
发布时间:2020-08-25 06:56:34







第1章 翻译概述


1.Yan Fu’s 3-word translation criteria are _____, _____and_____.【答案】faithfulness, expressiveness, elegance【解析】严复提出的翻译标准:信、达、雅。

2.Translation in China has a long history of some_____years.【答案】two thousand【解析】我国的翻译事业有约2000年的历史。

3.The two words used as the common criteria of translation in China today are _____and_____.【答案】faithfulness, smoothness【解析】我国现今通用的两个翻译标准:“信”和“达”。


1.What is meant by translation?【答案】Translation is a representation or recreation in one language of what is written or said in another language, not only an art but also a science.

2.What was Karl Marx fond of saying about the importance of a foreign language?【答案】Karl Marx was fond of saying: “A foreign language is a weapon in the struggle of life.”

3.What are the prerequisites for a qualified translator?【答案】Generally speaking, a qualified translator should have five prerequisites:① a good command of the source language,② a good command of the target language,③ a wide range and scope of knowledge,④ a high political consciousness,⑤ a necessary knowledge of basic techniques used in translation.

4.How to define the literal translation and the liberal translation?【答案】Literal translation refers to an adequate representation of the original almost without any change of word-order or sentence construction. Liberal translation is also called free translation, which does not adhere strictly to the form or word-order of the original.

5.What do you think should be the criteria of translation?【答案】To me, the criteria of translation should be the following two words: faithfulness and smoothness, or even only one word: faithfulness.


1.Source language and target language【答案】译出语和译入语

2.the Oriental and Occidental languages【答案】东方语言和西方语言

3.Alexander Fraser Tyler【答案】亚历山大•弗雷泽•泰勒

4.Georges Mounin【答案】乔治•穆南


6.Indu Dharmarakcha【答案】竺法护



9.M. Ricci【答案】利玛窦

10.Euclid’s Elements【答案】《几何原本》

11.La Dame aux Camelias【答案】《茶花女》

12.A History of Politics(by E. Jenks)【答案】《社会通诠》(甄克思著)

13.On Liberty(by J. S. Mill)【答案】《群己权界论》(约翰•穆勒著)

14.An Inquiry Into the Nature and Cause of the Wealth of Nations(by A.Smith)【答案】原富》(亚当•斯密)

15.Evolution and Ethics and Other Essays(by T. H. Huxley)【答案】《天演论》(赫胥黎)


1.信达雅【答案】faithfulness, expressiveness and elegance

2.“宁顺而不信。”“宁信而不顺。”【答案】“It is better to have a smooth version than a faithful one.” “Rather be faithful (in thought) than smooth (in language).”

3.“保持着原作丰姿。”【答案】“Keep the full flavour of the original work.”

4.忠实,通顺【答案】faithfulness and smoothness

5.直译与意译【答案】literal translation and liberal (free) translation














①原名:Pride and Prejudice(by Jane Austen)


②原名:Red Star Over China(by Edgar Snow)/The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich(by W. Shirer)


③原名:The Adventures of Tom Sawyer(by Mark Twain)


④原名:Jane Eyre:an autobiography(by Charlotte Bronte)


⑤原名:David Copperfield(by Charles Dickens)


⑥对汉译英有兴趣者,可选用《毛泽东选集》(英译本:Selected Works of Mao Tsetung)和《鲁迅短篇小说选》(英译本:Selected Stories of Lu Hsun)。







第2章 确定词义,表达得体


1.That’s all Greek to me.【答案】我对这个一窍不通。

2.If you see any green in his eye, you are wrong.【答案】如果你认为他幼稚的话,那你就错了。

3.He was up to his neck in debt.【答案】他负债累累。

4.The enemy troops fled in disorder.【答案】敌军狼奔豕突。

5.Chairman Mao’s mind swept easily over the whole world, including many lands and epochs.【答案】毛主席纵览全球,古今中外,了如指掌。

6.The naughty boy was upsetting the other children, so I showed him the door.【答案】那个淘气的孩子骚扰到别的孩子,所以我就把他赶出去了。

7.Those persons huff and puff, complain, warn, bluster—and no one seems to pay attention.【答案】那些人怒气冲冲,牢骚满腹,又是警告,又是大喊大叫,可是谁也不予理睬。

