
发布时间:2020-09-04 05:26:05


作者:金利 主编







● 高频常用900句,任何场合开口就说


● 栏目设置多样,内容轻松实用


● 句子难度循序渐进,逐一进阶


不要再迟疑,马上开口说出国旅游口语的机会来了,一起说起来吧。编 者 使用说明Chapter 1 搭乘飞机Section 1 预订机票1. 10月15号有去纽约的航班吗?Are there any flights to New York on October 15th?


A: Are there any flights to New York on October 15th? 10月15号有去纽约的航班吗?

B: Yes. We have a flight leaving at eleven o’clock. 有。11点有班飞机。


● 今天晚上有去伦敦的航班吗? Are there any flights to London this evening?

● 那天有个10点15分的航班。There’s a ten fifteen flight on that day.2. 你想何时动身?When do you want to leave?


● When do you want to depart?

● When will you be leaving?


A: When do you want to leave? 你想何时动身?

B: On March 5th. 3月5号。3. 你想乘什么时间的航班?Which flight would you like?


● Which flight do you want to take?

● What flight do you want to book?

● Which flight do you prefer?


A: Which flight would you like? 你想乘什么时间的航班?

B: The 7:30, please. 7点半的。4. 我要预订6月21号去纽约的机票。I want to reserve a seat to New York on June 21st.


● I want to make a reservation on a flight to New York on June 21st.

● I want to book a seat to New York for June 21st.

● I want to make a reservation for June 21st to New York.


A: I want to reserve a seat to New York on June 21st. 我要预订6月21号去纽约的机票。

B: OK, will you be traveling alone? 好的,你是一个人吗?5. 单程还是往返?One way or round trip?


A: I’d like a flight to Los Angeles. 我想订一张去洛杉矶的机票。

B: One way or round trip? 单程还是往返?6. UA978号航班还有空座位吗?Any seats left on flight UA978?


A: Any seats left on flight UA978? UA978号航班还有空座位吗?

B: They are all booked. 都订完了。


● 还有些剩下的。We have a few left.

● 我们在商务舱还有些座位。We have a few seats in business class.

● 今天晚上去欧洲各地的航班座位全都订完了。All the seats on European flights are booked up for tonight.

你知道吗 UA978是航班号,前面的数字代表不同的航空公司,如联合航空(UA) United Airlines。


business class 商务舱

be booked up 被订完7. 我不要夜间航班。I don’t want a night flight.


A: I don’t want a night flight. Is there any other flight available? 我不要夜间航班。还有其他的班机吗?

B: Sorry, there is none for today, sir. 对不起先生,今天的没有了。


● 你能坐早班飞机走。You can go by the morning flight.

● 我想订去新德里的早班机票。I prefer a morning flight to New Delhi.

● 您喜欢上午航班、下午航班还是夜间航班? Would you like the morning flight, afternoon flight or red-eye flight?


morning flight 早班飞机

afternoon flight 下午航班

你知道吗 night flight又称red-eye flight,即“夜航”或“红眼航班”,指夜间飞行的航班,乘客乘坐这种飞机后大都睡眼惺忪,这类航班故此得名,不过通常票价比较低。8. 有靠近紧急出口的座位吗?Do you have a seat next to the emergency exit?


A: Do you have a seat next to the emergency exit?有靠近紧急出口的座位吗?

B: Yes. 有的。9. 先生,要靠窗的位置还是靠走廊的位置?A window or aisle seat, sir?


A: Ticket, please. A window or aisle seat, sir? 请出示你的机票,先生。你要靠窗的位置还是靠走廊的位置?

B: A window seat, please. 靠窗的位置。10. 我想预订靠窗户的座位。I’d like to book a seat by the window.


A: I’d like to book a seat by the window. 我想预订靠窗户的座位。

B: OK. 好的。11. 明天从北京飞往纽约的第一班飞机是什么时候?When is the earliest flight tomorrow from Beijing to New York?


A: When is the earliest flight tomorrow from Beijing to New York? 明天从北京飞往纽约的第一班飞机是什么时候?

