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托福考试是大学水平的英语使用及理解能力测试,评估考生在英语听、说、读、写技能方面的综合能力。目前的托福考试以互联网为依托,称为“iBT”(Internet-Based Test),即托福网考,满分120分,阅读、听力、口语、写作每部分各30分。TPO是英文TOEFL Practice Online 的缩写,即托福在线考试练习,是托福考试主办方ETS提供的托福官方网考练习平台,其中题目均为之前考过的托福原题,极具参考价值。精研TPO词汇是考生取得高分的不二之选。


本书共收录3000左右核心词,分为28个Word List,每个List 100词左右。【释】给出单词在托福考试中常考的中英文释义,帮助考生针对考试准确理解单词,达到“事半功倍”的备考效果。【例】收录大量与真实考试难度相当的例句,并配以中文译文,帮助考生在语境中理解单词,强化记忆效果。【搭】提供常考短语和搭配,帮助考生掌握单词重点用法。【派】归纳单词的常考派生词,帮助考生全面扩充词汇量。【同】提供与主单词意义相近的其他词汇,帮助考生丰富语料。本书使用说明:

1. 每天设定固定的时间(比如早上9点)、利用固定的时段(比如2个小时)来学习一个单元。

2. 第一遍看单词时边听录音边记单词,并在不认识的单词旁作标记,在以后的学习过程中,格外注意这些单词。

3. 第二遍看单词时,重点看每个单元中较长的词汇,对多于一个释义的词汇和有生僻释义的词汇格外注意。

4. 可以把不熟悉的单词写在一张卡片或纸上,以便利用零散时间随时进行复习。

5. 根据书中的例句,自己再写一些句子。


Word List 01

timberline /ˈtɪmbəˌlaɪn/

释  n. 树木线 the upper limit of arboreal growth in mountains or high latitudes

例  There was a cool spring above the timberline. 树木线以上有一股清凉的泉水。

同  tree line 树带界限,林线transition /ˈtrænˈzɪʃ(ə)n/

释 n. 过渡,转变 changing from one state or condition to another

例  The transition from city life to the farm life is often very difficult. 从城市生活向乡村生活过渡通常很难。

派  transitional adj. 变迁的;过渡的

同  alteration n. 变更,改变 changeover n. 转变,改变,更换dramatic /drəˈmætɪk/

释 adj. 戏剧的;激动人心的 of drama; exciting or impressive

例  That policy has led to a dramatic increase in their prison populations. 那项政策已经让他们监狱的囚犯人数激增。

派  dramatically adv. 戏剧性地;引人注目地

同  striking adj. 突然的;惊人的vertical /ˈvɜːrtɪkl/

释 adj. 垂直的,竖立的 going straight up or down

例  The western side of the mountain is almost vertical. 这座山的西坡几乎是垂直的。

派  vertically adv. 垂直地 verticality n. 垂直性

同  perpendicular adj. 垂直的,直立的 upright adj. 垂直的,笔直的disappear /ˌdɪsəˈpɪr/

释 v. 不见,消失 to become impossible to see

例  The rumor has to disappear before facts. 在真相面前谣言不得不销声匿迹。

同  vanish v. 消失moist /mɔɪst/

释 adj. 微湿的,湿润的 slightly wet

例  His eyes were moist. 他眼睛泪汪汪的。

派  moistly adv. 潮湿地 moistness n. 湿

同  damp adj. 潮湿的 humid adj. 潮湿的tropic  /ˈtrɑpɪk/

释 adj. 热带的 of or relating to the tropics

例  Her home town is located in the north to the tropic of Cancer. 她的家乡在北回归线以北。

搭  tropic of Capricorn 南回归线 tropic of Cancer 北回归线

同  torrid adj. 酷热的deciduous /dɪˈsɪdʒuəs/

释 adj. 落叶的 (of a tree, bush etc.) that loses its leaves every year

例  Deciduous trees usually shed their leaves in autumn. 落叶树木通常在秋天落叶。

派  deciduously adv. 落叶地broadleaf /ˈbrɔːdliːf/

释 n. 阔叶 having relatively broad rather than needle-like or scale-like leaves

例  Annual broadleaf is the major problem in the park. 这家公园主要问题是一年生阔叶杂草。

同  broad-leafed adj. 阔叶的occur  /əˈkɜːr/

释 v. 发生,出现; 存在于,出现在 to happen; to exist or be found somewhere

例  When exactly did the incident occur? 这一事件究竟是什么时候发生的?

