杨岂深《英国文学选读Book 1》笔记和考研真题详解(txt+pdf+epub+mobi电子书下载)

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杨岂深《英国文学选读Book 1》笔记和考研真题详解

杨岂深《英国文学选读Book 1》笔记和考研真题详解试读:

第1章 复习笔记

第1单元 杰弗里•乔叟

Geoffrey Chaucer (1340-1400)(杰弗里·乔叟)


In 1340, Geoffrey Chaucer was born in London, a son of a wine merchant who had connections with the Court. He is the founder of English poetry.

Chaucer was a royal butler and had several occasions to Belgium, France and Italy. Thus, French culture and Italy humanist literature represented by Dante, Pytlak and Bio had a great influence on him.

He died in 1400 and was buried in Westminster Abbey, thus founding the “Poets’ Corner”.




2.Main works(主要作品)

Troilus and Criseyde (1380-1385)《特罗勒斯与克丽西德》

The Canterbury Tales (1386-1400)《坎特伯雷故事集》

3.Chaucer’ s Literary Career(文学生平)

Chaucer’s literary career can be divided into three periods. The first period consists of works translated from French, the second consists of works adapted from the Italian, as Troilus and Criseyde. The third period includes The Canterbury Tales, which is purely English.


4.Selected works(选读作品)

◆The Canterbury Tales(1386-1400)《坎特伯雷故事集》

(1) Main plot(内容提要)

The poet and other travelers went to Canterbury on a pilgrimage. They decided that every person told two stories as entertainment. The story-tellers come from different classes and occupations, including knight, merchant, monk and doctors etc.


(2) Social Significances of The Canterbury Tales(社会影响)

a. Through the depiction of the characters and stories, it shows a thvivid English social-life picture of the 14 century. It also reflects the rise of the bourgeoisie and its mental attitude.

b. Taking from the stand of rising bourgeoisie, Chaucer affirms men and opposes the dogma of asceticism preached by the Church.

c. He praises man’s energy, intellect, quick wit and love of life.

d. His tales expose and satirize the evils of his time, attack degeneration of the noble, the corruption of the Church.

a. 通过人物介绍与故事的叙述,作品生动地反映了英国十四世纪的社会生活,展示了反映资产阶级的兴起及其精神面貌的现实生活图景。

b. 站在发展中的小资产阶级的立场,乔叟肯定了人的力量,反对教会宣扬的禁欲主义。

c. 赞扬了人的力量,智慧和对生活的热爱。

d. 展现并批判了时代的罪恶,批判了贵族和教会的堕落。

(3) Chaucer’ s Language(乔叟的语言)

a. Chaucer’s language, now called Middle English, is vivid and exact. He is a master of word-pictures.

b. Chaucer’s contribution to English poetry lies chiefly in the fact that he introduced from France the rhymed stanza of various types, (especially the heroic couplet) to English poetry.

c. Chaucer did much in making the dialect of London the standard for the modern English speech.

d. Chaucer is good at the terza rima, which makes his language a high style.

a. 乔叟的语言属于中英语,非常形象准确。他是用语言构建图画的大师。

b. 乔叟对英语诗歌的贡献主要在于他将法国的韵脚重复的诗节(尤其是英雄双韵体)介绍到英国。

c. 乔叟在使伦敦方言成为现代英语的标准中发挥了重要作用。

d. 乔叟善于使用三行体,这种诗体使他的语言很高雅。

第2单元 流行民谣


(1) Ballads are oral literature of the English people.

(2) A ballad is a story told in song, usually in 4-line stanzas, with the second and fourth lines rhymed.

(3) The subjects of ballads are various such as the struggle of young lovers against their feudal-minded families, the conflict between love and wealth, the cruelty of jealousy, and the criticism of the civil war.

(4) “Robin Hood” is the most important ballad of that time.

Robin Hood lived in the greenwood tree with his merry men, taking from the rich and giving to the poor and fighting against bishops.

(1) 民谣是英国人民大众的口头文学。

(2) 民谣是以歌的形式讲述的故事,通常由4行组成一节,其中第二和第四行押韵。

(3) 民谣内容多样,有关于年轻爱侣反对封建家长的,有爱情和财富冲突的,有关于嫉妒残忍行动的,有批判国内战乱的。

(4) 其中,罗宾汉民谣是最重要的。罗宾汉同他的伙伴们一起逍遥地生活在绿林中,劫富济贫,与教会作斗争。

2.Robin Hood and Allin·a-Dale《罗宾汉和埃林阿代尔》

A knight grabbed common women and Robin Hood tried to prevent him and saved the women.


