
发布时间:2020-08-28 16:56:46








本书自2001年初版以来,历经数次修订、改版,是目前最贴近TOEFL 考试、复习TOEFL词汇最有效的词汇书之一。本书以TOEFL试题和官方指南为统计基础,根据最新的考试趋势,结合TOEFL考试的出题规律,精选出TOEFL考试核心词汇。为方便记忆,本书将所有词汇分成40个Word List,根据毎个单词历次考过的词性及中文意思,给出释义、同义词及该词在考试中出现的频率。本书特色

1. 针对性


2. 权威性


3. 实用性


1. 首先牢记书后附录二(常用不规则动词表),这是TOEFL阅读的基础。

2. 从Word List 1开始,首先记忆考试频率高的单词及释义,尤其对于一些时间紧迫的考生,可达事半功倍之效。

对认识的单词千万不要大意,考生所掌握的释义可能是比较常见之义,但TOEFL中考过几次的可能都是另外一个意思,那等于还是不认识这个单词。如:clutch,大部分词汇书均解释成:vt. 抓住; vi. 掌握,攫。但它曾在TOEFL中考过两次,都是: n. 一次产(或孵)的蛋(或卵)。又如mold一词,大部分词汇书均释义为:vt. 塑造。其实此词考得最多的释义为: n. 1. 模子;铸型(12次);2. 霉菌(1次)。

3. 对于复习时间紧迫的考生,必须熟记每个Word List中每个单词斜体的同义词(在阅读中曾考过的同义词)。

4. 快速记忆同义词:附录一收录了所有最近考过的同义词。考前应在心中默记数遍,做到滚瓜烂熟。这部分词汇及其中文释义都能在正文40个Word List中找到。






艾宾浩斯遗忘曲线得出:短时间内记忆的东西不经过复习很容易遗忘,在记忆的最初阶段遗忘得最快。记忆已理解的东西比记忆无意义的东西效率更高,遗忘率更低。也就是说,切忌死记硬背, 需要先理解单词并合理拆分进行记忆,并且要经常复习。三、通过声音加深印象并进行联想





Word List 1

abandon [ə'bændən]

vt. 抛弃(地位);放弃(家园等)〈13次〉【同】forsake, desert, give up

The baby was abandoned by his teenage mother.

n. 放纵,沉溺于【同】unrestraint

The guests at the party danced with abandon.

* abandoned [ə'bændənd]a. 被抛弃的;废置的〈5次〉【同】empty, desertedabbreviate [ə'bri:vieit]vt. 缩写;缩写词〈1次〉【同】shorten, cut

The editor abbreviated the novel for young readers.

* abbreviation [ə'bri:vieiʃ(ə)n] n. 缩写;缩写词〈1次〉abide [ə'baid]

vi. 遵守abide by【同】follow, comply with, observe

Players have to abide by the referee's decision.

vt. 忍受【同】endure, put up with, bear, tolerate

Many people can't abide the smell of cheap cigars.

* abiding [ə'baidiŋ] a. 持久的〈1次〉【同】enduringability [ə'biləti]n. 能力,才干〈95次〉【同】capacity, skill

* inability [inə'biləti]n. 无能,无力〈5次〉

* capability [keipə'biləti]n. (实际)能力,性能;容量〈8次〉

* variability [veəriə'biləti]n. 可变性〈4次〉

* viability [ˌvaiə'biləti]n. 生存能力;可行性〈2次〉ablaze [ə'bleiz]a. 闪耀的;燃烧的〈1次〉【同】radiant, bright; burning

After the firewood was ablaze. we felt warm.【记】a + blaze (火焰)

* blazing ['bleiziŋ]a. 炽烧的,闪耀的〈2次〉abnormal [æb'nɔːm(ə)l]a. 反常的,异常的;变态的〈34次〉【同】anomalous; unusual

Warm weather in December is very abnormal in Beijing.【记】ab(不)+norm(标准)+al→不标准的→反常的

* normal ['nɔ:m(ə)l]a. 正常的,正规的;标准的〈31次〉abolish [ə'bɔli∫]vt. 废除,取消〈1次〉【同】eliminate, annul

Slavery was abolished in the United States after the Civil War.

