
发布时间:2020-09-01 08:08:42








Share Your Success—Howard Schultz's 2017 Commencement Address at Arizona State UniversityTrack Video 01Profile名人前星巴克董事长、CEO/霍华德·舒尔茨(Howard Schultz)


后来,舒尔茨的命运开始发生转折。他获得了北密歇根大学的体育奖学金,得以进入大学学习。大学毕业后,他的第一份工作是施乐公司的销售员。从施乐公司离职后,他来到一家销售咖啡用具的公司工作。1981年,他拜访公司的客户——专门销售咖啡豆的星巴克咖啡公司,因受其吸引,一年后便加入其中,并成为运营和销售总监。后因理念分歧,舒尔茨于1985年离开星巴克,筹资建立了自己理想中的咖啡店,起名“Il Giornale”。两年后,星巴克公司将其零售业务出售给舒尔茨,“Il Giornale”也正式更名为“Starbucks”(星巴克)。此后,星巴克很快扩张到全美,1992年正式在纳斯达克上市。现在,星巴克在全球70多个国家(或地区)拥有26000多家门店。



Thank you, President Crow, for that generous introduction. I really appreciate our friendship and everything we are doing together. Thank you to the Arizona Board of Regents, faculty and special guests.

Congratulations to the graduating Class of 2017 and those who are here to support you on this very, very special day, and to our 330 Starbucks College Achievement Plan graduates. So proud of you, who have benefited from the Starbucks and ASU partnership. I am incredibly proud to be your partner. Congratulations to all of you!

I would like to begin my time with you today by sharing a personal story.

Last year, Starbucks Coffee Company opened our first store in South Africa in Johannesburg. I had never been to South Africa before, did not know what to expect, certainly could not be prepared for the level of poverty and what I saw in the townships throughout the city. We opened two stores and lines were out the door in anticipation of Starbucks coming to the market. But before we opened the stores, I [1][2]gathered the 50 young people who would grace the green apron and put on the Starbucks apron and represent the company. I sat with them for a few hours and wanted to hear each one of their personal stories.

As they were sharing their stories with me, despite their poverty, [3]their plight in life, there was so much joy and gratitude in their hearts. But what I learned was two things. One, all 50 of these young people had never had a job before. They were all unemployed for their entire life. And you should see the self-esteem and the sense of security as they were getting ready for their first job. But the second lesson was as they were going around the room and talking to me about their story, I kept hearing an African word I had never heard before, a word that Nelson Mandela used all the time. The word is “ubuntu”, U-B-U-N-T-U, ubuntu. And finally, I got up the courage and I asked, “What does this word mean that you keep using?” And they couldn't wait to share it with me.

And in unison, they said, “Howard, ‘ubuntu’ means I am because of you. I am because of you.”

As I have the honor to speak with you today, I ask you to keep that story in mind because everything I'm going to share with you today is through the lens of “ubuntu.”[4]

I grew up in Brooklyn, New York, in public housing—the projects, as it was called back then. My parents were both high school dropouts, and they could barely afford $96 a month rent in our two-bedroom apartment for my brother, my sister and my parents.

However, from my earliest of memories, my mother instilled in me her belief in the American Dream and the promise of America, that a good education and hard work will open the doors to a better life. And that provides me with an important lesson to share with you all today—that your station in life does not define you, and the promise of America—that is for all of us.

When I was 7 years old, I had a defining moment in my life. I came home from school one day and saw my father laid on a couch with a cast from his hip to his ankle. He had a series of terrible blue collar jobs as a high school dropout, army vet, but this particular job he had in 1960 was probably the worst.

He was a truck driver delivering and picking up cloth diapers [5]before the invention of Pampers. He fell on a sheet of ice in March of 1960, and in March of 1960, if you were a blue collar, uneducated worker, you were dismissed if you had an accident. No workman's [6]compensation, no severance, and no health insurance. And I saw the fracturing of the American Dream and I saw my parents go through hopelessness and despair at the age of 7. And those scars, that shame, that is with me even today.

