
发布时间:2020-09-15 18:33:04








TOEFL 全名为 “Test of English as a Foreign Language”,是由美国教育考试服务中心(ETS)研发推广的英语能力测试,中文音译为“托福”。托福所提供的语言成绩不仅可以帮助考生申请美国高等院校,也可以成为考生正确学习英语的指南。

目前,托福考试以互联网为依托进行机考,称为iBT(internet-Based Test), 其整体设计旨在评估考生在英语听、说、读、写技能方面的综合能力。词汇是托福备考的重中之重,考生们需要在备考过程中打下坚实的词汇基础,才不至于在托福的听、说、读、写四项测试中遇到障碍和瓶颈。因此对于托福考试词汇资料的需求也亟待满足。“直通托福”系列词汇书包含《直通托福·校园生活词汇》和《直通托福·课堂学术词汇》。《直通托福·校园生活词汇》,从2801个高频词汇中选取约2500个核心词汇,是英语学习和托福备考的重中之重。词汇来源于著名应用语言学家Charles Browne(查尔斯·布朗)博士、Brent Culligan(布伦特·库里根)博士以及Joseph Phillips(约瑟夫·菲利普斯) 所编纂的“新通用高频词表”(New General Service List)。该词表是学术界广为认可的词汇学习词表,是从庞大的剑桥英语语料库中筛选出的高频和通用词汇。据统计,“新通用高频词表” 可以覆盖90%以上的非学术型文章和日常使用情景词汇,成功弥补了市面上没有适合托福备考的基础词汇书的缺憾,适合基础较为薄弱,或者需要积累大量常用表达,提高听力和口语的考生。

全书分为50个词汇单元,每个单元约有50个词汇,同时配有练习题。词汇按照词频由高到低排序,所有习题都基于著名词汇学习专家Paul Nation(保罗·内申)的词汇学习理论。遵循词汇的自然学习顺序,即从形态(form)到含义(meaning)最后到运用(use),同时涉及多种认知维度,力求帮助考生在掌握音、形、意的同时,学会主动和正确地运用,从而摆脱死记硬背的单词记忆方法。

1. 词表设计:所选词汇配合《牛津高阶词典》中的美式音标及外教录制音频,帮助考生掌握单词的正确发音。同时配有托福考试中常见的词性及释义,改编并简化了《牛津高阶词典》中的双语释义,有效地避免了单一中文释义会引起的歧义,使考生更好地理解单词的含义。例句由一线教师从ETS授权的ETS官方语料库中挑选的例句进行改写,很大程度上贴合托福真实考试场景。同时本书也是由ETS授权,使用ETS官方语料库的词汇书。除此之外,本书还提供单词的重要搭配和用法,并标注了欧洲语言教学与评估框架性共同标准(CEFR)等级,方便考生和教师了解单词用法的难易程度。其中B1对应托福42~72分,B2对应72~95分,C1及以上对应托福95分以上的水平。

2. 练习设置:根据著名词汇学习专家Paul Nation(保罗·内申)的单词学习理论,每个单元配备5~6种练习题,约50题,遵循词汇习得的自然规律,帮助考生掌握词汇的三种认知:即从单词形态(拼写、读音等)到含义(中英文释义) 最后到运用(搭配、语境中的使用等),同时包含接收型知识(receptive knowledge—听力、阅读)和输出型知识(productive knowledge—口语、写作)两个部分。




3. 书中所有习题均附有答案:附录页面还附有校园生活词汇的分类总结,辅助考生学习,为托福的听力和口语部分打下扎实基础。

祝愿所有考生在本书的帮助下都能顺利通过TOEFL考试并提高英语能力,为出国学习打下坚实的基础。编者直通托福校园生活词汇学习计划表List 1know/noʊ/

中v. 知道,熟悉,了解

英 to have information in your mind

搭 get to know sb./sth. 逐渐熟悉 B1

例 1. I don’t know.

  2. You know one plus four is five.get/ɡet/

中v. 得到v. 收到v. 到达

英v. to obtain, buy, or earn something

 v. to receive or be given something

 v. to reach or arrive at a particular place

搭 get rid of 清除,处理掉 B1

  get along with 相处融洽

例 1. He didn’t get any payment from the company.

