
发布时间:2020-09-05 15:45:52












本书的8个单元的内容分配为Unit One Photoshop,其主要内容为Photoshop的简介,并涉及了PS和3D技术。Unit Two Illustrator,主要包括Illustrator中的基本技能和其商务用途。Unit Three Desktop Publishing,其内容为桌面排版的基本信息、相关技能及其具体应用。Unit Four Dreamweaver,主要包括它的英语界面以及它在网页设计中的应用。Unit Five Premiere,本单元主要描述了Premiere的基本信息和应用相关软件创作的主要程序。Unit Six Flash,本单元以Flash为中心展开两篇课文的编写,主要讲解利用Flash做编辑和后期制作。Unit Seven After Effect,本单元中心已明确,会使用AE的英语界面,了解基本的AE应用技术。Unit Eight Maya,本单元主要围绕Maya展开,首先能够看懂与之相关的英语界面及其中常见的专业英语词汇,并在此基础上介绍Maya在不同领域的应用。



由于编者水平有限,书中错误与疏漏之处在所难免,敬请读者批评指正。编者Unit One PhotoshopPart 1 Overview

Section A:Warming up

Test yourself:

→What is photoshop?

→What is photoshop's functionality?

→What is the main elements of a photoshop?

Section B:Dialogues

Model 1

A:Because of doing photoshop, I buy a new computer with high-level configuration.

B:Is there any discount on this laptop?

A:No. But I can pay for it by installments.

B:How long is the warranty good for?

A:One year. The maintenance store location and telephone numbers are on the warranty card.

I must keep it carefully.

Model 2

A:Do you sell extra memory here?

B:Yes, for a laptop or desktop?

A:A laptop.

B:What kind of memory do you want?1 GB or 512 MB?Samsung or Kingston?DDR1 or DDR2?

A:Well, I want two 1G DDR2 Kingstons. How much are they?

B:I'll give you a preferential price for two. 300 yuan.

A:Sure. And I will bring my notebook over.Could you install them for me?

Section C:Key words&Expressions




transform[træns'fɔ:m, trænz-,trɑ:n-]vt.改变

erase[i'reiz, i'reis]vt.抹去;擦除






Section D:Passage

Photoshop is important for generally living these days. There's not a day goes by where we don't need it for some reason or another, whether that be web or print or just absolutely anything……

You need to know Photoshop, regardless of whether you are a designer or developer. You will either need to make graphics in it, or deal with a PSD file that has been made in Photoshop.

As a web designer, there are times you will need to deal with print or heavy photographic editing, in which case Photoshop is an essential tool.

Photoshop is a graphics editing program developed and published by Extended having extra 3D

Elements of the Interface

image creation, motion graphics editing, and advanced image analysis features. Photoshop has ties with other Adobe software for media editing, animation, and authoring.

Perhaps the most important element of the Photoshop interface is the toolbar. It contains a bunch of icons that represent the different tools.Photoshop offers to alter and create images.These include tools for selecting specific areas of images, changing the colors of the image, stretching, transforming, and erasing parts of an image, and many more.

Panes are also important features of the Photoshop interface. All sorts of information is displayed in these panes, and therefore they can get a little confusing.They display location information, tool options, and history, among other things.

Menus are probably the most familiar interface elements to a new Photoshop user. They contain all sorts of options, but since there are not as visible as panes or the toolbar, they are often only partially explored.Let's go over the menus and give a brief description to orient you to each.

.psd:A. psd file is the file format in which Photoshop saves documents by default.It is a multi-layer document that retains its full editing options when saved.In many cases you will export webgraphics from a.psd document.

Section E:Practicing

Activity Ⅰ

Short Answer Questions Read the passage again and answer the following questions.

1.What is photoshop?


2.What is PSD?


3.What is the main parts the photoshop interface?


4.Can you list some use of photoshop in your life?


Activity Ⅱ

Fill in the blanks with proper words given in the table.

format motion erase option default alter layer 1.Film divides____up into a series of static images.

2.I think we shall have to____our plan.

3.I must____this terrible handwriting.

4.Select this____to make copies of photos.

5.Create a new____for the network.

6.Copy the values suggested by the system, then choose again.

7.It's the same book, but a new____.

Activity Ⅲ

Complete the following dialogues with the words or expressions below, and then role-play it with your partner.

performance recommend look home use pixel A:Hello, would you like to buy a digital camera?Have a____at Olympus's products.

B:Hmm, what do you____?

A:Is it for home use?Which kind of price are you looking for?

B:Yes, it is for____. And two to three thousand yuan would be OK.

A:Please look at these models. I think the____to price ratios of these cameras are comparatively higher.

B:I like this one. Can you show it to me?

A:OK. This camera has 7 million____, a 2.5-inch LCD screen, and short-term video recording.

Activity Ⅳ

Translate the following sentences into English and Chinese.









5.Photoshop is a graphics editing program.


6.Photoshop has ties with other Adobe software for media editing, animation and authoring.


7.The.PSD(Photoshop Document),Photoshop's native format, stores an image with support for most imaging options available in Photoshop.


