
发布时间:2020-09-20 04:52:34








SAT全称为Scholastic Assessment Test,中文名称为“学术能力评估测试”,与ACT考试一样,SAT考试被视为“美国高考”,SAT成绩是世界各国高中生申请美国名校学习及奖学金的重要条件之一。近年来,参加SAT考试的中国考生人数呈逐年上升趋势,竞争日趋激烈。

考生如何在SAT考试中获得优异成绩呢?SAT考试内容包括批判性阅读(Critical Reading)、数学(Mathematics)和写作(Writing)三个部分,而不论是写作部分的Essay写作单项、语法单项还是阅读部分的填空与阅读单项,都离不开对词汇的考查,词汇在SAT考试中有着至关重要的地位。那么参加SAT考试到底需要背多少单词呢?这是很多考生的疑问,是5000?8000?还是10000?……这个问题不好回答,也没有一个标准的答案。《SAT巴朗词表》《SAT巴朗词表:乱序版》《SAT巴朗词表:乱序便携版》自出版以来受到了广大考生的普遍欢迎。应大家的强烈要求,编者将“便携版”进行了改进和优化,这本《SAT巴朗词表:乱序便携版(第2版)》便应运而生了。本书为“乱序版”的浓缩精华版本,开本小巧,方便考生随时随地记忆单词。本书保留了“乱序版”中收录的3527个核心词汇及中英文释义、例句,以及最具特色的“题型”标注,省略了搭配和派生词,帮助考生更高效地备考。本书设置如下:




1. 高频词和热词在核心词汇中分别以■和•标注。

2. 帮助考生重点巩固、查缺补漏。本书使用说明:

1. 每天设定固定的时间(比如早上9点)、利用固定的时段(比如2个小时)来学习一个单元。

2. 第一遍看单词时,重点看每个单元中的高频词和热词,并在不认识的单词旁作标记,在以后的学习过程中,格外注意这些词汇。

3. 第二遍看单词时,重点看每个单元中较长的词汇,对多于一个释义的词汇和有生僻释义的词汇格外注意。

4. 可以把不熟悉的单词写在一张卡片或纸上,以便利用零散时间随时进行复习。

5. 根据书中的例句,自己再写一些句子。


Word List 01

surfeit • /ˈsɜːrfɪt/

v. 饮食过度;沉溺于 satiate; stuff; indulge to excess in anything

She surfeited herself with chocolates every day to lessen her grief after she was dumped by her boyfriend.

expurgate /ˈekspərɡeɪt/  阅┃填

v. 删改,删节 remove offensive parts of a piece of writing

You have to expurgate your paper in order to typeset it.

yen /jen/  填

n. 瘾;渴望 longing; urge

I've always had a yen to travel around the world.

flinch /flɪntʃ/  阅┃填

v. 畏缩,退缩 hesitate; shrink

I will never flinch at difficulties.

grandiloquent /ɡrænˈdɪləkwənt/

adj. 夸张的,浮夸的 pompous; bombastic; using highsounding language

As a typical politician, she speaks in a grandiloquent way.

gingerly /ˈʤɪnʤərli/

adv. 小心翼翼地,谨慎地 very carefully

She gingerly handed the antique to her friend.

invincible /ɪnˈvɪnsəbl/

adj. 不可战胜的 unconquerable

He led an army of invincible strength.

antiquated ■ /ˈæntɪkweɪtɪd/  阅┃填

adj. 陈旧的,过时的 old-fashioned; obsolete

Some laws are antiquated and should be abolished.

buxom /ˈbʌksəm/

adj. 丰满的 plump; full-bosomed

Jack likes buxom blond instead of slim girl.

impale /ɪmˈpeɪl/

v. 刺穿 pierce

She impaled a piece of lamb on her fork.

subdued /səbˈduːd/  阅┃填

adj. 缓和的;柔和的 less intense; quieter

The subdued lights and music at the restaurant attracted multitudes of young lovers to come.

mendicant /ˈmendɪkənt/  阅

n. 乞丐 beggar

The policeman noticed a young man who seemed not an ordinary mendicant.

deft /deft/  阅┃填

adj. 灵巧的,熟练的,机敏的 neat; skillful

She was knitting with deft fingers.

deliberate /dɪˈlɪbəreɪt/  阅┃填

v. 深思熟虑,仔细地想 consider; ponder

He deliberate his answers for each interview.

