
发布时间:2020-09-19 15:15:38









第一章 绪论


1.1 概念内涵

语言不是处于一成不变的封闭系统中,而是处于一个持续变化的动态连续统中。就英语词类而言,一个词并非总是囿于固有的词类,而是会发生一定的变化。转类词是指不经任何形式的变化,从一种词类转用为另一种词类的词。它在英汉语言中均是较普遍的现象,但对其称谓,无论在汉语界还是英语界都不统一。汉语里常用的说法有:“字类假借”(马建中),“词类活用”(陈承泽),“转类”(黎锦熙),“转品”(程望道),“变性”(王力),“词类转变”(吕叔湘),“活用”(胡裕树),“孳生”(傅子东)等,林林总总,不一而足。相对汉语来说,英语对这一现象的称呼没那么复杂,但也有Conversion,Conversion of Word Class(Quirk),Derivation by Zero Suffx/Zero Derivation(V. Adams,H. Clark),也不一致。“转类词约占现代英语总量的10.5%,转类词构词法是英语新词词汇的主要来源之一,时时为英语的不断发展注入新的活力”(张韵斐,2001:90)。根据Clark & Clark(1979)和周领顺(2001)对词类转换过程的考察和阶段划分以及对词类活用与兼类甄别的论述,转类词一般经历了“偶用→常用→固定”这种发展路径,从历时的角度看是一连续统,处于这一连续统的典型情况是“典型活用”(词类正处于转变之中)和“兼类”(词类转变的完成),其中成为“兼类”的标志为“已经收录于词典”。当然,两者之间尚存在“非典型活用”这种亦此亦彼、非此非彼的灰色地带。


本研究之所以排除“兼类”,主要基于以下几点考虑:一是因为它们已经定性,相对于“正处于转类”的情形,研究的重要性与必要性难免要打折扣;二是对这种原本就具有两种以上词类的“兼类”,也确实难以做出本体与衍生的甄别;三是因为以往的研究多未能对词语的偶尔临时转类与业已收入词典(即被语言社区正式认可和接受的转类)的“兼类”词进行必要的区分,致使在案例的搜集和现象的阐述中将两者混为一谈。如在Clark & Clark搜集的1 300多个名—动转类词中,就由两部分组成:“既包括被词典正式收录的、经常具有两种词类以上的,也包括临时活用的名—动转类词。他们把前者称为denominal verb(等同于汉语语法中的兼类词),后者称为innovation(等同于汉语修辞中的活用词)”(周领顺,2000)。


综上所述,本书对英语转类词语研究的范围为现代英语名词、动词和形容词相互间的词类活用,即三类实词之间时有发生但尚未被词典认定和标注的转类。如名词转类为动词的“helm”(From Boppard you can easily helm your car to view not just panorama after wonderful river panorama.),名词转类为形容词的“additive”(The effect of adding salbutamol to salmeterol is largely additive.),形容词转类为动词的“clad”(Their builder clad the tower in old stone to give it an ancient appearance.),形容词转类为名词的“stunning”(They really made a South Africa a stunning with nine wickets.),动词转类为名词的“adjourn”(We’ll have an adjourn.),动词转类为形容词的“contaminate”(She felt contaminate.)等。上述现象为本书重点关注和研究的对象。

1.2 研究现状

英语转类词作为一种较为常见的语法和修辞现象,国内外对其观察、探索历史已久,大体上可以归纳为如下几个方面:(1)语法、语义视角:代表人物Adams(1973),Quirk(1972,1985),徐盛桓(1981)等对名转动词进行了探索。Adams按照源生名词在深层句法位置或它与转类词的意释关系分七类情况讨论名转动词情况。Quirk(1972,1985)、徐盛桓(1981)通过对转类动词与其源生名词语义关系的考察,分别把名转动词划分为七种和十种类型。(2)语用、修辞角度:Clark & Clark(1979)从语用学的角度,具体地说是从合作原则的角度,阐述了名转动词意义的识别与使用问题,指出如果说话人有充分的理由认定听话人有足够的共享知识,则某一名词就可以用作动词,并且其动词义能够被听话人推导出来,他们还认为名转动词的主要功能就是表达方式的经济性;司显柱(1992)具体阐述了该类词语具有表达上的准确性和生动性等修辞效果;赵秀凤等(2002)认为词类转化具有扩大修辞空间的功效;而崔建社(1992)则从文体的角度论述了转类形容词具有“不落俗套,意象生动”的特征。(3)认知、隐喻视角:随着认知语言学的迅速发展,人们从语法隐喻、范畴化和视角突显理论等角度对转类词展开研究,如高芳、徐盛桓(2000)根据Sperber & Wilson的关联原则,在认知理论框架下,论述了名转动意义的识别过程实为语用推理过程的命题;刘正光(2000)考察了名词转换成动词使用过程中的隐喻思维特征,揭示了词义扩展的心理基础;周琳(2006)认为名动转用中主要存在着隐喻和换喻两种认知模式。(4)对转类过程的考察,从历时的角度来分析词语转类,其最终结果不外乎两种:一是被语言社区正式接受,标志为收入词典,实现了词汇化(lexicalized);而另一种则只是特定场景下的临时使用,昙花一现。对转类词语的发展过程,Clark & Clark(1979)以名词转化为动词为例,将其划分为六个阶段。(5)翻译处理与词类标注角度:王仁强(2006)从认知视角讨论汉英词典词类标注时对转类词的标注处理;王蕾(2006)还对英语中的转类构词与英汉翻译词汇转译进行了比较。不难看出,随着认识的深化,人们对转类词研究在深度上不断推进,大体说来遵循了:语法(分类)→语义(语义结构)→修辞(语用效果)→过程(发展趋势)→认知(理据阐释)→应用(翻译、词典编撰时的词类标注)等这样一条发展轨迹。


1.3 研究内容


首先,为弥补之前研究观察充分性不足之缺陷,拟以《朗文当代高级英语辞典》和“英国国家语料库”(BYU-BNC:British National Corpus,100 Million Words,1980s-1993,以下简称“BNC语料库”)为依托,挑出该词典里完全没有兼类标注(即只标注了一种词性)和不完全兼类标注(即只标注名、动、形三类词里任两种词性)的名词、动词和形容词,列为检索词,输入“BNC语料库”进行检索,逐一筛选、辨识出转类词语,完成上述转类词语的搜集和统计工作,为今后进一步研究提供真实新鲜的语料。



1.4 重点难点


1.5 研究价值


第二章 如何研制英语转类词语库


2.1 关于《朗文辞典》和“BNC语料库”

本研究基于语料库构建英语转类词语库,所依赖的两大工具是《朗文当代高级英语辞典》(Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English英英·英汉双解,外语教学与研究出版社,2004年3月第4版,2006年12月第6次印刷,以下简称《朗文辞典》)和“BNC语料库”。首先有必要对两大工具予以介绍和说明。《朗文辞典》是世界公认的学习英语最好的工具书之一,该词典从出版至今,一直被认为是非常权威的英语学习词典。它共收录了10万余个词条和短语,最重要的是这些词条和短语中包含了大量的新词新义。该词典的语法解释非常详细,设有“语法”、“词语辨析”和“词语聚焦”专栏,对语法和近义词等均做出比较深入的解释和剖析,并有完整的词类标注。此外,该词典语料例证来源真实:15.5万个语料例证全部来源于现实生活,以保证语言材料的真实性。所以王建新(2005)指出,《朗文辞典》整合了语料库、语法和词典,例句极为丰富真实,已经成为全世界英语学习者的首选,同时该词典以其不可撼动的权威性,在各类工具书销售排行榜上一直遥遥领先。考虑到本研究的目标和研究者的精力,该词典是较为理想的工具。“BNC语料库”是由英国牛津大学出版社、朗文出版公司、钱伯斯—哈洛普出版公司、牛津大学计算服务中心、兰卡斯特大学英语计算机研究中心以及大英图书馆等联合开发建立的大型语料库,于1991年至1994年期间建设完成,是目前世界上最具代表性的当代英语语料库之一。该语料库共收录1亿多词汇,其中口语语料1千万条,书面语语料9千万条。“BNC语料库”的语料来源相当广泛,就口语语料而言,这1千万条语料都是通过对志愿者录音后得出的,而且志愿者的年龄段、受教育程度,职业等都是高度符合统计比率的。就书面语语料库而言,所有的语料都取自小说、杂志、报纸、非学术性文本、学术性文本以及其他书面体裁文本,可以说书面语的语料涉及语言使用的方方面面,因此该语料库具有其他小型语料库无法比拟的权威性和全面性。Burnard(2000)将“BNC语料库”的特征归纳为:第一,“BNC语料库”是一个大型通用语料库,该语料库包括各个年龄段、各个社会阶层的语言,覆盖英国语言的方方面面,而非针对某一学科领域、某一地域或某一文本类型的语料库;第二,“BNC语料库”是单语语料库,搜集的是英国英语语料,只有小部分是非英语或外来语;第三,“BNC语料库”是抽样语料库,整个语料库包括4 054篇文本取样,每篇抽样文本的长度不超过4.5万词;第四,“BNC语料库”是共时语料库,语料库中的创作型文本(imaginative text)取自1960-1991年的文本,信息型文本(informative texts)取自1975-1994年的文本,口语语料取样多为1990-1994年的文本;第五,“BNC语料库”是混合语体语料库,包含1千万词的口语语料和9千万词的书面语语料。


