
发布时间:2020-08-25 08:55:24









Directions: Explain the following words, abbreviations or terminology in your own words (in English only, please).

1.NGO【答案】NGO is the abbreviation of Non-Governmental Organization. It is an organization that is not part of the local or state or federal government.【解析】NGO是“Non-Governmental Organization”的缩写,意思是“非政府组织”,即除政府之外的其他社会公共组织。

2.vegetable man【答案】Vegetable man are unable to move, think, or speak, and their condition is not likely to improve.【解析】植物人指大脑已经完全或大半失去功能,亦即已经失去意识,但尚存活的人。虽然植物人仍旧有心跳,且通常犹有反射动作(意即其脑干依旧存活且能发挥功能),但是植物人的生命延续通常必需他人的照护,进食等行为都得由他人协助才能完成。

3.plastic art【答案】Plastic arts are art forms which involve physical manipulation of a plastic medium by moulding or modeling such as sculpture or ceramics. The term has also been applied more broadly to all the visual arts (such as painting, sculpture, film and photography).【解析】造型艺术是艺术形态之一。指以一定物质材料(如绘画用颜料、纸、木板等,雕塑、工艺用木、石、金属等,建筑用多种建筑材料等)和手段创造的可视静态空间形象的艺术。

4.a Casanova【答案】A Casanova is any man noted for his amorous adventures.【解析】“Casanova”指的是卡萨诺瓦式人物(意大利浪荡公子),即花花公子。

5.Certified Public Accountant【答案】A Certified Public Accountant is someone who has received a certificate stating that he or she is qualified to work as an accountant within a particular state.【解析】注册会计师,是指取得注册会计师证书并在会计师事务所执业的人员,英文全称“Certified Public Accountant”,简称为CPA。

6.to mortgage a house【答案】If you mortgage a house, you use it as a guarantee to a company in order to borrow money from them.【解析】“mortgage a house”指的是将房屋抵押给银行,以此获得贷款。

7.Linux【答案】Linux is a free and open-source version of the UNIX operating system.【解析】Linux操作系统是基于UNIX操作系统发展而来的一种克隆系统,可免费使用和自由传播。

8.an Apple of Discord【答案】An Apple of Discord is used to signify the core of an argument, or a small matter that could lead to a bigger dispute.【解析】“an Apple of Discord”直译为“纠纷的苹果”,出自荷马史诗Iliad中的希腊神话故事,引申为争斗的来源。传说厄里斯(Eris)没有收到宙斯的邀请而十分生气,她在筵席上放了一个金苹果,上面镌刻着“属于最美者”几个字。天后赫拉(Hera),智慧女神雅典娜(Athena)、爱与美之神阿芙罗狄蒂(Aphrodite),都自以为最美,应得金苹果,获得“最美者”称号。三人的争执引发了一系列灾难,也导致了特洛伊战争的爆发。

9.decimal numbers【答案】The decimal system is a 10-based digital system.【解析】“decimal system”为十进制,是以10为基础的数字系统。

10.Big Brother【答案】Big Brother refers to a person, government, or organization which has complete control over people and is always checking what they do.【解析】“老大哥”指的是一个完全监视与控制着人们的人、政府或组织。


Directions: For each question in this section. please select the best answer from among the choices given.

1.The stereotypical image of masculinity assumes that weeping is _______ “unmanly” behavior, and not simply a human reaction which may be _______ by either sex.

A. inexplicably….repented

B. excessively….discerned

C. essentially….defined

D. inherently….adopted

E. intentionally….exaggerated【答案】D【解析】句意:男子气概的刻板印象人为哭泣是一种本质上“不男人”的行为,而不仅仅是一种无论何种性别都可以采用的人类反应。“inexplicably”说不清的。“repent”悔悟。

2.There are too many _______ and not enough serious workers.

A. sycophants

B. kleptomaniacs

C. novices

D. dilettantes

E. zealots【答案】D【解析】根据句意可知,空白处应该与“serious workers”意思相反。“dilettante”业余爱好者。“sycophant”谄媚者。“kleptomaniac”有窃盗癖的人。“novice”初学者。“zealot”狂热者。

3.If you come to the conference table with such an _______ attitude, we cannot expect to reach any harmonious agreement.

A. exemplary

B. iridescent

C. indolent

D. obdurate

E. unwonted【答案】D【解析】根据后半句“harmonious”可知,空格处应该是一个贬义词,而且意思与之相反。“obdurate”顽固的。“exemplary”典范的。“iridescent”彩虹色的。“indolent”懒惰的。“unwonted”不习惯的。

4.The good night's sleep had _______ effect on the weary climber, who woke refreshed and eager to resume the ascent.

