
发布时间:2020-08-22 12:48:58







前 言











值得一提的是,为了让读者在文山书海遨游的同时,能够领略大师笔下清晰明澈的英文,“新东方双语书话译丛”系列特以中英对照的形式呈现。其中每一篇英文,无不经过多方查找、层层筛选,意图穷尽西方books about books的经典之作,以及《纽约书评》《伦敦书评》等报刊的最新评述;每一篇译文,也都经过反复修改、多重校对,力求在贴近原文风格的同时,更符合当代读者的眼光、口味。“新东方双语书话译丛”系列虽只有小小五本,但从策划、选文到翻译、注释再到编辑、出版却尝尽了“十月怀胎”的艰辛。在这漫长的征程中,我与王岑卉、钱卫、陈滢、姚洋、李鹏程等诸位优秀译者常常为一个句子的结构推敲再三,





谨以此书献给天下爱书人!愿各位畅享阅读之乐!唐静第一章藏者如痴Bibliomania 藏书狂Thomas Frognall Dibdin托马斯・弗洛奈尔・狄布丁作者简介托马斯・弗洛奈尔・狄布丁(Thomas Frognall Dibdin,1776—1847),英国书话作家,其代表作《藏书狂》(The Bibliomania:or Book-Madness)至今仍为藏书爱好者津津乐道。书中收集了许多当时尚未公开的珍贵资料,作者诙谐幽默的文笔更为此书锦上添花。狄布丁还是罗克斯堡俱乐部(Roxburghe Club)的创立者之一。罗克斯堡通常被认为是世界上第一个读书俱乐部,引领了此后席卷欧洲的读书俱乐部风潮。本文选自1809年出版的《藏书狂》,后被选入威廉・塔格(William Targ)编辑的《爱书人狂欢宴》(Carrousel for Bibliophiles)。在本文中,狄布丁以轻松幽默的笔调,详细介绍了藏书狂的八大症状。藏书狂“追书”的热度足以媲美粉丝“追星”的狂热,简直让人瞠目结舌。他还指出,藏书狂有方可治,也有一定裨益,但凡事过犹不及——在食指大动之前,还是先掂量掂量自己的胃口吧!

The ingenious Peignot,in the first volume of his Dictionnaire de Bibliologie, p.51,defines the Bibliomania to be “a passion for possessing books; not so much to be instructed by them,as to gratify the eye by looking on them.He who is affected by this mania knows books only by their titles and dates,and is rather seduced by the exterior than interior.” This is,perhaps,too general and vague a definition to be of much benefit in the knowledge,and consequent prevention,of the disease:Let us,therefore,describe it more certainly and intelligibly.

Symptoms of this disease are instantly known by a passion for I.Large Paper Copies; II.Uncut Copies; III.Illustrated Copies; IV.Unique Copies; V.Copies Printed Upon Vellum; VI.First Editions; VII.True Editions; VIII.A General Desire for the Black Letter.We will describe these symptoms more particularly.

I.Large Paper Copies. These are,a certain set or limited number of the work printed in a superior manner,both in regard to ink and press work,on paper of a larger size,and better quality,than the ordinary copies.Their price is enhanced in proportion to their beauty and rarity.

This symptom of the Bibliomania is,at the present day,both general and violent,and threatens to extend still more widely.Even modern publications are not exempt from its calamitous influence; and when Mr.Miller,the bookseller,told me with what eagerness the large paper copies of Lord Valentia's Travels were bespoke,and Mr.Evans




藏书狂的这种症状在当下很普遍也很严重,而且有蔓延的趋势。哪怕是现代出版物,也无法逃脱其可怕的影响。书商米勒先生曾告诉我,人们是如何争相预购大开本的《瓦伦shewed me that every similar copy of his new edition of Burnett's History of His Own Times, was disposed of,I could not help elevating my eyes and hands,in token of commiseration at the prevalence of this symptom of the Bibliomania!

