
发布时间:2020-08-17 09:52:53







Unit 1



I. Interview


compulsory [kEm5pQlsEri] adj. 强迫的,强制的,义务的【例句】Education is compulsory in Britain. 英国实行义务教育。【助记】com(共同)+ puls(推)+ ory→共同推行→强迫的,义务的【派生】compulsion n. 强制;强迫;强制力

rotate [rEu5teit] v. (使)旋转,转动;(使)轮流,循环【例句】Interns will rotate through the various departments. 实习医师要轮流去各个部门。【助记】rot(旋转)+ate(使…)→旋转,轮流【派生】rotation n. 旋转;循环,轮流

extracurricular [eskstrEkE5rIkjJlE(r)] adj. 课外的,课程以外的【例句】In addition to my studies, I got involved in lots of extracurricular activities.


disparity [dis5pAriti] n. 不等,差异,悬殊【例句】Comparison of the two accounts revealed numerous disparities. 把两本账一比较,发现有许多出入。【搭配】the disparity between the rich and the poor 贫富之间的悬殊

disparity in age (position) 年龄(地位)的完全不相称【助记】dis(否定)+paruty(相等)→不等

suburb [5sQbE:b] n. 市郊;郊区【例句】He lives in the suburb of London. 他住在伦敦郊区。【助记】sub(附近)+urb(城市)→城市的周围→郊区【派生】suburban adj. 郊区的,城郊的;土气的;见闻不广的

n. 郊区居民

consensus [kEn5sensEs] n. (意见等的)一致,一致同意,共识【例句】The two parties have reached a consensus. 这两个政党达成了一致意见。【词组】reach a consensus 达成共识【助记】con共同,sens 感觉,us我们——我们有共同的感觉——意见一致

curriculum [kE5rikjulEm] n. 课程【例句】Is English on your school’s curriculum? 你们学校有英语课吗?【词组】curriculum vitae 履历,简历【助记】curr跑,iculum表名词——学员跑来跑去的依据——全部课程


be involved in 包括…中,卷入…;涉及到…【例句】Parents should be involved in their children’s education. 家长应该参与对子女的教育。

in terms of 依据;按照;在…方面【例句】Think of our priorities not in terms of what activities you do, but when you do them.


a bunch of 一群;一束;一堆【例句】A bunch of red roses drip their golden scent. 一束红玫瑰花散发出浓郁的芳香。

II. Education in Britain


campaign [kAm5pein] n. 运动,有组织的活动;军事行动;竞选

v. 参加运动,发起运动【例句】This is an advertising campaign for a new product. 这是一项旨在推出新产品的广告计划。【助记】camp + pain 阵营 疼痛;阵营里发出疼痛声,原来是一系列战役造成的;军营里喝champagne, 战役【派生】campaigner n. 竞选者;从军者;出征者;老兵

expenditure [iks5penditFE] n. 经费,费用;支出,消耗,花费【例句】The government intends to cut expenditure on arms. 政府打算削减军备开支。【助记】来自expend( vt. 花费);expend的名词形式

repercussion [7ri:pE(:)5kQFEn] n. 反响,深远的影响【例句】His resignation will have serious repercussions on/for the firm. 他辞职一事对公司影响很大。

successive [sEk5sesiv] adj. 接连的,连续的;继承的;依次的;接替的【例句】The school has won five successive games. 该校已连胜五场比赛。【派生】succession n. 继承,继任;连续,系列

provision [prE5viVEn] n. 供应;准备,预备;规定,条款;(pl. )粮食,食品【例句】The present law makes no provision for this. 现行的法律对此未作任何规定。【词组】make provision for 为…预先采取措施【助记】provide的名词;pro 前看 + vision 幻觉,有远见的

reluctant [ri5lQktEnt] adj. 勉强的,不愿的【例句】Whether you like it or not you are a reluctant participant. 不管你喜欢与否,你都是一个不情愿的参与者。【助记】发音记忆:“驴拉坦克”——真够勉强的。【派生】reluctantly adv. 不情愿地;嫌恶地

