
发布时间:2020-08-23 06:12:38











主 编:浩 瀚


编 委:张 苒 李明亚 王 艳 李 硕 陈伟华

    廖志谦 王亚彬 徐光伟 徐继宁 邹佳新

    赵修臣 陈 丹 尹晓洁 张文娟 高化文

    魏 田 汪丽琴 李文萍 张丽娟 马 兰

    刘雷雷 孙 伟 蔡 丹 李庆磊 徐 萍

    李 红 刘梓红 李林海 王建伟 宋美盈

    余燕南 宋海燕 姚 青 李洪伟 柏 媛

    林晓雯 刘 璐 李洪丰 李 伟 蔡 翠

    林 琳 汪丽琴 王 勇 武 平 王应铜

    赵秀丽 马 迅

制 作:胡振洋 于文娟 刘备之 余 晶 岳永铭

    郭美娟 韩 磊 李子强 毕路拯 徐美芳前 言PREFACE







本书意在将美语口语具体化、系统化,相信通过对本书的学习,读者一定能在短时间内说出一口能轻松应付各种场合的流利口语。Chapter1 Daily Communication 日常交际Unit 1 Greetings 打招呼背景知识ackground Knowledge

There is no unified standards to which is the polite/appropriate way to follow for social customs.For example,when you are greeted by a Westerner with the phrase “ How are you?”,do not mistake it as a kind of concern for your health or your personal well being.In fact,such a phrase carries no other message but a greeting.Therefore,the best answer is “Fine,thank you” or “Very well,thank you”.

关于在社会习俗上怎样做才算是有礼貌或是合适尚缺乏统一的标准。例如,当一位西方人用“您好吗?”来向您问候时,不要将其视作为一种对您健康或个人状况的问题。事实上,这样的问候语背后并无任何关心之意,仅仅是问候而已。因此,对这类问候的最好回答是“很好,谢谢”,或是“非常好,谢谢您的问候”。高频句型igh-frequency Sentences



Hello there!你好!




Hi there,Peter!你好,皮特!

Hello,old chap!你好,老朋友!

Hello there,Tom!你好,汤姆!

②I haven't seen you…→我……没看见你了。

I haven't seen you for a long time.好久没见你了。

I haven't seen you for years.好久不见了。

I havent'seen you for ages.我们好久不见了。

③…meet(see)you here!→在这儿见到你!

Fancy meeting you here!想不到在这儿见到你。

What a surprise meeting you here!真没想到在这儿见到你!

It's really a surprise to meet you here!


I cant'imaginem eeting you here!我没想到在这儿见到你!

Never thought I'd see you here!从没想到在这儿见到你!

④I'm glad /pleased /honored to…→很高兴……

I'm pleased to meet you.很高兴见到你。

I'm glad to meet you.很高兴见到你。

I'm honored to help you.我很乐意帮你。

I'm glad to have the opportunity to meet you here.我很高兴能有机会在这儿见到你。

⑤ Have a good/nice…→……愉快

Have a good day.玩得愉快。

Have a nice holiday.假期愉快。

Have a nice weekend.周末愉快。

⑥ … to see /meet you again.→……又见到了你!

Pleased to meet you again.很高兴又见到你!

How nice to see you again!很高兴再见到你!

It is good to see you again.很高兴再见到你!

⑦What/That's/It's a … surprise!→真令人惊喜!

What a pleasant surprise!真令人惊喜!

That's a pleasant surprise!真令人惊喜!

What a happy coincidence!真是个巧合!

It's a real surprise!真是个惊喜!

⑧How /What…→……怎么样?

Anything new?有新鲜事吗?

How goes the world with you?最近怎么样?

How's life?近来怎么样

What gives?近来怎么样?

What's the good news?最近有好消息吗?

How are you keeping?最近怎么样?

⑨ How's/How're…→……好吗?

How's everyone?大家好吗?

How's your wife?你妻子好吗?

How's work?工作怎么样?

How're the kids doing?孩子们好吗?

⑩… latest/news?→近况如何?

