
发布时间:2020-09-07 13:11:15







第一部分 章节题库

模块一 英语测试

第一章 词汇与语法


1.You _____ park here! For it is an emergency access. (   ) [中国建设银行真题]

A. wouldn't

B. needn't

C. couldn't

D. mustn't【答案】D【解析】A项表示“不会”;B项表示“不必”;C项表示“不可能”;D项表示“禁止”。紧急通道应该是禁止停车的,所以D项是正确答案。句子意思是:这里严禁停车,因为这是紧急通道。

2.To improve the quality of our products, we asked for suggestion _____ had used the products. (   ) [中国建设银行真题]

A. whoever

B. who

C. whichever

D. which【答案】A【解析】whoever相当于anyone who,引导宾语从句;who只能作主语,不能作ask的宾语;C项和D项不符合。故选A。

3.—Honey, let's go out for dinner.

—I don't have to cook.

— _____ (   ) [中国建设银行真题]

A. Forget it!

B. That's great!

C. Why?

D. Go ahead.【答案】B【解析】上句的意思是:亲爱的,我们出去吃晚饭吧。由下句的回答可知,回答者很高兴地赞成了这个建议。因此应该选B项。

4.If you plant watermelon seeds in the spring, you _____ fresh watermelon in the fall. (   ) [2011年中国建设银行真题]

A. eat

B. would eat

C. have eaten

D. will be eating【答案】D【解析】本题考查动词的时态。根据句子意思:如果你春天种下西瓜种子,那么你将会在秋天吃上新鲜西瓜。这里应该用将来时态,秋天是一段持续的时间,所以这里应该用将来进行时,表示某段时间正在进行或某阶段内一直在进行的动作。

5.I took my condenser to a shed in the fields _____ I could do my experiment. (   ) [中国建设银行真题]

A. where

B. which

C. that

D. why【答案】A【解析】根据句意应该选择一个表示地点的引导词,所以答案选A项。

6.Everyone except Tom and John _____ there when the class began. (   ) [中国建设银行真题]

A. are

B. is

C. were

D. was【答案】D【解析】此句的主语是Everyone,因此谓语动词用单数,又根据began判断是一般过去时。 所以答案为D项。

7.Hoping that he might be able to _____ the problem, I asked Manio to look at the engine.  (   ) [中国银行真题]

A. shed light on

B. make light of

C. bring light to

D. set light to【答案】C【解析】句意为:我让玛尼奥去看看发动机,希望他能解决问题。所以画线部分应该是“解决”的意思。bring light to有“带来光明,引申为解决问题”的意思,故正确答案为C项。

8.As a _____ actor, he can perform, sing, dance and play several kinds of musical instruments.(   ) [中国银行真题]

A. flexible

B. versatile

C. sophisticated

D. productive【答案】B【解析】flexible意为“灵活的,柔韧的”;versatile形容人多才多艺的,形容工具用途广泛的;sophisticated指特定领域成就卓著的、学识渊博的、世故的、老练的;productive是指具有创造力的。题中句子意思是“作为一个多才多艺的演员,他能歌善舞,还会弹奏多种乐器。”故正确答案为B项。

9.When traveling, you are advised to take travelers’ checks which provide a secure _____ to carrying your money in cash.(   ) [中国银行真题]

A. substitute

B. selection

C. preference

D. alternative【答案】D【解析】句意为:建议外出旅行时携带旅行支票,这比携带现金要安全。substitute意为“替代物”;selection意为“选择”;preference意为“喜欢,偏爱”;alternative意为“抉择,取舍”。故正确答案为D项。

10.They reported the loss and give a11 the necessary particulars to the police.(   ) [中国银行真题]

A. details

B. happenings

C. qualifications

D. characteristics【答案】A【解析】句意为:他们报道了事故的详情,并将所有的必要细节都交给了警察。 particular意为“详情,详细情况”;detail意为“细节,有礼的”;happening意为“事件,意外发生的事”; qualifications 意为“资格”;characteristic意为“特点,特征”。故正确答案为A项。

11.He is highly regarded by all his colleagues.(   ) [中国银行真题]