II.Uncut Copies. Of all the symptoms of the Bibliomania,this is probably the most extraordinary.It may be defined in a passion to possess books of which the edges have never been sheared by the binder's tools.And here,my dear Sir,I find myself walking upon doubtful ground—your Uncut Hearnes rise up in “rough majesty” before me,and almost “push me from my stool.” Indeed,when I look around in my book-lined tub,I cannot but be conscious that this symptom of the disorder has reached my own threshold; but when it is known that a few of my bibliographical books are left with the edges uncut merely to please my friends(as one must sometimes study their tastes and appetites as well as one's own),I trust that no very serious conclusions will be drawn about the probable fatality of my own case.As to uncut copies,although their inconvenience [an uncut lexicon to wit!] and deformity must be acknowledged,and although a rational man can want for nothing better than a book once well bound, yet we find that the extraordinary passion for collecting them,not only obtains with full force,but is attended with very serious consequences to those “qui n'ont point des pistoles”(to borrow the language of Clement; vol.vi.p.36).I dare say an uncut first Shakespeare, as well as an uncut first Homer would produce a little annuity!蒂亚勋爵游记》的;埃文斯先生也向我透露,新版的伯内特《当代史》已销售一空。我忍不住伸出双手仰望苍天,对藏书狂的这一症状如此流行表示怜悯!二、毛边本


III.Illustrated Copies. A passion for books illustrated or adorned with numerous prints,representing characters or circumstances mentioned in the work,is a very general and violent symptom of the Bibliomania,which has been known chiefly within the last half century.The origin,or first appearance,of this symptom has been traced by some to the publication of Granger's Biographical History of England; but whoever will be at the pains of reading the preface of this work,will see that Granger sheltered himself under the authorities of Evelyn,Ashmole,and others; and that he alone is not to be considered as responsible for all the mischief which this passion for collecting prints has occasioned.Granger,however,was the first who introduced it in the form of a treatise,and surely “in an evil hour” was this treatise published—although its amiable author must be acquitted of “malice prepense.” His History of England, seems to have sounded the tocsin for a general rummage after,and slaughter of,old prints:Venerable philosophers and veteran heroes,who had long reposed in unmolested dignity within the magnificent folio volumes which recorded their achievements,were instantly dragged from their peaceful abodes to be inlaid by the side of some spruce,modern engraving,within an illustrated Granger!

Nor did the madness stop here.Illustration was the order of the day; and Shakespeare and Clarendon became the next objects of its attack.From these has glanced off in a variety of directions,to adorn the pages of humbler wights; and the passion,or rather this symptom of the Bibliomania,yet rages with undiminished force.If judiciously treated,it三、插图本


这种狂热远不止于此。插图本流行开来后,莎士比亚和克拉伦登成了接下来的攻击目标。自此,这种狂热向四面八方蔓延,装饰了许多谦卑之人的书页;而且藏书狂的这种狂热或曰症状持续肆虐。如果审慎处理,在藏书狂的所有症状里,这is,of all the symptoms,the least liable to mischief.To possess a series of well executed portraits of illustrious men,at different periods of their lives,from blooming boyhood to phlegmatic old age,is sufficiently amusing; but to possess every portrait,bad,indifferent,and unlike, betrays such a dangerous and alarming symptom as to render the case almost incurable !

There is another mode of illustrating copies by which this symptom of the Bibliomania may be known:It consists in bringing together,from different works,[by means of the scissors,or otherwise by transcription] every page or paragraph which has any connection with the character or subject under discussion.This is a useful and entertaining mode of illustrating a favourite author; and copies of works of this nature,when executed by skilful hands,should be preserved in public repositories.I almost ridiculed the idea of an Illustrated Chatterton,in this way,till I saw Mr.Haslewood's copy,in twenty-one volumes,which rivetted me to my seat!

IV.Unique Copies. A passion for a book which has any peculiarity about it,by either,or both,of the foregoing methods of illustration—-for which is remarkable for its size,beauty,and condition—-is indicative of a rage for unique copies, and is unquestionably a strong prevailing symptom of the Bibliomania.Let me therefore urge every sober and cautious collector not to be fascinated by the terms “Matchless,and Unique,” which,‘in slim Italicks’(to copy Dr.Ferriar's happy expression)are studiously introduced into booksellers'catalogues to lead the unwary astray.种症状的危害是最小的。想拥有一系列精致的名人画像,涵盖他们从青春到迟暮的每个时期,确实是赏心乐事;但想集齐每一张画像,无论是画得糟糕的、与本人无关的还是不像的,那么这种危险而惊人的症状就预示着你已经不可救药了!



V.Copies Printed Upon Vellum. A desire for works printed in this manner is an equally strong and general symptom of the Bibliomania; but as these works are rarely to be obtained of modern date,the collector is obliged to have recourse to specimens,executed three centuries ago,in the printing offices of Aldus,Verard,and the Juntæ.