8.The.PSD file format provides non-linear editing and special effects services, such as backgrounds, textures, and so on.


Activity V

Translate the following paragraph into Chinese.

Business applications for multimedia include presentations, training, marketing, advertising, product demos, databased, catalogues, and networked communications. Voice mail and video conferencing will soon be provided on many local and wide area networks.

Educational uses of multimedia are rapidly increasing. Its power to present information and its integration of resources, allow for the creation of rich learning environments.In the past, a teacher or student might have to consult many sources and use several media to access the needed information.By integrating media and utilizing hypermedia we are able to create user controlled, information on-demand learning environments.Part 2 PS and 3D

Section A:Warming up

Test yourself:

→What is PostScript?

→What is the application of PostScript?

→What is 3D?

→What is the function of 3D?

Section B:Dialogues

Model 1

A:I'll buy these two books about PS and 3D.

B:Do you have a membership card?

A:No, I don't.

B:The total price is 56 Yuan.

A:Here you go. I need an invoice and this is the name of my school.

B:Sure thing. Here's the invoice and change.

Model 2

A:Hello. What can I do for you?

B:I bought two books about 3D here yesterday, and I want to exchange it because it has a problem.

A:Could you please tell me what the problem is?

B:Well, the printing on the last pages is very poor, I can't read it.

A:Really?Let me have a look……I'm really sorry for this problem. I will exchange it right now.

Did you bring the receipt?


A:Ok. Hold on.I will get you a new one.

Section C:Key words&Expressions

dimension[di'menʃən, dai-]n.维;尺寸


procedural adj.程序上的








Section D:Passage

Photoshop 3D text effects help a designer add depth to any piece, as well as a chance to display skills that will put his/her portfolio above the rest. Photoshop 3D text effects are the most popular type of Photoshop 3D effect, because text is a natural focal point for a piece and offers a great area to build around.

3D computer graphics are graphics that use a three-dimensional representation of geometric data that is stored in the computer for the purposes of performing calculations and rendering images.

3D computer graphics are often referred to as 3D models. Apart from the rendered graphic, the model is contained within the graphical data file.The model describes the process of forming the shape of an object.The two most common sources of 3D models are those originated on the computer by an artist or engineer using some kind of 3D modeling tool, and those scanned into a computer from real-world objects.Models can also be produced procedurally or via physical simulation.

Section E:Practicing

Activity Ⅰ

Short Answer Questions Read the passage again and answer the following questions.

1.What does PS stand for?


2.What is 3D computer graphics?


3.What is the relation between PS and 3D?


Activity Ⅱ

Fill in the blanks with proper words given in the table.

simulation dimension model geometric depth calculation 1.A three____object has length depth, and height.

2.This is a____voice!

3.The cube is a solid____figure.

4.Never test the of the water with both feet.

5.He made many mistakes in his____.

6.Rolls-Royce have produced____two this year.

Activity Ⅲ

Complete the following dialogues with the words or expressions below, and then role-play it with your partner.

crazy wonder complete works major A:I was____whether they have any about 3D and Photoshop.

B:Did you want to buy some?

A:Yeah. One of my friends is multimedia____, and he is____about this field.so I want to buy them as his birthday present.

B:Let's try to find them. They have the____here.

A:That's great. I'll buy them.

Activity Ⅳ

Translate the following sentences into English and Chinese.









5.PostScript is a page description language(PDL)developed by Adobe.


6.PostScript consists of functions for describing and positioning lines, shapes, fills, and other


graphical elements, and for placing and formatting text.

7.3 D computer graphics are graphics that use a three-dimensional representation of geometric


data that is stored in the computer.

8.3 D model describes the process of forming the shape of an object.


Activity V

Translate the following paragraph into Chinese.

3D Max is a full-featured 3D graphics application developed by Autodesk Media and Entertainment. It runs on the Win32 and Win64 platforms.3ds Max is one of the most widely-used 3D animation programs by content creation professionals.It has strong modeling capabilities, a flexible plug-in architecture and a long heritage on the Microsoft Windows platform.It is mostly used by video game developers, TV commercial studios and architectural visualization studios.It is also used for movie effects and movie previsualisation.Part 3 Supplementary Reading

Key words&Expressions




















electronic device电子器具

perform a task(tasks)执行任务

all walks of life各行各业

generationless computer无代计算机

temperature sensitive对温度敏感的

desktop computer台式计算机(电脑)

personal computer(PC)个人电脑

mainframe computer大型机

run on power通电

video clips录相剪辑

World Wide Web万维网


add attachment添加附件

text message文本信息

Do you know what a computer is?A computer is an electronic device that receives data, processes data, stores data, and produces a result. It can also do calculations and control other machines.

Computers have vastly impacted our lives. They are so important in our lives today that without them, our world would come to a sudden halt.Computers have become necessary tools in almost every type of activity and in almost every type of business.They are capable of performing many different tasks.Think of the many ways computers affect you every day.Any time you go to the movies, shop in a grocery store, watch the instant replay of a tackle in a football game, or take a trip on an airplane, you are benefiting from the capabilities of computers.

