
发布时间:2020-09-08 19:00:04










现在市面上的留学文书指导书,我觉得在这方面的指导也是欠缺的。我将这些书大致分了一下类,类别如下:(1)一些机构引进的HOW TO GET INTO TOP COLLEGE之类的文书荟萃。这些参考书的问题在于,其中的文书都是美国学生写的,我们可以借鉴思路和行文,但内容却和中国学生的生活相去甚远,实战意义不大。(2)外语院校老师写的写作指导系列。这些书我觉得比较尴尬,一方面作为提高写作能力的工具书,不一定适合SAT、TOEFL或GRE考试的写作要求;另一方面,这些书只能帮助学生打下写作基础,但申请文书的题目千奇百怪,这和写作练习又是两码事了。(3)部分家长和留美精英学生写的总结和范例,如哈佛女孩、耶鲁男孩之类。这些书有很好的参考意义,但我认为借鉴也要范围广一些,不要把目光集中在一个哈佛女孩或一个耶鲁男孩身上,否则自己就容易陷入模仿不成反倒失去本真的怪圈,毕竟我们过的是自己的生活,而不是别人的生活。




第一板块,直接进入美国大学本科申请系统COMMON APPLICATION的公共文书写作部分,先对题目作出分析和解释,然后举个例子说明每个小文书怎么写。所举范例的原因和成功之处,我也作出了点评和分析。然后进入COMMON的公共文书主体部分。假设我们去写,文书题目的含义是什么,我们的背景和活动经历怎么安排,最后怎么成文,我举了几个例子。关于COMMON系统的公共补充文书,也以此类推,先分析题目然后举例。



附录部分是2013—2014年的COMMON APPLICATION的题目,因为较往年已经发生变化,这里我也做个大概的讲解和分析。

真心祝愿各位能借助本书的帮助,进入牛校,成为牛人。张旭2014年4月板块A绝大部分学校要求的公共文书一 COMMON 系统的小活动文书题目Short Answer

Please briefly elaborate on one of your extracurricular activities or work experiences in the space below (1,000 character maximum).









Straining the halter, sitting on my horse and patting her head, I am ready to go. From here I see a different world. My horse begins to run at full speed. The wind roars on my face, while I take off and leave the present world behind. My heart races with her pace. I bend down to approach her neck and we communicate. The wind whispers with the sprouting of the grass, the murmuring of the water and the neigh of my horse. I feel every element in this world more fully while I am virtually flying in the air. I am not afraid of the speed, as I breathe with excitement. When I am on the horse, I run with the wind. I have no fear, no worry about the risks. The worries of the day are left far behind. I am exploring a new world from high on my horse.分析

此文的最大特点是生动形象。我们可以看出这里面动词的大量使用,譬如,strain, sit, pat, run, soar, take off, leave, race, bend down, approach等。通过这一系列的描述,作者在马上的威风尽显无疑。此外,比拟修辞手法的使用也会吸引委员会的注意力,像风在“窃窃私语”,水在“低声喃喃”,“我”“飞到了空中”。范文2


Though lying in a coastal city in Shandong Province, very close to the sea, I have never summoned up, my courage for diving all my childhood. The opportunity came when my high school was organizing a scuba diving team. I joined in it and for the first time started diving. At first, I felt excited but scared. With images of the sea I watched from TV, I became eager to see them with my own eyes. But I was also scared of the vast sea which sometimes turned so furious. However, when I dived into the sea with a respirator, it seemed that the whole sea was so peaceful and my fear faded immediately. I could stay as long as two hours four or five meters below the surface, which strengthened my confidence in diving. With diving practice time after time, I gradually get rid of fear for the sea. It is a great progress for me, from which I realize that you feel scared only to yourself not to the world. The only person you face is yourself. Use your courage; you will see the whole world.分析

要说本文最大的特点,要算前后对比鲜明,先说住得临近海,后说从没有尝试过潜水;先说看电视期待潜水,后说害怕得要死;先说只能潜4到5米,后说经过训练完全克服了恐惧心理。此文行文就像大海一样,一上一下,一上一下,让人看得好不痛快。读者可以在写作小文章时用到这种方法。而要达到这种效果,合适的连接词不可缺少,比如though, at first, with, but, however, until等。范文3


I am a community service volunteer in my high school. The southwest campus wall is adjacent to two communities. Many people post small advertisements on the wall, renting houses or selling second hand goods, etc. As the community service volunteer, almost every weekend I had to scrape off the ads to keep a clean environment. It's boring and annoying to do the same work every weekend. Although the ads are irritating, they are reasonable as I have no reason to blame those people who paste the ads. But why don't set up a board or divide a particular area for people to put up ads? It can keep a clean environment and is convenient for people to share information. After discussion with my teacher, I designed a board made of wood and fixed it on the wall for people to post ads. Since there was the particular notice area, no one paste ads on the campus wall and the community wall anymore. Sometimes we just need to think from another angle, make a small change and things will be different.分析