prevalent [5prevElEnt] adj. 流行的,普遍的【例句】The prevalent opinion is in favor of reform. 一般舆论都支持改革。

outlaw [5autlC:] n. 歹徒,罪犯

v. 剥夺…的法律保护;使…成为非法【例句】①Jesse was an outlaw, a bandit, a criminal. 杰西曾是个逃犯、土匪、罪犯。

②In some states gambling was outlawed. 在一些州赌博被宣布为非法。

dread [dred] n. 恐惧;可怕的人(或物)

vi. 惧怕;担心

vt. 惧怕;担心

adj. 可怕的【例句】I dread a visit to the dentist. 我害怕去看牙医。【助记】原来用作动词指阅读(read)恐怖小说,后来阅读所有的东西都用了read,而dread就成了恐怖的意思。【派生】dreadful adj. 可怕的;糟透的,令人不快的

opt [Cpt] v. 选择,抉择【例句】Most people opt for buying their own homes rather than renting them.

大多数人愿意买房子而不愿意租房子。【搭配】opt for 选择

opt out 决定退出;插播;请求免除

opt out of 决定不参加…;决定(从…)退出

opt in 选择参加【派生】optional adj. 可选择的,随意的

resurface [ ri5sE:fis] vi. 重新露面;浮上水面

vt. 重铺路面;为…铺设新表面【例句】①It is likely that they would go into hiding for a few weeks, and resurface when the publicity died down. 他们可能会躲藏几个星期,等公众关注减弱以后再重新露面

②George struggled wildly, going under and resurfacing at regular intervals. 乔治疯狂地挣扎着,不断在水面上浮浮沉沉。

③Meanwhile the race is on to resurface the road before next Wednesday.与此同时正赶着在下三前把路面重新铺好

tertiary [5tE:FEri] adj. 第三等的,第三的【例句】Since then government poured more money in, the whole tertiary industry has flourished.


persist [pE(:)5sist] v. (in)坚持,持续【例句】His hostilities that have persisted for years finally perished. 他持续多年的敌意消失了。【词组】persist in (doing) sth. 坚持做某事

persist with 继续努力,坚持不懈【助记】per(一直,始终)+sist(站)→一直站在那里→坚持,固执【派生】persistent adj. 固执的,坚持的;持久稳固的

persistence n. 持续;固执;存留


adhere to 坚持;黏附;拥护;追随【例句】We adhere to the principle that everyone should be treated fairly. 我们坚持人人都应该被平等对待这一原则。

in addition to 除…之外【例句】In addition to the main question, there are secondary matters to talk about.


end up with 结束;以…告终【例句】They started with the aim of doing harm to others only to end up with ruining themselves


phrase out 使逐步结束(或停止);使逐步淘汰;逐步撤出【例句】There are proposals to phrase out the hitherto separate department Economic Geography.


at regular intervals 定期;每隔一定的时间(距离)【例句】The doctor visits his patients at their homes at regular intervals. 那医生定期到病人家出诊。

squeeze out 挤出;榨出;压出【例句】This deep tiredness makes it hard to imagine how to squeeze out any more energy toward taking care of ourselves. 这样深度的疲倦确实让人很难想象怎么才能挤出哪怕一点点精力来照顾我们。

take one’s chances 碰运气;冒险【例句】I decided to take my chances with the Chinatown night. 我决定在唐人街的夜晚里,碰碰运气。

watch out for 注意;戒备;小心提防【例句】When you cross the street, watch out for cars. 横穿街道时要注意车辆。

