
发布时间:2020-09-16 20:29:45








邱政政寄语:If the boat of your dream doesn't come to you, swim to it.

近年,随着就业形势的日益严峻,英语口译岗位资格证书考试已经在全国的中学、大学校园和白领职场形成“燎原之势”。口译证书为何如此受宠?上海市外语口译岗位资格证书考试办公室的专家们一语道破:口译证书的高含金量和低通过率是其成为学生和职场人士首选的重要原因,而我在九年前开设口译项目之时所提出的“一纸证书 + 真才实学”的教学宗旨,也恰恰体现了口译考试的这一本质。





考生们如果有任何关于口译备考方面的问题,可以登录我的微博:weibo.com/qiuzhengzheng、人人网公共主页:http://page.renren.com/600007967,或开心网公共主页:kaixin001.com/qiuzhengzheng 进行留言,我会尽己所能帮助大家。我相信,从你拿到这本书并开始静下心来学习的那一刻,你便开始悄然接近你的口译梦想了。



ability [əˈbɪlətɪ] n. 能力;才能,才智;专门技能;天资【同】capacity, competence; aptitude, gift, talent【搭】to the best of one's ability 尽自己最大努力【例】We may inhibit our ability to grow and to enjoy rising living standards. 我们可能抑制了增长的能力及享受日渐提高的生活水平的能力。able [ˈeIbl] adj. 能够的;有能力的,能干的【同】capable, competent【搭】be able to 会,能【例】Applicants must be able to speak and write at least one foreign language. 应聘者至少须会说和会写一门外语。about [əˈbaʊt] prep. 关于;大约;在…周围【同】almost, around, nearly【搭】what about (对于)…怎么样;be about to 即将,刚要【例】What I don't like about my job is that I get home very late every night. 我每天晚上很晚才能到家,这是我不喜欢我的工作的地方。abroad [əˈbrɔːd] adv. 到国外;广为流传 adj. (一般作表语)在国外的,海外的【同】alien, foreign, overseas【搭】go abroad 到国外去, 出国;at home and abroad 国内外;from abroad 从国外【例】Almost all of


apan's energy resources depend on import from abroad. 日本几乎所有的能源都依赖国外进口。accept [əkˈsept] vt. 接受,同意;承担(责任等)【同】acknowledge, agree, approve, consent【搭】accept an invitation 接受邀请;accept an order 接受订单;accept defeat 承认失败【例】We accepted Carol's invitation to dinner. 我们接受了卡罗尔的晚餐邀请。accommodation [əˌkɒməˈdeɪʃn] n. 膳宿;和解;适应【同】adaptation; lodging, settlement【搭】accommodation allowance 膳宿津贴【例】In it there are maps and guide books and brochures of local events and entertainment, information of accommodation and restaurant, bulletins of attractions and activities, gifts, souvenirs, stamps and phone cards. 里面有地图、旅游书籍及介绍当地民俗娱乐活动、住宿和餐馆的小册子,还有关于景点和活动的公告、礼品、纪念品、邮票及电话卡。accompany [əˈkʌmpənɪ] vt. 陪伴;伴随;给…伴奏【同】convoy, escort【搭】be accompanied with 伴有,带有;be accompanied by 伴随着;由…陪同【例】This process is accompanied by a widening gap between the North and the South and an uneven development among countries and regions. 伴随此过程的还有南北差距扩大、国家和地区间发展的不平衡。according [əˈkɔːdɪŋ] adj. 相符的,一致的 adv. 相应地;依照【同】accordant【搭】according to 根据【例】According to the World Health Organization's latest report, heart disease is the leading cause of death in Southeast Asia. 根据世界卫生组织的最新报告,心脏病是东南亚人的主要死因。account [əˈkaʊnt] n. 账户;描述;估计;理由;利益;根据 vt. 以为,认为;探究,考虑;归因于,归咎于 vi. 解释;导致;占,共计达【同】reason; explain【搭】account for 对…负有责任;对…做出解释;(在数量、比例上)占…;on account of 由于,因为【考】bank account 银行账户【例】Food will account for another 30% because food is expensive here. 食物还会占30%,因为这里的食物比较贵。accumulate [əˈkjuːmjəleɪt] v. 积累,增加;聚集【同】amass, collect, gather【例】An accumulated audience of over 37 billion people watched the France 98 tournament, including approximately 1.3 billion for the final alone. 累计有370多亿观众观看了1998年法国锦标赛,其中包括大约13亿观看决赛的观众。achieve [əˈtʃɪːv] v. 完成,达到;实现【同】accomplish, attain, reach, realize【搭】achieve success 取得胜利,取得成功;achieve one's end 达到某人的目的【考】achieve the goal 实现目标【例】China has achieved a complete success in its first manned space flight. 中国首次载人航天飞行取得了圆满成功。acid [ˈæsɪd] n. 酸,酸性物质;〈俚〉迷幻药 adj. 酸的,酸性的;尖酸的【同】acerbic, sour, tart【搭】acid rain 酸雨;amino acid 氨基酸【例】Substances such as marble, mortar, and slate lost their color and even begin disintegrating when sulfuric acid attacks their surfaces. 当硫酸侵蚀其表面时,诸如大理石、水泥砂浆和石板这类物质就会掉色,甚至开始分化。across [əˈkrɒs] prep. 穿过,横过 adv. 横过;在对面【同】crossways, through【搭】across from 在…对过;come across 偶遇【例】Football fan clubs and associations have been set up across the country. 足球迷俱乐部和协会已在全国各地成立。action [ˈækʃn] n. 行为;活动;措施;效用【同】act, behavior, deed【搭】in action 在活动中,在运行中;take action 生效;out of action 不(再)起作用, 不(再)运转【例】


