
发布时间:2020-09-02 04:04:45









本系列分为五个级别,词汇量从350词至1000词逐级扩大,“如何使用本书”和“如何提高英语阅读水平”提供了概括性的指导。另外,本系列还针对不同的故事内容设计了“你读懂了多少”(Comprehension Quiz),帮助你检测阅读理解的效果。“阅读准备”(Before You Read)以图文并茂的形式让读者对生词形成一定的感性认识,并在文中给出更详尽的注释。书后附有译文,帮助你更好地理解故事。本系列还配有精美的插图和“背景知识”(Understanding the Story),让你的阅读更加多姿多彩。




阿瑟·柯南道尔爵士(1859~1930)Sir Arthur Conan Doyle








❶ 原汁原味的作品


❷ 重点词汇(Key Words)


❸ 一点通(One Point Lesson)










The Adventure of the Speckled BandBefore You Read


Sherlock Holmes 歇洛克·福尔摩斯

Sherlock Holmes is one of the greatest and most famous detectives in the world. He can figure out many things about people just by looking at a piece of their clothing. His powers of observation and deduction are incredible and he uses them well to solve mysteries that seem unsolvable. He offers his skills for good people in trouble. This has made him famous.

歇洛克·福尔摩斯是世界上最伟大、最著名的侦探之一。他只要看看人们的穿着打扮,就能判断出关于他们的许多事情。他有着不可思议的观察力和推理能力,并很好地利用这些能力去解决那些看似无法解决的谜题。他将自己的才能奉献给身陷困境的善良人。这使他声名远扬。Dr. Watson 华生医生

Dr. Watson is Holmes' oldest friend. He is not as smart as Holmes, and usually cannot figure out what Holmes is up to. However, Holmes likes to have Dr. Watson around, perhaps as a "sounding board" for his theories. Watson is a faithful friend and he does provide support to Holmes.

华生医生是福尔摩斯交往最久的朋友。他不如福尔摩斯聪明,常常无法领会福尔摩斯做的事情。不过,福尔摩斯喜欢让华生医生跟着他,或许是作为他的理论的“宣传者”。华生是一个忠实的朋友,他也确实为福尔摩斯提供了帮助。Helen Stoner 海伦·斯托纳

I asked Sherlock Holmes for his help because I am afraid for my life. My sister died under very mysterious circumstances, and now I fear I am next.

我向歇洛克·福尔摩斯请求帮助,因为我担心自己的生命会有危险。我姐姐死得非常蹊跷,现在,我害怕自己成为下一个。James Ryder 詹姆斯·赖德

I'm really not such a bad man. The stone was just so big and beautiful. I couldn't help taking it. But I lost the stone! I guess I'm not a very good criminal.

我真的不是那么坏的人。那块宝石实在太大、太美了。我忍不住拿了它。但我把宝石给丢了!我想,我当罪犯还不够格。The King of Bohemia 波希米亚国王

Being a king isn't always good, you know. Sometimes you have to marry someone you don't love. My current concern is that Irene Adler, my ex-girlfriend, would try to stop me from marrying the royal lady. Hopefully, Sherlock Holmes can help me.

你知道,当国王并不总是好事。有时你不得不跟自己不爱的人结婚。我现在担心的是,我的前女友艾琳·阿德勒会试图阻止我与那位皇室的女士结婚。但愿歇洛克·福尔摩斯能帮我。第1章 海伦·斯托纳CHAPTER 1 Helen Stoner

I awoke very early one morning in April 1883. Sherlock Holmes and I were living together. I looked at the clock and saw that it was only seven. Usually Holmes liked to sleep in late, but he was already dressed, hovering over me. I looked up at him in surprise.

"What is it, Holmes?" I asked. "Is there a fire?"

"No, there is a woman here. I think it is a case. I know you will want to hear everything from the beginning, Watson," he said.