As a young boy, I could have never imagined that I would one day build a company of my own, let alone a company that would have more than 26,000 stores in 75 countries and employ more than 300,000 people. Thank you.

But from day one, I really wanted to build the kind of company my father never got a chance to work for, a company that honors and respects the dignity of work and the dignity of all men and all women. And that is why we became the first company in all of America to provide comprehensive health insurance 30 years ahead of the [7]Affordable Care Act, as well as ownership in the form of stock [8]options for all of our employees, including part-time people, because it is my firm belief that success in business and in life is best when it's shared.

Starbucks Coffee Company went public in 1992. And from 1992 to 2006, we were on a magical carpet ride in which everything we did turned to gold. But in 2007, the music stopped. We had lost sight of our shared purpose and our guiding principles, in which growth and success began to cover up mistakes and a disease set into Starbucks. That disease? Hubris. We lost our way, and believe it or not, we almost lost the entire company.[9]

During this cataclysmic period, I was reminded what it means to love something and the responsibility that goes with it, as well as an understanding that leadership and moral courage is not a passive act.

My partners and I took it personally, and we transformed the [10]entire company. We galvanized the entire organization around our core values and servant leadership. Every business, every organization, even every family must be true to its values and reason for being. Our core purpose and reason for being then and now has always been to achieve the fragile balance between profit and humanity.

Today the equity of the Starbucks brand has never been stronger and our track record of creating shareholder value and social impact [11]over the last 25 years has virtually been unparalleled.

We have built one of the most respected and recognized brands in the world, with the view that today the rules of engagement for business and business leaders have changed, that we must do more for our people and the communities we serve, and most importantly, that not every business decision is an economic one, and that success is not an entitlement. It has to be earned and earned every day through the lens of humility.

Only in America can a poor kid from public housing have the privilege and the honor to be the commencement speaker at the [12]largest and most innovative university in the country.

I stand before you as living proof of the American Dream, joining many of your parents, your professors and generations of graduates before you. But today, you may question the strength of that Dream and the promise of America. That's fair.

My generation has not made it easy for you. Our political leaders on both sides of the aisle have not acted with enough courage, nor honesty, in addressing the long-term challenges we face. They have been more focused on fighting with each other than walking in the [13]shoes of the American people. And vitriol and self-interest rule the day in Washington. Despite all that, when I look to the future, I am extremely optimistic, especially when I look out and see you, because the future is not up to them, not up to Washington—it's up to you.

This milestone in your life may come with some anxiety about what tomorrow holds and you may have questions that only time can answer. But as a young man, who once sat nervously at his own commencement, I encourage you to always trust yourself and to be mindful of these three enduring questions: How will you respect your parents and honor your family? How will you share your success and serve others with dignity? And how will you lead with humility and demonstrate moral courage?

You are leaving this campus as the best-prepared generation in the history of our country. You each possess entrepreneurial spirit, the passion, and the commitment to create the future you deserve. However, don't stop there. Try not to rely only on what you have learned in the classroom. Summon your compassion, your curiosity, your empathy toward others and your commitment to service. Give more than you receive, and I promise you it will come back to you in ways you can't possibly imagine.

Each of you is here today because of someone else, a parent, a sibling, a teacher, a neighbor, a mentor, someone who had faith and confidence in you, like my mother had in me, and nurtured your dreams.

As you leave here today, take a moment to think of those who have come before you, who have helped you along the way, who are at your side today. If they are here, embrace them and thank them for the gift of education and for the support and the love that they have given you.

Your generation can bring people together like no other. You can innovate, create, and lead. Your generation will transform our economy and create millions of new jobs. You will develop cleaner energy. You will make it, so racism only exists in history books. Yes, you will. You will be the generation that teaches the world that we are at our best when we recognize, respect, and celebrate our diversity. You can and you will make your mark on our country and our shared humanity. Dream big, and then dream bigger, a more innovative dream, a more inclusive dream.

