新东方词汇进阶Vocabulary 12000(txt+pdf+epub+mobi电子书下载)

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新东方词汇进阶Vocabulary 12000

新东方词汇进阶Vocabulary 12000试读:



◎ 准备参加TOEFL、IELTS、GRE、GMAT等考试,但英语水平或词汇量不足,难以直接复习备考,需要实实在在、循序渐进提高词汇量及英文水平的人——本丛书词汇从“Vocabulary Basic”开始,难度逐级提高,直到“Vocabulary 23000”。

◎ 准备参加大学英语四级考试的人——“Vocabulary Basic”包括了《大学英语教学大纲》规定的英语四级应掌握的全部核心词汇。

◎ 准备参加大学英语六级考试的人——“Vocabulary Basic”+“Vocabulary 6000”,包括了《大学英语教学大纲》规定的英语六级应掌握的全部核心词汇。

◎ 准备参加TOEFL、研究生入学等考试的人——“Vocabulary Basic”+“Vocabulary 6000”+“Vocabulary 12000”,包含了TOEFL、研究生入学考试应掌握的全部核心词汇。

◎ 以上所有类型的读者均可首先学习或最后总结学习“Vocabulary 23000”。该书采用“词根词缀”记忆法,为读者构建词汇学习之框架,同时结合“近形”和“同根”记忆法,帮助读者轻松、快速地扩大词汇量。本丛书有何特点?

◎ 以“课”为单元,每课包括4个部分或3~5个Group,各部分虽只有10个左右的主词,但由其衍生出来的同义、反义、形近、同根、同类词等的量非常之大。这样既可方便读者安排学习进度(每天1~2课),又能够保证其3个月内词汇量迅速达到20000以上。

◎ 每个单词均附有国际音标、词性说明、中文释义、英文例句及译文。

◎ 列出各单词的同义词,帮助读者迅速扩大词汇量。配合联想记忆法,举一反三,事半功倍。

◎ 根据词义精心设计了助记插图,既便于读者更好地理解单词,又为学习增加了趣味性。

◎ 前三册每一部分后均附有习题,以加深读者对所学单词的印象;全四册每一课后均有综合复习,便于读者自我检测对所学单词的了解程度,并增强活用单词的能力。

◎ 附赠MP3录音,可在网络上免费下载,其中包含书中的所有主词和英文例句。录音由英音外教朗读,发音纯正地道,配合学习,效果更佳。

词汇量的增加不可一蹴而就,但是若能采用系统的方法,还是可以缩短扩大词汇量所需的时间。为此,我们特别为全国广大的英语学习者编写了这套词汇丛书。从最基本的“Vocabulary Basic”到足以应付留学考试之需的“Vocabulary 23000”,读者只要按部就班、循序渐进地学习本丛书,必可在最短的时间内取得最大的成效。无论您目前是在校求学或已步入社会,都会发现本系列书籍即是您苦寻已久、增强英文实力的最佳利器。学校老师更可采用本系列书籍作为辅助教材,以弥补平时上课内容之不足。编者

Lesson 1




1. It is seldom acceptable to abbreviate words in formal writing.(A) omit(B) explain(C) shorten

2. Although they had never met before the party, Dick and Jane felt a strong affinity for each other.(A) affability towards(B) attraction to(C) dislike of

3. Male lions remain aloof from the day-to-day activities of their families.(A) upwind of(B) separate from(C) exhausted from

4. Frequent minor ailments kept her home from work.(A) irritations(B) young children(C) sicknesses

5. In the autumn, the northern mountains are ablaze with shades of red, yellow, and orange.(A) radiant(B) abloom(C) decorated



vt. ①缩短〈同 shorten, abridge〉

例 The President was asked to abbreviate his speech since the students crammed in the room without air-conditioning were running out of patience. 校长被要求缩短演讲时间,因为在没有空调的房间里,挤在一起的学生们正在失去耐心。


