
发布时间:2020-08-27 05:44:45













各位辛苦备战的考生,真诚地希望本书能够助你们一臂之力,祝你们能在雅思阅读考试中获得高分!编者Part 1如何攻克雅思阅读的词汇关





雅思阅读考试的命题者总会在文章题目中用一个难词,如biometrics,这个单词相对较新,且不常用,这时命题者就在文章中给出了这个词的解释,即:Biometrics is a little-known but fast-growing technology that involves the use of physical of biological characteristics to identify individuals.这样我们就能猜出该词的意思是“生物测定学”,至少可以理解它是一门技术,鲜为人知但发展迅速。再如:Anthropology is the scientific study of man.由定义可知,anthropology就是“研究人类的科学”。

定义句的谓语动词多为:be,mean,deal with,be considered,to be,refer to,be called,be known as,define,represent,signify,constitute等。2.根据复述猜测词义

虽然复述不如定义那样严谨、详细,但是提供的信息足以使阅读者猜出生词词义。复述部分可以是单词、短语,或是从句。如:Semantics,the study of the meaning of words,is necessary if you are to speak and read intelligently.该句中的两个逗号之间的短语意为“对词的意义进行研究的学科”。该短语与前面生词semantics是同位关系,因此我们不难猜出semantics指“语义学”。

在雅思阅读文章中,复述中构成同位关系的两部分之间多用逗号连接,有时也使用破折号、冒号、分号、引号和括号等。同位语前还常有or,similarly,that is to say,in other words,namely等副词或短语出现。

再如:Krabacber suffers from SAD,which is short for seasonal affective disorder,a syndrome characterized by severe seasonal mood swings.

根据生词SAD后面的定语从句which is short for seasonal affective disorder和同位语a syndrome characterized by severe seasonal mood swings,我们可以推断出SAD的含义,即“季节性情绪紊乱症”。3.根据举例猜测词义


The consequences of epochal events such as wars and great scientific discoveries are not confined to a small geographical area as they were in the past.



vt.引起【同义】 cause of起因;属…原因【例句】 Smoking is the biggest preventable cause of death and disease.吸烟是造成不必要疾病和死亡的最大原因。Reading skills在阅读中看到the cause of就要注意其前后出现的内容,它往往会是考查点。该短语后面跟的一定是结果,而它前面的通常是原因。如:The research into genetic defect was to find the cause of cystic fibrosis.在遗传缺陷方面所作的研究是为了发现胆囊纤维变性症的病因。在原文中,give rise to表示“引起…”,说明cystic fibrosis的原因。然而,在题干中,却使用the cause of来替换这一含义。尽管有可能不知道cystic fibrosis的词义,但如果知道上面两个词组的同义关系,也能知道缺失的词是cystic fibrosis。三、利用关系词解题


1.“因果”关系词:as a result,result in,result from,lead to,because of,due to,contribute to,owning to,hence,since,accordingly,consequently,therefore,in that,etc.

2.“转折”关系词:despite,in spite of,but,although,though,while,yet,otherwise,on the other hand,however,nevertheless,nonetheless,etc.

3.“比较”关系词:more,than,less,the least,the most,prefer,equally,likewise,similarly,in comparison,as...as,etc.

4.“并列”关系词:first,second...,finally,and,or,as well as,one...the other,not...nor...,etc.Part 2雅思阅读备考策略一、关于雅思阅读文章




雅思阅读文章主要以说明文为主。Opportunists and CompetitorsParagraph1

Forests are one of the main elements of our natural heritage.The decline of Europe's forests over the last decade and a half has led to an increasing awareness and understanding of the serious imbalances which threaten them.European countries are becoming increasingly concerned by major threats to European forests,threats which know no frontiers other than those of geography or climate:air pollution,soil deterioration,the increasing number of forest fires and sometimes even the mismanagement of our woodland and forest heritage.There has been a growing awareness of the need for countries to get together to co-ordinate their policies.In December1990,Strasbourg hosted the first Ministerial Conference on the protection of Europe's forests.The conference brought together31countries from both Western and Eastern Europe.The topics discussed included the co-ordinated study of the destruction of forests,as well as how to combat forest fires and the extension of European research programs on the forest ecosystem.The preparatory work for the conference had been undertaken at two meetings of experts.Their initial task was to decide which of the many forest problems of concern to Europe involved the largest number of countries and might be the subject of joint action.Those confined to particular geographical areas,such as countries bordering the Mediterranean or the Nordic countries therefore had to be discarded.However,this does not mean that in future they will be ignored.Paragraph2

