
发布时间:2020-08-31 07:13:22







第1部分 美国大学入学申请及申请论文










1.1 学习表现


1.2 标准化考试成绩

中学成绩、班级排名在申请中的首要地位无需赘述,但由于申请者来自世界各地不同的高中,高中水平也是不尽相同。因此,大多数大学也会要求申请者参加标准化考试。标准化考试包括:学术能力评估测试推理测验部分(SAT Reasoning Test,亦即SATI)或美国大学测试(American College Test,亦即ACT)、学术能力评估测试学科考试(SAT Subject Tests,亦即SATII)以及托福考试(TOEFL)。


1.3 活动表现


1.4 推荐信




1.5 面试




1.6 申请论文



2.1 申请论文在申请过程中的地位和作用








2.2 有关申请论文的几个问题

1) 申请论文的目的是什么


2) 申请论文的基本结构是什么







3) 写作申请论文是否参考简历


4) 申请论文需是否需要题目。



第2部分 申请论文的写作


目前,超过390所高等院校的录取工作都采用《通用申请表》(Common Application)。大部分学校还会要求再提交一份补充申请表(Common Application Supplement)。《通用申请表》里,需要提交两篇文章:

第一篇:Short Answer(短文):

Please briefly elaborate on one of your extracurricular activities or work experiences in the space below or on an attached sheet (150 words or fewer).


第二篇:Personal Essay(250词以上长文章):

Please write an essay (250 words minimum) on a topic of your choice or on one of the options listed below. Please indicate your topic by checking the appropriate box. This personal essay helps us become acquainted with you as a person and student, apart from courses, grades, test scores, and other objective data. It will also demonstrate your ability to organize your thoughts and express yourself.


1. Evaluate a significant experience, achievement, risk you have taken, or ethical dilemma you have forced and its impact on you.


2. Discuss some issue of personal, local, national, or international concern and its importance to you.


3. Indicate a person who has had a significant influence on you, and describe that influence.


4. Describe a character in fiction, a historical figure, or a creative work (as in art, music, science, etc.) that has had an influence on you, and explain that influence.


5. A range of academic interests, personal perspectives, and life experiences adds much to the educational mix. Given your personal background, describe an experience that illustrates what you would bring to the diversity in a college community, or an encounter that demonstrated the importance of diversity to you.


6. Topics of your choice.


不同院校在申请论文方面的要求不同,相当数量的院校除上述通用文章(Common Application Essay)外都同时设有自己的命题。题目之多、范围之广,很难一一列出。而且大量问题并不是只字片语能够准确回答的。不同院校的问题可能有所重复,因此在回答类似重复的问题时可以根据具体问题对论文进行适当修改,重复利用。所以我们需要对各种题目进行分类总结,便于准备。面对庞杂的命题,我们也不是无规律可循。


1.1 “你”的问题


1. How would you describe yourself as a human being? What quality do you like best in yourself and what do you like least? What quality would you most like to see flourish and which would you like to see wither?


2. Describe the most challenging obstacle you have had to overcome, discuss its impact, and tell what you have learned from the experience.


3. Creative people state that taking risks often promotes important discoveries in their lives or work. Discuss a risk that has led to a significant change(positive or negative) in your personal or intellectual life.





1.2 “我”的问题


1. If you are interested in pursuing a B.S.E. degree, please write an essay why you are interested in studying engineering, any experiences or exposure to engineering you have had, and think the program in engineering offered at Princeton suit your particular interest?


2. How did you learn about XX and why apply?


3. Why are you interested in studying XX?


4. How do you think the program in XX at XX might suit your particular interests?


5. Many students decide to apply to XX based on our size, location, reputation, and yes, the weather. Besides these valid reasons for making XX a possible college choice, why is XX a particularly good match for you?





1.3 “你得想想”的问题


1. If you were given the opportunity to spend one year in service on behalf of others, which area would you choose? Briefly explain why.


2. What kind of person would you consider an ideal roommate for your freshman year in college?


3. Do you believe there's a generation gap? Describe the differences between your generation and others.


4. Write page 297 of your 300-page autobiography.


5. In the year 2050, a movie is being made of your life. Please tell us the name of your movie and briefly summarize the story line.








2.1 坐下来,一张纸、一支笔,开工……


1. 如果让你现在写一篇自传,请按照时间的先后顺序列出你准备叙述的五到十件事。

2. 列出五个最能描述你个性和特点的形容词。如果实在找不出来你可以请亲朋好友帮忙。

3. 选出对你具有意义的五项收获。这里所说的成就不一定是一般意义上的奖项。也许你选出来收获对别人来讲微不足道,但对于你个人意义深刻。

4. 列出三到五个你擅长的学科、项目等。

5. 列出你最重要的五项课外活动。

6. 列出五位你最尊敬和崇拜的对象,可以是伟人、亲人、朋友等。

7. 你最喜欢的书、电影分别是什么?

8. 列出你经历过的两次人生低谷和两次重大成功的时期。

9. 向父母询问三到五件对你印象深刻的事情。

10. 分别列出三条你最喜欢和最厌恶的活动、地方、物品等。















2.2 九问定主题


1. 你选择的这个话题是否能充分体现出你有别于他人?

