
发布时间:2020-08-31 06:05:10


作者:293871:塞尔,Sell,张德玉,杨华$$(美){0}({1} C.)著,{2},{3}注释










张德玉 杜敏


Colleen Sell

The Cup of Comfort anthology series was created at the dawn of the new millennium to provide a forum by which ordinary people could share true stories about the experiences and people that have inspired them. My hope was that these uplifting personal stories would create a bridge between people of different circumstances and cultures by reminding them of the universal truths that make us all human and that give us hope and happiness. It is certainly not a new concept.

Since human beings first acquired the ability to communicate, we have used stories to share humanity's most empowering truths and most powerful lessons. For hundreds of thousands of years, the uniquely human gift of story has guided and comforted us, connecting us to our inner spirits and to one another.

And now the stories in this book are reaching across continents and oceans to connect people in North America with people in China. The Cup of Comfort authors and I are humbled and honored by this privilege, and we sincerely hope that these stories bring you comfort and joy.





徐莉娜 译

Why I Teach

Iknow my students. Masses of awkward seventh graders swarm the halls of my rural middle school each day, hauling backpacks over one shoulder, talking and shuffling along the tile hallway floor① from class to class. I watch them like a general from my post (my classroom door) and smile at the fact that I can call each one by name.

I know their secrets, their stories. Dora slouches② and is shy, and I know it is because she spends all her time at home trying not to get noticed, so she won't feel the brunt of her stepfather's angry hand. Jay can pitch like a tenth grader, and all the girls swoon when he and his blond hair strut by, but I know he doesn't really even like baseball that much (he plays because his dad wants him to) and he is too scared to ask out the girl he likes. The kids think Keith is just the class clown, but I know of his dreams to become an astronaut (and I've recommended him for space camp). I know my students because I am their writing teacher. They trust me with their stories and so I am given the privilege of having a secret bond with each and every one of them.

I teach my students about the power of words, and I try to let them find release and expression through writing. We learn to trust each other in writing class because we learn how hard it is to write openly and honestly, and we learn that sharing your words takes courage. I see courage every day in my classroom, and I am always amazed at the words that come from my students' hearts.

One such example of courage took place during author's chair, a sharing session at the end of our writer's workshop in which students volunteer to share what they have written. We had a new student to the school, Al. Al was small and, with his dimpled cheeks and baby face, he looked younger than his classmates.

In fact, when Al was first introduced to the class two weeks earlier, one student said, “You're not in the seventh grade. You're a baby.”

To that, Al quickly responded, “I'm Al Billslington, and I am in the seventh grade.”

Despite his obvious courage, Al had been with us for only a short while and was still trying to fit in, so I was a little surprised when he volunteered to read during author's chair. I had one of those teacher moments, when I smiled and nodded for him to read, while inside I said a silent prayer that the other students would not tease the new kid after he read. The room fell silent, and Al began to read.

“If I had one wish, it would be to meet my dad...” He started out loud and clear and held the attention of my usually restless seventh graders as he read on for what seemed like fifteen minutes. He told of how he had never known his father, who had left the family when Al was a baby. He shared the intimate details of his struggles to be the only man in the house at such a young age, of having to mow the lawn and fix broken pipes. He revealed to us the thoughts that raced through his mind constantly about where his father might be and why he might have left.

My eyes scanned the room for snickering faces③ of seventhgrade kids who I knew were prone to jump at a weakness and try to crack a joke, but there were no snickers. There were no rolling eyes or gestures insinuating boredom or pending attacks④. All of my seventhgrade students were listening, really listening. Their eyes were on Al, and they were absorbing his words like sponges. My heart was full.

Al continued on, telling of nightmares at night, of never knowing a man so important to him, yet so unreal. I could hear his voice growing shaky as he read such passionate and honest words, and I saw a tear roll down one of his dimpled cheeks. I looked to the audience. There were tears on Jessica's face and on the faces of a few others seated quietly, intently listening.

They are letting him do this, I thought. They are allowing him to share something he perhaps has never shared before, and they aren't judging him or teasing him. I felt a lump in my own throat.

Al finished, struggling now to read his last sentence. “If I had one wish, it would be to meet my dad, so I wouldn't...” His tears were rolling now, and so were ours,“...so I wouldn't have to close my eyes in bed every night just wondering what he looks like.”

Without any cue from me, the class stood up and applauded. Al smiled from ear to ear as they all rushed him with hugs. I was floored.

This is why I teach. I teach because I am allowed to learn the stories behind the faces. I teach because I can watch kids grow and laugh and learn and love. I teach because of students like Al.

— Whitney L. Grady


① ...shuffling along the tile hallway floor: ……沿着走廊的瓷砖地面慢吞吞地走着

② slouch: 无精打采,懒洋洋

③ My eyes scanned the room for snickering faces...: 我扫视了一下屋子, 寻找那些窃笑的面孔……

④ ...insinuating boredom or pending attacks: ……显示出厌烦或准备攻击的姿势










阿尔继续朗读着,述说自己的那些噩梦,述说自己从来没有感觉到一个男人对自己来说如此地重要,而离自己又如此地遥远。当他读着如此打动人心而又真诚的话语时,我能感到他的声音越来越颤抖,还看到一颗泪珠从他那挂着酒窝的脸颊上滑落。我看了看观众,只见杰希卡和其他几个坐在那里静听的孩子的脸上也泪光滢滢。“他们允许他这么做。”我想。“他们允许他分享一些可能从来没有分享过的东西,并且他们并没有看不起他、嘲笑他!” 我哽咽了。





A Pair of Nothings

Iheld my breath as I watched my brother's finger trace through the newspaper listing of teachers assigned to third graders. I squeezed my eyes shut tight①. Please, please, don't let it be Miss Ball.

“Miss Ball.”

My brother's words hit me like a punch to the stomach. Wasn't it bad enough that third graders had to learn their multiplication tables② before they could pass to fourth grade? No one wanted to be in Miss Ball's class to do it. She was scary.

According to my father, Miss Ball's badly scarred face was the result of smallpox in her youth. Knowing the cause didn't diminish the effect. Tall and slender, with eyes as black and shiny as onyx and lean fingers that could snap like a rifle shot, she was the most intimidating figure③ on the entire second floor.

That September I dragged my newly shod feet into class, completely demoralized by my class assignment④. With such a stern demeanor⑤, Miss Ball would have even less of a sense of humor than the teachers I'd experienced previously. No tolerance for a creative imagination in her class. I prepared myself to hate every minute of the next nine months.