All of you will preserve and enhance the promise of America, the promise that propelled me out of public housing, the promise that will propel you forward, regardless of the color of your skin, your religion, your gender, your sexual orientation, or your station in life. Please remember that.

ASU is because of you. You are because of ASU. We are because of each other. Ubuntu! Ubuntu! Ubuntu! Yes! Say it with me! Ubuntu! Ubuntu! Ubuntu! Ubuntu! Ubuntu!

Go forward and continue to make your parents and your family proud. God bless you and thank you and congratulations to the Class of 2017! Thank you! Ubuntu! Thank you!






























It is my firm belief that success in business and in life is best when it's shared.


Every business, every organization, even every family must be true to its values and reason for being. Our core purpose and reason for being then and now has always been to achieve the fragile balance between profit and humanity.


Today the rules of engagement for business and business leaders have changed, that we must do more for our people and the communities we serve, and most importantly, that not every business decision is an economic one, and that success is not an entitlement. It has to be earned and earned every day through the lens of humility.


Try not to rely only on what you have learned in the classroom. Summon your compassion, your curiosity, your empathy toward others and your commitment to service. Give more than you receive, and I promise you, it will come back to you in ways you can't possibly imagine.

不要仅仅依赖课堂上学来的知识。拿出你们的恻隐之心、好奇心、对他人的同理心以及服务他人的决心。给予要大于所得。我向你们保证,你们将会有意想不到的回报。[1]grace /ɡreɪs/ vt. 为……增色[2]green apron:绿围裙,星巴克店面员工一般穿着绿色的围裙。[3]plight /plaɪt/ n. 苦难;困境[4]public housing:公租房,当时的美国公租房旨在消除城市贫民窟,安置城市贫困边缘群体。[5]Pampers:帮宝适,美国宝洁公司旗下的纸尿裤品牌[6]severance /ˈsevərəns/ n. 辞退,解雇[7]Affordable Care Act:《平价医疗法案》(ACA),由美国前总统奥巴马在2010年签署,也称“奥巴马医改”。该法案的核心内容是提高美国医保的覆盖率,降低医疗费用。[8]stock options:股票期权[9]cataclysmic /ˌkætəˈklɪzmɪk/ adj.(常用于名词前)有大变动的;灾难性的[10]galvanize /ˈɡælvənaɪz/ vt. 刺激,激励[11]unparalleled /ʌnˈpærəleld/ adj. 空前的;无与伦比的[12]亚利桑那州立大学2016、2017和2018年连续三年在U.S. News美国大学排名(U.S. News & World Report Ranking)上获评“最具创新性大学”(Most Innovative)第一名。[13]walk in the shoes of ...:处于……的境地;设身处地


Top Rules for a Happy Life—Dame Helen Mirren Gives 2017 Commencement Speech at Tulane UniversityTrack Video 02Profile名人英国女演员、女爵士/海伦·米伦(Helen Mirren)

海伦·米伦,1945年出生于英国伦敦,是英国老牌女演员,曾多次斩获世界性大奖。2003年,由于对英国影视事业做出的杰出贡献,她被伊丽莎白二世女王授予女爵士(Dame)爵位。2007年,海伦在电影《女王》(The Queen)中饰演英国女王伊丽莎白二世,并凭此角色获得了奥斯卡最佳女主角、威尼斯国际电影节最佳女主角、美国电影电视金球奖剧情类最佳女主角、英国电影学院奖最佳女主角等26项国际大奖。

海伦·米伦最初遵从其父母的意愿从事教师职业,但她的真正兴趣却是表演。为了追求心中的梦想,海伦加入了国立青年剧团,从舞台剧中的“埃及艳后”克里奥佩特拉一角开始了自己的演艺生涯。随后她加入了皇家莎士比亚剧团。海伦的电影事业始于1969年的《沙滩上的夏娃》(Age of Consent),而她具有突破性的电影是《漫长美好的星期五》(The Long Good Friday)。除舞台剧和电影外,海伦在电视剧中也频繁亮相,如《贝蒂姐妹》(Cousin Bette)、《头号嫌疑犯》(Prime Suspect)等。她还曾为多部影片配音,可以说是一位“全才演员”。