  2. We are getting along with each other.like/laɪk/

中v. 喜欢,喜爱v. 想要,希望得到prep. 像,与……相似

英v. to enjoy or approve of something or someone

 v. used to say politely that you want something

 prep. similar to; in the same way or manner as

搭 would like (用于请求)想要 A1

  look like 似乎;看起来像 A2

例 1. I like straightforward people a lot better.

  2. Which side of the board would you like me to write on?

  3. It looks like rain.think/θɪŋk/

中v. 觉得v. 思考

英v. to believe something or have an opinion or idea

 v. to use the brain to decide to do something

搭 think of 想到;想起 B1

例 1. I was just thinking about you when you called.

  2. Can you think of something to do tomorrow?make/meɪk/

中v. 做,制作v. 造成,使变得v. 做出……的举动

英v. to produce something

 v. to cause to be, to become, or to appear as

 v. to perform a certain action

搭 make sure 确认,确保 A2

  make sb. do sth. 强迫某人做某事 B1

例 1. I make some coffee for the family every day.

  2. You need to make the decision as soon as possible.time/taɪm/

中n. 时间,时刻

英 a specific point in the day

搭 at the time 在当时 A2

  in time 及时 B1

  on time[informal] 及时 B1

例 1. We still need some time to fix this problem.

  2. I am afraid the train can’t arrive on time.see/siː/

中v. 看见,观看v. 明白v. 想象

英v. to be conscious of what is around you by using your eyes

 v. to understand, know

 v. to consider or think about

搭 see sth. as 把……认为是 B2

  I see. 我知道了 B1

例 1. I see a bird on that tree.

  2. Let’s see what the students are doing.other/ˈʌðər/

中adj. 其他的,别的pron. 另一个

英adj. different from the thing or person already mentioned

 pron. the second of two things or what is left in a group of things

搭 in other words 换句话说 B2

例 He likes traveling abroad and learning about other countries’ customs and traditions.good/ɡʊd/

中adj. 好的;令人愉快的n. (+s) 商品;货物

英adj. of high level or quality; pleasant, or interesting

 n. things for sale, or the things that you own

搭 as good as 和……一样好 A2

例 1. When would be a good time to start the party?

  2. You should eat more vegetables. It’s good for your health.people/ˈpiːpl/

中n. (复数)人,人们

英 men, women and children

例 There are too many people in this room.year/jɪr/

中n. 年n. 学年,年级

英n. a period of twelve months

 n. the part of the year in a school, during which courses are taught

搭 all the year round 一年到头

例 1. We pay two dollars per year for this.

  2. It happened many years ago.take/teɪk/

中v. 拿,拿走,带走v. 接受

英v. to move or remove something

 v. to accept or have

搭 take some time to do something 花费时间做某事 A2

  take notes 记笔记 B1

  take off 起飞 B2

  take it or leave it 接不接受由你,要不要随你的便 B2

例 1. I can’t take it anymore.

  2. You should really take the offer. It’s a good one.

  3. Can you take this bag for me, please?

  4. How long does the paint take to dry?because/bɪˈkɔːz/

中conj. 因为

英 for the reason that

搭 because of 由于 A1

例 The flight was delayed because of the bad weather.just/dʒʌst/

中adv. 刚才adv. 只是adv. 正好

英adv. recently, very short time ago

 adv. only or simply

 adv. exactly or equally

搭 just now 刚刚 A2

  just as 正像;正如 B1

例 1. She just left.

  2. We can sit here for just one minute.

  3. Just as I said, he is not a typical student.come/kʌm/

中v. 来,过来v. 来到v. 发生

英v. to move towards the speaker

 v. to get to a certain place

 v. to happen

搭 come on 加油,快点

  come up with 想到

  how come 怎么会这样 B2

例 I’m afraid those days are gone and they will never come again.work/wɜːrk/

中v. 干活儿v. 操作v. 有效n. 工作n. 劳动成果,作品

英v. to do a job

 v. operates

 v. to be effective or successful

 n. an activity, such as a job, that a person uses effort to do

 n. something created as a result of effort

搭 work on 着手于;有作用 B1

  be at work 在工作 B2

例 1. The medicine works well on him.