What's the latest?近况如何?

What's the news?近况如何?Would you like/How about…?→


Would you care for a dinner?一起吃晚饭怎么样?

How about having a beer?喝点啤酒怎么样?

Would you like to have a beer?喝点啤酒吗?Fine.→很好。


Really fine.很好。

Fine,just fine.很好。

Getting along splendidly.我非常好。

I'm doing fine.我很好。

I'm doing very well我很好。Nothing/Not…→没什么。

Nothing much.没什么。

Nothing new.没什么。

Not much没什么。

Not a lot.没什么。即学即用utting into Practice对话一 Greetings on the Road路遇打招呼

A:Good morning,Mr.Brown.  A:布朗先生,早上好。

B:Good morning,Mr.Chen.  B:陈先生,早上好。

A:How are you?  A:您好吗?

B:Very well,thank you.And how are you?  B:很好,谢谢您。您好吗?

A:Fine,thanks.Where are you going?  A:好,谢谢。您上哪儿去?

B:I'm going shopping.And you?  B:我去买东西。您呢?

A:I'm going home.Oh,you must come over and see us sometime.I'd like you to meet my wife.  A:我回家。哦,您应找个时间到我家来看看,见见我的太太。

B:That's very nice of you,I'd be pleased to come.  B:您太客气了。我十分愿意。

A:Very good.Nice to have met you,Mr.Brown.Good-bye.  A:很好。布朗先生,见到您太好了。再见。

B:Good-bye.  B:再见。对话二 Long Time No See很久不见了

A:Hi,Jack,it's been a long time.  A:嗨!杰克,很久不见了。

B:Hello,my friend.Long time no see.How are you doing?  B:你好,老朋友,很久不见了,你现在可好?

A:Well,I'm doing OK.And how about yourself?  A:哦,我还不错,你呢?

B:Not so well.To be honest with you,I broke up with Betty.  B:不太好,不妨对你说,我与贝蒂分手了。

A:Oh,I'm sorry to hear that.What happened?  A:噢!真可惜了。发生了什么事?对话三 Say“ Hello” to Them for Me替我问候他们

A:Good morning!  A:早上好。

B:Good morning.How are you doing?  B:早上好。你怎么样?

A:Fine,thanks.And you?  A:很好,谢谢。你呢?

B:The some as usual.How's your family?  B:和往常一样。你家人怎么样?

A:They're pretty well.  A:他们都很好。

B:Say“ hello” to them for me.  B:替我问候他们。

A:Of course.They'll be happy you asked about  A:当然。你问起他们,他们会很高兴。them.对话四 How Have You Been?最近怎么样?

A:Long time no see.How have you been?  A:好久不见,最近怎样?

B:Oh ,very well ! I've just come back from a holiday.  B:很好,我刚度假回来。

A:Did you have a good time?  A:你玩得开心吗?

B:Of course! What's new with you?  B:当然了。你有什么新鲜事吗?

A:Oh,keeping busy.  A:噢,一直在忙碌。对话五 Greeting People见面问候

A:Hello,John.  A:嗨,约翰。

B:Hello ,Tony,I haven't seen you for a long time.How have you been?  B:嗨,托尼,很久没见到你了。你近来如何?

A:Just fine,thanks.How about you?  A:很好,谢谢。你好吗?

B:Also fine,thanks.  B:我也很好,谢谢。

A:You don't look very well.  A:你的脸色不太好。

B:I'm not feeling too well.I've caught a cold.  B:我觉得不太舒服,我感冒了。

A:Is it because of the bad weather?It's been really miserable for the past few days.  A:你是因为天气不好而病的吗?这几天的夭气真让人受不了。

B:Hasn't it ! It's been cold and windy recently.Do you like the weather here?  B:可不是嘛!最近很冷,风又大。你喜欢这儿的天气吗?

A:Not really,but I've got used to it now.  A:不太喜欢,但是我已经习惯了。

B:Oh,I'm going to attend a conference in Boston this autumn.Whats the weather like in Boston?  B:噢,我今年秋天要到波士顿去参加一个会议,那儿的气候怎么样?