Reading was the first class. A breeze for me. My older brother Doug had taught me to read when I was four. Geography was a snap, too. Same with history. When we came back to the classroom after lunch recess, there it was on the blackboard: the first row of the dreaded multiplication table. The “zero times.” The school chili gurgled in my stomach. By the end of the day, we would be repeating the numbers in that mindless prisonerofwar style I had learned to resent from my first day of first grade. I planted my face on my fists.

Zero times zero made sense. I could even accept one times zero. But I had to question why two times zero was still zero. I was just a farm kid, but I knew when you had two of anything you had something. My hand shot up, wagging.

“Doesn't that two mean anything?”

Miss Ball stared at me, her black eyes unreadable. My classmates stared at me. I held my breath until my vision blurred. Maybe it really was possible to slither to the floor and sink into one of the cracks between those worn hardwood slats.

Then Miss Ball did something beyond my realm of experience. She smiled. A gentle smile. Not that evil smile teachers get when they sense a smart aleck in the class. I'd expected reproach. What I got was goose bumps⑥. This was definitely new territory for me. Now everyone was staring at the woman at the front of the room and not at me. I could breathe again.

She turned to the blackboard and drew a large rectangle, which she divided into halves. “This,” she said, pointing to the blank interior of the left block, “is a nothing. A zero.” Next she gestured to include both portions of the divided rectangle. “And these are two nothings. Class, what do you get when you have one nothing and one nothing?”

“Nooothiiing, Miiiss Baaall.”

I stared at that divided rectangle long after Miss Ball and my classmates had moved on to discuss other zeroes. A blank domino⑦. A pair of nothings. I wanted to hug myself with delight. At last, a teacher who could illustrate a point, who could make me visualize rather than merely saying, “Just because.” Even back then, before analysis of learning behavior became popular, she was perceptive about some students learning better through visual aids and reinforcement rather than auditory instruction.

In later lessons, when her personal stock of colored chalk appeared, I discovered Miss Ball could draw flowering trees with nests hiding in them, clouds with exotic birds flying around the sky, and rays of sunshine and rippling water with lily pads that looked real. She could write poems, too. Short poems with exciting new words that expanded my vocabulary and my horizons.

Miss Ball was a kindred soul. A creative soul. A beautiful soul.

Later in the year a box appeared on the activity table. It was full of 3by8inch cards. On each card was a word. On the back of the card was the definition of that word. Nothing in my education to that point had ever struck such a spark of excitement. Words were some of my most favorite things in the world. I found words fascinating, not so much the sounds they made when you spoke them as their appearance, their meanings, how they could be employed in a sentence to alter meanings. These were all new words, big ones, 250 of them. This was not the vocabulary you learned on the farm. Not a single domestic animal resided in their midst. The box represented the lexicon of journalists, scholars, and philosophers.

Like a new kid in class, the words became my friends. I copied them, played with them, and introduced them into my conversation. And, like any other eightyearold, I'm sure I mistreated them on occasion. I hardly noticed that none of my classmates shared my enthusiasm. The words were my companions on the baseball field and playground as well as in the library and the classroom.

Tears stung my eyes that final day with Miss Ball. I had more to learn from this wonderful teacher. She had so much more to teach. There were more boxes full of those musical, magical new words.

Fifty years have passed since I sat behind that old wooden desk with notches and initials carved by generations of students and darkened with decades of varnish, ink, and grime. Of all my teachers, I remember Miss Ball most, not for her flawed complexion and intimidating demeanor, but for her ability to spark the imagination of a dirtpoor, pigtailed country girl. Thanks to Matilda Ball, the desire to learn burns as brightly for me today as it did when she drew that simple whitechalk rectangle filled with a pair of nothings.

— Kathleen Ewing


① I squeezed my eyes shut tight. 我紧紧闭上眼睛。

② multiplication table: 乘法表

③ the most intimidating figure: 最令人感到恐怖的身影

④ ...completely demoralized by my class assignment: ……被课堂作业整得筋疲力尽。demoralize,意为“泄气、沮丧”。

⑤ stern demeanor: 严酷的举止。demeanor,指“举止、风度”。

⑥ goose bump: 鸡皮疙瘩

⑦ a blank domino: 一个空白的多米诺骨牌。多米诺骨牌:一个小长方木头或塑料块儿,其面分两半,每半或者空白或者刻有一到六个类似于骰子上的点。














后来,活动课桌上放了一个盒子,里面全是八英寸长三英寸宽的卡片,每个卡片上都有一个词。以往的学习中从来没什么能让我如此兴奋。文字是世界上我最喜欢的东西之一。 这些都是新词、大词,共有250个。这不是在农场能学到的,没有一个是关于家畜的,而是记者、学者和哲学家们的措辞。





Because It Matters

High school was pretty easy for me, and I wasn't alone. Everyone in the honors program typically cruised through our classes without breaking a sweat. The first month of honors American history class did nothing to challenge that expectation. Sure, we had a substitute from the first day on, but those first four weeks of memorizing names and dates were as easy, and as boring, as we'd all expected.

Mr. King came back just in time to give us the first test. He was a sight. He'd had a serious bout with hepatitis① and was still frail and jaundiced from months spent recovering. His voice was just above a whisper, but he spoke with dignity and precision.

Even if he hadn't, we would have been riveted by his discussion of the results of that first test. After all, we were honors students②. The question, though, wasn't whether we'd received an A; the question was who got the highest score.

The answer in this case was my friend Paul Larick. Paul was fiercely intelligent and fiercely competitive. He allowed himself to grin as Mr. King began with, “Mr. Larick, you earned the highest grade on the first test.” His smile vanished when Mr. King went on to say, “You earned a D.”

Mr. King paused to glance around the room, and to rest, before speaking again. “The rest of you,” he said, “did not do so well, earning Dminuses or below.”

“But —” someone said.

“That's not fair!” someone else cried.

“But you tested us on things we hadn't studied,” a third person tried.

I don't remember who said these things. It wasn't me. I was too stunned to speak.

Mr. King looked at us. “The work you submitted,” he whispered, “was not honors quality.”

Mr. King was not unfair. He threw out all grades for the first test. He was not unkind. That was the last time he ever discussed grades publicly. And he was not without a sense of humor. He opened each class with an invitation of, “Does anyone have a good joke?” and closed class with “Questions? Comments? Obscure conundrums③?” When someone shared a good joke, he often laughed so hard he fell over. When someone offered a good conundrum, he saluted its difficulty.