aureole /ˈɔːrioʊl/

n. 光轮,日冕;(环绕圣像等的)光环 sun's corona; halo

That man claimed to see a fairy with an aureole around her head.

pummel /ˈpʌml/

v. 击,打 beat or pound with fists

The guard ferociously pummelled the guy who caused trouble in the club.

divergent ■ /daɪˈvɜːrʤənt/

adj. 有分歧的;分叉的 differing; deviating

Standing at the divergent paths, she didn't know which to choose.

fitful • /ˈfɪtfl/  填

adj. 间歇的,断断续续的 spasmodic; intermittent

After a fitful investigation, we finally get a meaningful result.

hiatus /haɪˈeɪtəs/  阅

n. 裂缝;间断 gap; interruption in duration or continuity; pause

He came back to his old job after a two-year hiatus.

stint /stɪnt/  填

n. 限制,限量;(工作)限额 supply; allotted amount; assigned portion of work v. 节约;限制 be thrifty; set limits

George reinvented himself as a cultural translator after a six-year stint as a personnel manager in Japan. // She had to stint herself on chocolate in order to keep slim.

catechism /ˈkætəkɪzəm/

n. 教义问答手册 book for religious instruction; instruction by question and a nswer

I need to borrow a catechism.

infuriate /ɪnˈfjʊrieɪt/  阅┃填

v. 使生气,激怒 enrage; anger

Everyone in the room was infuriated by his arrogance.

molecule /ˈmɑːlɪkjuːl/  阅

n. 分子;小颗粒 the smallest particle (one or more atoms) of a substance, having all the properties of that substance

In chemistry class, the teacher told us how atoms and molecules react to form new substances.

reverent ■ /ˈrevərənt/  阅┃填

adj. 尊敬的,虔诚的 respectful; worshipful

The pupils looked almost reverent when the teacher was proudly talking about his volunteer work in the disaster area.

conspicuous /kənˈspɪkjuəs/  阅┃填

adj. 明显的,显著的 easily seen; noticeable; striking

The monkeys were cautious when confronted with conspicuous markings.

discomposure /ˌdɪskəmˈpoʊʒər/  阅┃填

n. 心乱,不安;失去平衡 agitation; loss of poise

He received this thrust without discomposure.

truism /ˈtruːɪzəm/  阅

n. 不言而喻的道理 self-evident truth

Proverbs summed up many truisms; for example, Nothing lasts forever.

annals /ˈænlz/

n. 历史记载,历史 records; history

The reform and opening up is a milestone in the annals of the Chinese history.

dissemble /dɪˈsembl/  阅

v. 伪装,假装 disguise; pretend

She dissembled innocence to stay with him.

uncouth /ʌnˈkuːθ/  阅

adj. 古怪的;笨拙的;粗俗的 outlandish; clumsy; boorish

He embarrassed me with his uncouth behavior.

infidel /ˈɪnfɪdəl/

n. 无信仰者;异教徒 unbeliever

The purpose of the holy war is to drive infidels out of the holy land.

concession /kənˈseʃn/  阅┃填

n. 让步,妥协 the act of conceding or yielding

He made major concessions to end the quarrel with his wife.

esoteric ■ /ˌesəˈterɪk/  阅┃填

adj. 深奥的;只有少数才懂的 hard to understand; known only to the chosen few

The theory explained in this book is too esoteric for me to understand.

bestow /bɪˈstoʊ/  阅

v. 给予 give

The General bestowed great honors on the brave soldiers.

antidote ■ /ˈæntidoʊt/  阅┃填

n. 解毒剂 medicine to counteract a poison or disease

He found a natural antidote for that poison.

seethe /siːð/  阅

v. 沸腾,激动 be disturbed; boil

I was seething with fury while he grinned derisively.

unique /juˈniːk/  阅┃填

adj. 唯一的,独特的 without an equal; single in kind

Only those with a unique personality and ability can succeed.

conundrum /kəˈnʌndrəm/  阅

n. 谜语 riddle

The little poem is a conundrum that contains these doctrines within itself.

receptive /rɪˈseptɪv/  阅┃填

adj. 善于接受的,能接纳的 quick or willing to receive ideas, suggestions, etc.

