
发布时间:2020-08-22 04:34:13







版权信息书名:新GRE高频词汇:阅读理解 (新东方大愚英语学习丛书)作者:杜昶旭,候宇轩排版:KingStar出版社:群言出版社出版时间:2011-12-01ISBN:9787802562813本书由北京新东方大愚文化传播有限公司授权北京当当科文电子商务有限公司制作与发行。— · 版权所有 侵权必究 · —前言这不是续集,而是下集



















形 是单词在考试中出现过的变体。有的考生虽然背过单词,但在使用过程中面对单词的各种变体仍感到陌生。强化这部分的记忆,会有效减少这种情况的发生。

英 是单词的英文释义,对于真正地掌握单词来说很重要。在对单词本身和中文释义有模糊印象的基础上,通过仔细阅读单词的英文释义,能对单词有更准确、更深入的理解。

音 虽然GRE考试并不涉及单词发音,但是单词发音可以辅助记忆。这也涉及对GRE考试的延伸扩展,毕竟大多数准备GRE考试的考生并不仅仅要面对一门考试;之后的申请、学习、工作等,或多或少都会涉及对GRE词汇的实际应用,而其中单词发音就成了很重要的一部分。趁早准备不失为上策,毕竟备考阶段虽然紧张,但是以后很少能有这么“空闲”的时间了。三、第10~20遍——“一见如故”、“刻骨铭心”


注:1. 以上三步中提到的遍数仅供参考,实际情况因人而异,请结合自己的英语基础和备考状况进行调整;2. 以上提出的单词记忆的五个阶段:“形同陌路”、“似曾相识”、“半生不熟”、“一见如故”、“刻骨铭心”,是本书的LangLib网络版中使用的单词熟练度划分标准。FAQQ1. 选词为什么不包括2000年后的GRE考题?首先,为了保证收词的权威性,本书的选词范围锁定在我们











中最新题补充词表的更新速度会更快)。Q2. 单词中文释义为什么只有一两个?会不会不够?首先,针对考试的词汇书不是词典,它不应以“收录所有释
















力。Q3. 这本书的例句有什么特点?本书(以及《新GRE高频词汇:句子填空》一书)中的例






例句对比:原始资料中的句子:The Italian influence is likely, whatever

Valdez immediate source: the Mexican carpas themselves are

said to have originated from the theater pieces of a 16th century

Spanish writer inspired by encounters with Italian commedia dell'

arte troupes on tour in Spain.本书中的例句:The Italian influence is likely, whatever

Valdez'(s) immediate source: the Mexican carpas themselves are

said to have originated from the theater pieces of a 16th century

Spanish writer inspired by encounters with Italian commedia dell'

arte troupes on tour in Spain.(注:原始资料中人名Valdez处未标出所属格,使得句子结构不合理。)

翻译对比:A desire to throw over reality a light which never was might

give way abruptly to the desire on the part of what we might

consider a novelist-scientist to record exactly and concretely the

structure and texture of a flower.其他资料翻译:(这是一种)照亮现实的欲望,此欲望从来





科学家想要精确并具体地记录一朵花的结构和质地。Q4. 例句为什么用真题,对后期做题目有影响怎么办?首先,建议考生遵照本书提供的“使用建议”,分阶段进行











水平检测而言是没有意义的,更无所谓“失真”。Q5. 为什么例句会有重复?例句重复包括两种情况:1. 必然出现的重复:有些单词只在某个例句中出现过,而


出现多次。2. 刻意出现的重复:有些例句本身句式结构很好、有代表



生熟悉并理解。例如:It seems to me that power must be understood as the

multiplicity of force relations which are immanent in the social

sphere; as the process that, through ceaseless struggle and

confrontation, transforms, strengthens, or reverses them; as the

support that these force relations find in one another, or on the

contrary, the disjunctions and contradictions that isolate them

from one another; and lastly, as the strategies in which they take

effect, whose general design or institutional crystallization is

embodied in the state apparatus, in the formulation of the law, in

the various social hegemonies.在我看来,权力似乎必须被理解为多种在社会环境中根深蒂






定中,包含在形形色色的社会霸权中。(注:此句在本书中作为multiplicity, ceaseless, hegemony等单词的例句出现。)Q6. 《新GRE高频词汇:阅读理解》和《新GRE高频词汇:句子填空》之间有重合的单词,在背单词的时候应如何对待?两本书中存在千余重合的单词,但是因为考试对应的题目以


