
发布时间:2020-08-26 07:18:58











Part I Listening Comprehension (30 marks)


Section A (5 marks)

In this section, you will hear five short conversations. Each conversation will be read only once. At the end of each conversation, there will be a fifteen-second pause. During the pause, read the question and the four choices marked A, B, C and D, and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on the answer sheet with a single line through the centre.

1Why does Jane borrow Tom’s yoga book?

A. It is a reference book for her research on the Olympics.

B. Tom recommended her to read it.

C. She wants to learn some basic principles of the sport.

D. It is part of her yoga lessons.【答案】C【解析】对话中Jane要借Tom的瑜伽书,在Tom问她是不是要上瑜伽课时,Jane回答说“I’d like to understand how it works”。由此可知Jane借书是想了解如何进行瑜伽,即瑜伽的基本原理。因此C项正确。【录音原文】

W: Tom, I was wondering if I could borrow your book on yoga.

M: Sure. Are you going to take yoga lessons, Jane?

W: Yeah, I think I might, but I’d like to understand how it works.

M: Good idea. It has become an official sport in the Olympics.

2What are the speakers going to do according to the conversation?

A. To start a new textile factory in Frankfurt.

B. To set up a booth at the Frankfurt trade fair.

C. To organize a grand world Expo in Germany.

D. To sign a contract with a German company.【答案】B【解析】对话开头男士便宣布一切都筹备好了,“we’ll be setting up a booth at the trade fair in Frankfurt!”,之后的讨论便都围绕这个话题展开。由此可知,对话者将在法兰克福的贸易展销会上有一个摊位。因此B项正确。【录音原文】

M: Well, folks...I’ve got good news! Everything is finalized and we’ll be setting up a booth at the trade fair in Frankfurt!

W: That’s great news! The application process was so difficult, but I’m glad we made it!

M: The trade show in Frankfurt is the biggest textile show in the world, so it’s great that we can have a presence there!

3What is the man’s opinion about making decisions?

A. Decisions should be made based on data.

B. Decision making is a complicated process.

C. Intuition serves as a signal in decision making.

D. Gut feelings may help one make decisions.【答案】A【解析】对话中在讨论做决定是要根据感情还是信息时,男士说“I think we should make choices based on data and information...not on emotions!”由此可知男士不同意以感情做决定的方式,他认为做决定应当以数据和信息为依据。因此A项正确。【录音原文】

M: But Faith, do you really think we should base a decision on feelings?

W: Well, feelings can be a warning. I believe very strongly in the power of intuition. You know how people say, “I have a gut feeling?” What they really mean is that their intuition is giving them a signal.

M: Do you mean that emotions are important, even in the business world? I think we should make choices based on data and information...not on emotions!

4Which saying can describe the situations in the conversation?

A. A friend in need is a friend indeed.

B. Gentleness and kindness conquer at last.

C. Two is company, but three is none.

D. When in Rome, do as the Romans do.【答案】D【解析】对话中男士说虽然拥抱在商务场合中不太合适,但如果有人这么做了,最好还是跟着做,最后还提到“Try to follow the local customs”。由此可知这个对话讨论的主要话题是“入乡随俗”。因此D项正确。【录音原文】

M: I’d say hugging is not usually appropriate in a business situation. Some people are a bit overly friendly. But if the person initiates it, I’d recommend you grit your teeth and go along with it, otherwise people might think you are rude.

W: So the same rule would apply to getting a kiss from a European: if they initiate it, just go along and be friendly, right?

M: Yeah. Try to follow the local customs.

5How do Americans spend Christmas?

A. Customs vary according to people’s beliefs and habits.

B. Friends get together at parties while children collect gifts.

C. Religious families sing and play music on Christmas Eve.

D. Many families go traveling during the Christmas season.【答案】A【解析】对话中男士问起圣诞习俗时,女士回答说“每个家庭的习惯都不一样”,比如宗教家庭会去教堂,而其他的家庭则有其他活动。由此可知,由于人们信仰和习惯不同,各家的圣诞习俗也不同。因此A项正确。【录音原文】

M: So give me a basic rundown. What are the Christmas traditions?

