
发布时间:2020-08-29 07:55:05

















Unit 01 Learning to learn 学会学习

Unit 02 Starting college 开始大学生活

Unit 03 Language and culture 语言和文化

Unit 04 Encouraging the reading habit 培养阅读习惯

Unit 05 Personal views 个人观点

Unit 06 Social issues 社会问题

Unit 07 Sharks! 鲨鱼!

Unit 08 The world around us 我们身边的世界

返回总目录Unit 01Learning to learn学会学习导语

读大学之前是否应该休息一年呢?在这一单元,你需要了解关于“上大学之前是否应该休息一年”的两种不同的观点;并开始着手练习快速阅读,学习快速阅读的技巧,如何浏览全文、如何掌握主旨、如何抓取信息。Part 1 Interview with Diana 采访戴安娜


Diana goes to college in Shanghai. After she left middle school, Diana went straight to college. We asked her about her decision (决定).

Interviewer (I), Diana (D)

I: Diana, did you go straight from middle school to college?

D: Yes, I did. After I finished middle school I thought about working for a while. I wanted to get a job, and to earn some money.

I: Why did you think this might be a good idea?

D: Because I thought this experience would help me to understand my studies better, and see how they were relevant to real life. I thought the money would be useful, too!

I: What were your parents' opinions?

D: My parents were against the idea. They said I might forget how to learn, that is, how to study properly. They were afraid that I might start working, and then not want to go to college.

I: What do you think about it now?

D: I think my parents were right. I think it is a good idea to finish college while you are still young. And in the vacations, I still work: I have a part-time job in a shop, and I also give private classes to children living near my home.

I: What do you teach them?

D: English, of course! There is an old Chinese proverb that the best teachers are also learners. Well, I find the opposite is true, too: the best learners are also teachers! I find I learn a lot when I try to teach.测一测


( ) 1.Diana went straight from middle school to college.

( ) 2.She thought she might work for a while first before going to college.

( ) 3.Her parents thought this would be a good idea.

( ) 4.Diana thinks it is a good idea to finish college while you are still young.

( ) 5.She spends all her time studying, and has no time for doing other work.






interview (with) 采访

decision 决定

relevant (to) 与……有关的

vacation 假期

part-time 业余的,兼职的

private 私下的;私人的

proverb 格言,谚语练一练


( ) 1.What did Diana want to do after finishing middle school?

A.She wanted to go straight to college.

B.She wanted to work for a while.

C.She wanted to teach English.

D.She wanted to donate some money.

( ) 2.What did her parents think?

A.Her parents thought that she would study better if she worked directly.

B.They thought that earning money would be useful.

C.They wanted her to go straight to college.

D.They did not want her to go to college.

( ) 3.What is Diana's opinion now?

A.She thinks her parents gave her bad advice.

B.She thinks her parents were wrong.

C.She thinks it is a good idea to get work experience while you are still young.

D.She thinks it is a good idea to finish college while you are still young.

( ) 4.What does Diana do apart from studying?

A.She teaches English in the evenings.

B.She works in a supermarket.

C.She teaches Japanese during vacations.

D.She works part-time in a shop and teaches English privately.小贴士








阅读的目标速度是每分钟80词,然而,许多读者发现自己一开始达不到这样的速度,有人发现自己只能达到每分钟50个词的速度,甚至更慢。如果真的如此,你必须在这本书的学习期间慢慢地提高阅读速度,如果最终可以达到每分钟80词的速度,那你应该对自己的进步感到满意。Part 2Interview with Willie采访威利


Willie goes to the University of York (约克大学) in England. After he left middle school, Willie took "a year off". We asked him about his decision.

Interviewer (I), Willie (W)

I: Willie, did you go straight from middle school to college?

W: No, I didn't. After I left school I decided to take a year off, and spend a year working and traveling before going to college.

I: Why did you think this might be a good idea?

W: Because I thought it was good to have different experiences. Also I thought I would study better if I was a year older—you know, more mature.

I: So what did you do?

W: I worked for three months as a labor, working for a building company.

I: What were you building?

W: Oh, I was just laying concrete, preparing the ground for new commercial (商业的) buildings. It was a very hard work!

I: What else did you do?

W: I took a typing course, and got an office job working for a naval museum (博物馆) in London. I worked on a ship on the River Thames in London. My office had a round porthole instead of a window!

I: Did you say you also did some traveling?