表所示),所以建议考生不要轻视,按正常程序学习即可。(注:为了满足读者想要使用两本书的精简交集词表的需求,编者在朗播网(www.langlib.com)上同步推出“新GRE综合词汇”,其中内容即为《阅读理解》和《句子填空》两本书内容的合并。)Word List 1词频表

180 historian

121 hypothesis

85 cultural

75 discrimination

74 dioxide

72 assumption

70 narrative

67 photographer

62 amendment

61 hormone

61 thesis

59 feminist

59 photography

59 quantum

56 labor

56 predator

53 aggression

53 glucose

53 underlie

52 impulse

52 juvenile

51 theme

50 colonial

50 mechanism

49 biological

49 fusion

49 oxygen

48 crusher

47 technological

46 heritage

45 analyze

45 whereas

43 molecular

43 theater

42 synthesis

42 vent

41 awareness

41 calcium

41 polar

41 similarity

40 astronomer

40 characterize

40 lobster

39 anaerobic

39 gene

39 genetic

39 transplant

38 brachiopod

38 caterpillar

38 ozone

38 pollen

37 mammal

37 plateau

36 environmental

36 geologic

36 peptide

36 rift

35 anemone

35 graze

35 homework

35 puritan

35 zooplankton

34 criterion

34 phytoplankton

34 vertebrate

33 comic

33 decline

33 judgment

33 neutrino

33 vapor

32 interstellar

32 medieval

32 novelist

32 receptor

31 fossil

31 habitat

30 accurately

30 assert

30 assertion

30 geologist

30 inherent

30 salon

30 sovereignty

30 survival

29 complexity

29 isotope

29 perception

29 snail

29 suture

28 advocate

28 context

28 crucial

28 discriminate

28 favor

28 feminism

28 galaxy

28 generalization

28 scholarly

28 virus

27 analogoushistorian[31]音[histɔ:riən]形 historians[149]中 n. 历史学家英 a writer, student, or scholar of history例 Inheritors of some of the viewpoints of early 20th century Progressive historians such as Beard and Becker, these recent historians have put forward arguments that deserve evaluation.译 这些继承了Beard、Becker等20世纪早期进步派历史学家的一些观点的近代历史学家提出的观点值得我们仔细分析。hypothesis[102]音[hai'pɑ:θəsis]形 hypotheses[19]中 n. 假设,假说英 a tentative explanation that accounts for a set of facts and can be tested by further investigation例 Until recently, child psychologists supported pioneer developmentalist Jean Piaget in his hypothesis that because of their immaturity, children under age 7 do not take into account the intentions of a person committing accidental or deliberate harm, but rather simply assign punishment for transgressions on the basis of the magnitude of the negative consequences caused.译 直到最近,儿童心理学家们支持了先锋派发育学家Jean Piaget的假说,即,由于不成熟,七岁以下的孩子并不会考虑一个人意外或故意伤害别人的意图,而仅仅是根据由此引起的消极后果的严重程度来惩罚此类冒犯行为。cultural[83]音['kʌlt∫ərəl]形 culturally[2]中 adj. 文化的 || adv. 文化意义上地英 adj. of or relating to culture or cultivation // adv. with regard to a culture例 They correctly note that slavery stripped some cultural elements from Black people — their political and economic systems; however, they underestimate the significance of music in sustaining other African cultural values.译 虽然这些学者正确意识到奴隶制从黑人身上剥夺了某些文化因素——黑人的政治与经济体制,但这些学者低估了音乐在保存其他非洲文化价值方面的重要性。discrimination[72]音[diˌskrimi'nei∫n]形 discriminations[3]中 n. 歧视;辨别英 treatment or consideration based on class or category rather than individual merit; discernment例 His thesis works relatively well when applied to discrimination against Blacks in the United States, but his definition of racial prejudice as“racially-based negative prejudgments against a group commonly accepted as a race in any given region of ethnic competition,”can be interpreted as also including hostility toward such ethnic groups as the Chinese in California and the Jews in medieval Europe.