As a whole,European countries see forests as performing a triple function:biological,economic and recreational.The first is to act as a‘green lung’for our planet;by means of photosynthesis,forests produce oxygen through the transformation of solar energy,thus fulfilling what for humans is the essential role of an immense,non-polluting power plant.At the same time,forests provide raw materials for human activities through their constantly renewed production of wood.Finally,they offer those condemned to spend five days a week in an urban environment an unrivalled area of freedom to unwind and take part in a range of leisure activities,such as hunting,riding and hiking.The economic importance of forests has been understood since the dawn of man—wood was the first fuel.The other aspects have been recognised only for a few centuries but they are becoming more and more important.Hence,there is a real concern throughout Europe about the damage to the forest environment which threatens these three basic roles.Paragraph3

The myth of the‘natural’forest has survived,yet there are effectively no remaining‘primary’forests in Europe.All European forests are artificial,having been adapted and exploited by man for thousands of years.This means that a forest policy is vital,that it must transcend national frontiers and generations of people,and that it must allow for the inevitable changes that take place in the forests,in needs,and hence in policy.The Strasbourg conference was one of the first events on such a scale to reach this conclusion.A general declaration was made that‘a central place in any ecologically coherent forest policy must be given to continuity over time and to the possible effects of unforeseen events,to ensure that the full potential of these forests is maintained’.Paragraph4

That general declaration was accompanied by six detailed resolutions to assist national policy-making.The first proposes the extension and systematisation of surveillance sites to monitor forest decline.Forest decline is still poorly understood but leads to the loss of a high proportion of a tree's needles or leaves.The entire continent and the majority of species are now affected:between30%and50%of the tree population.The condition appears to result from the cumulative effect of a number of factors,with atmospheric pollutants the principal culprits.

Compounds of nitrogen and sulphur dioxide should be particularly closely watched.However,their effects are probably accentuated by climatic factors,such as drought and hard winters,or soil imbalances such as soil acidification,which damages the roots.The second resolution concentrates on the need to preserve the genetic diversity of European forests.The aim is to reverse the decline in the number of tree species or at least to preserve the‘genetic material’of all of them.Although forest fires do not affect all of Europe to the same extent,the amount of damage caused the experts to propose as the third resolution that the Strasbourg conference considered the establishment of a European databank on the subject.All information used in the development of national preventative policies would become generally available.The subject of the fourth resolution discussed by the ministers was mountain forests.In Europe,it is undoubtedly the mountain ecosystem which has changed most rapidly and is most at risk.A thinly scattered permanent population andParagraph4

development of leisure activities,particularly skiing,have resulted in significant long-term changes to the local ecosystems.Proposed developments include a preferential research program on mountain forests.The fifth resolution relaunched the European research network on the physiology of trees,called Eurosilva.Eurosilva should support joint European research on tree diseases and their physiological and biochemical aspects.Each country concerned could increase the number of scholarships and other financial support for doctoral theses and research projects in this area.Finally,the conference established the framework for a European research network on forest ecosystems.This would also involve harmonising activities in individual countries as well as identifying a number of priority research topics relating to the protection of forests.The Strasbourg conference's main concern was to provide for the future.This was the initial motivation,one now shared by all31participants representing31European countries.Their final text commits them to on-going discussion between government representatives with responsibility for forests.








●True/False/Not Given(是/非/无判断题)


●List of Headings(标题对应题)


●Multiple Choice(多项选择题)

●Sentence Completion(完成句子题)

●Short Answer(简答题)

●Diagram(图表填空题)1.True/False/Not Given(是/非/无判断题)“是/非/无”判断题由若干个陈述句组成,要求考生根据原文所给信息,判断每个陈述句是(True)、错(False)、还是未涉及(Not Given)。该题目一直是雅思考试的主流题型,它在历次考试题目中所占的比例最大,是考生需要掌握的重中之重。例如:

True此题涉及“同义转换”这一非常重要的解题技巧,但原文内容相对比较复杂难懂。题目当中的controlled release相当于原文当中的safely punctured,而nervous energy则对应原文当中的psychic tension。这种情况下,考生如果对于原文或者题目有任何一方的不理解,就很难找出相应的同义转换,从而造成失分。2.Matching(配对题)

在近年来的雅思阅读考试中,配对题的数目逐年上升,一定程度上加大了阅读考试的难度。配对题主要考查题目选项与原文之间的统一替换,要求考生具有扎实的英语基础。3.List of Headings(标题对应题)


