
发布时间:2020-09-21 01:08:02


作者:陈敏, 陈淑梅, 主编












Unit 1 Lead-in—Business Letters

Unit 2 Memos & E-mails

Unit 3 Identifying Business Partners

Unit 4 Status Inquiry

Unit 5 Inquiries & Replies

Unit 6 Offers & Counter-offers

Unit 7 Orders & their Fulfillment

Unit 8 Terms of Payment

Unit 9 Packing & Shipping

Unit 10 Insurance

Unit 11 Complaints & Arbitration

Unit 12 Sales Letters

Unit 13 Trade Intermediaries

Unit 14 International Investment

Unit 15 Countertrade

Appendix A Commonly Used Vocabulary in International Trade

Appendix B Commonly Used Trade Terms

Appendix C Commonly Used Trade Abbreciations and Signs

Appendix D Specimen L/C & Contract Specimen L/C(by SWIFT)

Specimen ContractUnit 1Lead-in—Business LettersIntroduction

In today's highly developed and toughly competitive society,English is considered the business language in the world; while communication is the lifeline of modern business,which is becoming increasingly frequent and important between individuals and groups.It serves to pass on information,to express ideas or to exchange feelings.In such an age of electronics,people tend to make phone calls for the purpose of communication,instead of writing letters in daily life.The rapid development of telecommunication makes telephone,telex and fax even more popular,and seems to have decreased the importance of letters in paper.However,letters are still retaining their importance in this age of electronic communication and they are still written in an overwhelming number in international business.Business executives are supposed to write so good business letters as to carry business routine efficiently.1.1 The Principles of Effective Communication—7C's

To compose effective written or oral messages,you must always bear in mind the essential qualities of certain communication principles.These principles provide guidelines for choice of content and presentation style,adapted to the purpose of your message.These principles are not only limited to a sentence level,they are also applicable to all forms of communications,from mere utterances and sentences to complete documents or presentations.To some extent,the principles overlap because they are based on a common concern for the audience,whether that audience consists of listeners or readers.

These principles can be summed up as 7C's,i.e.completeness,concreteness,clearness,conciseness,courtesy,consideration,and correctness.1.1.1 Completeness

A good business letter should be complete,containing all the information the recipients need with which can be effectively understood.In order to offer the recipients fully understanding of the information,a good business letter should be complete.A business letter is successful and functions well only when it contains all the necessary information.See to it that all the matters are discussed and all the questions are answered or explained.It is essential to keep following 5W's principles in your mind to ensure your message complete:who,what,where,when, and why.The five-question-method is useful when you make offers or place orders or write letters involving other informative messages.1.1.2 Concreteness

It means that message should be specific instead of general.Misunderstanding of words may cause problems for both parties(sender and receiver).When you talk to your client,try to use facts and figures instead of generic or irrelevant information.The following guidelines would help you to achieve concreteness.Use specific facts and figures.·Put action in your verbs.Prefer active verbs to passive verbs or ·words in which action is hidden.Choose vivid,image-building words.·Pay close attention to word orders,and put modifiers in right ·place.

e.g. The Universal Trading Company is one of our big buyers.(poor)

The Universal Trading Company placed over US$ 2,000,000 worth of business with us each year.(better)

e.g. We have received with thanks your check,the amount has been placed to your credit.(poor)

We have received with thanks your check No.248 for US$ 200,000 in payment of our commission,which has been placed to your credit.(better)1.1.3 Clearness

Make sure that your writing is so clear that it cannot be misunderstood.Firstly,having a concrete idea in your mind of what is your target for only a clean mind can express methodically.What is equally or more important is to get yourself understood,so it has a definite message,with no confusion about what each sentence is trying to communicate.To meet such an end,the writer should follow the following rules:Choose plain,simple words,which are short,familiar,·conversational,straight-forward.Build effective sentences and paragraphs.Generally,the ·average length for sentences should be about 17~20 words.Short paragraphs encourage one to finish reading a letter.Usually a letter paragraph consists of no more than 10 lines.Aim at unity,coherence,and emphasis in your expression.·

Compare the following examples.