译 他的论点被应用于针对美国黑人的种族歧视的时候,相对来说是适用的,但是他对种族偏见的定义,即“以种族为基础的、针对一个群体(在任何特定地区的种族竞争中都被普遍认为是一个种族)的先入为主的负面观点”,也可以理解为包括了针对诸如加州华人和中世纪欧洲的犹太人这样一些种族群体的敌意。dioxide[74]音[dai'ɑ:ksaid]中 n. 二氧化物英 a compound with two oxygen atoms per molecule例 Though the concentration of atmospheric methane is more than two orders of magnitude lower than that of carbon dioxide, it cannot be ignored: the radiative properties of methane make it 20 times more effective, molecule for molecule, than carbon dioxide in absorbing radiant heat.译 尽管大气中的甲烷浓度至少比二氧化碳浓度低了两个数量级,但是这一点不容忽视:就它们的分子来说,甲烷的辐射性使其在吸收辐射热能方面要比二氧化碳的效率高20倍。assumption[34]音[ə'sʌmp∫n]形 assumptions[38]中 n. 假设英 an assuming that something is true例 The assumption of constant relative humidity is important, for the reason that water vapor in the atmosphere is another efficient absorber of radiation at infrared wavelengths.译 相对湿度稳定不变的假设极为重要,因为大气中的水蒸气是另一个有效吸收红外线辐射的东西。narrative[57]音['nærətiv]形 narratives[13]中 n. 记叙文;故事英 a narrated account; a story例 As incidents and reflections occurred to Marcel Proust, he continually inserted new passages altering and expanding his narrative.译 随着Marcel Proust碰到各种事情并产生各种想法,他不断插入新的段落,修改并扩展他的故事。photographer[12]音[fə'tɑ:grəfər]形 photographers[55]中 n. 摄影师英 someone who takes photographs professionally例 Gilpin never spoke of herself as a photographer with a feminine perspective: she eschewed any discussion of gender as it related to her work and maintained little interest in interpretations which relied on the concept of a woman's eye.译 Gilpin从不将自己视为一个拥有女性视角的摄影师:她避免任何与自己作品有关的对性别的讨论,并一直对依赖女性视角的观念所作出的解读兴趣不大。amendment[62]音[ə'mendmənt]中 n. 修正案英 formal revision of, addition to, or change, as in a bill or a constitution例 Though precisely what the framers of the amendment meant by this equal protection clause remains unclear, all interpreters agree that the framers' immediate objective was to provide a constitutional warrant for the Civil Rights Act of 1866, which guaranteed the citizenship of all persons born in the United States and subject to United States jurisdiction.译 尽管该修正案的制定者制定这一平等保护条款的确切意图一直不明了,但所有解释者都一致认为,该修正案制定者的直接目标是要为1866年的《民权法》提供宪法保障,这部《民权法》保证了凡是在美国出生并受美国管辖的人均享有公民权。hormone[15]音['hɔ:rmoun]形 hormones[46]中 n. 激素英 a product of living cells that circulates in body fluids or sap and produces a specific effect on the activity of cells remote from its point of origin例 When the calcium in the plasma drops below the normal level, the gland increases the secretion of its hormone; as soon as the calcium concentration rises above normal, secretion of the hormone stops (much as a thermostat turns a furnace on or off as the room becomes too cold or hot).译 当血浆中钙的含量降到低于正常水平时,腺体将增加激素的分泌量;一旦钙的含量升至正常值以上,激素分泌就停止了(就像是当房间内变得太冷或太热时,恒温器自动打开或关闭加热炉一样)。thesis[58]音['θi:sis]形 theses[3]中 n. 