But what Mr. King was not, finally, was ever unclear about his standards, and that was a shock to us. We were all so used to getting As as a matter of course that we tried every strategy in the book to sway Mr. King.

“You graded my paper down for grammar and spelling. This isn't an English class,” one of us would whine.

Mr. King would peer at us through or, if he was particularly testy, over his glasses and say, “Perhaps I should speak with Mr. Froelich about what you're learning in his English classes. If you apply your skills only in the classes in which they are studied, what good are they?”

I remember trying one such whine. “What do you mean, my thesis isn't supported? Isn't my idea original?”

Unblinking eyes gazed at me through a pair of heavy glasses. “Those two points are not, as I trust you know, related. Your idea is quite original. Daring, even. Now you need to support it.”

Bitter, I tried again. “It would have been good enough in my honors English class.”

“Well, it's not good enough here.” Mr. King spoke quietly, to keep the matter private.

My answer was louder, an attempt to enlist the entire class behind me. “Well, why isn't it good enough?”

“Because my subject matter is important,” he said. “Because it is desperately important for you to learn your country's history — not just the names and dates, but the laws and debates behind the laws, their economic implications, and what the period perspectives were. Because it is desperately important for all of you to be able to form a cogent, wellsupported argument that you deliver in clear, grammatically correct prose.”

He had to rest then, but he went on when he could. “This is school, but if that's all it is, it's worthless. My standards are high because this matters.”

After that, I would have followed him anywhere — and I would have killed to get an A in that class. But that, too, would have been the easy way out. Instead, I had to work. We had four textbooks for the class — economic, diplomatic, and military histories as well as a standard overall history of the United States. We also used primary sources.

We learned that just because an essay test was timed, that didn't mean one could cast aside a thesis statement or good organization. We learned history, but we also learned to research, to write, and to reason.

And because Mr. King did not play favorites and had reasons for all of his grading criteria, we learned two more things. We learned to stop thinking of grades as something personal and instead to use them to measure our performance of a given task. And we learned the value of rigor in the service of an important goal.

These lessons were underscored by Mr. King's frail health. In every other class I'd had in which an instructor fell ill, the class had been made easier, allowing teacher and students to coast. Every time Mr. King stood up to explain something or held a position when challenged, the effort was visible and it underscored that primary explanation of his rigor: because it matters.

I didn't become a teacher until years later, but when a student asked a question late one semester, I realized how much Mr. King had influenced me.

“Hey, did you know we're doing more work in this class than they're doing in other freshmen English classes?” a student asked.

“Yes,” I said. “By my estimate, you're doing thirty to forty percent more work in this class than the other sections are doing, and you're held to higher standards.”

“You knew that?” he asked. “But why?”

Rather than answering directly, I waved a hand. “Pick someone. Anyone.”

Mystified, he pointed hesitantly at one of his classmates.

“Do you like writing?” I asked.

“No,” he said.

The first student winced④.

I shook my head in agreement. “Never turn away from honesty. Now, the key questions: Do you like it more than you did? And are you better at it?”

“Yes,” he said. “I used to hate it. Now, it's okay, and I tutor the guys in my frat on how to write papers.”

I nodded. “Pick someone else.”

He did, and we repeated the process. Some loved writing; some liked it; some still hated it but were teaching their friends to write. All had improved.

I returned the question to the student who had asked the question. “So, why are you held to higher standards in this class?”

“So we'll learn what we need to,” he said.

“Exactly,” I said, “because it matters.”

I went on to explain why they needed to be able to reason and to articulate their thoughts and opinions⑤, but it wasn't my explanation. The words I spoke were James King's words, tumbling out halfway across the country and many years later. And they were still true.

— Greg Beatty


① hepatitis: 肝炎

② honors student: 优等生

③ obscure conundrum: 难题

④ wince: 畏缩,退缩

⑤ ...to articulate their thoughts and opinions: ……说出他们的想法和观点





金老师停下来扫视了一下屋子,然后对剩下的人说:“而其他人,” 他说,“考得就没那么好了,有的人没有及格,有的人更差。”“可是……”有人说道。“这不公平!”另一人说。“可是,你考的是我们没有学过的东西。”第三个人说道。















多年以后我也成了一名老师。当一个学生在学期末问我一个问题时,我才意识到金老师对我的影响有多深。“嘿,你知道我们班的作业比其他一年级英语班的作业要多很多吗?”一个学生如是问道。“是的。” 我回答道。“根据我的估计,你们比其他班要多做30%到40%的作业。因而,你们现在的水平也要高些。”“你确定吗?”他问。“可是为什么会这样?”









The First Day

Dozens of eyes stared at me. A sea of unfamiliar faces loomed large and forbidding.① My teaching career was off to a nervewracking② start. Terrified, I summoned the courage to smile. The appearance of several eager grins reassured me. Eyes and grins turned, expectant, and I knew I had to speak.

“Hello, boys and girls,” I said, and introduced myself to the group of children standing in front of me. “I'm so glad you all came today.”

My words sounded weak and small. Project your voice③, I thought.

“This is such a special and exciting day — your first day of grade one.”

Several children straightened their shoulders as if suddenly aware of their importance.

I directed my next comments to the intimidating row of parents lining the back of the room. Nothing in my education courses at university had prepared me for the folded arms④, the candid looks of appraisal, and the eyes narrowed with suspicion⑤. I was twenty years old, and I looked about fifteen. My shaky voice and nervous mannerisms had betrayed me. No wonder the parents were less than enthusiastic.

“Of course, the moms and dads are welcome to spend the morning with us,” I said. “However, I'm sure some of you have other things you need to do.”

Go home, I thought. Please go home and leave me alone. I don't know about you, but I have the feeling I'm in the wrong place.

No one moved. No one spoke.

“I'd be happy to answer any questions you might have,” I said.

More silence.

I took a deep breath. “Perhaps we should get started.”

I picked up a list of the students' names from my desk and began to read. “Tommy Adams. Are you here?”

A tentative hand went up, and I felt a flicker of relief.

“Tommy,” I said. “Can you tell me your address and phone number?” In a moment of optimistic inspiration earlier that morning, I had decided not only to call the roll but also to check whether each child knew his home contact information.

Tommy frowned. “No,” he said.

The flicker of relief I felt a moment earlier sputtered and died. I nodded.

“That's perfectly all right,” I said, as Tommy's head drooped in defeat.