A:We have your remittance of January 30 in the amount of $300,and wish at this time to thank you for it.

B:Thank you for your remittance of January 30 for $300.

Sentence B is clearer and more effective than sentence A.1.1.4 Conciseness

A poem composed of Commercial Jargon:

We beg to advice and wish to state,

That yours has arrived of recent date.

We have it before us,its contents noted;

Herewith enclosed are the prices we quoted.

Attached please find,as per your request,

The data you wanted; and not let us suggest

Your order be sent,and not held unduly,

We beg to remain,yours most truly.

Express what you said in a short and pithy way.Conciseness is often considered to be the most important writing principle.Omit trite expressions.·Avoid unnecessary expressions.·Include only relevant facts with courtesy.·Organize effectively.·

Please compare:

e.g. The senator,who came from New York,gave a speech that was long and tedious.(poor)

The senator from New York gave a long,tedious speech.(better)

e.g. I want to take this opportunity to tell you that we are grateful to you...(poor)

Thank you...(better)1.1.5 Courtesy

Try to be polite while not humble.Courtesy plays a considerate rule in business letter writing,as in all business activities.Be sincerely tactful,thoughtful and appreciative.·Take a personable,friendly, and modest tone.·Omit expressions that irritate,hurt, or belittle.It is always ·offensive to show any sign of arrogance or prejudice.Be prompt in reply.If your answer is delayed,give strong and ·understandable reasons.

See how sentences A are blunt and abrupt,while sentences B are courteous and polite.

A:Unfortunately we cannot fill your order because you failed to send your check.(poor)

B:We shall be glad to fulfill your order as soon as we receive your check.(better)

A:Tell us more detailed information on your requirements.(poor)

B:Will/Would you please to tell us more detailed information on your requirements?(better)

A:We must refuse your offer.(poor)

B:We regret that we are unable to accept your offer./ We are sorry that we are not in a position to accept your offer.(better)1.1.6 Consideration

Consideration means considering the receiver's interest/intention.It is very important in effective communication while writing a letter,and you should always keep in mind your target group's consideration,which is a very important “C” enjoying great importance among all the 7C's.Three specific ways to indicate consideration:Focus on “you” instead of “I” or “We”.·Show the benefit or interest of the receiver.·Emphasize positive,pleasant facts.Using “you” help you,but ·overuse leads a negative reaction.

e.g. I am delighted to announce that we will extend to make shopping more.(“we”—attitude)

You will be able to shop in the evening with the extended hours.(“you”—attitude)

e.g. We allow a 5% discount for cash payments.(“we”—attitude )

You earn a 5% discount when you pay cash.(“you”—attitude)

e.g. Your order will be delayed for two weeks.(negative)

Your order will be shipped in two weeks.(positive)1.1.7 Correctness

Correctness refers much more than that of grammar,punctuation,and spelling of words,which are the basic elements.A letter may be perfect in speaking mechanically,but still it at times does not achieve desired effect.To guarantee correctness of a business letter,one should always bear in mind the following:Choose only accurate facts,words,and figures.Be clear ·about the meanings of all the trade terms and jargon you use.Be honest about the things you say.Don't over-say or under-·say,be matter-of-fact in attitude.Use the correct level of language.Don't over-estimate or ·underestimate your counter-part in foreign trade activities.Observe all the writing mechanics,including the 7C's.Avoid ·silly spelling errors and grammatical blemishes.

Let us look at the following sentences to see if there are anything improper.

e.g. All offers by fax are open for 5 days.

The above sentence does not clearly explain or account for specific 5 days,and should be changed into:

All offers by fax are open for 5 days inclusive of the date of dispatch.

e.g. We assure you that this error will never occur.