  2. I have too much work to do. I’ll have to work overtime.

  3. The gallery has many fine works.use/juːz/

中n. 用途,用处v. 用;使用;利用;运用

英n. a purpose for which something is used

 v. to put something into a particular purpose

搭 use up 用完,用光 B1

  the use of... ……的用处 B1

例 1. We have no use of this book.

  2. Use knives to cut things into pieces.

  3. I don’t know how to use it.look/lʊk/

中v. 看v. 寻找v. 看起来n. 相貌;外观;神情

英v. to see something

 v. to try to find something

 v. seem to be

 n. the appearance or facial expression of something or someone

搭 look for 寻找 A1

  look out 当心 B2

  look after 照顾 B2

  look up to someone 仰慕某人 B2

例 1. Now let me have a look if anybody did it the right way.

  2. She looks unhappy.

  3. I have to look after my younger brother this weekend.want/wɑːnt/

中v. 想要,希望,需要

英 to wish for or in need of something

搭 want to 想要(做)某事 A1

例 1. Do you want me to take you to the train station?

  2. I want some chocolate.(不用于礼貌请求)give/ɡɪv/

中v. 提供,给予

英 to offer or to provide someone with something

搭 give up 放弃

  give a hand 帮助

例 1. It gives you a reason to read more books.

  2. Just give me a couple of minutes. I’m almost there.first/fɜːrst/

中num. 第一adv. 第一;首先

英num. coming before all others in order

 adv. in or at the beginning

搭 first of all 首先 A1

  at first 首先 B1

例 1. First of all, the debt starts increasing in rate.

  2. This is my first visit to China.new/nuː/

中adj. 新的

英 recently created or started or discovered

搭 brand new 崭新的 A1

例 1. We are here to sell some of our new products.

  2. The university is planning to move into a new area.way/weɪ/

中n. 道路,距离n. 方法adv. 太,大幅

英n. a route or path

 n. a certain choice or action

 adv.[informal] used to emphasize degree or separation

搭 no way 没门儿;不可能 A2

  way too much 太多了

例 1. I think we can figure it out, using another way probably.

  2. There’s an easy way to do this.

  3. The parking lot is this way.find/faɪnd/

中v. 找到,寻得v. 查明v. 碰见

英v. to get something by searching

 v. to discover state of sb./sth.

 v. to see by chance

搭 find sth. easy 觉得某事简单 A1

  find a way 找到(一种)方法 A1

  find out 发现 B1

例 1. Did you find any of the presentation valuable for you?

  2. I will try to find out as much information as possible.day/deɪ/

中n. 一天,一日n. 白天

英n. the period of 24 hours

 n. the time when it is naturally light

搭 day and night 日夜 A2

  day after day 日复一日 B1

  that will be the day 到此为止;就到这里

例 1. I finished my assignment a few days ago.

  2. We spent the whole day discussing this.thing/θɪŋ/

中n. 想法,主题,事件,行为n. 物,东西

英n. an idea, subject, event, action, etc.

 n. an object whose name you do not use

搭 the whole thing 一切事情 B2

  It’s a good thing. 幸好 B2

例 1. It’s just the only thing I don’t like.

  2. Who put this thing up right there?need/niːd/

中v. 必须,需要n. 需求

英v. should have something, or to want something very much

 n. the state of having to have something that you do not have

搭 be no need to do sth. 不必……;不应该…… B2

例 1. Why do we need that?

  2. I think it needs to get corrected.right/raɪt/

中adj. 正确的,公正的adv. 正好,恰好, 完全地;好,对(语气词)n. 右边n. 权利

英adj. correct, as it should be, healthy

 adv. exactly; correctly

 n. the right side

 n. the fact that a person or animal can expect to be treated in a fair

例 1. We can impress the jury in the right way.

  2. It’s a fact, right?back/bæk/

中adv. 回到原处;恢复原状;向后n. 后面;背部

英adv. into or towards a previous place, condition, or time

 n. the inside or outside part of an object, vehicle, building, etc.

  that is furthest from the front

例 1. I will give it back to you as soon as possible.