octor Needleman says the presence of lead in the brain changes the neurons that control actions. 内德勒曼医生说大脑中铅的存在改变了控制人类行为的神经元。active [ˈæktɪv] adj. 活跃的,积极的;起作用的;灵活的【同】dynamic, energetic, lively, vigorous【搭】active volcano 活火山【考】take an active part in 积极参与…【例】When he was a young man, he was very active, and he spent a lot of time hunting and fishing. 他年轻时非常活跃,花很多时间狩猎和垂钓。activity [ækˈtɪvətɪ] n. 活动;活跃;行动【同】action, motion, movement【搭】business activity 商业活动【例】


f you want to improve your health, you should maintain physical activity for at least 20 minutes each day. 想要改善健康水平,你每天得至少锻炼20分钟。actually [ˈæktʃuəlɪ] adv. 实际上,事实上;竟然(表示惊讶)【同】literally, really, in reality【搭】duty actually paid 实付税款【例】Doctors are starting to believe that laughter not only improves your state of mind, but actually affects your entire physical wellbeing. 医生们开始相信,笑不仅可以改善人的精神状态,而且实际上,它还会影响人的整个身体健康。adapt [əˈdæpt] v. 调整;适应【同】adjust, alter, modify【搭】adapt to 适应…【例】People easily adapt themselves to city life. Noise, traffic, and those undesirable things are hardly noticeable. 人们很容易适应城市生活。噪音、交通和那些令人不快的东西很难被注意到。add [æd] v. 加,增加;补充【同】increase, total【搭】add up 加起来,总计;说得通;add up to 合计达【例】I want to add my welcome to all the guests and officials that are here today. 我想对今天所有在场的客人和官员表示欢迎。addict [ˈædɪkt] n. 吸毒成瘾的人,瘾君子;对…入迷的人

[əˈdIkt] vt. 使沉溺,使醉心;使上瘾【搭】addict to 沉溺于…【例】An internet addict avoids real-life emotions and intimacy and chooses to maintain a relationship with someone he/she has not met. 网络成瘾者逃避现实生活中的情感和亲近,而是选择和从未谋面的人保持联系。addiction [əˈdɪkʃn] n. 沉溺,上瘾【同】indulgence【搭】drug addiction 毒瘾【例】Internet addiction is one of the newest terms to enter the medical lexicon. “网瘾”是收录入医学词典的最新术语之一。address [əˈdres] n. 住址;致词,讲话;称呼 vt. 称呼;对付;发表演说;写地址【同】lecture, speech【搭】address book 通讯簿,住址名册【例】I wish to express my gratitude to Minister Johnson for having accepted our invitation to deliver an address. 我想对约翰逊部长接受我们的邀请进行发言表示感谢。adequate [ˈædɪkwət] adj. 充分的,足够的;胜任的【同】ample, enough, sufficient【例】One of every four children dies by the age of five because of lack of adequate health care. 由于缺少充足的保健服务,四分之一的孩子不到5岁就夭折了。adjust [əˈdʒʌst] v. 调整,调节;适应【同】alter, correct, regulate【例】The thrust can be made to vary by adjusting the speed of the fuel pumps.可以通过调节燃料泵的速度改变推力。admission [ədˈmɪʃn] n. 承认;入会费;进入【同】admittance; access, entrance【搭】admission ticket 入场票;admission notice 入学通知【考】China's admission into WTO 中国加入世贸组织【例】The school offered admission to just 16% of them. 学校只录取16%的申请者。adolescent [ˌædəˈlesnt] adj. 青春期的,青少年的 n. 青少年【同】juvenile, minor; teenager【搭】adolescent crime 青少年犯罪【例】