2. 这个话题是否只会将你的软点暴露无遗?

3. 这些内容在申请材料的其他部分是否出现过?

4. 是否能找到生动翔实的论据支撑这个主题?

5. 这个主题是否可以针对命题进行全面诠释?

6. 这个话题是否可以吸引读者并给读者留下印象?

7. 这个话题是否真实可靠并且可以完全驾驭?

8. 这个话题类型是否与申请材料的其他部分格调一致?

9. 你选择的话题是否过于讨巧,会使阅文无数的招生人员反感?




3.1 好开头











不要写成单纯的自我介绍式开头。避免使用“My name is…”、“I am…”等。

3.2 好结尾




要水到渠成。只有经过缜密的论述才可以得出结论,因此结尾没必要用明显的提示词,诸如“To draw a conclusion”、“Finally”等。


3.3 透过经历寻找意义


3.4 生活无小事,用心去感知


3.5 明确目的,展示个性、品质


3.6 不要写成“个人简历”的翻版



3.7 不要过分吹嘘自己


3.8 不要“过度”幽默



3.9 反复检查语法拼写错误


写完文章后,你应当反复阅读,睁大眼睛为自己挑错,重点检查使用的动词、时态、名词代词单复数、句子主谓结构是否完整。另外不要过分依赖文字编辑软件的拼写检查功能,有些单词拼写正确,错误检查系统也不会识别,但是在文章中可能就是错误的。比如,“He took care off me”,拼写检查系统可能就不会告诉你“off”有问题。

第3部分 申请文实例


本部分文章全部由成功申请者创作。文章风格各异、题材多样,旨在让大家更形象地体会美国大学本科申请文章。同时,虽然这些文章都是申请者申请时的原作,但并不是“无懈可击”。申请文不同于SAT、IELTS 等标准化考试作文有评分标准,希望大家采取“欣赏”和“批判”的态度参阅。部分文章中的学校或者作者姓名已经被删减或更改,但不会影响文章整体结构。



"Wildlife Conservation? Are you sure you want to create such a clichéd club?"John exclaimed in astonishment. "It’s classic, not clichéd." I replied with assurance, "Wait and see".

The discussion with John, now the club vice president, vibrated in my mind while I was delivering a presentation in the first club meeting. Faint light from the projector reflected on the audience, whose frigid and apathetic faces exuded boredom. Slides started going, condensing my thoughts into indubitable evidence of defenseless wildlife’s suffering: Puny cubs whining plaintively beside their mother’s shot dead body; homeless birds hovering above the lost habitat; dead fish bodies floating on the black oily sea…

Faint light kept glistening on the audience, whose faces had been softened with concerns and affections. Thinking of Albert Schweitzer, the pioneer in promoting reverence for every species, I made my closing remarks: "In order to truly embrace every species, let’s start with ourselves."“野生动物保护?你确定你想建立这么老掉牙的组织?”约翰惊讶地大声吼道。我肯定地回答道:“是经典,不是老掉牙。”


暗暗的灯光一直照在听众的脸上,这时他们的表情已经缓和,表现出了关切。Albert Schweitzer是倡导尊重所有物种的先驱。在致闭幕词的时候,我想起了他,我说道:“为了真正保护所有的物种,让我们从自身做起。”


Prompt: Everyone belongs to many different communities and/or groups defined by (among other things) shared geography, religion, ethnicity, income, cuisine, interest, race, ideology, or intellectual heritage. Choose one of the communities to which you belong, and describe that community and your place within it. (Approximately 250 words)

"Let’s go to the other side of the hill, there must be more stuff waiting for cleaning!" I called on all the 51 members in of "Green Action Group" in a loud voice. Collecting garbage twice a week on local hills is our convention, which was initially raised by our geography teacher an environmental zealot. Although being to retire soon, he was still passionate about encouraging us students to conduct diverse environmental actions on disparate landscaped areas, such as forests, lakes and hills, where our "GAG" later spent the whole weekends on.

The first time to collect garbage on the hill was unforgettable as it was actually not so easy as it sounded like, especially when you had to sought efficient ways to well organize the group work and as well take care of every member at the same time. But, somehow, I did not feel bored or exhausted at all. Climbing up and down with nimbleness and picking up plastic bags, empty bottles and every other litter brought us a piece of pure natural land without contamination as well as a sense of contentment and freshness. Viewing from the peak of the hill, however, we found this little green elevation we just created was surrounded by concrete forest of cities, trembling and cowering, which blew away all our satisfaction and pride.