B: It’ll depart at 7 a.m. 早上7点起飞。


● 下一个航班是什么时间呢? When is the next available flight?

● 我赶不上今天最后一班飞机了。I couldn’t catch the last flight today.

● 那最早什么时候有到北京的直达航班? Then when is the earliest direct flight available to Beijing?


depart 离开,起飞

direct flight 直达航班12. 这次航班的机票已预订完。The flight is full.


● The flight is booked.

● There are no seats available on that flight.

● The flight is sold out.


A: I really need to be on that flight. 我确实需要乘那班飞机。

B: I’m sorry; the flight is full. 对不起;这次航班的机票已预订完。13. 从北京到华盛顿的单程票价是多少?How much is the one-way ticket from Beijing to Washington?


A: How much is the one-way ticket from Beijing to Washington? 从北京到华盛顿的单程票价是多少?

B: It costs 3,000 Yuan. 需要3000元。


● 单程还是往返票? Single ticket or return ticket?

● 从北京到上海的单程经济舱机票是500元。Economy fare for single ticket from Beijing to Shanghai is 500 yuan.

● 飞往首尔的往返机票多少钱? How much is a round-trip ticket to Seoul?


one-way ticket 单程票

economy fare 经济舱票价

你知道吗 single ticket也可表示“单程票”,而与之对应的往返票是round-trip ticket,也可用return ticket代替。14. 我需要重新确认一下我的机票。I need to reconfirm my flight.




A: I need to reconfirm my flight. 我需要重新确认一下我的机票。

B: OK, please give me your PNR number. 好的,请告诉我您的预订号。


● 我可以再确认一下我的班机吗? May I reconfirm my flight?

● 我想再确认一下我下周四到纽约的机位。I’d like to reconfirm my flight to New York next Thursday.

你知道吗 PNR number的全称是Passenger Name Record,也就是“预订号”的意思。预订号既包括数字又包括字母,一般是5位或者6位。在确认和验证机票的时候,一般航空公司都会要求这个号码。15. 中途要停留吗?Will there be any layovers?


A: Will there be any layovers? 中途要停留吗?

B: There’s a one-hour layover in HK. 在香港会停留1小时。


layover 中途停留


● 中途会停留吗? Is there a stopover?

● 您需要在波士顿短暂停留。You have to stop over in Boston.

● 不用。这是直飞航班。No. It is a nonstop.

你知道吗 layover表示中途短暂的停留,也可用stopover来代替。stop over这一动词短语也表示“中途停留”的含义。情境演练Booking TicketsWindy: United Airlines reservation desk. May I help you?Mary: Hello, I want to reserve a seat to New York on June 21st.Windy: OK, will you be traveling alone?Mary: My son is flying, too.Windy: All right.Mary: What is the air fare?Windy: Round trip or one way?Mary: Round trip.Windy: First class or coach?Mary: We are going coach. What’s children’s fare?Windy: How old is he?Mary: He’s three.Windy: It’ll be $98.56. He’ll pay two thirds of the full coach fare. It’ll be $246.04. So it’s June 21st that you are travelling?Mary: That’s right.Windy: I’ll get your tickets ready and mail them to you in a couple of days.Mary: Thank you.Windy: Thank you for calling United Airlines.订票温蒂:联合航空公司预订台。有什么需要帮助的吗?玛丽:你好,我要预订6月21号去纽约的机票。温蒂:好的,您是自己一个人吗?玛丽:和我儿子一起。温蒂:好的。玛丽:机票是多少钱?温蒂:您要订往返还是单程的呢?玛丽:是往返。温蒂:头等舱还是经济舱?玛丽:我们乘经济舱去。儿童票价多少钱?温蒂:他多大了?玛丽:3岁。温蒂:他的票是98美元56美分。他必须付经济舱票价的2/3。一共要246美元4美分。您是要6月21日乘机吧?玛丽:是的。温蒂:我会替您准备好机票,在几天之内给您邮寄过去。玛丽:谢谢。温蒂:联合航空公司谢谢您的惠顾。句型Plus1.I want to reserve a seat to New York on June 21st.订票时,清楚准确地说明自己的要求和信息非常重要。例如,想订一张头等舱机票,直飞纽约,最简单明了的说法就是:One first class ticket. Non-stop to New York. 售票员会立即明白你的需求。接下来再确认日期和个人信息便会非常顺畅了。2.He’ll pay two thirds of the full coach fare.two thirds意为“三分之二”。分数由基数词和序数词构成:分子用基数词,分母用序数词,分子超过“1”时,分母用复数。如a(one) sixth(1/6),two thirds(2/3),three fifths(3/5)。另外分数的表达有一些特殊之处需要注意以下几点。(1)1/2通常读作a(one) half。(2)1/4可读作a(one) fourth,也可读作 a(one) quarter。(3)带分数的读法:在整数与分数之间用and连接。如five and two thirds(五又三分之二)。Section 2 办理登机16. 乘客应该在飞机起飞2小时前到机场柜台报到。Passengers should check in at least two hours before thedeparture time.