摘要题主要考查的是考生对于文章细节的理解,以“全文summary”的题型为主。由于题目涉及的文章范围更广,要求考生对文章有宏观的把握。5.Multiple Choice(多项选择题)

多项选择题是中国考生最熟悉的题型之一,通常给出A,B,C三个选项,从中选择正确答案。此类题型往往是考细节,所以大家要对段落细节留心。基本上来说,这类题型的答案在文中会有比较规律的排布。6.Sentence Completion(完成句子题)

即先给出句子的一部分,未给出部分在文章中找出,或者给出2-3个答案,由考生选择一个。这种题型较难,应多加练习。7.Short Answer(简答题)








平时在练习的时候,也要关注错误选项的出题路数。比如可能在选项中换掉那些修饰程度的副词,使选项涉及的范围扩大或缩小等。Part 3雅思阅读话题词汇地质环境篇abundant[əˈbʌndənt]a.丰富的;充裕的【搭配】 be abundant in丰富的,丰裕的【例句】 1.This led to cheaper,more efficient iron-making from the abundant supplies of coal,iron and limestone in the area.这一地区的煤、铁和石灰岩供应量丰富,使得冶铁成本更低、更高效。

2.Energy and other natural resources have become more abundant,since the book The Limits to Growth was published in1972.自从《增长的极限》一书于1972年出版以来,能源和其他自然资源变得更加丰富了。【同义】 affluent(a.丰富的);wealthy(a.富裕的);rich(a.丰富的,富裕的)【反义】 scarce(a.缺乏的,不足的);deficient(a.不足的) abundance(n.充裕,丰富)accumulate[əˈkjuːmjəleɪt]v.积累;堆积【搭配】 accumulate funds for为…积累资金【例句】 The debris that accumulated at the foot of the volcano reached a depth,in places,of200feet.堆积在火山脚下的岩屑在一些地方有200英尺厚。acid[ˈæsɪd]n.酸 a.酸的;尖刻的【搭配】 put the acid on设法从(某人处)获得贷款或好处【例句】 1.Molybdenum deficiency is usually found when legumes are grown on acid soils.在酸性土壤中种植豆科作物时,植物常会缺乏金属元素钼。

2.These shrubs must have acid,lime-free soil.这些灌木必须生长在不含石灰的酸性土壤中。【派生】 acidification(n.酸化);acidity(n.酸度,酸性);acidly(ad.尖刻地;不悦地;心地不良地)【要点】 在雅思阅读考试中,“环境问题”是一个经常考到的话题,该类话题涉及诸如环境恶化、生态发展不平衡、环境保护等方面的内容,而acid一词就常见于该类话题中,如acid rain和acid soil。有时该词也会出现在医学类的文章中,如:DNA is the short form of deoxyribonucleic acid.DNA是脱氧核糖核酸的缩写形式。acid的名词形式acidification也很常见,常见搭配为soil acidification,如:Their effects are probably accentuated by climatic factors,such as drought and hard winters,or soil imbalances such as soil acidification,which damages the roots.它们的影响可能得益于气候因素,如干旱和严冬,或者土壤失衡,如土壤酸化,这会毁坏树根。adapt[əˈdæpt]v.使适应;改编【搭配】 adapt to适应…;adapt from根据…改编【例句】 All those old buildings in the city have been adapted to present-day use.城里的旧建筑已经全部经过改造,以方便现在使用。adaptation[ˌædæpˈteɪʃn]n.适应;改编【例句】 1.There can be no global agreement without adaptation assistance and because of the nature of climate impacts there will be much less global security without it.对适应气候变化没有帮助,就不可能达成全球协议,而且由于气候影响的特点,缺少了这种帮助,全球安全将大大降低。

2.The simplicity of Indian ways of life has been regarded as an evolutionary adaptation to forest ecology.印第安人简朴的生活方式被认为是对森林生态环境的进化性适应。alluvial[əˈluːviəl]a.冲积的;淤积的【搭配】 alluvial gold冲积砂金【例句】 1.The portion of the crater where Curiosity will land has an alluvial fan likely formed by water-carried sediments.“好奇号”所要降落的陨坑处有一块很可能是由水流沉积物形成的冲积扇。