W: Each family is different, but basically you just go with the flow. If your friend’s family is religious they might go to church on Christmas Eve or Christmas morning.

M: I’ve never attended a church service before…that sounds interesting.

W: The sing and music can be very beautiful, but many American families just hang around at home on Christmas—talking, watching TV, eating food and open presents.

Section B (10 marks)

In this section, you will hear two long conversations. Each conversation will be read only once. At the end of each conversation, there will be a one-minute pause. During the pause, read the questions and make your answers on the answer sheet with a single line through the centre.

Conversation One

Listen to the conversation, and mark each statement as either true (T)or false (F)according to your listening.

6Gina and Jason are old friends and they are quite happy to meet in China again.

7Jason suffered a lot on his journey mostly because the plane he took encountered severe turbulence.

8Jason did not care much about the noise in the plane because he was a night owl.

9Jason would like to pay a visit to the Great Wall besides doing his business.

10Gina recommends that Jason may buy some silk products for his wife as gifts.【答案与解析】

6F  对话开头Jason说他和Gina曾经通话过很多次,最后终于在现实中见面,感觉很好。由此可知这是两人第一次见面,而非老朋友。因此该判断错误。

7F  对话中Jason提到“There was a bit of turbulence while we were over the Pacific Ocean, but it wasn’t too bad.”由此可知Jason遇到的湍流并不严重。因此该判断错误。

8T  对话中Jason说他的后座一整夜都在打鼾,Gina问起他是不是晚上完全没睡着觉时,他回答说“Not much...but that’s OK...I’m a night owl anyway.”由此可知后座打鼾对他造成的影响不太大,因为他自己是个夜猫子。因此该判断正确。

9T  对话中Gina问起除了参观工厂和办公室外还想做什么时,Jason说“I’d love to squeeze in a trip to the Great Wall.”由此可知Jason除了工作方面的事,还想去长城看看。因此该判断正确。

10T  对话中Jason说想给妻子买礼物时,Gina说“I’d recommend silk for your wife.”,并列举了一些丝绸制品。由此可知Gina推荐Jason给妻子买丝绸制品做礼物。因此该判断正确。【录音原文】

M: Hello Gina! We’ve spoken so many times on the phone but it’s so good to finally meet you in person!

W: Hello, Jason. How was the flight?

M: Pretty good. There was a bit of turbulence while we were over the Pacific Ocean, but it wasn’t too bad. The worst thing was the guy behind me. He snored all through the night!

W: Really? But you were in first class! Nobody woke that guy up?

M: The stewardess said it’s not company policy to wake people up for any reason.

W: That’s terrible! So you didn’t get any sleep?

M: Not much...but that’s OK...I’m a night owl anyway.

W: So, aside from visiting our factory and offices, are there any other things you want to accomplish while you’re in China?

M: I’d love to squeeze in a trip to the Great Wall.

W: That’s not a problem. We can have a company car take you there. It’s only about a two-hour drive.

M: Also...I’d like to do some shopping while I’m here.

W: Well, you’ve come to the right place! China is a shopping paradise. Name it―we’ve got it.

M: To be honest, I’m not really sure what I’m looking for. But I need gifts for my wife, kids and I should bring something back for the senior partners of my firm as well.

W: Hum...I’d recommend silk for your wife. Maybe a bathrobe or perhaps a shawl. Silk dresses and shirts are good, too.

M: Yeah...that sounds good. But my wife is picky, so I’ll need your help to choose the right one. It should be classy and not too flashy.

W: I think I know just the store to visit. Leave it to me.

Conversation Two

Listen to the conversation, mark each question as A, B, C or D according to your listening.

11What does the interviewer find surprising about Mariella’s house?

A. There is a Jamaican style pavilion in her garden.

B. She plants many kinds of flowers in the backyard.

C. Many pet animals are raised in baskets in her house.

D. It is elaborately decorated with roses in various colors.

12What did Mariella’s father do for a living?

A. He served as a royal gardener.

B. He ran a dairy farm in Jamaica.

C. He cultivated bananas and other plants.

D. He grew vegetables most of his time.

13Why did Mariella begin growing vegetables?