A: When should I check in for my flight? 我应该在什么时候办理登机手续?

B: Passengers should check in at least two hours before the departure time. 乘客应该至少在飞机起飞2小时前到机场柜台报到。


● 在机场里,check in常用来表示“办理登机手续”,在宾馆里时,该短语就表示“登记入住”。

● departure time表示 “起飞时间”, 除此之外还可以表示 “出发时间”, departure是动词depart的名词形式,表示“离开,离去”。17. 这班飞机什么时候开始登机?When will the flight begin boarding?


A: When will the flight begin boarding? 这班飞机什么时候开始登机?

B: 2:00 p.m. 下午2点。18. 本次航班17点40分左右在24号登机口开始登机。The flight will begin boarding around 17:40 at gate 24.


A: The flight will begin boarding around 17:40 at gate 24. 本次航班17点40分左右在24号登机口开始登机。

B: Thank you. 谢谢您。19. 登机门在哪儿?Where is the boarding gate?


boarding gate 登机门


A: Where is the boarding gate? 登机门在哪儿?

B: Go along this way then turn left at the first corner. The boarding gate is on your right. 一直向前走,然后在第一个转角处向左转。登机门就在您的右边。


● 请告诉我登机门在哪儿? Would you please tell me where the boarding gate is?

● 能告诉我登机门在哪儿吗? Can you show me the way to the boarding gate?

● 我怎么才能找到登机门? How can I get to the boarding gate?20. 通过安检后,请在B17登机口登机!After the security check, board your flight at gate B17, please!


A: After the security check, board your flight at gate B17, please! 通过安检后,请在B17登机口登机!

B: OK, I got it.好的,我知道了。21. 这是我的航班办理登机手续的地方吗?Is this where I can check in for my flight?


A: Is this where I can check in for my flight? 这是我的航班办理登机手续的地方吗?

B: Yes, sir. Please show me your ticket and passport. 是的,先生。请出示您的机票和护照。


● 我应该在哪里办理通关手续? Where should I go through customs?

● 是在这儿办理登机手续吗? Is this the right counter to check in for my flight?

● 能在这个柜台办理登机手续吗? Can I check in for my flight at this counter?

● 如何办理通关手续? How do I go through customs?


go through customs 办理通关手续22. 我能随身带多少行李?How many carry-on bags can I have?




A: How many carry-on bags can I have? 我能随身带多少行李?

B: You are permitted two carry-on bags. You can check the others. 你可以随身携带两件行李。其他的可以托运。


● 我想托运这两件行李。I want to check these two pieces of luggage.

● 你需要托运那件大件行李。You’ll have to check that big bag.

● 登机时我要带哪些东西? What should I take as my carry-on?

● 您的其他行李必须托运。You need to check the other bags.

● 您得托运一件行李。You have to check one of your bags.23. 请把您的行李放在磅秤上过磅。Please put your luggage on this scale.