* abolition [æbə'liʃ(ə)n]n. 废除,革除〈2次〉

* abolitionist [ˌæbə'li∫ənist]n. 废奴主义者〈2次〉abort [ə'bɔ:t]n. 中止计划(或任务)〈1次〉【同】stop

The minister ordered a gener a abort in stamp production when he learned there was a mistake on the newly issued stamp.abound [ə'baund]vi. 充满;富于abound in 〈3次〉【同】be full of, be plentiful, be abundant

Deer and rabbits abound in this forest.abrasion [ə'breiʒ(ə)n]n. 磨(或擦)破;表面磨损〈1次〉【同】scratch; friction

She fell and suffered an abrasion on her left hand.

* abrasive [ə'breisiv]a. 研磨的〈2次〉abrupt [ə'brʌpt]a. 突然的,意外的〈3次〉【同】sudden,unforeseen

It was shocking for every one to learn David's abrupt deathabsenteeism [ˌæbsən'tiːizm]n. 旷课;旷工〈1次〉

The rate of absenteeism at this school is so high that punishments were introduced for nonattendance.

* absent ['æbsənt]a. 缺少的;不在的,缺席的〈11次〉【同】missing; not present

* absence ['æbsəns]n. 缺乏,没有;不在,缺席〈14次〉

* absentee [ˌæbsən'ti:]n. 缺席者absolute ['æbsəlu:t]a. 完全的;绝对的〈11次〉【同】utter, complete, definite

The captain of a ship has the absolute right to jettison (抛弃)cargo when necessary.【记】ab + solute(溶解的)→不溶解的→不能变的→绝对的absorb [əb'sɔ:b]vt. 吸收(液体等);吸取(知识等)〈33次〉【同】take in, receive

Most of living things absorb oxygen from the air.【记】ab(off) + sorb(to suck up吸吮)→吸收;吸取

* absorption [əb'sɔ:p∫(ə)n]n. 吸收〈1次〉【同】assimilation, receptionabstract ['æbstrækt]

a. 抽象的〈24次〉【同】theoretical

His abstract ideas were not easily understood by many people.

n. 摘要,提炼【同】summary

The abstract of the conference last week was distributed before the meeting to all the members.

* abstraction [æb'stræk∫(ə)n]n. 抽象概念〈2次〉【同】concept, ideaabsurd [əb'sə:d]a. 荒谬的,可笑的〈2次〉【同】preposterous, ridiculous, foolish

It is absurd to wear a coat at the swimming pool.【记】ab + surd(笨)→笨的,怪诞的→荒谬的,可笑的abundant [ə'bʌndənt]a. 丰富的,充裕的;大量的〈37次〉【同】plentiful, profuse

An abundant number of complaints disturbed the telephone company.【记】ab + und (波浪)+ ant →像波浪一样起伏→丰富的;大量的;(和abound [富于]一起记)

* abundance [ə'bʌndəns]n. 丰富,充裕〈21次〉【同】,profusion, richnessabuse [ə'bju:s]n. (权利等的)滥用;(物品的)不精心使用;虐待(人)〈1次〉【同】misuse

An abuse of authority by the leader led to a few disagreements in the committee.【记】 ab(away) + use(使用)→滥用abut [ə'bʌt]vi 邻接,毗邻 abut to 〈1次〉【同】adjoin, be close to

The library abuts to the old museum.academic [ˌækə'demik]a. 学术的;学院的;理论的〈17次〉【同】scholarly; collegiate; theoretical

Like other academic disciplines, sociology has several major subdisciplines.

* academician [ˌəkædə'mi∫(ə)n]n. 学会会员;院士,学者〈2次〉accelerate [æk'seləreit]v. 加快,加速〈5次〉【同】speed up, hasten, increase

Heat is commonly the best way to accelerate the chemical reaction process.【记】ac(to) + celer(速度)+ ate(动词词尾)→加速

* acceleration [ækˌselə'rei∫ən]n. 加速度〈5次〉

* decelerate [ˌdi:'seləreit]v. (使)减速〈1次〉access ['ækses]

n./v. 接触,接近(的机会)〈14次〉【同】approach

Students must have access to a good teacher.

n. 入口,通道 〈3次〉【同】entrance, entry

The only access into this building is through the front door.【记】ac + cess(走)→走过去→通道