2.2 研制步骤与方法






另外,如果在“HIDE OPTIONS”选项栏里的“GROUP BY”下拉框里选中“NONE(SHOW POS)”,搜索结果就能呈现出所有检索词语的词性,见图2-4。如图所示,检索项“SHITTY”根据不同的词性分为7行,其在语料库里认定的词性共有7种,分别被标识为:JJ_NN1,JJ,NN1_JJ,JJ_NN1_NP1,NP1,NN1和JJ_NP1_NN1。该语料库对这些符号表示的不同词性均给予说明,如“AJ0”表示形容词,“NN1”则表示名词。具体请见表2-1“BNC标签释义”。图2-4表2-1 BNC标签释义(The Description of Tag)





在左上角“WORD (S)”一项中输入“culture”一词,即可出现图2-8所示界面:图2-8

由此图可见,语料库共收录了8 413条含有“culture”词条的语料。不过这项搜索结果只是部分地反映该库实际收录含有“culture”词条的情形,即只是反映了该库中“culture”的原形形式,没有包括含有其复数、动词第三人称单数、一般现在时、现在进行时、一般过去时等形式的词条,因而是不完整的。事实上,动词的屈折变化正是通过上述几种形式表现出来的,如果按上述方法搜索,就会遗漏掉不少名转动词,据此最终建立起来的名转动词语库将是不可靠、不全面的。若要弥补这种搜索结果的不足,应该将输入形式改为“[culture]”,这样就可获得词根为“culture”的所有词条。如图2-9,符合词根为“culture”的词条数是10 135条,远远高于之前的8 413条,因为它包括了“cultures”、“cultured”、“culturing”等动词的屈折变化形式。图2-9


上图反映了该词条在不同体裁中的分布情况,要对该词条的词性做出判断和统计,还得进一步借助“BNC语料库”的自动词性标注系统。点击页面左下角的“CLICK TO SEE OPTIONS”,出现图2-11所示的界面:图2-11

在“GROUP BY”的下拉菜单中,选择“NONE(SHOW POS)”(POS代表part of speech),如图2-12所示:图2-12



点击上图体裁栏下的数据,即可呈现出相应的语料信息。如:点击Culture(NN1)Spoken体裁下的数字“159”,包括诸如“KB0”、“S-conv”以及包含检索词条“culture”的语料:“most adultaborigines were vote in the process for deciding on the federation. The culture of the minorities of indigenous people that was given providence at the assembly. And”即可呈现,详见图2-14的右下栏,其中“KB0”是文件名,“S-conv”是子体裁的缩写名称,这些符号所表示的意思该语料库均有说明。图2-14



上表所反映的英语转类词语库记录形式可分为两个部分。第一部分表示某个词条发生转类的总体情形。词条“culture”后面的“(16/10224)”表示在“BNC语料库”中搜集的包含“culture”的10 224条语料中,有16条“culture”发生了名词转类动词现象。该词条下的第一个方框,是名转动词在不同体裁的总体分布情况,而具体体裁下的数字表示该体裁里所发生的转类案例数目或者说转类发生频次,如“fction”下的“4/10224”表示在“fction”体裁下,有4个转类案例。第二部分是具体的转类案例。第一栏表示该词条所在语料的体裁及文件名,如“w-fct-prose FP0”表示该语料属于“fction”下“prose”子体裁,来源于文件名为“FP0”的文章;第二栏为语料来源信息,包括文章名、作者、出版地、出版社、出版年份、页码等;第三栏指该词条具体所在的语境(语料)。考虑到上述形式占用太多版面,本书在实际构建转类词库时,如果某个转类词在某个体裁下的语料数量在5条以下,则全部收录;如果在5条以上,则只收录5条;同时对其描写采用如下较为简约的形式,以名词“culture”为例:

Culture (16/10224)

Fiction:(4/10224)(1) ’s banner of meanings cancelled out the bitter mould-taste of failure that the garden-master had cultured inside her. They wheeled the magic machine over by her bed and though she(2) executive floor all day,perfumed by smart secretaries,softened by deep carpets,cultured by pictures on the wall—not advertising,but Art. Advertisements were only(3) matrons together. Marie Claire had married an Egyptian but since he was rich and cultured my mother hadn’t minded and had continued with the friendship. They had sent(4) meetings amusing,Benedicta?”“Yes.”He noticed how low and cultured her voice was.“Yes,Father,I do. I mean

如上所示,本书只记录名词“culture”在“BNC语料库”中出现的总次数(10 224次)、用作动词的情形(16次)、在各种不同体裁,如fction(小说)体裁中的次数(4次),以及具体体裁下转类案例(语料)。所给出的描述删除了“BNC语料库”中反映语料出处的体裁及文件名,语料来源,即包括文章名、作者、出版地、出版社、出版年份、页码等信息。本书以下对于名词、动词、形容词彼此间的转类情形的描写,除有特别要求,均统一按此方式处理。

2.3 关于“BNC语料库”自动词性标注系统


以英语介词“to”为例,它可以后跟名词或名词短语表示对象,而“BNC语料库”则将这种形式与动词不定式“to+动词原形”结构混淆,经常将名词或名词短语标注为动词。在下述关于“intermediate designer”的案例中,形容词“intermediate”修饰名词“designer”构成名词短语,充当“to”所指对象,而“BNC语料库”则将其与“to+动词原形”结构混为一谈,错误地标注为动词。这就需要我们对“BNC语料库”自动词性标注出的案例加以人工甄别,在统计名转动词案例时将其剔除。


本章所介绍的步骤和方法即为本书主要研究内容的具体操作方式和实现路径。本研究依托《朗文辞典》和“BNC语料库”,把在词典里完全没有兼类标注(即只标注了一种词性)和不完全兼类标注,即只标注名、动、形三类词里任两种词性的上述三类词语挑选出来,列为检索词,之后再逐一输入“BNC语料库”进行检索,并进一步筛选、辨识出转类词语,最终完成上述转类词语库的建设,为今后的研究提供真实新鲜的语料。3.2 英语名转动词库建构


1. Action行动(15/26667)

Spoken:(6/26667)(1) the result of the consultation and therefore there still outstanding as whether we wish to action the not. The report deal deals with a fair detail and concentration and then(2) ourselves the top ten,top ten objectives and how we are going to actually action those objectives er to er move forward and if they were achieved,we thought(3) everything and anything and the latter,who is responsible for sealing the suggestion,actioning it and making it move forward. And,I think Alan,this actually(4) to move forward on those those issues. Yes. some of them are already actioned there Like,like which Well,we’ve also already had a report to(5) the minutes of the last meeting just raising those things which still have to be actioned. Erm missing procedures we have decided that Jenny is going to write T G

Fiction:(2/26667)(1) common purpose. Time for talk is over. There is no talk. Just action. To total sickness you bring total cure. Now there’s less room for(2) n’t printed until after he’d gone home Keyserling would send it anyway. So action this day.”“Mind you”Maxim said“I could go back

Newspaper:(3/26667)(1) to be win or bust. Read in studio So keep your fingers crossed…action round up now…and we’ve two new champions to toast Video-Taped report follows(2) a man deserves an honour from his country,it’s this man.”Action this day. Not a lot to grouch about By Tim Satchell THE Groucho Club(3) forging close contacts with district councils as well as other statutory and voluntary groups within Hampshire. Action against AIDS A conference on AIDS has attracted a good response from businessmen in the

Non-academic:(1/26667)(1) also be informed of such incidents in order to record them in the client index by actioning the appropriate“fag”. Visiting clients away from the workplace 4.29 Employees must inform

Misc:(3/26667)(1) want to enter information,or has finished entering information but does not want to action it,the TAB and BACKSPACE keys can be used to move to the next(2) Completed forms should be photocopied before being issued to the New OED Computer Group for actioning. The photocopied forms should be fled as being actioned. The request serial number(3) checks into ordering referring unscheduled or non-conforming orders to unit management for specific authorisation before actioning. Distribution is the process of making the right materials available at the right