Great, I thought. I ask the poor kid his first question, and he doesn't know the answer. Forget the phone numbers and addresses. I glanced at the wrinkled paper clutched in my sweaty hand.

“David Allen, are you here?”

Another hand went up. His eyes glittered with excitement.

“I know my address and phone number,” he announced with a triumphant glance⑥ at Tommy.

Tommy's eyes widened with indignation. “I know my phone number and address, too, David. I'm just not going to tell her,” he said, pointing at me. “She's a stranger, and my mom told me never to tell a stranger my phone number or address.”

Oh, God, I thought, what ever made me believe I could be a teacher?

There were mutters and whispers from the parents brigade at the back, and several mothers, after saying goodbye to their children, left the room.

Like rats leaving a sinking ship, I thought.

I gestured toward the rows of desks in front of me. “I'd like everyone to find their seat now. You'll find your name taped to the top righthand corner. I'll take the roll after you're all seated.” And just before I run screaming from the room.

A few more mothers kissed their children goodbye, glanced my way as if to say, “My kid had better be in one piece when I get back,” and departed.

The room came to life with excited chatter and the sounds of wooden chairs being pulled across the floor. Then, a child's mournful wail filled the room. In the corner, clinging to his mother's coat like a baby orangutan⑦, was Tommy Adams.

“I want to go home,” he sobbed. “I want to go home.”

The room fell silent as everyone stopped to watch the drama. I reached out to touch Tommy's shoulder, and he flinched⑧.

An apologetic look appeared on his mother's face. “He doesn't like new things, but he's never made a fuss like this.”

I knelt down. In a soft, low voice, I attempted to comfort him. “It's all right, Tommy. Please don't cry. Everything's going to be okay.”

I suppose I was consoling myself, too. This was not how I had pictured my first day of teaching, and a part of me wanted to howl and cry just like Tommy.

I tried bribing him. “Tommy, would you like to be in charge of picking out a story for me to read to the class?” I said.

His face buried in his mother's leg, he shook his head.

“Would you like to be my helper and collect the milk money?”

He hesitated for a moment this time, but after a few seconds, he shook his head again.

I glanced up at his mother. Her eyes and voice pleaded with me. “I have to get to work.” This announcement provoked more crying from Tommy, this time louder and more desperate.

“Can I tell you a secret, Tommy?” I whispered.

I held my breath and waited. He stopped crying. He was listening.

“This is my first day, too,” I said. “I'm new, and I'm kind of nervous and scared.”

He turned around and stared at me, his red and swollen eyes full of incredulity. “You're scared?”

I shrugged and nodded. “A little. I've never been a teacher before, but you were in kindergarten, right?”

“Yes, I was. I used to get a sticker almost every day.”

“I can tell just by looking at you that you're the kind of boy who would get a sticker almost every day.” I reached out and held his hand. This time he didn't pull away. “I need your help,” I said.“I could really use a friend. Someone who knows all about school. Someone like you.”

A thoughtful look appeared on his face, and I gently squeezed the tiny hand. “Would you please stay and help me out?”

He sniffed, wiped at his eyes with one hand, and nodded. With a silent prayer of gratitude⑨, I stood up and led Tommy to his desk. When I glanced back at his mother, she smiled and nodded. I gave Tommy a gentle nudge⑩. “Tell your mom you'll see her in a little while.”

I held my breath as the little body stiffened, but then he turned around and waved. “Bye, Mom. See you after school.”

I exhaled with relief and looked up at the clock. It was 9∶30. Only two hours to go until lunch. I might just make it.

— Susan B. Townsend


① A sea of unfamiliar faces loomed large and forbidding.一群陌生的面孔渐渐变得清晰,令人望而生畏。

② nervewracking: 高度紧张的

③ project your voice: 提高嗓门,大声说

④ folded arms: 双臂交叉放在胸前

⑤ ...the eyes narrowed with suspicion: ……疑惑地眯着眼睛

⑥ a triumphant glance: 用胜利的目光扫了一眼

⑦ orangutan: 猩猩

⑧ flinch: 畏缩,退缩

⑨ prayer of gratitude: 怀有感激的祈祷

⑩ a gentle nudge: 轻轻地推了一下

I exhaled with relief...: 我松了一口气……










一个小手试探着举了起来,我松了一口气。“汤米,你能告诉我你的家庭住址和电话号码吗?” 我说。这天早上早些时候,出于乐观的灵感,我决定不但要点点名,还要看看是不是每个孩子都知道自己的家庭联系方式。


刚才的轻松变得荡然无存。我点了点头。“完全没关系的。” 看到汤米垂头丧气,我赶紧安慰他。“厉害。”我想。“我第一次问这个可怜的孩子问题,他就回答不上来。别管电话号码和家庭住址了吧。”我看了一眼抓在手里的汗涔涔的、皱巴巴的名单。“大卫·阿伦,你来了吗?”























Like most people, I collect photographs in elegant boxes (and shoeboxes) and neatly organized (and not so organized) albums. They hold tangible reminders of moments I want never to forget①. During my thirty years as a high school teacher, I have also stored up another collection of images that will never make their way to my photo boxes or albums; they have been captured not on film but in my mind and in my heart.

Alexi comes in late again. He hates clocks and schedules. He hates rules and assignments. But he likes me, so he is only ten minutes late...on most days. Today a music box is playing “Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star” in his pocket, and as he peels a banana and drops his knapsack, he tells me he has written some things.

Alexi will write only on scraps of paper I give him. He seems to feel that his thoughts fit nicely on long, slim, ripped pieces in the many colors I have salvaged. Today, in his completely dysgraphic way, he writes of churches and boxes and pieces of twine and fake faces melting in the snow. He writes that all these things are the same and wants to know if I agree, or at least see. He wants to know if what he has written is a poem. That is only one strip of paper.

He has filled an artist's sketchbook with pictures but refuses to keep a writer's notebook of images cast in words. He is himself a sight to note②: half high on caffeine, half asleep, big silver earrings, almost Rasta hair. His mother is only fourteen years older than he is. His father is long gone, after saying one day to Alexi, “You are not my son.” Now, Alexi is in my class, mine now, since being let out of psychiatric lockup after four years of being angry. I have no paperwork on him; I just have him. Yet, when he asks for scissors and glue and gets out a razor, I somehow know he will use them only to work in some new way with paper and markers, creating another kind of picture of his own. Snap.

Tom peeks in, on his way to someone else's class. His head is mowed in uneven strips with only a little eye makeup on today. He hands me something. “Here,” he says. “I thought you might want your own fake blood capsule.” I assure him I do, and as the next bell rings, he leaves. Snap.