* accessible [ək'sesb(ə)l]a. 可接近的;可得到的〈14次〉【同】available,reachable,approachable; attainable

* accessory [æk'sesəri]n. 附件,零件〈3次〉accidental [ˌæksi'dent(ə)l]a. 意外的,偶然的〈2次〉【同】unexpected, unforeseen

The accidental encounter with an old friend, whom he hadn't seen in two years, made him very excited

* accidentally [ˌæksi'dentəli]ad. 偶然地,意外地〈4次〉【同】inadvertently, by chance

* accident ['æksidənt]n. 意外事件,事故〈7次〉acclaim [ə'kleim]

n. 赞誉,赞许〈5次〉【同】recognition,praise

The new book of the best-selling author greeted with great acclaim.

vt. 喝彩,欢呼;称赞〈2次〉【同】hail, applaud

Spectators acclaimed the winner of the competition.【记】ac+ claim < clam (叫喊)→不断叫喊→欢呼accompany [ə'kʌmpəni]vt. 陪伴,陪同;伴奏be accompanied by次〈17次〉【同】travel with, be associated with

She was accompanied by her son.

* accompanying [ə'kʌmpəniŋ]a. 陪伴的,附随的〈4次〉【同】attendant

* accompaniment [ə'kʌmpənimənt]n. 伴奏〈4次〉accomplish [ə'kʌmpliʃ]vt. 完成,达到,实现〈6次〉【同】achieve

To accomplish your plans to study abroad in US, you must first take the TOEFL.

* accomplishment [ə'kɔmpli∫mənt]n. 成就〈9次〉【同】achievement, fulfillment

* accomplished [ə'kɔmpli∫t]a.精通的,熟练的〈4次〉【同】skilled, experiencedaccordion [ə'kɔ:diən]n. 手风琴〈4次〉account [ə'kaunt]n. 〈27次〉

①记述;说明,解释【同】report; description

She wrote an account of all her travels in Europe in her diary.


The new law requires a personal ID to open an account at a bank.

* on account of 由于…,因为…〈1次〉【同】because of, due to

* take account of 考虑到;体谅〈1次〉

* take into account 重视;考虑〈1次〉

* account (vi.) for解释〈15次〉【同】explain

He accounted for the missing items as lost.

* accounting [ə'kauntiŋ]n. 会计学〈7次〉

* accountant [ə'kauntənt]n. 会计(员),会计师〈3次〉accredit [ə'kredit]vt. 委派;授权〈1次〉【同】authorize, commission

The President accredited Mr. Bob as his representative.accumulate [ə'kju:mjuleit]vi.堆积,积聚;积累〈22次〉【同】pile up, collect

Dust soon accumulates if a library is not cleaned daily.【记】ac + cumul(堆积)+ ate →再堆积→积累

* accumulation [əˌkju:mju'lei∫(ə)n]n. 积聚〈5次〉【同】accretion, concentrationaccurate ['ækjurət]a. 准确的,正确的〈28次〉【同】precise, correct

Her report is accurate and well written.

* accuracy ['ækjurəsi]n. 精确性,正确度〈6次〉accuse [ə'kju:z]vt. 指责,归咎〈1次〉【同】blame, condemn

Janet's boyfriend accused her of lying.

* accusation [ˌækju'zei∫(ə)n]n. 谴责;控告〈1次〉【同】indictment, chargeaccustomed [ə'kʌstəmd]a. 习惯了的accustomed to 〈4次〉【同】habitual to, used to

It took me a long time to get accustomed to the fast food in America.achieve [ə't∫i:v]vt. 完成,实现〈48次〉【同】win, accomplish, fulfill

Bob achieved his dream of marrying Miss Mary.

* achievement [ə't∫i:vmənt]n. 成就,功绩〈18次〉【同】feat, accomplishmentacid ['æsid]

n. 酸〈22次〉

a. ①酸的〈6次〉【同】sour, tart

Vinegar has a strong acid taste.

②尖酸的,刻薄的【同】harsh, tart

She made some acid comments about his writing.

* acidic [ə'sidik]a. 酸的;酸性的〈7次〉

* acidity [ə'sidəti]n. 酸度,酸性〈1次〉acquaint [ə'kweint]vt. 熟悉;使了解acquaint with 〈3次〉【同】inform about

The little child tried best to acquaint himself with this new school.