The computer is widely used in all fields of society. Today, wherever you go, you will find computers being used.For example, computers are used in universities, large corporations, and small offices, etc.It has even entered the homes of most ordinary people.As it is able to store and process a large amount of information, the computer brings about great convenience and high efficiency to people of all walks of life.

Computers can help people in different ways. For example, computer helps scientists in analyzing data and doing complex calculation.For another example, computers are used by engineers in designing a plane, or a spaceship.Besides, computers may also play a great role in helping children with their lesson.Whatever you are doing, you may find computer a useful aid.

However, the computer must be designed and instructed by man. What is more, it is true that computers can make decisions, but they need detailed instructions and programs prepared by humans to operate.Therefore, the computer can never replace the human brain.Can you remember a time when computers did not exist?You probably cannot.Computers in the 1950s,1960s,1970s were larger and limited in what they could do.They were temperature sensitive and difficult to repair.Only large companies could afford them and only a few visionary people like Bill Gates saw a future for small home computers.

Small desktop computers are now the most popular type of computer today. They are much more powerful and less expensive.These home computers are called personal computers because they were designed to be used by one person at a time.The first personal computer was sold in 1977.Now they are in millions of homes and offices.

Computers are classified by their size, speed, and application.

The microcomputer, also called a personal computer(PC)or desktop computer, is the type of computer used at home or at the office by one person. Its size and shape allow it to fit on top of a desk.The PC is typically used for writing papers or letters, tracking personal finances, playing games, and surfing the Internet etc.

The notebook computer, is also called laptop, has the same capabilities as the microcomputer. However, it is much smaller and more expensive. Because of its small size, it is portable and can run on power from an electrical outlet or batteries.Business people find the notebook computer very convenient to use when they are away from the office.

The personal digital assistant(PDA),also known as a palm-top computer, is even smaller than the notebook c o m p u t e r. I t h a s limited capabilities and may lack traditional components such as the keyboard.On such a PDA, a touch-sensitive screen accepts characters drawn with your finger.PDAs can connect to desktop computers to exchange and update information.The cost of a PDA is not necessarily lower than a microcomputer.

Workstation is a desktop computer that has a more powerful processor, additional memory and enhanced capabilities for performing a special group of task, such as 3D Graphics or game development.

Besides those mentioned above, there are servers, mainframe computers, supercomputers and minicomputers.

What makes it possible for the computer to perform the work it does?It uses a combination of several parts working together called a computer system. It consists of four parts:hardware, software, data and people.

Hardware is the tangible, physical equipment that can be seen and touched, such as the keyboard, processor, monitor, and printer.

Software is the intangible set of instructions that tells the computer what to do. These sets of instructions are called programs or software programs.

Data is the new facts entered into the computer to be processed. Data consists of the following:text, numbers, sounds and images.

People are the users of the computers who enter the data and use the output.

Everyone can get access to the internet very easily. It is very convenient to get online.Clicking on the mouse will bring you to the World Wide Web.

We can use the internet nowadays for quicker and better communication. We search for useful information on the net for our homework, projects, for our tasks, even for the sake of satisfying our curiosity.Sharing of interesting video clips, useful materials, music are all available right on the internet.

The quick speed of the internet is to cope with the fast pace of the twenty-first century. Even a second would mean a lot to us.

Every day, the citizens of the Internet send each other billions of e-mail messages. If you're online a lot, you yourself may send a dozen or more e-mails each week without even thinking about it.Obviously, e-mail has become an extremely popular communication tool.

Have you ever wondered how e-mail gets from your computer to a friend halfway around the world?What is a POP3 server, and how does it hold your mail?The answers may surprise you, because it turns out that e-mail is an incredibly simple system at its core. You may know more by further learning.

An e-mail message has always been nothing more than a simple text message—a piece of text sent to a recipient. In the beginning and even today, e-mail messages tend to be short pieces of text, although the ability to add attachments now makes many messages quite long.Even with attachments, however, e-mail messages continue to be text messages.

Answer the questions:

1.What is a computer?


2.What is a computer used for?


3.Can you say something about the history of the computer?


4.How many types can the computer be divided into?


5.Do you know what computer system is?How many parts are there?


6.What is the relation between computers and Internet?


7.Can you explain the value of electronic mail in your daily life?

___________________________________Part 4 如何掌握媒体英语



















总之,如果你有一定的英语基础,并希望突破多媒体英语的障碍而成为计算机方面的高手,从现在起就养成一个学用计算机英语的良好习惯吧。Unit Two IllustratorPart 1 Professional skills

Section A:Warming up

Test yourself:

→What is illustrator?

→What are the practical skills in illustrator?

→Do you know some practical examples about illustrator in your life?

Section B:Dialogues

Model 1

A:The next thing I'd like to bring up for discussion is packing design.

B:Please state your opinions about packing.

A:All right. We wish our opinions on packing will be passed on to your manufacturers.

Packing has a close bearing on sales.

B:Yes, it also affects the reputation of our products.

A:I will use the software of illustrator to aid my design of packing.

B:Will that help?