A:Not quite good.Its windy and dry.Usually autumn is the best season of the year in Boston.  A:天气不是很好,风多又干燥。秋夭通常是波士顿一年中最好的季节。

B:Is it cold in autumn there?Should I take any warm clothes with me?  B:那儿的秋天很冷吗?我需要带很多保暖的衣服吗?

A:No,it isn't very cold at that time.You'll only need some light wool clothing with some jackets and shirts.  A:不,那时不会太冷。你只要带些羊毛衫,加上几件外套和衬衣就行了。Unit 2 Introduction 介绍背景知识ackground Knowledge

A great difference between American social customs and those of other countries is the way in which names are used.Americans have little concern for “rank”,especially socially.Most Americans do not want to be treated in any especially respectful way because of their age or social rank ;it makes them feel uncomfortable .Many Americans even find the terms Mr.”,“Mrs.” or “Miss”too formal.People of all ages may prefer to be called by their first name.

美国的社会风俗跟其他国家的社会风俗相比,在称呼上差别很大。美国人不重视“地位”,尤其是社会地位。大多数美国人都不愿意自己因年龄或社会地位的关系而特别受人尊敬,这样会使他们觉得不自在。许多美国人甚至觉得“先生”,“太太”,“小姐”的称呼太客气了。不论年龄多大,大家都喜欢以名字称呼。高频句型igh-frequency Sentences

①Hello?This is…→喂?我是……

Hello?This is Li Tao.你好,我是李涛。

Hello?Li Ming here.你好,我是李明。

Hello?Lin Fang speaking.你好,我是林方。

② Allow me to /May I /Please let me introduce myself:…→请允许我自我介绍,我叫……

Allow me to introduce myself:John White from Microsoft.请允许我自我介绍,我是微软的约翰·怀特。

May I introduce myself:Linda Smith.请允许我自我介绍,我是琳达·史密斯。

Please let me introduce myself:Jack White,head of accounting.请允许我自我介绍,我是杰克·怀特,财务主管。

③ I don't believe/think we've met…→我想我们没有见过面。……

I don't believe we've met.I'm Peter Davis.


I don't think we've met.My name's Jack Smith.我想我们没有见过面,我是杰克·史密斯。

④This is/Here's…→这位是……

This is my brother,John.这是我弟弟,约翰。

Here's Mary,my best friend.这是我的好朋友,玛丽。

This is Mr.Wang,manager of our company.这是我们经理,王先生。

⑤ Did you meet…?→你见过……吗?

Did you net my father?你见过我父亲吗?

Did you meet my elder brother?你见过我哥哥吗?

Did you meet my wife?你见过我妻子吗?

⑥May I have /What's… name…?→……叫什么名字?

May I have your name,please?我能知道你叫什么名字吗?

What's your name,please?你叫什么名字?

What's your friend's name?你朋友叫什么名字?

⑦I've been dying/looking forward to…→我一直想见到你。

I've been dying to meet you for a long time.我一直想见到你。

I've been looking forward to meeting you.


I have often wanted to meet you.我一直想见到你。

⑧ Are/Have you used to…?→你习惯……?

Are you used to the life in China?你习惯在中国生活吗?

Have you got used to the life in USA?


⑨ … to meet you→很高兴见到你。

Glad to meet you.很高兴见到你。

Nice meeting you.很高兴见到你。

Happy to know you.很高兴见到你。

I'm pleased to see you.很高兴见到你。

Im'delighted to meet you.很高兴见到你。

It's a pleasure to meet you.很高兴见到你。

⑩ It was nice /glad…→很高兴……

It was nice meeting you.见到你很高兴。

It was nice talking to you.和你谈话很开心。

I've enjoyed talks g to you.和你谈话很开心。

I'm glad I ran into you.很高兴碰到你。即学即用utting into Practice对话一 Introducing the New Manager 介绍新来的经理

A:Good morning,Jack.How are you this morning?  A:早上好,杰克。今天早上干得顺利吗?

