
发布时间:2020-08-22 17:45:26












● 生活话题,包括被聊起频率很高的星座、智商和情商、跨国恋等,以及密切联系实际的服饰、网购、装修、爱车等。

● 兴趣话题,包括居家生活中的园艺、宠物、养生等,以及更有动感的流行音乐、电子游戏、俱乐部等。

● 社会话题,包括时政大事,如美国大选、政客丑闻、极端天气等,以及涉及新媒体的门户网站、社交网站、乔布斯等。

● 中国话题,包括人们普遍关注的中国经济、教育体制等,以及传统文化中的孔子、中医、功夫、节日、生肖等。

● 文化话题,涉及比较有深度的宗教信仰、历史、哲学,以及体现情趣修养的文学著作、古典音乐、舞台演出等。











1.词汇。描述人性格的词汇:backwards,down to earth,helpful,pragmatic,relaxed,social,sophisticated,spicy。习惯用语:I would never say that. / You could say that! / It's true across the board.


3.地道表达。何为地道表达?我们从本课对话中摘出几例:● I can detect a hint of a Chongqing accent. 我觉得能听出点重庆口音来。● So you're practically a Beijinger, then. 那么你算得上是老北京了。● I'm not really that familiar with England. 我对英国不是那么熟悉。● True Cockneys are supposed to be friendly. 真正的伦敦佬被认为很友好。● People from Shanghai tend to think of themselves as very sophisticated. 上海人往往觉得自己很老练。● They think Beijingers are slightly backwards! 他们觉得北京人有点老土!






200 Sentences for Everyday Use



1. 见到你真高兴啊。 / Great to see you.

2. 又能见面真高兴啊。 / Nice to see you again.

3. 能够相见非常高兴。 / I'm so happy to see you.

4. 很久没见了。 / Long time no see.

5. 还能见到你很高兴啊。 / It's really great to see you again.

6. 能认识你真是太高兴了。 / It was nice knowing you.

7. 很高兴与你进行了交谈。 / It was good talking to you.

8. 保持联系啊。 / Keep in touch.


Good mood

9. 我感觉很好。 / I'm feeling good.

10. 我激动万分。 / I was overjoyed .

11. 我从未感到过这么幸福啊。 / I've never been so happy.

12. 我喜欢广告方面的工作。/ I fancy a job in advertising.

13. 很高兴得到了这份工作。/ I'm delighted that I've got the job.

14. 那个真的很搞笑。/ That's really funny.

15. 我等不及了。/ I can't wait.

16. 我对此真的非常期待。/ I'm really looking forward to it.

17. 我真的很期待和你见面。/ I am really looking forward to seeing you.

18. 我非常感激你的好心。/ I greatly appreciate your kindness.

19. 我深深地感动了。/ I was deeply moved.

20. 这是个惊喜。/ This is a pleasant surprise.

21. 真难以置信!/ That's unbelievable!


Bad mood

22. 你吓到我了。/ You startled me.

23. 我受够了。/ I'm sick of it.

24. 我已经不能再忍受了。 / I can't bear it anymore.

25. 我真是受够了他的坏脾气。 / I have had enough of his bad temper.

26. 那太糟糕了。 / That's awful.

27. 这是灾难。 / This is a disaster.

28. 真无聊啊。 / It was totally boring.

29. 请别打扰我。 / Please stop bothering me.

30. 我感到寂寞。 / I'm lonely.

31. 我紧张起来了。 / I'm getting nervous.

32. 这事令人沮丧。 / This is depressing.

33. 我真后悔。 / I really regret it.


Compliment and encouragement

34. 我信任你。 / I trust you.

35. 好样的! / Well done!

36. 你做得很好。 / You're doing great.

37. 我为你骄傲。 / I'm proud of you.

38. 你的英语非常好。 / Your English is excellent.

39. 你的新发型很好看呢。 / I like your new hairstyle.

40. 我对你完全有信心。 / I have total/complete confidence in you.

41. 干得好!/ Good Job!

42. 我感同身受。 / I feel for you.

43. 别气馁! / Chin up!

44. 别放弃。 / Don't give up.

45. 振作起来! / Cheer up!

46. 我希望你尽快好起来。 / I hope you're feeling better soon.

47. 这不是什么大不了的事。 / It's not a big deal.

48. 一切都会好的。 / Everything will be fine.

49. 我不会让你失望。 / I'll never let you down.


Agree and disagree

50. 你同意吗? / Do you agree?