A: Is this the right counter to check in for this flight? 这班飞机是在这个柜台办理登机手续吗?

B: Yes, it is. Please put your luggage on this scale. 是的,是在这儿办。请您把您的行李放在磅秤上过磅。24. 您的行李超重了。Your luggage is overweight.


A: Your luggage is overweight. 您的行李超重了。

B: Oh, what should I do next? 哦,那我接下来怎么办呢?25. 请出示您的护照。Do you have your passport?


● May I see your passport?

● Can I look at your passport?


A: Do you have your passport? 请出示您的护照。

B: Sure, here it is. 好的,给你。26. 我能看一下您的登机牌吗?May I see your boarding pass?


boarding pass 登机牌


● Can I look at your boarding pass?

● Can you show me your boarding pass?


A: May I see your boarding pass? 我能看一下您的登机牌吗?

B: Sure, let me just find it. 当然可以,让我找找看。27. 请出示您的机票和护照好吗?May I have your tickets and passports, please?


A: May I have your tickets and passports, please? 请出示您的机票和护照好吗?

B: Here you are. 给您。


● 请出示您的护照。May I see your passport?

● 这是您的机票及登机牌。Here are your tickets and your boarding pass.

● 我能看一下您的登机牌吗? Can I look at your boarding pass?

● 能看看您的登机牌吗? Can you show me your boarding pass?28. 这趟航班开始登机了吗?Has this flight already started boarding?


● Has this flight begun boarding?


A: Has this flight already started boarding? 这趟航班开始登机了吗?

B: Not yet. We are delayed about half an hour. 还没有。航班晚点大约半小时。




● 这趟航班的登机时间是什么时候? When is the boarding time for this flight?29. 我已经等了2小时了。还有多久才能登机?I have waited for 2 hours. How long do I have to wait before boarding?


A: I have waited for 2 hours. How long do I have to wait before boarding? 我已经等了2小时了。还有多久才能登机?

B: Sorry about that. But I’m afraid you’re going to have to wait another one hour. There is something wrong with the airport pavement. 很抱歉。恐怕您必须要多再多等1小时了。机场跑道出了些问题。30. 飞往巴黎的606航班晚点了。Flight 606 to Paris has been delayed.


A: Why can’t we board now? We have been here for one hour. 为什么现在还不能登机? 我们已经在这儿1小时了。

B: Sorry. Flight 606 to Paris has been delayed. 对不起。飞往巴黎的606航班晚点了。


● 这班飞机会晚点多久? How long is this flight going to be delayed?

● 很抱歉,由于纽约的恶劣天气,我们要取消905航班。

I’m sorry to announce that we are canceling flight 905 due to severe weather in New York.情境演练Security CheckKate: Next.Mary: Oh, hello.Kate: Please put all carry-on luggages in a basket and then place it on the conveyor. Step right this way.Mary: Okay. Should I take off my jacket too?Kate: Yes. Excuse me Ma’am, you are not allowed to carry a gun on the plane.Mary: Oh, it’s my son’s toy gun. I will show you and it has batteries.Kate: Oh okay. And would you mind opening your lap top?Mary: No. not at all. There you go.Kate: Thank you. Please take off your shoes too.Mary: Okay.Kate: Sorry Ma’am, the styling mousse is over 100g. It is not allowed to be carried on the plane.Mary: Oh okay, I will take it and give it to my husband outside the gate.Kate: Sorry about that.Mary: That’s all right.Kate: Thank you. Ma’am.安检凯特:下一个。玛丽:嗯,您好!凯特:请把所有的随身行李放到一个筐里,然后把筐放在传送带上。请您到这边来。玛丽:好的。我也要脱掉我的夹克吗?凯特:是的。打扰一下夫人,您不能带枪上飞机。玛丽:哦,那是我儿子的玩具枪。我给你看下,它有电池。凯特:好的。您介意打开您的手提电脑吗?玛丽:不。一点儿不介意。给你。凯特:谢谢您。请您把鞋子也脱了吧。玛丽:好的。凯特:不好意思夫人,您的定型摩斯超过了100克。它不允许带上飞机。玛丽:哦好的,我会拿着它,把它给我先生,他就在门外。凯特:抱歉。玛丽:没关系。凯特:谢谢您,夫人。句型Plus1.Please put all carry-on luggages in a basket and then place it on the conveyor.乘飞机时,除了拖运行李外,登机时还可以随身携带行李,但是携带的行李大小和重量是有限制的,这时可以询问工作人员:How many carry-on bags can I have? 也可以直接说:How many carry-ons shall I take?2.There you go.There you go. 在这里的意思是“这是你想要的;给你”。此外,外国人还很喜欢用There you go! 来表示你说得没错、说得对。Section 3 在飞机上31. 飞机起飞前乘客必须关闭手机。Passengers should power off cell phones before the planetakes off.