文章讲述自己作为社区志愿者,每周为撕去墙壁上的小广告而感到厌烦。于是他想出一个方法,在与老师商量之后,用木头作为材料做了一个广告栏,专门供人贴广告用。这样一来,就没有人再随处贴广告了。很新颖创新的一个社会实践,让录取委员会的人看到这位同学的creative thinking ability以及动手实践能力。范文4


I became a volunteer for the 2012 Shanghai Environmental Tech Expo. It is both my dream and hope to do my parts for environment awareness activities. At first, I thought it was an easy job to serve as a volunteer. However, my later experiences proved that even the "obviously" easiest work in reality calls for sweat, patience, and even great resilience. I was assigned to an urban volunteer station in the busiest shopping street, Huaihai Road. Standing in street every day for eight hours straight with only 10 minutes lunch break, I gave directions, provided first aid, and introduced the World Expo roadmaps. The second day, I started to feel how tough it was. My lips slowly dried up and my stamina quietly slipped away. Tired and stressed, I consistently fulfilled my obligations and stood firmly with my team. It was not easy, and never would be. This experience gave me a better picture of many aspects in life. No matter how small one thing is, take on it with seriousness and an attitude, otherwise nothing is doable indeed.分析



Undoubtedly runners in 100-meter race are invariably in the spot light on sports field. Yet referees also play a key role in keeping the race spectacular by the enforcement of competition rules strictly. Even though as an athlete myself, I acted as a referee of Changdao Middle School Sports Meeting for two years in a row, participating in and experiencing this game from a totally different perspective. I didn't realize how tough it could be until I exposed to the burning sun for a whole day. During the race, on one hand, I was supposed to withstand the interference and judge fairly and impartially like what I had promised on oath-taking ceremony; on the other hand, however, I had to perform my duty to oversee the game instead of dominating it. As a referee I had deeply understood the value of being honest and law-abiding, which is also crucial and indispensable for my future study and research, because it determines how far I can reach in a competitive and well regulated society.分析

通读全文,只有六句话。本文长难句使用非常出色,可以想见作者的写作功力相当了得。各种从句,例如定语从句、表语从句、状语从句等都能在这里找到。更难能可贵的是,就是在这六句话里面,作者把当裁判的细节描述得淋漓尽致。通篇下来,如行云流水一般,非常顺畅。在文章的最后,作者升华主题,点明通过当裁判认识到了诚实与守法的重要性,为他以后在这个法制社会里学习生活打下了基础。可以说,如果没有最后一句,文章的内容仅限于描述裁判这一社会实践,而有了最后一句,加上了作者的分析思考,整篇文章的思想就提高了一大截,这符合写作规定:elaborate一个活动。二 COMMON 系统的主体文书题目Personal Essay

Please write an essay (250-500 words) on a topic of your choice or on one of the options listed below. This personal essay helps us to become acquainted with you as a person and student, apart from courses, grades, test scores, and other objective data. It will also demonstrate your ability to organize your thoughts and express yourself.

Note: Your Common Application essay should be the same for all colleges. Do not customize it in any way for individual colleges. Colleges that want customized essay responses will ask for them on a supplement form.

— Essay: Evaluate a significant experience, achievement, risk you have taken, or ethical dilemma you have faced and its impact on you.





"Five minutes to go for your turn." The stern cold voice from microphone in the martial arts arena buzzed like a thunderbolt on my head. For the past 11 months of practicing Tai-ji, I have never thought of stepping into the Provincial Tai-ji Contest of over 100 martial arts practitioners. For a moment of mental blankness, I almost started to envision me being thrown out with a violent thrust by the opponent.


It was my turn. I walked on the center of arena, bowed to the opponent, made the opening hand gesture and took a deep breath. "Just be myself and remember what the Master said. Breathe!" I said to myself while the palms of my opponent, a fifty years old man, came in touch with my receiving arms. Pushing, circulating, breathing, dodging and countering…What am I doing? Just like a normal pushing-hands session with my Master in a quiet morning, I continued on my moves without a pause.


Although I was the youngest contestant with only 1 years of Tai-ji practice, I won the Second Place Honor in the Contest, unprecedented in the Contest's 50 years of history. I love martial arts and Tai-ji. I have developed a deep understanding and appreciation of Chinese Taoist philosophy, the key to the practice of this traditional form of martial arts. I believe one's proficiency should not be measured solely by the amount of time one has devoted to it; a good sense of the essence of Tai-ji is surely required. Only by his or her achievement in terms of combining the internal meditation and martial techniques can one practitioner fully demonstrate its power and beauty. For example, the strength and aggression of attack, the grasp of the Taoist principle of the conception of martial arts and even the inspiration and the passion for martial art are all crucial yet basic factors of practicing Tai-ji.