51. 我同意。 / I agree.

52. 赞成你的建议。 / I agree with your suggestion.

53. 完全赞成。 / I couldn't agree more.

54. 多么棒的想法! / What a great idea!

55. 不赞成。 / I don't agree.

56. 我恐怕不得不反对。 / I'm afraid I have to disagree.

57. 各退让一步吧。 / Let's compromise.

58. 我要是你,就不会这么做。 / If I were you, I wouldn't do it.

59. 你想怎么做都可以。 / Do whatever you want.


Like and dislike

60. 你对这个怎么看? / What do you think of it?

61. 我觉得很棒。 / I think it's great.

62. 我对那个很满意。 / I'm pleased with it.

63. 这个一点也不好。 / This is no good at all.

64. 这不是我的喜好。 / It's not my cup of tea.

65. 服务太差了。 / The service is terrible.

66. 我再也忍受不了了。 / I can't take it anymore.

67. 这个我一点都不喜欢。 / I don't like this at all.

68. 我不喜欢吃辛辣的菜。 / I'm not very fond of spicy food.

69. 本来应该更好的。 / It could be better.



70. 我打算干。 / I'm going to do it.

71. 我下定决心了。 / I've made up my mind.

72. 我打算去国外学习。 / I'm going to study abroad.

73. 我计划五月份去海南度假。 / I plan to go to Hainan for vacation in May.

74. 我打算自己开公司了。 / I decided to start my own business.

75. 我改变主意了。 / I changed my mind.

76. 我确信我能做。 / I'm confident I can do it.



77. 你懂了吗? / Do you understand?

78. 我懂了。 / I get it.

79. 我没弄明白。 / I can't figure it out.

80. 这真把人搞糊涂了。 / This is really confusing.

81. 我必须跟你谈一谈。 / I need to talk to you.

82. 我真的需要你的建议。 / I really need your advice.

83. 我可以提一个建议吗? / Can I make a suggestion?

84. 可以问你个问题吗? / May I ask you a question?

85. 能不能再说具体一点? / Could you be more specific?

86. 你是什么意思呢? / What do you mean?

87. 我没有恶意。 / I didn't mean that.



88. 好天气啊。 / It's a beautiful day.

89. 今天最高气温28度。 / Today there will be a high of 28 degrees.

90. 好像要下雨哦。 / It looks like it might rain.

91. 你知道今天的气温吗? / Do you know what the temperature is today?

92. 今天阴天。 / It's cloudy today.

93. 雨哗哗地下。 / It's raining heavily.

94. 风很大啊。 / The wind is really strong, isn't it?

95. 发出了大雾预警。 / There was a fog warning.

96. 今天天气预报怎么说的? / What does today's weather forecast say?


To and from work

97. 快点,上班要迟到啦。 / Hurry up or you'll be late for work.

98. 我还得刮胡子。 / I have to shave my beard.

99. 我今天穿什么呢? / What shall I wear today?

100. 这件毛衣和裙子搭吗? / Do this sweater and skirt go together?

101. 这件很合身的。 / It really suits you.

102. 早饭好了! / Breakfast is ready!

103. 我没时间吃早饭了。 / I don't have time for breakfast.

104. 我今晚加班。 / I have to work overtime tonight.

105. 上班路上需要多少时间? / How long is your commute?

106. 每天两小时。 / It's about two hours a day.

107. 我堵在路上了。 / I was caught in a traffic jam.

108. 我午饭休息一小时。 / My lunch break is one hour.

109. 我收拾了房间。 / I tidied my room.

110. 我种了一些花。 / I planted some flowers.

111. 晚饭你做了什么? / What did you cook for dinner?

112. 我做了晚饭。 / I made some dinner.

113. 这周末我们干什么? / What shall we do this weekend?

114. 今天放松休息一下吧。 / Let's just relax today.



115. 想吃什么? / What do you want to eat?

116. 去哪里吃饭呢? / Where shall we eat?

117. 我想要个比萨饼外卖。 / I'd like to order a pizza for delivery.

118. 他们提供什么风味的菜肴? / What kind of dishes do they serve?

119. 能把菜单拿来吗? / Could we see a menu, please?

120. 现在可以点菜吗? / Can we order now?

121. 我推荐这里的寿司。 / I recommend the sushi here.

122. 好像味道不错。 / That looks delicious.

123. 我请客。 / This is my treat.

124. 请分别给我们结账。 / Separate checks, please.

125. 能给我发票吗? / Can I have a receipt, please?