I quickly got dressed and went downstairs with Holmes. We saw a lady in the sitting room. She immediately stood up when we entered the room. She was dressed in black and her expression was very grave.

"Good morning! I am Sherlock Holmes and this is Dr. Watson. He is my dear friend and associate," Holmes said. "We would like to hear everything."

We all sat down.

"I am Helen Stoner. I am living with my stepfather, Dr. Grimesby Roylott," she explained. "The Roylotts have lived at Stoke Moran for centuries, but now my stepfather is the last living Roylott. The family was once very wealthy."

Holmes nodded. "I know the name," said he.

Miss Stoner went on. "However, because of a long line of terrible men, the family fortune is all gone. There is only the little land and the two-hundred-year-old house left. My stepfather knew that there was no money for him to live on. So he studied to become a doctor and then went to India. When my mother met Dr. Roylott there, my father had only been dead for one year. Julia, my twin-sister, and I were only two years old at that time."

"Your mother had some money, perhaps?" asked Sherlock Holmes.

"Oh, yes. She had about one thousand pounds per year. My mother changed her will when they married. She left all her money to him, but she did say in her will that he must take care of Julia and me."

"We eventually returned to England but our mother died soon after. We all went to live at Stoke Moran. We had enough money but Roylott changed after our mother died. She was killed in a railway accident eight years ago. He is surly and fights with anyone in our neighborhood. Everyone is scared of him because he is strong and crazy. The only people he talks to are some gypsies who live on his land. He keeps some wild animals, too. There is a cheetah and a baboon which he brought back from India. They run freely around the place.

"You can imagine from what I say that my sister and I had a hard time. Because everyone is afraid of my stepfather, no one will work for us. We have to do everything. Sadly, Julia has already died. She was only thirty at the time of her death, but her hair was already going gray. My hair is becoming gray too."

"Your sister is dead, then?"

"She died two years ago. This is why I have come to see you. We very rarely left Stoke Moran but we sometimes visited our aunt. On one of those visits, Julia met a man. She fell in love and they were planning to get married. Our stepfather never verbally opposed the wedding but in about ten days, Julia was dead."

Holmes had been leaning back in his chair, quietly with his eyes closed as she told her story. He now sat up quickly and said, "Tell us every tiny detail."

"I can tell you everything. It is as clear in my mind as if it happened just last night. As I have said, our house is very old and we live in only one wing of it. Dr. Roylott's bedroom is the first, Julia's is the second and mine is the third. There are no doors connecting the rooms. They just open out into the same long hall. That night, Dr. Roylott went to his room early. We knew he hadn't gone to sleep because Julia could smell his cigars. He tended to smoke cigars in his room.

"Julia always hated that smell. So she came to my room. We talked for quite a while, mainly about her wedding. At about 11 p.m., she got up to go back to her room. Just as she was leaving, she asked, 'Do you ever hear any whistling in the early hours of the morning?' I told her that I had never heard anything. Then she asked me if I whistled in my sleep. I told her, 'No. I don't think so. Why do you ask me that?' She said that she always heard a whistle in the quiet of the night at about three in the morning. She was a light sleeper and any noise woke her up.

"She said that she had tried to find out where the noise was coming from. She didn't know whether it was coming from the room next door or from outside. I told her that maybe it was coming from the gypsies. She agreed and left to return to her room. I heard her enter her room and lock the door."

"Did you always lock your rooms at night?" Holmes asked.

"Yes, every night. We were worried about the cheetah and the baboon," she replied.

"Yes, of course you would have been. Please go on with your story."

"That night, I tossed and turned all night. I did not sleep a wink. We were twins and people say that twins can sense things about each other. I had a terrible feeling of disaster. It was a very windy night and the rain pounded against the windows. Then I heard a blood-curdling scream. I knew it was my sister's voice.

"I sprang from my bed. As I ran to my sister's room, I heard a whistling sound and then a clanging sound as if a mass of metal had fallen. She opened her door slowly.