2. Adventure冒险(29/2038)

Fiction:(5/2038)(1) the Holy Land to find their places filled. Others are those who did not adventure themselves on the Crusade,but stayed to maintain the rights of their absent lords(2) of herself,of Melanie? The house was entirely quiet. Melanie decided to adventure downstairs to the kitchen,where she had not been. She wanted to learn(3) it? Perhaps not. And if so why should it be supposed they had adventured into the forest rather than eastward towards the corn lands and the nearer towns,and(4) the door.“Hi...?”No one in,of course. Brian was Adventuring,scaling Junior Buttress or wobbling in a canoe,probably falling off or drowning(5) I had fled the planet entirely. I was with Lucian of Samosata,adventuring on the Moon!”They began a conversation on the advantages of lunar life

Magazine:(2/2038)(1) desire to work on environmental issues. A couple of years ago,back from adventuring through the Caribbean and Central America,she decided not to become a campaigner.(2) this only when you are desperately stuck so they do not spoil the fun of adventuring around each level. On the plus side however,if you are really stuck

Non-academic:(3/2038)(1)“undertake”a drainage scheme;an“adventurer”was one who“adventured”his capital on such an undertaking. The security of both was the promise(2) It did so well that the King gave a charter to the“gentlemen adventuring into Hudson’s Bay”which allowed them a monopoly of trade in the whole(3) mothers abandoned their children“swimming in their beds,till good people,adventuring their lives,went up to the breast in the waters to fetch them out at

Misc:(19/2038)(1) behind it—it was to lead us indirectly into more than a decade of adventuring in some of the most remote regions of Indonesia. Within three weeks I had(2) her journey with such a company as no man of any honest degree would have adventured his life and his goods among them. Others record that she patiently concluded the(3) For a time he manufactured white lead in Birmingham (1841-4),and then adventured in copper smelting in Neath in south Wales (1844-8). Gossage moved to(4) but like his elder namesake,Arthur junior was a parliamentarian,and he adventured £300 in the prospective purchase of Irish lands. He was described as clerk to(5) was begun on a large scale in the mid-seventeenth century by the so-called Adventurers who adventured their capital in an attempt to drain the fens. Over ninety-five thousand acres of

3. Advantage优点,优势(9/10166)

Newspaper:(2/10166)(1) to me. Some stranger than others. Kathy Acker’s off-the-shoulder dress displayed to advantage her collection of off-the-shoulder tattoos;Sara Maitland wore a pale pink pyjama suit and(2) I have never urged Sir Hal Miller or anyone else to withhold evidence which would advantage a defendant.“I should be glad to give evidence to Lord Justice Scott

Academic:(1/10166)(1) existing hierarchies;for the“democratization”of the curriculum by reorganizing knowledge to advantage the disadvantaged;and for special teacher training for teachers to assist girls in resisting

Non-academic:(1/10166)(1) Wherever he looked,he saw human beings taking the wrong turning. This advantaged his art. Disapproval is all too common in the pulpit,but it is

Misc:(5/10166)(1) experiments. He developed a patient trial-and-error approach,and an ability to incorporate to advantage the work of others;these characteristics became hallmarks of his later work.(2) commerce in the way that the rest of the world has to and put to advantage their expensive educations which are paid for out of general taxes.”The film’s(3) Ring can be destroyed. If necessary one evil will fght with another in order to advantage itself. Fear is one of the Dark Lord’s most powerful weapons yet some(4) and disseminate the product of expensive information technology. It costs money to maintain and advantage your interests in the childbirth feld. Next time,you,your daughter,(5) have a network of friends and relations who have suffered long-term unemployment. They therefore advantage other parts of Belfast over West Belfast. They are what is meant by indirect

4. Agglomerate火山爆发后形成的集成岩(4/9)

Newspaper:(1/9)(1) was to the roaring twenties. The money sloshing around allowed new wave companies to agglomerate,service the raiders and benefciaries of Big Bang and create demands which people did

Non-academic:(2/9)(1) more and more chilled fragments remain on the surface,and these small particles soon agglomerate together,forming progressively larger plates or rafts which cover the surface of the fow(2) thought to be aided by copepods,1-mm-long zooplankton that ingest the smallest particles,agglomerate them in their guts and expel them as large and heavier pieces that sink before

Academic:(1/9)(1) these and suggested three premises:1 There is a tendency for human activities to agglomerate to take advantage of scale economies,meaning the savings in costs by concentrating activities

5. Attire晚礼服(1/30)

Magazine:(1/30)(1) fact that he bears no little responsibility in infuencing the progeny of working people to attire themselves in tent material.

6. Backup后备人员,备用品(12/266)

Spoken:(3/266)(1) and you type Y or no Yeah and you can set it so it’ll backup save every minute or every hour Really? Yeah,it’s brilliant so you(2) my backup window is an hour and that’s how long it take me to backup my database today,if had the backup server and I was using one device(3) Yes. in saying,erm,we in fact,you know,backup our transcription. Erm,Mm. Yes,the more you can do,

Fiction:(1/266)(1) A big saloon car was parked outside the other door with its engine running. Backup! He had to run for it. Head towards the centre where it got

Newspaper:(1/266)(2) The others are Maghull High and the holders,Savio. Copters fy out to backup Cheshires By David Banks Daily Post Staff FOUR British helicopters are being sent to former

Magazine:(3/266)(1) the program. The BACKUP and RESTORE programs are opposite to each other,one will backup your programs to foppy disks and the other allows you to restore them to your(2) if you are transferring a hard disk drive to a new motherboard then you should backup all of the data. While there is a good chance that the disk drive(3) about the way directories and path names work. The next time you need to backup the directory you copy it into WORK and so on until you feel that it is time

Non-academic:(2/266)(1) Its features include forward and rollback recovery and hot backup,which allows users to backup the database without shutting it down. Supra Server supports LAN protocols from Novell Inc(2) facility. ThruNet,still in beta,will allow Sparc and Ultrix clients to backup and restore their files to a VAX storage device using Unix commands. SP/32 anticipates

Misc:(2/266)(1) things,Mister? Are they good?”) They allowed us to“backup”material written on the computer’s in-built word-processing package. Most of us used(2) frequently as your tape re-use cycle!) You can get the incremental backup to backup the database files from the Process Directory. However,it is imperative that LIFESPAN

7. Badge徽章(4/820)

Magazine:(1/820)(1) to repair and look the same to potential thieves:“With no difference in badging,you don’t know what you’ve got until you open the bonnet.

Non-academic:(2/820)(1) general fever for branding schemes OSF is also introducing its own programme for vendors to badge their products“OSF certifed”. To be able to add this latest accreditation(2) will be the network operating system. MAGSTORE BADGES PHILIPS CDD521 Aldershot-based Magstore Ltd is badging Philips Electronics NV’s CDD521 write-once compact disk drives in the UK so that software vendors

Misc:(1/820)(1) some in diameter,appear to be a Junkers Ju 88s. The unit badge a pigeon wearing fying boots! Any clues readers,if so please let us

8. Balm油,止痛膏(2/101)

Fiction:(2/101)(1) then but not now. Well,she knew that already but it didn’t balm the pain.“And this year you’re crazy about Maria Luisa,”(2) had flowed out of Lexandro,earthed through his power sword into the bodies. Calm balmed him:a sense of peace which he knew would encompass him on a return

9. Banquet宴会(1/427)

Non-academic:(1/427)(1) wood,shielded by what they are eating. But caterpillars,most of which banquet out in the open,must look to their defences. They are unexcelled as

10. Bead珠子,小珠(2/749)

Fiction:(1/749)(1) do with Undersea? I don’t understand,Ruth thought,and felt tears bead her eyelashes. Oh,if only she could stop crying…Upstairs a door

Newspaper:(1/749)(1) Princess in a hand-beaded suit of cream silk faille ottoman.“I would heavily bead the fabric with tiny faux pearls,bugle and satin beads in an antique-style scroll

11. Bevel斜边,斜角(4/48)

Magazine:(3/48)(1) it to the back of the disc. Polish the face of the plate and bevel the edge,before burnishing. Bore a shallow recess with the winged bit and(2) is to remove any crumbly enamel on the biting surface of the affected tooth,bevel the remaining enamel for stability and then fill the decayed areas with a plastic resin(3) brackets are carefully bandsawn and cleaned up before they are bevelled. How will you bevel them? Spokeshave? That might work the underside,but the upperside would require

Misc:(1/48)(1) need to cut it to size,drill holes in it,or smooth,bevel or polish the edges,you may want to tackle the job yourself.