A:I think so. Besides we can refer to some PS knowledge.I believe it must be satisfying.

Model 2

A:You bought a Harry Potter book?

B:Yes. I heard it was very interesting.

A:That's so expensive!I only spent 20 for it.

B:Really?The price of this book is 46. Is yours fake?

A:Maybe. Now I know why there are so many errors in it.But the pictures are still clear enough.

Section C:Key words&Expressions












Section D:Passage

Adobe Illustrator is a vector graphics editor developed and marketed by Adobe Systems the Multimedia Illustrator produces graphic artwork, drawings and other visual displays. Multimedia Illustrators are primarily responsible for supervising, planning or operating multimedia imaging equipment in order to produce various kinds of visual displays and documents.

The followings are the example, which may be helpful to understand the skills in illustrator.

1.Create illustrations, layouts, map overlays, posters, graphs and charts


2.Produce computer-generated graphics


3.Draw graphs and charts to represent budgets, supply levels and office organization


4.Develop ideas and designing posters and signs


5.Help instructors design artwork for training courses


6.Draw cartoons for filmstrips and animation for films


7.Work with television and film producers to design backdrops and props for film sets


8.Perform maintenance on assigned equipment


9.Perform preventive maintenance checks and services on assigned vehicles and generators


As an advanced level Multimedia Illustrator, you may be involved in:

1.Direct the manipulation and enhancement of images


2.Determine media, style, design and technical requirements for other illustrators to create, sequence and develop visual presentations


3.Determine and develop sequences and manner of presentations


The skills you learn as a Multimedia Illustrator will help prepare you for a future as a graphic designer or illustrator with government agencies, advertising agencies, web design firms, print shops or engineering firms.

Section E:Practicing

Activity Ⅰ

Short Answer Questions Read the passage again and answer the following questions.

1.What is illustrator in multimedia?


2.What skills in the illustrator?


3.What is the daily use of illustrator?


Activity Ⅱ

Fill in the blanks with proper words given in the table.

vector sequence visual animation overlay chart maintenance 1.The slides were all in order, except for two that were slightly out of____.

2.The film is a____


3.The carpet____the wood.

4.Clicking the OK button will add the____to the list.

5.Click to view the full____.

6.Valid code is easier for software____.

7.A____has direction as well as magnitude.

Activity Ⅲ

Complete the following dialogues with the words or expressions below, and then role-play it with your partner.

kill lecture coincidence anyway illustrator A:Hi!What a____surprise meeting you here!

B:Yeah, it's really a .Are you coming to buy some books?

A:No. There is a____here today. I'm coming to listen to it.

B:What kind of lecture?

A:The lecture about how to be a good____.

B:Oh. But do you____think it's useful to listen to a lecture?

A:I don't know. I have nothing else to do ,so I'm going to listen to it and____some time.

Activity Ⅳ

Translate the following sentences into English and Chinese.









5.Illustrators have imaginations, creativity, and take risks, producing breathtaking, finely


detailed, original pictures.

6.How to Enhance a Vector Image with Photoshop.


7.Make a Cut Out Gift Tag with Adobe Illustrator&InDesign.


8.Create a Color Picker Icon In Illustrator.


Activity V

Translate the following paragraph into Chinese.

Many applications, such as video mail, video conferencing, and collaborative work systems, require networked multimedia. In these applications, the multimedia objects are stored at a server and played back at the client's sites.Such applications might require broadcasting multimedia data to various remote locations or accessing lare depositories of multimedia sources.Multimedia networks require a very high transfer rate of bandwidth, even when the data is compressed.Traditional networks are used to provide error-free transmission.However, most multimedia applications can tolerate errors in transmission due to corruption or packet loss without retransmission or correction.In some cases, to meet real-time delivery requirements or to achieve synchronization, some packets are even discarded.As a result, we can apply lightweight transmission protocols to multimedia networks.Part 2 Business practice

Section A:Warming up

Test yourself:

→What is the practical use of illustrator in business?

→What is the advantage of illustrator in oresentation?

Section B:Dialogues

Model 1

A:Hello, I want to apply for a new library card. There are so many books about illustrators,

which I need a lot.

B:OK, I need 20 yuan, your ID card, and photo, please.

A:Oh, I thought the card was free.

B:Yes, it is. But you must pay a deposit for the card.

A:There's a refund when I return the card, right?

B:Yes, if the card is well kept and has no dirt and scratches.

Model 2

A:Need a magazine?

B:Yeah. I wanna buy a magazine about inner decoration.

A:What about this one?This magazine comes with some fashionable designing ideas.

B:I'll take it. And give me a copy of the evening paper, please.

A:Here you are. Anything else?

B:No, just these.

Section C:Key words&Expressions










scale up按比例放大;按比例增加

Section D:Passage

Justifying a high end vector graphics program is a harder job, except in certain types of companies with art departments. Corporate IT departments—whether for large companies, or for small ones, have to justify the purchase of software packages to higher ups. Here's what can help justify an Adobe Illustrator purchase or two for an organization.