III. Personal Stories


tremendous [tri5mendEs] adj. 巨大的,可怕的,惊人的;极其严重的;极好的【例句】Their son is a tremendous eater. 他们的儿子是一个食量极大的人。【助记】trem(颤抖)+end(结果)+ous(形容词后缀)→得出了激动人心的结果→极好的

hail [heil] n. 冰雹;致敬;招呼;一阵

vt. 致敬;招呼;向…欢呼;猛发;使像下雹样落下

vi. 招呼;下雹

int. 万岁;欢迎【例句】①An old friend hailed me from the other side of the street. 一个老朋友从街的对面喊我。

②It’s hailing outside. 外面在下冰雹。【词组】hail from来自或发源于,(车、船)来自;(人)出生于【助记】音:嗨,hi,见面找招呼,致敬的声音,也可想做冰雹掉下打在头上疼而发出的音

exclude [iks5klu:d] v. 拒绝,排斥;将…排除在外【例句】They excluded people under 18 from joining the club. 他们拒绝接纳十八岁以下的人加入俱乐部。【词组】exclude from 排除【助记】ex(向外)+clud(关)+e→关在外面→拒绝【派生】exclusive adj. 独有的;排外的;专一的

enlighten [in5laitn] v. 启发,启蒙,教导【例句】Listen to both sides and you will be enlightened. 兼听则明。【词组】enlighten sb. on sth. 就某事启发某人【助记】en(使能)+light(轻的)+en(使能)→开导能减轻压力,使人轻松【派生】enlightenment n. 启迪;启蒙运动;教化

scold [skEuld] v. 斥责,呵斥【例句】My mother scolded me when I dropped the plates. 我摔了盘子时,妈妈责备我了。【助记】s(蛇)+cold(冷)→你像蛇一样冷酷→叱责【派生】scolding n. 责骂,斥责

principal [5prinsEpl] n. 负责人,委托人;资本;校长。

adj. 最重要的,主要的【例句】I must consult my principal. 我必须同委托人商量。

How much interest will there be on a principal of $5000? 5000美元本金的利息是多少?【助记】prin(第一)+cip(取)+al(人,物)→校长享有第一取舍权→校长,负责人【派生】principally adv. 主要地;大部分

stream [stri:m] n. 小河,川;一股

v. 流出,流动;飘扬【例句】Streams of people were coming out of the railway station. 人潮从火车站涌出。【词组】go up stream 逆流而上

in streams/a streams 川流不息

a stream of 一连串【派生】streaming n. 流


in all walks of life 各行各业【例句】This is indeed an important question in all walks of life and in any country.


give reflections on 反思【例句】The government spokesmen gave his reflections on current situation publicly.


in charge of 负责;主管【例句】The babysitter was in charge of the kids while the parents were out.


in the beginning 开始;起初【例句】Everything is hard in the beginning. 万事开头难。

be accustomed to 习惯于;适应于【例句】It will not take you very long to be accustomed to the way we do it.


figure out 解决;算出;理解【例句】I simply couldn’t figure out his intention. 我简直揣摩不透他的用意。

get rank 获得名次【例句】I had to get into the front rank. 我必须挤进前列。


I. A Short Story


reckon [5rekEn] v. 计算,算出;考虑,认为;料想,估计【例句】The experts reckon that about 10,000 tons of grain will be needed. 专家估计大约需要一万吨粮食。【词组】reckon on期待,指望

reckon with 处理;对付;和…算账;预料到【助记】re(又)+ck(一种著名的时尚品牌)+on→看见CK没钱买,指望工资快点来→指望,盼望。【派生】reckoning n. 计算;清算;算账

pension [5penFEn] n. 养老金,年金;膳宿公寓

vi. 发给…养老金【例句】She went to the company to draw her pension. 她去公司领退休金。【词组】pension sb. off 准予或迫使某人退休并发给退休金【助记】pens(花)+ion(名词后缀)→花出去的钱→养老金是你年轻时交税的回报。

lousy [5lauzi] adj. 多虱的;讨厌的,糟糕的【例句】He blamed Fiona for a lousy weekend. 他指责菲奥娜让他过了一个糟糕的周末。

