
发布时间:2020-08-23 00:50:28











1 The mysterious door

Mr Utterson the lawyer was a quiet, serious man. He was shy with strangers and afraid of showing his feelings. Among friends, however, his eyes shone with kindness and goodness. And, although this goodness never found its way into his conversation, it showed itself in his way of life. He didn't allow himself many enjoyable things in life. He ate and drank simply and, although he enjoyed the theatre, he had not been to a play for twenty years. However, he was gentler towards other men's weaknesses, and was always ready to help rather than blame them. As a lawyer, he was often the last good person that evil-doers met on their way to prison, or worse. These people often carried with them memories of his politeness and fairness.

Mr Utterson's best friend was a distant cousin called Richard Enfield, who was well known as a fun-loving 'man about town'. Nobody could understand why they were friends, as they were different from each other in every way. They often took long walks together, however, marching through the streets of London in companionable silence.

One of these walks used to take them down a narrow side-street in a busy part of London. It was a clean, busy, friendly street with bright little shops and shiny doorknockers. Near the end of this street, however, stood a dark, mysterious, windowless building. The door had neither bell nor knocker and looked dusty and uncared for. Dirty children played fearlessly on the doorstep, and nobody ever opened the door to drive them away.

One day, as Mr Enfield and his friend passed the building, Mr Enfield pointed to it.

'Have you ever noticed that place?' he asked. 'It reminds me of a very strange story.'

'Really?' said Mr Utterson. 'Tell me.'

'Well,' began Enfield, 'I was coming home about three o'clock on a black winter morning, when suddenly I saw two people. The first was a short man who was walking along the street, and the second was a little girl who was running as fast as she could. Well, the two bumped into each other and the child fell down. Then a terrible thing happened. The man calmly walked all over the child's body with his heavy boots, and left her screaming on the ground. It was an inhuman thing to do. I ran after the man, caught him and fetched him back. There was already a small crowd around the screaming child. The man was perfectly cool, but he gave me a very evil look, which made me feel sick in my stomach. The child's family then arrived, and also a doctor. The child had been sent to fetch the doctor for a sick neighbour, and was on her way home again.

'"The child is more frightened than hurt," said the doctor—and that, you would think, was the end of the story. But, you see, I had taken a violent dislike to the short man. So had the child's family—that was only natural. But the doctor, who seemed a quiet, kindly man, was also looking at our prisoner with murder in his eyes.

'The doctor and I understood each other perfectly. Together we shouted at the man, and told him we would tell this story all over London so that his name would be hated.

'He looked back at us with a proud, black look. "Name your price," he said.

'We made him agree to a hundred pounds for the child's family. With another black look, the man led us to that door over there. He took out a key and let himself into the building. Presently he came out and handed us ten pounds in gold and a cheque for ninety pounds from Coutts's Bank. The name on the cheque was a well-known one.

'"See here," said the doctor doubtfully, "it isn't usual for a man to walk into an empty house at four in the morning and come out with another man's cheque for nearly a hundred pounds."

'"Don't worry," said the man with an ugly look, "I'll stay with you until the banks open, and change the cheque myself."

'So we all went off, the doctor and the prisoner and myself, and spent the rest of the night at my house. In the morning we went together to the bank. Sure enough, the cheque was good, and the money was passed to the child's family.'

'Well, well,' said Mr Utterson.

'Yes,' said Enfield, 'it's a strange story. My prisoner was clearly a hard, cruel man. But the man whose name was on the cheque was well known all over London for his kind and generous acts. Why would a man like that give his cheque to a criminal?'

'And you don't know if the writer of the cheque lives in that building?' asked Mr Utterson.

'I don't like to ask,' said his friend. 'In my experience, it's not a good idea to ask too many questions, in case the answers are ugly, violent ones. But I've studied the place a little. It doesn't seem like a house. There's no other door, and the only person who uses that door is the man I've just described to you. There are three windows on the side of the house, which look down onto a small courtyard. The windows are shut, but they're always clean. There's a chimney too, which is usually smoking. So somebody must live there.'

The two men continued on their walk. Then Utterson broke the silence.

'Enfield,' he said, 'you're right about not asking too many questions. However, I want to ask the name of the man who walked over the child.'