First, there's making brochures and promotional materials. Anyone who's tried to do complex text flow layouts in Microsoft Word, or tried to scale up a business logo in MS Paint has a legitimate need for Adobe Illustrator.If you have the personnel to use it, having someone in house who can do the basics in Illustrator, including making business cards and three fold brochures, can save you a lot of money in third party art costs.Even better, if you're going to be going to offset printing, Illustrator is the industry standard vector art program, and does color separations better than any other program on the market.

Second, presentations. Lots of companies make presentations out there—either with Power Point slides or with graphs and data visualizations with very little control over fonts, spacing or even making your graphing series presentable.If your business relies on communicating through graphical data to convey technical concepts—from performance plots to tree charts, Adobe Illustrator gives you a competitive edge.Adobe Illustrator allows you to place lines and grid points with vastly greater precision and more options than anything in Excel.The followings are some extra use of illustrator,

Besides, we can also use it as follows.

Create a Music Magazine Cover in Design

Create Your Own Color Separations in Adobe Illustrator

Publishing a Multiple Paged PDF Document Using Illustrator

Create an Adobe Illustrator Template for a Tri-Fold Brochure

Design for Print—Setting Up Crops and Bleed

Design Business Cards in Adobe Illustrator

Make Color Separations in Illustrator Any business in the publishing field is already using Illustrator for compositing text and effects on book cover art, and doing layout for product printing, and any of the other client-facing tasks.

Section E:Practicing

Activity Ⅰ

Short Answer Questions Read the passage again and answer the following questions.

1.What is the function of illustrator in business?


2.What can illustrator be used in presentation?


3.Except the above, where can illustrator be used?


Activity Ⅱ

Fill in the blanks with proper words given in the table.

brochure logo slide visualization precision 1.A camera is an instrument of____.

2.The____is a form of propaganda designed to persuade, teach and influence visitors.

3.We had a____show every other week.

4.The problem tends to arise because they have finite____.

5.What is the significance of the Olympic____.

Activity Ⅲ

Complete the following dialogues with the words or expressions below, and then role-play it with your partner.

depend on category preference field A:Hello, I want to buy a newspaper. Which one do you recommend?B:It____what you're interested in. There are differentsuch as science,economy, politics and so on.

A:I do have a____for multimedia category.

B:Then buy this one. It is relatively comprehensive in news coverage in your____.

Activity Ⅳ

Translate the following sentences into English and Chinese.









5.If you're going to be going to offset printing, Illustrator is the industry standard vector art


program, and does color separations better than any other program on the market.

6.If your business relies on communicating through graphical data to convey technical concepts-


from performance plots to tree charts, Adobe Illustrator gives you a competitive edge.

7.Adobe Illustrator allows you to place lines and grid points with vastly greater precision and


more options than anything in Excel.

8.Any business in the publishing field is already using Illustrator for compositing text and


effects on book cover art, and doing layout for product printing, and any of the other client-

facing tasks.

Activity V

Translate the following paragraph into Chinese.

Multimedia is more than one concurrent presentation medium(for example, on CD-ROM or a Web site). Although still images are a different medium than text, multimedia is typically used to mean the combination of text, sound, and/or motion video.Some people might say that the addition of animated images(for example, animated GIF on the Web)produces multimedia, but it has typically meant one of the following:

Text and sound;

Text, sound, and still or animated graphic images;

Text, sound, and video images;

Video and sound;

Multiple display areas, images, or presentations presented concurrently.Part 3 Supplementary Reading

Key words&Expressions










multi-core adj.多核的























RAM[ræm]随机存储器(Random Access Memory)

ROM[rɔm, rəum]只读存储器(Read Only Memory)


computer engineering软件工程

expansion port扩展端口

expansion slot扩展槽

hard drives硬盘驱动

the arithmetic/logic unit逻辑运算器

the control unit控制器

Many people wonder if it is really important for us to know what happens inside the computer. Someday we won't need to worry about what's inside the system.With today's technology, however, a little knowledge about what's inside can make you a more effective user and help you select the right computer for the job you need it to do.In this unit you will learn how the CPU processes data and turns it into information.And you will learn about some of the basic components contained on the computer's motherboard.

To understand what a computer really does takes a degree in computer engineering. But most of us don't need that level of understanding.Instead, we need an overview for a basic understanding.

The computer took raw data and changed it into information that could be used by users.

Just about all computers, regardless of size, perform these same general operations:input, process, output, and storage(IPOS). For example,

You input data with some type of input device.

The computer processes it to turn it into information.

You output the information to some type of output device.

You store it for later retrieval.

Input, output, and processing devices grouped together represent a computer system. In this module, we look at the components that the computer uses to process data.These components are contained within the system case.

The PC system case is the metal and plastic case that houses the main system components of

the computer. Central to all of this is the motherboard or system board that mounts into the case.The motherboard is a circuit board that contains many integral components.A circuit board is simply a thin plate or board that contains electronic components.Some of the most important of these components are as follows:

◇The central processing unit ◇Memory ◇Basic controllers ◇Expansion ports and expansion slots CPU is the abbreviation of Central Processing Unit, which is

the heart of a computer like the head of a family. It is also called the microprocessor, the processor, or central processor.Once the power of a computer is turned on, all the behaviors are under the control of CPU.