Similarly this sentence can be changed as following:

We will do all we can so that we may not repeat such an error.1.2 Layout of a Business Letter

A business letter follows a more or less set pattern determined by customs.Choice of layout is a matter of individual taste,but it is better to follow established practice,to which the business world has become accustomed.Usually it includes the physical form of the letter,the arrangement of the parts of letter and the display of the various items of information in the letter.1.2.1 Structure of a Business Letter

A well-organized business letter usually consists of the seven standard parts and some miscellaneous matters.1. The Standard Parts of a Business Letter(1)Heading or return address—The letter head is the printed or engraved heading on an organization's sheet of stationery,which may include the following elements:Logo or trademark or symbol and/or slogan.·Full legal name of the organization.·Full address of the organization or the branch and other ·necessary data,including telephone number,fax number,and E-mail address.Name of director(s)if necessary.·Starting date of the firm if it needs to be specified,indicating ·that the firm has a long history.(2) Date line—The date is usually below the heading,more often written as one of the following:8(th)September/Sept.2016; September/Sept.8(th),2016,but to avoid using figures such as 9/8/2016,as it might be read as September 8,2016 or August 9,2016,which will cause unnecessary confusion.Never write “of” in the date(5th of May).(3) Inside name and address—It's usually the same as the outside address on the envelope.If the window envelope is used,there is,of course,no need to write the outside one.The address is arranged like a pyramid,starting from the smallest unit,e.g. the room number,to the largest unit,e.g. the name of the country.If the letter is addressed to an individual,the inside address will include that person's courtesy title—professional title,such as “Dr.” or “Prof.”,or the traditional title,such as “Mr.”,“Mrs.”,“Miss”,and “Ms.”,and the name,which are put on the top line of the address.That person's business or executive title—such as “CEO”,“General Manager”—is usually placed on the second line of the inside address.If the letter is addressed to a group,the inside address will consist of the full group name and the address.The following are two examples:Sample LetterExample 1—To an individualName        Mr.S.JohnsonOrganization    Casual HotelRoad        18 Zhongshan RoadTown/City Postcode Suzhou,215000County/Province   JiangsuCountry       P.R. ChinaExample 2—To a groupGroup        BCE CollegeRoad        2 Central AvenueTown/City Postcode Suzhou,215000County/Province   JiangsuCountry       P.R. China

If you are writing to a company containing one or more personal names,you can put “Messrs.” before the name of the company:

Messrs. David and Young Co.Ltd.

Messrs. Johnson & Sons

If the company does not contain a personal name,“The” is usually written before it:

The South Travel Association

If you are writing to a person who has a particular position,write “The” before the position:

The Manager

The President(4) Salutation—The friendly greeting that is placed just under the inside address.If the letter is addressed to an individual,it usually consists of:Dear + Courtesy Title or Business Title + Surname.If the letter is sent to a group/company,it is customary to use:“Dear Sirs”(BrE),or “Gentlemen”(AmE).

When addressing a group of people,use one of the following salutations:

Ladies and Gentlemen:

Dear Sirs or Madams,

Gentlemen:/Dear Sirs,(if all the readers are male)

Ladies:/Dear Madams,(if all the readers are female)