From then on, members in "GAG" have virtually united into an environmentalists group. Saving water bottles, collecting signatures for environmental promotion and making school recycle bins, we begin our green actions from every trifle around us. Sharing the same ideology of environmentalism, we believe in Marshall McLuhan’s words: "There are no passengers on Spaceship Earth. We are all crew."“走,我们到山的另一面去,那里一定还有很多东西需要清理。”我大声地招呼着“绿色行动小组”所有的51位成员。每周两次到当地的山上清理垃圾是我们的固定工作。这项工作是由我们的地理老师最先发起的。他是一个环保热爱者。 虽然即将退休,他仍然热情地鼓励我们到各个地方进行各种环保行动,包括到森林里、湖边和山上。从此以后,“小组”每周末都会到这些地方。


从此以后,“小组”的所有成员组成了一个真正的环保者团体。我们开始从我们身边的每一件小事做起,回收矿泉水瓶、征集环保宣传签名、制作校园回收箱。怀着相同的保护环境的信念,我们都坚信Marshall McLuhan的一句话:“在这艘地球飞船上,我们都是船员,没有乘客。”


30 Hour Famine

It was already midnight. Time for bed for many students, but my buddies and I were sleeping over at the school gym. We had not eaten anything since the beginning of the day. Twenty-four hours had past, six more to go. Despite the weird sound from our stomachs, none of us had complained about the hunger. Although sometimes I thought we could help the others through ways like donating, the famine provided me with a chance to experience the daily life of starving African children. Compared with them, my hunger seemed so trivial. It was a pleasure to attend the "30 Hour Famine" hosted by the World Vision Club, and I was proud to be one of the 100,000 Canadian teenagers who participate in this event annually. If only my hunger will make the African poor children full, even for one day, it is all worth it.


已近午夜时分。很多学生都入睡了,但是我和我的朋友正在学校的体育馆里,从早上到现在滴米未进。已经过去24个小时了,还有6个小时。虽然肚里发出奇怪的声音,我们也没有一个人抱怨肚子饿。即使我有时认为可以通过类似捐款的方法帮助别人,这次挨饿给了我一个机会,让自己可以体会非洲儿童每日饥肠辘辘的生活。与他们相比,我的饥饿显得如此微不足道。参加这次由世界宣明会(the World Vision Club)组织的“30小时禁食行动”我感到很高兴,而且为能够加入到10万名加拿大少年的队伍中每年参加这个活动感到骄傲。假如我的禁食能够让非洲贫困儿童吃饱肚子,即使仅仅一天,一切都是值得的。


The best moment of my weekly hiking comes when I finally stand on the Peak of Grouse Mountain: the refreshing air blows my hair gently, the striking scenery of the entire west shore reveals right before me. It’s an enjoyment for me now, but back to my first visit, I was stumped. Almost dragged by my dad the whole way through, I felt it was the longest 2 hours in my life: I complained, I cried, I threw up, I rested every 5 minutes, I sworn to not come back. However, at the very end of the journey, everything changed: although exhausted, there’s a subtle taste of triumph and satisfaction. Ever since then, I have been driven to take the challenge again and again, because I know even though there is a tough journey waiting, there is pure joy at the end.



It was 6:00 in the afternoon. I was neither playing basketball with my buddies, nor enjoying a delicious meal at home. Instead, I was still working in the school wood workshop along with other members of the Handicraft Club. Girls’ laughers pervaded the room while discussing color of painting, John was cutting out wooden blocks from the wood pad. I was busy polishing the surface of wood block with a rough sanding paper. It was such a tenuous and accuracy-demanding job that I had to do it with full preoccupation in a crouching gesture. Soft beads of sweat soon started to collect on my back and forehead…

This scene happened everyday before last Christmas. We were making spinning tops to kids who were going to spend the holiday in Vancouver Children Hospital. The spinning tops were not just toys, but also messengers that convey our greetings and wishes along.




"For every piece of sushi our customer eats, an African child smiles in return" is the new advertising appeal I created for the UNICEF club, the best-selling lunch option on campus. It is our goal to expand its service and raise more funds. Together we designed banners and posters. I even wrote a song to motivate everyone at school.

One day an eighth-grader timidly approached me, "I don’t have enough, but I want to help UNICEF. Here’s all I have – a dollar." At that moment I truly felt that I had turned consumers’ need for good taste into a desire to help others.

That year our profit rose from the $3,000 to $5,000, one thousandth of UNICEF Canada’s $3,000,000 annual income. As the head of the club, I was gratified and grateful that our effort was paid off, not only in numbers, but also in students’ morale and spirit.“顾客每吃一口寿司,非洲儿童就会报以一次微笑”。这是我为UNCEF俱乐部创作的广告语。UNCEF是校园里热卖午餐的俱乐部。我们的目标是扩大服务范围和筹集更多的资金。我们一起设计标语和海报。我甚至写了一首歌来激发学校里所有人的积极性。





An Award-winning Experience

I stood by the fireplace, staring silently at the reflection of my face in the golden surface of an oversized chalice on the mantel. The nose looked seriously distorted, and the head was stretched like a balloon. The eyes, which appeared to be slightly larger, looked back at me with an expression I could not decipher. Were they joyous or sad? Timid or confidant? Usually clear and cheerful, they suddenly lacked the maturity that years of leadership experience had given them. The Grade 11 Top Student trophy stood triumphantly on its plinth, but my reflection on its surface betrayed the uncertainty in my heart over this prestigious honor.

Getting this award to its place on the mantel was not easy. I don't just mean the year of studying it took to achieve it-that was difficult too-but also the process of carrying the giant, golden trophy from the school to my car. Intercepted constantly on my path by friends, teachers and miscellaneous students, I encountered genuine praise, friendly hugs, surprised stares, and envious remarks. Among the many good wishes and congratulations, which made my heart warm and fuzzy, I also heard a few disgruntled murmurs. "I didn't think she studied hard..."With a fixed smile, I thanked everyone mechanically, still swimming in a daydream. Of all the competing I.B. students in the school, it was I who had received the coveted trophy!