CPU is in an iron box together with other devices such as disk drivers, a main memory and a switching power supply etc. In Chinese, the iron box is conventionally called the mainframe.On the back of the mainframe box, there are various ports, with which the mainframe may be linked with input and output devices.The CPU knows which switches to turn on and turn off because it receives its instructions from computer programs.Programs are a set of special instructions written by programmers that control the activities of the computer.Programs are also known as software.

The CPU has two primary sections:the arithmetic/logic unit and the control unit.

Control Unit:The Control Unit is one of the most important parts of the microprocessor because it is in charge of the entire process. Based on instructions from the Decode Unit, it creates control signals that tell the Arithmetic Logic Unit(ALU)and the Registers how to operate, what to operate on, and what to do with the result.The Control Unit makes sure everything happens in the right place at the right time.

Arithmetic Logic Unit(ALU):The ALU is the last stage of processing in the chip. It can perform commands like addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.It also knows how to read logic commands like OR, AND or NOT.

Messages from the Control Unit tell the ALU what it should do and then it takes data from its close companion, the Registers, to complete the task.

Registers:The Registers are a mini-storage area for data used by the Arithmetic Logic Unit(ALU)to complete the tasks the Control Unit has requested. The data comes from the data cache, main memory or the control unit and is stored at special locations within the Registers.This makes retrieval for the ALU quick and efficient.

Memory is also found on the motherboard. It is also known as internal memory or main memory.It refers to the circuits in the computer that hold whatever programs and data are available for immediate use by the CPU.The easiest way to understand memory is to think of it as"short term"or"long term."There are two types of memory:Random Access Memory(RAM)and Read Only Memory(ROM).

RAM, also called read/write memory, can be used to store data that changes. Unlike ROM, RAM is erasable, temporary, and volatile—meaning that it blanks out each time you turn the computer off.You may have heard someone ask,"How much memory is in your computer?"Most likely they are asking how much RAM is in your computer.Data, information, and program instructions are stored temporarily on a RAM chip or a set of RAM chips.

It's particularly important to remember that all the data you type into the computer goes directly to RAM. If you want to keep your data permanently, you must save it by copying it to a secondary storage device such as a disk.The amount of RAM in a computer can be very important.If you computer has too little memory, complicated programs will run slowly or won't run at all.

ROM chips are designed for applications in which data is only read. Once this is done, the data usually does not change. A ROM chip is well suited for this purpose because it is nonvolatile, meaning that the instructions recorded in it do not disappear when the power is off.The most common of these is the BIOS ROM.The computer uses instructions contained on this chip to boot or start the system when you turn on your computer.A computer can read from a ROM chip, but cannot write or store data on the chip.

Answer the questions:

1.Do you know the basic computer system component?And what's the relation between



2.What is system board?And what is it made up of?


3.What is CPU?


4.What are the components of CPU?


5.What is the difference between ROM and RAM?

___________________________________Part 4 媒体英语词汇(1)










有计划地安排词汇复习,对巩固已学单词,减少遗忘是至关重要的。不少学生对学过的单词不注意复习,或等忘得差不多了再复习,这样做往往会导致事倍功半的结果。为了巩固已学单词,避免遗忘,我们应该有计划地安排复习。平时,在按课程进度学习新单词的同时,要对近期所学单词及时复习。到了一定阶段,还要对前期所学单词进行集中复习。这样,经过平时定期的多次复习我们就能取得良好的记忆效果。此外,在复习中要突出重点。每次复习时要把容易混淆或难记的单词标出来,以便对其集中记忆。在此基础上,把仍然记不住的单词标出来从头到尾过一遍,再强化记忆。切忌每次复习都把时间浪费在已经记住的单词上,忽略了记忆的难点和重点。Unit Three Desktop PublishingPart 1 Professional skills

Section A:Warming up

Test yourself:

→What is desktop publishing?

→What are the steps to do desktop publishing?

→What skills are needed in desktop publishing?

Section B:Dialogues

Model 1

A:Welcome to our company. First, let me go over what we do in the department during a typical workday.

B:OK. I understand that we basically work from 9 to 6,with an hour-long lunch break from 12 to 1,right?

A:That's right.

B:How often do you have meetings?

A:You should attend a department meeting every Friday morning. There are other meetings for people working together on certain projects.

B:Fine. Salaries are paid directly into our bank accounts, aren't they?

A:That's right.

B:I've met some colleagues already. I'm sure we'll get along well with each other.

A:OK. This is your cubicle.Get yourself settled and then I'll introduce you to some of the others.

Model 2

A:Have you chosen the topics for the special report?

B:Yes, we have chosen one.

A:What is it?

B:Desktop publishing.

A:I think the topic will attract much attention.

B:Ok. We will begin drafting a plan right away.

Section C:Key words&Expressions







draft[drɑ:ft, dræft]n.草稿vt.起草






Section D:Passage

Desktop publishing is the process of producing professional-looking documents such as flyers, brochures, reports, newsletters, and pamphlets using a desktop personal computer and a color printer.