snob [snCb] n. 势利的人;谄上欺下的人;自命不凡的人【例句】She protested strongly at being called a snob. 她极力反对别人说她势利眼。【词组】a fearful snob 可怕的势利小人

an intellectual snob 自以为有学识的人【助记】noble 贵族,总是喜欢巴结贵族的人

ferocious [fE5rEuFEs] adj. 凶恶的,凶猛的,残暴的【例句】The ferocious winds seemed about to tear the ship to pieces. 猛烈的狂风仿佛要把船撕成碎片似的。【助记】近于fierce,音:fear死,因为太残暴;音:肥肉食死

abortion [E5bC:FEn] n. 流产;(计划等)失败,夭折【例句】A number of considerations have led her to have a willful abortion. 多种考虑使她执意堕胎。【派生】abort vi. 异常中断,中途失败

vt. (使)流产,堕胎;(使)中途失败,中止

bash [bAF] v. 使劲打,狠打,痛殴

n. 重击,猛攻【例句】I bashed him on the head and dumped him in the cold, cold water.

我猛击他的头部,然后把他扔进了冰冷冰冷的水里。【搭配】have abash at… 尝试一下


before my time 未老先衰【例句】Don’t try to make me grow up before my time. 别企图让我变得少年老成了吧。

let off 免除(任务或义务);宽恕;放出【例句】He was let off with a fine instead of being sent to prison. 他没有坐牢,而只是罚款了事。

on the quiet 私下地,秘密地【例句】The doctor told me on the quiet his patient had cancer. 医生暗地对我说,那位病人患的是癌症。

give an earful 斥责【例句】If he bothers you again I will give him an earful. 如果他再来烦你,我就训他一顿。

bump off 杀死【例句】The gangsters threatened to bump him off if he would not tell them the secret code.


dead beat 筋疲力尽【例句】I’m dead beat after going through this mass of details for the case!




heredity [hi5rediti] n. 遗传,遗传性;遗传的特征【例句】Modern medical search results have proved that some diseases are present by heredity.


fraternal [frE5tE:nl] adj. 兄弟(般)的,友好的【例句】He said he hoped the issue could be solved in a fraternal way. 他表示希望这个问题能以友好的方式解决。

hyperactive [7haipE(:)5rAktiv] adj. 活动过度的,极度活跃的,活动亢进的【例句】The hyperactive toddler is a real handful. 这个还在学走路的却极其活跃的小孩真是难以控制。【搭配】hyperactive behavior 极过度活跃行为

intensify [in5tensifai] v. 加强,加剧,增强,强化【例句】My first failure only intensify my desire to succeed. 我的初次失败只更加强了我成功的信念。【助记】in + tens (伸展) + ify (使…)→使…伸展→(使)增强,(使)加剧【派生】intensity n. 强烈,剧烈;强度;亮度

intensive adj. 加强的,密集的;深入细致的;集约的

flagrant [5fleigrEnt] adj. 穷凶极恶的,骇人听闻的,明目张胆的【例句】Telling the story was a flagrant breach of trust. 说谎是一种可耻的破坏信誉的行为。

disturbance [dis5tE:bEns] n. 打扰,妨碍;心神不安,烦恼;混乱,骚乱【例句】There has been a disturbance in the street;somebody has been hurt.


impair [im5pZE] v. 损害,损伤;削弱,减少【例句】The output of produce was impaired by the bad weather. 农产品由于气候寒冷而减产。【助记】im(表否定)+pair(一对)→已经不是一对了→损害;减少

postpone [pEust5pEun] v. 延期,延缓【例句】The ball game was postponed because of rain. 球赛因下雨而延期了。【助记】post(在后面)+pone(放)→放到后面→延迟【派生】postponement n. 延期;延缓

