初中英语任务型阅读与首字母填空 七年级(上)(txt+pdf+epub+mobi电子书下载)

发布时间:2020-08-18 05:17:29


作者:王祎景, 主编



初中英语任务型阅读与首字母填空 七年级(上)

初中英语任务型阅读与首字母填空 七年级(上)试读:







第三,把培养学生的阅读兴趣与技巧和发展学生的思维相结合。编者除了选用能够引起学生兴趣与共鸣的话题来奉献给读者,还从各个维度设计不同类型的主观题来帮助学生更好地理解阅读材料,拓宽学生思维。本套丛书规避了可以让学生投机取巧的选择题,代之以各种主观题型,如填写“信息卡”(Information Card)培养学生通过阅读获取信息的能力;“回答问题”培养学生阅读理解与推理的能力;“给短文定标题”培养学生寻找主题句以及归纳文章大意的能力;“根据短文内容填空”培养学生综合分析与逻辑推理的能力。而每个单元的“根据所给单词首字母填写单词完成短文”这一任务不仅培养学生的阅读理解能力,还帮助学生学会在语境中灵活运用目标词汇,从而更好地提高英语综合运用能力。



Unit 1 Welcome to School!

Unit 2 This Is Me

Unit 3 People Around Me

Unit 4 Tales

Unit 5 Sports!

Unit 6 Yummy Food

Unit 7 Plant World

Unit 8 Animal World

Unit 9 Space

Unit 10 Worlds of Art

Unit 11 Inventions

Unit 12 A Place to Live

Unit 13 Back in Time

Unit 14 Travelling

Unit 15 Health

Unit 16 Movies and Plays

Unit 17 Countries

Unit 18 Geography

Unit 19 History

Unit 20 Customs

Unit 21 Letters

Unit 22 Asking the Way

Unit 23 Science

Unit 24 Languages

Unit 25 Transportation

Unit 26 Jobs

Unit 27 Weather

Unit 28 Environment

参考答案Unit 1 Welcome to School!答案参见此处Part A 阅读短文,根据要求完成短文后的各项任务。A


School is starting!Tom, Matt, and Lea played in the park.“Today is the last day of summer,”said Tom.“Tomorrow is the first day of school!”

“The summer went by so fast,”Matt said with a groan.He made a noise to show he was upset.

“We can't play all day when school starts,”said Lea.“But I am still excited.I feel very happy about school this year.It's going to be fun!”

“I'm not so sure,”Matt said.

“Really?”Lea asked Matt.

“I meant to whisper that,”said Matt.“I wanted to say it softly.I did not want you to hear that I am scared.”

Tom carefully climbed up the slide(滑梯).He went up slowly so he would not fall.Then he slid(滑)down fast and smiled at Matt.

“It's okay, Matt,”Tom said.“I am nervous, too.Second grade will be different.Nothing will be the same.But one thing is for sure.We will always be friends!”Information CardToday is:12Tomorrow is:3Matt feels:4Lea feels:Matt, Lea and Tom are 5students in:B


Welcome back to school!Many people work together to help you work, learn, and play.Do you know who is who?

① As the leader of the school, I have an office in the school building.I hire the teachers.I make the school rules and help everyone follow them.Who am I?


② I take care of the books and other materials in the school library.If you need to find a good book to read, I can help you choose one.Sometimes I also read out loud to you.Who am I?

I am the librarian.

③ When you are sick at school, I will help you.You can come to my office to lie down until you feel better.I also teach you how to stay healthy.Who am I?

I am the nurse.

④ We make meals in your school's kitchen.Early in the morning we start to make your breakfast and lunch.Sometimes we help clean the tables where you eat.Who are we?

We are lunchroom workers.

⑤ My job is creating a place for you to learn.I plan your lessons for each day.I also answer your questions and correct your homework.Who am I?


⑥ All of these people do important work in your school.Someone else does important work, too.Who is it?

1.Who is the first person at school?


2.Who is the fifth person at school?


3.According to the writer, who is the last person?


4.What is the last person's work?


5.What can be the title of the passage?(请给文章拟一个标题,不超过十个字。)



“We need to talk about the school rules,”our teacher, Mr.Wall, said.It was the second day of school.“What do you do when I come into the classroom?”

“Pay attention and listen carefully to you,”said Peter.

“Good,”said Mr.Wall.“What about lining up?”

“(2)Find your line buddy(朋友)and stand in line at the door,”said Rosa.

“Right!”said Mr.Wall.“Remember, your line buddy is the friend you line up with.What is another(1)_____, Julia?”“No running in the halls,”Julia said.“No one wants to fall or slip and have an accident(意外).”

“Good(3)tip,”said Mr.Wall.“That's helpful information to keep in mind.Also, why should we stay together in the halls?”“This school is(4)enormous(很大的).It's so huge that it would be easy to get lost,”said Liam.