搭  occur to... 发生在;被想起

派  occurrence n. 发生,出现

同  happen v. 发生,碰巧 arise v. 出现twist /twɪst/

释 v. 弯曲,扭曲 to bend into shape

例  She grabbed me and twisted my arm behind my back. 她抓住我并把我的手臂拧到背后。

派  twister n. 骗子;难事

同  contort v. 扭曲deform /dɪˈfɔːrm/

释 v. 改变…的外形,损毁…的形状 to change or spoil the usual or natural shape of sth

例  His shoes that are too tight deform his feet. 他的鞋子太紧使他的脚变形了。

派  deformation n. 变形 deformity n. 畸形;缺陷

同  distort v. 扭曲,变形particularly /pərˈtɪkjələrli/

释 adv. 特别,尤其 especially, than usual or more than others

例  Spending the holidays in Australia wasn't a prospect that I found particularly appealing. 在澳大利亚度假对我并不特别有吸引力。

派  particular adj. 特别的,不寻常的

同  specially adv. 特别;专门地 especially adv. 特别,尤其latitude /ˈlætɪtuːd/

释 n. 纬度 distance of a place north or south of the equator, measured in degrees

例  The latitude of the island is 30 degrees south. 该岛的纬度是南纬30度。

派  latitudinal adj. 纬度的attain  /əˈteɪn/

释 v.(通常经过努力)获得,得到 to succeed in getting sth, usually after a lot of effort

例  It's something that they may aspire to but can never attain. 那是他们可望而不可即的事。

派  attainable adj. 可到达的;可得到的 attainment n. 达到;完成

同  achieve v. 取得,获得 reach v. 达到influence  /ˈɪnfluəns/

释 v. 影响,对…起作用 to have an effect on

例  She was influenced by her teacher to take up the study of medicine. 她是受了老师的影响才学医的。

派  influential adj. 有影响力的

同  affect v. 影响tend /tend/

释 v. 往往会,常常就 to be likely to do sth or to happen in a particular way

例  Some older people tend to be quite conservative and a bit suspicious of any possible advances. 一些老年人往往很保守,并对任何可能的进步都有点不信任。

派  tendency n. 倾向;趋势

同  incline v. 倾向cessation /seˈseɪʃn/

释 n. 停止,终止

例  The two countries have proposed a call for an eventual cessation of hostilities. 这两个国家提出了一项最终结束敌对状态的建议。

同  end n. 结束,终止 surcease n. 停止various /ˈveriəs/

释 adj. 各种不同的,各种各样的 several different

例  Customs differ much in various countries. 各国的风俗差别很大。

派  variously adv. 不同地

同  different adj. 不同的smother /ˈsmʌðər/

释 v. 厚厚地覆盖;使窒息 to cover sth/sb thickly or with too much of sth; to suffocate (another)

例  The strawberry cake is smothered in cream. 这个草莓蛋糕上有很厚的奶油。

搭  smother sth/sb with/in sth 用(某物)厚厚地覆盖 smother sb with sth 用…使某人窒息

同  suffocate v. 使窒息avalanche /ˈævəlæntʃ/

释 n. 雪崩

例  The climber was caught by an avalanche and was seriously concussed. 登山者遇到雪崩,受到严重的脑震荡。creep /kriːp/

释 n. 爬动,蠕动 a slow and gradual change or movement

例  The traffic was moving at a creep this morning. 今天早上道路交通十分拥堵。

搭  creep in 开始发生 creep into 悄悄进入,逐渐产生

派  creepy adj. 爬行的;令人毛骨悚然的

同  crawl n. 爬行effective /ɪˈfektɪv/

释 adj. 有效的 producing an intended result or having a striking effect

例  This kind of drug that is effective against the cancer. 这种药物对这种癌症很有效.

派  effect n. 效果,作用

同  efficient adj. 有效的;效率高的seedling  /ˈsiːdlɪŋ/

释 n. 幼苗,秧苗 a very young plant which has grown from a seed

例  He cut down the seedling with one chop. 他一刀就把小苗砍倒了。

派  seed n. 种子 v. 播种establish  /ɪˈstæblɪʃ/

释 v. 建立,设立 to start or create an organization, a system, etc.

