双语版C++程序设计(Learn C++ through English and Chinese)(txt+pdf+epub+mobi电子书下载)

发布时间:2020-09-09 12:15:36


作者:(爱) Paul Kelly(保罗 凯利)



双语版C++程序设计(Learn C++ through English and Chinese)

双语版C++程序设计(Learn C++ through English and Chinese)试读:



本书的第一作者是爱尔兰都柏林工业大学(DIT)的高级讲师Paul Kelly。Kelly老师长期从事程序设计类课程的教学工作,在程序设计类课程教学方面教学实践经验丰富,在国外已先后出版多本程序设计语言类书籍。自哈尔滨工业大学软件示范学院成立以来,一直作为外聘教师在哈尔滨工业大学软件示范学院从事程序设计方面的教学工作,对中国学生比较了解,针对其在教学中发现的问题,即初学者面临着既不熟悉专业术语和基本概念、又不熟悉英文专用词汇的双重困难,提出了出版英汉对照混排式双语版教材的思路,帮助学生在克服语言障碍的同时,能够更快更好地熟悉和掌握计算机程序设计方面的基础知识,为国内的双语教学提供了一种最佳的解决方案。










Paul Kelly是一位治学非常严谨的教师,本书的第二作者苏小红在与他合著过程中,经常为一个细节内容的编写进行交流与讨论,书稿完成后又进行了多次校对工作。本着对所有读者负责的精神,我们真诚地欢迎读者对教材提出宝贵意见,可以通过发送电子邮件或在网站(http://book.sunner.cn)上留言等多种方式与我们交流讨论。作者E-mail地址为Paul.Kelly@comp.dit.ie,sxh@hit.edu.cn。



2010年5月Chapter One Introduction第1章 绪论1.1 What is a computer program?(什么是计算机程序?)

Computers are involved in a wide variety of tasks that we do in our everyday lives.Some of these tasks such as using a word processor or checking e-mail obviously use a computer.Less direct examples occur when we use an ATM at a bank,pay at a supermarket checkout or use a phone.

A computer performs all of these tasks by following a predefined set of instructions.This set of instructions is a called a computer program.A computer program to a computer is like a recipe to a chef;it specifies the steps needed to perform a certain task.But unfortunately,unlike a recipe,you can’t give your instructions to a computer in a language such as English or Chinese.For instructions to be‘intelligible’to a computer,they need to be expressed in a language‘understood’by the computer.The only language‘understood’by a computer is its own machine language,which consists of a series of binary ones and zeroes.

Machine language is very difficult to use directly and so instructions to a computer are given in a special language called a programming language.The programming language is neither English nor machine language,but is somewhere in between.In fact,as you will see,it is more like English than machine language.

Machine languages are known as low-level languages and programming languages are known as high-level languages.

Writing instructions in a high level language is much easier than writing them in low-level machine language,but is still not as easy as writing them in English or Chinese.







For the computer to carry out the program instructions written in a high level language,they have to be translated from the high level language to the machine language of the computer.A compiler does this translation.

为了让计算机执行由高级语言编写的程序指令,必须把这些指令从高级语言形式翻译成计算机的机器语言形式。编译器用于完成这种翻译。1.2 Developing a computer program(开发计算机程序)

The first step in developing a computer program is to define and understand the problem to be solved.If you cannot understand the problem then you will certainly not be able to tell a computer how to solve the problem.This is called the analysis phase and basically answers the question“what is to be done?”,ignoring for the time being the question of how the problem is to be solved.

Once it is known what has to be done,the question“how is it to be done?”arises.This is called the design phase and it is in this phase that a solution to the problem is developed.The design phase may reveal problems not previously considered in the analysis phase.So rather than being independent phases,the design and analysis phases are closely related and interact with each other.

The analysis and design phases are important to developing a successful solution to a problem.Neglect at either of these phases will result in a‘solution’that will not solve the original problem and may even contribute to making it worse.