At the same time, the trophy weighed -heavily in my hands and on my heart. Waves of uncertainty washed over me as if trying to drown my self-confidence. Friendly jokes about teachers manipulating the system for their "favorite" student mingled with jealous murmurings about others being more deserving, these floating remarks clouded my mind with insecurity. But the doubts lasted only a moment. I knew how hard I had studied, and how far I had come. Jealousy did not do me justice, the award did.

I admit that my style does not conform to the stereotype of the hard-working I. B. student. Though I have glasses. I do not often wear them. The library is not my favorite hangout. I like to wear pretty jewelry and fashionable dresses. I invest my name in extracurricular activities, because I know that no one wants to see an exhausted face. I passed my driving test first time. Most importantly, I have many friends inside and outside of school, and I like having fun.

All this does not mean I neglect my academics. Indeed, in my positions of responsibility, the close scrutiny of peers and teachers pressures me to support my image with outstanding academic achievement like most of my I.B. friends, I pursue excellence, but I am aware that it is not the end of the world if I get 95% instead of 98%. I have pulled quite a few all-nighters' perfecting labs or assignments or studying for multiple tests. I have also had the pleasure of reading impenetrable textbooks over and over again or doing one math problem five times over just to grasp the basic concept. In addition, I had to develop more efficient study methods to compensate for the time I spent on extracurricular activities.

Looking deeply into my reflection, I journeyed back to grade 6, when I first stepped onto this unfamiliar land of Canada, an ocean away from my comfort zone. l spent countless nights crying because of my inability to memorize colloquial phrases or the names of American states. Then, I recalled the times that I was finally able to chat away happily with my Caucasian friends trading Chinese words for English expressions. Every challenge I encountered sowed a golden seed in my garden of growth; every new experience I went through watered my garden.

Still staring at my reflection in the trophy, I drew a deep breath; the self-doubt it had aroused faded and vanished. This trophy is the golden fruit of my hard work. It completes me, epitomizing the fully-rounded person I always aspired to be. I have come to recognize my abilities and believe in my potential. Whatever others may think or say, I know who I am, and I believe in myself.










I always loved art; indeed, I'm an artist. I studied oil painting two years ago and pursued it until last summer. After finishing high school, and desiring more independence, I sought for a job during the summer. But, because of my age, I got nothing. So, that was when I decided to open my own business with my art.

At first, I did painting works for a friend who sold the products to an online storeowner. It was quite good because I had an assured job, of course earning less, but assured. Sometime after, my mother took some decoupage and painting classes, and we began selling our art to some friends. We felt it was better be independent and do our business.

Using Facebook and Blogger for promotion, I created a profile where people could see our art. It was really frustrating at the beginning because we didn't have any comments; I wondered if we had failed. Though things did not seem to work out, I decided to invest part of my high school savings on my business; I was confident I could make my little business grow with some new strategies.

I bought new products, used new techniques and added as much people as I could in my bio site. With the new introductions, people began asking about my art, and interested people began appearing. As the days passed, my business grew a lot, from nothing to a real microenterprise. This morning I delivered several products to a new costumer, who, seeing the quality of the work, asked me to make more products for her. Even a TV program invited my mom and me to show our project. This is the real proof of how our perseverance and effort built our own business.

I took serial challenges with my project, I handled them the best I could and I took advantage of opportunities to make it true. I want to expand my business to new campuses in pastries and canastas. That is my goal right now, but I need a good education to accomplish it. I am confident that the finance program at The College at Old Westbury will provide me the best tools for my business growing. With its curriculum focused in financial analysis and financial planning, I will learn how to manage my investments and profits in the best way. Also, I am willing to contribute my best qualities for the university, and I am committed to meeting the university's high standards. I am sure The College at Old Westbury's finance program will really help me accomplishing my educational and professional goals.







Prompt: Describe a setback that you have faced. How did you resolve it? How did the outcome affect you? If something similar happened in the future, how would you react?

"Piqué and arabesque. Hold! One, two and arabesque penchée!" The voice of my ballet teacher resounded in my ear. I was breathless and soaked with sweat, but I did not want to stop dancing on the floor. I was too in love with dance.

Ever since I first grabbed the bar and learned how to grand plié as a seven year old girl, I have been passionate about dance. Once I was able to enroll in the major class at my studio, I decided to dedicate my life and future career to dance. Six days out of the week, I devoted two hours to dance class and additional hours practicing at the studio once rehearsal was dismissed. My world revolved around dance and I thought it would never change.

Without warning, change did occur. My doctor diagnosed me with Achilles tendonitis and scoliosis and strongly recommended that I stop dancing. His bold suggestion worried my parents, who were already not supportive of my interest in dance. I, however, was willing to endure the pain so that I could continue. After hours of crying and arguing, I narrowly persuaded my parents to agree to a compromise in which I would take "a break" from dancing and instead focus on physical therapy and acupuncture.