8.You have my sympathy.【答案】我同情你。

9.A great elation overcomes them.【答案】他们欣喜若狂。

10.March, 1913 found me working in a small constructional firm.【答案】1913年3月的时候我在一家小型建筑公司工作。

11.All our sympathies are with you.【答案】我们很同情你。

12.Washington in that time was a place for Movement people to come for money, not marches.【答案】当时华盛顿是人们赚钱的地方,而并非是游行的地方。

13.I am not a smoker.【答案】我不抽烟。

14.A ring road lies on the site of an old town wall which has been removed.【答案】旧的城墙已经拆除,原来的墙址上修建了一条环城马路。

15.The Security Council has been seized of the question since December 1963.【答案】安理会从1963年12月开始受理这个问题。

16.Today I welcome the opportunity of exchanging views with the leaders of the Chinese Government about the world scene.【答案】今天我很高兴有机会同中国政府的领导人就世界形势交换看法。

17.Stop selling me to him.【答案】别在他面前替我说好话。

18.He sees the book my way ... Even if mine doesn’t sell his sure will.【答案】对于这部分,他的看法同我一样。即使我的意见难以为人接受,他的意见必能服人。

19.Did you at least total the guy that hit you?【答案】对于那个揍你的家伙,你至少向他报复了吧?

20.Nyaungu was actually the boundary between the two Japanese divisions.【答案】良宇实际上是日军两个师的结合部。

21.I’m up to my neck in your bullshit.【答案】你让我真他妈的倒霉透顶了。

22.“I kept it from her after I heard on it,” said Mr. Peggotty, “going on nigh a year. We was living then in a solitary place, but among the beautifulest trees, and with the roses a-covering our Bein’ to the roof...”【答案】



23.Suddenly the line went limp. “I’m going back,” said Kurth. “We must have a break somewhere. Wait for me.  I’ll be back in five minutes.”【答案】电线突然耷拉了下来。库尔斯说:“我回去看看。一定是哪个地方断了。稍等,我五分钟就回来。”

24.John can be relied on. He eats no fish and plays the game.【答案】约翰为人可靠。他既诚实又正直。

25.She didn’t like him much, but if she went out with him, it’d be one in the eye for Kath.【答案】凯丝很不喜欢他。如果有一天她和他约会了,那对凯丝来说简直是侮辱。

26.He was regarded by all good wives far and near as a hero.【答案】远近的家庭主妇们把他看作英雄。

27.Robin Hood and his merry men hated the rich and helped the poor.【答案】罗宾汉和他的伙伴们痛恨阔人,并帮助穷人。

28.There’s no pot so ugly it can’t find a lid.【答案】丑女不愁嫁。

29.Didn’t she swear she’d never again believe anything in trousers?【答案】她不是发誓从此以后再也不相信男人了吗?

30.SS guards then shoved each prisoner in the direction the doctor had indicated.【答案】希特勒的党卫军按医生所指的方向把犯人推出去。


1.① a broken man

② a broken soldier

③ broken money【答案】




2.①We can make out the meaning of the word from the context.

②We should settle the disputes in the context of the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence.

③It is in this context that the tragedy of Sahara was born.

④We must operate within the context of the general guide lines.

⑤In this context, I’ve to call your attention to the fact that the peaceful trend in the Indo-China Peninsula is essential to peace in the world.【答案】






3.①Soames shook her hand and went downstairs.

②He never read a book in his life and wrote a schoolboy hand.

③It would be like trying to make the hands of a clock move backwards.

④Mr. Hunter suddenly failed and all hands in the factory were turned off.【答案】





4.①It was a good dinner.

②Our Party secretary proved to be a very good listener.

③The captain of the jet came back, saluted and, in very good English said to the President, “To Cairo, sir?”

④He (Dulles) was told, when complaining that he could not follow Nasser’s moves, that Nasser was a good chess player.

⑤They are really good Christians, good parents, children, wives or husbands.【答案】





⑤他们是虔诚的教徒、慈爱的父母、孝顺的儿女、贤良的妻子、尽职 的丈夫。

5.①We are neither making an apology nor expressing glee.

②He knows of course their triumphant proclamation by the Bonapartist generals themselves.