例 “Mister”is usually abbreviated as“Mr.”. Mister通常被缩写成Mr.。

联 abbreviated adj. 简短的;abbreviation n. 缩写,缩写词


adj. 着火的,燃烧的;闪耀的〈同 burning; bright〉

例 After the firewood was ablaze, he felt warm. 柴火点着之后,他才感到暖和。

记 a+blaze(火焰)→着火的

联 blaze n. 火焰 v. 燃烧;发怒;blazing adj. 炽烧的,闪耀的;laze v. 偷懒,混日子;glaze n. 釉;plaza n. 广场;购物中心


n.中止计划(或任务)〈同 failure, stop〉

例 The minister ordered a general abort in stamp production when he learned there was a mistake on the newly issued stamp. 在得知新发行的邮票上有错误后,部长命令全面中止邮票的生产。

联 abortive adj. 流产的;失败的;abortion n. 流产;失败


n.磨(擦)破;表面磨损〈同 scratch; friction〉

例 She fell and suffered an abrasion on her left hand. 她摔倒了,擦伤了左手。

联 abrasive adj. 研磨的


n. 旷课;旷工〈同 absence〉

例 The rate of absenteeism at this school is so high that punishments were introduced for nonattendance. 这所学校的缺勤率太高了,因此学校针对缺勤者采取了惩罚措施。

联 absentee n. 缺席者;absent adj. 不在的,缺席的;absence n. 缺席


adj. ①完全的〈同 total, complete〉

例 After he quit his old job a feeling of absolute freedom befell him. 辞去之前的工作之后,他有一种完全自由的感觉。

②绝对的〈同 definite, certain〉

例 The captain of a ship has the absolute right to jettison cargo when necessary. 船长有绝对的权力在必要时抛弃货物。

记 ab+solute(溶解)→不溶解的→不能变的→绝对的

联 absolution n. 赦免,赦罪;solute n. 溶解物,溶质;salute v. 敬礼;resolute adj. 坚决的


v. 邻接,毗邻〈同 be next to, border on〉

例 The library abuts the old museum. 图书馆毗邻老博物馆。

联 abet vt. 教唆;debut v. 初进社交界;首次演出


adj. 意外的,偶然的〈同 unexpected, unforeseen〉

例 The accidental encounter with an old friend, whom he hadn't seen for two years, made him very excited. 偶然遇到一位两年未见的老朋友,这让他非常兴奋。

联 accidentally adv. 偶然地,意外地;accident n. 意外事件,事故


n. 赞誉,赞许〈同 recognition, praise〉

例 The best-selling author's new book was greeted with great acclaim. 那位畅销书作家的新书受到了广泛称赞。

vt. 喝彩,欢呼;称赞〈同 hail; praise〉

例 Spectators acclaimed the winner of the competition. 观众们为比赛获胜者欢呼。

记 ac+claim(=clam 叫喊)→不断叫喊→欢呼

联 acclaimed adj. 受赞誉的;acclamation n. 欢呼,喝彩;claim n./v. 主张,要求;declaim v. 演说;exclaim v. 呼喊,大声说;proclaim vt. 宣布,声明;reclaim v. 要求归还


vt. 授权〈同 authorize, commission〉

例 Diplomatic negotiations generally take place in embassies where ambassadors are accredited. 外交谈判通常在其大使被授权的大使馆进行。

自我检测 从第一部分中选出最适当的词填入空格内。

6. The ______ from wind and weather made the house look very old.

7. The title was too long, so they had to ______ it.

8. The crowd ______ the winning team.

9. The school was ______ after it began to hire teachers with Master's Degrees.

10. Breaking the new dish was ______; I did not mean to do it.

11. The dictator had ______ power.



n. 用大写字母表示的缩写词〈同 abbreviation〉

例 AIDS is an acronym for Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome. AIDS是“获得性免疫缺陷综合征”的缩写。


adj. 实际的,现行的〈同 real, true〉

例 Our actual expenses for food and clothes last year were much lower than we thought. 去年,我们在吃穿上的实际开支远远低于预期。

联 actually adv. 实际上,事实上;actuate vt. 开动;促使;activate vt. 刺激,使活动;actively adv. 活跃地,积极地