If we have a receptive mind, we can achieve success more easily.

imperious /ɪmˈpɪriəs/  阅┃填

adj. 专横的;傲慢的 domineering; haughty

He always talks in an imperious voice.

intimidate ■ /ɪnˈtɪmɪdeɪt/  阅┃填

v. 胁迫 frighten

The robber intimidated him into silence by the life of his son.

retrograde /ˈretrəɡreɪd/

v. 倒退,退化 go backwards; degenerate adj. 后退的;恶化的

It is generally acknowledged that the revival of this fashion is a sign of retrograded civilization.

meticulous ■ /məˈtɪkjələs/  阅┃填

adj. 小心翼翼的,极为仔细的 excessively careful; painstaking; scrupulous

My teacher was so meticulous about everything.

masochist /ˈmæsəkɪst/  阅

n. 受虐狂 person who enjoys his own pain

No man enjoys self-mutilation except a masochist.

toxic /ˈtɑːksɪk/  阅┃填

adj. 有毒的;中毒的 poisonous

The residents living nearby complained to the local government that large quantities of toxic waste of the factory were released into the river.

injurious /ɪnˈʤʊrəriəs/  阅

adj. 有害的 harmful

The drought period last year was extremely injurious to these apple trees.

riddle /ˈrɪdl/  阅

v. 打洞,穿孔;筛 pierce with holes; permeate or spread throughout

The soldier refused to surrender to the enemy and died a hero's death after being riddled with bullets.

aseptic /ˌeɪˈseptɪk/

adj. 无菌的,防腐的 preventing infection; having a cleansing effect

The doctor required the isolated sickroom to be aseptic.

nettle /ˈnetl/  阅

v. 惹恼,发怒 annoy; vex

Do not let her nettle you with her manner.

jurisprudence /ˌʤʊrɪsˈpruːdns/

n. 法学 science of law

The Economic Law is compulsory for the student of jurisprudence.

raconteur /ˌrækɑːnˈtɜːr/  阅┃填

n. 善于讲故事的人 storyteller

My grandfather was a brilliant raconteur when he was alive.

stodgy /ˈstɑːʤi/

adj. 乏味的;呆板的;枯燥的 stuffy; boringly conservative

Shy and stodgy, he was not popular with his classmates.

dilatory • /ˈdɪlətɔːri/  阅┃填

adj. 延误的,拖延的 delaying

The boss dismissed a dilatory worker.

quip /kwɪp/  阅

n./v. 讽刺,嘲讽 taunt

The commentator is very popular with audience because of his frequent use of proper quips.

acerbity /əˈsɜːrbəti/  阅

n. 尖酸,刻薄 bitterness of speech and temper

Grandet's acerbity to his daughter brought retribution to himself.

gargantuan /ɡɑːrˈɡæntʃuən/

adj. 巨大的,庞大的 huge; enormous

I enjoyed a gargantuan meal during my stay at her place.

diaphanous /daɪˈæfənəs/  填

adj. 透明的,半透明的 sheer; transparent

The breeze rustled leaves in a dry and diaphanous distance.

condone ■ /kənˈdoʊn/  阅┃填

v. 宽恕,赦免 overlook; forgive; give tacit approval; excuse

People cannot condone the use of fierce violence.

rebuttal ■ /rɪˈbʌtl/  阅

n. 辩驳,举反证 refutation; response with contrary evidence

The defense lawyer provided evidence in rebuttal of the charge.

propulsive /prəˈpʌlsɪv/

adj. 推进的 driving forward

The jet plane can go much faster with a high propulsive efficiency than the engine-driven plane.

irreproachable • /ˌɪrɪˈproʊtʃəbl/  填

adj. 无可指责的,无瑕疵的 blameless; impeccable

Everybody admired Mary for her irreproachable conduct at the office party.

dissipate /ˈdɪsɪpeɪt/  阅

v. 浪费,挥霍;(使)消散 squander; waste; scatter

The girl's letter dissipated the parents' fears and anxiety.

economy /ɪˈkɑːnəmi/  阅

n. 节约,节俭 efficiency or conciseness in using something

Many schools are conducting economy activities.

browbeat /ˈbraʊbiːt/

v. 恐吓,威逼 bully; intimidate

The girl was browbeaten into telling the man the password to her bank account.

list /lɪst/

v. (船)倾侧,倾靠 tilt; lean over

The boat listed again, and she was thrown back to the other board.

escapism /ɪˈskeɪpɪzəm/

n. 逃避现实 avoiding reality by diverting oneself with amusements

Some people take the Internet as a form of escapism.

coterie /ˈkoʊtəri/

n. 同行,圈内人 group that meets socially; select circle

The name is known to only a small coterie of collectors.