'Very well,' said Enfield. 'He told us his name was Hyde.'

'What does he look like?'

'He's not easy to describe, although I remember him perfectly. He's a strange-looking man. He's short, but has a strong, heavy body. There's something wrong with his appearance, something ugly and unpleasing—no, something hateful. I disliked him at once.'

Mr Utterson thought deeply. 'Are you sure he used a key?' he asked.

'What do you mean?' asked Enfield in surprise.

'I know it must seem strange,' said his friend. 'But you see, if I don't ask you the name on the cheque, it's because I know it already...'

'Well, why didn't you tell me?' said his friend rather crossly. 'Anyway, he did have a key, and he still has it. I saw him use it only a week ago.'

Mr Utterson looked at him thoughtfully, but said nothing more.

weakness n. fault or defect of character. 缺点;弱点。

evil adj. wicked, sinful, bad, harmful. 邪恶的。

memory n. sth. that you remember. 记忆;回忆。

distant cousin a relative who does not have close blood relationship, far off in family relationship. 远房表亲。

'man about town' one who spends much time in society, in clubs, at parties etc. 交际场里的老手;爱热闹的人。

companionable adj. friendly, sociable. 友好的。

side-street minor street branching off a main street. 不是主要干道,小路,小街。

mysterious adj. difficult to understand. 神秘的;诡秘的。

uncared for not looked after, neglected. 没人理睬。

fearlessly adv. without fear. 毫不畏惧地;无所顾忌地。

doorstep n. a small step outside the main door to a house or building. 门口的台阶。

bump into come against with a blow or knock. 撞上。

calmly adv. not excited, untroubled, quiet. 平静地;镇定地。

inhuman adj. cruel, unfeeling. 无人性的,野蛮的,残忍的。

fetch v. go for and bring back sb. or sth. 接来,去拿。

violent dislike a strong feeling of hatred. 强烈的憎恶。

The doctor and I understood each other perfectly. We knew both of us wanted Hyde to pay the girl's family. 我和医生彼此心照不宣,意为要海德赔钱。

cheque n. written order (usually on a printed form) to a bank to pay money. 美国英语拼法为check [tʃek],支票。

doubtfully adv. full of uncertainty, feeling doubt. 未确定地,怀疑地。

change the cheque give the money in return. 把支票兑成钱。

criminal n. a person who commits a crime or crimes. 罪犯。

in case if it should happen, because of a possibility. 或许,万一出现什么样的情况。

describe v. say what is like. 叙述,描述。

chimney n. structure through which smoke from a fire is carried away through the wall or roof of a building. 烟囱。

continue v. go on (being or doing), stay at/in. 仍旧;继续。

appearance n. what someone or something looks like. 外表;外观。

unpleasing adj. uncomfortable, disagreeable. 令人不舒服的。

1 一扇神秘的门








2 In search of Mr Hyde

After dinner that evening Mr Utterson went into his office and unlocked a cupboard. He took out an envelope. It contained the will of Doctor Henry Jekyll, and was written in the doctor's own handwriting.

'If I die, or if I disappear for more than three months,' the will began, 'I wish to leave everything I own to my dear friend Edward Hyde.'

This will had both worried and annoyed Mr Utterson. To a lawyer it was an unusual and dangerous kind of will. It was bad enough when Edward Hyde was only an unknown name, but now that the lawyer knew something about Hyde, the will worried him more than ever. It had seemed like madness before; now it began to seem shameful. With a heavy heart Mr Utterson replaced the envelope in the cupboard, put on his coat and went to see his old friend Doctor Lanyon.

Doctor Lanyon was enjoying his after-dinner coffee. 'Come in, old friend!' he cried. The two men had known each other since their school days. They sat for several minutes, drinking coffee and talking companionably of this and that. At last Mr Utterson mentioned the thoughts that were worrying him.

'I suppose, Lanyon,' he said, 'that you and I are Henry Jekyll's oldest friends?'

'I suppose so,' said Doctor Lanyon, 'but I don't often see him now.'

'Really?' said Mr Utterson in surprise. 'I thought you and he were interested in the same things.'