A. She thought it was healthy to eat organic vegetables.

B. Growing vegetables earned her some pocket money.

C. Growing vegetables reminded her of her life in Jamaica.

D. Her son enjoyed eating freshly-picked raw vegetables.

14What would Mariella do if the vegetable seeds failed to grow?

A. She would contact her friends in Jamaica for solutions.

B. She would check the soil, seeds and water carefully.

C. She would keep on trying until they grew.

D. She would grow some other plants instead.

15What did Mariella’s friends say when she wanted to plant her favorite flower in the garden?

A. London would be too wet for the flower to grow.

B. The flower was likely to grow better indoors than outdoors.

C. It would be too cold for the flower to flourish in her garden.

D. She needed time and patience to grow the flower.【答案与解析】

11B  对话中采访者说Mariella和别人一样住在典型的有后院的伦敦排屋中,但是她的后花园终结了这种相似度,因为Mariella家到处都是植物和花朵。根据采访者的语气可推断他吃惊于Mariella家的花园。因此B项正确。

12C  在采访者问起关于Mariella父亲的事情时,Mariella说“My father cultivated bananas for a living but he grew lots of different kinds of vegetables…And besides vegetables, we had lots of flowers too.”由此可知,Mariella的父亲以种植香蕉为生,但也种蔬菜和花朵。因此C项正确。

13D  对话中采访者问Mariella最早种的是什么时,Mariella说她的儿子喜欢生吃蔬菜,所以她便种了很多蔬菜。由此可知Mariella种菜是为了满足儿子对生食蔬菜的爱好。因此D项正确。

14C  对话中采访者问到Mariella怎样学习种植时,她说她只是去买一袋种子直接种下。“If they didn’t work out, I would keep trying until they did okay.”由此可知,假如种子不发芽,Mariella就继续尝试,直到种子长出来。因此C项正确。

15C  对话中Mariella提到“Friends in Jamaica said it would be too cold here for it to flourish”。由此可知Mariella的朋友认为伦敦气候太冷,不适合在花园里种花。因此C项正确。【录音原文】

M: Mariella, you live in a typical London terraced house, with a long thin garden plot at the back, just like all the other houses in the street. But there the similarity ends. Your garden is a―well, I don’t know how to describe it—it’s a jungle in the nicest possible way, a bit of paradise! You’ve got hanging baskets bursting with flowers, roses clutch at your feet as you walk along the path. In fact, everywhere you look is bursting with flowering shrubs, bushes and plants of every description at every level! Why did you create the garden?

W: I wanted a garden which would remind me of my native home in Jamaica, although the climate here is very different, of course.

M: Your father was a farmer, wasn’t he? Do your green fingers come from him?

W: No, I haven’t got green fingers! No way! My father cultivated bananas for a living but he grew lots of different kinds of vegetables and we lived off what was grown in the garden. And besides vegetables, we had lots of flowers too.

M: I must say, the exuberance of your garden here certainly captures the atmosphere of a Caribbean landscape. You came here many years ago—it was February, wasn’t it?

W: Yes, it was cold and grey when I arrived—not the best time to be here! The garden was nothing but weeds but I saw it and I set to work.

M: What did you grow at first?

W: My son liked vegetables. He liked to eat them raw, not cooked. So I grew vegetables for him. He would come in from school and munch away at the freshly-picked vegetables: cabbages, carrots, cucumber, pumpkin. I used to get a lot of satisfaction just watching him eat.

M: How did you learn to garden?

W: I didn’t learn from books or anything like that. I would just walk into a shop, see a packet of seeds and plant them, just like that! If they didn’t work out, I would keep trying until they did okay. My children weren’t interested in the garden but my grandson is keen on gardening. He learned about gardening at school and planted those sunflowers all by himself, although he’s only six.

M: Do you allow yourself a favourite flower?

W: I love the shrimp plant with yellow flowers that is grown in Jamaica. Friends in Jamaica said it would be too cold here for it to flourish, but I planted it in the garden and then took it to the living room, where it blooms well.

M: You must derive a great deal of satisfaction from the garden.