W: Yes, I traveled round Europe for six weeks. First I visited Paris in France for a couple of weeks. Then I visited Florence, Rome and Venice in Italy. I also went to Warsaw in Poland.

I: What about your parents? What did they think of this idea?

W: They were very encouraging. They thought it was a good idea—providing I paid all my expenses!

I: And the university? What is the attitude of the university authorities (权威) towards students taking a year off?

W: They seemed to like the idea. These days, many universities encourage students to take a year off. They like their students to be a bit more mature.

I: Did you find it hard to return to studying at university?

W:Yes, I did at first. I found it was quite hard to concentrate (集中注意力) on my studies. But I feel I am now not just a student, but a person as well!小贴士







( ) 1.Willie went straight from middle school to college.

( ) 2.He thought he might study better if he knew more about life.

( ) 3.Before going to college he did several different things.

( ) 4.The university likes students to be a bit older and more experienced.

( ) 5.Willie found going back to studying after working very easy.再读一读


a year off 休假一年

mature 成熟的

labor 劳动;劳工

a building company 建筑公司

concrete 混凝土

porthole 舷窗

providing 假设

expense 费用

encouraging 令人鼓舞的


How to overcome exam stress

It is THAT time of year again, when pupils across the country retreat into their bedrooms and studies, stuff their heads inside last-minute revision aids, and more often than not, panic as the day of reckoning draws closer. Yes, we're talking exam time, and whether you're cramming for GCSEs (General Certificate of Secondary Education in England, Wales, and Northern Ireland), swotting (刻苦学习) for A/Ss, or burning the midnight oil with preparations for your A levels, you're bound to feel some degree of nervousness. The good news is that there are ways of reducing your stress levels. Follow the suggestions below and you'll walk into the exam hall with the confidence of a card shark (玩纸牌老手).

Keep it in perspective

The most important thing to remember, especially if you think that your revision is going badly, is that failing an exam is not the end of the world. That kind of fear is one of the biggest contributors to exam stress, and is likely to have a negative impact on performance. Yes, you need to take exams seriously, but not to the extent that you become so worried about the results that you underperform on the day. Relax, and you are much more likely to do yourself justice.

Enough sleep

It sounds obvious, but make sure you get plenty of sleep throughout the revision period. Staying up late trying to cram in a few extra facts will do you no good at all, especially the night before an exam. If you're tired, you're much less likely to retain information, but more importantly, you're also wearing yourself out for the next day before it has even started!

Stay healthy

It is all too easy to lapse into an unhealthy lifestyle during exam time. Many students resort to convenience food because it is quick and easy to prepare and more often than not, they abandon their exercise programme in return for a few more precious minutes in the library. Don't be tempted to fall into this trap—it is a short-sighted strategy that will do you no favors in the long term. Pay attention to your body with regular exercise and nutritious meals and your mind will thank you for it.

Get time on your side

As any train driver will tell you, it is essential to keep to a timetable, and this is just as important when it comes to revision. Ideally, you should spend some time before you start revising working out how long you will need to prepare yourself sufficiently for each exam. Make sure that you allot more time to the subjects that you find most difficult but vary your revision schedule on any given day to keep your mind alert and (hopefully) prevent boredom from creeping in.

Establish a workspace

Find a workspace that you can use throughout the revision period. This could be a desk in your bedroom, a table in the library, or even one half of the kitchen table, just as long as you and everyone in your family knows that this space is exclusively for your revision. It is important that you choose a location where you can focus on your work. Try to eliminate distractions such as the television and radio, even a good view out of the window can interfere with the best-laid revision plans!

Make notes

As you revise, take some notes containing the key facts that you need to remember. For many people, the act of writing information down helps to fix it more clearly in the memory. You will also find that these notes will be useful if you need a last-minute run-through the day before the exam.

Take regular breaks

If you revise solidly for hours on end, you'll quickly realize that mind is no longer working efficiently. Establish a revision routine that allows time for regular breaks. Concentration span varies from person to person, but as a general rule, you should try to have a ten-minute break at least every hour.

Be prepared

Though it's a cliché, the Boy Scouts' motto is well worth keeping in mind at exam time. The night before an exam, make sure that you are well organized for the next day. Check that your pens are working, make sure that you have spares, check the time and location of the exam, and if applicable, work out how much time you will need to get to the exam hall. The last thing you need on the day is the added stress of trying to borrow a pen, ruler, or compass with minutes to spare.