126. 这附近哪儿有好的酒吧? / Are there any good bars around here?

127. 有哪些种类的啤酒? / What kind of beer do you have?

128. 请加冰块。 / On the rocks, please.



129. 最近手头较紧。 / Money's tight these days.

130. 我身无分文了。 / I'm broke.

131. 你带了多少钱? / How much money do you have?

132. 我的钱够花。 / I have lots of money.

133. 我在为度假存钱。 / I'm saving for a vacation.

134. 本月超出预算啦。 / I'm over budget this month.

135. 他每年挣30,000美元。 / He earns thirty thousand dollars a year.


Bank and post office

136. 我想开个户头。 / I'd like to open an account, please.

137. 我想取款。 / I'd like to make a withdrawal.

138. 我想取150美元。 / I'd like to withdraw $150, please.

139. 我的账号是123 456 7899。 / My account number is 123 456 7899.

140. 我想给这个户头转账1000美元。 / I'd like to transfer $1000 to this account.

141. 汇款手续费是多少? / How much is the remittance fee?

142. 我想把人民币兑换成美元。 / I'd like to change RMB into dollars.

143. 我想申请贷款。 / I'd like to apply for a loan, please.

144. 月供多少? / How much are the monthly payments?

145. 我想用十年结清。 / I'd like to pay it off over ten years.

146. 我想把这个寄往美国。 / I want to send this to America.

147. 寄航空邮件需要多少钱? / How much would it cost to send this by airmail?



148. 我去接你。 / I'll pick you up.

149. 我可以开车送你吗? / Can I drive you?

150. 这车大约跑了20,000英里。 / It has about 20,000 miles on it.

151. 很漂亮的车啊! / Nice car!

152. 我可以在哪里租车? / Where can I rent a car?

153. 我想要手动挡[自动挡]的车。 / I'd like a manual [an automatic]car, please.

154. 我想要带导航仪的车。 / I'd like a car with a car navigation system.

155. 租车费包括保险吗? / Does the price include insurance?

156. 可以异地还车吗? / Can I return it at another location?

157. 开车大约三小时。 / It's about a three-hour drive.

158. 汽油不多了。 / We're low on gas.

159. 每升[加仑]多少钱? / What's the price per liter [gallon] here?

160. 请给我加满油。 / Fill it up, please.

161. 我的车需要洗一下。 / My car needs washing.

162. 车子哪个地方有问题。 / Something's wrong with my car.

163. 我的车现在在修理厂。 / My car is in the shop.

164. 我出事故了。 / I had an accident.

165. 他闯红灯了。 / He ran the light.

166. 我要求保险理赔。 / I'd like to make an insurance claim.



167. 我去中央公园怎么走? / How do I get to the Central Park?

168. 你知道这边有银行吗? / Do you know if there's a bank around here?

169. 直走经过约三个街区,右拐。 / Go straight for about three blocks and turn right.

170. 我买两张去伦敦的票。 / Two tickets to London, please.

171. 票价是多少? / How much is the fare?

172. 这是去伦敦的列车吗? / Is this the train to London?

173. 列车晚点了吗? / Are the trains delayed?

174. 出租车站在哪里? / Where is the taxi stand?

175. 我赶时间。 / I'm in a hurry.

176. 请直行。 / Keep going straight.

177. 请左拐[右拐]。 / Turn left [right] here, please.

178. 请在下一个路口转弯。 / Turn at the next corner.

179. 可以在这里下车吗? / Can I get out here?



180. 这个打七折。 / They're 30-percent off.

181. 定价是多少钱? / What's the regular price?

182. 不能再便宜一点吗? / Can you make it a little cheaper?

183. 10美元能卖给我吗? / Can you give it to me for $10?

184. 能看看中号吗? / Can I see a medium, please?

185. 这个太合身啦。 / This fits fine.

186. 我穿14号。 / I'm a 14.

187. 有稍小一点的吗? / Do you have any smaller sizes?

188. 我希望用信用卡支付。 / I'd like to pay by credit card, please.

189. 这是我的购物收据。 / Here's my receipt.

190. 这双鞋我想退货。 / I'd like to return these shoes.


Drugstore and hospital

191. 这附近有药店吗? / Is there a drugstore around here?

192. 这附近有医院吗? / Is there a hospital near here?

193. 你能叫个医生吗? / Could you call a doctor, please?

194. 我病了。 / I feel sick.

195. 这里很痛。 / It hurts here.