A. an innocuous

B. a tonic

C. a minor

D. an enervating

E. a detrimental【答案】B【解析】“tonic”滋补的;使精神振作的。“innocuous”无害的。“enervating”使人衰弱的。“detrimental”不利的。

5.She is an interesting _______, an infinitely shy person who, in apparent contradiction, possesses an enormously intuitive _______ for understanding people.

A. aberration....disdain

B. caricature....talent

C. specimen....loathing

D. phenomenon....disinclination

E. paradox....gift【答案】E【解析】句意:她是个有趣的矛盾体,一个十分害羞的人却有一种能够凭直觉理解他人的强大天赋。“have a gift/talent for”对……有天赋。“aberration”失常。“caricature”讽刺画。“specimen”样品。“disdain”蔑视。

6.Although its publicity has been _______, the film itself is intelligent, well-acted, handsomely produced, and altogether _______.

A. tasteless....respectable

B. extensive....moderate

C. sophisticated....amateur

D. risqué....crude

E. perfect....spectacular【答案】A【解析】第一个空格处应该与“intelligent, well-acted, handsomely”意思相反,而第二个空格处应与这几个词意思相近,因此A项符合题意。

7.Conservative historians who represent a traditional accounted as _______ because of its age may be guilty of taking on trust what they should have _______ in a conscientious fashion.

A. ancient....established

B. false....reiterated

C. mythical....fabricated

D. accurate....examined

E. suspicious....challenged【答案】D【解析】句意:那些仅仅因为其年代久远,而将历史传说描述成可靠准确的保守历史学家应该为他们的这种做法感到羞愧,他们本应该采取认真谨慎的态度来探究它们。“reiterate”重申。根据“guilty”和“should have”可知,这些科学家们原本应该仔细检查,因此D项正确。

8.Maggie is a procrastinator, naturally inclined to _______ and to _______ discussions.

A. meddle....scoff at

B. temporize....prolong

C. misbehave....disrupt

D. sneer....terminate

E. withdraw….intrude in【答案】B【解析】根据and可知,两个单词应该意思相近。“meddle”管闲事。“scoff at”嘲笑。“temporize”拖延。“procrastinator”拖延者。B项两个单词都有“延长”的意思,因此B项正确。

9.Opponents of the research institute label it _______ anachronism; its scholars, they allege, have ______ rivaling those of pre-Revolutionary French nobility.

A. an elitist….perquisites

B. a monarchical….tribulations

C. an irreproachable….luxuries

D. a reprehensible….afflictions

E. a commendable….privileges【答案】A【解析】句意:这所研究所的对手给它贴上了精英的错误时代标签,他们宣称,这家研究所的学者领取的额外津贴相当于那些革命前的法国贵族。“anachronism”时代错误。“perquisite”额外补贴。“irreproachable”无可指责的。“reprehensible”应斥责的。“commendable”值得赞美的。根据句意可知,这所研究所的对手在讽刺其额外津贴太多。

10.Since establishing the Children's Defense Fund in 1973, Marian Wright Edelman has been an _____ advocate, steadfast and constant.

A. unwitting

B. unswerving

C. inhibiting

D. elusive

E. antagonistic【答案】B【解析】空白处单词应该与“steadfast and constant”意思相近,因此B项“坚定不移的”符合题意。“unwitting”不知情的。“unswerving”坚定的。“inhibiting”约束的。“elusive”易忘的。“antagonistic”敌对的。

11.The bearded dragon lizard is a voracious eater, so _______ that it will consume as many insects as possible.

A. abstemious

B. cannibalistic

C. slovenly

D. insatiable

E. unpalatable【答案】D【解析】根据句意可知,空白处单词应与“voracious”意思相近,因此D项正确。“voracious”贪吃的。“insatiable”贪得无厌的。“abstemious”节约的。“cannibalistic”同类相食的。“slovenly”懒散的。“unpalatable”味道差的。

12.As one would expect, the reclusive poet _______ public appearances and invasions of privacy.

A. rewarded

B. endorsed

C. neglected

D. invited

E. detested【答案】E【解析】句意:正如人们所期望的那样,隐居诗人十分厌恶公开露面和被侵犯隐私。“reclusive”隐居的。“endorse”认可。空格处表示“隐居诗人”对“公众场合的亮相和个人隐私被侵犯”做的动作,因此E项正确。

13.Only recently created, this orchid is a _______, a plant produced by deliberately crossbreeding two different varieties of flowers.