A. respecting

B. respectable

C. respectful

D. respected【答案】B【解析】句意为:他受到所有同事的高度尊敬。 respecting意为“关于,至于”;respectable意为“值得尊敬的”;respectful意为“恭敬的,有礼的”; respected意为“被尊重的”。

12.The troops assaulted the city on a11 sides, and couldn’t break its defense line.(   ) [中国银行真题]

A. maneuvered

B. attacked

C. 1iberated

D. surrounded【答案】B【解析】句意为:部队从四面八方袭击了这座城市,但无法攻破其防线。assaulted意为“攻击,袭击”;attack意为“攻击,袭击”;maneuver意为“调遣,机动(军队)”;liberate意为“解放,使自由”;surround意为“包围”。故正确答案为B项。

13.If that is what he said,his reasoning must be fallacious.(   ) [中国银行真题]

A. fascinating

B. faulty

C. fastidious

D. fantastic【答案】B【解析】句意为:如果那是他说的,那么他的推理肯定是靠不住的。fallacious意为“谬误的,靠不住的”;faulty意为“有过失的,有缺陷的”;fascinating意为“迷人的,吸引人的”;fastidious意为“难以取悦的,挑剔的”;fantastic意为“幻想的,奇异的”。故正确答案为B项。

14.We need to take steps to counter the _____ decline in our export market.(   ) [中国建设银行真题]

A. lingering

B. chronic

C. lengthy

D. abiding【答案】B【解析】lingering意为“缠绵的”;chronic意为“慢性的,缓慢的”;lengthy意为“冗长的”;abiding意为“守法的”。

15.Republican Party member were confidently _____ victory even as the first few votes come in.(   ) [中国建设银行真题]

A. acclaiming

B. reclaiming

C. exclaiming

D. proclaiming【答案】D【解析】acclaim意为“称赞”;reclaim意为“回收”;exclaim意为“惊呼”;proclaim意为“宣布,宣告,声称”。

16.The _____ between the two sets of figures suggests that someone had been stealing money from the bank.(   ) [中国建设银行真题]

A. discrepancy

B. conflict

C. contrast

D. divergence【答案】A【解析】diserepancy意为“不一致,偏差”;diverseness意为“多样性,不同”;conflict意为“冲突”;contrast意为“对比”。

17.Before a bill can become law it has to have the full of both Houses of Parliament . (   ) [中国建设银行真题]

A. iustification

B. warrant

C. endorsement

D. verification【答案】D【解析】justification意为“理由”;warrant意为“保证”;endorsement意为“背书”;verification意为“核查”。

18.The government wants a 3% inflation rate, but is this a _____ objective? (   ) [中国建设银行真题]

A. reflective

B. flexible

C. feeble

D. feasible【答案】D【解析】reflective意为“反射的,沉思的”;flexible意为“灵活,有弹性”;feeble意为“微弱的,无力的”; feasible意为“可行的,可实行的”。

19.Largely due to the university tradition and the current academic milieu, every co11ege student here works _____.(   ) [中国农业银行真题]

A. industrially

B. industriously

C. consciously

D. purposefu11y【答案】B【解析】句意为:由于这所大学的传统和目前的学术氛围,每个学生都在努力地学习。industriously意为“努力地,勤奋地”。A项industrially意为“企业地”。

20._____, he did become annoyed with her at times.(   ) [中国农业银行真题]

A. Much as he liked her

B. As he liked her much

C. Although much he liked her

D. Much although he liked her【答案】A【解析】句意为:虽然他很喜欢她,但是有时候也还是会被她惹恼。as从句中,副词提前表示让步。

21.In spite of the wide range of reading material specia11y designed or _____ for language learning purpose, there is yet no effective and systematic program for the reading ski11s.(   ) [中国农业银行真题]

A. adapted

B. assembled

C. appointed

D. acknowledged【答案】A【解析】句意为:虽然有许多专门为语言学习涉及或改变的阅读材料,但是对阅读技巧来说没有系统有效的方案。adapt意为“使适合,改编”;assemble意为“聚集,集合”;appoint意为“任命,委任”;acknowledge意为“承认,确认”。

22.This problem should be discussed first, for it takes _____ over a11 the other issues.(   ) [中国农业银行真题]