例  The committee was established in 1977. 委员会成立于1977年。

派  establishment n. 建立,设立,设置

同  build v. 建立,建设 construct v. 建造;构想 found v. 建立,创办altitude  /ˈæltɪtuːd/

释 n. 海拔高度 the height above sea level

例  The plane was flying at an altitude of 2000 meters. 这时飞机的飞行高度是2000米。

搭  at an altitude 在某一高度

同  height n. 高度 elevation n. 海拔temperature /ˈtemprətʃʊr/

释 n. 温度 degree of heat or cold (in a body, room, country, etc.)

例  In Kunming of Yunnan Province there are no extremes of temperature. 云南昆明没有特别冷或特别热的天气。

搭  have/run a temperature 发烧 take sb's temperature 量某人的体温alpine  /ˈælpaɪn/

释 adj. 高山的,阿尔卑斯山的 existing in or connected with high mountains, especially the Alps in Central Europe

例  Alpine flowers are abundant here. 这里有很多高山地带的花。.adjacent  /əˈdʒeɪsnt/

释 adj. 邻近的,毗邻的 next to or near sth

例  The two families live on adjacent streets. 这两户人家住在邻街。

搭  adjacent to 靠近,接近

派  aacently adv. 邻近地

同  neighboring adj. 邻近的consist  /kənˈsɪst/

释 v. 由…组成 to be made up of

例  The team consist of 10 members. 这个团队由10名成员组成。

搭  consist in  在于 consist of 由…组成 consist with  符合,与…一致

派  consistent adj. 一贯的,一致的

同  compose v. 组成,构成prostrate /ˈprɑːstreɪt/

释 adj. 平卧的,匍匐的 lying on the ground and facing downwards

例  He was prostrate on the floor. 他俯卧在地板上。

派  prostration n. 拜倒,俯身致敬;虚脱,衰弱microhabitat /ˌmaɪkroʊˈhæbəˌtæt/

释 n. 小环境,微观生境条件 the microenvironment in which an organism livescharacteristic  /ˌkærəktəˈrɪstɪk/

释 adj. 特有的,独特的,表示特性的 very typical of sth or of sb's character

例  He spoke with characteristic enthusiasm. 他说话带着特有的热情。

派  character n. 性格,特性,个性 characteristically adv. 典型地,有代表性地

同  distinctive adj. 独特的,有特色的 typical adj. 特有的,典型的crucial /ˈkruːʃl/

释 adj. 至关重要的,关键性的 extremely important, because it will affect other things

例  Winning this contract is crucial to the success of our company. 赢得这份合同对我们公司的成败至关重要。

派  crucially adv. 关键性地

同  important adj. 重要的 key adj. 关键的insulation /ˌɪnsəˈleɪʃn/

释 n. 绝热,绝缘

例  Please examine the insulation of the electric wires in her house. 请检查一下她屋子里电线的绝缘情况。

派  insulate v. 使绝热,使绝缘; 使某人或某物隔离

同  isolation n. 绝缘equatorial /ˌekwəˈtɔːriəl/

释 adj. 赤道的,近赤道的 near the equator

例  we have never been to an equatorial country. 我们从没有去过赤道国家。

派  equatorially 赤道地;极热地 equator n. 赤道prevalent  /ˈprevələnt/

释 adj. 普遍的,流行的 that exists or is very common

例  They were brought up in the liberal atmosphere prevalent in the 1980s. 他们在80年代盛行的自由气氛中长大。