* acquaintance [ə'kweintəns]n. 熟人〈2次〉【记】ac(to)+ quaint(to know) + ance(名词词尾)acquisition [ˌækwi'zi∫(ə)n]n. 获得;得到的人(或东西)〈5次〉【同】acquirement, attainment

This car is his latest acquisition.【记】 ac + quisit(得到)+ ion→获得;得到的人(或东西)

* acquire [ə'kwaiə]vt. 获得;学到 〈48次〉【同】obtain, secureacronym ['ækrənim]n. 用大写字母表示的缩写词〈2次〉【同】abbreviation

AIDS is an acronym for the Acquired Imnume Deficiency Syndromeactually ['ækt∫uəli]ad. 实际上,事实上〈36次〉【同】truly, in fact, really, in reality

She was surprised that her kids actually cleaned their rooms.

* actual ['æktʃuəl]a. 实际的,现行的〈20次〉【同】true, real

* activate ['æktiveit]vt. 刺激,使活动 〈4次〉【同】encourage, stimulate

* actuate ['æktjueit]vt. 开动;促使【同】set in motion, motivate

* actively ['æktivli]ad. 活跃地,积极地【同】energetically, vigorouslyacute [ə'kju:t]a.

①灵敏的,敏锐的〈6次〉【同】keen, penetrating

Acute hearing helps most animals sense the approach of thunderstorms long before people do.

②(事情)剧烈的;很严重的〈3次〉【同】intense; critical, severe

There is an acute shortage of water.【记】acu(尖) + te→尖锐的,敏锐的

* acumen ['ækjumen,ə'kju:mən]n. 敏锐;聪明〈1次〉【同】acuteness, insightadapt [ə'dæpt]v. (使)适应,调整;改编〈47次〉【同】adjust, modify

After moving to Harbin, Janet adapted to the cold weather.【记】ad(to) + apt(to fit适应)

* adaptation [ˌædæp'tei∫(ə)n]n. 改编,改写;适应环境〈22次〉【同】modification, adjustment

* adaptable [ə'dæptəb(ə)l]a. 能适应的,适应性强的〈4次〉【同】flexible, pliant

(以上三个词adapt, adaptation, adaptable都与动物进化有关)

* adaptive [ə'dæptiv]a. ①适应的〈4次〉②适合的〈2次〉

Plant behaviour is often adaptive—some turn their leaves towards the sun, while others clamp down on insects, preventing their escape.addict [ə'dikt]

vt. 使沉溺,使上瘾be addicted to 〈1次〉【同】indulge in, be devoted to Realizing that she was addicted to cigarettes, Janet decided to quit.

n. 上瘾者

The drug addict was required to get medical help.

* addictive [ə'diktiv]a. (使人)上瘾的〈1次〉additive [ə'ditiv]

n. 添加剂〈8次〉【同】addition, supplement

The scientists had to use certain additives to make the drug more powerful.

a. 加法的〈7次〉

* additional [ə'diʃən(ə)l]a.另外的,附加的,额外的〈27次〉【同】further, extra

* in addition to 除…之外〈23次〉adept [ə'dept]a. 熟练的,擅长的〈2次〉【同】competent, skilled

Mr. Bao is known to be an adept surgeon.adequate ['ædikwət]a. 足够的,充足的〈31次〉【同】sufficient, enough

I bought four bottles of water for our camping trip and I hope it is udequate.adhere [əd'hiə(r)]vi. 〈5次〉

①黏附,黏牢【同】stick, cling

Mud adheres to your shoes.


In China, many people adhere to Confucis' teaching.【记】ad +here (黏附)→黏附

* adhesive [əd'hi:siv]

n. 黏着物〈3次〉【同】glue, paste

Glue is an adhesive.

a. 黏着的〈1次〉【同】sticky, glutinous

I used adhesive tape to stick, a note on the door.adjacent [ə'ʤeisənt]a. 毗连的,邻近的〈5次〉【同】neighboring, nearby

The house adjacent to ours was sold, so we have new neighbor.【记】ad + jacent (to lie躺)→躺在附近→邻近的adjoin [ə'ʤɔin]vt. 相邻,毗连【同】be next to, border on

The bathroom adjoins the bedroom.adjunct ['æʤʌŋkt]n. 附件,附厲;辅助物〈2次〉【同】addition, accessory

I hoped that I would find the computer course a useful adjunct to my other studiesadjust [ə'ʤʌst]vt. 调整;使适于〈23次〉【同】adapt, regulate

It took Janet More than half a year to the new business after she changed her job.administer [əd'ministə(r)]vt. 管理〈8次〉【同】manage, govern

The pension hinds are administered by commercial banks in this country.administration [ədˌmini'streiʃ(ə)n]n. 〈21次〉

①管理,经营【同】management, supervision

Who is in charge of the administration of your company?


