
发布时间:2020-09-19 09:12:01








Part Ⅰ. Translate the following terms, acronyms and proper names from English into Chinese. One point for each and the total for this part is 15 points. (1’×15=15’)

1. laser printer【答案】激光印刷机

2. space shuttle【答案】航天飞机

3. integrated circuit【答案】集成电路

4. silicon chip【答案】硅片

5. landing gear【答案】起落架;着陆装置

6. aircraft carrier【答案】航空母舰

7. UNESCO【答案】联合国教科文组织 (United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization)

8. CPI【答案】消费者价格指数 (Consumer Price Index)

9. EU【答案】欧盟 (European Union)

10. real estate【答案】不动产;房地产

11. constitutional monarchy【答案】君主立宪制度

12. King James Bible【答案】钦定版圣经

13. Capitol【答案】美国国会大厦

14. Secretary of State【答案】美国国务卿

15. Halloween【答案】万圣节

Part Ⅱ. Translate the following terms, acronyms and proper names from Chinese into English. One point for each and the total for this part is 15 points. (1’×15=15’)

1. 飞机维护手册【答案】Airplane Maintenance Manual (AMM)

2. 交流电【答案】alternating current

3. 环境保护【答案】environmental protection

4. 高等学校【答案】institution of higher education

5. 奥林匹克运动会【答案】Olympic Games

6. 私营企业【答案】private enterprise

7. 博士生导师【答案】doctoral supervisor

8. 自动飞行系统【答案】Automatic Flight System

9. 社会科学【答案】Social Science

10. 南航【答案】China Southern Airlines

11. 外资【答案】foreign capital

12. 科学普及【答案】popularization of science

13. 空姐【答案】airline stewardess

14. 春节联欢晚会【答案】Spring Festival Gala Evening

15. 两弹一星【答案】Bombs and One Satellite

Part Ⅲ. Translate the following passages from English into Chinese. Each passage accounts for 30 points and the total for this part is 60 points (30’×2 =60’).

Passage 1

In many areas the A380 has proven technologies that will become the standard for the next generation of airliners. As one example, the aircraft benefits from a higher proportion of carbon-fiber composite than any previous Airbus aircraft, around 22% compared with 12% for an A340-600 or 9% on a 777. For the first time, this technology has been applied to major components.

The information and data management requirements for an aircraft as large as the A380 also have placed demands on system design. These have been met in two ways. The aircraft’s avionics system uses 22 computers of 7 different varieties that share all the functions traditionally handled by individual “black boxes”. Data exchange in the system utilizes a high capacity and high speed Ethernet data link with data exchange at a rate of 10 million bits per second, 100 times the capacity of a traditional avionics system.【参考译文】



Passage 2

Music has always been a passion of mine. At the end of a really hard day in the office, I generally slip away sitting at a piano in a place where nothing matters but the elegance and precision of Mozart’s soothing melodies. Listening to music live at concerts is a really important part of my life. Actually, it’s an addiction. I simply couldn’t bear to do the endless work if I didn’t have some music playing in the background, which makes it bearable.

And it is this personal experience, which I am sure is not different from others, of playing and hearing music, knowing the impact it has had on my own life, which encourages me to talk about it with such zest. I know fully well that I am preaching today to those with wider knowledge and greater expertise that leaves me almost speechless with envy. But we share our commitment—to see our orchestra thrive both at home and abroad in their promotion of excellence.【参考译文】



Part Ⅳ. Translate the following passages from Chinese into English. Each passage accounts for 30 points and the total for this part is 60 points (30’×2 = 60’).

Passage 1


Spring Festival, commonly known as New Year, used to be extended from New Year’s Eve to the Lantern Festival. Before the New Year’s Eve, every family cleans up the house to say farewell to the old year and welcome a new one. New Year’s Eve dinner is an important part of the Spring Festival, at that time people all going back home no matter where they are. Owing to the multi-ethnic integration, Shanghai has both the northern and southern New Year’s Eve dinner types. After the reform and opening up, there exists a growing variety of family reunion dinner. Dishes and wine gradually replaced the dumplings, wonton, longevity noodles and other traditional food.