2.The seabed here consists of alluvial silt and mud deposits.这里的海床由冲击到这里的细沙和沉积的淤泥构成。amass[əˈmæs]v.积聚【例句】 1.While Baekeland had been busily amassing dollars,some advances had been made in the development of plastics.During1899and1900,it had seen the patenting of the first semi-synthetic thermosetting material that could be manufactured on an industrial scale.当贝克兰一直忙于积累财富的时候,塑料的发展已取得了一些进展。第一种半合成热固性材料在1899年到1900年间已经获得了专利,可以进行大规模的工业生产。

2.Because geologists had been expecting the event,they were able to amass vast amounts of technical data when Mount St.Helens erupted.由于地质学家们一直在期待着这件事,因此在圣海伦斯火山喷发时他们收集到了大量的技术数据。【要点】 amass与accumulate和assemble意思相近,有时可以相互替换使用。arable[ˈærəbl]a.可耕作的 n.耕地【搭配】 arable land耕地【例句】 1.This is equivalent to£208for every hectare of arable land and permanent pasture,almost as much as the total government and EU spend on British farming in that year.这相当于平均每公顷耕地和永久牧场要花费208英镑,几乎相当于那一年政府和欧盟在英国农业上的总支出。

2.On the top of the hill,the arable ground has been planted.山顶上那片适合耕种的土地已经进行耕作了。arduous[ˈɑːdjuəs]a.努力的;费力的;险峻的【例句】 Most goods were transported along the paths that provide short-cuts up and down the hillsides,but the paths were a real safety risk and made the journey on foot even more arduous.大多数货物都是顺着捷径被运送上下山的,但这些路真的很危险,使徒步上下山更加辛劳。arid[ˈærɪd]a.干旱的;不毛的,[农]荒芜的【例句】 Nothing grows in these arid conditions.在这些干旱的环境中,寸草不生。atmosphere[ˈætməsfɪə(r)]n.大气;气氛【搭配】 the/an atmosphere of…的氛围【例句】 1.Volcanoes have not only made the continents,they are also thought to have made the world's first stable atmosphere and supplied all the water for the oceans,rivers and ice-caps.火山不仅形成了大陆,它们还被认为形成了世界上第一个稳定的大气层,并为海洋、河流和冰盖提供了所有的水源。

2.The unprecedented land clearance released a large amount of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere,triggering for the first time humanly caused global warming.规模空前的开荒释放出了大量二氧化碳到大气中,从而引发了首次人为引起的全球变暖。

3.There's still an atmosphere of great hostility and tension in the city.强烈的敌对和紧张气氛依然笼罩着这座城市。【派生】 atmospheric(a.大气的)【要点】 在雅思阅读考试中,atmosphere一词常出现在“环境类”和“地质类”的文章中,意为“大气、大气层”,有时也会出现在有关“天文学”或“航天科技”的文章中,如:Corot space telescope was hoped to find rocky planets that could develop an atmosphere and,if they are the right distance from their parent star,they could have water.希望“科罗号”太空望远镜能发现可以形成大气层的岩石行星,并且如果它们与母星的距离合适的话,它们就可能会有水。又如:Uranus’atmosphere consists largely of hydrogen and helium.天王星的大气主要由氢和氦组成。attribute[əˈtrɪbjuːt]v.把…归于,归因于【搭配】 attribute to归结于,归功于,因为【例句】 1.We can,perhaps,attribute mediocre results to an inadequate placebo effect.The students have not developed the appropriate mind set.They are often not motivated to learn through this method.或许,我们可以把平庸的成绩归因于安慰剂效应不够。学生们还没有培养出适当的思维定势。他们往往不会通过这种方法主动学习。

2.17per cent of cases of lung cancer can be attributed to high levels of exposure to second-hand tobacco smoke during childhood and adolescence.17%的肺癌病例可以归因于在儿童和青少年时期高频率地接触二手烟。

3.The global increase in greenhouse gases is mainly attributed to industrial pollution in developed countries.全球温室气体的增加主要归咎于发达国家的工业污染。【同义】 quality(n.质量;性质);ascribe(v.归因于,归咎于)avalanche[ˈævəlɑːnʃ]n./v.雪崩【搭配】 snow avalanche雪崩;rock avalanche岩崩;an avalanche of letters雪花般飞来的信件;an avalanche of questions连珠炮似的问题;an avalanche of words滔滔不绝的言辞;with the momentum of an avalanche以排山倒海之势【例句】 1.An earthquake triggered an avalanche of snow.地震引发了一场雪崩。