As to the sex question in letter writing,if you unsure to whom you should address a letter,you should use the following salutations:“Dear Sir or Madam”.(5)Message/Text—It's the most important part of the letter,which directly follows the salutation.The message can be as short as a one-sentence paragraph and as long as several pages with an opening paragraph and a closing paragraph and many other paragraphs in between.(6)Complimentary close—The words that come immediately after the body and directly before the signature to indicate the writer's regards to the receiver,signaling the conclusion of the letter.The words often used are:truly,sincerely,and faithfully.If you begin your letter with “Dear Sir or Madam,” that is,if you are writing to a stranger then you must end with “Yours faithfully”. If you are writing to someone whose name you know,or someone has written to you first,you end with “Yours sincerely”. Generally,the typical American forms are:“Best regards”,“Sincerely”; the more typical British forms are:“Best wishes”,“Kind regards”,“Yours Sincerely”, and “Yours faithfully”.(7)Signature—This area may include the following:your signature,your typewritten name,your business title and the name of your branch and/or that of your company.If the person who has dictated the letter is not present to sign it,the typist or someone else will sign it instead.In this case,the usual practice is to write the letters “p.p.” or “per pro”(= on behalf of)before the name of the person signing the letter.Sample LetterBE Training & Consulting2 Viaduct Road,Brighton BN1 4NB,EnglandTELEPHONE 01225 442128 TELEFAX 01225 442264E-MAIL 100663@edu.com36 years of language training for business1980—2016Mr. John Smith5 Daling RoadNanjing,210033P.R. China18 March 2016Dear Mr. Smith,Course EnquiryThank you for your enquiry about the course run by BE leading to National Certificate.The enclosed information will give you a clear idea of the course content and approach,the objectives,the dates,and fees for 2016.If you would like to discuss the course in more detail,please contact one of the course tutors whose names are in the enclosed brochure.Yours sincerely,Susan GaltungSenior PartnerenSENIOR PARTNERS Paul Hunter,Susan GaltungTELEPHONE international +44 1225 442128  TELEFAX international +44 1225 4422642.The Miscellaneous Matters/The Optional Parts of a Business Letter(1)Personal or confidential notation—If the letter is personal or confidential,type Personal or Confidential in all-capital letters or in underscored capital and small letters on the second line below the date,starting at the left margin.(2)Attention line—It is used if you want to bring your letter to the attention to a particular person or a department when you address this letter to an organization.It is usually typed two spaces below the inside address and two spaces above the salutation.(3)Subject line—This line states briefly what this letter is about so that your reader would get the main idea before he reads it in detail and it also facilitates filing.(4)Reference line—Carrying a file,order, or policy number placed one to four lines below the date.(5)Executive and secretary/Typist initials—They usually appear at the left margin on the same line with the last line of the signature areas or one or two lines below that to indicate responsibilities.(6) Enclosure(s)—If you include anything else more than the message in the envelope,you need to specify clearly so that the person who prepares for mailing will not forget,and if more than one item is enclosed,you need to indicate the number as well by writing it after the word enclosures.This would also help the receiver to check for the enclosure(s)when the letter arrives at his end.(7)Copy notation—When you have sent a copy of this letter to a third party and you need the receiver to know it,you will write the name of that third party after the abbreviation “cc”(carbon copy)or “xc”(xerox copy).(8)Mailing notation/Notation of delivery—When the deadline is required for a particular purpose,or where necessary,the mailing means,such as “Registered,” need to be indicated in the letter.It is usually typed in capital letters flush with the left margin about two lines above the inside address.(9)Postscript—To call the receiver's attention to something important which you have already mentioned in the letter or to add something that is not related to the letter itself.But if you forget something important and relevant to the letter,better insert it in the appropriate place and reprint the letter.1.2.2 Formats for Letters

There are several acceptable patterns of layout for business letters.The most popular forms are full and modified block styles,as well as semi-indented style.1. Full Block Style

Every line in the full-block style begins at the left margin,and the open style of punctuation has been adopted.For example,a complete absence of punctuation marks from the date,the salutation,the complementary close,and from the ends of lines forming the inside name and address,except the full-stops to mark abbreviation.2. Modified Block Style

In the modified block style,all the parts starts from the left margin,except the date,complimentary close, and signature,which are positioned the same as that in the semi-indented style.3. Semi-indented Style

At the beginning of each paragraph,we should leave four-letter space blank.There are two lines between every paragraph.The date line is on the top of the right corner,and the signature and the complimentary close is at the bottom of the right corner.Sample 1—Full block styleSoutheast TravelHead Office5th Floor,World Trade MansionNanjing,Jiangsu Province,210033P.R. ChinaTel:086-025-9966888Your ref:5SJOur ref:02685 July 2016Mr.S.JohnsonWater CloseSydneyDear Mr.JohnsonRe:Mortgage AccountThank you for your letter of 1 July and we learn that you would like details of the building coverage.We enclose herewith a booklet detailing the premium rates for standard and additional cover.Please let us know what particular cover(s)you would require so that we can make necessary arrangements accordingly.Yours sincerely,M.Smith





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