12. Bovver打群架(2/25)

Fiction:(2/25)(1) the room in which they had eaten being the best parlour.“Don’t bovver with them,”said Rose,but,“At least let me wash(2) ignored her struggles,saying,“Come on,ducks,no need to bovver ourselves with supper;let’s have our bit of fun first,”and

13. Breath呼吸,吐气(33/4978)

Spoken:(9/4978)(1) could blow it up and it I know. ten minutes and you couldn’t breath in here,but that Bloody big bedroom like freeze Mother we’ve got our(2) other night I have done this week is that better now? Can you breath better? That’s got a great lump out your nose I’ve got(3) going. Cos I ain’t got asthma shit like that but I can’t breath that well okay. So I tell this to that lady there. She goes(4) with Europe. While that won’t please some of his backbenchers,others will breath a sigh of relief that at least Britain will no longer seem to be standing alone against(5) by the time I had gone through five operations I decided that as long as I could breath,that would do me and I,I would really recommend every body to

Fiction:(11/4978)(1) In the last second before the knifng pain in her chest forced her to breath in water she found the dangling mouthpiece,and pushed it back between her teeth(2)“No! I must go,I must! I can’t breath.”Rossmayne felt as if he were torturing Topaz,but he had to stand(3) she thought it must be like parachuting from an aeroplane,in that she couldn’t breath and the world dropped away;that she scrumpled up both scraps of paper and(4) else there. I’d hunch down under the covers with just an air-hole to breath through,and shelter there. The dragons couldn’t get you through the air-hole(5) for the journey to end and did not dare move,look down or even breath. The basket came to a stop. Endill peered slowly over the edge of

Newspaper:(10/4978)(1) who work for the Polymer Engineering division in Ross on Wye and Ashchuch can tonight breath a sigh of relief. Experts believe this is secure. But the information technology(2) to bring big political problems for Lang in the months ahead,he can at least breath a sigh of relief that the long-running saga of the poll tax is about to(3) white water breaking completely over him. By sheer luck,Ron was able to breath in a tiny air-pocket formed by the rapids,until he was fnally rescued by(4) said outside Chester Crown Court:“The pain was unbearable. I could barely breath. One of the staff had the chilli and curry powder and was running around(5) Portillo,however,has a glint in his eye. He wants to breath new fre into the cause of aggressive free market Conservatism at the point in political

Academic:(3/4978)(1) edge and place one grid on each drop,section side down. Do not breath over the drops as CO 2 will cause lead precipitation. Stain for 5 min.(2) removed from the apparatus using plastic or rubber gloves,and care taken not to breath the vapour. Copious washing under clean tap water is required before the samples can(3) you’re just existing. Now you’ve got to think twice before you can breath tidy. The women cashed in insurance policies and used up their savings and redundancy

14. Bugle喇叭,军号(2/59)

Fiction:(2/59)(1) had been completed in Vancouver. The Winnipeg runners went out on to the track to bugle fanfares and cheers from the stands and were pony-escorted to the starting gate. Mercer(2) I would swear her purpling head is expanding;dumbly,her eyes seem to bugle the pressure within. A vision comes:ruptured pate,boiling humours venting from

15. Burr颤音(3/158)

Fiction:(1/158)(1) Father Peter peered out.“Travellers in this weather?”His voice was burred by a thick country accent but,despite the snow-white hair and slight stoop of

Academic:(1/158)(1) 1.5 cm thick. The handles were generally fixed first,also by plain rivets burred over on the shield’s front,at right angles to the grain of the

Misc:(1/158)(1) Imagine you’re squeezing a penny between your cheeks,dear,”he would burr in his soft Scots voice,“and I can assure you he wasn’t referring

16. Caterer酒席承办者(1/113)

Spoken:(1/113)(1) it like a st stage i s here,I mean it’s very awkward to caterer for people down here and for the stages on the same menu. Oh,

17. Chit便条、账单(2/71)

Spoken:(1/71)(1) Mm. Sa it saves coal. But so far,that’s why I chitted at him this morning about that coal because I’ve

Fiction:(1/71)(1) who have seen it all many times before,shift in their seats,chit chat and open bags of popcorn. Then the panning is done. And something

18. Chock塞子,楔子(12/37)

Spoken:(4/37)(1) discovered that there are vast clouds of molecules between the stars and they’re just chock a block with very intriguing molecules,many of which are just the sort of(2) her face went quite white. When she spoke she sounded as if she was chocking. You don’t know what your talking about she said,what baby?(3) Aye. Storing them. Packing them up nice you know and chocking them tight so as they wouldn’t shift you see,when the ship was on any future action.(4) An inquest has been told that a five year girl chocked to death on

Fiction:(2/37)(1) do that.“The pit was nothing more elaborate than a series of planks chocked up to make an erratic knee-high circle. The handlers stood on one side,(2) through the boats’ cables,the iron lighters,just on the move,chocked gently together. The great swing round began. By the shore the driftwood was

Newspaper:(1/37)(1) Lords:We do,my lord. We have this morning’s here. Chock full of column inches on yourself.

King:Then tell me what the inky-fngered

Non-academic:(2/37)(1) so frequent that their chariots were constantly on the move,despite having their wheels chocked with stones. Overhead,lightning fickered frequently as the static electricity accumulating in the(2) isolated road. At one stage,one seized him by the neck and nearly chocked him. Finally,they said slowly to him,“You do not know

Misc:(3/37)(1) round into wind. The front skid or main wheel will also need to be chocked,and an easy,effective way of doing this is to run the main(2) only because you’ve had no practice,“Bower-bird said reassuringly. He chocked back his laughter as he watched the wincing Cassowary bending his wings.(3) left in board ends. 50. Pipe in gangway. 51. Ladder foot chocked up. 52. Stile of ladder damaged. 53. Angle of ladder too

19. Chump傻瓜,笨蛋(1/26)

Spoken:(1/26)(1) chew. You see mammals can chew and reptiles can’t,erm we can chump away,you know? erm and let me just list some of the changes

20. Chunk木块,大块(4/657)

Spoken:(1/657)(1) and some people can get to twelve but guess how they do it. They chunk it up into pairs or groups of three or something like that so four groups

Fiction:(1/657)(1) IMC executive transporter bay deckplates at the Staff Sergeant’s command. Six high-power weapons chunkedas they were slung across six heavily muscled male and female shoulders. Silence hung

Academic:(2/657)(1) experience of practice may eventually lead practitioners to condense in psychological terms to“chunk”the decision-making process to such an extent that it appears from the outside(2) and sub-headings all indicate to the reader how the author intends his argument to be chunked. The detail of lineation rarely matters in expository or descriptive prose. However it

21. Crossover转型,转向,糅合(1/138)

Magazine:(1/138)(1) spiels. SIX MONTHS ago,we were all waiting for The Stone Roses to crossover into the US charts;that was the talk. The yanks were itching to

22. Crust面包皮,地壳(13/752)

Fiction:(10/752)(1) be on a world. Perhaps fiery hot so as to test their mettle;perhaps crusted with glaciers. Or maybe the planet might be a savage jungle... Alternatively,(2) them by one button. His cock is small now and there is dried blood crusted on it. We pull him away beneath the trees;in his other hand(3) the bridge of his nose and then having to peer under them because they were crusted with salt,raising his head rather merrily,like a sea lion balancing a(4) grass here was blackened,the walls charred in places,the great smokestacks thickly crusted with cinders. Fenella,moving ahead,saw,as Nuadu had not been(5) his huge and ancient shell pocked with meteor craters. Through seasized eyes that are crusted with rheum and asteroid dust He stares fxedly at the Destination. In a brain

Magazine:(2/752)(1) OUT OF BROOKLYN Unfortunately more interesting than 19-year-old Matty Rich’s film a slice-of-Brooklyn melodrama crusted with symbolism and piety is the story of how it came to be made(2) when leaving a hut in the middle of a starry night. The snow may crust at night,due to outward radiation,even thought the air temperature remains well above

Non-academic:(1/752)(1) on the lips after about four days. These are itchy and painful and eventually crust over before disappearing after a further week or two. Alternatively,the infection may

23. Cyborg机器人(4/21)

Fiction:(4/21)(1) mounted in tooled silver reliquaries in niches,or displayed in rococo gilt cases which cyborged Servitors dusted. Offcers wore scrimshaws as jewellery along with the most noble,holy decorations(2) simply ordered to exercise their zombie limbs prior to cleaning out a toxic sump;and cyborged Servitors trundled here and there. Finally,in a remote zone of the fortress-monastery(3) searchlights knitting a lethal,spasming cat’s cradle,perhaps operated by computer-minded Lexmeks cyborged and slaved to their weapons. As the drop-ship yawed away,feeing,(4) whose Chirurgeons deemed his scapular and hip scars too thoroughly cauterized to allow them to cyborg him. His vampiric metabolism;the gene faw of his Chapter;was somewhat

24. Dimple酒窝,凹痕(15/83)

Fiction:(9/83)(1)“You need not the telling,my lord,”she dimpled.“We both recognize methinks that,young though we be in years,(2) Apostle Matthew,Chapter 10,and the fervent fnger,pressing so hard it dimpled the leaf,rested on Verse 21. Cadfael had learned his Latin late,(3)“Gesner looked at his watch.”Eight-thirty... yes?!“Suzi dimpled up at him. She really was exceptionally pretty.”That would be lovely(4) half the battle.“Lucy leaned back with an air of satisfaction,then dimpled a grin at Virginia,adding apologetically,”Could you possibly pour me another(5) gave up the torture,but all I see is a baby,fat and dimpled...“Mrs Browning moved restlessly,cleared her throat,said nothing in reply

Magazine:(1/83)(1) That Joke in full Caveman:Third Flintstone From The Sun Kirk Douglas eat yer dimple out;The Farm are Number One! Chris Isaak:wicked threads!