[ə'dɪkt]vt. 使沉溺,使上瘾(be addicted to)〈同 indulge in, be devoted to〉

例 Realizing that she was addicted to cigarettes, Janet decided to quit. 珍妮特意识到自己吸烟上瘾了,因此决定戒烟。

['ædɪkt]n. 上瘾者

例 The drug addict was required to get medical help. 那个瘾君子被要求接受药物治疗。

联 addictive adj.(使人)上瘾的;addiction n. 沉溺,上瘾;addicted adj. 沉溺的,上瘾的;abdicate v. 放弃,退位;predict v. 预言;dictate v. 口授,听写


n. 添加剂〈同 addition, supplement〉

例 The scientists had to use certain additives to make the drug more powerful. 为了增强药物的药效,科学家们不得不使用特定的添加剂。

联 additional adj. 另外的,附加的,额外的;in addition to 除…之外


adj. 熟练的,擅长的〈同 competent, skilled〉

例 Mr. Bao is known to be an adept writer. 鲍先生是一位出色的作家。


n. 附件,附属〈同 addition, accessory〉

例 I hoped that I would find the computer course a useful adjunct to my other studies. 我希望计算机课对我学习其他课程有辅助作用。

adobe[ə'dəʊbi; ə'dəʊb]

n. 泥砖,土坯〈同 clay, brick〉

例 Adobe is a type of brick made of clay baked in the sun. 泥砖是一种用黏土制成的、在太阳下烤晒而成形的砖。


vt. 装饰〈同 decorate, embellish〉

例 She adorned her hair with flowers. 她把花戴在头发上当装饰。

联 adornment n. 装饰;装饰品;unadorned adj. 未装饰的,朴实的


adj. 适当的;明智的;可取的〈同 suitable; sensible〉

例 It is not advisable for you to go to school while you are still sick. 你还在生病,不应该去学校。

记 advise(提建议)+able(能…的)→能提建议的→可取的

联 advisor n. 顾问;advisory adj. 劝告的;visible adj. 可见的


n. ①紧密关系〈同 connection, relationship〉

例 She felt an affinity with all who suffered; their pains were her pains. 她能与所有遭受痛苦的人产生情感共鸣;他们的痛苦就是她的痛苦。

②吸引;喜爱〈同 attraction; liking〉

例 Many girls have a strong affinity for chocolate candy. 许多女孩特别喜欢巧克力糖。

自我检测 从第二部分中选出最适当的词填入空格内。

12. The ______ time of departure was two hours later than expected.

13. He added an adage as an ______ to his essay.

14. He had an ______ for his old car, so he really didn't want to sell it.

15. ______ are substances that are added to other substances to preserve them or increase their effectiveness.

16. The law firm's name, TLC, was an ______ for Tender Loving Care.

17. Having started when he was five, Paul was an ______ pool player.



n. ①总数〈同 total, sum〉

例 The aggregate of all the gifts was over $700. 所有礼物的累计价值超过了700美元。

②聚集体〈同 combination〉

例 Society is an aggregate of individuals. 社会是个人的集合体。

记 ag+greg(团体)+ate→成为团体→聚集体

联 aggregation n. 集合,群体;gregarious adj. 爱社交的;aggravate v. 加重,使恶化;congregate v. 集合,聚集;segregate v. 隔离


adj. 敏捷的,活泼轻快的〈同 nimble, quick〉

例 The agile kid climbed up the tree in no time. 那个敏捷的孩子很快就爬到了树上。

记 ag(做)+ile→能够做的→敏捷的

联 agility n. 敏捷,活泼;agitate v. 搅动;煽动;agitated adj. 焦虑的,激动的;fragile adj. 易碎的


n. 疾病(尤指轻病、小病)〈同 illness, affliction〉

例 A feeble body is always prone to minor ailments. 虚弱的身体往往容易患一些小病。

联 disease n. 疾病;unsoundness n. 不健全


adj.(门、窗等)微开的〈同 half-open〉

例 She left the door ajar so that she could hear what they were saying. 她把门半开着,这样就能够听到他们在说什么。