The 11 months of practicing Tai-ji are truly illuminating and beneficially exercises to me both physically and spiritually. The heart of the Tai-ji encompasses the conception of balance; a balance of Yin techniques with Yang techniques and a balance between yielding and attacking. In particular, Tai-ji is presented slowly, but every move is difficult and strenuous. Every gesture is soft and withdrawn, while every bounce or turn comes with immense force. I find it illuminating and applicable to not only my student life, but to change my view of this world I live in.


Now I learn to have a balance between my preparation for SAT and regular high school courses. I also start to see the importance to optimize my time between Tai-ji practices and other activities. More importantly, every chemistry experiment or mathematical equation, in my renewed visions, shows quite an interesting balance of various elements or force, just like Tai-ji.


Every move I make in Tai-ji practice, every single push and turn, changes me profoundly. As my Master says, the key is not to practice Tai-ji, but to live it.分析


此外,作者的作文功底也不得不提。文章连接紧密,连接词,although, only by, for example, in particular, while, also, as运用自如,比喻的使用也让人眼前一亮,如buzzed like a thunderbolt on my head。值得一提的是,作者在用词方面的考究恰到好处,像walked on the center of arena, bowed to the opponent, made the opening hand gesture and took a deep breath这些动词的精确使用让读者身临其境,让人感觉畅快淋漓。




A heat wave with great humidity hit me in the face the moment I stepped out of the plane. Cramped and dirty, the Katmandu airport was nothing like I had ever imagined. After eight hours of wobbling and bumping in a beat-up wagon, we arrived at the Volunteers' Home. Several big mice ran out to receive me.


This was my first day in Nepal. I went there this August as a volunteer teacher on a campaign organized by a Nepalese charity institute. My American friend, Woody, asked me to promote it in my school and many students did show great interest, yet I was the only one to step onboard. Never had I thought I would end up in mountain areas where there was no access to any kind of modern facility. There was no meat (due to religious factors), no tap water (local people directly drink rain) and flea everywhere. The little mineral water I brought ran out three days later and I couldn't sleep well because of the bugs. Our daily routine even included picking up trash around rivers for hours. Those days were trying and almost unbearable for an urban girl like me.


The first two weeks there felt like eternity. I was struggling not to give up. But after observation of my American and Czech roommates, I gradually learned from them how to deal with the situation. First, plan ahead and conserve every drop of clean water for drinking. As for food, since there was no meat, think of every meal as a healthy veggie diet. The bottom line was not to waste any food in my bowl. When it came to sleeping, instead of scratching restless on the plank, I would use my sleeping bag. All in all, I learned to actively adapt to the environment instead of waiting for it to adapt to me. Also, I gained local people's friendship and trust when I communicated and asked them for their advice.


Now I cherish this experience and am very thankful when I look back on those days. Thanks to it, I have learned that in times of difficulty, whining and complaining like a coward will never solve the problem.


Moreover, the extreme backwardness in this area led me to think how different it would be if it had enough power supply. But how to generate electricity under such limited condition? After a while of busy researching, I found a similar case in a small village of western China, where people use methane and solar energy to generate enough power. I wrote a report about it which later went published in the school newspaper.


Now with a refreshed view towards fundamental science studies, such as physics, engineering, biochemistry and clean energy, I also have interests in economics, public policy and social development research subjects. I sincerely hope one day with my own hands, I can make a difference in places like Nepal that needs not only our attentions, but also real touch of scientific changes.分析


作者从文章开头就指出自己将去尼泊尔当志愿者,可到了那里之后,是“Several big mice ran out to receive me”几只大老鼠来迎接她。接下来更惨的是,no any kind of modern facility, no meat (due to religious factors), no tap water (local people directly drink rain) and flea everywhere. 两周后,一切就都改变了,从美国和捷克室友那里我学习到了转变想法,继而努力适应当地的生活。最终还收获了当地人的友谊。至此,作者明白了,在困难面前像弱者一样牢骚满腹、怨天尤人是无济于事的,我们需要知难而上,去努力克服与战胜它。




I just could not help it but yelling out. It was the chickadee.“Ah!! That really hurts!" I tried to catch giving me a truly unforgettable kiss on my fingers. It happened on the fourth day after I arrived in YinPan Mountain bird station as a wildlife conservation volunteer. Since my home city is close to one of the three major routes of migrating birds in Asia, I have been observing fieldwork like this, but this is the first time that I actually hiked so deep into the mountains. On September 1st, I packed my bags and readied myself for the coming excitement of one week field trip.


The first day when we arrived at bottom of the mountain through the winding path, we climbed like another hour to find our station. After lunch, we climbed for three hours to the mountain top, a 1,600 meters high summit. One missing a step would finish you down the hill. For the first day, we placed three nets with pitched bamboo poles, with spotlights connected with battery and placed behind the nets.






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