W: When I wake up in the morning and look out, you know, it...it is joy, pure joy.

Section C (5 marks)

In this section, you will hear five short news items. Each item will be read only once. After each item, there will be a fifteen-second pause. During the pause, read the question and the four choices marked A, B, C and D, and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on the answer sheet with a single line through the centre.

16What was the ruling made by the court?

A. No travelers from seven Muslim countries can enter the USA.

B. The Muslim Ban issued by President Donald Trump was invalid.

C. Airlines must apply for special license for Muslim passengers.

D. The voting in the 2016 presidential election will be investigated.【答案】B【解析】新闻开头提到“Donald Trump has dismissed as ridiculous a court ruling on Friday which has temporarily lifted a ban on travelers from seven mainly Muslim countries.”,由此可知,这项裁定曾经暂时解除过七个主要穆斯林国家的旅行者入境禁令。因此B项正确。【录音原文】

Donald Trump has dismissed as ridiculous a court ruling on Friday which has temporarily lifted a ban on travelers from seven mainly Muslim countries. President Trump asserted that the decision of, in his words, the so-called judge would be overturned. Some international airlines are again allowing citizens from the countries affected to board flights to the United States.

17Why will Britain’s Antarctic Research Institute pull its staff out of its research base?

A. A violent snowstorm is approaching the area.

B. The staff have found a better place for research.

C. Penguins have occupied the base’s front line.

D. A big new ice crack has appeared near the base.【答案】D【解析】新闻开头提到“Britain’s Antarctic Research Institute has decided to pull all staff out of its research base for safety reasons.”。后文提到原因是研究站所在的冰面出现了新的大裂缝。因此D项正确。【录音原文】

Britain’s Antarctic Research Institute has decided to pull all staff out of its research base for safety reasons. The highly unusual move is said to be needed because the ice field where the station sits has developed a big new crack and the front line is a reasonable distance away.

18What can be inferred from the news?

A. The prolonged search for the missing airplane has come to a fruitless end.

B. Some larger pieces of wreckage of the missing airplane have been found.

C. The retrieved black box of the missing airplane may help solve the mystery.

D. Another underwater team will be sent to continue the search next year.【答案】A【解析】新闻开头提到“A three-year search for the missing Malaysia Airline’s flight MH370 has been called off, leaving one of the great aviation mysteries unsolved.”。由此可知,对马航MH370的搜索被取消且没有任何结果。因此A项正确。【录音原文】

A three-year search for the missing Malaysia Airline’s flight MH370 has been called off, leaving one of the great aviation mysteries unsolved. It was suspended after underwater search teams failed to find the wreckage in the Indian Ocean. The plane disappeared in March 2014 with 239 people on board on route from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing.

19Why has the man been charged?

A. He conducted sea-sailing without a license.

B. He sailed on the sea with a little child on board.

C. He was found sailing with a broken rudder.

D. He ill-treated his six-year-old daughter.【答案】B【解析】新闻开头提到“A man whose boat journey with his six-year-old daughter…has been charged with the offense of taking a child.”。后文提到此人进行的是出海活动。由此可知这个人受到的指控是带儿童出海。因此B项正确。【录音原文】

A man whose boat journey with his six-year-old daughter prompted an international search operation has been charged with the offense of taking a child. Adam Landon set sail from New Zealand to Australia before Christmas but says a broken rudder kept them at sea. He denies that he was trying to avoid the custody battle with his wife.

20What is a warped economy according to the news?

A. Rich people are getting richer while poor people are getting poorer.

B. Poor people are unable to survive without the help from charity.

C. Eight billionaires own the wealth equivalent to the rest of the world.

D. The gap between the rich and the poor is narrowing gradually.【答案】A【解析】新闻中提到“there is a much wider gap in the distribution of global wealth between the richest people and the poorest than previously acknowledged”,结尾说到应该采取行动解决所谓的“warped economy”。由此可推断所谓的“warped economy”指的就是贫富差距拉大的现象。因此A项正确。【录音原文】

Campaigners in Britain say there is a much wider gap in the distribution of global wealth between the richest people and the poorest than previously acknowledged. The Charity Oxfam said 8 billionaires have riches equivalent to the wealth of half the world’s poorest. It’s called for action to address what is called a “warped economy”.