A. prosperity

B. precedence

C. probability

D. presumption【答案】B【解析】句意为:这个问题应该首先讨论,因为它高于一切问题。prosperity意为“繁荣”;precedence意为 “优先,居先”;probability意为“可能性”;presumption意为“假定”。

23.For ten years the problem about the water has not been solved, we came to think that it has been a _____ problem in this area.(   ) [中国农业银行真题]

A. perpetual

B. persuasive

C. picturesque

D. possessive【答案】A【解析】句意为:10年了,水资源的问题还是没有解决,我们认为这可能成为该地区的永久性问题。perpetual意为“永久”;persuasive意为“有说服力”;picturesque意为“独特的”;possessive意为“所有的”。

24.Though hard to understand, his novel showed great originality.(   ) [中国农业银行真题]

A. creativity

B. orientation

C. retrogression

D. backwardness【答案】A【解析】originality意为“创造力,创造性”;creativity意为“创造力,创造性”;orientation意为“方向,取向”;retrogression意为“倒退”;backwardness意为“保守,落后”。

25.Look support is needed to sustain the cultural programs in the community.(   ) [中国农业银行真题]

A. keep up

B. hold down

C. come over

D. spread through【答案】A【解析】sustain意为“维持,支撑”;keep up意为“保持,维持”;hold down意为“限制”;come over意为 “过来,投入”;spread through意为“传遍”。

26.There is little reason to believe that the United States will _____ from its stated goal of regime change in Iraq.(   ) [中国工商银行真题]

A. back down

B. pop up

C. step up

D. make up【答案】A【解析】句意为:几乎没有理由相信美国会放弃它在伊拉克的更迭政权的目标。

back down意为“放弃,让步”;pop up意为“突然出现”;step up意为“提升”;make up意为“弥补”,故正确答案为A项。

27.The government's radical policies, together with international sanctions, _____ the unemployment rate in the country.(   ) [中国工商银行真题]

A. impacted

B. diffused

C. converted

D. accelerated【答案】D【解析】句意为:政府的激进政策,再加上国际制裁,加剧了该国的失业率。impact意为“冲击,影响”; diffuse意为“散播,扩散”;convert意为“转变,转换”;accelerate意为“加剧,加速”,故正确答案为D项。

28.They are taught by their superiors that a soldier who _____ his post in time of war is to be shot.(   ) [中国工商银行真题]

A. deserts

B. deflects

C. detains

D. deviated【答案】A【解析】句意为:他们的上司告诉他们,士兵在战争时期擅离职守是要被枪毙的。desert意为“放弃,逃跑”;deflect意为“使偏斜”;detain意为“拘留,禁止”;deviate意为“偏离”。desert最为接近,故正确答案为A项。

29.The Board of Directors decided that more young men who were qualified would be _____ important positions.(   ) [中国工商银行真题]

A. attributed to

B. furnished with

C. installed in

D. inserted into【答案】C【解析】句意为:董事会决定会有更多的有资格的年轻人被安排在重要职位。attributed to意为“归因于”;furnished with意为“供给”;installed in意为“使正式就职”;inserted into意为“插入,放进”,故正确答案为C项。

30.This course focuses on the _____ of economic analysis to the problems of inflation, unemployment, the balance of payments and enterprise behavior.(   ) [中国工商银行真题]

A. introduction

B. combination

C. application

D. conception【答案】C【解析】句意为:这门课程主要集中讲经济分析在通货膨胀、失业、企业行为和还贷平衡等方面的应用。introduction意为“介绍,入门”;combination意为“结合,合并”;application意为“应用,运用”;conception意为“观念,概念”,故正确答案为C项。

31.Microsoft’s newly developed software has a new feature _____ user to include graphics in a presentation.

A. demonstrating

B. concerning

C. preventing

D. allowing【答案】D【解析】句意:微软公司新研发的软件的新功能是它能使用户把图形加入演示报告。此处为allow sb. to do sth.句型,意为“允许某人做某事”。

32.The customer service department had fewer complaints last quarter, which challenges the _____ that the quality of our product is worsening.