"By the light of the corridor lamp, her face was white with terror. I threw my arms around her, but at the moment she fell to the floor.

"Her last words were, 'It was the band! The speckled band!'

"She died instantly."

"You are absolutely sure you heard a whistle and a clanging sound?" Holmes asked Helen.

"Oh yes! I will never forget that."

"Was your sister wearing her nightdress?"

"Yes, and we found a match box in her hand."

"What did the police say about the case?"

"They investigated it thoroughly but they never found the cause of her death. The windows were closed with bars on them, the walls and floor are thick and her door was locked. Nobody could have entered the room," said Miss Stoner.

Holmes listened to this intently, and he had a very serious expression on his face.

"I don't like the sound of this. Please finish your story, Miss Stoner," he told her.

"Well, it's been two years since my sister's death. I have been lonelier than ever and missed her very much. But I recently met a man, and he asked me to marry him. His name is Percy Armitage. We want to get married in the spring. My stepfather has said nothing about my marriage.

"But two days ago he told me to move into Julia's room to make repairs in mine. Last night, while in Julia's room, I heard the sound of a low whistle. It was the same sound Julia had talked about — on the night she had died! I was terrified and I immediately lit a candle. I couldn't see anything.

"Needless to say, I couldn't sleep. As soon as daybreak came, I quickly dressed and came here."

Holmes sat in his chair thinking. After a while, he said, "This is very serious. We will come to Stoke Moran this afternoon. How can we get into the house without the doctor knowing?"

"He will be away all day today," she informed us.

"Good, we will arrive this afternoon. I advise that you return now and wait for us."

Miss Stoner immediately left us.KEY WORDS

awake v. 醒


hover v. 徘徊

in surprise 惊讶地

downstairs adv. 往楼下

sitting room 起居室

immediately adv. 立即;马上

expression n. 表情

grave adj. 严肃的;庄重的

associate n. 伙伴;合伙人

stepfather n. 继父

explain v. 解释

last adj. 最后的

nod v. 点头

go on 继续(说)

line n. 家系;家族

pound n. 英镑

will n. 遗嘱

take care of 照顾

eventually adv. 终于;最终

soon after 不久以后

railway n. 铁路

accident n. 事故

surly adj. 脾气坏的;乖戾的

neighborhood n. 四邻;街坊

be scared of 害怕

gypsy n. 吉普赛人

cheetah n. 猎豹

baboon n. 狒狒

have a hard time 艰难度日

rarely adv. 不常;难得

fall in love 坠入爱河

get married 结婚

verbally adv. 口头上

oppose v. 反对

wedding n. 结婚,婚礼

lean v. 靠,倚

sit up 坐起来,坐直

tiny adj. 微小的

detail n. 细节;详情

wing n. 房屋翼部;厢房

connect v. 连接

hall n. 走廊,过道

cigar n. 雪茄

tend to 往往会

quite a while 好一会儿

mainly adv. 主要地;大部分地

whistling n. 口哨声

light adj. 容易惊醒的,(睡眠)不酣的

noise n. 声音;噪音

lock v. 锁;锁上

be worried about 担心

toss and turn 辗转反侧

not sleep a wink 没有合眼

sense v. 感觉到

disaster n. 灾难

pound v. 连续重击

blood-curdling adj. 令人毛骨悚然的

scream n. 尖叫

spring v. 跳;跃


clang v. 发出铿锵声

a mass of 一大块

corridor n. 走廊

terror n. 恐怖;惊骇

instantly adv. 立即;马上

absolutely adv. 肯定地

match box 火柴盒

investigate v. 调查

thoroughly adv. 彻底地

cause n. 原因;起因

bar n. (用作栅栏、杠杆等的)杆,棒

intently adv. 专心地;专注地

lonely adj. 孤独的;孤单的

miss v. 想念

recently adv. 最近;近来

make repairs 进行修缮

terrified adj. 恐惧的;受惊的

daybreak n. 黎明;拂晓

get into 进入

inform v. 告知

advise v. 建议One Point Lesson

When my mother met Dr. Roylott there, my father had only been dead for one year.



e.g. I sold my car which I had bought last year.