'We were at one time,' said Doctor Lanyon. 'But more than ten years ago Henry Jekyll became too—well, imaginative for me. He developed some strange, wild, unscientific ideas. I told him so, and I've seen very little of him since then.'

Mr Utterson looked at his friend's red, angry face. 'Only a disagreement about some scientific question,' he thought. 'It's nothing worse than that.' Calmly he continued, 'Did you ever meet a friend of Jekyll's—a man called Hyde?'

'Hyde?' repeated Lanyon. 'No, never.'

Soon the lawyer said goodnight and went home to bed, where he lay awake for a long time thinking about Enfield's description of Hyde, and Doctor Jekyll's will. When at last he fell asleep, he was troubled by dreams. In his mind's eye he saw a faceless man marching over the child's body. Then he saw his old friend Jekyll in bed, while the same faceless figure stood over him. The facelessness of that figure worried him deeply.

'Very well, Mr Hyde,' said the lawyer to himself, 'I will find you, and I will see your face for myself.'

During the next few weeks Mr Utterson spent many hours in the narrow street where Enfield had seen Hyde. He waited patiently near the mysterious door, hoping for a sight of Mr Hyde—and one dry, clear winter night he was successful. The street was empty and silent and small sounds carried a long way. The lawyer heard footsteps. He stepped back into the shadows and waited. A short figure turned the corner and walked towards the mysterious door. Although Mr Utterson could not see his face, he felt a strong, almost violent, dislike for the stranger.

Mr Utterson stepped forward and touched him on the shoulder. 'Mr Hyde?'

'Yes, that's my name,' said the stranger coolly. 'What do you want?'

'I see that you're going in. I'm an old friend of Doctor Jekyll's. My name is Utterson. You must have heard my name—may I come in with you?'

'Doctor Jekyll is not at home,' replied Mr Hyde. 'How did you know me?' he added sharply.

'First let me see your face,' replied the lawyer.

Mr Hyde hesitated for a moment, then he stood under the street light and the lawyer saw his face. 'Thank you,' said Mr Utterson. 'Now I shall know you again. It may be useful.'

'Yes,' said Mr Hyde, 'it may indeed be useful. Here, too, is my address. You may need it one day.' He gave the lawyer his address, which was in a poor part of London.

'Good God!' thought the lawyer, 'does Hyde know about Jekyll's will? Is that what he's thinking of?' But he said nothing.

'And now,' said Mr Hyde, 'How did you know me?'

'You were described to me.'

'Who did that?'

'I know people who know you.'

'Who?' asked Mr Hyde sharply.

'Doctor Jekyll, for example,' said the lawyer.

'He never told you!' cried Mr Hyde in sudden anger. 'Don't lie to me!' And before the lawyer could answer, he turned the key in the lock and disappeared into the house.

Mr Utterson stared at the closed door. 'Why do I dislike him so much?' he said to himself. 'Enfield was right—there is something evil about the man. Poor Henry Jekyll, I'm worried about you. Your new friend will mean trouble for you.'

Round the corner from the narrow street there was a square of handsome old houses. One of these was Doctor Jekyll's house, and Mr Utterson knocked at the front door. The servant answered and told him that Doctor Jekyll was not at home.

'I saw Mr Hyde go in by the laboratory door in the street at the back of the house,' said the lawyer.

'That's right, Mr Utterson,' replied the servant. 'Mr Hyde has his own key, and comes and goes when he likes. We have orders from Doctor Jekyll to obey him.'

Mr Utterson walked home more worried than ever.

A fortnight later Doctor Jekyll gave a dinner party for a few old friends. Mr Utterson was among them and he remained after the others had left.

'I've been wanting to speak to you for some time, Jekyll,' said the lawyer, 'about your will.'

Doctor Jekyll was a tall, well-made man of fifty with a smooth, kindly face. 'My poor friend,' he said, 'you do worry unnecessarily, you know. Like poor Lanyon when I told him about my new ideas. "Imaginative rubbish" he called them... I'm very disappointed in Lanyon.'

But the lawyer did not want to talk about Doctor Lanyon. 'You know I've never agreed with your will,' he continued.

'You've told me often enough,' said his friend sharply.