power off关机

take off 起飞


A: Passengers should power off cell phones before the plane takes off. 飞机起飞前乘客必须关闭手机。

B: Sorry. I’ll turn it off right now. 对不起。我马上就关机。


● 飞机起飞前请关闭手机。Please turn off your mobile phone before the plane takes off.

● 请确认您的手机已关闭。Please make sure that your cell phone has been powered off.32. 乘客不允许在机舱内抽烟。Passengers are not allowed to smoke in the cabin.


A: Can I smoke here? 我能在这儿抽烟吗?

B: Sorry. Passengers are not allowed to smoke in the cabin. 对不起。乘客不允许在机舱内抽烟。


● 所有国内班机都禁止吸烟。All domestic flights are nonsmoking.

● 您在国内的任何班机上都不能抽烟。You can’t smoke on any domestic flights.

● 国内所有班机禁止吸烟。Smoking is prohibited on all domestic flights.


be allowed to do sth. 允许做某事

cabin 机舱

prohibit被禁止33. 一定要系好安全带。Make sure to fasten your seat belt.


A: Do I have to keep my seat belt on at all times? 我需要一直系着安全带吗?

B: Yes. Make sure to fasten your seat belt. 是的。一定要系好安全带。


● 你能告诉我怎么系安全带吗? Can you tell me how to fasten the seat belt?

● 安全带在哪儿? Where are the safety belts?

● 我得一直系着安全带吗? Do I have to keep the belt fastened all the time?

● 什么时候才能解开安全带? When can I unfasten the safety belt?


fasten系牢 seat belt 安全带 unfasten 解开34. 打扰了。请问13L在哪里呢?Excuse me. Where is 13L located?


● Excuse me. Where is seat 13L?


A: Excuse me. Where is 13L located? 打扰了。请问13L在哪里呢?

B: Let me see. It’s in the third row near the window. 我看看。它在第三排靠窗户的位置。35. 我想那是我的位置。I think that’s my seat.


A: I think that’s my seat. 我想那是我的位置。

B: Sorry, I will find my seat. 抱歉,我去找我的位置。36. 你坐在我的位子上了。You’re sitting in my seat.


A: You’re sitting in my seat. The seat is 5C. 你坐在我的位子上了。这个座位是5C。

B: Oh really? I’m sorry. 哦,是吗? 我很抱歉。


● 不好意思。你坐到我的位子了。Excuse me. You have my seat.

● 我想那是我的座位。I think that’s my seat.

● 恐怕您坐错位置了。I’m afraid you are on the wrong seat.37. 我想您坐了我的位置。I think you’re sitting on my seat.


● I guess my seat is taken.

● I guess my seat is occupied.


A: Sorry, sir. I think you’re sitting on my seat. 不好意思,先生。我想您坐了我的位置。

B: Let me see. Oh, I’m sorry. My mistake. My seat is 30L. I’ll move now. 我看看。噢,抱歉。我看错了。我的座位应该是30L才对。我现在就移座位。38. 您介意和我换位置吗?Would you mind trading seats with me?


trade 交换


A: Would you mind trading seats with me? 您介意和我换位置吗?