  2. You need to go back to the beginning of the passage.mean/miːn/

中v. 意思是,意味着adj. 吝啬的,刻薄的adj. (数值)平均的

英v. to express something

 adj. not willing to share things; unkind

 adj. an average number

例 1. I don’t mean to hurt you.

  2. She is mean to me.even/ˈiːvn/

中adv. 甚至,即使

英 used to show something is unusual or unexpected

搭 even if; even though 即使 B2

  even so 即便如此 C1

例 I have an even better idea.such/sʌtʃ/

中det. 这样的,那样的pron. 这样的人或物

英det. of a particular type

搭 such as 例如 A2

例 At such temperature, plants will grow faster.last/læst/

中adj. 最后的,最新的adv. 最后;上一次n. 最后pron. 最后v. 持续

英adj. the most recent

 adv.&pron.&n. after everyone or everything else

 v. to continue to exist

搭 at last 最终 B1

例 1. The last question is hard.

  2. The war has lasted a century.child/tʃaɪld/

中n. 儿童,小孩

英 a boy or a girl

例 Young children need a lot of calories.tell/tel/

中v. 告诉,讲述

英 to say something to someone

搭 you can never tell 很难说 B2

例 Please tell me what you think.really/ˈriːəli/

中adv. 真正地;实际上;非常

英 in fact; very

例 It really becomes a difficult problem.call/kɔːl/

中v. 称呼;打电话;呼喊;召唤

英 to give a name; to use a phone to talk

例 1. I don’t know how to call my professor.

  2. I want to call my brother.company/ˈkʌmpəni/

中n. 公司;同伴

英 an organization; being with a person or people

搭 keep sb. company 与某人做伴 B2

例 What is the name of the company you work for?show/ʃoʊ/

中v. 显示;证明;演示;表达

英 to make something to be seen

例 Let me show you how to do it.life/laɪf/

中n. 生命;一生;生活

英 the period between birth and death; the experience or state of being alive

例 They lived their life the way the society has wanted.man/mæn/

中n. 男人;人类

英 an adult male; the human race

例 He is a good-looking young man.change/tʃeɪndʒ/

中v. 改变;换零钱;换衣服n. 改变n. 零钱

英v. to make different

 n. difference

 n. money in the form of coins rather than notes

搭 change your mind 改变主意 B1

例 He has changed his attitude towards education.place/pleɪs/

中n. 地方;位置v. 放置

英n. an area; a position

 v. to put something in a particular position

搭 in place of sb./sth. 代替 B2

  in place 处于正确的位置;准备妥当的 C2

  out of place 错位,不协调 C2

例 1. This is the place where we got married.

  2. He placed the book on the table.long/lɑːŋ /

中adj. 长时间的,距离长的

英 continuing for a large amount of time

例 You have beautiful long legs.feel/fiːl/

中v. 觉得

英 to experience something physical or emotional

搭 feel like sth. 想要;想做 B1

例 The wind made him feel cold.problem/ˈprɑːbləm/

中n. (需解决的)问题

英 a situation, person, or thing that needs attention and to be dealt with or solved

例 He has a major career problem.write/raɪt/

中v. 写;填写

英 to make marks representing letters, words, etc.

例 Some children learn to write after they are six.same/seɪm/

中adj. 相同的adv. 相同地pron. 相同的人或物

英adv. exactly like another

搭 the same as 一模一样 A2

例 He has lived in the same house for twenty years.great/ɡreɪt/

中adj. 大量的,巨大的,强烈的adj. 卓越的,伟大的,杰出的,美妙的, 好极的,很棒的

英adj. large in amount, size, or degree

 adj. famous, powerful, or important

例 1. You have been a great help to me.

  2. He is a great artist.try/traɪ/

中v. 试图;设法;尝试n. 尝试

英v. to attempt to do something

 n. an attempt to do something

例 He is trying to change the situation.List 2leave/liːv/

中v. 离开v. 遗忘v. 留下,剩下v. 使保持 (某种状态)

英v. to go away from someone or something

 v. to not take something or someone with you when you go

 v. to remain to be used

 v. to make something stay in the same condition

搭 leave a message 留言 A2

  leave someone/something behind 丢下,撇下 B1

  leave someone alone 不要打扰某人 B2

例 1. I am leaving for New York.