A. attention

B. function

C. exception

D. perception【答案】D【解析】句意:上季度我们客户服务部接到的投诉很少,这有力驳斥了我们的产品质量下滑这种说法。本题考查词义辨析,根据上下文,此处意为“驳斥了…的说法、看法”,因此要用perception。attention专心,精神集中。function功能,用。exception除外,例外。

33.A welcome _____ for the newly hired employees was held at the Biltmore Hotel in Los Angeles.

A. application

B. reception

C. extension

D. graduation【答案】B【解析】句意:为新员工召开的欢迎会在洛杉矶的比尔特莫酒店举行。本题考查词义辨析。根据上下文,此处意为“为新员工召开的欢迎会”,所以要用意为“招待会;接待”的reception。application申请。extension延长。graduation毕业。

34.Columbia Athletic Gear has launched a new line of sportswear _____ at teenagers.

A. designed

B. manufactured

C. aimed

D. stated【答案】C【解析】句意:哥伦比亚运动装备公司推出了适合青少年的新款运动服。此处意为“以青少年为目标”,且空格处要与介词at搭配,因此选择aimed。state声明,陈述。launch推出(新产品);发动。sportswear运动服。

35.According to the Weather Channel, there is a _____ of rain or even snow in the southwestern region of the United States.

A. potential

B. speculation

C. chance

D. plan【答案】C【解析】句意:根据气象频道的报道,美国西南部地区可能会有降雨甚至降雪。此处意外“下雨或下雪的可能性”,用chance。选择C。potential潜力,潜能。speculation思索;做投机买卖。

36.People who are closely _____ to each other usually have similar appearances because much of their genetic makeup is shared.

A. related

B. relevant

C. relation

D. reliant【答案】A【解析】句意:由于大部分的基因构成相同,血缘很近的人往往长得很像。be related to为固定短语,意为“与…有关”。genetic makeup基因构成。

37.The restructuring of the company is likely not only to be expensive _____ also to be time consuming.

A. or

B. and

C. so

D. but【答案】D【解析】句意:公司重组很可能既费钱又费时。本题考查not only…but also…句型。

38._____ John prefers dealing with the clients directly, Steve prefers having distance between himself and the customers.

A. These

B. Whether

C. Since

D. While【答案】D【解析】句意:约翰喜欢直截了当地和客户打交道,而史蒂夫则喜欢与客户保持一定的距离。句中从句和主句形成对比,因此选择while表示对比。

39.The firm recently hired a number of accountants to fill positions _____ require them to write monthly financial and expense reports.

A. that  

B. they

C. whose

D. those【答案】A【解析】句意:公司最近雇用了一些会计,该职位要求他们撰写月度财政开支报告。空格处引导定语从句,且空格处在从句中做主语,因此用that。

40.Morale among employees is a major _____ in the success of running a company.

A. factorable

B. factored

C. to factor

D. factor【答案】D【解析】句意:员工士气是公司经营成败的主要因素。根据句意及空格前面的“冠词+形容词”,可知空格处应填入名词,因此选择D。

41.It is probably both that he is going to the meeting on time _____ by the morning traffic jam.(   ) [中国工商银行真题]

A. and that he might be delayed

B. or that he might be delayed

C. otherwise that he might be delayed

D. and he might be delayed【答案】A【解析】句意为:早上的交通堵塞会造成两种可能的结果,迟到或者准时参加会议。两个that从句并列做is的表语,故正确答案为A项。

第二章 完形填空

Passage 1

Questions 1-3 refer to the following memo.

Attn: All Staff

The purpose of this memo is to warn you about a disruption to the company’s Internet service. From 12 pm to 6 pm on Wednesday the IT team  1   a new server for the entire network.

The new server should allow us to store larger amounts of data more reliably, so it is a valuable change.  2  , this means that you will not be able to access the Internet from your work computer on Wednesday afternoon.