'Well, I've learnt something about your friend Hyde,' continued the lawyer.

The colour of the doctor's handsome face changed from pink to greyish-white. 'I don't want to hear any more,' he said. 'You don't understand. I'm in a very difficult, painful situation.'

'Tell me everything,' said Mr Utterson, 'and I'll do my best to help you.'

'You're very kind, but this is a private matter. I'll tell you one thing—I can get rid of Mr Hyde any time I want. You must understand, however, that I take a great interest in poor Hyde. I know you've seen him—he told me, and I'm afraid he wasn't very polite to you. But I really do care about him. And if anything happens to me, I want you to promise to make sure that he inherits my money.'

'I cannot pretend that I shall ever like him,' said the lawyer.

'I'm not asking you to like him,' said his friend. 'I only ask you to help him, when I'm gone.'

'I promise,' said Mr Utterson sadly.

cupboard n. set of shelves with doors, either built into a room as a fixture, or a separate piece of furniture, you can put in documents, clothes or dishes. 柜橱。

will n. someone's written wishes that say who will inherit their money after they die. 遗嘱。

annoy v. make rather angry. 使感到不快;苦恼。

shameful adj. causing or bringing shame, dishonourable. 可耻的;丢脸的;不体面的。

replace v. put back in its place. 放回原处;接替。

imaginative adj. of, having, using imagination. 富有想像力的,幻想的。

developed some strange... ideas formed some unusual thoughts. 形成了一些奇怪的观点。

unscientific adj. not of or belonging to science. 不科学的。

disagreement n. absence of agreement. 分歧,不同意。

mind n. the part of the body in the head that thinks, feels and remembers. 脑子。

in one's mind's eye 在脑海里浮现出。

figure n. human form, especially the appearance and what it suggests. 人形;人影;形象。

patiently adv. having or showing power of enduring trouble, suffering inconvenience. 耐心地。

Good God! 哦!天哪!西方人信仰上帝,总把神挂在嘴边,尤其是惊讶或者害怕的时候。

lie v. make a statement that one knows to be not true. 撒谎。注意该词还有另外一个意思是躺下。

square n. an open area enclosed by streets and buildings. 小方场,广场。

handsome adj. of fine appearance (of men), good-looking. 英俊;漂亮(多指男性)。这里指房子富丽堂皇。

servant n. a person who is paid to work in another person's house. 仆人。

laboratory n. a room where scientists work and do experiments. 实验室。科学家工作、做实验的地方。

fortnight n. two weeks. 两星期。

well-made adj. well-built, healthy. 结实的;匀称的。

unnecessarily adv. no need. 没必要地。

disappointed adj. sad at not getting what was hoped for. 失望的。

greyish adj. somewhat grey. 灰色的。

painful adj. causing pains, sufferings. 痛苦的;难受的。

2 寻找海德先生
















3 The Carew murder

One night in London, nearly a year later, a servant girl was sitting at her bedroom window, looking out at the moonlit street. She saw a tall, handsome old man with white hair coming along the street, and a shorter, younger man walking towards him. The old man spoke politely to the younger one. He seemed, the girl said later, to be asking his way. Then the girl looked more closely at the younger man and recognized him.

'It was Mr Hyde,' she said later. 'He once visited my master.'

Mr Hyde, the girl said, was carrying a heavy stick. He was playing with it impatiently as he listened to the old man. Then suddenly he seemed to explode with anger.

'He was like a madman,' the servant girl said. 'He shook his stick at the old man, who stepped back in surprise. Then he hit the old man violently with the stick and knocked him to the ground. He beat the helpless body again and again. I could hear the bones breaking... It was so terrible that I began to feel ill. Then everything went black and I don't remember any more.'

It was two o'clock in the morning before she was conscious again, and able to call the police. The murderer had disappeared, but the dead man was still lying on the ground with the murder weapon beside him. The stick had broken in the middle, and one half still lay beside the murdered man. The police decided that the murderer had carried away the other half. A gold watch and a purse were found in the dead man's pockets, but no cards or papers—except a letter addressed to Mr Utterson.

A policeman brought this letter to the lawyer the next morning. Together they drove to the police station where the body had been taken.

A police inspector showed him the body.