adj. 同族的;类似的〈同 related; similar〉

例 His taste in music seems akin to mine. 他在音乐上的品位似乎与我类似。


n. 排列成行;联合,结盟〈同 arrangement; association〉

例 All four wheels must be in perfect alignment. 四个轮子都必须完全对齐。

联 align v. 结盟;alight vi. 落下

allegory['ælɪgəri; (US)'ælɪgɔ:ri]

n. 寓言〈同 parable, fable〉

例 Orwell's Animal Farm is an allegory which uses a farm to illustrate philosophical ideas. 奥威尔的《动物庄园》是一个寓言故事,它用一座农场来说明哲学理念。


n. 头韵

例 “Sally sells sea shells by the seashore”is an alliteration.“Sally sells sea shells by the seashore”这句话压头韵。


n. 津贴;补助〈同 stipend, subsidy〉

例 She was given an allowance of five dollars per week. 她每周获得五美元的补贴。


vi. 暗指,影射,间接提到〈同 imply, hint〉

例 He's sensitive about his size, so let's not allude to it. 他对自己的体重非常敏感,所以我们还是别提起它。

自我检测 从第三部分中选出最适当的词填入空格内。

18. Parents like to use ______ to explain to children what they should and should not do.

19. Although she was very ______ she could never do the splits(劈腿).

20. Don't tell them of our decision; don't even ______ to it.

21. If your immune system is weak you will constantly suffer from some ______.

22. Cutting income taxes will shift ______ demand.

23. Our company gives us a travel ______ for getting to and from work.



adv. 在高处;在空中

例 The spacecraft stayed aloft for two weeks. 太空飞船在空中停留了两周。


adj. 远离的;冷淡的,漠不关心的〈同 distant, remote; indifferent〉

例 After he dropped out of school, the relationship between him and his friend became aloof. 他辍学之后,与朋友的关系变得日益疏远。


n.(海拔)高度〈同 elevation, height〉

例 The pilot announced that our altitude was 30,000 feet. 飞行员宣布,我们处于30,000英尺的高空中。

记 alt(来自altus,高)+itude→(海拔)高度

联 altimeter n. 高度计;altruism n. 利他主义;altruistic adj. 利他的,无私心的;latitude n. 纬度;platitude n. 陈词滥调


n. 周围环境,气氛〈同 atmosphere, environment〉

例 The small park possesses a pleasant ambience that appeals to young people. 这个小公园环境优雅怡人,吸引着年轻人。

联 ambient adj. 周围的;ambition n. 雄心;ambitious adj. 雄心勃勃的;ambiguous adj. 模棱两可的


adj. 有矛盾情绪的,举棋不定的〈同 mixed, contradictory〉

例 He was ambivalent because he wanted to eat a lot of cake, but was determined to lose weight. 他非常矛盾,因为他想吃许多蛋糕,但已经下决定心要减肥了。

联 ambivalence n. 矛盾心理


vi. 漫步,缓行〈同 ramble, roam〉

例 The old man ambled through the park. 那位老人缓步穿过公园。

联 scramble vt. 搅乱,使混杂


adj. 顺从的;应服从的〈同 submissive, tractable〉

例 He was amenable to any suggestions which came from those he looked up to. 对于他尊敬的人给出的建议,他都会接受。


n. ①[常作复数]生活福利设施,便利设施

例 There are a lot of amenities in the city such as libraries, cinemas, and hospitals. 城市里有许多便利设施,如图书馆、电影院和医院等。

②(地方、气候等)舒适,宜人〈同 comfort〉

例 We went to Hawaii to enjoy the amenity of a warm climate. 我们去夏威夷享受那里温暖宜人的气候。

联 amity n. 和睦;enmity n. 敌意


prep. 在…中〈同 among〉

例 On the floor, amid many books, were two small envelopes. 地板上的一堆书中间有两个小信封。

联 pyramid n. 金字塔;金字塔现象,越到上面越狭窄的现象

amnesia[æm'ni:zjə; (US)æm'ni:ʒə]

n. 健忘症;记忆缺失

例 After the car accident, he could not identify any of his friends because of amnesia. 车祸发生后,他因为失忆,根本认不出他的任何朋友。