Just before our test on Catcher in the Rye, after our class has spent days trying to figure out what it is that Holden needs to survive, Heaven comes up and asks me for a BandAid. She shows me her palm with two blisters. She wants me to know how hard it is twirling a flag for the band front. She likes my BandAids, which are cool DayGlo orange and neon green with sea horses and stars all over them. These are juniors in high school, and I see a line forming. All the girls are making up booboos because they like my BandAids. The boys are hacking so that I will give them cough drops from my jar, because they are hungry and this period is just before lunch. They need so much attention. Snap.

During lunch Jay finds me with half a tuna sandwich sticking out of my mouth. He wears the uniform of the United States Marines. He wants to show me what a man he has become in the year since I have seen him. He tells me how many pushups he can do and then tells me the Marine name for all the objects in my room.

“We call the window the ‘porthole③,’ and that pole is a ‘stanchion,’” he says.

The next day we join NATO in sending troops to Bosnia. Snap.

In the block after lunch, Josh falls asleep while everyone else in this senior class is doing information searches about Vietnam. They are ignoring him. I do, too, until I see that, openmouthed, he has actually begun to drool from the desk down to the floor. Mean, mouthy Rich has started to notice. Time to wake up Josh and remind him of his promise to do his work so he can qualify for basketball. The “things they carried” in author Tim O'Brien's Vietnam do not interest Josh, and he does not know from Bosnia. Snap.

The staff of the literary magazine comes in. Sara wears a blue stickum star on her cheek and glitter on her eyelids, like star dust. I love the way she sparkles, both the girl and her writing. Meanwhile, Katie, using a blunt eyebrow pencil, has drawn a big flower around one of her eyes with leaves and tendrils looping down one side of her face. She plays the harmonica outside my classroom, but when the bell rings, she sits down to write about daggers and revenge. Snap.

Raub has shaved off all his hair except for one tuft. There is a scab where he pressed too hard. He looks like Zippy the Pinhead. Today he wears what looks like radioactive protective gear, a silver jacket and silver pants. Yesterday it was a lemon yellow sheath dress over brown corduroy pants④. While many students torment each other over differences, Raub shrugs it off and never stoops to make a nasty remark about another living soul. He does, however, as usual, have a wild, onesentence, thirtysecond, breathless story to tell me before he can settle down to work. Snap.

I am sitting in the computer lab during the last block of the day, and the teacherwhoditchesstudents has sent a dozen down to me. Noel is happy I am there. His twin brother, Gunnar, is in a class of mine, and Noel wants me to know that he is a writer, too. He types and then nudges me. “What do you think of this?”

He says he brought a story for me. It is in his locker. Can he go get it? He wants me to know that his brother is not always as nice as the teachers seem to think. He wants me to know that when he and his twin were six, Gunnar tried to poison him by putting something awful in his macaroni and cheese.Snap.

A new student comes up to me at the end of the day with a photograph album. “This is my mother,” she says, opening her plastic book. She shows me her mother in a hospital bed with tubes in her nose. She died of AIDS.

“This is my sister. She is in Mrs. Hobart's class. Maybe you remember her from study hall last year? She says she knows you.

“This is one of my foster mothers.

“This is my cousin and her baby. My cousin is fifteen. She is so lucky. I can't wait to have a baby.

“Here is a picture of my father. He sent it to me. I never met him, but I am going to see him someday.

“Look at the nice Christmas tree we had last year.

“This is where I live now. My sister lives there, too, so I like it.

“Do you still publish students' poetry for the school? See here? I wrote this about my mother. It rhymes and it's short. Do you think you could put it in the magazine?”

She picks up the album and hugs it, staring at me until I say, “Yes, of course. Of course I will publish your poem.”Snap.

Every day I add more pictures. The boxes are overflowing, the albums bulge⑤, and the walls are covered. Somehow, I always find room for more, and there is always space in my mind and in my heart. Snap.

— Beverly Carol Lucey


① They hold tangible reminders of moments I want never to forget. 他们令我想起那些永远难忘的时刻。

② He is himself a sight to note. 他本身就很引人注目

③ porthole: 舷窗,位于船的一侧的小的、通常为圆形的窗口

④ corduroy pants: 灯芯绒裤子

⑤ ...the albums bulge:……影集塞满了照片



















What Teaching Justin Taught Me

The first time I met Justin, his face twisted with red rage. After years of public school teaching, it takes a lot to unsettle me, but when Justin strode into my room, tossed his flimsy notebook on the desk①, and defiantly put his feet up on the table, I froze. I had known him exactly three seconds, and he was already being insolent② to my authority.

I politely asked Justin to remove his muddy feet from the furniture and carefully mentioned that there was an assignment on the board.

“I ain't got no pen,” he spat.

I was ready to launch into my “how old are you, and can't you bring a pen to class” lecture when it occurred to me that he must be at least twenty years old. As a vocational school teacher, I often see older students, but Justin possessed a terrifiedlittleboy quality wrapped up in a man's body. His face was weathered and pockmarked with bright red acne③. He wore a dirty plaid shirt over torn, mudcaked jeans ripped at the hem and written on with green marker. His shoes were untied, and his brown socks slumped at his ankles.

Everything about Justin suggested troublemaker — including, and except for, his eyes. A steely blue, they pierced through me with a warning glare. Yet, those same crystalclear blue eyes, like deep pools of water, are what made me quietly place my own pen on his desk and walk away. It was a small gesture of armistice④ to let him know I wasn't the enemy. I thought it might allow him to drop his guard a bit, but he had already decided to hate me. He leisurely opened his notebook and began writing. I sighed and continued walking the aisles, glancing back toward Justin with the softest smile I could muster.

It had taken five hard years of teaching for me to learn which battles to pick on the first day of class. Not being prepared for class was a battle for the second day. I knew a few things, but Justin taught me many new lessons over the course of our eighteen weeks together. I struggled to help him improve his writing with the goal in mind that he might be able to complete a job application. He lacked basic skills of every kind; he didn't capitalize the first word in sentences, and he wrote as if he had never heard of punctuation. He struggled to contain his constantly boiling anger, but it was so bottled up that some days the cork burst and pelted whoever was near⑤. The other students learned to avoid Justin, and the seats on either side of him were always empty. He acted as if his social leprosy⑥ didn't bother him and took his space as an invitation to lounge his limbs on the vacant seats.