Passage 2


Books are my sweethearts in my youth, my bosom friends in my middle age, and my companions in my declining years. Accompanied by books, I never feel lonely, nor fear social snobbery or fickleness of the world. They have made a rich man of me in the inner world. I cannot do without them even for a single day. When I feel tired out after finishing my work, or when I am in a bad mood, I’ll try to get close to books for comfort—the best way for me to find spiritual consolation.


Part I. Translate the following terms, acronyms and proper names from English into Chinese. One point for each and the total for this part is 15 points. (1’×15=15’)

1. stock exchange【答案】证券交易所

2. economic depression【答案】经济萧条

3. airport terminal【答案】航站楼

4. CEO【答案】首席执行官;执行总裁 (Chief Executive Officer)

5. NATO【答案】北大西洋公约组织 (North Atlantic Treaty Organization)

6. Euro-zone【答案】欧元区

7. greenhouse gas emissions【答案】温室气体排放

8. jetliner【答案】喷气客机

9. email spam【答案】垃圾邮件

10. the House of Representatives【答案】众议院

11. composite materials【答案】复合材料

12. Easter【答案】复活节

13. organic food【答案】有机食品

14. telemarketing【答案】电话营销

15. jet lag【答案】飞行时差

Part Ⅱ. Translate the following terms, acronyms and proper names from Chinese into English. One point for each and the total for this part is 15 points. (1’×15=15’)

1. 自动飞行系统【答案】automatic flight system

2. 微机【答案】microcomputer

3. 欧共体【答案】EC (European Community)

4. 三农【答案】agriculture, farmer and rural area

5. 私企【答案】private enterprise

6. 能耗【答案】energy consumption

7. 第三产业【答案】tertiary industry; service sector

8. 中国石化【答案】Sinopec

9. 全球定位系统【答案】GPS (Global Positioning System)

10. 工商管理硕士【答案】MBA (Master of Business Administration)

11. 身份证【答案】ID card

12. 人大【答案】The National People’s Congress

13. 激光唱片【答案】compact disc

l4. 亚太经合组织【答案】APEC (Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation)

15. 雅思考试【答案】IELTS (International English Language Testing System)

Part Ⅲ. Translate the following passages from English into Chinese. Each passage accounts for 30 points and the total for this part is 60 points (30’×2 =60’).

Passage 1

One of the greatest challenges that face every American president is to ensure that events of the day do not become cascading crises that crowd out the pursuit of our nation’s long-term strategic priorities and interests. This has been particularly true over the past three years, when the US has confronted a daunting array of challenges: global financial crises; the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan; terrorist threats; direct challenges to global nuclear non-proliferation regimes; and the still unfolding, events across the Middle East and North Africa. Even as we have dealt with these dynamics, President Obama has pursued a rebalancing of our foreign policy priorities – and renewed our long-standing alliances, including with NATO--to ensure that our focus and our resources match our nation’s most important strategic interests.【参考译文】


Passage 2

Air France and British Airways have announced that later this year they will retire all of their Concordes from commercial service. For many Americans the Concorde has always been a bit of a joke, a prime example of what happens when bureaucrats pursue prestige through engineering. By the early 1960s US private firms were clearly ahead of European jet makers. The governments of France and the UK launched a joint project to outdo the Americans at their own game, by designing a supersonic jet that would restore European technological preeminence. After years of experimentation at vast public expense, the Anglo-French designers had made an engineering wonder with little hope of ever turning a profit.【参考译文】


Part Ⅳ. Translate the following passages from Chinese into English. Each passage accounts for 30 points and the total for this part is 60 points (30’×2 = 60’).

Passage 1


There, peace and tranquility prevail day and night. All living beings, whether moving or at rest, stand to enjoy life in their own way. In the daytime, the sun shining warm and cozy with thin clouds floating over the fields, while during the night, the moon and stars hanging bright in the sky with soft breezes cooling the air. The only thing capable of affecting our mood then and there is the chorus by insects. Their performance, with a voice high or low, sonorous or piping, quick or slow, sustained or suspended, is flawless and skillful, as if they had undergone through training under a music master. In fact, each and every one of them is a consummate music master all by itself. A constellation of fine artists, they each give full play to their unique talent. No wonder their performance has reached the peak of artistic perfection.