3.The Babes in the Wood《林中孩童》

(1) Main plot(内容提要)

An uncle plotted to take heritage and killed his nephew and niece. Suffering from retribution, the uncle dissipated all his fortune and died in prison from debt.


(2) Moral(寓意)

The moral of the story is to encourage people to do good deeds.


第3单元 威廉•莎士比亚

Shakespeare (1564-1616)(莎士比亚)


Shakespeare is the most remarkable playwright and poet. He was born on April 26, 1564 in Stratford-on-Avon. He began making a living early in his youth. After he moved to London, he once worked as an actor, a playwright, and a part owner of a theater company. Around 1590, he began writing plays. Since then, he wrote 37 plays with great enthusiasm in the next 20 years. He died on April 23, the anniversary of his birth, in 1616 and was buried in Stratford Church.

Marx regarded Shakespeare and the ancient Greek tragedy poet Askew Ross as “the two most talented dramatists so far in the world.”



2.Periods of Shakespeare’s Plays(莎士比亚戏剧分期)

a. Histories and comedies before 1600, such as Henry VI, Love’s Labour’s Lost, Richard III, A Midsummer Night’s Dream, The Merchant of Venice, The Merry Wives of Windsor. (Romeo and Juliet of this period is exceptionally tragic). This period is a period of “great comedies”. The comedies are chiefly concerned with the affairs of youth and full of romantic sentiment.

b. Tragedies from 1600 to 1608 including Hamlet, Othello, King Lear, and Macbeth (even the comedies written in this period like All’s Well That Ends Well and Measure for Measure are touched with sadness). This is the period of “great tragedies” and “dark comedies”.

c. Tragicomedies and romances from 1608 to 1612 such as The Winter’s Tale, The Tempest.

a. 1600年以前的历史剧和喜剧,如《亨利六世》,《爱的徒劳》,《理查德三世》,《仲夏夜之梦》,《威尼斯商人》,《温莎的风流娘们》(《罗密欧与朱丽叶》是这一时期的悲剧)。这一时期产生了“伟大喜剧”。这些喜剧主要是关于年轻人之间的爱情,充满浪漫气息。

b. 1600-1608年的悲剧,包括《哈姆雷特》,《奥赛罗》,《李尔王》和《麦克白》(这一时期的戏剧如《终成眷属》,《一报还一报》也渲染了悲伤气息)。这是“伟大悲剧”和“阴郁喜剧”的时期。

c. 1608-1612年的悲喜剧和传奇,如《冬天的童话》,《暴风雨》。

3.Selected Works(选读作品)

◆The Merchant of Venice《威尼斯商人》

(1) Main plot(主要情节)

Venice noble family son Bassanio intends to propose to Portia and he borrows money from the Jewish usurer Sherlock, Antonio as a guarantor. Antonio criticizes Jewish usuriousness and Sherlock holds a grudge. The note says the loan is 3000 for a period of three months; if the borrower doesn’t return the money on time, the loaner will cut one pound flesh from the guarantor. Bassanio wins Portia’s heart but the merchant ships of Antonio wreck at sea. Thus, Antonio can’t pay on time. Bassanio is willing to pay double but Sherlock insists to appeal. The Duke of Venice intends to mediate, but Sherlock wants to kill Antonio. The Duke asks a young law doctor in court and saves Antonio. Finally, Sherlock is punished.


(2) Theme(主题)

Through the opposition between Antonio and Sherlock, the script describes the conflict between friendship, love and greed, cruelty. From the viewpoint of humanism, Shakespeare sings the praise of the emerging industrial and commercial capitalist Antonio, meanwhile, mocks and condemns the old usurer Sherlock.



(1) Main plot(主要情节)

The protagonist is the prince of Denmark, a student at the University of Wittenberg, Hamlet. At the beginning of the play, Hamlet’s father, King Hamlet, has recently died, and his mother, Queen Gertrude, has married the new king, Hamlet’s uncle Claudius. Hamlet is melancholy, bitter, cynical and full of hatred for his uncle and disgust at his mother for marrying him. When the ghost of Hamlet’s father appears and claims to have been murdered by Claudius, Hamlet becomes obsessed with avenging his father’s death. Mistakenly, he kills Polonius, father of Ophelia. Ophelia, lover of Hamlet, goes mad because of her father’s death and then is drowned in a stream. This leads to Ophelia’s brother—Laertes’ hatred for Hamlet. In the duel between Laertes and Hamlet, Laertes wounds Hamlet but is himself struck with the same poisoned weapon, which is made by Claudius. Before his death, Hamlet stabs Claudius while the queen has drunk a poisoned cup of wine intended for Hamlet.