Although the Bibliotheque Imperiale,at Paris,and the library of Count Macarty,at Toulouse,are said to contain the greatest number of books,printed upon vellum,yet,those who have been fortunate enough to see copies of this kind in the libraries of his Majesty,the Duke of Marlborough,Earl Spencer,Mr.Johnes,and the late Mr.Cracherode,(now in the British Museum)need not travel on the Continent for the sake of being convinced of their exquisite beauty and splendor.Mr.Edwards's unique copy(he will forgive the epithet)of the first Livy,upon vellum,is a library of itself!—-and the recent discovery of a vellum copy of Wynkyn De Worde's reprint of Juliana Barnes's book, complete in every respect,[to say nothing of his Majesty's similar copy of Caxton's Doctrinal of Sapience, 1489,in the finest preservation] are,to be sure,sufficient demonstrations of the prevalence of this symptom of the Bibliomania in the times of our forefathers; so that it cannot be said,as some have asserted,to have appeared entirely within the last half century.五、羊皮本



VI.First Editions. From the time of Ancillon to Askew,there has been a very strong desire expressed for the possession of original or first published editions of works,as they are in general superintended and corrected by the author himself; and,like the first impressions of prints,are considered more valuable.Whoever is possessed with a passion for collecting books of this kind,may unquestionably be said to exhibit a strong symptom of the Bibliomania; but such a case is not quite hopeless,nor is it deserving of severe treatment or censure.All bibliographers have dwelt on the importance of these editions,for the sake of collation with subsequent ones,and detecting,as is frequently the case,the carelessness displayed by future editors.Of such importance is the first edition of Shakespeare considered,that a facsimile reprint of it has been published with success.In regard to the Greek and Latin Classics,the possession of these original editions is of the first consequence to editors who are anxious to republish the legitimate text of an author.Wakefield,I believe,always regretted that the first edition of Lucretius had not been earlier inspected by him.When he began his edition,the Editio Princeps was not(as I have understood)in the library of Earl Spencer—the storehouse of almost every thing that is exquisite and rare in ancient classical literature!

It must not however be forgotten,that if first editions are,in some instances,of great importance,they are in many respects superfluous,and an incumbrance to the shelves of a collector; inasmuch as the labours of subsequent editors have corrected their errors,and superseded,by a great fund of additional matter,the necessity of consulting them.六、初版本



VII.True Editions. Some copies of a work are struck off with deviations from the usually received ones,and though these deviations have neither sense nor beauty to recommend them,[and indeed are principally defects!] yet copies of this description are eagerly sought after by collectors of a certain class! This particular pursuit may therefore be called another,or the seventh,symptom of the Bibliomania.

VIII.Books Printed in the Black Letter. Of all symptoms of the Bibliomania,this eighth symptom(and the last which I shall notice)is at present the most powerful and prevailing.Whether it was not imported into this country from Holland,by the subtlety of Schelhorn(a knowing writer upon rare and curious books)may be shrewdly suspected.Whatever be its origin,certain it is,my dear Sir,that books printed in the black letter are now coveted with an eagerness unknown to our collectors in the last century.If the spirits of West,Ratcliffe,Farmer and Brand,have as yet held any intercourse with each other,in that place “from whose bourne no traveller returns,” what must be the surprise of the three former,on being told by the latter,of the prices given for some of the books in his library,as mentioned below!?

But this symptom of the Bibliomania is,nevertheless,not to be considered as incurable,or wholly unproductive of good.Under a proper spirit of modification it has done,and will continue to do,essential service七、错版本



但藏书狂的这种症状并非不可救药,也非毫无益处。经过适当调整之后,它对英国文学的发展起到了关键作用,而to the cause of English literature.It stimulated the studies of Farmer and of Steevens,and enabled them to twine many a beauteous flower round the brow of their beloved Shakspeare.