Holmes had been leaning back in his chair, quietly with his eyes closed as she told her story.



e.g. She was listening to me with her arms crossed.


I advise that you (should) return now and wait for us.



e.g. He recommended that the young girl (should) stay home at nights.

他建议那个年轻女孩晚上呆在家里。Understanding the Story背景知识Was Sherlock Holmes real?歇洛克·福尔摩斯是真实的吗?

Sir Conan Arthur Doyle included so many details about Holmes in his stories that he seems like a real person, and some people believe he actually did exist!

If you could meet Holmes, you would see a tall, thin man, about 185 centimeters in height. Holmes had a long, narrow nose that was hooked. His forehead was usually locked in a frown as he was constantly analyzing information.The Statue of Sherlock Holmes

Holmes lived in an apartment at 221b Baker Street, London, England, his native country. He studied for two years at a medical university. While at St. Bart's Hospital, he was introduced to Dr. John Watson. Watson would later become Holmes's best friend and biographer. They lived together until Watson got married. Holmes never married and in fact seemed to dislike women.

Mrs. Hudson, Holmes' faithful landlady, often scolded Holmes for being messy, as he left piles of papers everywhere. He also made messes when he performed chemistry experiments. In addition to these, Holmes spent his free time playing the violin, writing scientific articles about chemistry, beekeeping or tobacco.

Those who think Holmes was a real person assume he retired to the English countryside, where he pursued his hobby of beekeeping!





有些人认为福尔摩斯是个真实人物,他们臆想福尔摩斯退隐到了英格兰乡村,在那里从事他的爱好——养蜂!第2章 紧急事件CHAPTER 2 An Urgent Matter

"What do you think of it all, Watson?" Holmes asked.

"It seems to me to be a most dark business," I said.

"Dark enough. This is a very urgent case, Watson. The most important clue is Julia's last words, 'the speckled band.' It could have been the gypsies whistling and clanging. But I don't think so. Let's eat breakfast. I will go into town for something, and then we will leave."

Holmes came back at about one o'clock. He was carrying a sheet of blue paper. It was the will of Helen and Julia's mother.

"Mrs. Stoner left ten thousand pounds. But the girls are supposed to receive two thousand and five hundred pounds each when they marry. If they don't marry, or both die first, the doctor is to get all of the money. There is a motive right there. Let's go Watson and bring your gun."

Holmes and I left to catch a train. We had to hire a horse and cart to get to Stoke Moran.

As soon as we arrived, Helen came out.

She was fretting and said, "I have been waiting for you."

"Don't worry, Miss Stoner. We will get to the bottom of this," Holmes assured her. "Please show me your bedrooms."

Helen showed us where the bedrooms were. Then Holmes walked along the outside of the house. He looked at the window.

"First, go into your room and lock it," said Holmes to Helen.

After she locked her room, Holmes tried to open it but was unsuccessful. He also tried to get in through the windows but, again, was unsuccessful.

We then went into Julia's room. It was a small room with a low ceiling. Holmes sat in a chair and looked around. He did not speak for a while.

Then he said, "There is a bell-pull!"

There was a long rope dangling from the ceiling.

"Where does the bell ring?" he asked her.

"Downstairs. It is supposed to be used to call the servants but as we don't have any, we never use it."

"This bell-pull looks newer than the other things," said Holmes.

"Yes, my stepfather put it in only a couple of years ago," replied Helen.

Holmes went over and pulled on the rope.

"It doesn't do anything. Look! It's attached to that air vent. Why is there an air vent there? An air vent should go outside but this one leads to the next room. Let's look more closely."

We all went into the doctor's room. It was a strange room. There were only three things: a bed, a wooden chair and an iron safe.

"What is in the safe?" Holmes asked the woman.





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