B:I'm very well,thanks,Mr.King.  B:很顺利,金先生。谢谢。

A:Good,good.This is Jack Jones,Mr.Brown.  A:很好,很好。布朗先生,这是杰克·琼斯。

B:How do you do,sir?  B:您好,先生。

C:Hello.  C:您好。

A:Mr.Brown is our new General Manager,Jack.  A:杰克,布朗先生是新来的总经理。

C:How long have you been working here,Mr.Jones?  C:琼斯先生,你在这儿工作了多长时间啦?

B:Nearly two years,sir,but not all the time in the book department.I was in the record department for ten months.  B:将近两年了,先生。不过不是一直在借书处。我在档案处工作了10个月。

C:Do you like it here?  C:你喜欢这儿的工作吗?

B:Yes,very much.  B:我很喜欢。

C:Good.Well,I'm glad to have met you,Mr.  C:很好。琼斯先生,我很高兴认识你。Jones.

B:Thank you,sir.  B:谢谢您,先生。对话二 Asking for Introduction 请求介绍

A:Will you introduce me to that lady?  A:你可以介绍我认识那位太太吗?

B:Sure.(To Mrs.Taylor)Hi,Mrs.Taylor,allow me to introduce Miss Li to you.This is Miss Li,the director of our office.  B:当然可以,(走向泰勒太太)您好,泰勒太太,请允许我向你介绍李小姐,这位是李小姐,我们的办公室主任。

C:Glad to meet you,Miss Li.  C:见到你真高兴,李小姐。

A:Glad to meet you,too.Are you from Britain or the United States?  A:我也是。您是英国人还是美国人?

B:I'm from Britain.I'm Scottish.  B:我来自英国,我是苏格兰人。对话三 Introducing Friends 介绍朋友

A:Who's that girl over there?  A:那边那个女孩是谁?

B:Which one?  B:哪一个?

A:The tall one with fair hair.  A:高个子、浅色头发的那个。

B:That's Sarah.  B:那是莎拉。

A:She's nice,isn't she?  A:她很漂亮,是吗?

B:Sure.Do you want me to introduce you to her?  B:当然了,要我介绍你们认识吗?

A:Certainly.  A:当然。

B:Hi,Sarah.This is my friend David.He is the best tennis player in our school.  B:嗨,莎拉,这是我的朋友大卫,他是我们学校最棒的网球手。

C:Hello,David.Glad to meet you.Tony has told me a lot about you.  C:你好,大卫,很高兴认识你。我听托尼提过你很多次了。

A:Glad to meet you,too.  A:我也很高兴认识你。对话四 Making Introduction 介绍

A:Hello,Dr.Chen.Let me introduce you to Professor Brown.Professor Brown,this Dr.Chen,a visiting scholar with professor Ross.  A:你好,陈博士,让我介绍你认识布朗教授。布朗教授,这是陈博士,跟随罗斯教授的访问学者。

B:Hello,Professor Brown.Nice to meet you.  B:你好,布朗教授。很高兴认识你。

C:Nice to meet you too.I have heard a lot about you.  C:也很高兴认识你,我听说不少你的事儿。

B:Really?Nothing bad,I hope.  B:是吗?不是坏事吧?

C:Of course not.You made a lot of new equipment by yourself.  C:当然不是。你自己动手做了不少仪器。

B:Yes.I programmed the equipment as well.  B:是啊,我还打算把它们程序化了。

C:Great ! We may need your help later on.  C:真了不起!我们以后也许需要你帮忙呢。

B:Sure.Just let me know when.  B:好啊,和我说一声就行。

C:Thanks.I'll talk to you later.  C:谢谢!我回头和你谈。对话五 Introduction between Two Neighbors 两邻居间的见面介绍

A:Hi! Haven't we met before?  A:你好,我们以前见过面吗?