For some employees, such as sales staff and customer relations managers, Internet access and email are essential. Those employees will be given permission to work from home on that afternoon. For all other staff, please be sure to prepare offline tasks to carry out during this time. We thank you for your understanding and hope that the upgrade does not cause too much  3   for employees.


i Naomi Lyneham,

General Manager

1. A. will be installing  B. would install C. will be installed   D. has been installed【答案】A【解析】根据上下文,文章是通知员工将要发生的事件,所以本句为将来时态。IT team与install之间是主动关系,所以选项中A正确。

2. A. Moreover   B. Otherwise C. However  D. Likewise【答案】C【解析】根据上下文,句中表示转折关系,B项符合文意。moreover而且。otherwise否则。likewise也;同样地。

3. A. dependence  B. hassle  C. patience  D. cooperation【答案】B【解析】表示“带来麻烦”,B项正确。hassle麻烦;激战。

Passage 2

Questions 4-6 refer to the following letter.

Chandi Akella

Rapid Technology, Inc.450 Cherry Circle

Detroit, M140355

Dear Ms. Akella:

I was interested to read about your company in the online issue of “Technology Today.” Perhaps your company’s technology can help us. I own a candy company in Tennessee. We  4   a variety of kinds of candy which are sold all over the USA and in other countries as well. As part of their work, my employees use heavy equipment and move large boxes every day. Sometimes they fall, or hurt their backs. As a result, they  5   days of work. Everyone suffers from this situation. These accidents cost my company a lot of money, and my employees suffer from health problems. Rapid Technology’s “cobots” may help. I understand that a “cobot” is like a robot. However, it is a robot that collaborates--or works with--people. So, you call it a “cobot.” Is that correct? I understand that people are  6   when they work with cobots. However, the article I read only discussed cobots at car companies. Could they also be used at a candy company?

We are very interested in cobots, but we are not sure if they would work here. What do you think? Please reply via mail. Thank you.

Priscilla Patton

President, Prissy’s Candies

4. A. consume      B. manufacture C. purchase   D. desire【答案】B【解析】句子表示“公司生产不同种类的糖果”。manufacture生产;制造。在此符合句意,故选B。consume消耗;挥霍。purchase购买。desire渴望。

5. A. avoid   B. gain   C. miss    D. save【答案】C【解析】根据前一句提到的摔倒和受伤可知此处句子表示“他们错过了工作的时间”。因此答案为C。

6. A. safer   B. more safely C. safety   D. more safety【答案】A【解析】空格位于be动词后面修饰主语people,因此空格处应填形容词,只有safer符合句意,故选A。

Passage 3

Questions 7-9 refer to the following announcement.

The World Hunger Council is committed to doing all we can to fight the problems of hunger and poverty in our world. To this end, we are putting on a "Race Against Hunger" event on the weekend on August 21st. The primary  7   of this event is to raise money for the council's upcoming charity drive for Africa, where we will be partnering with the organization Food Relief to deliver food supplies to rural African villages. We  8   with Food Relief many times in the past and are quite confident in their ability to help us in this endeavor.

Anyone interested in participating in the race should register at http://hungerrace.org. Also, all racers will be required to raise $150,100% of which will go towards ending hunger in Africa. Questions about the event can be directed to Pam Smith, charity  9   for the World Hunger Council, at 555-2940.

Thank you for fighting with us to make the world a better place, and see you at the race!

7. A. shot   B. concern C. sign D. goal【答案】D【解析】根据上下文,句中表示“活动最初的目的”,D项符合文意。goal目标。

8. A. will cooperate  B. cooperates C. would be coopering  D. have cooperated【答案】D【解析】表示已经合作过多次,用完成时态,所以选择D。

9. A. coordinated  B. coordination  C. coordinating D. oordinator【答案】D【解析】逗号后的句子为修饰限定Pam Smith,所以应选择表示人的名词,选择D项。coordinator协调者。


Questions10-12 refer to the following report.

Dry Weather Leads to Poor Harvest Farms throughout Minnesota are harvesting record low amounts of soybean production. The extremely dry conditions since the first of May  10   most of the crop. Corn farmers are slightly better off.

Livestock costs are now increasing as feed becomes more expensive and animals continue to be lost during the heat wave.

Last year’s overproduction of soybeans means stockpiles have been able to supply market needs. Therefore, farmers in other areas who are capable  11   harvesting soybeans this month will not benefit significantly from higher prices.

Most farmers will try to  12   their bank loans this fall in hopes of a better crop next year. If that harvest is as poor as this year’s, many farmers may be forced out of business.