A. misnomer

B. hybrid

C. vector

D. curative

E. precursor【答案】B【解析】根据“crossbreeding”可知,这种兰花是杂交所得,因此B项正确。“hybrid”杂种。“misnomer”用词不当。“vector”矢量。“curative”药品。“precursor”先驱。

14.Physical exercise often has a _______ effect, releasing emotional tension and refreshing the spirit.

A. pejorative

B. debilitating

C. cathartic

D. retentive

E. tenacious【答案】C【解析】根据后面“释放情感压力”与“使人精神振奋”,空格处单词应该是有宣泄意思的形容词。“cathartic”通便的;精神宣泄的。“pejorative”轻蔑的。“debilitating”使衰弱的。“retentive”记性好的。“tenacious”顽强的。

15.The judges for the chili competition were _______, noting subtle differences between dished that most people would not detect.

A. obscure

B. deferential

C. discriminating

D. sanctimonious

E. unrelenting【答案】C【解析】句意:麻辣比赛的评委是有识别能力的,能发现别人不能发现的菜肴之间的细微差别。“discriminating”有识别力的。“deferential”恭敬的。“sanctimonious”假装虔诚的。 “unrelenting”无情的;不屈不挠的。

16.Named in honor of the school's founder, the Richard Brownstone Community Service Fellowship is one of the highest awards _______ Brownstone School graduates.

A. conscripted to

B. redeemed for

C. conferred on

D. relegated to

E. deprived of【答案】C【解析】句意:为了纪念学校的创始人,理查德布朗斯通社区服务奖学金是授予布朗斯通学校毕业生最高的奖学金之一。“confer on”授给。“conscript”征召。“redeem for”为……弥补。“relegate to”委托给。“deprive of”剥夺。

17.After several months of training, the _______ young spaniel was finally ______ enough to be walked safely without a leash.

A. eager….unruly

B. placid….defiant

C. clever….helpful

D. boisterous….docile

E. vigilant….convinced【答案】D【解析】句意:经过几个月的训练,性格暴躁的西班牙猎狗终于十分温顺,可以不系皮带安全地遛弯。根据“finally”可知,两个空白处单词意思应该相反,而且第一个应该带有贬义。“boisterous”狂暴的。“docile”温顺的。“placid”平静的。“defiant”挑衅的。“vigilant”警惕的。

18.Folk painter Grandma Mose has become such an enduring icon that many consider her _____ of America.

A. an innovator

B. an emblem

C. a successor

D. a detractor

E. a lobbyist【答案】B【解析】句意:民间画家莫斯已经成为一个经久不衰的偶像,许多人认为她是美国的象征。“emblem”象征。“detractor”贬低者。“lobbyist”说客。根据“an enduring icon”可知B项正确。

19.The intern was almost too _______; he felt the suffering of his patients as if it were his own.

A. candid

B. disarming

C. empathetic

D. insightful

E. hysterical【答案】C【解析】句意:那个实习生几乎太感性了,他觉得病人的痛苦好像是他自己的痛苦。“empathetic”同感的。“candid”公正的。“disarming”使解除警戒心的。“hysterical”歇斯底里的。

20.The few female physicians practicing at the end of the nineteenth century might be considered _______, because they constituted a very small percentage of all physicians.

A. miscreants

B. revisionists

C. anomalies

D. pacifists

E. extremists【答案】C【解析】句意:19世纪末的少数女内科医生被认为是特殊的,因为她们只占所有内科医生中很少的一部分。因为是少数一部分人,也就是不与大众相同,所以选择C。“anomaly”反常事物。“miscreant”异端;异教徒。“revisionist”修正主义者。“pacifist”和平主义者。


Direction: In this section there are two passages followed by questions or unfinished statements, each with five suggested answers marked A, B, C, D, and E. Choose the one that you think is the best answer.

Questions 1-12 are based on the following passages.

Is a person's gender an important influence on how he or she behaves with others? Contemporary sociologists and other scholars have argued this question fiercely. The following pair of passages presents two contrasting voices from that debate.

Passage 1

[1] The desire to affirm that women and men are completely equal has made some scholars reluctant to show ways in which they are different, because differences between two groups of people have so often been used to “justify” unequal treatment and opportunity. Much as I understand and am in sympathy with those who wish there were no differences between women and men only reparable social injustice-my research on styles of conversation tells me that, at least in this area, it simply isn't so. I believe that there are gender differences in ways of speaking, and we need to identify and understand them. Without such understanding, we are doomed to blame others or ourselves-or our own relationships-for the otherwise mystifying and damaging effects of our contrasting conversational styles.