Analysis and design are subjects in their own right and are not covered in this book.This book concentrates on the next phase:writing,compiling and testing C++programs.




There are many different compilers on the market,with updated versions being released regularly.Up to date instructions for writing,compiling and running C++programs with some of the popular compilers can be found on the web site for this book at http://www.hxedu.com.cn.

分析和设计属于不同范畴的问题,不在本书的讨论范围之内。本书重点介绍其后面的阶段:C++程序的编写、编译和测试。尽管编译器之间存在差异,但可以给出开发一个C++程序的一般步骤。1.2.1 Program development cycle

Despite the differences between compilers,the following is a general description of the steps involved in the development of a C++program.

Step 1:Design the program.

A computer system consists of one or more programs.Each program has to be individually designed to implement the overall solution developed at the analysis and design phases.第一步:设计程序。


After each program is designed,it is important to check its logic before starting to write the program.

Step 2:Write the program.

Firstly,the C++program instructions are typed into a file using a text editor.The file containing the C++statements is called the source file and is usually stored on disk.The program instructions are also called the source code or the program code.

Step 3:Compile the program.

Next the C++program is passed through a compiler,which translates the C++program instructions to machine instructions.The compiler reads the source file,translates the C++statements into machine or object code,and stores the object code in an object file.

Some errors are likely to occur in this step.An error in the source code is indicated by the compiler and is referred to as a compile-time error.The simplest kind of compile-time error is a syntax error.This type of error is relatively easy to correct,as the compiler will indicate where in the source code the error has occurred.Typical syntax errors involve missing punctuation and misspellings.All compile-time errors must be corrected before the compilation process can be completed.

The compiler may sometimes issue a warning message during compilation.A warning message is not as serious as a syntax error and will not prevent the program from being compiled.However,warnings are the compiler’s way of drawing attention to what it‘thinks’may be a problem and should be investigated.

Step 4:Link the program.

The final step before running the program is to link the program using the linker.Linking involves combining the object file of the program with other object files from the C++run-time library to form an executable file.








Step 5:Test the program.

When the program is run you may find that it is not working as expected.The fact that a program does not have any compile-time errors does not guarantee that the program will work as required.For example,the programmer may mistakenly have given an instruction to divide a number by zero.This type of error is called a run-time error and causes the program to stop before it has completed its task.

The program may complete its task but produce incorrect results or display them at the wrong position on the screen.

These kinds of errors are known as logic errors or more commonly as bugs.Bugs are much harder to find and fix than compile-time errors.Some bugs appear only under certain conditions,for example when a program is run with a particular set of data.

The process of locating and correcting program errors is called debugging.

Step 6:Debug the program.

Once a bug has been identified,the next step is to find where in the source code the problem lies.Many compilers have tools that can be used to help locate bugs.第五步:测试程序。




Correcting bugs involves going back to step 2,but hopefully not any further.Going back to step 1 or even back to the analysis and design phases would be like asking an architect to redesign parts of a house while it is being built!In general,try to catch errors as early as possible.

改正一个缺陷后要返回第二步,但是希望不要返回到更前面去。如果返回到第一步甚至是分析和设计阶段,就好像要求建筑师重新设计一座正在建造中的房子一样。一般情况下,应该尽可能早地发现错误。1.3 Learning C++(学习C++)

You’ll learn more from designing,writing,running,and correcting programs than you ever will by simply reading a book.A successful approach to learning to program in C++depends on large amounts of practice.