③He exults in the important part he plays and the noise he makes in the world!

④It was obvious that the American was backing down. Eden was beside himself with fury. And Nasser rode high.【答案】






1.①They incited him to go into further investigation.

②The plotters incited the soldiers to rise against their officers.【答案】



2.①This general has the reputation of being courageous.

②He was an honest man, but unfortunately he had a certain reputation.【答案】



3.①French, German, Spanish workmen! Let our voice unite in one cry of reprobation against war!

②It is known, how in the day of June 1848, the “men of order” shook Europe with the cry of indignation against the Insurgent because of the assassination of the Arch-bishop of Paris.【答案】



4.Many of the old Orleanist stagers had merged into the Bonapartist Lot.【答案】很多奥尔良的老角色也与波拿巴派同流合污了。

5.In our Second Address on the war, five days after the advent of those men, we told you what they were.【答案】在这伙人上台五天后,我们在关于前次战争的第二篇宣言中已经向你们说明他们是什么货色了。

6.In reality, he put down the revolution at Lyons and Marseilles in the name of the Republic, while the roars of his Rurals drowned the very mention of its name at Versailles.【答案】实际上他用共和国的名义镇压了里昂和马赛的革命,而他的“地主议员们”在凡尔赛只要一听到“共和国”这个词就狂吠起来。

7.But it would be ludicrous today to attempt recounting the merely preliminary atrocities committed by the bombardiers of Paris and the fomenters of a slave holders’ rebellion protected by foreign invasion.【答案】但是今天要试图一一列举出那些轰击巴黎,在外国侵略者的卵翼下发起奴隶主叛乱的人们的暴行(而这些暴行仅仅是开始),那就太可笑了。


1.①The people the world over hope to enjoy a lasting peace.

②Their journey left a lasting imprint on Mexican culture, on the refinement of its arts and customs.【答案】



2.Many prominent journalists besiege his door, seeking audience with him and President Bush.【答案】许多知名记者竞相登门求见, 并要求他引见布什总统。

3.We would like to build a colour blind society where all men can have equal opportunity.【答案】我们愿意建立一个机会均等、不因肤色不同而产生种族歧视的社会。

4.Alas, an examination of the international situation does not warrant optimism.【答案】可惜的是,国际形势看来并不使人乐观。

5.Arabs rub shoulders with Jews, and have been doing so from the earliest settlement of the territories.【答案】阿拉伯人和以色列人生活在一起,而且从这些地区最初有人居住的时候就一种如此。

6.He once again imparted to us his great knowledge, experience and wisdom.【答案】我们又一次领教了他渊博的知识、丰富的经验和无穷的智慧。

7.But Egypt was recovering herself, drawing lessons both from her own mistakes and from her enemies.【答案】埃及正在恢复自己的本来面目,她既从自己的错误中吸取教训,又从自己的敌人那里得到借鉴。

8.Nuclear energy is stored in the nucleus of an atom and can be released through fission, fusion, or radioactivity.【答案】原子能储存在原子核,可通过裂变、聚变或放射释放出来。

Traffic Regulations and Driving Habits in Some European Countries

In Austria, a first aid kit is compulsory. Driving licenses will be confiscated for an alcohol offence.

In Belgium traffic from the right has the right of way.  If you are involved in an accident you must stay at the scene until the police allow you to leave.

In France, seat belts are compulsory outside built-up areas.

In Holland, seat belts are compulsory for drivers and front seat passengers unless they are under 1.6 metres tall.

In Italy, penalties are heavy for drunken drivers. Sometimes they can be put in prison for up to six months. Translation of driver’s license is essential.

In Germany,parking facing the oncoming traffic is forbidden.【译文】









1.那地方是块肥肉,谁都想吃。【答案】That place is an attractive piece of meat coveted by all.

2.只有武器而没有使用它们的人,武器是空的。【答案】Weapons are of no avail without the people who use them.

3.饮水不忘挖井人。【答案】When drinking from a well, one must not forget those who dug it.

4.现在有许多人在提倡民族化、科学化和大众化。【答案】Many people nowadays are calling for a transformation to a national, scientific and mass style.