[2] It is clear to me that recognizing gender differences in conversational styles would free individuals from the burden of an inappropriate sense of being at fault for chronic disagreements. Many women and men feel dissatisfied with their close relationships-with spouses, siblings, parents-and become even more frustrated when they try to talk things out. Taking a sociolinguistic approach to such troubling encounters makes it possible to explain these dissatisfactions without accusing anyone of being wrong and without blaming-or discarding-the relationship.

[3] The sociolinguistic approach I take in my work is based on my belief that many frictions arise because, here in the United States, boys and girls grow up in what are essentially different cultures, so that talk between women and men is actually cross-cultural communication. For little boys, talk is primarily a means of making statement of achievement through games like bragging contests. This may also be done by exhibiting knowledge or skill and by holding center stage through such verbal performance as storytelling, joking, or imparting information. Little girls appear to be eager to share and compare interests and ideas. Emphasis is placed on displaying similarities and matching experiences. For them, the language of conversation is primarily a language of rapport: a way of establishing connection, and negotiating relationships. So this view of children's behavior predicts that more women than men will be comfortable speaking one-on-one, to individuals. And even when addressing an audience, women may be 45 more concerned than men with establishing rapport.

Passage 2

[1] Gender stereotypes should concern us for several reasons. First, they may dictate what we notice and bias our perceptions in the direction of expectation. Some researchers attempt to elucidate gender differences in order to help women and men understand and respond to one another better. In the process, however, their work encourages people to notice and attend to differences rather than similarities, to perceive men and women in accordance with stereotypes that may not accurately depict their behavior or intentions. Second, gender stereotypes may not only describe behavior but also prescribe it, dictating how men and women “should” behave. People begin to act in ways that support other people's gender-role expectations of them.

[2] It is time to rethink our understanding of gender, to move away from the notion that men and women have two contrasting styles of interaction that were acquired in childhood. We need to move from a conceptualization of gender as an attribute or style of behavior to an understanding of gender as something people do in social interaction. As a noted scholar proposes, “None of us is feminine or is masculine or fails to be either of those. In particular contexts people do feminine, in others, they do masculine.” People display contradictory behaviors as they encounter different social norms and pressures.

[3] Some researchers view male-female conversations as cross-cultural communication. The two-cultures approach postulates that difficulties in communication between men and women arise because of a clash of conversational styles. But this approach has a number of limitations. First, the coherence of male and female subcultures in childhood has been exaggerated. We arrive at a contrasting picture of the cultures of boys and girls only by singling out those children who fit common gender stereotypes and marginalizing others. We fail to notice the children who do not fit those stereotypes-for example, boys who excel at caring for younger siblings or girls who enjoy building things in shop class. Second, although children may choose same sex playmates as preferred partners, they interact daily inside and outside school with the opposite sex. Children have countless experiences communicating with people of both sexes: they do not learn to communicate in gender-segregated worlds. They learn to display different styles of interaction in different contexts: they do not learn a single gender-related style. The same child may display dominance and give orders to a younger playmate but show deference and follow orders from an older friend.

1.The two passages differ most on which topic?

A. Whether boys and girls communicate in gender specific patterns

B. Whether important social behavior is learned in childhood

C. Whether adult conversational styles can be studied systematically

D. Whether gender prays a role in determining a child's playtime activities

E. Whether society concerns itself with the concept of gender roles

2.The primary purpose of Passage 1 is to _______.

A. present a historical overview of a controversy

B. acknowledge previous errors in thinking

C. urge changes in organized activities provided for children

D. assert the value of a particular approach to an issue

E. downplay the significance of a recent discovery

3.Passage 1 makes which suggestion about the work of “some scholars” (Paragraph 1)?

A. It will become widely accepted in the scientific community.

B. It is well intentioned but misguided.

C. It attempts to be objective but does not succeed.

D. It puts forth a convincing theory.

E. It could be used to excuse injustice in a society.

4.Passage 1 argues that “recognizing gender differences” (Paragraph 2) would most likely _______.

A. cause people to exaggerate their similarities when communicating with one another

B. lead to further dissatisfaction in Conversations among friends and relatives

C. promote the equal treatment of distinct social groups

D. relieve individuals of much of the blame for problems in relationships

E. affect the way that future research on gender is conducted

5.In (“Little girls….relationships”, Paragraph 3), the author of Passage 1 assumes that for girls, a primary function of communication is to _______.