B:No,I don't think so.I just moved here yesterday.  B:没有吧,我昨天才刚刚搬来的。

A:Oh,welcome to our building.I'd like to introduce myself first.My name is Ross,I'm an engineer in IBM.  A:啊,欢迎来我们公寓居住。先自我介绍一下,我叫罗斯,是IBM公司的工程师。

B:How nice to know you.I'm Jenny.I'm teaching in a high school.  B:很高兴认识你。我叫珍妮,在一所高中教书。

A:Would you be kind enough to have dinner with me tonight?  A:今晚能否赏光和我一起吃晚饭?

B:Sony ,I'm not free this evening.How about tomorrow?  B:对不起,今晚我没空,明天怎么样?

A:OK.See you then !  A:好吧,明天见!

B:See you!  B:明天见!Unit 3 Making an Appointment 约会背景知识ackground Knowledge

Business is cross-national,cross-states,or cross-cities.So businessmen or travelmen have to show respect for other's cultural custom.A different culture may not welcome unexpected visitors,or prefer planned schedule.So public image plays a very important part in the success of whether an individual or an organization.Then how to make an individual or an organization more creditable than others?In fact,making appointments is a very important common practice in social courtesies.Naturally,punctuality is the key to the success of them.

Before making an appointment,you must know the full name and title of the person you want to meet.If necessary,you can check with his or her secretary.All the appointments should be double-checked for accuracy.


约会之前,你必须知道对方的全名和头衔。如有必要,可与他(她)的秘书核实一下。为了准确起见,应该仔细核实所有约会。高频句型igh-frequency Sentences

①Are /is… available?→……有空吗?

Is Mr.Li available?李先生现在有空吗?

Are you available on Friday evening?星期五晚上你有空吗?

I want to talk to Mike.Is he available?我想和迈克谈谈,他有空吗?

② Name the time.→说个时间吧。

Sure.Name the time.当然可以。你说个时间吧。

OK Name the time.好的。你说个时间吧。

Sure.Name the time and place.当然可以,你说个时间和地点吧。

③make an appointment…→约会

Hello,my name is Tom with Steve Rogers.I'd like to make an appointment with Miss Xu.你好,我是Steve Rogers公司的汤姆。我想和徐小姐约个会面时间。

I need to make an appointment with you tonight.我想今晚与你约个时间会面。

I need to make an appointment to discuss a question.我想约个时间讨论个问题。

④… be stood up→白等了

I asked Helen to go shopping,but I was stood up.我和海伦说好去购物,但她失约了,让我空等一场。

She agreed to go to see the movie with me,but then she turned me down.I was stood up.她说好和我一起看电影的,可她又改主意了,让我白等一场。

The manager agreed to have dinner with me,but he didn't show up.I was stood up.经理答应和我一块吃饭的,但他没有来,让我白等了。

Ann said she would join us to go swimming,but she didn't show up.We were stood up.安说好和我们一起去游泳的,但她没有来,让我们白等了。

⑤ something has come up→有事

I cant make it tonight.Something's come up.我今晚没办法去,有点事。

I do want to go,but something's come up.


Apparently,something's come up and she couldn't come.很明显,一定是发生了什么事,所以她没办法来。

⑥ I'll pick you up.→我来接你。

I'll pick you up at five.我5点来接你。

Why don't I pick you up at your place at seven?我7点到你家来接你好吗?

Good,I'll pick you up at eight.好,我8点来接你。

⑦He wants to…his appointment…→他想把约会……

He want to change his appointment from Wednesday to Friday.他想把约会从星期三改到星期五。

He wants to postpone his appointment from Wednesday to Friday.他想把约会从星期三推迟到星期五。

He wants to move his appointment from Wednesday to Friday.他想把约会从星期三挪到星期五。

⑧ if you could manage…→如果你能安排的话……

Mr.Robert,if you could manage,we'd like you to attend our speech contest on Thursday morning.罗伯特先生,如果你有时间的话,我们想请你出席星期四上午举行的演讲比赛。

Good morning.If you could manage,I'd like three tickets for Shanghai.早上好,如果你能安排的话,我想要三张去上海的车票。

Miss yang,if you could manage,I'd like two copies of this report in two minutes.杨小姐,如果你忙得过来的话,我想在两分钟之后要两份报告拷贝。

⑨ I've something pressing.→我有急事。

Sorry,I've something pressing.I have a doctor's appointment for a heart exam.