The Bush administration decided to cut tax.

* administrative [əd'ministreitiv]a.管理的;行政的〈3次〉

* administrator [əd'ministreitə(r)]n. 管理者;行政官〈5次〉admire [əd'maiə(r)]vt. 钦佩,崇拜;欣赏〈14次〉【同】esteem, appreciate, think highly

I admire how well she speaks English.

* admiration [ˌædmə'rei∫n]n. 钦佩;赞美〈2次〉The man is the richest whose pleasure are the cheapest.能处处寻求快乐的人才是最富有的人。

Word List 2

admit [əd'mit]vt.

①准许,接纳admit to〈3次〉【同】give access to, allow entrance to

He was admitted to the bar association.

②承认 〈3次〉【同】acknowledge, accept

She admitted that she made a mistake.

* admittedly [əd'mitidli]ad. 公认地;诚然,无可否认地〈1次〉【同】doubtlessly, surely

The work is very interesting. Admittedly, I do get rather tired.adobe [ə'dəubi,ə'dəub]n. 泥砖,土坯〈10次〉【同】clay, brick

Adobe is a type of brick made of clay baked in the sun.adopt [ə'dɔpt]vt.

①采用,釆纳〈21次〉【同】accept, take on

The company adopted new policies regarding maternity leave.


The Browns adopted the baby when she was just three months old.adorn [ə'dɔ:n]vt. 装饰〈7次〉【同】decorate, embellish, ornament

She adorned her hair with flowers.

* unadorned [ˌʌnə'dɔːrnd]a. 未装饰的,朴实的〈2次〉【同】plain, unembellishedadvance [əd'væns]vt. 〈12次〉

①提高,发展;提升【同】further, progress

We have advanced greatly our knowledge of the universe.

②提出【同】propose, suggest

A working plan was advanced by Janet.

③前进【同】proceed, move forward

The fire advanced steadily through the forest.

n. 前进,进步 〈38次〉【同】improvement, progress

Recent advances in medical science mean that this illness can now be cured.

* in advance 预先,提前〈19次〉【同】ahead of time

* advanced [əd'vænst]a. 高级的;年老的;先进的〈34次〉advent ['ædvənt]n. (尤指不寻常的人或事)出现,到来〈8次〉【同】coming, arrival, appearance

The advent of e-mail revolutionized communication.【记】ad +vent(到来)adventure [əd'ventʃə(r)]n. 冒险经历〈5次〉【同】risk, venture

Our camping trip turned into an adventure when we became lost.

* adventurous [əd'vent∫ərəs]a. 喜欢冒险的,敢作敢为的〈2次〉【同】valiant, venturesome

* adventurer [əd'vent∫ərə(r)]n. 冒险家〈1次〉adverse ['ædvə:s]a.

①负面的,不利的〈7次〉【同】ill, negative, detrimental

The adverse effects from this medicine were minimal.

②敌对的,相反的〈2次〉【同】hostile, antagonistic

Both candidates suffered adverse criticism in the newspapers.

* adversity [əd'və:siti]n. 不幸,灾难〈1次〉【同】misfortune, mishapadvocate

n. ['ædvəkət] 提倡者,主张者〈9次〉【同】champion, proponent

The Wildlife Fund is a strong advocate of the campaign to save dolphins from unnecessary death.

vt. ['ædvəkeit] 拥护,主张〈8次〉【同】urge, preach, support

Some people advocated limiting the number of cars on the main road.aesthetic [i:s'θetik]a. 美学的,审美的〈12次〉【同】artistic

The new building has little aesthetic value, but can handle a lot of people.