Newspaper:(1/83)(1) the role,prowling like a panther caged in a pet shop. Paul Nicholas dimples charmingly as Aladdin,which gets the girls screaming;Paul Shane holiday-camps around as

Non-academic:(2/83)(1) Does your abdomen bulge forward in a little pot shape? Are your thighs dimpled or overlapping the chair seat? Are your knees chubby,with little fatty pads(2) other kind of energy. When an insect alights on water,the surface is dimpled by its legs and thus extended and so the surface energy is increased. The

Misc:(2/83)(1) 12mm from the edge of the boards,and drive the nails so they just dimple the surface of the board but don’t cut it 8. Now,working from(2) 5 Fix the plasterboard sheets using special nails. Sink them just far enough to dimple but not fracture the paper surface 6 Where feasible,divide a large room to

25. Disfavour不喜欢,不赞成(7/47)

Non-academic:(3/47)(1) constraints on the evolution of these proteins and may explain why evolution seems to have disfavoured highly charged metal clusters and why the more hydrophobic porphyrin systems dominate in higher organisms(2) had been hedged about with all sorts of reservations,and he had always actively disfavoured drill which he thought produced merely mechanical obedience. True enough,in the original(3) most important aspects of the“climate”in which a gene is favoured or disfavoured is the other genes that are already numerous in the population;the other genes

Academic:(4/47)(1) each others’ successful issue. If one really disfavours all lying,one will disfavour one’s own lying,and if this is combined with an attitude of favouring(2) of favouring one’s own lying in certain cases,one will at once favour and disfavour certain possible lines of action on one’s own part. This will cause emotional(3) welcomed,reality,and an effort to decide on what to favour and what disfavour in this reality.(4) A view which has evoked a fair amount deserts punishments,but it advocates more severe fixed-term sentences. Reformative measures are disfavoured not because they may be disproportionately harsh,but because they may be too soft

26. Disquiet不满,忧虑(9/192)

Fiction:(5/192)(1) it was the first time she had played for weeks and the sounds she made disquieted her,but perhaps it was good enough for busking. She could not help(2) You need not fret,“she said equably,with the darkling smile that disquieted him more than her enmity.”I was spoiled long ago by that maudlin(3) about the way in which she was deceiving the man she loved. Feeling thoroughly disquieted,she left her room in a rush. Ven was leaving his room at(4) looked up over his wine and caught the stunned green eyes,hopelessly puzzled and disquieted,and laughed.“How you stare,Harry! Am I not to(5) her voice trembling a little.“I’m going home.”Hank was thoroughly disquieted. He was still young enough to feel that the present was permanent. Shut

Non-academic:(2/192)(1) of gold bee so insatiable that onely for the desire you have thereto,you disquiet so many nations,…I will shew you a region flowing with golde,(2) in secret hearing as part of it had been given in camera. Cinnamond was greatly disquieted by the move as it deprived him of guidelines on which to base his reply

Academic:(1/192)(1) despite the imagination of the day. Ordinary people talked about him. He even disquieted the hardened revolutionaries he moved among,most notably old Bakunin. His Catechism of

Misc:(1/192)(1) to read and picked it up to read in the tram. I was so disquieted by it that I finished it that evening. Next day Wilfrid spoke of his

27. Doddle轻而易举的事(1/67)

Fiction:(1/67)(1) Constance was getting a little irritated with her friend.“We’ll just doddle about in a world of our own.”“I already do,”

28. Doe雌兔(1/604)

Non-academic:(1/604)(1) sayle with ships as bigge as yours,using both sayles and ores as you doe,although they men be naked as we are…”Balboa;as avaricious

29. Fettle健康,强健(6/35)

Fiction:(1/35)(1) criticizing him,she’d get Don to the phone.“I’ll fettle her,”said Jack.“Where is it she lives?

Magazine:(2/35)(1) Cescinsky & Webster classifcation No.4 and are hand cast by the lost wax process,fettled and polished. The engraving is also by hand on brass,filled with black(2) incurred for these either. A lifetime guarantee is offered,along with general assistance in fettling any new bass as it settles down. Lastly,the really good news:

Non-academic:(3/35)(1) in a moment of negligence:But the next day,afore I’d gotten fettled up for indeed,miss,I’d no heart to sweeping an’ fettling(2) fettled up for indeed,miss,I’d no heart to sweeping an’ fettling,an’ washing pots;so I sat me down i’ th’ muck—who(3) air compressors supplying pneumatic power for pneumatic tools,sand blast for cleaning castings,fettling tools and the moulding machines in the foundry.

30. Fingertip指尖(3/419)

Spoken:(1/419)(1) again saved his side from the fftieth minute when he few across his goal to fingertip around his near post. This save proved the turning point of the game

Newspaper:(2/419)(1) brushed aside two tackles and powered 15 yards from the back of a scrum to fingertip the ball over the line. Cornwall rallied with some sweeping drives,the Soviets(2) an excellent save to push away a curling,20-yard Chris Leadbetter free-kick,then fingertipped a header from Mick Heathcote on to the crossbar. Cambridge dominated the game and should

31. Forearm前臂(1/307)

Non-academic:(1/307)(1) which he was using the adventure-story genre:I wanted as far as possible to forearm the boy at the beginning of adolescence;not ramming a weapon into his hand

32. Frock(妇女或女孩子穿的)长服,整身长裙;(基督教教士穿的)教士服,僧袍(2/285)

Magazine:(1/285)(1) Women In Rock and lets the new women of substance have their say. Let’s frock!“Any unusual ability in a woman instantly raised a charge of witchcraft…

Newspaper:(1/285)(1) to Cheshire Cats dismantling before your eyes? And apart from the giggles from the party frocked section of the audience,there was little background buzz from the children as they

33. Fug(房间内因烟雾、热气或人多产生的)污浊空气(2/23)

Spoken:(1/23)(1) with things like people asking me what accents people have got. Cos what’ll fug people out,I mean what’s your accent? What would you say your

Fiction:(1/23)(1) Jonathan said,her voice ringing out for all to hear,“don’t fug away down there. It’s super up in the sun. And,look

34. Gimmick推销花招,噱头,奇招(3/167)

Fiction:(2/167)(1)“I presume,Grimm,”she said,“you can gimmick her armour so that she can be switched off by any of us if she misbehaves(2) airless media restaurant just five blocks from bubbling Harlem. Doris’s script was being gimmicked by the typists. I kissed her hand. I called for champagne. I

Magazine:(1/167)(1) Stateside label wanted their charges to cut a couple of cover versions,to gimmick up the US public,hoping for some obvious pop. They reckoned without the

35. Graph图表(5/1436)

Academic:(1/1436)(1) seen as callous and rightly rejected. Furthermore,those crimes so carefully recorded and graphed in offcial criminal statistics are more likely to be committed by young males,

Misc:(4/1436)(1) The level of giving is a barometer of church health. But as you graph your annual giving year by year,remember that to give an accurate impression you(2) cyclical variation in real national income. This is summarised in Table 1 and graphed in Fig. 8 Table 1. Cyclical variations in consumption,investment and national(3) example. The time-path to period t+18 is summarised in Table 2 and graphed in Fig. 9. An explosive cyclical variation in national income results. Although the(4) there is no bias in selectivity. The fundamental selectivity issue which can occur when graphing financial information is the basis of deciding whether or not to use graphs. The second issue

36. Griddle(用于烙饼的)平底锅,烤盘(3/29)

Fiction:(1/29)(1) the fashion of this people;“It is said they strip the fesh and griddle it for a delicacy before times,but I for one do not give this credence

Newspaper:(1/29)(1) into the countryside for barbecues,Graham was in his element building a fire and griddling the steaks. He insisted on doing the cooking and I was happy just to

Misc:(1/29)(1) minced beef you will find in some butcher’s shops. And,because we griddle our meat,there is no extra fat added during cooking,just a little

37. Haste匆忙,仓促(3/422)

Fiction:(2/422)(1)“This isn’t like you? Whence this new spirit of recklessness? Haste thee to the truggist for a febrifuge.”This sort of banter went on(2) out;speak fair and bring the body into the chapel. I pray you haste in this. (As he and GERTRUDE are hurrying out.) Come,

Newspaper:(1/422)(1) the perception of Hamel as an invaluable crucible of late 20th century musical thought. Haste ye back. George Wilson PARAGON RSAMD,GLASGOW PARAGON’S Sunday concert in Glasgow