agenda /əˈʤendə/  阅┃填

n. 议事日程 items of business at a meeting

There are five items on the agenda of the regular meeting.

indelible /ɪnˈdeləbl/  阅┃填

adj. 去不掉的,不能拭去的 not able to be erased

That travel experience left an indelible impression on me.

cadaver /kəˈdævər/

n. 尸体 corpse

The cadaver will be examined to find out the cause of death.

inured /ɪˈnjʊrd/  阅

adj. 习惯的,适应的 accustomed; hardened

Having lived in tropical climate for so many years, he became inured to the mosquito bites.

impart /ɪmˈpɑːrt/  阅

v. 告知,透露;授予 reveal or tell; grant

It is necessary to impart the basic translation skills to students.

insubordination /ˌɪnsəˌbɔːrdɪˈneɪʃn/  填

n. 不顺从,反抗 disobedience; rebelliousness

A soldier might lose his life at war because of insubordination.

repeal /rɪˈpiːl/  阅┃填

v. 废除,撤消 revoke; annul

What would the influence on the society be if the law against euthanasia is repealed in our country?

virus /ˈvaɪrəs/  阅

n. 病毒 disease communicator

Today's anti-HIV drugs block the virus once it gets into a cell.

spate /speɪt/  填

n. 洪水;突然的爆发;大量 sudden flood or strong outburst; a large number or amount

With New Year approaching, many online stores have received a spate of orders.

tangential /tænˈʤenʃl/  阅┃填

adj. 略微有关系的;离题的 peripheral; only slightly connected; digressing

It's meaningless to spend so much time discussing those tangential issues.

halting /ˈhɔːltɪŋ/  阅

adj. 犹豫的;蹒跚的 hesitant; faltering

It seemed he was hiding something, because he was talking in a halting way.

gawk /ɡɔːk/

v. 呆呆地看着 stare foolishly; look in open-mouthed awe

She gawked at the movie star who just stopped her and asked for directions.

panacea /ˌpænəˈsiːə/  阅┃填

n. 灵丹妙药,万灵药 cure-all; remedy for all diseases

No drug or operation is a panacea for all pain.

tout /taʊt/  阅┃填

v. 兜售,吹捧 publicize; praise excessively

There are far less people touting train tickets than before since online booking system was implemented.

asteroid /ˈæstərɔɪd/  阅┃填

n. 小行星 small planet

There are many asteroidsfloating in space.

nonchalance ■ /ˌnɑːnʃəˈlɑːns/  阅┃填

n. 冷淡,漠不关心;镇静 indifference; lack of concern; composure

Some heroes in the movies show remarkable nonchalance in the face of danger, for example, James Bond.

salvo /ˈsælvoʊ/

n. (火炮)齐射,(礼炮)齐鸣 discharge of firearms; military salute

The enemy fired a salvo in the direction of the sound.

turgid /ˈtɜːrʤɪd/

adj. 浮夸的;膨胀的 swollen; distended

The article on the law was very turgid.

bode /boʊd/  阅

v. 预示 foreshadow; portend

The good news one after another bode well for our company.

treacly /ˈtriːkli/  阅┃填

adj. 甜蜜的 sticky sweet

Don't fall for his treacly trap; you will understand his real purpose sooner or later.

inter /ɪnˈtɜːr/

v. 埋葬 bury

Her beloved dog was interred under the tree behind her house.

elusive ■ /iˈluːsɪv/  阅┃填

adj. 逃避的;难以表述的,难懂的 evasive; baffling; hard to grasp

The room is filled with an elusive perfume.

stellar /ˈstelər/

adj. 星的;主要的;杰出的 pertaining to the stars; indicating the most important performer or role

The belief in hard work is one of the primary factors that contribute to Asian-Americans' stellar performance at American top universities.

correlation /ˌkɔːrəˈleɪʃn/  阅┃填

n. 相关,相互关系 mutual relationship

There is high positive correlation between smoking and cancer.

remunerative /rɪˈmjuːnərətɪv/  阅

adj. 有报酬的,有利的 compensating; rewarding

One year after she graduated, she found her job not so remunerative and she decided to set up her own business.

statute /ˈstætʃuːt/  阅┃填

n. 法令,条例 law enacted by the legislature

According to our university's statutes, students who escape classes more than three times will be disqualified to take the final exam.

persona /pərˈsoʊnə/  阅

n. 面具人格,伪装人格 public personality or facade

Joey's on-screen persona is cute and innocent, but in private he's different.