In order to produce a flyer, two steps must be followed:planning the publication and creating the content. Careful thought must be given to the purpose of the publication, the audience that the publication is being designed for, as well as how the final document will look.

Planning Planning is the most important stage. The flyer must contain all the information prospective customers will need to make the decision to purchase products.

◇Identify the purpose of the publication.

◇Identify the audience.

◇What format should be used to deliver the message?

◇What response do you want from your audience?

Creating the content The content must be exact. It must say what we want to say and in a way that will appeal to prospective customers.It must be attractive.

◇Decide what information needs to be included.

◇Prepare a thumbnail sketch, a rough draft drawing used to explore layout options of a document you are creating.

◇Follow appropriate design guidelines.

◇Create focus, the element that pulls the reader's eye to it.This can be a graphic or large headlines or titles.

◇Create balance by distributing the weight of various elements.This includes graphics, text,

or lines.

◇Maintain simplicity.The simpler the design, the more likely the reader will understand the publication's message.

◇Create coherence.Documents, especially multipage documents, should follow a consistent format.

◇Use white space appropriately.Do not fill every inch of space with text, graphics, and other elements.

Section E:Practicing

Activity Ⅰ

Short Answer Questions

Read the passage again and answer the following questions.

1.What is desktop publishing?


2.Which stage is the most important in desktop publishing?


3.What we should pay attention to when we create the contents?


Activity Ⅱ

Fill in the blanks with proper words given in the table.

professional exact draft option focus headline simplicity coherence 1.We are a____specialized language training center.

2.I don't know the____size of the room.

3.When can we have the____contract?

4.Did you read the____news today?

5.There was no____

between the first and the second half of the film.

6.You must do it, you have no____.

7.I only had time to read the____of the newspaper.

8.I just got so caught up reading the____of your latest paper.

Activity Ⅲ

Complete the following dialogues with the words or expressions below, and then role-play it with your partner.

stay up wrong matter stop A:Oh man, what's____with your eyes?Did you get into a fight?

B:No. I____all night, so they look terrible.

A:Haha. You look like a panda with black eyes.

B:____joking about it. It's no laughing____.


Activity Ⅳ

Translate the following sentences into English and Chinese.









5.Desktop publishing is the process of producing professional-looking documents.


6.In order to produce a flyer, two steps must be followed:planning the publication and creating


the content.

7.The flyer must contain all the information prospective customers will need to make the


decision to purchase products.

8.The content must be exact and attractive.


Activity V

Translate the following paragraph into Chinese.

In the broad sense, Computer Aided Design(CAD)refers to any application of a computer to the solution of design problems, the engineer may communicate with the computer in many forms, either via the visual display screen, keyboard, graph plotter or many more man-machine interfaces. They can ask a question and receive an answer from the computer in a matter of seconds.More specifically, CAD is a technique in which the engineer and a computer work together as a team, utilizing the best characteristics of each.

CAD allowed the designer to interact graphically with the computer, and enables the engineer to test a design idea and to rapidly see its effect, the design idea can then be modified and reassessed. The process being repeated until a good design is achieved.Part 2 Basic application

Section A:Warming up

Test yourself:

→What is the application of desktop publishing?

→What is difference between desktop publishing and word processor?

→What do WYSIWYG stand for?

Section B:Dialogues

Model 1

A:What're your plans for summer vacation?

B:I'm planning on getting a part-time job about my major of multimedia.

A:What kind of part-time job?

B:I don't know. I just want to get some working experience.

A:Gotcha. Well, my company needs a part-time assistant about desktop publishing.Do you want to check it out?

B:Sure. Thank you so much.

Model 2

A:Hey, Mike. How is it going with your part-time job?

B:Totally whack. I made a mistake with the draft design.

A:Whoa!I didn't know that.

B:Yeah. Mr.Wang checked it out before I sent them to the clients.

A:That's not too bad. At least it didn't cost us anything.

B:I know, but Mr. Wang won't trust me at all anymore because of that stupid mistake.

A:To err is human. Don't take it too much to heart.

Section C:Key words&Expressions







Section D:Passage

Using a personal computer or workstation to produce high-quality printed documents. A desktop publishing system allows you to use different typefaces, specify various margins and justifications, and embed illustrations and graphs directly into the text.The most powerful desktop publishing systems enable you to create illustrations, while less powerful systems let you insert illustrations created by other programs.

As word-processing programs become more and more powerful, the line separating such programs from desktop publishing systems is becoming blurred. In general, though, desktop publishing applications give you more control over typographical characteristics, such as kerning, and provide more support for full-color output.

A particularly important feature of desktop publishing systems is that they enable you to see on the display screen exactly how the document will appear when printed. Systems that support this feature are called WYSIWYG(what you see is what you get).

Section E:Practicing

Activity Ⅰ

Short Answer Questions Read the passage again and answer the following questions.

1.How is desktop publishing applied?


2.Which basic skills are in desktop publishing?


3.What do WYSIWYG stand for?