“I know you all will follow the rules,”said Mr.Wall.“When everyone obeys them, we stay safe.”





3.回答问题:What is the meaning of“tip”?







“Don't forget,”Ms.Kim said.“Tomorrow you must bring in something to share with the class.Please bring something that all of us can look at.It could be a book that you enjoyed.You can tell us why you like it so much.”

Pam's friends had wonderful ideas.Pam did not have any great ideas like theirs.After the bell rang, the students went back home.They left the classroom one by one.Soon only Pam and Marco were left.Pam asked Marco about his idea.

“I think I might cook,”he said.“Let's make something together!”

They decided to make muffins(松饼).Pam was delighted.She was very happy to have an idea at last.

Making muffins was not easy.The mix was too thick.They had to add a lot of milk to fix it.The muffins were not perfect, but Pam and Marco did not care.Being together was fun.The best thing to share was the company(陪伴)of a new friend!Title:Making Muffins and a  1  2  in something to share with the class tomorrowMs.Kim's something that all of us can  3  athomeworktell the class  4  you like it so much.make muffins  6  and show them to the Pam and Marco's classmates 5 make the  7  of flour and milkHow they did their  8  a lot of milk to fix the mix because the homeworkmix was too thickThe muffins were not perfect.Being together was  9 .The resultsThe best thing is to have a friend to  10 !

1._____ 2._____ 3._____ 4._____ 5._____

6._____ 7._____ 8._____ 9._____ 10._____Part B 阅读短文,根据上下文内容填写空格,每空一词,使短文内容完整通顺。A

Today was the first day of school.I was so excited I woke up very e 1 .I decided to w 2  my red pants and my lucky striped socks.Then I sat down to eat b 3 .

The next thing I knew, my mom was shaking me.I had wet hair.My face was sticky.What happened?I had fallen asleep in my cereal bowl!

My first day of third grade didn't start well.First, my mom had to go to w 4  early.She left right a 5  rushing me to my classroom.Next, I waited inside for a while before the other kids started coming.They l 6  huge.I never saw them before in my life.Then, I was scared.Where was my f 7  Harry?Where was Jen?We were supposed to be in the s 8  class.Finally, the teacher said,“Hello, Class 5-B.”I was so happy.I was supposed to be in class 3-B.I was just s 9  in the w 10  room!

1._____ 2._____ 3._____ 4._____ 5._____

6._____ 7._____ 8._____ 9._____ 10._____B

Unluckily, I now have to t 1  you about an unpleasant accident that happened in our school l 2  night.The cleaners had just gone when the school gym was broken into.A window was b 3  in the boys' changing rooms and the main door t 4  the building was o 5 .The cleaners had put away the equipment so n 6  was stolen from the gym but something bad was done to the building.The thieves went i 7  the library and two computers were stolen.B 8  and magazines were thrown onto the floor.We have reasons to believe that the thieves who got into the building were young people.Any information a 9  this terrible accident must be sent to me by the end of the w 10 .Thank you.

1._____ 2._____ 3._____ 4._____ 5._____

6._____ 7._____ 8._____ 9._____ 10._____Unit 2 This Is Me答案参见此处Part A 阅读短文,根据要求完成短文后的各项任务。A


My name is Yoon.I came here from South Korea, a country far away from America.

One day my father called me to his side.

“Soon you will go to your new school.You must learn to write your name in English,”he said.“Here.This is how it looks.”

I wrinkled(皱起)my nose.I did not like YOON.Lines.Circles.Each standing alone.“My name looks happy in Korean,”I said.“The symbols(笔画)dance together.And in Korean my name means Shining Wisdom(智慧).I like the Korean way better.”

“Well, you must learn to write it this way.Remember, even when you write in English, it still means Shining Wisdom.”

I did not want to learn the new way.I wanted to go back home to Korea.I did not like America.

Everything was different here.But my father handed me a pencil, and his eyes said Do-as-I-say.He showed me how to write every letter in English.So I practiced, and my father was very pleased.

“Look,”he called to my mother.“See how well our little Yoon does!”

“Yes,”she said.“She will be a wonderful student!”

I wrinkled my nose.Information CardWhere Yoon came 1from:What her father tried to 2teach her:How Yoon's name looks 3in Korean:What the meaning of her 4name in Korean is:What she did when she 5disliked something:B


My first day at school, I sat quietly at my desk while the teacher talked about CAT.She wrote CAT on the blackboard.She read a story about CAT.I did not know what her words meant, but I knew what the pictures said.She sang a song about CAT.It was a pretty song, and I tried to sing the words, too.

Later she gave me a paper with my name on it.

“Name.Yoon,”she said.And she pointed to the empty lines underneath.