(2) The character of Hamlet(哈姆雷特人物分析)

Hamlet is a man of genius, highly accomplished and educated, a man of far-reaching perception and sparkling wit. Though a scholar, he is at the same time fearless and impetuous in action. He is a humanist, a man who is free from medieval prejudices and superstitions. He loves good and hates evil. He cares for nothing but human worth and shows contempt for rank and wealth. He is a close observer of men and manners. He easily sees through people.

The keynote of Hamlet’s character is melancholy. It is not merely personal revenge that Hamlet seeks. What is more important is to expose the roots of the evil and to establish a reign of justice. His responsibility is thus enlarged into a radical transformation of society. This is the cause of Hamlet’s profound melancholy and his delay in revenge.




The collection contains 154 sonnets, commonly thought to be written between 1593 and 1599.

They may be roughly divided into three groups: numbers 1-17 says that a handsome young man is being persuaded to marry and beget offspring who will preserve his beauty in a new generation; 18-126 says that the poet enjoys his friendship and is full of admiration promising to bestow immortality on the young man by the poems. The rest are about a married woman with dark hair and complexion, by whom the poet is attracted, though well aware of her faults.



◆Sonnet 18(十四行诗之18)

In Sonnet 18, the speaker compares his beloved to the summer season, and argues that his beloved is better. He also states that his beloved will live on forever through the words of the poem. Sonnet 18 is written in the typical Shakespearean sonnet form, having 14 lines of iambic pentameter ending in a rhymed couplet.



The poet is down on his luck and he is upset. Suddenly, he reminds his friend and he becomes very happy. Thus, he despises the imperial status. The theme of extolling friendship and youth embodies the Renaissance humanism.


第4单元 弗朗西斯•培根

Francis Bacon (1561-1626)(弗朗西斯·培根)


Bacon was born in a noble family. Bacon was educated at home in his early years. In 1573, he entered Trinity College, Cambridge. Later, he entered de societate magistrorum at Gray’s Inn, Paris. When James I came to the throne, Bacon was also appointed Lord Chancellor. But three years later, he was accused of bribery and was put into prison. In his after years, he focused on philosophy and science.


2.Major works(主要作品)

Advancement of Learning《学术的演进》

New Instrument《新工具》


3.Selected works(作品选读)

(1) Of Study《论读书》

Of Study discusses the purposes, functions and different views towards study. It uses the device of parallelism to give the description.《论读书》详细讨论了读书的目的和功能,分析了诗人对读书的不同态度,介绍了读书的各种方法。文中用了排比的修辞手法来表述观点。

(2) Of Wisdom For A Man’s Self《论自谋》

It makes an analysis of self-love and love for society. The author thinks that a person should be true to himself and should not be false to others, especially to the king and country. The wisdom is to sacrifice himself for the society.《论自谋》分析了爱己之心与为人之心的关系。作者认为一个人应该对自己忠诚,不应该损害别人的利益,尤其是君主和国家的利益。真正的智慧是牺牲个人,保全社会。

4.The style of Bacon’s essay(培根散文的风格)

His articles have wide references and discussions; sometimes make analysis from several levers. He always use simple examples to embody profound ideas. His style is concise and penetrating. He often uses row sentence, analogy and is noted for its particular epigram.

他的文章旁征博引,纵横议论,或多方推究,层层剖析,寓深刻的思想于浅显的事例之中,读来引人深思。 培根文笔简洁,鞭辟入里,有独到的见解。他的文章常用排句、类比,以特别富于警句格言著称。

5.Comment on Bacon(对培根的评价)

Bacon was an English philosopher, statesman, scientist, lawyer, jurist, author and pioneer of the scientific method. Marx regarded Bacon as “the real father of English materialism and the whole modern experimental science”.


第5单元 约翰•弥尔顿

John Milton (1608-1674)(约翰·弥尔顿)


John Milton is the third greatest English poet after Chaucer and Shakespeare, and the greatest to emerge in the 17th century.

Born into a pious wealthy Puritan family, he had enjoyed the most sheltered period of adolescence of all. He retired to his father’s country house at Horton, after graduating from Cambridge University and subjected himself to a rigorous reading plan which covered Greek, Latin, and Italian classics, and Christian mythology. In 1652, he lost his sight. Milton was against monarchy. After he was thrown in prison and released by the domineering king Charles II, he began living a poor, lonely and dark life. During this phase, Milton completed his Paradise Lost (1667), Paradise Regained (1671), and a tragedy, Samson Agonistes (1671). In his last years he suffered more and more from gout and he died of it in 1674.