记 a+mnes(记忆)+ia(病)→没有记忆的病→记忆缺失

联 amnesty n. 大赦;anemia n. 贫血症;aphasia n. 失语症;malaria n. 疟疾;insomnia n. 失眠,失眠症

自我检测 从第四部分中选出最适当的词填入空格内。

24. He was strangely quiet and ______, like a lone wolf.

25. Because Beijing was awarded the honor of being host to the 2008 Olympic Games, the ______ and infrastructure was improved and expanded.

26. After the accident he got ______ and could not even remember his parents.

27. He has an ______ attitude toward his friend; he likes him but always quarrels with him.

28. Peter liked going to that particular bar, because he found the ______ appealing.

29. The flying carpet remained ______ through the power of magic.


Exercise 1 从第二栏中选出第一栏各词的反义词。COLUMN ⅠCOLUMN Ⅱ30. ______amenableA. unskilled31. ______adornB. planned32. ______accidentalC. discomfort33. ______actualD. unwilling34. ______amenityE. certain35. ______aloofF. fictitious36. ______adeptG. disfigure37. ______acclaimH. clumsy38. ______agileI. warm39. ______ambivalentJ. condemnation

Exercise 2 找出与句子中划线单词意义最相近的词。

40. Ron O'Neal received widespread acclaim for his acting in productions of“Dream on Monkey Mountain”.(A) recognition(B) confidence(C) reimbursement

41. The climate of the Middle Atlantic region of the United States varies with the altitude and land surface.(A) ocean waves(B) humidity(C) elevation

42. Airplanes and gliders remain aloft by going fast enough for the pressure of the air moving around their wings to create an upward force.(A) in flight(B) out of danger(C) intact

43. The amenities of civilization are left behind when an individual embarks on a camping trip in a remote area.(A) activities(B) rules(C) comforts

Exercise 3 从第二栏中选出第一栏各词的同义词。COLUMN COLUMN ⅡⅠ44. ______ambienceA. juxtapose45. ______alignmentB. suggest46. ______abortC. air47. ______abutD. dependent48. ______additiveE. memory loss49. ______addictF. sum50. ______aggregateG. alliance51. ______alludeH. chafe52. ______amnesiaI. enhancing agent53. ______abrasionJ. terminate

Exercise 4 从下列单词中选出最适当的词填入空格内。alignmentambleabortadornajarabutamenableablazeaddictadvisable

54. A new extension was built ______ the old west wing of the house.

55. He ______ from shop to shop but could not find what he was looking for.

56. Peter wanted to ______ the Christmas tree with colorful toys but his father liked the plain look.

57. The climbers had to ______ the mission because the weather was too bad.

58. The dog ran away as the door was left ______.

59. He seems to be ______ to this computer game. He plays it day and night.

60. The hotel was ______ with lights.

61. It would have been ______ to ask for directions first, because now we are lost.

62. When I am hungry, I am ______ to eating any kind of food.

63. The USA and the USSR(苏联)formed an ______ during World War Ⅱ.参考答案

1. C

2. B

3. B

4. C

5. A

6. abrasion

7. abbreviate

8. acclaimed

9. accredited

10. accidental

11. absolute

12. actual

13. adjunct

14. affinity

15. Additives

16. acronym

17. adept

18. allegory

19. agile

20. allude

21. ailments

22. aggregate

23. allowance

24. aloof

25. amenities

26. amnesia

27. ambivalent

28. ambience

29. aloft

30. D

31. G

32. B

33. F

34. C

35. I

36. A

37. J

38. H

39. E

40. A

41. C

42. A

43. C

44. C

45. G

46. J

47. A

48. I

49. D

50. F

51. B

52. E

53. H

54. abutting

55. ambled

56. adorn

57. abort

58. ajar

59. addicted

60. ablaze

61. advisable

62. amenable

63. alignment

Lesson 2




1. Orioles are arboreal birds, and when they descend to the ground, it is mainly to gather nest materials.(A) territorial(B) tree dwelling(C) corporeal