I did not want to write YOON.I wrote CAT instead.I wrote CAT on every line.

I wanted to be CAT.I wanted to hide(躲藏)in a corner.My mother would find me and cuddle(拥抱)up close to me.I would close my eyes and mew quietly.

The teacher looked at my paper.She shook her head.“So you are CAT?”she asked.The ponytail girl sitting behind me giggled(咯咯地笑).

After school I said to my father,“We should go back to Korea.It is better there.”

“Do not talk like that,”he said.“America is your home now.”

I sat by the window and watched a little robin hop in the yard.“He is all alone, too,”I thought.“He has no friends.No one likes him.”

Then I had a very good idea.“If I draw a picture for the teacher, then maybe she will like me.”It was the best bird I had ever drawn.“Look, father,”I said proudly.

“Oh, this makes me happy,”he said.“Now do this.”And he showed me how to write BIRD under the picture.

1.Why did Yoon write CAT instead of her name?


2.What kind of animal is“robin”in the passage?


3.How did she feel about her first day at school?


4.According to the writer, what is the connection(关联)between the little robin in the garden and Yoon?


5.What can be the title of the passage?(请给文章拟一个标题,不超过十个字。)



The next day at school the teacher handed me another YOON paper to write.But I did not want to write YOON.I wrote BIRD instead.I wrote BIRD on every line.I wanted to be BIRD.I wanted to fly, fly back to Korea.(2)I would fly to my nest, and I would tuck(藏,用某物舒服地裹住)my head under my little brown wing.

The teacher looked at my paper.Again she shook her head.“So you are BIRD?”she asked.

Then I showed her my special robin drawing.I patted my red dress, and then I patted the red robin.I lowered my head and peeked up at her.The teacher(1)s_____.

“How was school today, my daughter?”my mother asked.

“I think the teacher likes me a little,”I said.

“Well, that is good!”my mother said.

“Yes, but at my school in Korea, I was my teacher's favorite.I had many friends.Here I am all alone.”“You must be patient(耐心的)with everyone, including(包括)yourself,”my mother said.“You will be a fine student, and you will make many new friends here.”





3.回答问题:How did Yoon feel about her second day at school?


4.在文中找出与“I moved my head down and took a quick look at her.”意思相近的句子。


5.回答问题:What did Yoon's mother tell her to do?



The next day at recess(课间休息), I stood near the fence by myself.I watched the ponytail girl sitting on the swing(秋千).She watched me, too.Suddenly she jumped off the swing and ran over to me.She had a package in her hand.It said CUPCAKE.She opened it and gave me one.She giggled.I giggled, too.

When we were back in school, the teacher gave us more paper.I did not want to write YOON.I wrote CUPCAKE instead.

I wanted to be CUPCAKE.The children would clap their hands when they saw me.They would be excited.“CUPCAKE!”they would say.“Here is CUPCAKE!”

The teacher looked at my paper.“And today you are CUPCAKE!”she said.She smiled a very big smile.Her eyes said I-like-this-girl-Yoon.

After school I told my mother about my ponytail friend.I sang a new song for my father.I sang in English.

“You make us so proud, little Yoon,”my mother said.

“Maybe America will be a good home,”I thought.“Maybe different is good, too.”

The next day at school, I couldn't wait to write.And this time I wrote YOON on every line.When my teacher looked at my paper, she gave me a big hug.“Aha!You are YOON!”she said.Yes.I am YOON.I write my name in English now.It still means Shining Wisdom.Title:From  1  to YoonI  2  a ponytail girl.She  3  cupcakes with me.At recessWe felt  4  together.The teacher gave us more paper.I wrote“cupcake”.Day 1I wanted to be cupcake because In  5 children  6  cupcakes and I wanted them to like  7 .The teacher smiled at me and I thought she liked me.I told mom about my new  9  —the ponytail girl. 8  I sang a song in English to dad.schoolMom was proud of me.I began to like my new home— 10 .I wrote my name Yoon in English on the paper.Day 2The teacher gave me a big hug.

1._____ 2._____ 3._____ 4._____ 5._____

6._____ 7._____ 8._____ 9._____ 10._____Part B 阅读短文,根据上下文内容填写空格,每空一词,使短文内容完整通顺。A

Hi, I am Samuel.I'm a very busy man.I'm 60 years o 1  and I have many j 2 .I worked as a postman, a policeman, a fireman, a taxi driver, a school bus driver, a boatman, and a barman.Also, my wife Margaret and I have a shop and a small hotel.Only 120 people live o 3  the island but in summer about 150 t 4  come by boat every day.Every morning, I get up at 6:00 a.m.and make b 5  for the hotel guests.At 8:00 a.m.I d 6  the children to school.At 9:00 a.m.I get the post from the boat and send it to all the residents(居民)on the island.I also give the beer to our only bar here.Then I help Margaret in the shop.She likes being b 7  , too.We never have holidays and we don't like watching t 8 .In the evenings, Margaret makes dinner and usually at 10:00 p.m.we have some wine together.Then we go to bed.Maybe our life doesn't sound very e 9  , but we e 10  it.

