had become an expert in all kinds of tricks and cheating.He could play tricks in practically every situation, without being noticed;even in video games or playing alone.He could win without ever being caught.

He won so many times that everyone saw him as the champion.It meant that almost no one wanted to play with him, he was just too far ahead of everyone.One person who did play with him was a poor boy, who was a bit younger.The champion really enjoyed himself at the poor boy's expense, always making the boy look ridiculous.





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