Section D (10 marks)

In this section, you will hear two short passages. The passages will be read only twice. After each passage, there will be a thirty-second pause. During the pause, write the answers on the answer sheet.


Listen to the passage. For questions 21—25, fill in the blanks with the exact words or phrases you hear.

Yoga has changed my life! Before I discovered yoga, I used to try to keep in shape by doing backbreaking exercise programs. But it never worked. I would start out by going for a five-mile jog, and then I would (21)_____.

When I started doing yoga I had to change my whole way of thinking. At first, I tried to perform the most difficult positions. It was painful. My problem was that I viewed yoga as a regular exercise program. I thought that if I worked harder, I would see results faster. But keeping fit is more than just an exercise program; it’s a life style. I had to learn that yoga is about (22)_____, both mental and physical.

Yoga is also a form of meditation, exercising the mind, body, and the spirit. Through yoga, I am learning to harmonize these three things. It helps me to (23)_____ the stress of everyday life. Now, instead of getting upset about problems in my life, I approach them in a calm way. And it’s a lot easier to (24)_____ when your mind is clear!

My original goal was to lose weight. But most importantly, I now feel better, (25)_____. I am happy about my body, my life, and myself.【答案】

21be exhausted

22slow improvement

23escape from

24find solutions

25emotionally and physically【录音原文】

Yoga has changed my life! Before I discovered yoga, I used to try to keep in shape by doing backbreaking exercise programs. But it never worked. I would start out by going for a five-mile jog, and then I would be exhausted.

When I started doing yoga I had to change my whole way of thinking. At first, I tried to perform the most difficult positions. It was painful. My problem was that I viewed yoga as a regular exercise program. I just thought that if I worked harder, I would see results faster. But keeping fit is more than just an exercise program; it’s a life style. I had to learn that yoga is about slow improvement, both mental and physical.

Yoga is also a form of meditation, exercising the mind, body, and the spirit. Through yoga, I am learning to harmonize these three things. It helps me to escape from the stress of everyday life. Now, instead of getting upset about problems in my life, I approach them in a calm way. And it’s a lot easier to find solutions when your mind is clear!

My original goal was to lose weight. But most importantly, I now feel better, emotionally and physically. I am happy about my body, my life, and myself.


Listen to the passage. For questions 26—30, complete the notes using no more than three words for each blank.

The problem caused by birds to airplanes, which has been addressed as (26)“_____”, is getting worse. A growing number of airplanes and birds, as well as countryside airports, are facing (27)_____. Therefore, airports are trying to (28)_____ by making it hated for birds to find food, using special fireworks to (29)_____ and even killing them. However, we must find new ways to make the sky a safer place for both men and birds. People are still seeking for (30)_____ to avoid killing birds.【答案与解析】

26bird strikes(录音开头提到鸟类一直困扰着飞机飞行,但现在“the problem of ‘bird strikes’ is getting worse”。由此可知,鸟类困扰飞机飞行的问题被称为“bird strike”。)

27danger(录音中提到“Smaller birds can also be a danger…increasing the danger of a plane crash.”,成群的小型鸟类撞上飞机会增加坠机的危险。由此可知,飞行过程中飞机和鸟类都面临着危险。后文又提到“more modern airports are being built in the countryside, where bird populations are high”。乡下鸟类数量多,而机场又通常建在那里。鸟类喜欢去往机场觅食居住,使得机场也面临着危险。)

28change the environment(录音中提到了一些解决措施。第一条提到“要改变机场环境,减少对鸟类的吸引力”,这意味着要使鸟类在机场附近难以觅食。)

29frighten them(录音提到的第二条解决措施是用特制烟花“鸟类炸弹”来制造噪音恐吓鸟类,以驱散机场附近的鸟类。由此可知“鸟类炸弹”的作用是恐吓鸟类。)

30a long-term solution(录音结尾提到杀鸟不是长久措施,我们应当继续寻找合适方法。由此可知人们正在寻找能够解决这个问题的长久措施。)





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