196. 今早我吐了三次。 / I threw up three times this morning.

197. 我跑了好几趟厕所。 / I went to the bathroom several times.

198. 有点烧[高烧]。 / I have a slight [high] fever.

199. 打喷嚏和咳嗽。 / I'm sneezing and coughing.

200. 我的牙疼死了。 / I've got a really bad toothache.


Talking about Yourself

01 你是哪里人?

Where are you from?


情景对话 Dialogue

Michael: So, Beth, where are you from? I think I can detect a hint of a Chongqing accent.

Beth: Yes, in fact, I'm from a little fishing village about an hour away from the capital.

Michael: So how long have you lived in Beijing?

Beth: Let's see, it must be about 30 years now.

Michael: So you're practically a Beijinger, then.

Beth: Oh, no. I would never say that. You know it's very hard to find true Beijingers these days—people whose families go back generations in Beijing.

Michael: The same can be said of Cockneys in London. They're people who were born within earshot of Bow's bells.

Beth: Sorry, I'm not really that familiar with England. What are Bow's bells?

Michael: They refer to the church bells of St. Mary-le-Bow, which are located in the East End of London.

Beth: Interesting. What are Cockneys like?

Michael: True Cockneys are supposed to be friendly, hard-working, social people. They have a very special accent, which is disappearing now. So what are Chongqingers like?

Beth: People from Chongqing are supposed to be hot and spicy like their food.

Michael: A bit different from Shanghainese then?

Beth: You could say that! People from Shanghai tend to think of themselves as very sophisticated, smart and pragmatic. It's quite a cosmopolitan city with a heavy western influence.

Michael: You know, before I moved to Beijing, I lived in Shanghai. My friends there thought I was crazy to move to Beijing. They didn't think I'd like it all.

Beth: I can see why they would say that. They think Beijingers are slightly backwards!

Michael: In some ways that may be true, but I find Beijingers to be much more similar to people in Minnesota, where I'm from.

Beth: How's that?

Michael: Well, you've probably never heard of ‘Minnesota nice’, but it refers to the friendliness of Minnesotans. They like to help people and are quite down to earth. I think Beijingers are the same.

Beth: You know, it seems like the climate has a strong influence on the people who live there. Where it's extremely cold, people tend to be more helpful, and where it's mild, people tend to be quite relaxed.

Michael: I wonder if that is true across the board. Sounds like a good theory anyway!

译文 Translation






















词汇 Words and Expressions

accent 口音

Cockney 伦敦人

earshot 听觉范围

relaxed 轻松随意的

spicy 辛辣的

across the board 全面一致的

cosmopolitan 世界性的,大都会的

helpful 乐于助人的

social 爱交际的

backwards 落后的,老土的

down to earth 脚踏实地的

pragmatic 务实的

sophisticated 老练的,世故的

句型荟萃 Useful Sentences

讨论来自哪里 Talking about where you are from

1. So, Beth, where are you from? / 贝丝,你是从哪儿来的?

2. How long have you lived in Beijing? / 你在北京住了多久了?

3. So you're practically a Beijinger, then. / 那么你算得上是老北京了。

4. I think I can detect a hint of a Chongqing accent. / 我觉得能听出点重庆口音来。

5. It's very hard to find true Beijingers these days. / 现在很难找到真正的老北京了。

谈论人的性格 People's personalities

6. True Cockneys are supposed to be friendly, hard-working, social people. / 真正的伦敦佬被认为友好亲切、工作努力、喜欢交际。

7. They have a very special accent, which is disappearing now. / 他们的口音很独特,不过这个特征正在消失。

8. People from Chongqing are supposed to be hot and spicy like their food. / 重庆人被认为跟他们那儿的食物一样泼辣。

9. They like to help people and are quite down to earth. / 他们乐于助人、脚踏实地。

10. People from Shanghai tend to think of themselves as very sophisticated. / 上海人往往觉得自己很老练。

11. You know, it seems like the climate has a strong influence on the people who live there. / 你知道吗,好像一个地方的气候对居住的人影响很大。

比较不同地方的人 People from different places

12. They think Beijingers are slightly backwards! / 他们觉得北京人有点老土!

13. I find Beijingers to be much more similar to people in Minnesota, where I'm from. / 我发现北京人跟我的家乡明尼苏达州的人们更相似。

14. Where it's extremely cold, people tend to be more helpful, and where it's mild, people tend to be quite relaxed. / 在极度寒冷的地方,人们一般更乐于助人,而在气候温和的地方,人们通常更加轻松随意。

02 你的星座是什么?