'Yes, I recognize him,' said Mr Utterson heavily. 'He is Sir Danvers Carew.'

'Thank you, sir,' said the inspector. 'And do you recognize this?' He showed Mr Utterson the broken stick and told him the servant girl's story.

Mr Utterson knew the stick at once. 'That's Henry Jekyll's stick!' he said to himself. 'I gave it to him long ago.'

'Is this Hyde a short, evil-looking man?' he asked.

'That's how the servant girl described him, sir,' agreed the inspector.

'Come with me,' said Mr Utterson to the inspector. 'I think I know where he lives.'

Mr Utterson led him to the address on Mr Hyde's visiting card. It was in a poor part of London, in a dirty street full of cheap bars and eating-houses. This was the home of Henry Jekyll's favourite friend—the man who would inherit Jekyll's quarter of a million pounds.

An old servant opened the door. Under her silvery hair was a smooth face with a false smile and evil eyes, but she was polite enough.

'Yes,' she said, 'Mr Hyde lives here. But he's not at home. My master came in very late last night. He left again after only an hour.'

'Was that unusual?' asked the inspector.

'Not at all,' replied the servant. 'He's often away, and frequently stays away for months at a time.'

'We would like to see his flat,' said Mr Utterson.

'Oh, I can't do that, sir—' began the servant.

'This gentleman is a police inspector,' said Mr Utterson.

'Ah!' said the servant, looking unnaturally pleased about it, 'Mr Hyde's in trouble! What's he done?'

Mr Utterson and the inspector looked at each other. 'He doesn't seem a very popular person,' said the inspector. He turned to the servant. 'Now please let us in and we'll have a look around.'

Mr Hyde had only two rooms in the house. These were extremely comfortable and in excellent taste, with beautiful pictures on the walls and rich carpets on the floor. Everything was wildly untidy, however, and the fireplace was full of half-burnt papers. Among these the detective found part of a cheque book. He also found the other half of the murder weapon.

'Excellent!' he said. 'Now let's visit the bank and see if they recognize this cheque book.'

Sure enough, the bank held several thousand pounds in an account in the name of Edward Hyde.

'We've got him now, sir,' said the inspector. 'We've got the murder weapon, and we've got his cheque book. Now we only need his description on the "Wanted" notices.'

This was not so easy. There were no photographs of the wanted man and no two people could agree about his appearance. They all agreed on one thing, however. 'An evil man, sir,' the servant girl said. 'You could see it in his face.'

moonlit adj. lit by the moon. 洒满月光;有月光的。

look... closely look at sth. attentively. 凑近仔细地看。

stick n. piece of wood cut, shaped for special purpose, a walking stick. 手杖。

explode v. of feelings burst out, show violent emotion. 爆发,爆炸。

everything went black lose one's consciousness, not to remember anything. 眼前一片漆黑。

conscious adj. awake, aware. 苏醒的,有意识的。

weapon n. sth. designed for, or used in, fighting or struggling. 武器,这里是指凶器。

police inspector a person who is in charge of a police station. 警长。

visiting card card on which a person's address is included. 名片,或叫business card,最好不要称为name card,(因为这个词指单位的人员佩戴的胸卡,亦称名卡)。

frequently adv. often, habitually. 经常地。

flat n. British English: suite of rooms on one floor of a building as a residence. 英国英语,公寓;美国英语称为apartment.

popular person person who is liked and admired. 受人欢迎的人。

comfortable adj. well-decorated, well-designed. 舒适的;安逸的。

taste n. ability to enjoy beauty, in art and literature. 味道,这里指品味。

detective n. person whose business is to detect criminals. 侦探;警长。

account n. a way of keeping your money in a bank. 账户;户头。

wanted man person who is suspected of wrong doing is being looked for by the police. 被通缉的人。

3 卡鲁命案














4 Doctor Jekyll receives a letter

Later that same afternoon Mr Utterson found his way to Doctor Jekyll's house. Jekyll's servant, Poole, let him in at once and took him through the kitchen and across the back garden to the laboratory behind the house. It was the first time that Mr Utterson had seen his friend's laboratory, and he looked around curiously.