派  prevalence n. 普遍,流行

同  common adj. 普遍的 widespread adj. 普遍的visible  /ˈvɪzəbl/

释 adj. 可见的,看得见的;明显的 able to be seen; obvious enough to be noticed

例  Most stars are visible to the naked eye. 大部分星星用肉眼可见。

派  visibly adv. 看得见地,可见地,显而易见地 visibility n. 可见性, 能见度

同  obvious adj. 明显的resist /rɪˈzɪst/

释 v. 抵抗,抵制 to refuse to accept sth and try to stop it from happening

例  The girl couldn't resist the temptation of chocolates. 这个女孩抵御不了巧克力的诱惑。

派  resistance n. 抵抗,抵抗力 resistant adj. 抵抗的,反对的 resistor n. 电阻器

同  oppose v. 反抗,抵抗resistant  /rɪˈzɪstənt/

释 adj. 抵抗的,有抵抗力的 not affected by sth, able to resist sth

例  Many pests become resistant to the insecticide. 许多害虫对这种杀虫剂越来越有耐药性。

搭  resistant to 对…有抵抗力的,耐…的

派  resist v. 抵抗,抵制essential /ɪˈsenʃl/

释 adj. 完全必要的;极其重要的 completely necessary; extremely important

例  Experience is essential for the job. 对于这个工作,经验是非常重要的。

派  essentially adv. 根本地,本来地

同  vital adj. 极其重要的,完全必要的,必不可少的highlight /ˈhaɪlaɪt/

释 v. 强调,突出 to emphasize sth

例  The President highlights the importance of his visit to China. 总统强调访问中国的重要性。

同  emphasize v. 强调hardship  /ˈhɑːrdʃɪp/

释 n. 困苦的情况,艰辛的情形 circumstance that causes discomfort or suffering

例  He was willing to face any hardship in fulfillment of his duty. 他愿意面对任何困难以履行他的职责。

同  suffering n. 苦难satisfactory /ˌsætɪsˈfæktəri/

释 adj. 令人满意的,满足的 good enough for a particular purpose

例  After much discussion they came at a conclusion satisfactory to all. 经过充分讨论,他们得出了令大家都很满意的结论。

派  satisfactorily adv. 令人满意地

同  acceptable adj. 令人满意的,合意的expose /ɪkˈspoʊz/

释 v. 使显露,暴露,露出 to show sth that is usually hidden

例  He did not want to expose his fears and insecurity to anyone. 他不想向任何人显露他的恐惧与不安。

搭  expose oneself 使自己面临危险;使自己暴露于 expose to 暴露于;公开揭露

派  exposure n. 暴露,揭发

同  reveal v. 透露,泄露profound /prəˈfaʊnd/

释 adj. 巨大的;强烈的 very great; felt or experienced very strongly

例  She has always born a profound feeling for her home village. 她对自己的家乡一直怀有深厚的感情。

派  profoundly adv. 深深地,深切地

同  deep adj. 深刻的,深处的primarily /praɪˈmerəli/

释 adv. 主要地 mainly

例  That building was primarily intended to be an assembly hall. 那个建筑物最初准备作为一个会议厅。

派  primary adj. 主要的

同  chiefly adv. 主要地speculation /ˌspekjuˈleɪʃn/

释 n. 推测 the act of forming opinions about what has happened

例  There was widespread speculation that he was going to resign. 人们纷纷推测他将辞职。

搭  speculation about/over sth 对…的推测 speculation in sth 投机…

派  speculate v. 思索;推测 speculative adj. 推测的;投机的

同  supposition n. 推测concrete /ˈkɑŋkrit/

释 adj. 具体的,确实的 based on facts, not on ideas or guesses

例  It is easier to think in concrete terms rather than in the abstract. 结合具体的事物来思考要比抽象思考容易些。

派  concretely adv. 具体地evidence  /ˈevɪdəns/

释 n. 证据,根据,证明 information that gives a reason for believing sth or proves sth

例  They found further scientific evidence for this theory. 他们找到了进一步证实这种理论的科学根据。

派  evident adj. 明显的,明白的

同  proof n. 证明,证据champion /ˈtʃæmpiən/

释 v. 支持,拥护,捍卫 to publicly support or defend a set of beliefs, political goals, etc.

例  They passionately championed the poor. 他们满腔热情地捍卫穷人的利益。

搭  champion of sth …的倡导者

派  championship n. 锦标赛;优胜;冠军称号;拥护者的身份envision /ɪnˈvɪʒn/

释 v. 设想,想象 to imagine sth will happen in the future, or is happening now

例  We envision an equal society, free of poverty and disease. 我们向往一个没有贫穷和疾病的平等社会。

同  imagine v. 想象,联想 visualize v. 想象;形象化ritual /ˈrɪtʃuəl/

释 n. 宗教仪式

例  He objects to the ritual of organized religion. 她反对有组织的宗教仪式。

派  ritualist n. 精通仪式的人 ritually adv. 举行仪式般地,按照仪式地

同  ceremony n. 仪式,典礼perceive /pərˈsiːv/

释 v. 理解为,认为 to understand or think of sb/sth in a particular way

例  The little boy can't perceive any difference between these coins. 这个小男孩儿看不出这些硬币的区别。