convention /kənˈvenʃn/  阅┃填

n. 习俗,惯例 social or moral custom; established practice

It's just a social convention that men don't wear skirts.

nullify /ˈnʌlɪfaɪ/  填

v. 使无效,废除 make invalid

You have no right to nullify laws even if you are the president.

remedial /rɪˈmiːdiəl/

adj. 治疗的;补救的 curative; corrective

Because my roommate Mary was poor at grammar, she decided to take a course in remedial grammar at weekends.

bemoan /bɪˈmoʊn/  阅

v. 哀叹;为…惋惜 lament; express disapproval of

We often hear teachers bemoan the lack of respect from students.

superficial ■ /ˌsuːpərˈfɪʃl/  阅┃填

adj. 表面的,肤浅的 trivial; shallow

A foreigner's knowledge of superficial behaviors like shaking hands or using chopsticks is not surely a sign of knowing Chinese culture.

rectify ■ /ˈrektɪfaɪ/  阅

v. 纠正,改正 set right; correct

When they realized their mistakes, it was too late to rectify.

Word List 02

deciduous /dɪˈsɪʤuəs/

adj. 落叶的 falling off as of leaves

The climate is not suitable for deciduous vegetation.

fabricate /ˈfæbrɪkeɪt/  阅┃填

v. 制造;编造 build; lie

It's illegal to fabricate evidence.

ordinance /ˈɔːrdɪnəns/

n. 法令,条例 decree

Driving without a license is a violation of a city ordinance.

rotundity /roʊˈtʌndɪtɪ/

n. 圆形(物);(声音的)洪亮 roundness; sonorousness of speech

With the living standard greatly improving, more and more adolescents in our country are diagnosed with rotundity.

incorrigible ■ /ɪnˈkɔːrɪʤəbl/  填

adj. 无可救药的,不能被纠正的 not correctable

Smoking is an incorrigible habit.

stigmatize /ˈstɪɡmətaɪz/  阅

v. 打烙印;污蔑 brand; mark as wicked

A child who is not brave enough shouldn't be stigmatized as a coward by parents.

traverse /trəˈvɜːrs/

v. 横过,穿过 go through or across

Chinese style of traversing the road has triggered a heated discussion recently.

supercilious /ˌsuːpərˈsɪliəs/  阅┃填

adj. 自大的,傲慢的,目空一切的 arrogant; condescending; patronizing

A monocultural person is inclined to be supercilious about his own culture.

dwindle /ˈdwɪndl/  阅┃填

v. 缩小,减少 shrink; reduce

His fame dwindled because he was not active like before.

mediocre /ˌmiːdiˈoʊkər/  阅┃填

adj. 中等的,平庸的 ordinary; commonplace

The audience were disappointed because their idol gave a rather mediocre performance in this role.

papyrus /pəˈpaɪrəs/

n. 纸莎草纸 ancient paper made from stem of papyrus plant

The ancient Egyptians firstly wrote on papyrus.

elicit • /iˈlɪsɪt/  阅┃填

v. 套出(信息),诱出 draw out by discussion

The policeman managed to elicit the truth from him.

carat /ˈkærət/

n. 克拉 unit of weight for precious stones; measure of fineness of gold

He did not even buy her a ring, let alone a carat diamond ring.

balmy /ˈbɑːmi/  填

adj. 温暖的,温和的;芳香的 mild; fragrant

People from the South love the balmy summer's evening in the North very much.

xenophobia /ˌzenəˈfoʊbiə/

n. 仇外者,惧外者 fear or hatred of foreigners

Xenophobia hindered the country's development.

wax /wæks/

v. 变大,增大 increase; grow

The tension between the two countries waxed at an alarming rate.

necromancy /ˈnekroʊmænsi/

n. 巫术,妖术 black magic; dealings with the dead

The evil witch performed feats of necromancy, calling on the spirits of the dead to tell the future.

canto /ˈkæntoʊ/

n. 长诗的篇章 division of a long poem

This is a canto of Dante's The Divine Comedy.

emulate ■ /ˈemjuleɪt/  阅

v. 效仿,模仿;竞争 imitate; rival

He tried his utmost to emulate his younger brother at the English course.

slothful /ˈsloʊθfl/  阅

adj. 偷懒的 lazy

I recommend her without reservation as she has never been absent, disobedient, slothful or disrespectful.

construe /kənˈstruː/  阅

v. 解释 explain; interpret

How do you construe what he did?