I was helpless. Even though I insisted that I would recover and return to the dance studio, I could sense it was a crisis in my life as a dancer. However, this catastrophe later turned out to be a valuable opportunity for reflection. With my aspirations of dance crushed, I had to reevaluate my future and avoid falling into despair or complaining about my situation. Did I really want to dance for my rest of life? Was dance the thing I was truly passionate about or was it something that I felt obligated to continue? Once I started to look at dancing from different perspectives, I felt surprisingly free. In light of my new situation, other opportunities were revealed to me.

Following the summer of 2006, I chose the most appealing option, which was the prospect to go to America. I also quit dancing. It was shocking news for my friends and family and I was equally anxious about what my future would bring. However, I am now living in America, learning and experiencing things that I never even considered. My setback taught me that I should never be afraid of change or opportunity though it might be difficult to break the pattern of my life. No matter what hardships I have to face in the future, I will not surrender to fear. I will take these unavoidable setbacks as chances to mature by remembering that change is an element of life.“旋转,阿拉贝斯,保持姿势! 一,二,再来,阿拉贝斯,前倾”芭蕾老师的声音回荡在我的耳畔。我已经浑身是汗,喘不上气了,但是我不想停止舞蹈,因为它是我的最爱。






Prompt: Describe a setback that you have faced. How did you resolve it? How did the outcome affect you? If something similar happened in the future, how would you react?

Lack of focus was a reoccurring theme in high school. My family had given up on trying to figure out what was causing my uninterested state and casually blamed my aloof attitude on hereditary factors. High school was replete with lax behavior and procrastination, and homework was easily put aside. My life was not a clear path paved with goals and motivation. In contrast, the path I saw ahead was foggy and unclear.

By a narrow margin, I was accepted to a state university and decided I would be more assertive in tackling my issues with focusing on academics. The realization that this was my second chance ignited a newfound motivation and hope was instilled. My grades, however, continued to wane and out of frustration I decided to see a psychiatrist. After numerous tests, my psychiatrist diagnosed me with Attention Deficit Disorder and began prescribing a stimulant, Adderall. Immediately I felt the effects, and my grades drastically improved. School became easy for me not because it made me more intelligent, but because I had a voracious appetite for learning.

Common side-effects of Adderall are irritation, lack of sleep, a suppressed appetite, and significant weight-loss. What drug companies rarely publicize, however, is the reality that one pill can alter one's way of living a normal life. With Adderall one is essentially forced to focus on each and every task at hand. My daily routines became obsessive and unnecessary. Along with the tremendous amount of focus, I felt a synthetic form of euphoria that created an aura of motivation that I was not used to. While I could manage to live with little sleep and minor irritation, my reliance on Adderall that slowly progressed was not something I was willing to accept for the sake of better grades.

While watching television during one of many sleepless nights, an unexpected answer to my ongoing problem with focus came into light. An infomercial starring a wide-eyed, energetic, exercise guru emphasized a point that I had been missing. A combination of exercise and mental strength could improve my focus. Being on the verge of hopelessness and seemingly out of any other options, I decided I would explore this method and directly confront my ongoing problem with Attention Deficit Disorder in a healthier manner.

Exercise became my life. I had a new desire to strengthen my will power and attempt to increase the time I could focus during lectures in college. The results were minimal and excruciatingly slow. Although I was on the brink of frustration and about to give up, I gathered enough will power to continue with my regimen. Finally, after four months of exercise and focusing programs I began to feel as if I had turned a new chapter in my life; one without the reliance on medication. My grades began to improve and the haze that once occupied the path of my life began to clear.

In a society obsessed with quick and easy solutions to everyday setbacks, I was once one of the many desperate people that searched for an effortless answer to all of my problems. Through overcoming this setback I've come to the conclusion that in most cases, ongoing problems require rehabilitation that is typically difficult and rigorous. Although the easier option is tempting, I have realized through this experience that most complex setbacks are to be dealt with intricate and long-term resolutions.








Prompt: Evaluate a significant experience, achievement, risk you have taken, or ethical dilemma you have faced and its impact on you.

It all boils down to this. I am the last of the candidates to make my speech – to "sell" myself. Pacing around the back of my school hall, I desperately attempt to achieve a suitable eloquence as an all too familiar name resounds in the distance. "Please welcome C onto the stage!"

It's crunch time.

Quickly gathering the last shreds of my confidence, I take a deep breath and step onto the stage. The microphone weighs down my hand like a brick of responsibility and expectations. Slowly but surely, I open my mouth, and begin to deliver months of work in two, short-lived minutes.


It all started in the younger years of my secondary education. The cafeteria had just inducted a new product into their menus and I was dying for a taste. After a long queue, I had finally reached the counter; drooling with anticipation, I placed my order: "Sausage roll please!" I was handed a surprisingly plain-looking pastry. Casting my doubts aside, I promptly requested: "Ketchup please!" To my disdain, they did not have ketchup. I was rightfully enraged. Steadfast in my beliefs in the importance of adequate condiments with my food, I immediately brought the issue up with the Cafeteria Head. It is safe to say our school now serves ketchup.