B: No, not at all. 不,不介意。


● 我可以跟你换位子吗? Can I change seats with you?

● 能和我们换个座位吗? Would it be possible for us to trade seats?

你知道吗 mind表示“介意”,“介意做某事”可以使用mind doing sth. 这个短语来表达。如I don’t mind helping you fasten your safety belt.(我不介意帮您系安全带)。39. 我能把靠走廊的位置换到靠窗位吗?Can I change my aisle seat to a window seat?


A: Can I change my aisle seat to a window seat? 我能把靠走廊的位置换到靠窗位吗?

B: Sorry, we do not have any window seats remaining. 不好意思,没有靠窗的位置了。40. 我是否可将座位向后放倒?May I recline my seat?


A: May I recline my seat? That will be more comfortable. 我是否可将座位向后放倒? 那样舒服些。

B: Sure. That’s OK. 当然。没有问题。


● 请竖直椅背好吗? Could you put your seat up, please?

你知道吗 recline的意思是“使向后倾斜”,也可以用lower the back of the seat表示。41. 我可以把我的行李放在这里吗?Can I put my baggage here?


A: Can I put my baggage here? 我可以把我的行李放在这里吗?

B: Sorry. You must put it up there. 抱歉。你必须把它放到上面。42. 上面的置物箱都满了;我该把行李放哪呢?The overhead compartments are all full; where can I put my baggage?


compartment 置物箱


A: What can I do for you? 您需要帮忙吗?

B: The overhead compartments are all full; where can I put my baggage? 上面的置物箱都满了;我该把行李放哪呢?


● 您可以将行李放在上面的置物箱里。You can put the baggage in the over-head compartments.

● 我的行李怎么办呢? What can I do with my baggage?43. 还有别的地方放我的包吗?Is there anywhere else I can put my bag?


A: Is there anywhere else I can put my bag? 还有别的地方放我的包吗?

B: Wait a moment, let me check. 请稍等,让我找找。44. 我会查查还有没有地方可以放。请您在此等候。I will check to see if there is an empty one. Please wait right here.


A: All the overhead compartments seem to be full. Is there anywhere else I can put my bag?


B: I’m sorry about this. I will check to see if there is an empty one. Please wait right here.


A: All right.

好的。情境演练Boarding and SeatingKate: Excuse me; but can you help me? I think there’s a problem with my seat.Windy: Yes, of course. What’s the problem?Kate: Well, my boarding pass says seat 13L, but there is somebody sitting in the seat. Could you check it for me?Windy: No problem.Windy: Excuse me, sir. May I see your boarding pass please?Tom: Is anything wrong?Windy: This is 13L. I think it belongs to this lady.Tom: Let me see. Oh, I’m sorry. My mistake. My seat is 30L. I’ll move now.Kate: Thank you for your help. By the way, could you help me with my carry-on luggage? All the overhead compartments seem to be full. Is there anywhere else I can put it?Windy: I am really sorry about this. I will check to see if there are empty overhead compartments anywhere. If you’d like, you can also place your bag under the seat in front of you.Kate: Could you please see if there is an overhead cabinet for me first?Windy: Sure. Wait right here. I will be right back.登机入座凯特:不好意思;可以请您帮忙吗? 我想我的座位有问题。温蒂:当然可以。有什么问题吗?凯特:呃,我登机牌上的座位写的是13L,但我去那里时好像已经有人坐了。您可以帮我确认一下吗?温蒂:没问题。温蒂:不好意思,先生。我能看下您的登机牌吗?汤姆:哪里不对吗?温蒂:这个座位是13L。我想这是这位小姐的座位。汤姆:我看看。哦,不好意思。我看错了。我的座位应该是30L。我现在马上就换。凯特:谢谢您帮忙。顺便问一下,您能帮我放一下行李吗? 行李架上似乎都已经满了。还有别的地方可以放吗?温蒂:真的很抱歉。我会查看一下还有没有地方可以放。如果您愿意的话,也可以把您的行李放在您前面座位的下方。凯特:可以请您先帮我看一下头顶上有没有行李架吗?温蒂:没问题。请您稍等。我马上回来。句型Plus1.I think there’s a problem with my seat?登机以后,如果想调整座位的角度,和周围的乘客提前打声招呼是比较礼貌的做法,这时就可以说:Do you mind if I recline my seat? 这里recline是指“使躺下,使斜倚”,recline my seat就是调整自己的位置到舒适的程度。2.By the way, could you help me with my carry-on luggage?在飞机上,需要乘务人员帮忙放行李时,还可以这样说:Can I put my baggage here?(我能把行李放这儿吗?)Section 4 机上服务45. 可以帮我把行李放上去吗?Could you please help me put my baggage up there?