海伦·米伦于2005年在HBO历史电视剧《伊丽莎白一世》(Elizabeth I)中饰演英国女王伊丽莎白一世,2006年在电影《女王》中饰演伊丽莎白二世,又于2013年在舞台剧《女王召见》(The Audience)中再次饰演伊丽莎白二世,从而赢得了“女王专业户”这一名号。近年来,海伦·米伦因参演电影《爱在记忆消逝前》(The Leisure Seeker)、《天空之眼》(Eye in the Sky)以及客串《速度与激情8》(The Fate of the Furious)而为更多的中国观众所熟知。


Thank you. “My husband and I …” That's how the Queen speaks. All right, you probably don't know that. Well, it's a bit intimidating [1]following, especially following Corley. What a wonderful speech that was! I was very impressed with her words. And speaking as a much older person than she is, I can tell you: It's all true what she said; it's very, very accurate. President Fitts, members of the Board, faculty, [2][3]parents, friends, the brilliant Branford Marsalis, the indomitable [4][5][6]Diane Nash, the fascinating Shelley Taylor, RipTide the Pelican, and last but certainly never least, the great graduating Class of 2017—my greetings to you all.

And to all the graduates—and of course, as President mentioned, the families here, the moms and dads, brothers and sisters, grandparents, uncles, aunts, wives, husbands, and live-in lovers, not just hello, but congratulations to you! We salute you. And to the students: You did it! I mean, all those essays, all those classes, all those discussions and lectures, all those nights at the computer … and perhaps a greater test of endurance, all those nights at the Camellia Grill, and the Boot, and the F&M and all those parties. And yet here you are. You finished the race. You made it through. Now you just have to listen to one more person talk—and I will do my best not to make it a lecture.

President Fitts, thank you for that lovely introduction. And I want to assure to you that President, you can relax—I've done my homework for today.

Because you know, whenever I take on a role, I do my research to truly understand the character I'm playing. So when I played a secret agent, a sniper, in Red, I learned how to fire a gun; and when I played the Queen, I learned how she talks, how she walks, and how she interacts with her advisers; and when I played a sadistic, horrible teacher in Teaching Mrs. Tingle, I went to observe some professors at LSU. Yes, they taught me everything.

And to prepare for today, I did my research on what people expect from a commencement speaker. You know, there are hundreds of tips out there—but just three really big ones.

First—Keep it short. No one wants to hear a 30-minute speech. So, that's it. I'm done. See you at the bar. I'll have a vodka martini [7]straight up with a wedge of lime, thank you. The lime is because you know, I'm a bit of a health fanatic.

The second point about commencements speeches is: talk about your journey and connect it to everything you have in common with your audience. So, today's speech will contain advice for any of you born in England who decide to become Shakespearean actresses, and end up doing nude scenes in 10 films. I just mentioned that just to see if any of your fathers, you know, are getting out their cellphones right now to Google me. Dads, stop it. Inappropriate. Put it away. I mean the phone!

And number three. Everyone advises a commencement speaker to say the one thing that the students will remember 40 years from now. Now that was very difficult—I just thought and thought and thought about this. It took me weeks to come up with it. And then it [8]came to me, in the small hours of the morning, something I believe that you will remember in the year 2057 because it is so true. Here it [9][10]is. Get ready: Whether you're in Tipitina's, the French Quarter or [11]the Oval Office, no good can ever come from tweeting at 3 a.m.

Now speaking of 3 a.m., it's so great to be back in this incredible city where I never seem to get to bed before 3 a.m.

Spending the past few days reacquainting myself with New Orleans, going to dinner, walking around your campus, I just have one question: Why the hell are you graduating? I mean, what possible reason is there to leave here and go find jobs? I mean it makes no





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