假设理论;论点英 a hypothetical proposition, especially one put forth without proof; a proposition that is maintained by argument例 The best evidence for the layered mantle thesis is the well-established fact that volcanic rocks found on oceanic islands, islands believed to result from mantle plumes arising from the lower mantle, are composed of material fundamentally different from that of the midocean ridge system, most geologists contend, whose source is the upper mantle.译 对于地幔分层论来说,最好的证据就是这样一个确凿的事实,即在海洋上的岛屿(人们认为这种岛屿产生于下层地幔中升起来的地幔熔融物)上发现的火山岩石由本质上不同于构成中央海岭体系的物质形成,大多数地质学家主张,构成中央海岭体系的物质为上层地幔。feminist[39]音['femənist]形 feminists[20]中 n. 女权主义者英 a person whose beliefs and behavior are based on feminism例 19th century feminists and anti-feminist alike perceived the suffragists' demand for enfranchisement as the most radical element in women's protest, in part because suffragists were demanding power that was not based on the institution of the family, women's traditional sphere.译 无论是19世纪的女权主义者还是反女权主义者,都将妇女政权论者对公民选举的要求视为妇女抗议浪潮中最激进的内容,这在一定程度上是因为妇女政权论者所要获得的权力并不是建立在家庭(妇女传统的生活空间)体制之上的。photography[59]音[fə'tɑ:grəfi]中 n. 摄影艺术英 the art, practice, or occupation of taking and printing photographs例 Namely, photography has two antithetical ideals: in the first, photography is about the world and the photographer is a mere observer who counts for little; but in the second, photography is the instrument of intrepid, questing subjectivity and the photographer is all.译 也就是说,摄影艺术包含两种互相对立的观念:在第一种观念中,摄影艺术是关于这个世界的,摄影者仅仅是一个观察者而并不解释这个世界;而在第二种观念中,摄影艺术是表达勇敢、探索的主观意愿的工具,摄影师是它的全部。quantum[38]音['kwɑ:ntəm]形 quanta[21]中 n. 量子英 the smallest amount of a physical quantity that can exist independently, especially a discrete quantity of electromagnetic radiation例 Lately, researchers have developed the concept of tunneling temperature: the temperature below which tunneling transitions greatly outnumber Arrhenius transitions, and classical mechanics gives way to its quantum counterpart.译 最近研究者们深化了隧穿温度的概念:当低于隧穿温度时,隧穿跃迁在数量上会远远超过阿仑尼乌斯跃迁,而此时经典力学会被量子力学替代。labor[56]音['leibər]中 n. 劳动;劳动力英 physical or mental exertion, especially when difficult or exhausting; workers considered as a group例 Fundamentally, however, the conditions under which women work have changed little since before the Industrial Revolution: the segregation of occupations by gender, lower pay for women as a group, jobs which require relatively low levels of skill and offer women little opportunity for advancement all persist, while women's household labor remains demanding.译 但是,从根本上说,女性的工作条件从工业革命以前到现在几乎没有改变:由性别因素而造成的职业隔阂、女性整体较低的薪酬、技能要求较低且女性升职机会极少的工作都还存在,与此同时,女性的家务劳动强度仍然很大。predator[20]音['predətər]形 predators[36]中 n. 食肉动物;捕食者英 an animal that lives by predation; one that preys, destroys, or devours例 Using past events as a framework, the large mammal predator is working out a relationship between food and movement, sensitive to possibilities in cold trails and distant sounds — and yesterday's unforgotten lessons.译 将过去的事件作为参照标准,大型食肉哺乳动物正在建立食物与行动之间的关系,它们对可能存在的不易发现的踪迹和远处的声音,以及过去的那些记忆深刻的经验保持敏感。aggression[53]音[ə'gre∫n]中 n. 攻击,攻击性英 the practice or habit of launching attacks例 Though in both kinds of animal, arousal stimulates the production of adrenaline and norepinephrine by the adrenal glands, the effect in herbivores is primarily fear, whereas in carnivores the effect is primarily aggression.