therapy [5WerEpi] n. 治疗;(不需要药物或手术的)物理疗法【例句】Physical therapy alternates with chemical. 理疗和化疗交替进行。【助记】音:塞肉皮,塞肉皮(往嘴里猛塞,吃)猪,牛的肉皮(冻)是一种疗法,叫食疗,也是一种美容疗法。

deficit [5defisit] n. 赤字,逆差;不足额,缺乏,亏损【例句】We ended the month with a deficit. 我们这个月有亏损。【词组】budget deficit 预算赤字【助记】de(向下)+fic(做)+it→向下做,做得还不够,结果赤字。【派生】deficient adj. 不足的;有缺陷的;不充分的

deficit n. 赤字;不足额

squirm [skwE:m] v. 蠕动,扭动;羞愧,不舒服【例句】He gave a feeble shrug and tried to squirm free. 他无力地耸耸肩,扭动身体想要挣脱。

fiddle [5fidl] n. 欺诈,欺骗行为;小提琴【例句】He was accused of being on the fiddle with several others. 他被指控伙同其他人一起伪造帐目.【词组】fit as a fiddle 非常健康

fiddle with 摆弄;乱动;玩弄;弄虚作假

toss [tCs] v. 向上扔;摇摆,颠簸;辗转反侧【例句】They tossed the ball to each other. 他们把球互相扔来扔去。【词组】toss oneself in bed 辗转反侧

win/lose the toss 猜中(猜错)掷硬币的结果(尤指决定哪一队开球)【助记】美语发音:他死——因为被漫不经心地扔了。

mitt [mit] n. 女用露指长手套,连指手套【例句】There is a hole in the thumb of his mitt. 他的手套的姆指上有个洞。

chaotic [kei5Ctik] n. 混乱,纷乱【例句】Things have been getting chaotic in the office recently. 最近办公室的情况越来越乱了。

strain [strein] n. 拉紧;过度的疲劳;紧张;张力;血统;物种

v. 扭伤,损伤;拉紧【例句】It will strain your eyes to read in the dim light. 在昏暗的光线下看书会使眼睛过度疲劳。【词组】under the/a strain 处于拉紧状态,处于紧张状态

strain at sth. 用力拉、拖、拽、曳…某物

strain sth. off (from sth.) 滤去(液体等)【助记】st(街道)+rain(下雨)→大街上下雨→拉紧雨衣。【派生】strained adj. 紧张的;勉强的

punitively [5pju:nitivli] adv. 惩罚地;严厉地【例句】But there is nothing stopping buyer A from falsely or punitively rating seller B poorly.


defiant [di5faiEnt] adj. 违抗的,藐视的,蔑视的【例句】Her eyes flashed around her in a defiant way. 她两眼闪闪有光,环顾四周,俨然不可一世的神气。【词组】a defiant teenager 一个反叛的少年

send a defiant message to 向…发出挑战

a defiant attitude 反抗的态度【派生】defiantly adv. 挑战地;对抗地

defiance n. 蔑视;挑战;反抗

aggressive [5E^resiv] adj. 侵略性的,攻击性的,爱寻衅的;有进取心的【例句】He is respected as a very aggressive and competitive executive. 他被尊认为一位十分好强好胜的主管。【词组】aggressive behavior 攻击行为;侵犯行为

aggressive weapons 攻击性武器

an aggressive young executive 一个进取心很强的年轻管理人员【助记】ag(加强语气)+gress(行走)+ive(形容词后缀)→再走过去→攻击性的

prescribe [pris5kraib] v. 处(方),开(药),;命令,指示,规定【例句】Army regulations prescribe how rifles must be carried. 军规中对持枪方式有明文规定。【词组】prescribe for 开处方,开药方【助记】pre(预先)+scribe(写)→预先写好的→开处方,开(药);规定。

speculate [5spekjJleit] vi. 思索;推测;投机【例句】I’ve been speculating on my future. 我一直在思索我的未来。【词组】speculate (in sth.) 投机,做投机买卖