Usually, his rage was directed at an inanimate object, a chair or one of my computers. “I hate these stupid things, and they hate me,” he would shout. I would quickly join Justin at his workstation and instruct him how to work through the printing problem or how to access his work on the school's server. I had taught him these simple tasks a dozen times, but Justin could never retain the knowledge and every day was a trial of patience for both of us.

I knew that answering his rage with anger would only escalate⑦ an argument to a dangerous level. The day his fury finally erupted at me was one of the most frightening of my teaching career. I was seated at a work table conferencing quietly with two students who had peer edited each other's essays. “Your thesis is strong, and I like the way you organized the conclusion,” I counseled, “Maybe you should...” My voice trailed off as I saw Justin out of the corner of my eye kick the computer table.

Without turning my face, I called in his direction, “Justin, move your chair away from the computer and count to ten. I will be there to help you soon.”

Assuring Justin in this way typically bought me some time until I could finish working with another student. I was always careful not to immediately drop what I was doing and race to Justin's side, fearing that would simply reward his impatience and send the message that his fury was justified. Just as I was resuming my conference, Justin let loose.

“I can't do any of this, and it's your fault, Mrs. Young!”

He flung the contents of the table in my direction. I stared at the papers at my feet, hoping his tirade⑧ would end. Justin repeatedly kicked the tower of the computer, crumpling the metal. He stormed from the room, tears of fury glistening in his eyes.

Silence descended as all eyes watched to see what I would do next. The tension was as thick as soup. I was actually thankful that Justin had left, because it avoided the scene of kicking him out or having him removed for his behavior. I knew that his outburst had gone too far. This time, I would not be able to coax him through his anger or listen while he lamented all the things that went wrong in his life. I walked casually to the door, trying to calm my beating heart. The hallway was as empty as a tomb. I telephoned the dean's office to let them know that he was loose. Then I closed my classroom door and resumed class. Though my pulse was racing, I wanted to reassure my students that the situation was under control.

When the bell rang I took to the hallways looking for Justin. I wasn't sure what I would say, but I knew that his punishment would be out of my hands. His discipline record at our school was already thick with pink slips, and I knew that he was on the verge of expulsion⑨. He had already been expelled from any other place he might be able to go, including the trailer he shared with his aunt and her four children. Justin had backed himself into a tight corner with no clear exits.

During my next two class periods, I heard his name called repeatedly over the intercom. When the bell finally rang for lunch, I decided to check the bathrooms one last time. As I called into the boys' restroom, I heard a strange scratching sound coming from the carpentry class⑩ next door. The building was supposed to be empty, as the lunchroom is across campus, so I quietly opened the shop door.

There was Justin, furiously sanding away at the leg of a table. He didn't see me at first, and I watched as he slid his hand gracefully over the surface, checking its smoothness. When he finished sanding, he reached for the clear stain and the paintbrush and noticed my presence. He hesitated for a moment, but then continued his work without saying a word. It was then that I noticed the table and its design. The wood was a marbled red pine with carefully carved edges. The surface had been masterfully engraved with a rose pattern and the legs finished in a powerful yet delicate claw. It was a gorgeous piece of furniture, and the skill and labor put into it were evident.

“Justin, that is exquisite!” I exclaimed, forgetting my anger.

He bowed his head and shrugged. “I just want to finish it before I leave,” he mumbled.

My heart sank as I lowered myself to the floor to watch. We both checked the clock to see how much time until the next bell, when our secret would be revealed. Punishment was the last thing on my mind. I felt hopeless to help Justin, knowing the hole he had dug was his own. But as I watched him work, a feeling of hope for this young man washed over me. I chided myself for dismissing his abilities and judging him to be handicapped simply because he couldn't write complete sentences. Justin had a gift. If only he could channel his talent and couple it with some selfcontrol, he could achieve something remarkable or at least support himself and his family.

I don't know where Justin is today. He left the carpentry class before the final coat of stain he'd so carefully applied to the table had dried. I think of him often and sometimes imagine him as an apprentice in a cabinetry or furniture shop somewhere, working away at another masterpiece in an environment where he has better outlets for his emotions and more support for his ambitions. I think of what he taught me about judging people too quickly. I don't know whether the patience I showed Justin gave him an example of an alternative way of being. I hope so. Sometimes, though, I feel that the baggage students come in with is just too heavy to unpack. But as I sit back in my classroom and admire his beautiful table in front of me, I am reminded that we all have value.

— Melissa Scholes Young


① ...tossed his flimsy notebook on the desk:……将他那薄薄的笔记本扔到课桌上

② insolent: 傲慢无礼的

③ ...pockmarked with bright red acne:……布满了显眼的红色痤疮

④ gesture of armistice: 停战的手势

⑤ ...cork burst and pelted whoever was near:……塞子飞了出去(这里指发怒), 谁靠近谁遭殃

⑥ leprosy: 麻风病

⑦ escalate: 升级,加剧

⑧ tirade: 长篇激烈的话语

⑨ on the verge of expulsion: 处于被开除的边缘

⑩ carpentry class: 上木工课的教室

mumble: 喃喃而语

an appentice in a cabinetry: 家具厂的一名学徒




















What I Never Learned in Kindergarten

M y kindergarten classroom was located on the left side of a hallway at the end of a corridor in a school so small it held only five classrooms. I was afraid of everything. I was afraid of not being able to open the large front door, the science experiments we sometimes did, and, most of all, my teacher.

Mrs. Monestel never smiled. She was old, wrinkled, and overweight. She frequently said, “That makes me very cross,” with a deep scowl. In my memory, she always wore the same dress.

I remember very little else of my time in kindergarten, except that we read Weekly Readers and one of the boys kept coming out of the inclass bathroom with his pants down.

During a conference, Mrs. Monestel told my mother that, unfortunately, I was a very average child. I don't remember her acting as if anyone else in the class was particularly special, either. In the current debate about teachers who overinflate① their students' selfesteem, Mrs. Monestel would have been championed by those who believe we are now overdoing it. I think that Mrs. Monestel didn't realize that, however small her students were, they were capable of having important moments.

My son's kindergarten teacher couldn't have been more different. At the end of Jeremy's kindergarten year, I went to see him perform in his class puppet show. I arrived early and admired the classroom. Projects were displayed all over the place. There was a chickhatching project, a number of reading readiness projects, a book corner for those who were already readers, and a selfportrait project. There was a block corner, a few computers, clusters of desks and chairs where the children worked, mailboxes for the children, and a chart showing the weather. The room was exciting and warm at the same time, an inviting world for hungry minds.