Although infinitesimal, the change I made left me hungry for more. I marveled at the idea of being able to make a positive change – leaving my mark on a community that can be appreciated for decades to come. And as I grew, so did my ambition. Inevitably, I jumped at the opportunity when it was announced that the school was electing the new Student Council President.

Despite my enthusiasm, this was not an easy prospect. My competition was fierce to say the least; The Deputy Head Boy, The Debating Captain, The Scholarship Award Winner, and then there was me – the ketchup boy with no outstanding credentials. It was clear that I was the underdog.

However, I did possess one quality, which made me unique. This was my passion. The other candidates had already left their mark on the school; on the other hand, I had yet to, because this was what I had been waiting for, this was my opportunity. While Student Council President would be just another trophy among many for the other candidates, I knew without a doubt that would commit one hundred and ten percent to the position.

Nonetheless, the odds were stacked against me and my peers dismissed my ambition as hopeless and fanatical. I quickly became ambivalent towards my candidacy as doubts filled my head. For two grueling weeks, I battled with public and self doubt, aimlessly struggling to determine whether my pursuit was worth continuing. As I hit a breaking point, I recalled a quote from Rudyard Kipling's If, "if you can trust yourself when all men doubt you". I knew I couldn't give up that easily. Something deep down told me that if I would regret it for the rest of my life if I did.

With a newfound confidence, I mustered all of my strength and got to work. Armed with my homemade sandwich board and makeshift flag, I shamelessly paraded the school grounds while the other candidates relied on their established prestige. Soon, my persistence had paid off; I had gained large support from peers who only weeks ago were in doubt.

People still question the vast amount of time and energy I devoted to my campaign when the chance of success seemed indefinite. My response is always the same, "it's about the journey, not the destination". It was the experience of chasing a dream, overcoming obstacles and persevering against monumental odds that has changed my approach to life for the better. Assuming this potential leadership position has compelled me to aim higher, replacing my aloofness with a sense of purpose. What started out to be a simple two-minute speech has become a journey of self-realization.


Silence. The hum of the fluorescent lights.

The crowd erupts in ovation. I close my eyes and sweetly savor the sudden flood of applause. What, moments ago, was nervous anxiety, is now replaced by an embracing euphoria that I will never forget.

Two weeks later, I found myself in the same position, except this time, I was introduced as the new Student Council President.









即便如此,舆论对我不利,同伴说的竞选盲目且无望打击我的信心,很快,我满脑子都是对自己参加这次竞选的怀疑。在痛苦的两周中,我跟舆论斗争,跟狐疑斗争,漫无目的地思考我对目标的追求是否值得坚持下去。当我即将崩溃的时候,我想起了Rudyard Kipling说的一句话:“当所有人怀疑你的时候,你得相信你自己。”然后我知道了我不能这么轻易地放弃,内心深处有声音告诉我,要是我放弃的话,我一辈子都会后悔。








Eyes are drawn to the speck in the pool lane as it claws its way through the cold blue water, last to complete the lap. As it grasps the end of the pool, gasping for air, finished with its race, it looks around to the lanes beside it. It realizes that the others are not in those lanes anymore, that the others have already completed their race some time ago. As it climbs out of the pool, it looks at itself in the reflection of the water. It knows it must go back to the drawing board, that it must prepare once again for the next time it meets the water.

Prior to swimming, I had never experienced an activity that required such brute mental and physical strength. The pressure to beat the clock, to beat exhaustion, both mental and physical, especially for a seventh grader on a high school swimming team like I was at the time, was something I early on found almost unbearable. To survive in the pool each day was a struggle, with regimens filled with never-ending sets that totaled into the thousands in yards. That coupled with relentless swim meets, persistently testing my personal strength and resilience, made it even more difficult.

To swim on with the team required much more than physical strength; it also required mental strength. As one of the younger swimmers on the team, and one of the slower at the time, I found it hard to swim up to par with the others in the pool. Many times I questioned myself, as did many of those around me. I wondered whether this hard work was worth it, whether I could go on any further, whether I would improve and whether my hard work would go on noticed. But despite uncertainty hanging over, I continued forward. I knew I had to persevere, to prove to myself and to others that I had what it took to succeed. "Difficulty need not foreshadow despair or defeat."

Serious progression in swimming would not happen overnight. It would have to happen slowly over time. I began to push myself, farther than I ever did before. I began to swim through the mental exhaustion, and personal dubiousness. Besides strengthening my mental capacity, I began to refine my swimming technique as I grew in level, and learn things I would never have learned if I abandoned the sport earlier on. Besides learning to swim competitively, which was my short-term goal, I also learned about leadership, and character from the others on the team.

Over time, my extra hours in the pool, and my push caught up with me, and I began to move up in rank with improving swim times. Over the years, I swam faster and faster, and earned position in more valued races. I earned respect from my swim mates and most of all, understanding of myself and my strengths along the way. Although I faced great opposition in the pool, and started from the very bottom, I struggled and climbed my way out to the top. Looking back, I feel pride knowing what I accomplished, and what barriers I swam through to get where I am now.







As soon as I put on my Domino Pizza’s hat, I heard a high-pitched sound, "Wendy, get two trays of 12 inch medium deep dish dough for me!" Still tying on an apron, I ran to the cooler with the hat lying crooked on my head.