y knowing the developmental tasks of adolescents, parents and adults can help turn mistakes made by adolescents into opportunities that enhance adolescents' mastery of life skills. 通过了解青少年的成长任务,家长和成年人可以帮助他们把所犯的错误转化为提升驾驭人生技能的机遇。adult [ˈædʌlt] n. 成年人;成年动物 adj. 成年的;理智的;适合成年人的;成熟的【同】grown-up, mature【搭】adult education 成人教育【例】


reat numbers of people play golf and tennis, which are more social adult games in Britain. 许多人打高尔夫球和网球,在英国这是两项更具社交性的成人体育运动。advanced [ədˈvɑːnst] adj. 先进的, 高级的【同】developed【考】advanced economies 发达经济体【例】Advanced science and technology also cause negative effects in our society. 先进的科技同样给社会带来了负面影响。adventure [ədˈventʃə(r)] n. 冒险;奇遇;冒险精神 vt. 冒险;大胆提出 vi. 冒险;担风险【同】venture【搭】adventure playground 儿童游乐园;adventure film 惊险片【例】The spontaneous music they created captured a joy and sense of adventure. 他们创作的流畅的音乐充满欢乐和冒险精神。advertisement [ədˈvɜːtɪsmənt] n. 广告【同】advert, commercial, poster【搭】classified advertisement 分类广告;outdoor adver-tisement 户外广告【例】Now housing advertisements can be seen everywhere and house buying becomes a heated topic. 如今,房屋广告到处可见,“买房”成为热点话题。affair [əˈfeə(r)] n. 事情,事务;私事;事件【同】business, event, matter【搭】love affair 恋爱;affair of honor 决斗;business affair 商务;military affair 军事,军务【考】internal affairs 内政【例】