5.“所谓’贤者’,就是要顾大局,识大体,抓大事。”【答案】“A ‘wise man’ is one who bears the overall situation in mind, puts the general interest above all and grasp the major issues.”

6.我们要进行有理、有利、有节的斗争。【答案】We should wage struggles “on just grounds”, “to our advantage” and “with restraint”.

第3章 翻译常用的八种技巧


1.There are in the main eight techniques and principles in translation, either from English into Chinese or from Chinese into English. They are: diction, amplification, omission, conversion, inversion, negation, division and repetition.【答案】不管是英译汉还是汉译英,主要有八条翻译技巧(和原则),即选词用字法,增译法,减译法,词类转移法,词序调整法,正说反译法、反说正译法,分译法和重译法。

2.By “diction” we mean proper “choice of words” in translation on the basis of accurate comprehension of the original.【答案】所谓“选词用字法”,就是在正确理解原文的基础上适当地选择词语。

3.Repetition is useful chiefly for clearness, which is of course the first quality to be acquired in a discourse. Secondly, words are repeated also for the sake of emphasis or force, which is another important quality in expression. Lastly, repetition will give life to the discourse and make it more attractive.【答案】重译法之所以有用,第一是它可使译文明确(明确是衡量语言质量的第一个标准);第二是为了强调,使语言有力(这是衡量语言质量的另一重要标准);第三是为了使译文生动形象,引人人胜。

4.By amplification we mean supplying necessary words in our translation work to make the version correct and clear, to make it appear more like the language translated into. Words thus supplied must be indispensable either syntactically or semantically.【答案】增译法意味着为使译文正确、清楚和更为地道而增用必要的词语,所增之词不论是在句法上或词义上都必不可少。

5.As a matter of principle, a translator is not supposed to add any meaning to or subtract any meaning from the original work. However, this does not mean that a translator should refrain from supplying the necessary words to make his version both accurate in meaning and in keeping with the usage of the language to be translated into.【答案】按原则,译者不能对原文的意思任意增减,但这不是说为了使译文忠实而地道不准译者增加必要的词语。

6.Nothing shows greater difference in syntax between English and Chinese than the omission of words in the sentence. What is considered necessary, indispensable, and even a characteristic feature in one language may be deemed useless, superfluous, and even a stumbling block in another.【答案】英汉两种语言在句法上最大的差别莫过于各自在词语的省略上的不同:在一种语言里被认为是必要的、必不可少的,甚至是构成其语言特色的词语,对于另一种语言则可能是无用的、多余的,甚至会成为表达中的障碍。

7.By conversion we mean that in translation a word in one language belonging to a certain part of speech is not necessarily to be turned into one of the same part of speech in another language. We cannot translate English mechanically word for word into Chinese. A good translator should try by all means to reproduce the thought of the author faithfully in another language, quite disregarding the parts of speech of individual words so used in his version. In practical translation work, words in the original, if necessary, may be turned into words identical in meaning but different in part of speech, and the word order may also be changed.【答案】谈到词类转移法,我们是说在翻译中原文中的词类不一定要变成译文中的同一词类。我们不能字对字地把英语译成汉语。优秀的译者应想方设法使原文的意思不加改变,而译文的词类可以与原文的不同,词序也可改变。

8.By inversion in translation we mean that the constituent elements of a sentence are arranged in a way different from the general rules of word order of the language in question. Each language has its own peculiarities in word order. The natural order in English may mean the inverted order in Chinese. Put it more clearly, inversion, as one of the translation techniques, means the necessary or even inevitable change of word-order in a sentence according to the usage of the language to be translated into. This change of word-order is necessary because, first of all, each language has its own natural word order and its own peculiarities in word order, secondly, inversion, as a stylistic device, is often used for emphasis.【答案】翻译中的词序调整法是指译文的词序可以不同于原文句子成分的安排。任何语言都有其词序特点。英语中的自然语序可能译成汉语的倒装语序。明确地说,词序调整法作为一种翻译技巧,是指根据语言习惯在翻译中对词序加以改变。这一改变之所以必要或必不可少,首先是因为每种语言都有其词序特点,其次是可以作为一种修辞手段,达到强调的目的。