Passage 2


If I were king, I would be addressed as “Your Majesty” and every word of mine would become a “royal edict”. All my subjects would leave no stone unturned to carry out every will, every avaricious desire and even every whim of mine, even though they were beyond the possible. I would do no wrong simply because no one dared to call it a wrong. I would commit no crime simply because no one dared to call it a crime. No one would dare to berate or find fault with me unless I was removed from the throne, which meant that I was no longer the king.


Part I. Translate the following terms, acronyms and proper names from English into Chinese. One point for each and the total for this part is 15 points. (1’×15=15’)

1. malware【答案】恶意软件

2. code of conduct【答案】行为准则

3. inflation【答案】通货膨胀

4 search engine【答案】搜索引擎

5. square brackets【答案】方括号

6. 3G mobile【答案】第3代移动通讯

7. MOU【答案】谅解备忘录 (Memorandum of Understanding)

8. Chairman of the Board【答案】董事长

9. teleconference【答案】电话会议

10. correspondence university【答案】函授大学

11. vicious circle【答案】恶性循环

12. aircraft carrier【答案】航空母舰

13. entrepreneur【答案】企业家

14. financial crisis【答案】金融危机

15. intellectual property【答案】知识产权

Part Ⅱ. Translate the following terms, acronyms and proper names from Chinese into English. One point for each and the total for this part is 15 points. (1’×15=15’)

1. 波音【答案】Boeing

2. 硅谷【答案】Silicon Valley

3. 教育机构【答案】educational institution

4. 科学态度【答案】scientific attitude

5. 市场营销【答案】marketing

6. 高能物理【答案】high-energy physics

7. 临界温度【答案】critical temperature

8. 控制系统【答案】control system

9. 经济发展【答案】economic development

10. 希望工程【答案】The Hope Project

11. 电流【答案】electric current

12. 技术革新【答案】technical innovation

13. 太阳能【答案】solar energy

14. 太空站【答案】space station

15. 数字电视【答案】digital television

Part Ⅲ. Translate the following passages from English into Chinese. Each passage accounts for 30 points and the total for this part is 60 points (30’×2 =60’).

Passage 1

The American mathematician Norbert Wiener first gave common use to the word ‘cybernetics’ (from the Greek word for ‘steersman’, ‘kubernetes’), to describe that branch of study which is concerned with self-regulating systems of communication and control in living organisms and machines. The derivation seems apt, since the primary function of many cybernetic systems is to steer an optimum course through changing conditions towards a predetermined goal.

We know from long experience that stable objects are those with broad bases and with most of their mass centred low, yet we seldom marvel at our own remarkable ability to stand upright, supported only by our jointed legs and narrow feet. To stay erect even when pushed, or when the surface beneath us moves, as on a ship or a bus; to be able to walk or run over rough ground without falling; to keep cool when it is hot or vice versa, are examples of cybernetic processes and of properties exclusive to living things and to highly automated machines.【参考译文】

美国数学家诺伯特维纳首先对“控制论”一词(来自希腊词 “kubernetes”,“舵手”)进行了广泛的使用,来描述这个研究的分支,它涉及到在生物和机器上的自我调节和控制系统。这个推论似乎很恰当,因为许多控制系统的主要功能是通过变化的条件来引导一个最优的过程,从而达到一个预定的目标。


Passage 2

A young man sees a sunset and, unable to understand or to express the emotion that it rouses in him, concludes that it must be the gateway to a world that lies beyond. It is difficult for any of us in moments of intense aesthetic experience to resist the suggestion that we are catching a glimpse of a light that shines down to us from a different realm of existence, different and, because the experience is intensely moving, in some way higher. And, though the gleams blind and dazzle, yet do they convey a hint of beauty and serenity greater than we have known or imagined. Greater too than we can describe, for language, which was invented to convey the meanings of this world, cannot readily be fitted to the uses of another.【参考译文】


Part Ⅳ. Translate the following passages from Chinese into English. Each passage accounts for 30 points and the total for this part is 60 points (30’×2 = 60’).

Passage 1


Large aircraft major projects have been established, the Chinese people must use their own hands and wisdom to create a large aircraft of international competitiveness. It is the will of both the country and the people to let China’s large aircraft fly on the blue sky. We must make it to achieve the dream of generations. This is not only the needs of the aviation industry, but also the need of building an innovative country. The development of large aircraft will drive a number of major areas of technological upgrading and will make China’s passenger aircraft industry move forward to a higher field.

Passage 2







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