2. In 1776 colonial leader George Washington began the arduous task of turning farmers into a disciplined combat force for the Revolutionary War.(A) rewarding(B) difficult(C) vital

3. Most members of the camel family are found in arid habitats.(A) dirty(B) sandy(C) dry

4. Mahalia Jackson was noted for her vibrant, expressive voice and for her ardent interpretations of gospel music.(A) serious(B) passionate(C) unique

5. A talented actress, Ruth Draper was able to portray an impressive range of characters by seemingly doing nothing more than changing her attire and props.(A) clothing(B) dialect(C) demeanor第一部分


n. 无政府主义者〈同 rebel〉

例 As an anarchist, he thought society would be better off not only without a king, but without any kind of governing body at all. 作为一名无政府主义者,他认为社会不仅不需要国王,甚至连任何一种管理机构也不需要,这样社会就会变得更好。

联 anarchy n. 无政府状态,政治混乱


n. 解剖;解剖学

例 She put a diagram of the human body on her wall so she could study anatomy just by looking at the wall. 她在墙上挂了一幅人体解剖图,这样她看墙上的图便可以学习解剖学。


n. 短故事,轶事〈同 story, tale〉

例 I love Grandmother's amusing anecdotes about her childhood. 我喜欢听奶奶讲她童年时的奇闻轶事。

联 anecdotal adj. 轶闻的,多轶事趣闻的


n. 麻醉〈同 unconsciousness, numbness〉

例 During the operation, he was put under anesthesia so he wouldn't feel the pain. 在手术过程中,他被实施了麻醉,这样他就感觉不到痛了。

联 anesthetic n. 麻醉剂,麻药


adj. 活生生的;活泼的,生动的〈同 lively〉

例 Cartoons are animated short films. 卡通是动画短片。


vt. 兼并,附加〈同 add, attach〉

例 In 1939, Hitler succeeded in annexing various parts of Europe to Germany without firing the shot. 1939年,希特勒没有动用一枪一炮,便将欧洲许多地区并入德国领土。

联 annexation n. 合并;nexus n. 连结


vt. 消灭;削减〈同 conquer, destroy〉

例 They were sent on a mission to annihilate the rebel forces. 他们被派去消灭叛军。

记 an+nihil(无)+ate→消灭

联 annihilation n. 消灭,歼灭;nihilism n.【哲】虚无主义,极端怀疑论


n. 周年纪念〈同 commemoration〉

例 Our wedding anniversary is January 12th. 我们的结婚纪念日是1月12日。


n. 异常,不规则;异常的人或物〈同 abnormality, deviation〉

例 A dog with six legs would be an anomaly. 一条狗长有六条腿,这属于异常现象。

联 anomalous adj. 不正常的


n. 圣歌,赞美歌〈同 hymn〉

例 The band played the national anthem. 乐队演奏了国歌。

自我检测 从第一部分中选出最适当的词填入空格内。

6. The Star-Spangled Banner is the national ______ of the United States.

7. The imperialist country ______ some of its neighbor's territory.

8. He was an ______ and had no respect for authority.

9. The army's offensive ______ all opposition.

10. A snowstorm in Florida is an ______, because it is hot all year long.

11. The children had an ______ discussion about yesterday's interesting field trip.第二部分


n. 诗集;文选〈同 collection〉

例 I love to read anthologies of science fiction stories. 我喜欢读科幻小说选集。

记 anth(花)+ology→像花一样的文章→文选

联 anthologize v. 编选集;anthesis n. 开花期


adj. 抗菌的,抗生的

例 Antibiotic drugs such as penicillin have saved many lives. 青霉素等抗菌药物挽救了许多人的生命。

联 antibiotics n. 抗生素


adj. 陈旧的,过时的〈同 obsolete, outmoded〉

例 The crank telephone is now thoroughly antiquated. 如今,摇柄电话已经完全过时了。

记 来自antique(古董;古董的)


n. 杀菌剂;防腐剂〈同 bactericide〉

例 He bathed the wound with antiseptic. 他用抗菌剂冲洗伤口。


n. 器械,设备,仪器〈同 machinery, equipment〉

例 The doctor uses many different apparatus including X-ray machines and stethoscopes. 医生使用许多种不同的仪器,包括X光机和听诊器。