Sorry.I have something pressing.I must go to a meeting now.抱歉,我有急事,必须赶去开会。

I have something pressing .I must go to the airport to pick up my brother.我有急事,得赶到机场接我兄弟。

I have something pressing.So I can't go downtown with you.我有急事,所以我不能跟你一起去市中心了。

I have something pressing.I have to run for the airplane.Let's talk about this matter on the phone.我有急事。我得赶飞机,我们在电话里讨论这事吧。

⑩have/take a rain check→改天吧

That sounds lovely,but some of my old friends from Shanghai will visit me.I'll take a rain check for some other time.听起来不错,但几个在上海的老朋友要来看我,咱们改天再约时间吧。

That sounds special,but we're all very busy.We'll take a rain check.听起来很特别,但我们都太忙了,咱们改天吧。

I wish I could,but tomorrow I have a computer exam.I'll take a rain check.我真想去,但明天我要参加电脑考试,改天再说吧。

I'd like to go to the health club room with you,but my child has a piano lesson this evening.I'll take a rain check.我很想和你一起去健身房,可我的孩子今晚要学钢琴,所以改天吧。

I'm not available now.Can I have a rain check?我现在没空,可以改天吗?I'll see you…→到……(地点)见。

I'll see you in work.咱们班上见。

I'll see you in school.咱们学校见。

I'll see you in the restaurant.咱们餐馆见。

I'll see you in the mall.咱们购物中心见。即学即用utting into Practice对话一 Making an Appointment with a Friend to Dinner 与朋友约定吃饭

A:Hello.  A:你好!

B:Hello,can you give me Mr.Gary,please?  B:您好!请找加利先生接电话,好吗?

A:Hold on please.I'll see if he's in his office.(After a while)  A:请稍候,我看看他是否在办公室。(一会儿之后)

C:Gary here.What can I do for you?  C:我是加利,有什么事吗?

B:Hello.Martin David from Dominion Light.  B:你好!我是多迷霓灯具公司的马丁·大卫。

C:Hi,David,good to hear from you.What's on your mind?  C:你好!大卫,你打电话来,真是太好了,有什么事吧?

B:Gary,we talked about getting together to discuss the spring sales meeting.I'm going to be in the area next Friday.What about getting together then?  B:加利,我们曾说过要一起讨论春季销售会的事,我下周星期五就到你那里去。我们在一起聚聚,怎么样?

C:That sounds fine,David.Why don't we have lunch together at Great Forest?  C:那挺好的嘛,大卫,我们干嘛不一起到大森林餐馆吃午饭?

B:Good idea.Shall we say 11 o'clock at the restaurant?  B:好主意!那我们11点在餐馆见,好吗?

C:That's fine with me.David.  C:我觉得不错,大卫。

B:See you on Friday,then.Bye.  B:那我们星期五见。再见。

C:Bye.  C:再见。对话二 Confirming an Appointment 确认预约

A:Good afternoon.Stone Construction.  A:下午好!这里是四通建筑公司。

B:Good afternoon.This is Mr.Abraham's secretary.I'm calling to confirm his appointment with Mr.Read tomorrow at 3:00 p.m.  B:下午好!我是亚伯拉罕先生的秘书,我来电话是要确认他与里德先生明天下午3点的预约。

A:Oh,just a moment please…Yes,that's right Tomorrow at 3:00 p.m.  A:哦,请稍等会儿……是的,对了,明天下午3点。

B:Thank you.Bye.  B:谢谢你。再见。

A:You're welcome.Goodbye.  A:不用谢。再见。对话三 Cancelling the Meeting 取消预约

A:Hello.Is that Mr.Stone?  A:您好!是斯通先生吗?