9.There is another peculiar negative construction in English in which negation is applied to only a part of the persons or the things mentioned in the subject. The word order of partial negation in English is quite different from Chinese expression. A slight carelessness will cause some gross mistake in translation.【答案】英语中另有一种特殊的否定结构:只部分地否定主语所表示的人物或事物,这和汉语的同一否定的表达方法很不相同。翻译时稍有不慎就会出现重大差错。

10.A double negative in English does not always make a positive. Some English grammarians take this kind of negation for vulgar speech. Even some contemporary grammarians regard it as substandard English. At any rate, it is the speech of the native speakers of English, particularly that of the working people in England and the United States. And it presents itself in English literary works, too. In this regard, difference in the ways of thinking does exist between Chinese and English. Otto Jespersen holds that in repeating these negatives, the speaker is only taking pains to make his negative meaning clear and unmistakable, for fear that one negative alone might not be heard.【答案】英语中的双重否定并不总是意味着肯定。一些语法家将此种否定称作粗俗语言,甚至当代一些语法家仍视之为亚标准英语。不管怎么说吧,反正它是英语民族的人所用的语言,特别是英、美一些劳动人民所用的语言,也出现在英语文学作品中。在这一点上,存在着使用这两种语言的人的思路的差别。奥托·叶斯柏森认为:说话人之所以把这种否定重复一次,是想竭力使其否定意思明确和避免任何误解,生怕只说一次使人听不懂他的话。

11.A careful study of any of the five volumes of the Selected Works of Mao Tsetung (Eng. ed.) would enable us to see that the technique of “division” has been aptly employed on many occasions in Chinese-English translation. And this contributes greatly to dialectical unity of “faithfulness” and “smoothness” in the English version of the Selected Works.【答案】只要认真学习一下五卷《毛泽东选集》英译本中的任何一本,都可以看出分译法在汉译英中的大量运用,这就是此选集的英译本达到了忠实与通顺的辩证统一的主要原因。

12.Division, as a translation technique, means the necessary splitting of a long sentence into shorter sentences. To split a sentence at will is definitely a mistake in translation. For this is bound to mar the style, or even the meaning of the original. But that does not mean “splitting the sentence” is absolutely impermissible. On the principle of “subordinating the part to the whole”, a translator may, through a careful analysis of the context, split a long and involved sentence properly in translation, so as to convey faithfully the thought of the original in a readable way.【答案】分译法作为翻译技巧之一,是指把一句较长的原文分成几句较短的译文的方法。随便分译一个句子肯定是错误的,因为它不可避免地有伤原文的风格与意思。但这不等于说“分译句子”是绝对不能允许的。根据“部分服从整体”的原则,译者可以通过对上下文的仔细分析,对长句、难句进行分译,使译文忠实而易懂。


1.She is no fool.【答案】她很聪明。

2.He is not incapable.【答案】他很能干。

3.She never comes without bringing some candy for the children.【答案】她每次来都给孩子们带些糖果。

4.His pronunciation is not better than mine.【答案】他的发音不比我的好。

5.His success is out of the question.

His success is out of question.【答案】他决不可能成功。他的成功毫无问题。

6.We cannot exaggerate its importance.【答案】它的重要性我们无论怎样夸大都不会过分。

7.I can't help thinking that he is still alive.【答案】我不能不认为他还活着。

8.It is a long lane that has no turning.【答案】世界上没有一条不转弯的路。(亦译:瓦片也有翻身日。)

9.It is an ill wind that blows nobody good.【答案】哪怕是歪风吹也有人觉得舒服。(人疾医生喜。)

10.They sent him to Coventry.【答案】他们拒绝和他来往。


1.After the outbreak of the war, the whole country was armed in a few days.【答案】战争爆发后,几天之内举国武装了起来。

2.The sense of superiority that boy from a senior cadre's family acquired in his childhood has never been totally eradicated.【答案】那个出身高干家庭的小伙子童年时染上的优越感至今还没完全消除。

3.Most of the questions have been settled satisfactorily, only a few of secondary importance remain to be discussed.【答案】大部分问题已圆满解决,只剩下个别几个次要问题有待讨论。

4.During the war years before the Liberation lots of children were saved by Comrade Sung Chingling and the China Welfare Institute led by her.【答案】在解放前的战争年代宋庆龄同志和她所领导的中国福利会拯救了很多儿童。





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