10. A. destroyed   B. will destroy  C. have destroyed  D.were destroying【答案】C【解析】根据句中时间状语since the first of May可知句子用完成时态,选择C项。

11. A. to  B. in   C. for  D. of【答案】D【解析】be capable of为固定搭配,意为“有能力从事…”,所以选择D项。

12. A. extend   B. suspend C. spoil   D. decorate【答案】A【解析】根据上下文,此处意为“延长银行贷款”,所以选项中extend正确。suspend暂时,中断。spoil破坏;宠坏;(食物)馊掉。decorate装饰。

Passage 5

Questions 13-15 refer to the following article.

Friday's trading session ended after small gains followed by similar losses left the market in nearly the same spot as where it started. Following one of the worst weeks in global trading history, it was good news for the day, perhaps, but it failed to  13   investor fears.

Worldwide markets are down an average of 13.1% since Monday, one of the largest single weekly drops ever recorded. Europe led the fall, losing a combined 19% among its member states. East Asian markets seemed to suffer the least damage.

Experts are looking to America to somehow quicken its economic recovery and send more confidence and capital into the global system. Without this, we're unlikely to see much improvement. Several nations have  14   a bank holiday for the coming Monday. This will give investors a three-day weekend to calm themselves and avoid more panicked sell-offs next week. The break in trading will be  15   to many, although it may be short-lived. Analysts worry that this move will simply postpone the inevitable.

13. A. catch  B. ease C. hold  D. rest【答案】B【解析】此处意为“减轻投资者的恐惧”,选项中B项正确。ease缓和。

14. A. declared  B. asserted   C. implied D. reclaimed【答案】A【解析】根据上下文,表示宣布一个银行假期,所以A项正确。declare声明,宣布。assert宣称。reclaim改造,感化。

15. A. desperate   B. sympathetic     C. interesting D. welcome【答案】D【解析】根据上下文,此处意为“受很多人的欢迎”,故D项符合文意。welcome受欢迎的。sympathetic同情的。

Passage 6

Questions16-18 refer to the following instructions.

Dear Conference Presenter,

Thank you for agreeing to present a talk at this year's Emerging Markets. Conference on September 14. To help the event run as  16   as possible, please read the following information.

Firstly, you need to send an electronic copy of the presentation to the conference organizing team at least 48 hours prior to the event. If you do so, the team will be able to check the audio-visual systems in advance and ensure there are no glitches on the day of the conference.

Secondly, the conference organizers will cover your travel and accommodation  17  .

Please get in touch with the Conference World administrator, Julia Parkes, who will make the arrangements for your stay.

Finally, please note that you are not required to attend the rest of the conference sessions. However, it is hoped that you can make every effort to stay. This generate a more lively, enjoyable and interesting atmosphere throughout the event.

The Team  18   Conference World.


16. A. smooth  B. smoothly  C. smoothness   D. smoothing【答案】B【解析】空格处修饰动词,应填入副词,选择B。smoothing平滑化;使光滑。

17. A. inconveniences  B. plans C. expenses  D. invoices【答案】C【解析】根据上下文,句中表示“旅行和住宿的花费”,所以选择C。expense开支;代价。inconvenience不便。invoice发票。

18. A. help  B. will help  C. helped  D. helping【答案】B【解析】句子的主语为单数,动词用单数,选项中只有B项符合题意。

Passage 7

Questions19-21 refer to the following notice.

The following rules must always be obeyed by the Santos Pizzas staff.

Staff members must put on a hat or hairnet and wash their hands before entering the kitchen.

Staff members must wear disposable gloves while handling food items. Please make an effort to change gloves on a regular  19   .

Before using any food item, please check the expiration date on the packet, tin, or carton, and inspect the contents carefully. Spoiled food must  20  , and a note should be left to explain when, why, and by whom it was thrown out.

Make sure fresh food items are stored in the refrigerator, and carefully wrap any items that have been opened.

The kitchen area should be kept as clean as possible. Please clear up any spills immediately. The management would like to thank you all for following these  21  . By doing so, you help to ensure that the food served at Santos Pizzas is always clean, fresh, healthy, and tasty.





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