In short,though this be also a strong and general symptom of the Bibliomania,it is certainly not attended with injurious effects when regulated by prudence and discretion.An undistinguishable voracious appetite,to swallow everything printed in the black letter,can only bring on inconquerable disease,if not death,to the patient!且这种作用将一直继续下去。它促进了法玛尔和斯蒂文斯的研究,让他们为心爱的莎士比亚戴上了美丽的花冠。


如果看到黑体字印的东西就胃口大开、囫囵吞下,那么即便不死,也会染上无可救药的病症!Thomas Frognall Dibdin 托马斯·弗洛奈尔·狄布丁A Song of Books 书之歌Sir John Lubbock约翰・卢伯克爵士作者简介约翰・卢伯克爵士(Sir John Lubbock,1834—1913),卓有声誉的英国银行家、政治家、自然主义者。作为政治家,他促成了公共假日(Bank Holiday)的设立,并为保护国家古迹做出了杰出贡献。作为自然主义者,他在昆虫学和人类学方面颇有研究,撰写了大量科普读物,如《史前时代》(Prehistoric Times)、《蚂蚁、蜜蜂和黄蜂》(Ants,Bees,and Wasps)、《昆虫的起源和变形》(The Origin and Metamorphoses of Insects)等。本文选自1889年出版的《人生的乐趣》(The Pleasures of Life)。该书本为卢伯克爵士的休闲之作,却成就了这位科学家在文学领域的名声。本文是卢伯克爵士旁征博引而成的书之赞歌,极尽所能地赞美了书籍的忠诚与伟大。“随心而读”是作者在文中再三推崇的阅读境界。书山无尽,书海无涯,与其漫天撒网,不如随心而读,享用适合自己的智慧之果。“Oh for a booke and a shadie nooke,Eyther in doore or out;With the grene leaves whispering overheadOr the streete cryes all about.Where I maie reade all at my ease,Both of the newe and old;For a jollie goode booke whereon to looke,Is better to me than golde.”--Old English Song

Of all the privileges we enjoy in this nineteenth century there is none,perhaps,for which we ought to be more thankful than for the easier access to books.

The debt we owe to books was well expressed by Richard de Bury,Bishop of Durham,author of Philobiblon,written as long ago as 1344,published in 1473,and the earliest English treatise on the delights of literature—“These,” he says,“are the masters who instruct us without rods and ferules,without hard words and anger,without clothes or money.If you approach them,they are not asleep; if investigating,you interrogate them,they conceal nothing; if you mistake them,they never grumble; if you are ignorant,they cannot laugh at you.The library,therefore,of wisdom is more precious than all riches,and nothing that can be wished for is worthy to be compared with it.Whosoever therefore acknowledges himself to be a zealous follower of truth,of happiness,of wisdom,of“手持书卷享阴凉,









我们欠书的债,达拉谟主教理查德·德·伯利解释得很清楚。他的《书之爱》早在1344年就已写成,并在1473年出版。该书是关于文学之乐的最早的英文专著。他说:“这些导师指导我们时不用教鞭戒尺,从不斥责怒骂,也无需金钱衣装。如果你找到它们,它们总是醒着;你在研究时请教它们,它们毫无保留;你误解它们,它们从不抱怨;你愚昧无知,它们也不嘲笑。因此,珍藏智慧的图书馆比任何财富都宝贵,任何事物都无法和它相提并论。所以,任何自认为是真理、science,or even of the faith,must of necessity make himself a lover of books.” But if the debt were great then,how much more now?

This feeling that books are real friends is constantly present to all who love reading.“I have friends,” said Petrarch,“whose society is extremely agreeable to me; they are of all ages,and of every country.They have distinguished themselves both in the cabinet and in the field,and obtained high honors for their knowledge of the sciences.It is easy to gain access to them,for they are always at my service,and I admit them to my company,and dismiss them from it,whenever I please.They are never troublesome,but immediately answer every question I ask them.Some relate to me the events of past ages,while others reveal to me the secrets of Nature.Some teach me how to live,and others how to die.Some,by their vivacity,drive away my cares and exhilarate my spirits; while others give fortitude to my mind,and teach me the important lesson how to restrain my desires,and to depend wholly on myself.They open to me,in short,the various avenues of all the arts and sciences,and upon their information I may safely rely in all emergencies.In return for all their services,they only ask me to accommodate them with a convenient chamber in some corner of my humble habitation,where they may repose in peace; for these friends are more delighted by the tranquility of retirement than with the tumults of society.”

“He that loveth a book,” says Isaac Barrow,“will never want a faithful friend,a wholesome counselor,a cheerful companion,an effectual comforter.By study,by reading,by thinking,one may innocently divert and pleasantly entertain himself,as in all weathers,so in all fortunes.”




Southey took a rather more melancholy view:“My days among the dead are pass'd,Around me I behold,Where'er these casual eyes are cast,The mighty minds of old.My never-failing friends are they,With whom I converse day by day.”

“Imagine,” in the words of Aikin,“that we had it in our power to call





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