What's your star sign?


情景对话 Dialogue

Nate: Hey, when's your birthday?

Catherine: Just a few days after yours, April 21st.

Nate: Yes, of course… so let's see, that makes you a Taurus, right?

Catherine: Yep, that's my star sign. I think they refer to us as bulls. Same as you, right?

Nate: Actually, I'm an Aries, March 19—April 20th.

Catherine: So, what animal are you then?

Nate: We're rams. Outgoing, adventurous, independent—and trusting.

Catherine: What's your element? My guess is fire—am I righ?

Nate: Nice one, yes. And you?

Catherine: Earth.

Nate: Do you want to hear what's in store for you today?

Catherine: If you insist. I have to say I don't really believe in horoscopes.

Nate: Ok, well just for fun then… it says that you'll rub elbows with some very important people today. Do you think that could happen?

Catherine: Mmm, not really. I plan on staying in tonight and watching TV.

Nate: It also says that one of them will write you a letter of recommendation.

Catherine: That's quite a specific horoscope. Aren't they normally a bit more general, so that anyone could read it and believe it?

Nate: Yes, a lot of them are, you're right. It looks like the woman who writes this one is a psychic as well as an astrologist. Let's find another one online…

Catherine: Ok, if you must…

Nate: Ok, this one looks more like it…It says that when you've had enough a silly situation, you become exasperated. It also says that you will give up on something.

Catherine: That sounds like things that could happen.

Nate: Really? So do you think you do actually believe in astrology after all?

Catherine: No.

Nate: So you don't think this is a silly situation?

Catherine: This is ridiculous! Have I not already explained that I think horoscopes are just made up?

Nate: Sounds like you are feeling a bit exasperated.

Catherine: Honestly! Why are you so insistent on winding me up today?

Nate: I'm sensing you'd like this conversation to end, almost like you're giving up on this?

Catherine: Enough is enough. I'm out of here!

Nate: You know, I'm starting to think there just might be some truth in this now, myself!

译文 Translation






























词汇 Words and Expressions

adventurous 爱冒险的

element 土/风/火/水

independent 独立的

star sign 星座

Aries 白羊座

enough is enough 够了

outgoing 外向活泼的

Taurus 金牛座

astrologist 占星家

horoscope 占星术

psychic 灵媒

in store 即将发生

句型荟萃 Useful Sentences

星座 Star sign

1. When's your birthday? / 你什么时候过生日?

2. That makes you a Taurus, right? / 你是金牛座对吧?

3. That's my star sign. / 我的星座就是这个。

4. Actually, I'm an Aries, March 19—April 20th. / 其实我是白羊座,在3月19日到4月20日之间。

动物象征 Animal sign

5. I think they refer to us as bulls. / 我觉得是把我们比成牛。

6. So, what animal are you then? / 那你是什么动物呢?

7. What's your element? / 你是什么向星座?

8. My element is Earth. / 我是土向星座。

9. We're rams. Outgoing, adventurous, independent — and trusting. / 我们是公羊。开朗、爱冒险、独立——并且值得信赖。

占星术 Horoscopes

10. Do you have a horoscope in front of you? / 你在看占星术吗?

11. Do you want to hear what's in store for you today? / 你想听听你今天的运势吗?

12. I have to say I don't really believe in horoscopes. / 我得说我不是很相信占星术。

13. Do you think that could happen? / 你觉得有可能吗?

14. That sounds like things that could happen. / 这听着倒可能发生。

15. This one looks more like it. / 这个看起来更准。

16. That's quite a specific horoscope. / 这个写得太详细了。

17. It says that one of them will write you a letter of recommendation. / 这里说这些人中的一个会给你写封推荐信。

18. Aren't they normally a bit more general, so that anyone could read it and believe it? / 一般不是为了让所有读到的人都相信,才会写得笼统一点吗?

03 智商和情商

IQ and EQ


情景对话 Dialogue

Owen: Dana, do you know what the difference is between IQ and EQ?

Dana: Put simply, IQ is about how book smart you are whereas EQ is about how emotionally intelligent you are.

Owen: So what does it mean to be emotionally intelligent?

Dana: You know, being able to identify, assess and control your own emotions and of those around you.

Owen: So what would a highly emotional intelligent person be like?

Dana: There are a number of theories out there about EQ, but one looks at five main constructs, the first of which iself-awareness.

Owen: I can see how that is very important.





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