派  perceivable adj. 可觉察的;可看见的;可理解的aware /əˈwer/

释 adj. 意识到的,知道的,察觉的 knowing or realizing sth

例  Everybody should be aware of the risks involved. 应该让人人都知道其中的风险。

搭  be aware of sth 意识到某事

派  awareness n. 意识;察觉

同  conscious adj. 意识到的 sensible adj. 意识到的attribute  /əˈtrɪbjut/

释 v. 把…归于… to say or believe that sth is the result of a particular thing

例  He attributes her success to hard work and a little luck. 他认为她的成功来自勤劳和一点运气。

搭  attribute sth to sth 把…归于…

派  attribution n. 归因;归属

同  ascribe v. 把…归于…apparent /əˈpærənt/

释 adj. 明显的,显然的 easy to see or understand

例  It was apparent that she was really upset. 一眼就可以看出她确实心绪烦乱。

派  apparently adv. 显然地

同  obvious adj. 明显的,明白的,显而易见的 evident adj. 明显的,明白的refine  /rɪˈfaɪn/

释 v. 改善,提炼 to improve sth by making small changes to it

例  They shall have to refine on our methods of advertising. 他们得进一步改进做广告的方法。

搭  refine into 提炼成为… refine on 改进,完善

派  refinement n. 精炼,改良 refiner n. 精炼者,精制者;精炼机

同  improve v. 改善,改良;增进ceremony  /ˈserəmoʊni/

释 n. 仪式, 典礼 formal act or series of formal acts performed on a religious or public occasion

例  The young lovers have been trying to put some money aside for their marriage ceremony. 这对年轻的恋人一直努力存钱以备举办婚礼之用。

派  ceremonious adj. 正式的;用于典礼或礼仪的

同  rite n. 仪式costume /ˈkɑstum/

释 n.(某地或某历史时期的)服装,装束 garment or style of dress, especially of a particular period or group or for a particular activity

例  He has four costume changes during the play. 她在这出戏里要换四次服装。mythical /ˈmɪθɪkl/

释 adj. 神话的 existing only in ancient myths

例  As a mythical creature, the dragon is deeply rooted in Chinese culture. 作为一个神秘的生物,龙深深植根于中国文化中。

派  myth n. 神话

同  mythological adj. 神话的sophisticated  /səˈfɪstɪkeɪtɪd/

释 adj. 老练的,世故的  having a lot of experience of the world

例  He is a sophisticated world traveler. 他是一位老练的环球旅行家。

派  sophisticate n. 老于世故的人;见多识广的人

同  seasoned adj. 老练的conception  /kənˈsepʃn/

释 n. 构想,设想 thinking of (an idea or a plan)

例  He has no conception of how difficult life is if you're unemployed. 他不懂得失业后生活会是怎样的艰难。

派  conceptual adj. 概念的,观念的autonomous /ɔːˈtɑːnəməs/

释 adj. 自主的,自发的 able to do things and make decisions without help from anyone else

例  The full name of Xinjiang is Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region. 新疆的全称是新疆维吾尔自治区。

派  autonomously adv. 自主地,独立地

同  voluntary n. 自主的aesthetic /esˈθetɪk/

释 adj. 审美的,美学的 concerned with beauty and art

例  From an aesthetic point of view, that's a nice design. 从美学观点来说,那个设计很好。

派  aesthetically adv. 审美地; 从美学观点上

同  artistic adj. 艺术的mystical /ˈmɪstɪkl/

释 adj. 神秘的,难以解释 having spiritual powers, difficult to understand or to explain

例  Watching the sun rise over the mountain was an almost mystical experience. 看着太阳爬上山冈,这几乎是一种难以言传的体验。

派  mystically adv. 神秘地efficacious /ˌefɪˈkeɪʃəs/

释 adj. 有效的,奏效的;灵验的 producing the result that was wanted or intended

例  We hope the new drug will prove especially efficacious in the relief of pain. 我们希望这种新药能在缓解疼痛上起作用。

派  efficaciously adv. 有效地,灵验地

同  effective adj. 有效的propose /prəˈpoz/

释 v. 提议,建议 to suggest a plan, an idea, etc. for people to think about and decide on

例  It was a hard decision for the government to propose the package solution. 政府下了很大决心,提出了“一揽子解决”的设想。

搭  propose for 提名为 propose to 向…求婚;对…提出建议

派  proposal n. 提议, 建议

同  offer v. 提议 suggest v. 建议alternative  /ɔːlˈtɜːrnətɪv/

释 n. 可供选择的事物 choice of two or more possibilities

例  There are several alternatives to his plan. 除了他的计划外,还有另外几种可供选择的方案。

派  alternatively adj. 代替另一个地fundamental /ˌfʌndəˈmentl/

释 adj. 基础的,基本的 central, forming the necessary basis of sth

例  There are fundamental differences between your temperament and his. 你和他的性格根本不同。