hina's international S&T cooperation plays an increasingly important role in serving the country's economic growth, social development and overall foreign affairs. 中国的国际科技合作在促进国家经济增长、社会发展和全面外交事务方面发挥着越来越重要的作用。affect [əˈfekt] vt. 影响;感动;感染 n. 情感;引起情感的因素【同】influence; move, touch【搭】blocking of affect 情感阻滞【例】The sooner an affected person gets medical help, the better the chances of a quick and full recovery. 受感染者得到医疗帮助越及时,尽快痊愈的机会就越大。afford [əˈfɔːd] vt. 买得起;负担得起(花费、后果、损失等);提供,给予【同】offer, provide, supply【搭】ill afford 很难承受,很难负担;afford promise 有前途,有希望;afford an opportunity 给予机会【例】The more they discuss the rent of the house, the less likely it seems they can afford it. 他们越讨论房子的租金,似乎负担得起的可能性越低。afraid [əˈfreɪd] adj. 担心的,害怕的;遗憾的,抱歉的【同】fearful, frightened, scared【搭】I'm afraid 恐怕,担心;大概;be afraid of 害怕【例】Thank you very much for your invitation, but I'm afraid I cannot make it because I have an engagement. 十分感谢你的邀请,但是恐怕我去不了,因为我有一个约会。Africa [ˈæfrɪkə] n. 非洲【搭】South Africa 南非【例】Interest from Asia might spur more enthusiasm for Africa from other parts of the world. 亚洲对非洲的关注,可能会推动世界其他地区对非洲产生更大的热情。again [əˈgeɪn] adv. 再,又【同】afresh, anew, once more, repeatedly【搭】again and again 反复地,再三地;now and again 时而,不时地【例】The bathroom is overflowing again. 浴室又溢水了。against [əˈgeɪnst] prep. 反对,逆,违背;倚靠;映衬;预防;相比,相对 adj. 不利的,对立的【同】counter; opposite; versus【搭】against time 争分夺秒地;against the grain 格格不入;违反意愿;against all expectations 出乎意料地【考】against one's will 违背某人的意愿【例】The following day, President Roosevelt declared war against Japan. 次日,罗斯福总统对日宣战。age [eɪdʒ] n. 年龄,年纪;老年;时代,时期【同】period, time【搭】come of age 成年;达到法定年龄【考】at the age of 在…岁时;by the age of 到…岁【例】Mandy is quite short of her age. 相对曼迪的年龄来说,她个子偏矮。agency [ˈeɪdʒənsɪ] n. 代理;代理处;组织机构【同】bureau, office, organization【搭】employment agency 职业介绍所;travel agency 旅行社;ticket agency 售票代理处【考】Central Intelligence Agency(CIA) 中央情报局【例】I had seen an agency advertised in a local paper, so as soon as the rest of the family was out for school or work, I rushed out of the house in search of it. 我在当地报纸上看到一家机构刊登了广告,因此等家里的其他人出门上学或上班后,我就冲出门去寻找这家机构。agree [əˈgrɪː] v. 同意,赞成,承认;符合,一致【同】approve, assent, consent【搭】agree to differ 各自保留不同意见;agree on 对…意见一致;agree to 同意,答应;agree with 赞同,同意;适合于【考】can't agree more 完全同意【例】I must admit I can't agree with you more. 我必须承认我完全同意你的看法。air [eə(r)] n. 天空;空气,大气;态度;曲调;气氛【同】atmosphere; tune【搭】in the air 在空中;悬而未决;在流传中;up in the air 悬而未决【考】walk on air 得意洋洋;put on airs 摆架子【例】The report says Africa faces increases in air and water pollution, land destruction, water shortages and wildlife losses. 报道指出,在非洲,空气和水污染、水土流失、水资源短缺、野生动物灭绝等问题日趋严重。airport [ˈeəpɔːt] n. 机场,航空站【同】airdrome, airfield【搭】at the airport 在机场【例】Thanks to the short cut, Billy at last drove me to the airport on time. 多亏了走那条捷径,比利最终开车将我准时送到了机场。airsick [ˈeəsɪk] adj. 晕机的;患航空病的【同】nauseous, queasy【例】I'm feeling a little bit airsick. Please give me some tablets for it. 我有点晕机,请给我几片晕机药。aisle [aɪl] n. 侧廊;(席位间的)通道,走廊【同】corridor, passageway【搭】main aisle 主过道;side aisle 侧道【例】The entire center section of the supermarket consists of numbered aisles. 超市的整个中心区包括编号标记的若干通道。album [ˈælbəm] n. 唱片集;相册;集邮册;纪念册【同】record【搭】photo album 相册【考】family album 家庭相册【例】Joyce selected an album, removed the record from its cover and put it on the turntable. 乔伊斯选中了一张唱片集,从封套内抽出唱片,然后放到了唱机的转盘上。alcohol [ˈælkəhɒl] n. 酒;酒精【同】brew, firewater, liquor【考】alcohol addiction 酒精上瘾【例】In