The old servant led Mr Utterson through the laboratory and up some stairs to the doctor's private study above. This was a large room with tall, glass-fronted cupboards, a large mirror and a big, businesslike table. A good fire burned in the fireplace and beside it sat Doctor Jekyll, looking white and ill. In a thin, tired voice he welcomed his friend.

'Have you heard the news?' said Mr Utterson after the old servant had left.

'The newsboys were shouting about it in the street,' Doctor Jekyll said. 'A terrible business.'

'Let me ask you something,' said the lawyer. 'Sir Danvers Carew was my client, but you are my client too, and I want to know what I'm doing. You haven't tried to hide the murderer, have you?'

'Utterson, I promise you,' cried the doctor, 'I promise you I'll never see him again. I've finished with him for ever. And now, indeed, he no longer needs my help. You don't know him like I do. He's safe, quite safe. Believe me, nobody will ever hear of Hyde again.'

The lawyer listened with a serious face. He did not like his friend's feverish, excited look.

'You seem very sure of him,' he replied. 'I hope you're right. If he is caught and comes to trial, your name may be mentioned.'

'I'm absolutely sure of him,' answered Jekyll. 'I can't tell you how I know, but I'm certain. But can you please advise me about one thing? I've received a letter and I don't know whether to show it to the police. May I leave it in your hands, Utterson?'

'You're afraid, I suppose, that the letter will lead the police to Hyde?' asked the lawyer.

'No,' said Doctor Jekyll. 'I don't care what happens to Hyde. I was thinking of my own reputation... Anyway, here is the letter.'

It was written in a strange, pointed handwriting and signed 'Edward Hyde'. 'I am sorry that I have been so ungrateful in the past for your many generous acts,' it began. 'Please don't worry about me. I am quite safe and I am certain that I can escape unharmed whenever I wish.'

'Did this letter come by post?' asked the lawyer.

'No,' replied Doctor Jekyll. 'There was no postmark on the envelope. The letter came by hand.'

'Shall I keep the letter and think about it?' asked Mr Utterson.

'I want you to decide for me,' answered his client. 'I'm not sure of anything any more.'

'Very well,' said the lawyer. 'Now tell me—the part in your will about disappearing for three months or more. Was that Hyde's idea?'

'It was,' whispered Doctor Jekyll.

'He was planning to murder you,' said the lawyer. 'You've had a lucky escape.'

'I've had a lesson too,' said his client, in pain and sadness. 'Oh, what a lesson!' And he covered his face with his hands.

On his way out of the house, the lawyer stopped and spoke to Poole.

'By the way,' he said, 'a letter was handed in today for your master. Who brought it, and what did he look like?'

'Nobody came except the postman, sir,' said the servant in surprise.

'That worries me,' thought Mr Utterson as he walked home. 'Clearly the letter arrived by the laboratory door; perhaps it was even written in the study. I must think about this carefully.'

In the street the newsboys were still shouting, 'Read all about it! Terrible murder!'

The lawyer's thoughts were sad. One of his clients was dead, and the life and reputation of another were in danger. Mr Utterson did not usually ask anyone for advice. Today, however, was different.

That evening he sat by his fireside with his chief clerk, Mr Guest, beside him. The lawyer and his clerk had worked together for many years, and knew and understood each other. Also, Mr Guest had been involved in business with Doctor Jekyll and knew him well.

Outside it was foggy and dark, but the room was bright and warm and there was a bottle of good whisky on the table.

'This is a sad business about Sir Danvers Carew,' said Mr Utterson.

'Yes indeed, sir. The murderer was a madman, of course.'

'I would like your opinion about that,' replied the lawyer. 'I have a letter from the murderer here.'

Mr Guest was interested in the study of handwriting. His eyes brightened at once. 'A murderer's letter!' he said. 'That will be interesting.' He looked carefully at the writing. 'Not a madman, I think,' he said. 'But what unusual handwriting!'

Just then a servant entered with a note.

'Is that note from Doctor Jekyll?' asked Mr Guest. 'I thought I recognized the handwriting. Is it anything private, Mr Utterson?'

'Only an invitation to dinnner. Why? Do you want to see the letter?'

'Just for a moment, please, sir.' The clerk put the two letters side





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