Activity Ⅱ

Fill in the blanks with proper words given in the table.

typeface margin justification blur kerning 1.Dust____my vision.

2.In publish, we use a____with thick heavy lines.

3.He has the habit of making notes on the____while reading.

4.When I type, I usually choose left____in word document.

5.In word processing,____is an ability to reduce the amount of space between letters by lightening the text.

Activity Ⅲ

Complete the following dialogues with the words or expressions below, and then role-play it with your partner.

suppose charge supply discount apologize

A:The products you sent me are wrong!What am I to do now?

B:Sorry. The person in of your company's supplies is a new-comer, so……We'll resend the products to you very soon.

A:I'm under pressure to products to others. How can I explain this to my clients?

B:How about this then, I'll give you a higher on these products. Besides, we'll compensate for any losses caused by our error. How about that?

A:OK. Since you are sincere, we'll settle it like this.

B:I would like to to you again. I promise it will never happen again.

Activity Ⅳ

Translate the following sentences into English and Chinese.









5.A desktop publishing system allows you to use different typefaces, specify various margins


and justifications, and embed illustrations and graphs directly into the text.

6.The most powerful desktop publishing systems enable you to create illustrations, while less


powerful systems let you insert illustrations created by other programs.

7.Desktop publishing applications give you more control over typographical characteristics.


8.A particularly important feature of desktop publishing systems is that they enable you to see


on the display screen exactly how the document will appear when printed.

Activity V

Translate the following paragraph into Chinese.

Select a theme 1.Click"Start",and then click"Control Panel"


2.Click"Appearance and Themes"


3.Under"Pick a task",click"Change the desktop background"to go to"Display Properties"dialog box.


4.On the"Theme"tab, in the"Theme"list, click the theme you want, and then"OK".


To change desktop elements individually, go to the"Display Properties"dialog box as described above. Then:

1.On the"Appearance"tab, choose elements to customize form the drop-down menus and modify them by clicking the"Effects"button to open windows containing further instructions.


2.When you are satisfied, click"OK".

___________________________________Part 3 Supplementary Reading

Key words&Expressions














dir n.显示文件列表









clear up清除

memory management内存管理

a set of一套

processing request处理请求

wireless internet access无线上网

a list of目录

You have probably heard the words software and hardware many times. Sometimes it is difficult to distinguish between two words.Hardware refers to anything you can touch.This includes objects such as the keyboard, mouse, monitor, printer, chips, disks, disk drives, and CD recorders.You cannot touch software because it has no substance.Software is instructions that tell the computer to do specific tasks.Another word for software is a program.

For example, you might hear somebody say,"The problem lies in the software."This means there is a problem with the program or data, and not with the computer or hardware itself.

There are two basic types of computer software:applications software and systems software. Application software helps you perform a specific task.System software refers to the operating system and all utility programs that manage computer resources at a low level.Generally speaking, applications software sits on top of systems software.Without the operating system and system utilities, the computer cannot run any applications programs Applications Software If we think a computer as a person, we usually say that the hardware is like a person's body, while the software is like the soul.

Applications software helps you perform a specific task. Applications software is also called software, an application or a program.Applications software is widely referred to as productivity software.Applications software is made up of programs designed for an end user.You can use application software to write letters, manage your finance, draw pictures, and play games and so on.You can buy software at computer stores.There are also thousands of programs available on the Internet.

System software is a group of programs that coordinate and control the resources and operations of a computer system. System software enables the many components of the computer system to communicate.There are three kinds of systems software:operating systems, utilities, and language translators.

Operating Systems Operating systems provide an interface between the user or application program and the computer hardware. There are many brands and versions of operating systems.Each of these is designed to work with one or more particular processors.For example, an operating system like Windows is designed to work with processor made by Intel.Many IBM PC compatible computers contain this brand of processor.Most Macintosh computers contain a processor manufactured by Motorola.The Windows operating system does not work with this Motorola processor.For example, an operating system like Windows is designed to work with a processor made by Intel.

Utilities Utility programs help you complete specialized tasks related to managing the computer's resources, file management, and so on. Some utility programs are part of the operating system, and others are self-contained programs.

Language Translators Language translators change English-like software programs into machine language that the computer can understand.

The programmer writes the program statements using a programming language called Visual Basic. The computer, however, cannot read the Visual Basic programming statements because they are written in a language that we understand.This is where the language translator takes over.The translator changes each of the Visual Basic programming statements into machine language.

One operating system might be better suited to some computing tasks than others. To provide clues to their strengthens and weaknesses, operating systems are categorized using one or more of the following terms.

A single-user operating system expects to deal with one set of input devices. Many personal computers belong to the single-user category.DOS is an example of a singer-user operating system.

A multi-user operating system allows a single computer—often a mainframe—to deal with input, output, and processing requests from many users.

A network operating system provides communications and routing services. A network operating system provides route data and programs to each user's local computer, where the actual processing takes place.

A multitasking operating system provides process and memory management services. Multitasking operating systems allow two or more programs run at the same time.

A desktop operating system is personal computer—a desktop,





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