After desperately searching for two minutes, I was relieved when a demanding voice trumpeted, "Wendy, pizzas are falling out, where are you?"

Running back to the front of the store with two empty hands, I grabbed the huge, heavy spatula and took out the pizza as slowly as I could, assuring not to drop it.

Just as I slid the pizza into the box, my manager’s monotonous B flat voice sounded, "Wendy, can’t you see all lines are on hold? Stay in the front counter."

As I rushed to the front counter and pressed Line One, I stuttered "Thank you for choosing Domino’s" and cautiously took the customer’s order. I blew a sigh of relief as I finished taking my second official order. However, my contentment was crushed when my manager looked at me with a disapproving look and said, "Wendy, how many times do I have to tell you, this order doesn’t belong to our area."

This was three years ago when I first started working at Domino Pizza. During that time, I was excluded from the "Domino’s family". Whenever it was busy in the store, nobody had the time to train me. Whenever the store slowed down, everyone would become socializing, and unwilling to "waste" any time on me. Feeling so depressed, I began to doubt about my working ability. Even so, I would always give it another shot, hoping that things would be better.

However, things still remained-the clamor of noises did not attenuate. After a week there, I returned home feeling worthless. It seemed like I was capable of nothing. With all the cacophony of my co-workers’ complaints in my head, I felt cared to go back to work, thinking about quitting.

I went to school the next Monday when my friend Jenny detected my sadness and asked me to a hip-hop dance class.

The moment I stepped into the dance room, my eardrums were filled with sonorous music consisting of strong beats. I awkwardly tried to coordinate my body to move with the music when I noticed a girl smirking at me. I felt my face suddenly turned up ten degrees. However, I did not stop but forced myself to do all movements to the full extent. Looking at the clumsy body moving in the mirror, I smiled out of self-contentment. In the end, I could even start doing turns, side glides, harlem shakes, and crip walks, though not so perfectly.

I learnt from this experience that I could do anything well if I had nothing to fear and had a deeper understanding of the sentence "If you doubt yourself, then indeed you stand on shaky ground."

Then I returned to work with confidence and immersed myself totally into my work, oblivious of any complaint. Gradually, I could make pizzas faster and prettier; my co-workers stopped criticizing me, and my manager would only encourage me.

Three months later, I received my first raise; after another two months, I received the second. After several raises throughout the years, my manager said to me, "I can’t give you any more raises, you have the highest pay in all thirteen franchise stores already". I smiled.

Three years passed. With my Domino Pizza’s hat firmly on my head, I clocked in. While I constantly switched from making pizzas to taking phone calls and to handling the oven, I was also thinking about the big orders for tomorrow, and conjecturing a schedule for next week. Now, the store is filled with my voice, either calling out demands, or telling drivers to drive safe. Everyone in Domino Pizza likes me.

Throughout the years of work in Domino Pizza, I experienced the period of disappointment, doubt in the beginning and had almost quitted, but eventually I overcame all difficulties and made a success. I must thank Domino’s Pizza, which not only made me more confident, but also helped me get a glimpse of what life is truly like- as Robert Collier said, "You have to sow before you can reap; you have to give before you can get."
















I am an eraser. I extinguish mistakes and allow corrections. I erase the imperfections of myself because I am terrified of being flawed. Exactness affixes itself on me; teeth penetrate deeply into me, devouring my blunders, erasing them completely. This needs to be flawless thwarted my capability to let things go, a labyrinth I cannot find an end to. Although people say this is a virtuous trait, I find it as an affliction and a forte because it distances me from living a life without torturing myself over the imperfections of this world; but also my strength, permitting me to do finest work. But I kept asking myself, "Why am I like this?"

I am in my 3nd year at M High School and I was able to get here without much struggle. Becoming the first member to graduate high school and attend college in my family is a gift. I have always been a scholar since I was young; I always had an insatiable hunger for learning and engrossing myself in various subjects. As a result, I have always excelled in the world of academics and this was the greatest pride and joy for my parents. I offered honor to my family name, my sole purpose to propel myself further. My parents shared the same sentiment and assisted me in any way possible. Completing high school and attending a university is a must.

As each school year passed, it became increasingly difficult to keep an academic foothold. I felt like I was no longer on flat land, but on the edge of a cliff. I found myself in a trepid state. By the end of my junior and beginning of my senior year I have given up nights to study vigorously for the two trials that will eventually become my future. In my attempts to successfully score high on those exams, I have failed. I have failed to meet my parents' standard; those terrifying glares that penetrated my core. Those fixed stares of my infuriated parents slowly and brutally attacked my confidence. They did not help to alleviate my shame. They tried to help me by adding supplementary and weekend classes to my schedule, scrounging up every penny to provide for my education. I understood their cause, but my dignity could not stand more. Those scores snickered and mocked at my every conceivable weakness and I gave in. My forte was no longer supporting me. My A's became B-'s and B+'s and mistakes ran ludicrously over my assignments. I became so frightened that I would no longer try. This deep abyss of depression grasped onto my life, and it was time for me to erase its existence.