A: Could you please help me put my baggage up there?


B: Sure. Leave it to me. 当然可以。交给我吧。


● 可以帮我把行李拿下来吗?

Could you please help me get my baggage?

● 请帮我把行李放上去,好吗?

Would you please put my baggage up there?46. 您可以帮我把行李拿下来吗?Could you please get my baggage for me up there?


A: Could you please get my baggage for me up there?


B: Here you are. 给你。47. 请给我一条毛毯,好吗?May I have a blanket, please?


A: May I have a blanket, please? 请给我一条毛毯,好吗?

B: Here you are. 给您。48. 能再给我一个枕头吗?Could I get one extra pillow?


A: Could I get one extra pillow? 能再给我一个枕头吗?

B: Wait for a minute. I’ll fetch one for you. 请稍等。我去给您拿一个。


● 请再给我一条毯子好吗? Could you give me one more blanket?

● 请再给我一个枕头。One extra pillow, please.49. 什么时候可以使用电子产品?When can I use my electronic devices?


A: When can I use my electronic devices? 什么时候可以使用电子产品?

B: Please wait for a moment. I’ll announce it soon. 请稍等会儿。一会儿我会通知您。


● 耳机坏了。能给我换一副吗?

The earphones didn’t work. Can I get another pair?

● 这副耳机是坏的。能给我一副新的吗?

The headphones are not working. Can I have a new pair?50. 对不起。我不知道如何打开阅读灯。Excuse me. I don’t know how to turn on the reading light.


A: Excuse me. I don’t know how to turn on the reading light. 对不起。我不知道如何打开阅读灯。

B: Don’t worry. Let me help you. 别着急。我来帮助您。


● 你们有报纸或杂志吗? Do you have any newspapers or magazines?

● 你们有没有中文报纸? Do you have Chinese newspapers?

● 你们有《华尔街日报》吗? Do you have The Wall Street Journal?

你知道吗 turn on“打开”,turn off“关上”,在英语中打开或者关闭电器要使用这两个短语,而不能用open和close。51. 机上电影什么时候开始?What time does the in-flight movie start?


A: What time does the in-flight movie start? 机上电影什么时候开始?

B: In a few minutes. 几分钟后。


● 电影频道是哪个? Which is the movie channel?

● 我已经很久没看电影了。I haven’t seen a movie for a long time.

● 电影几点开始? What time will the film begin?

● 这是一部热门电影。The movie is a smash.

● 我通常喜欢动作片。I mostly like action movies.


smash 热门52. 飞机上提供午餐吗?Will we be served lunch?


A: Will we be served lunch? 飞机上提供午餐吗?

B: Yes. We will serve you lunch at 11:30.



● 机上提供哪些饮料? What kind of drinks do you have?

● 请问晚餐几点开始供应? When do you start to serve dinner?

● 你喝点什么呢? What would you like to drink?

● 我要一杯脱因咖啡。I’ll have a decaf.

● 给我来杯卡布奇诺。I’d like a cappuccino.

● 我要一个松饼。I’ll have a muffin.


decaf 无咖啡因咖啡

cappuccino 卡布奇诺咖啡

muffin 松饼53. 我现在有点不舒服。可以过会儿再吃午餐吗?Can I have lunch later? I don’t feel well right now.


A: Can I have lunch later? I don’t feel well right now.






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