译 虽然在两类动物身上,刺激都会激发肾上腺分泌肾上腺素和去肾上腺素,但是,在食草动物身上,其结果主要是引起恐惧情绪,而在食肉动物身上则主要引起攻击情绪。glucose[53]音['glu:kouz]中 n. 葡萄糖6126英 a monosaccharide sugar, CHO, occurring widely in most plant and animal tissue (it is the principal circulating sugar in the blood and the major energy source of the body)例 The nonenzymatic process adds glucose haphazardly to any of several sites along any available peptide chain within a protein molecule.译 无酶的过程会使葡萄糖随机连接蛋白质分子中任何可利用的肽链上若干位点中的任意一个。underlie[3]音[ˌʌndər'lai]形 underlying[45]underlies[4]underlain [1]中 v. 在…下面;成为…的基础英 to lie or be situated under; to be at the basis of: form the foundation of: support例 Hydrogeology is a science about the properties, distribution, and circulation of water on the surface of the land, in the soil and underlying rocks, and in the atmosphere.译 水文地质学是研究陆地表面、土壤、土壤下岩石以及大气中的水的性质、分布和循环的科学。impulse[19]音['impʌls]形 impulses[33]中 n. 冲动英 the act of driving onward with sudden force例 His most controlled novel, Under the Greenwood Tree, prominently exhibits two different but reconcilable impulses — a desire to be a realist-historian and a desire to be a psychologist of love — however, the slight interlockings of plot are not enough to bind the two completely together.译 他控制得最好的一部小说《绿荫下》明显地展现出了两种不同但仍可调和的创作冲动——要成为现实主义作家兼史学家的愿望,以及成为爱情心理学家的想法——但小说情节微弱的相互衔接不足以将这两种创作冲动完全融为一体。juvenile[42]音['dʒu:vənl]形 juveniles[10]中 n. 幼崽英 a young animal that has not reached sexual maturity例 Although advantageous for established community members, the suspended and staggered maturation of juveniles might seem to pose a danger to the continuity of the community: there is only one successor for two breeding fish.译 尽管幼鱼暂缓并且分段的成熟方式对确定的群落成员有利,但是好像也对这个群落的延续造成了威胁:两条育种鱼只有一名接任者。theme[18]音[θi:m]形 themes[33]中 n. 主题英 a subject or topic of discourse or of artistic representation例 The rag opens with a bright, memorable strain or theme, followed by a similar theme, leading to a trio of marked lyrical character, with the structure concluded by a lyrical strain which parallels the rhythmic developments of the earlier theme.在美国流行的一种早期黑人爵士乐译 散拍乐()以一个鲜明的、让人印象深刻的旋律或主题宣告开始,接着以一个类似的主题发展成为一个具有明显抒情色彩的三重奏,整个结构以一段抒情性的旋律告终,这个旋律可以和此前几个主题在节奏上的展开方式类似。colonial[48]音[kə'louniəl]形 colonials[2]中 adj. 殖民地的 n. 殖民地居民英 adj. of, relating to, or characteristic of a colony n. an inhabitant of a colony例 The“Paxton Boys”incident and the Regulator movement are representative examples of the widely diffused, and justified, discontent of western settlers against colonial or state governments dominated by eastern interests.译 帕克斯顿青年暴动与自订约章者运动是两个有代表性的实例,反映出了西部居民对由东部利益支配的殖民地或州政府的不满情绪,这种情绪非常广泛,并且是合理的。mechanism[28]音['mekənizəm]形 mechanisms[22]中 n. 机制;机械系统英 a process, technique, or system for achieving a result; a system of parts that operate or interact like those of a machine例 For populations that remain relatively constant, or that oscillate around repeated cycles, the signal can be fairly easily characterized and its effects described, even if the causative biological mechanism may remain unknown.译 对于那些保持相对稳定,或者围绕重复周期来回反复的种群数量而言,这种信号能够相当容易地得到确定,并且其结果很容易被描述,即使造成它的生物机制还是未知的。biological[47]音[ˌbaiə'lɑ:dʒikl]形 biologically[2]中 adj. 生物的,生物学的 || adv. 生物学地





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