* anesthetic [ˌænəs'θetik]n. 麻醉剂〈1次〉affection [ə'fekʃ(ə)n]n. 友爱,挚爱;情爱〈7次〉【同】fondness, love

Janet felt a great affection for her parents.

* affective [ə'fektiv]a. 感情的,表达感情的〈2次〉【同】sentimental

* affectionate [ə'fek∫ənət]a. 亲爱的,挚爱的〈1次〉【同】loving

Janet gave her mother an affectionate hug.affiliate [ə'filieit]vt. 使隶属;接纳为成员〈2次〉【同】associate; incorporate

The hospital is affiliated with that university.【记】af + fili(儿子)+ ate → 成为儿子→接纳为成员affinity [ə'finiti]n.

①紧密关系〈1次〉【同】connection, relationship

The German and Dutch languages have many affinities.

②吸引;喜爱【同】attraction; liking

Many girls have a strong affinity for chocolate candy.affirm [ə'fə:m]vt. 断言;证实,确认〈1次〉【同】assert; confirm

She affirmed before the policeman that he was the one who stole her purse.afflict [ə'flikt]vt. 折磨;使苦恼〈2次〉【同】plague, suffer, torment

The villagers in several mountainous areas are afflicted by the worst poverty in the nation.【记】af + flict(打击)→一再受到打击→折磨

* affliction [ə'flik∫(ə)n]n. 痛苦,苦恼【同】problem, suffering, painafford [ə'fɔ:d]vt. 〈45次〉

①付得起;冒险做【同】pay; risk

I was going to buy a diamond necklace as a birthday gift for Sally but couldn't afford it so I bought her an artificial one instead.


Her seat afforded her a beautiful view of the stage.agenda [ə'ʤendə]n. 日程,议程〈2次〉【同】schedule

My agenda is quite full for the whole week, so I can't make an appointment with you.aggravate ['ægrəveit]vt. 使恶化,使加重【同】worsen, exacerbate

Mary aggravated her injuries by refusing treatment.【记】ag+grav(重)+ate→使加重

* aggravating ['ægrəveitiŋ]a. 恼人的,讨厌的〈1次〉【同】irritating, annoyingaggregate ['ægrigət]n.


Society is an aggregate of individuals.

②总数【同】total, sum

The aggregate of all the gifts was over $700.【记】ag + greg(团体)+ ate→成为团体→集合体

* aggregation [ˌægri'gei∫(ə)n]n. 集合,群体〈3次〉aggressive [ə'gresiv]a.

①自信的;大胆的;积极进取的〈7次〉【同】enterprising, powerful

His victory was largely a result of his aggressive election campaign.

②好斗的,有敌意的〈4次〉【同】combative, hostile

The country made an aggressive attack on a neighboring nation.【记】ag(一再)+ gress(走)+ ive → 一再向前走→积极进取的

* aggressiveness [ə'gresivnəs]n. 侵略;争斗〈2次〉agile ['æʤail]a. 敏捷的,活泼轻快的〈1次〉【同】nimble, brisk

The agile kid climbed up the tree quickly.【记】ag(做)+ ile→能够做的→敏捷的

* fragile ['fræʤail;(US)'frædʒl]a. 易碎的,脆的〈10次〉

* fragility [frə'ʤiləti]n. 脆弱〈1次〉aging ['eiʤiŋ]n. 老化,成熟的过程〈6次〉agitation [ˌæʤi'tei∫(ə)n]n. 焦虑,不安;煽动〈2次〉【同】anxiety, disturbance

Because of her agitation over losing her job,she could not sleepagreeable [ə'griːəb(ə)l]a.

①(指计划等)使人愉快的,合意的〈1次〉【同】pleasing, acceptable

The plan was agreeable to everyone but Mary.