  2. I left my bag on the subway.

  3. We have two classes left.

  4. You can leave the door open.number/ˈnʌmbər/

中n. 数字n. 号码n. 电话号码n. 数目;总数

英n. a sign used for counting or calculating

 n. a sign used for marking something

 n. a phone number

 n. an amount or total

搭 a number of 许多 B1

例 1. There are a number of Chinese students in American schools these days.

  2. What is your flight number?

  3. Please give me your number.both/boʊθ/

中n. 两个,两者,双方

英 two people or things together

搭 the best of both worlds两全其美,各取其长 C1

例 My friend works in the city and lives in the countryside, so he gets the best of both worlds.own/oʊn/

中pron. 自己(的),本人(的)v. 拥有

英pron. belonging to or done by a particular person or thing

 v. to have something that belongs to you

搭 on your own 独自,一个人 B1

例 1. I started my own business.

  2. Today we will talk about starting a business on your own.

  3. I own an apartment near the school.part/pɑːrt/

中n. 部分,局部n. 组成部分,零部件

英n. some of a thing

 n. a piece of something to form a whole

搭 take part in 参加 B1

  in part 在一定程度上 C1

  part-time job 兼职工作

例 1. Part of your problem is that you don’t pay attention in class.

  2. E-mail has been a part of our daily lives.

  3. Some parts of the bikes are missing.point/pɔɪnt/

中n. 论点;观点n. 目的n. 小数点

英n. an idea or point (that other people agree is true)

 n. purpose or usefulness

 n. a round spot used to separate the whole numbers from parts of the numbers

搭 point of view 观点;(思考的)角度 B2

  point (sth./sb.) out 指明,指出

例 1. He has a point there.

  2. Since your mother disagrees, there’s no point of discussing this further.

  3. The needle has a very sharp point.

  4. One kilogram equals two point two pounds.little/ˈlɪtl/

中adj. 小的,少的adj. 年幼的

英adj. small in size or amount

 adj. young

搭 a little 一点 B1

例 1. The biscuits came in a little box.

  2. I was jumping up and down like a little girl.ask/æsk/

中v. 索要,要求

英 to expect or demand something

搭 ask for/ask someone for 请求;索取 B1

例 1. She is the best boss one could ask for.

  2. I can’t do the math. I need to ask my teacher for help.meet/miːt/

中v.(和……)初次见面v.(与……)会面,会合v. 满足

英v. to see a person for the first time

 v. to come together with someone

 v. to fulfill

搭 meet up 碰头,相聚

  meet the requirement 满足要求

例 1. Our class will meet up next Thursday.

  2. I have to take both of the classes to meet the requirement.start/stɑːrt/

中v. 启动v. 开始,着手v. 创办

英v. to (cause to) begin to operate

 v. to begin doing something

 v. to create a business or organization

搭 start up a company 创办公司 B2

例 1. It’s too cold. I’m having trouble starting the car.

  2. When I have enough money, I will start up my own business.put/pʊt/

中v. 使处于某种状态或境地v. 把……放在

英v. to cause something or someone in a condition or situation

 v. to move something or someone into a place or direction

搭 put something off 拖延 B1

  put something together 把……放一起B2;整理,拼凑 C1

例 1. Don’t put off your homework. Finish it in time.

  2. It takes them four months to put the magazine together.

  3. If you put red, yellow, and blue together, you get black.become/bɪˈkʌm/

中v. 变成,变得,成为

英 to start to be

例 He became the first president in this country.country/ˈkʌntri/

中n. 乡村,乡下

英 land that is not in towns, cities, and is either used for farming or left in its natural condition

搭 country music 乡村音乐

例 The factory was moved from the town to the country.school/skuːl/

中n. 学校n. 学派,流派n. 鱼群;海洋生物群

英n. a place where people go to be educated

 n. a group of painters, writers, poets, etc. whose style of work is similar

 n. a group fish or other sea animals

搭 old-school 过时的;老派的

例 1. the Impressionist School of painting

  2. a school of fishdifferent/ˈdɪfrənt/

中adj. 不一样的

英 not the same

搭 be different from 与……不一样

例 Emily is very different from her sister.next/nekst/

中adv. 接下来,然后adj. 下一个的

英adv. immediately after

 adj. being the first one after the present one

搭 next to 紧挨着 ;几乎 A2

例 It’s just a volunteer work. They pay me next to nothing.end/end/

中n. 尽头,末尾v. (使)结束

英n. the last point

 v. to finish, or to make something finish

搭 end up最后(处于);最后(成为);(以……)告终

  in the end 最终 B1

  come to an end 结束 B2

例 1. I ended up learning nothing in the class because I didn’t listen.