1._____ 2._____ 3._____ 4._____ 5._____

6._____ 7._____ 8._____ 9._____ 10._____B

I am deaf, so I talk with my hands.

I go to the New Mexico School for the Deaf.All of our t 1  teach with American Sign Language.We call this signing.

We s 2  math, writing, reading, and art.We also play s 3 .It's the same as in o 4  schools.My brother Emilio also goes to my school.After lunch, we play basketball during recess.My mom and aunt are deaf, too.They w 5  at the school.Mom is a teacher's helper.Aunt Carla's job is to help students and teachers learn about d 6  cultures.She also takes charge(负责)of the school museum.

At home we all help Mom c 7  Mexican meals.A 8  dinner, Dad and I play a game of chess.Mom, Dad, Emilio, and me.That's my family—but there are many m 9  , too.We are a big family.I have lots of uncles, aunts, cousins, grandpas, and grandmas.Most of my mom's family is deaf.My whole family uses sign language to t 10  to each other.

1._____ 2._____ 3._____ 4._____ 5._____

6._____ 7._____ 8._____ 9._____ 10._____Unit 3 People Around Me答案参见此处Part A 阅读短文,根据要求完成短文后的各项任务。A

阅读短文,根据短文所提供的信息,完成后面的表格。Dear Katie,

I am so happy to meet my new pen pal!I live in an Eskimo village in Alaska.I live with my parents and my beloved grandfather.I love him more than almost anybody!

I want to tell you about going with Grandpa to the tundra(苔原)near my home.Grandpa had promised to show me a wolf.Last Sunday he kept his word.

We got up early.I put on my heavy sweater and wiggled into my boots.They were a tight fit so I moved my feet quickly from side to side to get them on.

Grandpa and I travelled by dog sled(狗拉雪橇).The snow gleamed in the sun.It shone so bright that we wore sunglasses.We stopped on a frozen lake.Grandpa glanced around, looking quickly in each direction.Then his eyes stopped.I looked at the same place.A wolf pack was near the lake.The noble wolves stood together.They looked impressive(令人钦佩的)and as proud as kings.I will never forget those amazing animals.Your new friend,JeanInformation Card1Where Jean lives:Who Jean's favorite 2person is:What Grandfather's 3promise is:By what they travelled in 4the snow:5How the wolves looked:B


I like my grandmother a lot.She is so much fun.I call her Gram.

Gram takes me fishing.We sit together on the dock.We wave at the boats.“Hello!”we call.

Gram helps me ride my bike.She is strong.“You can do it, James!”she says.“Look at me go!”I say.

Gram has a big, striped cat.His name is Scruff.“Scratch(抓痒痒)him under the chin(下巴),”she says.“Scruff likes it!”I say.

Gram likes to play chess.She helps me when we play.“Think, James,”she says.“I win, Gram!”I say.

Gram has a lot of spring flowers.She lets me give them a drink.“Flowers like a good drink,”she says.“Look!They drank it all up,”I say.

Gram has a big plum tree(梅树).We like to pick plums.Gram lifts me up.“I got a ripe one!”I say.

Gram shows me how to make plum jam.She adds salt to the pot.“Just a bit,”she says.“Yum!This jam will taste good!”I say.

1.Why does the author like his“Gram”?


2.How many things does his grandmother teach him?


3.What does his grandmother teach him?


4.Can the author do what his grandmother teaches him at last?


5.What can be the title of the passage?(请给文章拟一个标题,不超过十个字。)



“Gram, did you cook when you were little?”I ask.“I helped my mom,”says Gram.“We made jam just like you and I do.”

“Did you go to school?”I ask.“Yes, I went to a little school,”says Gram.“My school is very big,”I say.“Yes, it is,”says Gram.

“(2)I am learning how to read at school,”I say.“Reading is good,”says Gram.“I liked to read when I was little.”“Gram, can you read me a story?”“Yes,”says Gram.“Do you like cats and dogs?”“I like them a lot!”I say.“This is a story about cats and dogs.”I like Gram's story a lot.

“Let's read more,”I say.“Can you read a story to me?”asks Gram.“I think I can.”“I will read you this story,”I say.“Is it about cats and dogs?”Gram asks.“No, it is a story about pigs.”“Pigs are good, too,”says Gram.“This is a story about three little pigs,”I say.I read on and on.

At the end, Gram claps and claps.“What a fine story,”she says.

“Gram, you are so much(1)_____,”I say.

“So are you,”says my Gram.









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