To help you practise,there are exercises at the end of each chapter.Do as many of the exercises as possible and get some feedback on your solutions from people who know C++.There are solutions to selected exercises at the web site for this book.1.4 Web site for this book(本书的网站)

The web site for this book is at http://www.hxedu.com.cn.The source code for all the example programs used in this book as well as answers to selected exercises are available here.In addition,details of various compilers are also available at the web site.1.5 Brief history of C++(C++简史)

C++is a direct descendent of the C programming language,which was originally developed in 1972 at Bell Laboratories,New Jersey,USA.C evolved from a language called B,which in turn evolved from a language called BCPL(Basic Combined Programming Language).C++was developed by Bjarne Strostrup at AT&T Bell Laboratories from 1979 to 1983.The initial version of the language was called“C with Classes”and was used internally in AT&T in 1983.Later that year,the name was changed to“C++”.The first commercial version of C++was marketed in 1985,and since then,C++has evolved to the latest ANSI/ISO(American National Standards Institute/International Organization for Standardization)C++standard.


C++是Bjarne Strostrup于1979年至1983年在AT&T贝尔实验室工作期间开发的。该语言的最初版本称为“有类的C”,并且于1983年在AT&T内部使用。从那以后,该语言被改名为C++。第一个商业版本的C++在1985年上市。从那以后,C++逐渐发展为最新的ANSI/ISO标准。1.6 ANSI/ISO C++standard(ANSI/ISO C++标准)

The example programs used in this book conform to the ANSI/ISO C++standard.Not all compilers conform to this standard,so some compilers may not correctly compile the example programs.Some of the example programs may have to be modified for use with these other compilers.See the web site for details.Chapter TwoBeginning to Program in C++第2章 C++编程入门

As in other programming languages,data can be of two types:constants and variables.

与其他编程语言相同,C++中的数据可分为两种:常量和变量。2.1 Constants(常量)

As the name suggests,a constant does not change its value in a program.Some examples of constants are shown in Table 2.1 below.Table 2.1 Some examples of constants





string:字符串型。2.2 Variables(变量)

Unlike a constant,a variable can vary its values in a program,and a variable must be defined before it can be used.A variable is defined by giving it a data type and a name.Program Example P2A


C++programs start with the line


This marks the point where a C++program starts to execute and must appear once only in a C++program.

The program statements are contained within the braces{and}on lines 2 and 9.Each statement ends with a semicolon.The spaces before the semicolon and on each side of the equals sign are not essential and are used here only to improve the readability of the program.

Lines 3,4 and 5 of this program define three variables:v1,v2,and v3.A variable can be given any name,called an identifier in C++,provided it is within the following rules:

●An identifier can only be constructed using letters,numerals or underscores(_).

●An identifier must start with a letter or an underscore.

●An identifier cannot be a C++keyword.A keyword is a word that has a special meaning.(See appendix A for a list of keywords.)

●An identifier can contain any number of characters,but only the first thirty-one characters are significant to the C++compiler.

Lines 3 to 5 of program P2A define v1 as an integer variable,v2 as a floating-point variable,and v3 as a character variable.Note that identifiers are case-sensitive,i.e.the variable V1 is different from the variable v1.

A variable is like a box in the memory of the computer.The box has a name and contains a value.Each box has a name given to it by you,the programmer.The box keeps its value until it is changed by replacing it with some other value.








Lines 6 to 8 of the program assign values to the variables.The value assigned to each variable is stored in the computer’s memory.2.3 Simple output to the screen(简单的屏幕输出)

Now that values are assigned to the variables,how are the values displayed on the screen?This can be done with cout(pronounced see-out),as demonstrated in the next program.

既然数值被赋值给了变量,那么如何将这些值显示在屏幕上呢?可以用cout(读做c-out)来输出变量的值,如下面程序所示。Program Example P2B

When you compile and run this program you will get the following on your screen:

Line 1 is an example of a preprocessor directive and is pronounced“hash include io stream”.This line,along with line 2,will be in every program that involves output to the screen or input from the keyboard.The#include preprocessor directive causes the file in the angle brackets,called a header file,to be made available to the program.The header file iostream contains some C++statements to make it easy to perform input and output from a C++program.(Preprocessor directives are covered in Appendix G.)

C++refers to your computer as a console.To display data to the screen,C++sends the data to cout(console output).cout is called an output stream object.

In C++,letters or numbers enclosed in double quotation marks is called a string of characters or a character string.








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