harbor /ˈhɑːrbər/  阅

v. 提供住所或栖息地;窝藏 provide a refuge for; hide

The criminal must have been harbored somewhere.

disband /dɪsˈbænd/

v. 解散,遣散 dissolve; disperse

The government tried to disband the illegal organization.

equable /ˈekwəbl/  阅

n. 平静的;稳定的;不变的 tranquil; steady; uniform

This city is famous for its warm, equable climate.

consecrate /ˈkɑːnsɪkreɪt/  阅┃填

v. 献给 dedicate; sanctify

The priest promised God he would consecrate his life to helping the poor.

entail /ɪnˈteɪl/

v. 要求;使必要;牵涉 require; necessitate; involve

The property of the rich family was entailed on the eldest son.

garish /ˈɡerɪʃ/  阅┃填

adj. 过分鲜艳的,俗气的 over-bright in color; gaudy

She is always in garish clothes.

relevant /ˈreləvənt/

adj. 相应的,相关联的 pertinent; referring to the case in hand

The police chief ordered that all the clues directly relevant to the case be immediately searched for across the city.

satellite /ˈsætəlaɪt/  阅┃填

n. 人造卫星 small body revolving around a larger one

The successful launch of the first communications satellite played a significant role in China's history of space.

invocation /ˌɪnvəˈkeɪʃn/  阅

n. 祈祷,祈求神助 prayer for help; calling upon as a reference or support

They chanted invocations to God.

condiment /ˈkɑːndɪmənt/

n. 调味品 seasoning; spice

The main dish had little flavor, so I added condiments.

plumage /ˈpluːmɪʤ/

n. (鸟的)全身羽毛 feather of a bird

The tourists were excited to see the peacock displaying its colorful plumage.

ulterior /ʌlˈtɪriər/

adj. 隐秘不明的,别有用心的;较远的 unstated; hidden; more remote

He did many things just for the sake of ulterior ends.

translucent /trænsˈluːsnt/

adj. 半透明的,半透彻的 partly transparent

The roof of the building is made of translucent plastic.

alias /ˈeɪliəs/  阅

n. 别名,化名 an assumed name

The agent used Bob Jones as his alias in this mission.

tempo /ˈtempoʊ/  填

n. (音乐)速度,拍子 speed of music

Young as she is, my little daughter is very good at dancing according to the tempo.

protean /ˈproʊtiən/  填

adj. 变化多端的 versatile; able to take on many shapes

He is a remarkably protean musician, who has created many different styles of music.

gusto /ˈɡʌstoʊ/

n. 兴致勃勃,热情 enjoyment; enthusiasm

It won't sounds good if you play the piano without gusto.

retrench /rɪˈtrentʃ/

v. 紧缩;节约 cut down; economize

They had to retrench their expenditure on everything after the third child was born.

erotic /ɪˈrɑːtɪk/  阅

adj. (引起)性欲的,色情的 arousing sexual desire; pertaining to sexual love

This film is ranked R because of some erotic scenes.

grouse /ɡraʊs/

v. 埋怨,发牢骚 complain; fuss

He is always grousing about something.

ossify /ˈɑːsɪfaɪ/  阅

v. 骨化,硬化 change or harden into bone

A child's cartilage starts to ossify at a very young age.

provincial ■ /prəˈvɪnʃl/  阅┃填

adj. 省的;偏狭的;守旧的 pertaining to a province; limited in outlook; unsophisticated

One would be considered provincial if he had no access to the Internet.

wily /ˈwaɪli/

adj. 老谋深算的,狡猾的 cunning; artful

The old cop is very experienced and wily.

contention /kənˈtenʃn/  阅

n. 主张,论点 claim; thesis

He disproved the major contention of his opponents.

incisive ■ /ɪnˈsaɪsɪv/  阅┃填

adj. 锋利的,尖锐的 cutting; sharp

Be careful of the incisive edge.

ramp /ræmp/

n. 斜坡;(飞机的)舷梯 slope; inclined plane

Many hotels are built with ramps at the entrance in order to enable disabled people to move conveniently.

reprehensible ■ /ˌreprɪˈhensəbl/  阅

adj. 应受谴责的 deserving blame

The terrorists blew up the embassy and their deeds were most reprehensible.

madrigal /ˈmædrɪɡl/

n. 牧歌,小曲 pastoral song

It is said that madrigals were popular in England in the sixteenth century.





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