speculate (about/on/upon sth.) 思考,思索;推断,推测【助记】spec(看)+u1ate一事先看到一推测【派生】speculative adj. 投机的;推测的;思索性的

speculation n. 投机;推测;思索;投机买卖

hostility [hCs5tiliti] n. 敌意,恶意,敌对【例句】I have no hostility toward him. 我对他毫无敌意。【词组】feel [have] hostility toward a person 对某人怀敌意

feelings of hostility 敌意【助记】来自hostile ( adj. 敌对的)

frazzle [5frAzl] vi. 磨损 磨破;疲惫

vt. 使磨损,使磨破;使疲惫

n. 磨破,磨烂;疲惫状态【例句】He was worn to a frazzle when he got home from work. 他下班回家疲惫不堪。

reject [ri5dVekt] v. 拒绝,抵制,排斥;丢弃【例句】He rejected their invitation point-blank. 他直截了当地拒绝了他们的邀请。【助记】re(回来)+ject(扔)→投掷出去又被扔了回来→拒绝【派生】rejection n. 抛弃;拒绝;被抛弃的东西

imbue [im5bju:] v. 灌输,使充满【例句】①You should imbue your children with ambition to succeed. 你应该使你的孩子充满希望成功的雄心。

②A President should be imbued with a sense of responsibility for the nation.

一位总统应该充满对国家的责任感。【搭配】imbued with patriotism, ambition, love充满爱国主义精神、雄心勃勃、满怀爱心


lash out 猛击;猛烈抨击【例句】As a politician, he lashed out at social injustice in his election campaign.




1....and they have one teacher for the whole day pretty much.


2.They start to rotate through teachers.

学生到了初中阶段,就要开始在老师之间轮流上课。rotate此处意为“轮流”,如:The members of the club can rotate and one person can do all the preparation for the evening. 俱乐部的成员可轮流工作,一个人可做晚会所有的准备工作。rotate作动词,常见的义项为“旋转”,如:The earth rotates around the sun. 地球围绕太阳旋转。

3.Then in the 9th grade, they switch to high school.

到了九年级,就转入高中阶段。switch to“转换到;切换到”。如:There is an increasing switch to drip irrigation in all areas. 所有地区转换成滴灌的趋势正在增加。与此相似的一个短语是transfer to“转学;转移到”,如:The same dynamics of other social networks may not transfer to this activity. 同样的动态,未必会从其他社交网络转移到这项活动中来。

Education in Britain

1.His Party put it at the top of their agenda.

His Party指的是英国首相托尼·布莱尔代表的工党。这里是说他们在选举宣言中将教育作为他们的首要议题。put sth. at the top of agenda“把…作为首要议题(任务)”,如:The secretary put finance at the top of the agenda. 秘书将财政问题放在本次议事日程的首位。

2.A potted history of the state provision of education.国家教育简史。

a potted history意思是“简史”。potted此处用法特殊,作形容词,意为“缩短的;(指书等)摘要的,简答的”如:The teacher gave me a potted version of a classical novel as a birthday present. 老师给了我一本古典小说的简易本作为生日礼物。potted作形容词,常用的义项为“罐装的;密封的;盆栽的”,如:Maybe a potted plant or flower at home can bring you a little bit of coolness. 或许家里的一盆盆栽植物或花卉可以给你带来些许凉意。

Personal Stories


A Short Story

1.Stick out this rough spell because life will be fine once you’ve got to college.

该句句意为:挺过这段艰难的日子,只要考上大学,生活就会变得很美好。spell在这里做名词,意为“一段时间”,如:A spell of tough luck discouraged our confidence. 这一阵子的坏运气让我们信心受挫。

2.With such lousy marks on my transcript I couldn’t get into a good cramming class.