Only fools rush in

When the exam begins, spend at least ten minutes reading the paper before writing a word. If there is a choice of questions, consider them carefully and evaluate which ones you are best prepared to answer. You should also make sure that you leave at least ten minutes at the end of the exam to read through what you have written. Put yourself in the examiner's shoes—is what you have written legible? Does it make sense?


If you find yourself getting stressed during an exam, take some deep breaths and try to think positively. Take a few moments to gather your thoughts and then look at the question again. Try to stay in a relaxed frame of mind—you will find that your thoughts will flow much more freely.


Part 1测一测

1. T 2.T 3.F 4.T 5.F练一练

1.B 2.C 3.D 4.D参考译文采访戴安娜













Part 2测一测

1.F 2.T 3.T 4.T 5.F参考译文采访威利




















W:是的,一开始有。我觉得很难集中注意力念书。但是我现在感到,自己不仅仅是一名学生,而且也是一个成熟的人。Unit 02Starting college开始大学生活导语

你了解其他国家的大学生吗?你了解他们的大学生活及他们的文化吗?本单元的文章将带你了解美国和澳大利亚的大学生及他们的文化。Part 1Cindy, the all-American girl (1)辛迪——纯美国姑娘(1)


Cindy's father, Fred Smith, is a businessman working for a large corporation. Her mother, Mary Smith, was a housewife for many years, but has now gone back to work as a secretary (秘书). Cindy has a brother, Jimmy, who is sixteen. He is in the tenth grade of a local high school. Cindy finds him rebellious, but she fought with her parents when she was an adolescent, too. The family is Roman Catholic, but at college, Cindy does not attend church every Sunday.

Her mother had only a high school education. Her father started college but dropped out after the first year to go to work. He now earns almost $40,000 a year—enough to afford a comfortable home, but barely enough to keep a daughter in college. Cindy has taken out Federal Guaranteed Loan to help pay her expenses (花费).

Politically, her parents regard themselves as "middle-of-the-road". They usually vote for Democrats; Cindy is not yet old enough to vote. Among all the issues facing the United States today, Cindy feels that inflation is the greatest domestic problem. She is also concerned (关心) about pollution (污染), overuse of non-renewable resources (不可再生资源) such as oil, and the courts' leniency towards criminals (罪犯).

The family often spend evenings together watching television. Fred Smith is particularly fond of football and baseball telecasts. Cindy watches a variety of shows. As a child, she spent hours in front of the TV set. She has less free time now, but still watches television one hour daily.测一测


( ) 1.Cindy's father is a businessman.

( ) 2.Her mother is a housewife.

( ) 3.Cindy has one younger brother.

( ) 4.Her parents are not very well educated.

( ) 5.The family is Roman Catholic.

( ) 6.Cindy's father is very rich.

( ) 7.Cindy is not interested in politics.

( ) 8.Cindy is getting a loan to help pay her way through college.

( ) 9.Cindy is fond of football and baseball.

( ) 10.She watches TV quite a lot.再读一读


businessman 商人

corporation (较大的)公司

rebellious 反叛的

adolescent 青少年

drop out 辍学

afford 买得起

barely 几乎不

Federal Guaranteed Loan 联邦贷款

politically 政治上

middle-of-the-road 走中间道路的

issue 问题

inflation 通货膨胀

domestic 国内的

non-renewable resources 不可再生资源

court 法庭

leniency 宽大

football and baseball 美式足球和棒球

telecasts 电视广播

Roman Catholic 天主教徒练一练


( ) 1.1 What does Cindy think of her brother?

A.She dislikes him because he is always causing trouble.

B.She understands him because she went through a rebellious stage, too.

C.She dislikes him because he is always arguing with their parents.

D.She wishes that she could be like him.

( ) 2.Cindy's father _________

A.is very rich.

B.is rather poor.

C.is not poor, but cannot afford to pay for his daughter's college education.

D.wants Cindy to leave college and find a job.

( ) 3.Cindy is managing to go to college because _________

A.her father is paying for her.

B.she has a part-time job.

C.she has got a loan from the government.

D.she earns nearly $40,000 a year.

( ) 4.How would you describe their political standpoint?

A.They are strong Democrat supporters.

B.They are strong Republican supporters.

C.They are not interested in politics.

D.They are "middle-of-the-road".