②容易相处的〈1次〉【同】affable, friendly

Mr. Bao is an agreeable man with a kind smile.【记】agree(赞同)+able→表示同意的→合意的

* disagreeable [ˌdisə'griːəbl]a. 不令人喜欢的,令人厌恶的〈3次〉ailment ['eilmənt]n. 疾病(尤指轻症、小病)〈1次〉【同】sichness, disease, illness

A feeble body is always prone to minor ailmentsaim [eim]

n. 目标,计划〈11次〉【同】objective, object, plan

His aim is to win this game, whatever it takes

vi. 针对;打算,意欲aim at 〈3次〉【同】direct towards

These advertisements arc specifically aimed at young people.air [ɛə]

n. 空气;空中【同】atmosphere

vt. 晾干;使通风【同】ventilate, aerate

* airborne ['eəbɔ:n]a. 空气传播的;空运的;空降的〈3次〉【同】aloft, flying, in the airairstream ['eəstriːm]n. (与飞机前进方向相反的)气流〈4次〉ajar [ə'ʤɑ:(r)]a. (门、窗等)微开的〈1次〉【同】half-open

We left the door ajar so that we could hear what they were saying.akin [ə'kin]a. 同族的;类似的〈2次〉【同】related; similar

His tastes in music seem akin to mine.alchemist ['ælkimist]n. 炼金术士,炼丹家〈9次〉alder ['ɔ:ldə(r)]n. 桤木(一种植物木材,用于雕刻、制作家具等)〈33次〉alert [ə'lə:t]

a. 机敏的〈4次〉【同】wary, vigilant

Although almost ninety years old, he was still active and alert.

vt. 警报;使随时掌握,了解〈5次〉【同】warn,alarm

Direct mail advertising serves to acquaint customers with products and alert them to new opportunities.

n. 警戒,警报〈1次〉alien ['eiliən]a. 相异的;陌生的〈4次〉【同】strange,unfamiliai

When I first went to New York, it all felt very alien to me.

* salient ['seiliənt]a. 显著的,突出的〈1次〉alignment [ə'lainmənt]n. 排列;联合,结盟〈2次〉【同】arrangeiment; association, alliance

Italy and Germany are alignment during World War II.alike [ə'laik]a. 相同的,相似的〈16次〉【同】similar

The two dresses look alike in shape, length, and color.all but 几乎〈7次〉【同】almost, nearly

The game was all but over by the time we arrived.allegation [ˌæli'gei∫n]n. 宣称,主张,断言〈1次〉

I thought their allegation unreasonable.allegory ['æligəːri]n. 寓言〈2次〉【同】parable, fablealliteration [əˌlitə'rei∫(ə)n]n. 头韵〈2次〉

“Sally sells seashells by the seashore.” is an example of alliteration.alloy

n. ['ælɔi] 合金〈13次〉【同】mixture

The factory used a special metal alloy for building light car parts.

vt. [ɔ'lɔi] 使成合金〈1次〉【同】mixallude [ə'lu:d]vi.暗指,影射,间接提到allude to 〈1次〉【同】imply, refer to

He didn't mention your name, but we are sure he was alluding to you.ally

n. ['ælai] 联盟;同盟者〈1次〉【同】confederate, partner, collaborator

The two allies teamed up together to fight their enemies.

v. [ə'lai] 结盟【同】combine

I refused to ally myself to him.

* rally ['ræli]n. 集会〈1次〉aloft [ə'lɔft]ad. 在高处;在空中〈1次〉【同】airborne, inflight

The spacecraft stayed aloft for two weeks.alone [ə'ləun]a./ad. 单独的/地〈32次〉【同】solitary, by oneself

He is not married and lives alone.aloof [ə'lu:f]a. 远离的;冷淡的,漠不关心的〈1次〉【同】separate, remote, indifferent

After he dropped out of school, the relationship between him and his friends became aloof.alter ['ɔ:ltə(r)]vt. 改变,修改〈33次〉【同】modify, change, convert

The company will need to alter its business strategy to become more competitive next year.

* alteration [ˌɔ:ltə'rei∫(ə)n]n. 变更,改造〈4次〉【同】renovation, changealternate

a. ['ɔ:ltə:nət]〈6次〉


Private cars are banned from the city on alternate days.


If that company does not produce what we want, we can always find an alternate one that does.

vi ['ɔːltəːneit] 轮流,交替〈4次〉【同】fluctuate, rotate, turn

Her cheerfulness alternated with despair.

* alternately ['ɔːltəːnətli]ad. 交替地,隔一个地〈2次〉【同】one after anotheralternative [ɔ:l'tə:nətiv]

n./a. (两种或以上的东西中)另一可选的(事物),另外的(选择)〈19次〉【同】option, choice

I have no alternative but to ask you to leave.





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