urope, one in four deaths of men in the age group 15 to 29 is related to alcohol.在欧洲,15~29岁年龄群的男性中,四分之一的死亡与酒精有关。all [ɔːl] adj. 所有的,全部的 adv. 完全,都;非常 pron. 一切,全部 n. 全部【同】entire, total, whole【搭】all but 几乎,差一点;all along 始终,一直;all in all 总的说来;all over 到处,遍及【例】We look forward to meeting you all in China in the near future, and showing you the changes in China. 我们希望在不久的将来能在中国接待诸位,请诸位看看中国的变化。allow [əˈlaʊ] v. 允许,许可【同】consent, grant, permit【例】Smoking is not allowed in this car. 这节车厢禁止吸烟。allowance [əˈlaʊəns] n. 零用钱;津贴;限额;允许【同】quota; subsidy【搭】make allowance for 考虑到,顾及;体谅【例】The government ensures that subsistence allowances for laid-off workers from state-owned enterprises and basic pensions for retirees are paid on time and in full. 政府确保国有企业下岗职工的生活津贴和退休人员的基本养老金按时足额发放。already [ɔːlˈredi] adv. 已经,早已;先前【同】previously; yet【例】Even as children we are already intent on showing that we are not merely different from our fellows. 甚至作为孩子,我们也已经想表明我们不仅仅与我们的同伴不同。also [ˈɔːlsəʊ] adv. 也,而且,同样,此外 conj. 并且;另外【同】as well, besides, furthermore, moreover, too【搭】not only...but also...不但…而且【例】China has also increased its input of funds in this field in recent years. 近年来,中国也加大了这方面的资金投入。although [ɔːlˈðəʊ] conj. 虽然,尽管【同】even though, while, though【例】Although many people tend to live under the illusion that traditional technology is still playing extremely important role in people's life, increasing evidences show that it is less useful than many people think. 尽管许多人仍有这样的错觉,认为传统技术在人们的生活中仍发挥着极其重要的作用,但是越来越多的证据显示它并没有人们想象的那么有用。always [ˈɔːlweɪz] adv. 总是,一直,永远【同】all the time, constantly, evermore, forever【搭】as always 一如既往;for always 永远【例】Many people will always prefer the hectic pace and excitement of life in the city. 许多人一直更喜欢城市生活的快节奏和刺激。ambition [æmˈbɪʃn] n. 雄心,野心;抱负,志向【同】aspiration【搭】a flight of ambition 野心勃勃【例】The glistening golden trophy is the embodiment of every footballer's ambition. 闪闪发光的金色奖杯是每个足球运动员抱负的体现。ambulance [ˈæmbjuləns] n. 救护车【搭】ambulance driver 救护车司机【例】