38. Helm(船的)舵轮;头盔(7/278)

Magazine:(1/278)(1) similar. My canoeing skills,newly acquired,were not tested in Canadians,helmed by a guide,and I am disappointed but as I didn’t acquire my

Misc:(6/278)(1) (especially as this is a fly-drive holiday!) From Boppard you can easily helm your car to view not just panorama after wonderful river panorama,but to great(2) Irene Shubik,soon to be brought to the BBC herself by Sydney Newman to helm his adult science fction anthology series Out of the Unknown,destined for the new channel(3) directed Neil Simon’s first Broadway play,Come Blow Your Horn,and had helmed the popular TV comedy Car 54,Where Are You? Who the other two(4) use of his Palm Springs home. Bobby Kennedy,as Attorney-General,had been helming a penetrating investigation into numerous underworld figures,including Sam Giancana,a close friend(5) Scot with an enormous sense of humour,had been more than capable of helming the BBC’s Drama Unit up to its dissolution by Sydney Newman. He was a

39. Hermit(尤指出于宗教原因的)隐士,遁世者(1/120)

Fiction:(1/120)(1) We’ve told no one you’re coming so you can hermit or not as you please though I know Laura would love to see you if

40. Image形象,映像(16/10950)

Spoken:(7/10950)(1) way,no,no way Les the lesbian No,get lost Can you image him turning up,he’d follow me round everywhere wouldn’t he? Yes(2) drop res out of it. It’s too complicated isn’t it? Can you image one sales agent getting a fipping prize like that? mental,there’d be(3) years sorry? They have traffic management erm reviews every two years. Can’t image them every two years This is That’s general policy at the present time it(4) earth was it,they saw him go up in a cloud,can you image a sort of great clouds coming and dropping down over the mountain top there and(5) with this,but er,being the person that he was I can’t image that he had that quality,that,I don’t believe he would be

Fiction:(1/10950)(1) to be so pleased about?”But she stored the“shooting rapids”image away,for possible future use. All the time,she had been half

Newspaper:(2/10950)(1) lodge march through the town. They had a really lucky escape. Could you image if that had gone off when they were there.”Another man said that(2) difficult to police remote tracks. Female speaker:“It’s an odd feeling. You image these things happen in London,but not round the corner. Voice over After

Non-academic:(1/10950)(1) of X-ray instruments provided by Japanese,US and UK research groups. Two telescopes image the Sun,one in soft and the other in hard X-rays between 0.2 and

Academic:(1/10950)(1) they will ensure that there will be crime. It is possible for us to image a society of saints in which no one committed what we see as crimes,in

Misc:(4/10950)(1) and visualization session,the one common factor amongst patients had been the desire to image a pastoral background. When asked to put their minds and bodies at rest,(2) cost of the hardware,is that film recorders take quite an appreciable time to image the slide whereas a rostrum camera works as fast as the operator can change the(3) publishing. There are ways around the problem,though. Any Windows-based package can image its PostScript screen fonts onto a matrix printer and so produce a realistic proof(4) completion within the context of marriage. Here man and woman meet and God is imaged most truly. Another image is of celibacy as protest. The social gospel is

41. Increment增加,增额(10/249)

Magazine:(1/249)(1) be printed at a given position. You can also include a counter,which increments in whatever intervals you specify,to serial number your labels. This is a

Non-academic:(1/249)(1) you can specify the start number and the value by which the line numbers will increment. The step size can be in the range 1 to 225. You can

Academic:(7/249)(1) room to specify a store address in the instruction. This suggests an instruction to increment (or decrement) a specifed store location by an implied value of one.(2) next instruction if an unusual condition occurs. A common example is an instruction to increment the contents of a specifed store location and skip if the result is zero.(3) to deposit the contents of an index register in a store location,and to increment or decrement an index register (or to add the contents of a store location(4) All of these pieces of evidence are relevant to cat,and so would increment the level of evidence in the logogen for cat:but they are relevant to(5) it is commonly made more useful by testing whether the count has reached zero after incrementing,and this is discussed again in the next section. 3.3. Control instructions

Misc:(1/249)(1) latest development issues;e.g. development issue 2.3K is approved as 2.3) or by incrementing the issue number (for latest approved issues;e.g. approved issue 1.3 is approved

42. Jinx厄运,不祥之物(8/57)

Fiction:(2/57)(1) actually getting this far with a baby;well,I didn’t want to jinx it by even thinking too much about it. Now it’s actually upon us(2) your fault the music was so awful.”“The whole thing’s been jinxed. It might’ve helped if Ivor had bothered to be here.”

Magazine:(2/57)(1) band are gutted,”said a Godfathers spokesman.“They seem to be jinxed when it comes to playing in the UK. In 1989 then guitarist Kris Dollimore(2) Alt key. It really is exactly like using the Shift key. Are you jinxed? Have you noticed that some people seem to be able to crash their machine

Newspaper:(3/57)(1) order a retrial. But the new trial,due to start yesterday,was jinxed too. The man accused of a West End shooting sacked his lawyer and the(2) boot made accidental contact with his face. The idea of the night being irrevocably jinxed for Rangers seemed in doubt when Ferguson’s cross was chested over the line by(3) then the final delivery of day four merely underlined the suspicion that he is permanently jinxed. Robin Smith was once

Misc:(1/57)(1) football betting;NEVER back your own team;there’s nothing more guaranteed to jinx them. On the other hand,I’ve got nothing at all against backing the

43. Jitterbug吉特巴舞(1/4)

Misc:(1/4)(1) our bellies,nor would we invite friends to hop,swim,float or jitterbug up a Munro on a Saturday. The term“climb”has done us

44. Jock成天运动的笨家伙,苏格兰佬(6/242)

Fiction:(5/242)(1) his pills. If she’d cocked up a second race,Bill would have jocked her off Shine On,whatever Ibn Fayoud said. Cy emerged carrying a saddle(2) don’t have to worry about,”she said.“I’ve been jocked off. Cy McCray’s riding Shine On.”“Why’s that?(3) ride as well as he did and he surely knew it. Fiona would never jock him off,in racing’s descriptive phrase. He stomped away,his place(4) up on that business at Ascot. If it were up to me,I’d jock you off for the rest of the season. Maybe next year,you’ll(5) now had Reg’s full attention.“And he still got Ibn Fayoud to jock her off. Some Yank’s riding now.”“Fuckin’ useless,that

Misc:(1/242)(1) Loder can only be surmise,but it is certainly likely that Bill Saxby,jocked off Craganour after the Two Thousand Guineas,would not be bending over backwards to

45. Junket公费旅行(1/39)

Non-academic:(1/39)(1) consume time in enormous quantities in their quaint Congressional processes. They recess;they junket;they arrive late and they leave early;they attend conferences out of town,

46. Kebab烤肉串(2/31)

Fiction:(2/31)(1) rope ran out.“Leave her alone,you bastard,or I’ll kebab you,”screamed Perdita. All the grooms doubled up with laughter. Swinging(2) rubber palm of a suction waldo and held it out so the big cat would kebab itself. She had forgotten that the great,grey beast was stone.

47. Ketch双轨小帆船(2/47)

Fiction:(1/47)(1) shouting,”came the reply,“they usually shout to one another when they ketch summat,”Yanto picked up the old man’s mug and walked into

Misc:(1/47)(1) not everybody can afford The luggsury of a Private Ward. You’ll not ketch me complaining about my lot. But we’ve worked-not wanted-not for what we’ve got

48. Kettle水壶(1/911)

Magazine:(1/911)(1) had a big,erm…party,y’know,and got totally fuckin’ kettled. But I got myself straightened out and I was in the mood then to

49. Kilt褶锏短裙(2/122)

Fiction:(1/122)(1) and warm enough. No more weeping! She set aside her cloak,kilted up her long red skirts and drew her eating knife decisively. In the clachan

Non-academic:(1/122)(1) a young woman came in at the run,hair blown,laughing-eyed,skirts kilted up the better to run,fine bosom tumultuous;as unusual a countess of

50. Kitten小猫(1/409)

Misc:(1/409)(1) of the sexual cunning of the tom-cat:“As the females when they have kittened no longer seek the company of the males,these last,to obtain once more their

51. Knob球形把手,旋钮(4/431)

Fiction:(3/431)(1) along the facing wall espaliered trees,their trunks dark and shiny and twisted and knobbed,bore among a rough,dull foliage fruit turning gold. Nectarines,Adam(2) screamed and scraped. Mosquitoes whined and bit Frederica’s face into a plump,knobbed,pink parody of itself,giving her an unfair look of the acne from(3) outfit. The necklace was a collar of dull silver,two hinged silver pieces knobbed with moonstones which snapped into place around her lean neck and rose up almost to

Misc:(1/431)(1) of a lovers’ lane,he had a good chance of catching a couple knobbing on the back seat. And Steve,as I’d already found out for myself

52. Lambada郎巴达舞(1/14)

Misc:(1/14)(1) no.”And the pièce de ré in desperation in late May:“Do you lambada at all?”ME (somewhat drily):“No,I do not

53. Limbo处于不确定的状态,林波舞(1/180)

Fiction:(1/180)(1) to drag her off the dance-floor during the cabaret show. She was trying to limbo under a faming pole stark naked;encouraged by that crazy drunken husband of hers

54. Marinade混合调味汁(13/94)

Fiction:(2/94)(1) coming in off the sea and over the whirr of the fan heater that was marinading my feet. The rounded rectangle of my little window on the world gave me(2) the table,on great platters,were mounds of steaks and chops,all marinading in special sauces;long loaves of crusty bread;wooden bowls of salad.