派  fundamentality n. 基本性

同  basic adj. 基本的,基础的elaborate /ɪˈlæbəreɪt/

释 v. 详尽阐述,详尽描述 to explain or describe sth in a more detailed way

例  He was resigning but did not elaborate on his reasons. 他准备辞职但未详细说明原因。

派  elaboration n. 详细

同  clarify v. 阐明pantomime /ˈpæntəmaɪm/

释 n. 哑剧 a play, dance, or other theatrical performance characterized by such wordless story telling

例  We took the children to a pantomime. 我们带着孩子们去看哑剧。

派  pantomimic adj. 哑剧的 pantomimist n. 哑剧演员impersonation  /ɪmˌpɜrsəˈneɪʃn  /

释 n. 模仿 the act of pretending to be someone else in order to trick people

例  He did impersonations of his teachers. 他模仿了他的老师们。

派  impersonate v. 模仿;扮演

同  imitation n. 模仿;装扮assume  /əˈsuːm/

释 v. 认为,假设,假定 to think or accept sth is true but without having proof of it

例  They assume that this situation will continue. 他们认为这种情况将持续下去。

派  assumption n. 假设,假定rhythmical /ˈrɪðmɪkəl/

释 adj. 有节奏的,有韵律的 having a regular pattern of sounds, movements or events

例  That music is strongly rhythmical. 那段音乐有强烈的节奏。

派  rhythmically adv. 有节奏地,有韵律地

同  rhythmic adj. 有节奏的virtuosity /ˌvɜːrtʃuˈɑːsəti/

释 n. 精湛技艺,高超技艺 a very high degree of skill in performing or playing

例  The pianist's virtuosity has amazed audiences all over the world. 钢琴家的精湛技艺使全世界的观众惊诧不已。antecedent /ˌæntəˈsiːdnt/

释 n. 前事,前情 a thing or an event that exists or comes before another

例  The decision not to invite Jack was antecedent to his illness. 不邀请杰克的决定是在他生病之前决定的。

派  antecedence n. 居先,在先imitate /ˈɪmɪteɪt/

释 v. 模仿,仿效 to copy sb/sth

例  Peter can imitate his father perfectly. 彼得能逼真地模仿他父亲。

派  imitation n. 模仿,仿效

同  mimic v. 模仿fantasy /ˈfæntəsi/

释 n. 幻想,想象 imagination of fancy, especially when completely unrelated  to reality

例  That film is more of an ironic fantasy than a horror story. 那部影片与其说是恐怖片,不如说是带有讽刺意味的奇幻片。

派  fantastic adj. 怪诞的,不合情理的

同  fancy n. 幻想,想象encounter /ɪnˈkaʊntər/

释 v. 遭遇,遇到 to experience sth, especially sth unpleasant or difficult

例  If he undertake the project, he is bound to encounter difficulties. 如果他承接这项工程的话,免不了会遇到许多困难。

搭  encounter sb 遇见某人 encounter sth 碰到某事

同  confront v. 遇见,碰见 meet v. 遇见,见面anxiety /æŋˈzaɪəti/

释 n. 焦虑,忧虑 troubled feeling in the mind caused by fear and uncertainty about the future

例  The young man received the news of his father's sickness with great anxiety. 这个年轻人得知父亲生病的消息时焦急万分。

搭  anxiety about 对…的忧虑 anxiety for  渴望,焦急盼望

派  anxious adj. 焦虑的,不安的

同  worry n. 担忧,忧虑instinct /ˈɪnstɪŋkt/

释 n. 本能,天性  natural inborn tendency to behave in a certain way without reasoning or training

例  The sight of the hopeless little girl aroused her maternal instincts. 那个绝望的小女孩的模样唤起了她的母性。