e started working as a reporter, but during the


irst World War, he was an ambulance driver in Italy, where he was badly wounded in 1917. 他刚开始的职业是记者,不过在第一次世界大战期间,他在意大利做救护车司机,并曾在1917年严重受伤。American [əˈmerɪkən] n. 美国人;美洲人 adj. 美国的,美国人的【搭】American football 美式足球;American beauty 红蔷薇,月月红【例】An American company is now trying to recall almost three million of them. 一家美国公司正在试图召回这些(商品)中的300万件左右。among [əˈmʌŋ] prep. 在…之中;…之一【同】amid, between, midst【搭】among others 特别是,值得一提的是;among the rest 其中【例】He has a very good reputation among his fellows. 他在朋友中口碑甚佳。amusing [əˈmjuːzɪŋ] adj. 有趣的,好笑的【同】entertaining, funny, humorous, interesting【例】It may sound strange or even amusing to many. 对许多人来说,这听起来也许很奇怪,甚至很可笑。analyze/analyse [ˈænəlaɪz] vt. 分析,解析;研究【同】examine, study【例】He must analyze new words, look for the main idea, and note important details. 他必须分析生词,查找大意,并标注出重要细节。ancient [ˈeɪnʃənt] adj. 古老的,古代的 n. 古人【同】aged, antiquated, antique, old【搭】ancient times 古代,上古;ancient relics 古迹;ancient art 古代艺术【考】ancient China 古代中国【例】Chinese medicine is a form of medicine that has been in China since ancient times. 中医是中国自古以来就有的一种医术。animal [ˈænɪml] n. 动物,牲畜【同】creature, beast【搭】animal husbandry 畜牧业【例】I doubt Sam can finish typing his research paper on wild animal protection, which is due next Monday. 我怀疑萨姆能否把他关于野生动物保护的研究论文写完,而论文下周一就要交。anniversary [ˌænɪˈvɜːsərɪ] n. 周年纪念;周年纪念日【搭】wedding anniversary 结婚纪念日【例】Mike's wife was pleased by his thoughtful anniversary present. 迈克的妻子对他细心准备的纪念日礼物感到高兴。annual [ˈænjuəl] adj. 每年的,年度的;一年生的 n. 年刊;一年生植物【同】almanac, yearbook; yearly【搭】annual meeting 年会;annual income 年收入【考】annual rainfall 年均降水量【例】Flood causes an annual loss of $230 billion in the world. 洪灾每年给全世界造成的损失多达2300亿美元。another [əˈnʌðə(r)] adj. 另一的,再一个的 pron. 另一个;另一个人【搭】one another 彼此,互相;one way or another 以某种方法,无论如何【例】He would see 2 or 3 patients at the same time, and often stop treating one so as to see another. 他会同时诊治2到3个病人,而且经常要停下治疗一个病人去诊治另一个。answer [ˈɑːnsə(r)] v. 回答,答复;接电话 n. 答案;回答,答复【同】reply, respond【搭】answer for 对…负责;为…受罚【例】I answered softly because it seemed to be the right thing to do, and because all of a sudden I started to feel rather helpless. 我轻声回应,因为这似乎是我应该做的事,也因为突然间我开始感到相当无助。any [ˈenɪ] adj. 任何的;所有的 adv. 稍微;少许 pron. 任何;任何一个【同】all, every, whole【搭】any time 随时;any more 再;at any moment 随时,在任何时候;at any price 不惜任何代价;无论如何【例】It is fatal to enter any war without the will to win it. 不抱必赢的信念参加战争是致命的错误。anyone [ˈenɪwʌn] pron. 任何人;任何一个【同】anybody, everybody, everyone【例】Thomas Edison's inventions made possible the progress of technology. It is extremely difficult to find anyone living today who has not been affected by them. 托马斯·爱迪生的发明使技术进步成为了可能。在当今世界上,很难找到一个不受他的发明影响的人。apartment [əˈpɑːtmənt] n. 公寓,房间【同】flat, room, suite【搭】apartment block 公寓楼;service apartment 酒店式公寓,商务套房【例】His apartment is not far from the subway station. 他的公寓离地铁站不远。appear [əˈpɪə(r)] vi. 出现,显现;似乎【同】emerge; seem【例】It appears that watching too much television dulls a child's imagination. 看太多电视似乎会使孩子们的想象力变得迟钝。application [ˌæplɪˈkeɪʃn] n. 应用;申请;应用程序【同】request; use【搭】submit an application 提交申请【例】The pace of scientific progress, and the speed in which scientific discoveries have been turned into useful applications, has also been accelerating. 科学进步的速度,以及科学发现转化为实际应用的速度,都在日益加快。appointment [əˈpɔɪntmənt] n. 约会;约定;任命;职务,职位【同】date, engagement; assignment, nomination; job, post【搭】make an appointment 预约,约会;by appointment 按照约定;break an appointment 违约;失约【考】have an appointment with sb. 与某人有约【例】If you make an appointment and see us towards the end of the week, we'll be able to let you know our decision. 如果你能在周末前预约来见我们,我们就能告诉你我们的决定。appreciate [əˈprɪːʃɪeɪt] vt. 欣赏,赏识;感激;领会,意识到 vi. 增值;涨价【同】understand, realize【例】Visitors come to Shanghai with a purpose of appreciating the beautiful urban scenery, as well as shopping in its various kinds of shops and stores. 到上海的游客,除了要领略美丽的都市风光外,还会到上海各式各样的商店和商场购物。approximately [əˈprɒksɪmətlɪ] adv. 大约,近似地;近于【同】about, around, nearly, roughly【搭】approximately equal 近似等于,约等于【例】Those who are overly fat spend approximately 36% more on health care services than the general population. 那些过度肥胖的人在保健服务上的开支比普通人大约多出36%。archaeologist/archeologist [ˌɑːkɪˈɒlədʒɪst] n. 考古学家【例】In 1927, she divorced her husband and 2 years later she married her second husband, who was then an archaeologist. 1927年,她和丈夫离婚,两年后和第二任丈夫、当时的一名考古学家结婚。area [ˈeərɪə] n. 面积;地区,区域;领域【同】field; region, zone【搭】area code (电话)区号【例】The western region, where most of the poverty-stricken areas are located, has a weak infrastructure such as highways and railways. 贫困地区较为集中的西部,公路、铁路等基础设施比较薄弱。around [əˈraʊnd] prep. 到处;在…附近;围绕;大约adv. 到处;在…周围【同】about, approximately, nearly【搭】around the clock 连续24小时地, 夜以继日地;around the bush 拐弯抹角【例】Mr. Smith had the boys run around the field for several times before the practice games began. 史密斯先生让男孩们绕操场跑了几圈,然后才开始练习赛。arrive [əˈraɪv] vi. 到达;达成;成功【同】attain, reach; make it【搭】arrive in 到达,抵达;arrive at 到达;达到;得出【例】Thirty years ago this week, an American president arrived in China on a trip to end decades of estrangement and centuries of suspicion. 30年前的这一周,一位美国总统来到了中国,他此行的目





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