句意为:如此糟糕的成绩让我不能进入一个好的补习班。a cramming class指“补习班,补习学校”。cram作动词,常见的用法有①“突击准备(考试)”,如:If you study all the semester, you won’t need to cram for the examination. 假如你整学期都很用功,你就不需要在考试前抱佛脚。②“挤进,塞进”,如:Why are you always trying to cram your own ideas down my throat? 你为什么老想把你自己的想法强加给我呢? 

A Poem

1.Sharon Olds




I. Interview

Comprehension questions

•School systems

Elementary schools (Primary schools in the UK), 1-5 grades

Junior high schools (or middle schools), 6-8 grades

Senior high schools, 9-12 grades

(These are generally called pre-k to 12 schools where pre-k means pre-kindergarten education)

College or workforce

Public vs. private schools

•The system supports the child’s right by ...

pulling out special resources that diverse students need such as: special education teachers, one-on-one instructions, classroom aids, extracurricular activities, schools for special talents such as music and art.

•The problems of disparity (inequality) are very serious with inner city schools in the US. These inequalities are rooted in the school funding system. Public schools are funded through federal government and local property tax. As houses in the suburbs are more expensive and therefore worth more, more money would go to the schools in the suburbs, whereas the houses in the inner city are not so expensive, and therefore worth less, so less money would go to the public schools in the city.

•The movement is to assess effectiveness of teaching and learning in the US schools. The school will be assessed according to the requirements set in the standards in the major subjects such as English, Science Education, Mathematics, Arts and Humanities, and Social Sciences. Teaching will be evaluated by the performance indicators of the students. A common measurement is carried out in standardized tests or examinations. The results of these tests have a great influence on education because they are often related to the enrollment and thus funding as a result.

Darlene seems to be doubtful of the effectiveness of the standards movement.

•Education serves different purposes for different people. Here is a list of a few cases mentioned by DJ:

for businesspeople, education is to train good workforce;

for politicians, education is to train people who participate in democracy;

for technicians, education is to train people who can look at the world around them, solve problems with viable solutions;

for some people, education is to empower people so that they will have a fulfilled life.

•There are many changes such as:

a lot more work in reading and writing for graduate students;

meeting people diverse in background in a graduate class;

living in the dorm in the past, but now in an apartment, which means more independence and freedom.

II. Education in Britain


1) B

2) A

3) A

4) B

5) C

Comprehension questions

1.Which three regions are different in their education systems?

a. England and Wales

b. Scotland

c. Northern Ireland

2.In what way is the private sector different from the state system?

At the pre-tertiary levels, private schools charge fees while the state schools don’t.

3.If parents don’t want to send their children to school, where do they get education then?

Children can get education at home as long as their parents can prove to the inspectors that the children are not disadvantaged by not going to school.

A potted history of the state provision of education

1.Why was the 11-plus not popular?

•The test was discriminatory labeling children as academic-oriented or skill-oriented when they were only at the age of 11 (approximately primary school leaving age).  The test streamlined them into two tracks, with the former ones heading for universities, and the latter ones for skill based education such as vocational schools or polytechnics.

2.What problem did the comprehensive secondary education intend to address?

•The comprehensive secondary system intended to reduce the pressure on the children when they were still at the adolescent stage. The reform was to change the old tripartite system of schools for secondary education (technical, secondary modern, and grammar schools).

3.Discuss the areas in which reforms were carried out. What tendency did the reform reflect?

•The reform changed the system in the following three fields:

(1) Introducing a national curriculum

(2) Allowing schools to opt out of LEAs and charge fees

(3) Combining the old assessment methods (GCE O-level and CSE) into new exams called GCSE

4.What happened to British post-secondary sector in the 1990s? What caused this change?

•Rapid expansion of higher education in which polytechnics or technical (vocational) schools were transformed into universities

•More young people going to universities partly because of the higher rate of unemployment

5.What trends can you discern from the changes in the British higher education?

•Higher education is no longer only for a few privileged people.

•Society has a demand for higher level of education for its people.

III. Personal Stories

Life in middle school

Analysis of the reflections





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