First, I looked over all of Jeremy's work. Then I took my seat, my father's video camera in hand, in the rows of chairs that had been set aside for the parents to watch the puppet show. I had made an error regarding the time of the show and so had an opportunity not usually afforded those of us who are perpetually tardy: I had a preshow adventure.

Mrs. Feldheim was Jeremy's kindergarten teacher. She was rather petite and dressed in a very casual manner. She wore slightly Bohemian earrings and a smile. Never saccharine, she was always warm. She was walking around her classroom interacting with her students at work when there was a knock at the door.

“Mrs. Feldheim, may I come in?” a little boy asked tentatively.

“Oh, Paul, of course.” Mrs. Feldheim bounded toward the door. Then she introduced the visitor. “Class, Paul has come here on a very special assignment today.”

Paul's shoulders relaxed.

“He's in the second grade, you know.”

Mrs. Feldheim's class grew quieter.

“He has chosen our class for his project. He's going to interview us about what it's like to spend a day in our kindergarten class. Let's all sit on the carpet.”

Paul, whose head barely reached Mrs. Feldheim's hips, walked next to her. He was holding one of those thick pencils for kids who have just learned to write. His palms had pencil lead all over them. His wellbitten fingernails were also nearly black. He carried a tablet of extrawide lined paper. Paul was a man on a mission.

Mrs. Feldheim's class went to the corner, where they had a brown, fuzzy carpet for their daily meetings, the kindergarten equivalent of a conference table. Once they were settled, the interview began. Paul stood beside Mrs. Feldheim, poised to ask his first question. The children were unusually quiet. Highly amused, I thought I wasn't going to be able to keep myself together. But Mrs. Feldheim took the matter entirely to heart.

“Paul, how would you like to conduct this interview? Would you like to ask one question to each student? How would that be?”

Paul appeared to be feeling terribly grand now. He had his pad and pencil ready to go, and he nodded that Mrs. Feldheim's suggestion was a good one.

“What is the first thing you do when you come in the room?” he asked the first little girl.

“Hang up my coat.” She thought a bit more. “Well, only if it's cold outside.”

Very slowly, Paul wrote down her response. He had to sit down, because he couldn't write in a standing position. I had been wondering if he could write at all.

“Good answer, Casey,” said Mrs. Feldheim, and Casey beamed.

Now comfortably seated, Paul pointed to the next little girl. He was getting the hang of it. “What is your favorite activity?”

“Well, if someone is having a birthday, then that's it. But if not, maybe it's the weather report part.”

“Ana, great answer,” said Mrs. Feldheim, “very thoughtful.”

Once again, Paul was busy writing. I could hardly contain myself. Paul couldn't have felt more important if he had been a cub reporter for the New York Times.

One by one, he quizzed the children. He wrote furiously and flipped pages as his notes grew longer. Occasionally, he would say something like, “Just give me a minute to finish here.”

It was all I could do not to laugh. But Mrs. Feldheim wasn't laughing. Given the expression on her face, what was going on might well have had a profound effect on our national security.

As Paul's interview continued, the children grew more interested and their answers became more thoughtful. I think Paul even adlibbed a few questions by virtue of his having been a student of Mrs. Feldheim's two years earlier. Finally, he completed his task. He looked plainly exhausted. All of that writing had used up his entire tablet and most of his strength. But he was proud. Mrs. Feldheim's class had remained attentive to the end, which was remarkable.

Paul stood up, and Mrs. Feldheim shook his dirty little hand. Her expression remained earnest. “Paul, thank you so much for choosing our class for your interview,” she said, as though he'd had a wide range of venues from which to choose. As Paul began to leave, she said, “Oh, Paul? If you write it up, I would really appreciate it if you could make me a copy for my files.”

I don't know if Paul was ever able to compile a meaningful piece of writing from his notes, and it is even more doubtful that Mrs. Feldheim ever received a copy of it, but after the puppet show, which was its own wonderful experience, I began thinking about Mrs. Feldheim. I realized that her response to Paul's assignment was the reason she is a teacher and I am not. Something that I saw as comical, she took seriously. She took what could have been a routine exchange and created several moments of personal history, not only for Paul, but for all the students in her class.

I eventually came to know “Mrs. Feldheim” as “Naomi.” In a gesture that I found flattering, she invited me to dinner after Jeremy graduated kindergarten. As for Paul, our budding journalist②, I don't know what became of him. I suppose he's applying to college now. One thing for sure, he and my son were lucky they didn't have to suffer with the very cross Mrs. Monestel.

— Debbi Klopman


① overinflate: 过分夸大

② budding journalist: 崭露头角的记者
























The Gift

One morning my oldest daughter, Rhonda, rushed in my front door. “Mom, the most wonderful thing just happened.”

I smiled, remembering Rhonda's enthusiasm as a young girl, when she would come barreling into our home with news of her day. Now, as a wife and mother of two, she could still energize a room.

“Good morning, Rhonda, and a good morning to you too, sweet pea,” I said, picking up my twoyearold granddaughter. “Let's sit and have coffee and cookies. Then you can tell me all about your news.” Turning around, I looked at my daughter. “Are you pregnant?”

“No, Mom,” Rhonda answered. Sitting with her coffee cup in hand, she sighed with excitement. “Mrs. Perkins, the director of Saint Francis School, told me this morning that an anonymous person is paying Greg's tuition. Mom, they're paying his tuition for the whole year.”

Rhonda's eyes filled with tears as she grabbed my hand. “Was it you, Mom? You and Dad?”

“No, I wish we could, but it wasn't us,” I said.

Rhonda and her husband, Gil, had both selected the role of educators for their careers. I remembered when, as newlyweds, they set off for their first teaching jobs, ready to change the world, one child at a time, if necessary.

After Rebekah was born, Rhonda and Gil decided to tighten their belts and live on one income. Rhonda gave up her paid teaching job and became a fulltime, stayathome mom, reserving her teaching for her own little ones.

This was great for their children but hard on their pocketbook. Greg showed signs of being a gifted child and could read at the age of three. Rhonda and Gil talked at length and decided to send him to a private preschool for two days a week. The school was expensive, but it offered great teachers with small classrooms and produced good results. Knowing they would have difficulty paying the tuition alone, they had requested a partial scholarship. The director assured them this was a common practice and that they had several alums who helped out from time to time. No one had dreamed someone would pay the whole amount of Greg's tuition.

Rhonda, still holding the note from the school in her hand, said. “I just wish I knew who was so generous.”