Newspaper:(2/94)(1) you healthy. She demonstrated how to cook goat chops. They’d already been marinaded in red wine and spices before being fried up with onions,mushrooms and ginger(2) before being fried up with onions,mushrooms and ginger. Female speaker:If you marinade the meat it makes it full of flavour and very tender. Voice over Other

Magazine:(1/94)(1) chops,spare ribs and Cumberland sausages only need a quick brush with oil but marinading will add spice and also tenderise the meat. For a simple marinade,mix

Misc:(8/94)(1) amongst all classes of society;in the houses of the aristocracy they were being marinaded in champagne,poached in wine and decorated with truffes. However,its culinary(2) raw fish. In this variation on a very traditional recipe,the fish is marinaded in lime juice and takes on a white,cooked appearance. Serve as a(3) way. A“New Yorker”is a tab of E that has been marinaded in LSD (they were particularly fashionable a year ago). Trippers experience the(4) Usually based on wine vinegar,there are many popular variations,such as blackcurrant for marinading and cooking game,garlic and herb for general use,raspberry for sauces and(5) BLACKCURRANT MARINADE FOR GAME PIES Use this marinade for pheasant or venison. After marinading,add 2–3 x 15ml/tbsp blackcurrant vinegar to the meat during cooking and sweeten to

55. Mascara睫毛膏(2/159)

Fiction:(1/159)(1) On the forehead,and artificially tanned. The eyes were bright blue and heavily mascaraed in navy and the woman wore a pink ribbon in loosely permed hair that was

Misc:(1/159)(1) not a weather-beaten mascaraed,lipsticked.”Stark gave Izzard the warmest of welcomes and seems to have

56. Mason石工,石匠(1/1071)

Fiction:(1/1071)(1) each one reduced to its ground plan,one course of massive stones,roughly masoned,with rounded ones at the four corners. Big Angus was pointing along a

57. Mast船桅(2/594)

Fiction:(1/594)(1) island,the English had built another sloop;thirty tons,clinker-hulled,two masted;from felled mahogany trees they dragged down from the forest;they then fitted

Misc:(1/594)(1) & Co. Ltd.,and launched on December 9th,1882. A three masted auxiliary barge,she was equipped with a horizontal engine in accordance with the naval policy of

58. Matador斗牛士(1/41)

Fiction:(1/41)(1) fell about in my chair at this with an effective simulacrum of sycophancy,then matadored the old charm around in front of him for a few minutes,and before you could

59. Maze迷宫(2/499)

Fiction:(2/499)(1) with similar softly sliding glass doors. I should have questioned her then. Still mazed with whatever the drug was she had taken,I might have got the truth(2) if they were fortunate enough to do so,came out with their minds mazed,their wits scattered.”“And why should Arthur come here?”

60. Message信息,口信(14/8693)

Fiction:(1/8693)(1) vessel of his Chapter to pass this way. An Astropath in the Librarium had messaged to Tezla’s own fortress-monastery on San Guisuga,a jungle world five thousand light

Non-academic:(13/8693)(1) processing and signalling. The company claims that the hardware-software system provides an infrastructure for messaging applications across all types of network. MXE will handle applications such as voice mail,(2) device will incorporate cellular phone,paging abilities,facsimile functions,electronic mail and messaging services and pen-based computing,and it derives from the company’s alliances with EO(3) late 1993 or early 1994 by US West,using Oracle’s existing database,messaging and distributed system technology. Oracle will make multimedia information server technology openly available,(4) hand-held computer will be shipping this summer and will soon be equipped with paging and messaging features as the product becomes a family.“Somewhere in the late 1990s,(5) of OLTP technologies now coming out of the labs are based upon reliable queuing mechanisms;messaging services which allow distributed OLTP systems to be linked together but which maintain the integrity

61. Metal金属(5/5532)

Newspaper:(1/5532)(1) a dusty track that must be one of the few roads that has not been metalled in the five years that Mr Rajiv Gandhi has been cosseting his home constituency of

Academic:(2/5532)(1) to suggest that they may have been more widespread. Examples include the area of metalling alongside the north-south road at Dorchester-on-Thames,the open area south of the basilican building(2) running roughly north-south was examined in 1975;this had originally consisted of fine gravel metalling set between shallow side ditches c. 1.3 m (4¼ ft) wide.

Non-academic:(1/5532)(1) One corner of this shop is partitioned off for brake work,brake testing,metalling of axle-box and other bearings and for dealing with passenger communication apparatus,etc.

Misc:(1/5532)(1) places its broad grass verges betray something of its original width before the road was metalled. Of the Roman roads of the district,one need say little.

62. Mezzotint网线金属版印刷品(1/9)

Misc:(1/9)(1) Street,Liverpool,”painted by Fernel. He practised engraving,etching,mezzotinting,and water colouring,all of which arts,according to Roeder,he had

63. Microphone麦克风(1/932)

Misc:(1/932)(1) you? Yeah right yes yeah right yes good. Yes,I’m,I’m microphoned up. It’s the British National Corpus,they’re trying to record languages

64. Milestone重大事件,里程碑(1/324)

Magazine:(1/324)(1) body and brain short-circuited. For him the turn from winter to spring is milestoned with our coming,his smiling“Bonjour Hamish”is a knife to my

65. Misconduct不端行为(4/325)

Fiction:(1/325)(1) board should have some form of sanction against the licence-holder where the premises were being misconducted,or where their suitability had deteriorated,and that such a sanction should be

Non-academic:(2/325)(1) of Mr. H. R;was brought before the Church,who had misconducted himself and at the recommendation of the Pastor and Officers was suspended until his guilt(2) board should have some form of sanction against the licence-holder where the premises were being misconducted,or where their suitability had deteriorated,and that such a sanction should be

Misc:(1/325)(1) Professional Conduct Committee under Byelaw 5,reprimanded two members who were found to have misconducted themselves and expelled two others from membership. One case remained part-heard at the end

66. Mismatch不协调,不匹配(10/186)

Magazine:(2/186)(1) also let Midland down. Midland Montagu,the bank’s investment-banking arm,has mismatched its books,betting on a fall in British interest rates when in fact they(2) may want to centre the pattern around the centre of the machine even if this means mismatching side seams. In all these examples I’m suggesting a number of repeats

Non-academic:(3/186)(1) drive is not strong enough to break through the barriers,the couple may be mismatched and the interaction die away. (Remembering,of course,that there are instances(2) rectangle display. There were 160 trials in random sequence. C. C. correctly rejected mismatching probes on 33/40 trials when the green fgure was on the left,but on(3) and balanced”,if this claim should prove as unsubstantiated as that for“mismatching”. The National Ideology Salter and Tapper (1981) suggest that:…

Academic:(2/186)(1) available. Small groups could also operate in this way with the teacher matching or mismatching the ability of the group,according to the strategy of learning aimed at.(2) determines the ease of hybridisation),and various other easy tricks to destabilise partially mismatched primers. On balance,these considerations do not usually constitute a serious problem,

Misc:(3/186)(1) are still experienced internally rather than avoided or prevented. A further difficulty is that repeated mismatching between feelings and behaviour can build up stresses in the system to the extent that(2) balance sheet finance,capitalisation of costs,capital instruments,brand accounting and currency mismatching. In each case,examples of the disclosures in accounts are provided to show(3) acoustic and mechanical parts,so that there would be little waste of power from“mismatching”at any point along the sound’s journey. Their system also included a

67. Misprint印刷错误(1/33)

Magazine:(1/33)(1) Benson and Hedges. THE SEASON’S ODDS In last month’s issue,we misprinted the Rapid Cricketline number for Middlesex. The correct number is (note number omitted

68. Misrule苛政,暴政(2/27)

Magazine:(2/27)(1) preferred a broad movement such as the Forum to the sort of disciplined party that had misruled the country for more than 40 years. But the Forum’s new chairman(2) THE bitter end the dictator ran for it. President Mengistu Haile Mariam,who misruled his country for 14 years,fed on May 21st to Zimbabwe,where his

69. Mistress情妇,女主人(1/1084)

Fiction:(1/1084)(1) said Piggy-wig,straddling a chair with the triumph of one who has mistressed a Zanussi automatic. The fnishing touch would have been brylcreem only she was wearing

70. Mitten连指手套(2/34)

Fiction:(1/34)(1) the pathologist had finished at the scene and the head was wrapped,the hands mittened in their plastic bags,even before Doc Kynaston got to work with his scalpels

Non-academic:(1/34)(1) one being a confidential maid,the other a Miss Drake;an old,mittened companion,hardly younger in appearance than herself;both of whom watched her with

71. Monoxide一氧化碳(1/290)

Fiction:(1/290)(1) hoses passed each other. It was Shepherd’s Bush,treeless,cacophonous,carbon monoxided. A big hoarding advertised a sunshine breakfast. He was sane. And then

72. Motorcade车队(1/34)

Magazine:(1/34)(1) report suggests the hotel may have suffered something of a champagne drought after the Australians motorcaded out next morning. Waiting for Waddy on the liner Orontes was his brother,

73. Nanny保姆,外婆(4/695)

Fiction:(2/695)(1) had a letter from her. Her youngest daughter seems to be going in for nannying. Just passed her exams.“You don’t mean to tell me(2) only fair we should start again…”“I don’t need to be nannied,”Graham interposed.“You’re one game up.”