搭  by instinct 出于本能 instinct for 有…的天分,生来就 on instinct 本能,凭直觉

派  instinctive adj. 本能的,天生的;直觉的

同  intuition n. 直觉 nature n. 本性penchant  /ˈpentʃənt/

释 n. 爱好,嗜好 liking or taste for sth

例  He has a penchant for champagne. 他酷爱香槟酒。

同  fondness n. 爱好,嗜好detach  /dɪˈtætʃ/

释 v. 使分开,脱离 to become separated from sth

例  We detached their trailer and set up camp. 我们卸下拖车,架起帐篷。

搭  detach...from 从…分离;拆卸 detach oneself from reality 脱离实际

派  detachable adj. 可分开的,可拆开的

同  separate v. 使分开deviation /ˌdiːviˈeɪʃn/

释 n. 背离,偏离,违背 the act of moving away from what is normal or acceptable

例  The deviation is a temporary phenomenon. 偏差是暂时现象。

派  deviate v. 越轨,脱离ridiculous  /rɪˈdɪkjələs/

释 adj. 愚蠢的,荒谬的,荒唐的 very silly or unreasonable

例  It's the most ridiculous thing we've ever heard in our life. 这是我们有生以来听到的最为荒唐可笑的事。

派  ridiculously adv. 荒谬地,可笑地 ridiculousness n. 荒谬,滑稽

同  absurd adj. 荒谬的,可笑的 ludicrous adj. 滑稽的,荒唐的retain  /rɪˈteɪn/

释 v. 保持,保留,继续拥有 to keep sth, to continue to have sth

例  The house retains much of its original charm. 这幢房子保留了很多原始的魅力。

搭  retain on/over  对…保持…

同  preserve v. 保留,保存ascribe  /əˈskraɪb/

释 v. 把…归因于,认为…归于,把…归于 to consider that sth is caused by a particular thing or person

例  The scientist ascribed his success to skill and hard work. 科学家把他的成功归于他的技能和勤劳。

搭  ascribe to 把…归于,认为…是

派  ascription n. 归于,归因

同  attribute v. 把…归于,归属hypothetical /ˌhaɪpəˈθetɪkl/

释 adj. 假设的;假定的 based on situations or ideas which are possible and imagined rather than real and true

例  This was a purely hypothetical situation. 这纯粹是一种假设的情景。

派  hypothesis n. 假设 hypothetically adv. 假设地,假定地ceremonial /ˌserɪˈmoʊniəl/

释 adj. 礼仪的,用于礼仪的 relating to or used in a ceremony

例  The ceremonial opening of the exhibition was a fine spectacle. 展览会的开幕式非常壮观。

派  ceremony n. 仪式;礼仪 ceremonially adv. 仪式上地;礼仪上地

同  ritual adj. 礼仪上的;庆典的distinguish  /dɪˈstɪŋɡwɪʃ/

释 v. 区分,辨别,分清 to recognize the difference between two people or things

例  It is often difficult to distinguish cultured pearls from genuine pearls. 很难辨别真正的珍珠与养殖的珍珠。

搭  distinguish from 区分,辨别

派  distinguishable adj. 可辨别的 distinguished adj. 著名的,卓越的

同  differentiate v. 区分,区别prosperity /prɑːˈsperəti/

释 n. 兴旺,繁荣,成功,昌盛 the state of being successful

例  The future prosperity of our country depends on economic growth. 我们国家未来的繁荣昌盛依赖经济的发展。

派  prosperous adj. 繁荣的,兴旺的

同  affluence n. 富裕compromise  /ˈkɑːmprəmaɪz/

释 n. 妥协,折中,互让,和解 v. (为达成协议而)妥协,折中,让步

例  Both of us are too stubborn to agree a compromise. 我们两个都太固执,都不愿意妥协。

同  concession n. 妥协,让步inclination /ˌɪnklɪˈneɪʃn/

释 n. 倾向,意愿 a feeling that makes you want to do sth

例  She did not show the slightest inclination to leave. 她丝毫没有表现出要离开的意思。

派  incline v. 喜好,心愿;易于,倾向于

同  penchant n. 嗜好,倾向 preference n. 偏爱,倾向beneficial /ˌbenɪˈfɪʃl/

释 adj. 有利的;有用的 improving a situation; having a helpful or useful effect

例  A good diet is beneficial to health. 良好的饮食有益于健康。

搭  be beneficial to 对…有益;对…有利

派  benefit n. 益处;优势

同  advantageous adj. 有利的,有益的 favorable adj. 有利的indicate  /ˈɪndɪkeɪt/

释 v. 表明,显示 to show that sth is true or exists

例  Road markings indicate where we can stop. 道路标志告诉我们哪里可以停车。

派  indication n. 指示,指出 indicator n. 指示器

同  show v. 显示;说明 direct v. 指示enhance /ɪnˈhæns/

释 v. 提高,增强 to increase or further improve the good quality,





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