“Rhonda, I think that, whoever the benefactor is, it must be important to them to keep their identity private.”Giving her a hug, I continued, “Count your blessings. And someday you can do the same for someone else.”

“Mom, you're such a Pollyanna! But I sure would like to know. That's a lot of money. I wrote a thankyou note and asked Mrs. Perkins to see that the donor receives it.”

Several months later, near the end of the school year, Rhonda was dropping Rebekah off at my house to spend a couple of hours while she ran some quick errands. We said our goodbyes as Rhonda hunted through her purse for her misplaced keys.

“Shoot, I forgot to sign and return this,” she said, retrieving an envelope. Greg had brought home a permission slip to attend a field trip. When she opened the envelope, a small piece of pink paper fell to the floor.

“What's this?” I asked, picking up the paper and handing it to Rhonda.

Rhonda scanned the paper. “Mom, look,” she said as tears rolled down her face. “It was Christie, Christie Leeks. Someone in the Saint Francis office must have put this receipt in Greg's envelope by mistake.” Christie was making monthly payments of $120 for Greg's tuition.

Christie Leeks was a young girl who had been in Rhonda's first dance class at the high school where she had taught five years earlier. Christie had lived in the Methodist Home as a ward of the state. Rhonda and Gil had taken Christie and another student who lived at the foster home under their wings. They invited them to their home for Sunday dinners, baked them birthday cakes, counseled and loved them. After two years, Rhonda and Gil moved to another city and new jobs. They lost contact with the other student, who had moved out of the country, but stayed in touch with Christie over the years. Rhonda and Gil even traveled back to attend Christie's high school graduation and then helped her move into a college dorm.

“How can she pay for this?” Rhonda asked. “This has to be a hardship on her; I know she is only making student wages. We can't accept this. I have to call her and tell her to stop.”

“Rhonda, it's obviously important to Christie for you not to know. You can't tell her you found out her secret.”

A few months later, during Greg's summer vacation from school, Christie stopped by to visit and celebrate a belated birthday. That night, Rhonda and Christie sat up talking, while the rest of the household slept. Christie, about to graduate from college with honors, had met a special young man.

“I am so proud of you, Christie,” Rhonda said. “You have grown into a special young woman. I always knew you would, from the first day I saw you in class.”

“Mrs. Davidson, I want to show you something,” Christie said as she went to her overnight bag and retrieved her Bible. Opening it, she removed the thankyou note Rhonda and Gil had written to the anonymous contributor. “Would you read this, Mrs. Davidson?”

As Rhonda read the note aloud, she had to swallow the lump in her throat.

Rhonda read the last sentence...

We only hope that one day we can give to a child as you have so generously given to our child.

“Don't you know, Mrs. Davidson? I am that child. You and Mr. Davidson taught me and gave me so much. This was a small way I could say ‘Thank you.’”

I often reflect on this rewarding experience in my daughter's life and on Christie's generosity. I think of all the other students whose lives have been positively impacted by Rhonda and Gil, in ways these two young teachers will never know. With Christie, they were fortunate. Not only did they get to see the positive outcome of the life they touched, but they also saw their gift of compassion returned to them.

— Hattie Mae Ratliff


















Ant Bites

“〖〗Ow! Ow!” I shouted as I broke my jump rope rhythm and tangled my feet in the slack rope. “Something in my shoe is biting me,” I wailed.

The first graders waiting to jump and the two rope turners circled around me on the dirt playground. My teacher, Miss Bell, heard me and hurried over, leaving the other recess teacher in midconversation.

“It's still stinging me,” I cried as the circle of children opened for Miss Bell.

“Which foot is it?” she asked.

I stuck up my right foot as she stooped over to inspect it. Just then, feeling a new sting, I yelped in pain.

“Here. Let's take off your shoe,” instructed Miss Bell, squatting down to get the shoe.

Then, I remembered the holes in my socks. Welfare socks didn't last long. Holes in socks were a common thing for our family in the years following the Great Depression①. Shoes got fresh paper inserted every Saturday to cover the holes in their soles. But socks with holes were just accepted. Socks with holes in the heels got pulled down so the hole wouldn't show. Where there was a hole, there would soon be a blister. Every week as she washed our clothes, Mama would say, “Even if we're poor and our clothes are worn out, we can still be clean.”①注:the Great Depression: 经济大萧条,指美国20世纪20年代末30年代初发生的经济危机。

I began to cry from the pain in my foot, but I refused to let Miss Bell take off my shoe. I could not bear for her and the others to see the hole in my faded red sock.

“Come on, then. Let's go inside to the office.”

A trail of first graders followed after us until Miss Bell told them to stay on the playground. I did my best to curb my tears. Yet, each time the thing in my shoe stung me, I would let out a loud, “Oh, oh, oh!” Tears raced down my contorted face.

Mr. Stewart, the principal, rushed into his office.

“What's wrong?” he asked.

“Something is stinging her right foot, but she will not let me take off her shoe,” said Miss Bell.

Mr. Stewart lifted me onto his desk. “Let me take a look.” He just about had the shoe off when I saw the hole. I grabbed the shoe and pulled it on and held it. The stinging worsened the tighter I clasped the shoe.

“Why won't you let us take off your shoe?” Mr. Stewart asked as he looked from me to Miss Bell and back at me in puzzlement.

Miss Womble, the fifthgrade teacher, came into the office. “Can I help? I know her; she lives next door to me.”

“I suspect ants are in her shoes and stinging the living daylights out of her, but she won't let us take off her shoes,” related Miss Bell.

Miss Womble was a great neighbor. She had even played Annieover with us on occasion. She put both hands on my shaking shoulders and looked into my distressed, red eyes.

“Oh, yes,” she said, as if remembering a fact. “I had a bite from one of those ants. Did you know they are sock eaters? By the time I got my shoe off, that ant had eaten almost the entire bottom off my sock.” She nodded her head up and down as she looked at the other two adults. “Must be sockeater ants.”

They returned the nod, as if they, too, had been bitten by sockeating ants.

“Let me see here.” She freed my heel from the shoe. “Just what I thought. Those sock ants have eaten part of her sock.”

Miss Bell opened the medicine cabinet, got a cotton ball, and saturated it with alcohol. Miss Womble slipped off my shoe and sock and shook both of them over the gray trash bucket. Two red ants fell into the waiting container. A stray one ran for the wall, but Mr. Stewart's shoe stopped him.

My swollen foot throbbed. My stomach hurt. My head ached.





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