B:Yes.Speaking.  B:我就是。

A:It's Mr.Walker's secretary here.  A:我是沃克先生的秘书。

B:Oh,hi,Miss Chen.  B:哦!嗨!陈小姐。

A:I'm calling to know if it would be at all possible to cancel tomorrow's meeting?  A:我打电话想了解一下是否可以取消明天的会议?

B:Oh?  B:为什么?

A:Mr.Walker said he's terribly sorry but he has a very urgent deadline to meet the day after to-morrow.  A:沃克先生说他非常抱歉,可是他有一项紧急事务,后天就到最后期限了。

B:Oh,what a pity.We'll just have to make it an-other time.  B:哦,很遗憾。那我们只好改个时间了。

A:Mr.Walker said he would get back in touch on Tuesday afternoon,as soon as he gets back from his trip.  A:沃克先生说,他一回来就会在星期二下午和您联系。

B;That'll be fine.If I can be of any help at all,please contact me.  B:那很好。如果我能帮上忙,请和我联系。

A:Thank you,Mr.Stone  A:谢谢你,斯通先生。

B:Well.Thanks for calling.Good-bye.  B:噢,谢谢来电。再见。

A:Good-bye.  A:再见。对话四 Changing an Appointment 改变约会时间

A:56175013.  A:这里是56175013。

B:Robert Stone here.Could I speak to Mr.Hans,please?  B:我是罗伯特·斯通。请找汉斯先生接电话。

A:Speaking.  A:我就是。

B:Hans,it looks as if I won't be able to keep the appointment we made.  B:汉斯,我可能不能赴约了。

A:That was to be Friday,wasn't it?  A:我们约定的是星期五,是吗?

B:Yes,I'm so sorry.This visitor I was actually expecting last week had some kind of change in his itinerary,and now he's rung me up to say the only day he can come is this Friday.  B:是的,真对不起。本该上周就来的一个客户,他的日程有所变动,来电话告诉我他只有这周五才有空来。

A:I see.  A:原来这样。

B:And the trouble is,as he's over from Canada,I can't very well put him off.Hope you under-stand.  B:麻烦的是,他从加拿大远道而来,我无法把他往后推,希望你能理解。

A:Well,I suppose so.  A:是的,可以理解。

B:But could we meet on Saturday?Or would you prefer the beginning of next week?  B:但我们可否星期六见面?你是否更倾向于下周一?

A:Afraid I'm tied up at the weekend.And… let me just check.Yes.Monday would be all right,I think.  A:我恐怕周末没空。嗯……我来查看一下。好的,星期一可以。

B:Thanks,Hans.Hope I haven't messed up your arrangements too much.  B:谢谢你,汉斯,我希望没把你的安排搅得太乱。

A:Oh no.See you next Monday,Robert.And have a nice weekend.  A:哦,没有。下周一见,罗伯特。周末愉快!

B:Thanks.You too,Hans.Bye.  B:谢谢。你也周末愉快,汉斯。再见。对话五 All the Appointments Are Filled 已经约满了

A:May I make an appointment for sometime early this afternoon?  A:可以安排在今天下午早些时候见面吗?

B:I'm sorry.All the appointments are filled.  B:对不起,预约已经满了。

A:Oh,what a pity! I'd like to see the doctor as soon as possible.I have a sharp pain in my chest.  A:真遗憾!我希望能尽快看医生,我胸口痛得很厉害。

B:Let me see… perhaps I could fit you in at 5:30.  B:让我看看……也许,我能把你加上,排在下午5 点30分吧。

A:5:30?I have a dinner appointment at 6:00.  A:5点30分?我6点有晚饭的约会。

B:What about tomorrow morning,then?  B:那么,明天上午怎么样?

A:No,I can't wait.I feel awful.The dinner appointment has to be cancelled.  A:不行,我不能等。我很难受。吃晚饭的约会取消好了。

B:I guess it can't be helped.  B:我想,这是没办法的事。

A:You're right.Did you say 5:30?I'll make a note of it.Fine !  A:你说得对。你是说5点30分吗?我把时间记一下。太好了!

B:AII right,then.See you this afternoon.  B:好,那么下午见。





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