2.Major Works of Milton(主要作品)


Paradise Lost《失乐园》

Paradise Regained《复乐园》

Samson Agonistes《力士参孙》

On His Blindness《失明》

3.Selected Works(选读作品)

◆Paradise Lost《失乐园》

A. Main Plot(主要情节)

Paradise Lost is Milton’s masterpiece. It is a long epic in 12 books, written in blank verse. The stories were taken from the Old Testament: the creation; the rebellion in Heaven of Satan and his fellow-angels; their defeat and expulsion from Heaven; the creation of the earth and of Adam and Eve; the fallen angels in hell plotting against God; Satan’s temptation of Eve; and the departure of Adam and Eve from Eden.《失乐园》是弥尔顿的杰作。它是一首用无韵体写的长达12卷的史诗。故事取材《旧经》,内容包括:创世纪;撒旦和天使同伴在天堂反叛;撒旦失败并被逐出天堂;大地及亚当和夏娃的创造;地狱中的堕落天使阴谋反抗上帝;撒旦诱惑夏娃偷吃禁果;亚当和夏娃离开伊甸园。

B. Theme and Characterization(主题和人物刻画)

The main idea of the poem is a revolt against God’s authority. In the poem, God is just a selfish despot, seated upon a throne with a chorus of silly angels eternally singing his praises. Satan, though defeated, still sought revenge, is the most striking character in the poem. Though feebler in force, he remains superior in nobility, since he prefers independence to happy servility. Satan is the spirit of questioning the authority of God. Adam and Eve embody Milton’s belief in the powers of man. Their craving for knowledge adds a particular significance to their characters.

In the poem, God resembles absolute monarch, while Satan and his followers represent revolting bourgeois.



◆On His Blindness《失明》

A. Main Plot(主要内容)

Once he suspected the unfairness of God. God asks him to do something but don’t let him keep his important senses. But he feels that being busy everywhere is the will of God, waiting silently and preparing to be loyal is also a good son of God.


B. Theme(主题)

This poem is about Milton’s positive spirit. In spite of blindness, he is still working for Cromwell. After the restoration, he continues to engage in completing his three long poems. The tenacity and perseverance of the poet is very valuable.


第6单元 约翰•班扬

John Bunyan (1628-1688)(约翰·班扬)


John Bunyan was born in the little village of Elstow, near Bedford in 1628. He joined a small group of non-conformists among the working people, and soon became active both in preaching and in writing. According to the passing of a law forbidding unlicensed preaching after the Restoration, he was arrested and kept in jail for 12 years. He was the chief Puritan writer to participate in the struggle against the corrupt, dissolute feudal regimes of Charles II and James II after John Milton.


2.Major Works(主要作品)

The Pilgrim’s Progress《天路历程》

Holy War《圣战》

3.Selected Work(选读作品)

◆The Pilgrim’s Progress《天路历程》

It is a religious allegory and is divided into two parts. The allegory takes the form of a dream by the author, in which he sees and tells Christian’s pilgrimage. Part II relates Christian’s wife who sets out with her children on the same pilgrimage, accompanied by her neighbour Mercy. Experiencing lots of difficulties, they get to their destination.

Though an allegory, the places that Bunyan paints are English scenes, and the conversations vividly repeat the language of his time.

The selected part is the most famous scene in the novel—the Vanity Fair. It describes one of the tests the hero has experienced, which is also exciting part of the book. In this chapter, the author compares their own society to “vanity fair” and all people in society are called the devil. It serves to show how the author detests the society.




第7单元 约瑟夫•艾迪生

Joseph Addison (1672-1719)(约瑟夫·艾迪生)


Joseph Addison is a famous British essayist. He was born in rural family pastor and had received the education of the university of Oxford. August 17. He was a Congressman, later was an assistant secretary of state and secretary of the British governor in Ireland. He and famous writer Steele and Swift formed a close friendship, and jointly organized The Spectator magazine.


2.Major Works(主要作品)

The Campaign《远征》


Adventure of A shilling《一先令的历险》

3.Selected Work(选读作品)

◆Adventure of A shilling《一先令的历险》

A. Main Plot(主要内容)

This Article uses anthropomorphic method and gives a shilling life. From birth, he will embark on a journey of adventure. He has seen all kinds of people and experienced a lot of things. Each shilling cannot avoid of the misfortune of being thrown into the melting pot and has to bear the pain; also they do not know their own destiny.

At the end of the story, a shilling says his favorite adventures: one is that he fell into a poet’s pocket and poet wrote a beautiful poem for him; The second is when he is in the charity donation to a blind email, he was mistakenly thrown into a begging person’s hat.



B. The Moral(寓意)

This paper adopts the satire and humor method. Through the adventure of a shilling, it describes the various aspects of the British





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