I reflected on how and why I was in this state to begin with. I could not believe I had even considered giving up in my academics. Then I realized that there were two types of people in this world, those who realize and do nothing and those who confront and fix their mistakes. Some people do not resign themselves to what is handed to them and in an effort, correct their faults. That was me. I realize that if my grades did not meet my standards, I did not try hard enough, if my nights studying was not enough, I did not study hard enough. I was the protagonist in my own life instead of being an antagonist. My ambitions for college have been cultivated in this vision of always studying and advancing and any obstacle obstructing me must be defeated. I learned about resilience and about being steadfast in the face of adversity. I learned to be more diligent and now when I want something, I charge forward like an enraged ram, dashing until my ambitions are met. I know these qualities will help me excel in college as they have helped me arise triumphantly in my turbulent years.






The turbulent water crashed the raft hardly in the downward torrent. A sharp turn almost upset the raft, but I was still shouting crazily and trying my best to keep balance. The weak raft, however, was finally beaten by the enormous nature, which harassed the raft constantly until it inverted in the water. "Let it go!" shouted the lifeguard on the shore to me, but I was still grasping a string of the raft by my right hand until my whole body was impacted horizontally, like a flying superman, waiting for a chance to get back to the raft. The torrent finally threw me onto the shore; the sharp rocks in the water had made scratches all over my body. The lifeguard couldn’t see my face clearly because of the blood on my face, but as he got closer, he saw that I was laughing…

Since I was young, I have always been interested in all kinds of challenges, which provide my parents a whole bunch of challenges, too! Being beaten badly by some senior students after I challenged them on debate, having a nail stabbed in my leg after I tried to show Australian students some Chinese Kung Fu on a bus, and falling badly after I sped too fast on a skateboard during my first time skating, I always get lots of awkwardly failed attempts. However, I never stop from taking challenges, because at least my cheeky tries have brought me something, sometimes. For example, I became the youngest member of my school debate team, I received a brave prize in an Australian hospital, and I became one of the best skaters in my school. I always get a sense of satisfaction and fulfillment from those challenges.

Among all the indispensable challenges I took in my not-so-long life, soccer is undoubtedly my favorite. As a member of the school soccer team since grade 7, I spent much time and energy on soccer. My grade 7 soccer life was what people describe as "tragic" – carrying heavy bags for the coach before and after every single match, transferring coach’s messages to every single player, and playing on a match only during the "garbage time", I was the kind of guy who other people think should slapped himself, bit himself, and hided himself in the dirt; however, I, the insane sculler, enjoyed this "tragic" life! It was not only because I love soccer, but also because I was a freaky guy who liked to challenge himself to improve and stupefy other people’s eye balls out one day! So I engaged in my tragedy, and always tried my best at training and every precious chance I could play on a match.

In one year, I got huge promotion: from "garbage time guy" to qualified substitute, then to first team member, and finally to a unique defender of the team. During the XieHe international championship, I led the team to the top of the league! That’s when I became the captain of the team, and that’s also when I constantly felt pain from my back. One day during the training, I was suddenly attacked by the pain from back and fell on the ground. I was sent to a hospital and was told that my spine is longer and thinner than other people’s, a kind of developmental deformity, which means that I couldn’t play soccer anymore. Although I had begged my coach to let me play, I was only allowed to do light trainings. That was the first time I couldn’t laugh when I thought about soccer. The insane sculler, however, doesn’t like the taste of failure. I did lots of functional trainings and fitness conditionings in order to exercise my spine and to show all the people that I was still one of the best players in the team! A few months later, I was finally allowed to stand on the stage again, to express my talent, and to risk my life! My soccer career would go on…

Life is a constant challenge, because sometimes after you gain the fruit with long time hard-work, you can lose it in an irresistible moment. My family moved to Canada in September of 2009. Ocean way from my friends and my soccer team, I was just a rookie to the new school, new surroundings, and new country. Some people may feel frustrated, but for an "insane sculler", that’s just another exciting time to show! Winning the campaign of the vice-president of Student Counsel, getting the principle list certificate, eating breakfast with the principle as a reward of the academic achievement, I am embracing more and more challenges.

One passion, simple but overwhelming strong, has governed my life. It motives me to reach it regardless of hidden danger and physical barriers. What is this passion? I can’t really define it, but I can clearly tell myself that challenge is the air of my life. Just like what Martin Luther King, Jr. said, "The ultimate measure of a person is not where they stand in moments of comfort and convenience, but where they stand in times of challenge and controversy." Without challenges, life will become colorless. I will always advance bravely, because I want to be the helmsman of my life!


因为年轻,我一直对各种挑战都很感兴趣,当然这些兴趣也给父母带来了一连串的挑战! 我总是进行着许多令我蒙羞的失败尝试。例如,在与高年级学生的辩论中惨败、在公车上给澳大利亚的学生们展示中国功夫时腿里扎进钉子、第一次滑滑板时由于速度过快严重摔伤。然而,我从未放弃接受挑战,因为至少这些莽撞的尝试使我有时能够得到一些东西。比如,我成了学校辩论组最年轻的成员,在澳大利亚的医院被颁发了勇气奖,并成为学校里滑板玩得最棒的人之一。所以我总能从这些挑战里得到满足和成就感。






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