Non-academic:(1/695)(1) worth. Depriving localities of many of their powers and discretions,encouraging through“nannying”from the centre a dependency culture in the provinces,the national government;

Misc:(1/695)(1) which sufferers are afraid to express. Women in the caring professions such as nursing and nannying are particularly prone to the illness. They see their own needs as greed and

74. Nicotine尼古丁,烟碱(1/180)

Misc:(1/180)(1) and smoking a cigarette while wearing leather gloves left a gingery smell of burnt,nicotined hide in my gloved palm. We got back to Orange as dark fell.

75. Nit虱卵,虮子;[英]笨蛋,傻瓜(2/73)

Magazine:(2/73)(1) My mother had died unexpectedly only a few months before. Her death had nit me hard. I’d been in and out of hospitals,where my veins had(2) would write Bath off? Just when it seemed they were on the slide they nit Leicester with all they had,running in seven tries in a 37–6 victory.

76. Nonsense胡说,废话(1/1552)

Magazine:(1/1552)(1) be remembered in fishkeeping? As the big fish’s friend Newswatch Fishkeeping was once again nonsensed by the tabloid press as nearly every paper found the story of fsh bites cat

77. Noodle面条(2/138)

Magazine:(2/138)(1) Acoustically,there is enough zing to brighten up even your darkest hours of noodling and the neck is remarkably choke-free considering the fngerboard’s 7½ inch“vintage”(2)“by Soul Brother Number One Gary Numan. Some of the tunes are noodling,familiar and limp rather than languid. Lyrics like‘Who am I?

78. Noose活绳结,绳套(1/91)

Magazine:(1/91)(1) out on his belly to the after locker for the coil of rope Gomez had noosed round his neck. The wind threatened to pluck him like a ripe orange off

79. Nuance(方式、颜色、意义等的)细微差别(11/241)

Spoken:(2/241)(1) played the same role in the Warsaw Pact. Here was the partial and still nuanced defance of their respective Alliance masters that indicated both a German refusal of the role(2) stretch from the Urals to the Atlantic. The Chancellor also took the opportunity to nuance his support for German reunifcation in ways which will reassure those fearful that precipitate moves

Non-academic:(4/241)(1) that they will be married before that time passes.’s Sometimes the judgement is nuanced:“The pick of the girls get married. The qualities which make a(2) and with each edition they have tended to become more detailed,more finely nuanced,more subtle. While Soviet historiography continues to celebrate the revolution as the supreme(3) an almost indignant“no”. Jocelyne Saab,the Lebanese director,interestingly nuanced the question of what it actually means to be a woman film-maker by pointing to(4) had no right to“leave the home”anyway. It is possible to nuance this view slightly as regards the Edinburgh union leadership. There may just have been some

Academic:(5/241)(1) see e.g. Freud,ix. 198). Irigaray’s work is nuanced in ways often ignored not only by her critics but by those who appropriate(2) adolescent leisure behaviour. Of course,the effect of such a“constellation”is nuanced by the social situation of listeners. The“nationality”factor in early Elvis(3) prince’s men were pursuing him. Gregory’s depiction of Cato and Cautinus is nuanced. Cato appears as arrogant in his determination to fulfl the canons,despite the(4) moral attitudes are transformed into formally political action;can be of key importance in nuancing the regulation of sexuality,and at crucial times a moral schema has been of(5) on his own practices as an antiracist teacher,Philip Cohen too argues for more nuanced and localized initiatives to replace what he sees as the overly prescriptive and universalistic policies

80. Offence违法行为,违例(1/5996)

Fiction:(1/5996)(1) What do I care?”“No,don’t be so quick to offence,”entreated Harry hastily.“Would you trust easily,in my shoes

81. Outcrop露出地面的岩石(11/255)

Fiction:(3/255)(1) part of the hull,an impassable tangle of twisted metal,was embedded among outcropping boulders;the front of the craft was largely undamaged but was suspended over the(2) I am kin with the slopes hereabouts. They are steep and treacherous with outcropping rock. No People come to ski on them. In the autumn,before(3) without excessive licence properly regard the illness as sin made manifest in bone,guilt outcropping in itchy red layers on the skin,shame bubbling in hot pain in the

Non-academic:(4/255)(1) supplies had to wait on the mining of reefs first found as late as 1880 outcropping on the Tawmaw plateau. The only other source of jadeite known from Asia was(2) between there and the cliff are the Back Strings. These are a complexity of outcropping veins on which 17th Century miners worked but in places they have been modifed by(3) An outline of the geology has been given in the field guide. Outcropping on the surface,the lodes were relatively easy to find and trace.(4) and rock masses;a thick bed of crystalline limestone underlying the dam site and outcropping in the reservoir,which is a potential source of leaks;also the possibility

Academic:(3/255)(1) with values ranging between 19%and 65%and averaging 49%TOC. Analyses of outcropping Carboniferous shales have shown that they range from lean to rich. TOC values between(2) Vitrinite refectivity measurements were made by Robertson Research on a batch of 12 samples from outcropping Carboniferous siltstones,shales,shaly limestones and the above-mentioned Coalisland coal,(3) and the Lippstadt High with folded Devonian and Lower Carboniferous (Dinantian),both outcropping in the Rhenish Mts. as well as in the Harz Mts. To the north a broad

Misc:(1/255)(1) where it had drained away through the limestone but fowing where the bands of sandstone outcropped,until on the open fell the limestone gave way to glacial moraine and the

82. Outreach扩大范围的服务,布道,善事(5/127)

Magazine:(3/127)(1) Nick Hayes on 88 and M. Smith on 65. Category three saw Jasper Sharpe outreach everyone to gain 127 points and he looks favourite for an overall winner;Gareth(2) Mr Powell told The Art Newspaper that“extending an understanding to outreach audiences is clearly something one would like to address”. He is considering ways(3) had an interesting result,with John“I’m not short either”Godding outreaching the others with a score of 94. Richie Fatterson took the runner-up spot with

Newspaper:(1/127)(1) foundation of victory was laid on a solid base from the pack which outweighed,outreached and outwitted the Welsh eight. Locks Webster and Yendell dominated the line-out while No

Non-academic:(1/127)(1) of a world economy which produce instabilities and difficulties within states and between states which outreach the control of any single“centre”;the rapid growth of transnational links

83. Parricide弑父(母)罪(1/36)

Academic:(1/36)(1) good thing”that at last she is able to die. The fxation is to parricide,but instead of Amfortas being killed by the spear,which is what,after

84. Port轮船停泊的地方;港口城市;波尔图葡萄酒(142/4910)

Fiction:(2/4910)(1) the girl for a minute before calling to her to bring their heading a little to port.“Hold her there.”Making his way forward,he dragged sailbags(2) open spaces of baked earth where the wind-blown dust swirled,and far away to port the snow-capped volcanic hulks of Popocatépetl and Iztaccihuatl towering huge through the burnt brown atmosphere

Magazine:(4/4910)(1) the most of the limitations of a character-based environment;their procedures just don’t port easily into the Windows way of working. Stick with a non-Windows solution and you(2) this conspicuous palm tree on a course of 310°M,you will pass to port a prominent fat-topped and nearly awash rock just before you get to the reef opening(3) etc. Unfortunately many of the Dizzy games were written on the Spectrum and ported across to the C64,slowing the action hideously and leaving it a cruel parody(4) are a few faults... Free-range fun! The graphics look as if they’ve been ported directly across from a Spectrum. They also ficker in places;not something you

Non-academic:(132/4910)(1) and 2,has signed for the 10. Solaris 1.1 and 2.1 will be ported to be embedded architecture along with real-time operating systems. Themis Computer Systems Inc,





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