  2. The story didn’t end well.livev./lɪv/adj./laɪv/

中adj. 直播的adj. 活的v. 居住v. 生活;过活

英adj. (of a performance) broadcast, recorded, or seen while it is happening

 adj. having life

 v. to have your home somewhere

 v. to spend your life in a particular way

例 1. a live show

  2. The teacher pulled out a live frog from his bag in a Biology class.

  3. The prince and princess lived happily ever after.while/waɪl/

中conj. 与……同时 conj. 虽然

英conj. at the same time as conj. although

搭 a while 一会

例 1. You can eat there while you work.

  2. While I know that he’s not perfect in many ways, I still love him.world/wɜːrld/

中n. 地球,世界n. 领域

英n. the earth and everything on it

 n. a group of things or an area of human activity or understanding

搭 the best of both worlds 两全其美,各取其长 C1

例 1. the world of rock music

  2. My friend works in the city and lives in the countryside, so he gets the best of both worlds.play/pleɪ/

中v. 弹奏v. 扮演,演出n. 剧本,戏剧

英v. to perform music on an instrument or instruments

 v. to perform in a play

 n. a piece of writing to be acted in a theatre or on radio or television

搭 play a part (在……中)起作用 B2

例 1. I play the guitar every day.

  2. Emma Watson played Belle in Beauty and the Beast.

  3. I am going to see the play on Thursday.might/maɪt/

中v. 可能,也许

英 used to express the possibility that something will happen or be done, or that something is true although not very likely

例 It might be easy to make a mistake when you are nervous.must/mʌst/

中n. 必不可少的事物v. 必须,一定

英n. something that is necessary

 v. used to show that something is very necessary, very important,

  or very likely to be true

例 1. If you live in the country, a car is a must.

  2. You must be Ted’s mother.

  3. You must finish your homework in time.include/ɪnˈkluːd/

中v. 包含,包括

英 to contain something as a part of something else, or to make something part of something else

例 Our school newspaper includes one-page of international news.course/kɔːrs/

中n. 课程n. 进程,过程

英n. a set of classes on a subject

 n. the often gradual development of something, or the way something happens, or a way of doing something

搭 in the course of 在……过程中

例 1. I have to take four required courses(必修课) this year.

  2. Over the course of a lifetime, we will meet many people who are important to us.report/rɪˈpɔːrt/

中n. 成绩报告单n. 报道v. 汇报

英n. a teacher’s written statement to parents about a child’s ability and performance at school

 n. a description of an event or situation

 v. to tell someone some information

搭 be reported to 据说 B1

  school report 学校成绩单

例 1. I have to write the lab report(实验报告).

  2. The storm is reported to have killed five people.group/ɡruːp/

中v.(使)成群;(使)分类;(使)成组n. 群,组

英v. to form a group or put people or things into a group

 n. a number of people or things that are put together or considered as a unit

搭 study group 学习小组

例 1. I will group the students according to their gender(性别).

  2. I set up(建立,成立) a study group so we can study together.case/keɪs/

中n. 盒;箱;套v. 知道,熟悉,了解

英n. a container or box for storing things in

 v. to have information in your mind

搭 carrying case 手提包

  phone case 手机壳

  just in case 以防万一 B1

  in that case 既然如此;如果是这样 B2

  in this case/in the case of sth. 在……情况下;关于

例 1. He put his laptop in the carrying case and left.

  2. Bring an umbrella with you, just in case.around/əˈraʊnd/

中prep.(在……)附近,到处adv. 周围,围绕adv. 大约

英prep. positioned or moving in or near a place, often without a clear direction, purpose, or order





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