记 ap(=ad 向)+paratus(准备)→为…准备好→设备,仪器

联 apparent adj. 明显的;apparition n. 幽灵


vt.(按比例或计划)分配〈同 distribute, allot〉

例 Our problem now is not to apportion blame for our failures but to find a way to achieve successes. 我们目前的问题并非追究失败的责任,而是找出获得成功的方法。

记 ap(=ad)+portion(一部分,一份)→(按比例或计划)分配

联 apposition n. 同位;portion n. 一部分;proportion n. 比例,均衡;allocate v. 分派,分配


adj. 水生的,水栖的

例 Dolphins are good examples of mammals that are aquatic life forms. 海豚是水生生物中哺乳动物的很好的例子。

记 aqu(水)+atic→水生的

联 aquarium n. 水族馆;aqueduct n. 引水槽


adj. 树栖的;树的〈同 tree-dwelling; treelike〉

例 Monkeys are arboreal animals. 猴子是树栖动物。


adj. 热烈投入的,极热心的〈同 passionate, enthusiastic〉

例 He is an ardent lover of music. 他酷爱音乐。

记 ard(热)+ent→极热心的

联 ardor n. 热情,热心;dent n. 凹,凹痕;rodent n. 啮齿动物;indent v. 切割成锯齿状;缩排;pendent adj. 悬挂的;悬而未决的

arduous['ɑ:djʊəs; (US)'ɑrʤʊəs]

adj. 费力的,艰难的〈同 difficult, hard〉

例 Sometimes just finding the right words can be the most arduous task to accomplish. 有时候,仅仅是找到合适的词也是很困难的。

记 ard(热)+uous(多…的)→很热的,出汗的→费力的

联 deciduous adj. 落叶的;assiduous adj. 勤勉的,刻苦的;laborious adj.(指工作等)艰苦的,费力的;strenuous adj. 费力的,需全力以赴的;奋发的

自我检测 从第二部分中选出最适当的词填入空格内。

12. He has been at this company for many years, but now his style of doing things is rather ______.

13. The duties were ______ equally between the two of them.

14. He is a very hardworking person and will not shy away from ______ tasks.

15. ______ animals often build nests or make holes in trees.

16. He had to put some ______ on the cut so it would not get infected.

17. An ______ is a collection of poems or prose selections, usually from various authors.第三部分


adj. 干旱的;贫瘠的〈同 dry; barren〉

例 The desert is so arid that nothing can grow there. 这里的沙漠太过干旱,寸草不生。

联 semiarid adj. 雨量非常少的,半干旱的


n. 装甲;装甲车〈同 shield〉

例 The steel plates of a warship and the scales of a fish are armor. 战舰的钢板和鱼的鳞片都属于装甲。

联 armored adj. 披甲的,装甲的;arms n. 武器


n. 纹章;兵工厂,军械库〈同 arsenal〉

例 Fighter planes have successfully bombed the enemy's main armory. 战斗机成功炸毁了敌方的主要兵工厂。

记 来自名词arm(武器)+ory→军械库

联 armada n. 舰队;disarm v. 解除武装;armistice n. 停战,休战


n. 香气,芬芳,芳香〈同 fragrance, scent〉

例 The wine has a light fruity aroma. 这种酒有淡淡的果香。

联 aromatic adj. 芬芳的;aromatize vt. 使芳香;amorous adj. 情爱的


n. 兵工厂,军械库〈同 armory〉

例 The arsenal produced thousands of missiles each year. 这家兵工厂每年生产数千枚导弹。

联 arson n. 纵火,纵火罪






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