A. foster a sense of intimacy between speaker and listener

B. establish a set of conversational rules shared by speaker and listener

C. convey information previously unknown by the listener

D. promote nostalgic feelings about past friendships

E. create an objective atmosphere for personal discussions

6.The author of Passage 2 would most likely challenge the claim made in Paragraph 3 of Passage 1 (“The sociolinguistic...communication”) by arguing that _____.

A. children do not grow up in single-gender cultures

B. children may become skilled at deceiving adults

C. gender differences are impossible to assess scientifically

D. there is less conflict between men and women than sociologists assume

E. children's behaviors have changed dramatically in recent years

7.The sentence in Paragraph 1 of Passage 2 (“First...expectation”) primarily emphasizes which damaging effect of gender stereotypes?

A. They may offend the person being stereotyped.

B. They may distort our observations of people we meet.

C. They have been used to justify gender inequality.

D. They commonly cause miscommunication between men anti women.

E. They reflect negatively on those who believe in them.

8.The assumptions underlying the research work described in Paragraph l of Passage 2 (“Some researchers attempt to ... to one another better”) are most similar to the assumptions held by the _____.

A. “scholars” underlined in Paragraph 1 of Passage 1

B. “women and men” underlined in Paragraph 2 of Passage 1

C. “noted scholar” underlined in Paragraph 2 of Passage 2

D. author of Passage 1

E. author of Passage 2

9.The quotation in Paragraph 2 of Passage 2 (“None... masculine”) primarily serves to_____.

A. introduce a personal experience

B. provide a typical example

C. elaborate on an idea

D. signal a change in topic

E. offer recent research data

10.Passage 2 suggests that some scholars construct “a contrasting picture of the cultures of boys and girls (Paragraph 3 of Passage 2) by studying children whose

A. readiness to interact with strangers is apparent

B. demand for approval from adults is particularly strong

C. rebellion against authority results in creative behavior

D. personalities are highly idiosyncratic

E. actions correspond to a narrow preconception of behavior

11.The author of Passage 2 implies that the “boys” underlined in Paragraph 3 of Passage 2 and the “child” underlined in Paragraph 3 of Passage 2 resemble one another in that they _____.

A. have not learned to imitate adult behaviors

B. refuse to get along with their peers

C. do not conform to traditional gender stereotypes

D. openly mock adult expectations about their behavior

E. communicate primarily with children of their own gender

12.Which of the following best characterizes the ideas about gender communication styles as they are presented in the two passages?

A. Passage 1 argues that styles are based on competition, while Passage 2 suggests that they are a form of cooperation.

B. Passage 1 argues that styles are a burden, while Passage 2 implies that they can help facilitate relationships between men and women.

C. Passage 1 claims that styles are semantic, while Passage 2 suggests that they are whimsical.

D. Passage 1 suggests that styles are constant, while Passage 2 argues that they are fluid.

E. Passage 1 states that styles are random, while Passage 2 indicates that their patterns become obvious upon closer scrutiny.【答案与解析】

1.A  第一篇文章第三段中说“talk between women and men is actually cross-cultural communication”,由第二篇文章第三段可知,作者认为这种观点有一些局限性。因此两篇文章的主要差异在于男孩和女孩是否在特定性别模式下进行交流。

2.D  由第一篇文章可知,尽管作者很理解并同情那些希望男女之间没有差别的人,但作者相信在说话的方式上存在性别差异,我们需要识别并理解它们。

3.B  第一篇说到一些学者“reluctant to show ways in which...'justify' unequal treatment”。作者认为那些学者的本意是好的,但却不同意他们的观点。作者显然认为承认性别差异有助于人们与异性交往。

4.D  第一篇关于性别差异的方法涉及男性和女性与配偶、兄弟姐妹和朋友的亲密关系。根据这篇文章,“recognizing gender differences in conversational styles would free individuals from the burden of an inappropriate sense of being at fault”。也就是说这种认识会让人们避免因性别误解而责备自己(或他人)。

5.A  第一篇文章描述了女孩如何通过交流寻求与他人建立亲密关系:小女孩在谈话中强调“displaying similarities and matching experiences”。这篇文章指出,对于女孩来说,语言的目的是“establishing connection and negotiating relationships”。

6.A  第一篇文章提出“boys and girls grow up in what are essentially different cultures”,因此任何挑战都必须直接解决这一要求。第二篇文章的作者说,孩子们有“countless experiences





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