2.Higher still the snow was ready to avalanche.在更高处的积雪随时都会崩塌。

3.Headquarters was swamped by an avalanche of applications for battle assignments.指挥部被雪花般飞来的请战书淹没了。bark[bɑːk]v.吠叫 n.犬吠声;树皮【例句】 1.Several hundred pieces of baggage are rushed from the plane onto a conveyor belt in the baggage reclaim annexe.Over the sound of roaring engines,rushing air vents and grinding generators,a dog barks.几百件行李被匆忙地从飞机上运到行李申领处的传送带上。在轰鸣的引擎声、通风口呼呼的气流声和刺耳的发电机的噪声中,出现了狗叫的声音。

2.Almost all the trees of the surrounding forest were flattened,and their branches and barks ripped off by the shock wave of the explosion from the erupting volcano.火山喷发引起爆炸,爆炸带来的巨浪将周围的树林夷为平地,树枝和树皮也剥落下来。blast[blɑːst]n.一阵(大风);冲击;爆炸 v.爆炸;枯萎【搭配】 have a blast玩得很开心;a blast of一阵(风);at full blast全力以赴地【例句】 1.Of a town of28,000,only two people survived.In1815,a sudden blast removed the top1,280metres of Mount Tambora in Indonesia.在这个2.8万人的小镇中,只有两个人幸存了下来。1815年,一场突如其来的爆炸削掉了印度尼西亚坦博拉山顶端1280米的部分。

2.The granite was blasted into boulders no bigger than two metres in diameter.花岗岩被炸成直径不超过两米的大石头。blunt[blʌnt]a.钝的;率直的 v.把…弄钝;减弱【例句】 The bad weather has blunted our enthusiasm for camping.坏天气削减了我们去露营的热情。bounce[baʊns]v.弹跳;弹起,反弹【搭配】 bounce back卷土重来,恢复活力【例句】 1.Using light to find one's own way around requires vastly more energy,since the eyes have to detect the tiny fraction of the light that bounces off each part of the scene.利用光来找到自己周围的路需要更多的能量,因为眼睛必须检测从场景的各个部分反射回来的微弱的光。

2.Don't bounce on the bed,or you’ll break the springs!别在床上乱蹦,你会把弹簧弄断的!bulge[bʌldʒ]n./v.膨胀;凸出;塞满【例句】 1.Earth's midsection bulges in relation to the measurement from pole to pole,and the catastrophic land displacement caused a small reduction in the bulge,making the planet more round.从两极的测量来看,地球的中部是凸出的,大灾难导致的土地位移使这种凸出有所减少,使得地球变得比以前更“圆”。

2.In early May,the northern flank of the mountain bulged,and the summit rose by500feet,which indicated that the volcano would erupt.五月初,火山的北侧山脊隆起,顶峰升高了500英尺,这预示着该火山即将喷发。charcoal[ˈtʃɑːkəʊl]n.炭,木炭【搭配】 charcoal grey深灰色【例句】 1.He believed that coke derived from coal could provide a more economical alternative to charcoal as a fuel for iron-making.他认为从煤炭中提炼出的焦炭可以提供一个更为经济的方案,替代木炭成为炼铁的燃料。

2.Unable to make flame for themselves,the earliest humans probably stored fire by carrying charcoal in the pots.由于自己不能生火,最早的人类可能是将木炭装在陶罐中来保存火种。climate[ˈklaɪmət]n.气候;风气,思潮【搭配】 dry climate干旱的气候;ice climate冰雪气候;city climate城市气侯;arid climate干燥的气候【例句】 1.Newman points out the success of public transport in both Toronto and Singapore and,in fact,he has checked the use of cars against climate and found“zero correlation”.纽曼指出公共交通在多伦多和新加坡的成功。事实上,他已考查过了汽车使用对气候的影响,并发现了“零相关”。

2.The price of sudden climate change,in famine,disease and suffering,was often high.在饥荒、疾病和苦难中,气候突变的代价往往是很高的。

3.Farmed ostriches don't need African climates.人工饲养的鸵鸟并不需要非洲的气候条件。【派生】 climatic(a.气候的);climatically(ad.气候上)coherent[kəʊˈhɪərənt]a.连贯的,一致的;清晰的;凝聚性的;粘在一起的【例句】 A central place in any ecologically coherent forest policy must be given to continuity over time and to the possible effects of unforeseen events.任何在生态问题上始终如一的森林政策,都必须关注两点:一是时间上的连贯性,二是不可预知事件可能产生的影响。





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