( ) 5.The last paragraph seems to show that_________

A.television seems to play a big part in their lives.

B.television is not very important in their daily life.

C.sport plays a very big part in their lives.

D.the family spend much of their time together.小贴士



●当需要快速阅读时,你只需要浏览文章,把握文章中主旨语句和意群的含义。如果仔细阅读每个单词,就会使你的阅读速度大大降低。Part 2Cindy, the all-American girl (2)辛迪——纯美国姑娘(2)


Because her parents, like most Americans, were mobile, and moved around from job to job, Cindy went to four schools. In the town where she was born, she went to an elementary (初级的) school and a junior high school. In the suburb where she now lives, she attended another junior high school and a senior high school. Her mother used to walk her to elementary school, and drove her to junior high school in the former town. In her new town, Cindy was picked up by a yellow school bus each morning for several years.

Early in her senior year, Cindy took driver's education at school, and got her driver's license. Occasionally(偶然地), her parents allowed her to drive to school after she turned 17. Many days, her boyfriend would pick her up in his car.

Cindy was more interested in driving and her social life than in schoolwork. Yet she was a fairly good student, particularly (特别地) in English. She was less successful in mathematics, and although she thought she would go to college, she stopped her mathematics after plane geometry. By her senior year, when she was taking courses of her own choosing, she reached a solid B average. She graduated in the second 20% (second quintile) of her class.

Cindy's social life as a teenager, both in high school and college, is built around music—particularly rock and roll. Her parents find it too loud. Musical styles have changed a great deal since they were young. While living at home, Cindy fought with them because they constantly asked her to turn her stereo down. One thing she enjoys about being in college is that she can play her music as loudly as she likes.

Music accompanies her social events, and often is the event. She has frequently gone to rock concerts, and she sees most of the movies made by rock groups. When friends visited her at home—particularly if her parents were out—they played the stereo at full volume in her room. Now she and her friends can do the same thing every evening in the dorm.测一测


( ) 1.Cindy's parents often moved house.

( ) 2.Cindy went to one elementary school and one high school.

( ) 3.She always went to school by bus.

( ) 4.She learned to drive after she left school.

( ) 5.Cindy was more interested in school work than anything else.

( ) 6.She was better in English than in math.

( ) 7.She was a very average student compared with the others.

( ) 8.Cindy likes music very much.

( ) 9.Her parents do not like the music she likes.

( ) 10.She is not allowed to play music in her dorm at college.再读一读


mobile 流动的

elementary school 小学

suburb 郊区

driver's education 驾驶培训

driver's license 驾驶执照

social life 社交生活

plane geometry 平面几何学

teenager 青少年

turn down 把(音量)调低

accompany 陪伴

frequently 经常地


Of Australian students

As a westerner living and working in Beijing I am often asked about the way of life in my home country, Australia. Students here are particularly interested in learning about conditions on Australian campuses and how they differ from those at Chinese universities.

Perhaps the most striking differences is that Australian students are generally more independent than their Chinese counterparts (相对应的人). This is reflected (反映) both in the students' lifestyle and in the academic culture (学术文化). Thus whereas virtually all full-time degree students at Chinese universities live in dormitories and take their meals in the college dining halls, relatively few Australian students do so. Some stay at home with their families but most live in private rental accommodations taking care of themselves, doing their own cooking and so forth. Even those who attend universities close to their parents' homes will frequently opt (选择) to leave the family nest in order to pursue a more independent lifestyle, free from parental supervision. Australian students also exhibit a high degree of financial independence. The overwhelming majority seeks work during the holidays, and hold down part-time jobs during the semester. This is also common amongst high school students and is generally encouraged by parents who believe that their offspring (子女) should learn to be self-reliant (自力更生的) from an early age.

An emphasis on self-reliance is also evident in the academic culture at Australian universities. Generally students are expected to be more independent in their thinking and take greater responsibility for their own education than is the case in China. In Australia tertiary students (高等院校学生) are expected to largely teach themselves through independent study and research. The role of the teacher is to provide guidance (指导) and direction (方向) rather than to teach in the sense of simply imparting(传授) factual information. Consequently less time is spent in the classroom, and part of the class time is given over to debating ideas. A typical humanities or social science course (一个典型的人文或社会学科课程) in an Australian university consists of a formal lecture followed by seminars or tutorials (i.e. small discussion groups). Students are required to do background reading prior to





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