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第1章 《翻译硕士英语》考试指导



1.1 《翻译硕士英语》考试大纲













I. 词汇语法








II. 阅读理解








III. 外语写作





1.2 《翻译硕士英语》大纲解读







而对于修辞,《高等学校英语专业英语教学大纲》中并未列出具体需要掌握的修辞手法,下面我们归纳总结了大学英语精读教材中经常出现的一些修辞手法,这些手法主要有simile(明喻)、metaphor(隐喻)、allusion(引喻)、metonymy(换喻/转喻)、synecdoche(提喻)、personification(拟人)、onomatopoeia(拟声)、parody(仿拟)、hyperbole(夸张)、irony(反语)、rhetorical question(反问)、repetition(反复)、symbolism(象征)、pun(双关)、sarcasm(讽刺)、ridicule(嘲弄)、euphemism(委婉语)、anti-climax(渐降)、understatement(低调陈述)、parallelism(平行/排比)、antonomasia(换称)、antithesis(对照)、transferred epithet/hypallage(移就)、zeugma(轭式搭配)、alliteration(头韵)、assonance(类韵)、oxymoron(矛盾修辞法)、syllepsis(一语双叙)等。






第2章 翻译硕士英语考研真题详解


Part I Vocabulary and Grammar (30%)

Section One: Choose from A, B, C or D the ONE that best completes the sentence, and mark your choice on the ANSWER SHEET (20 points, 1 point each).

l. If central banks maintain their anti-inflation policy and withdraw money from the system or raise interest rates, they could _____ a recession.

A. precipate

B. precipitate

C. precitate

D. presipate【答案】B【解析】句意:如果中央银行继续坚持它们的反通货膨胀政策,从体系中紧缩银根或者提高利率的话,它们可能会加速经济低迷。precipitate促成,加速,使陷入。因此本题应选B。其余三项为错误单词。

2.The Seller shall be liable for any damage of the commodity due to improper packing and for any rust _____ inadequate protective measures in regard to the packing.

A. attributing to

B. attributed to

C. attributable to

D. attributed with【答案】C【解析】句意:卖方应对任何因包装不当而损坏的商品或因包装方面保护措施不足而被腐蚀的商品负责任。be attributable to sth.是固定搭配,表示“是由……导致的”。这里是省略了which is。因此本题应选C。

3.Our terms of payment are by confirmed, irrevocable letter of credit _____ against presentation of shipping documents.

A. payable at sight

B. paid by sight

C. to be paid on sight

D. in sight payment【答案】A【解析】句意:我们的支付方式是保兑的、不可撤销的即期装运信用证单据。payable at sight是会计学术语,表示“见票即付”这种支付方式。因此本题应选A。

4.If any damage to the goods occurs, a claim may _____ the insurance agent at your end, who will undertake to compensate you for the loss sustained.

A. be lodged to

B. lodge against

C. be filed with

D. be filled against【答案】C【解析】句意:如果货物发生任何损坏,可向贵地的保险代理提出索赔,他们将赔偿你方遭受的任何损失。file/lodge a claim with/against...可用来表示(向负责部门)提出问题,在句中变为了被动语态。A项应改为be lodged against/with;claim与lodge或file为被动关系,B项为主动形式,不符合题意;D项中的filled表示“充满……的”,与题意不符。因此,本题正确答案为C项。

5.Should the Seller fail to perform the contracted obligations 10 weeks after the aforesaid incident, the Buyer shall have the right to treat the contract as _____.

A. legally valid

B. null and void

C. ineffective

D. default【答案】B【解析】句意:如果上述事件10周后,卖方未能履行合同义务,买方有权将合同视为无效。null and void表示“(合同等)无效的”。因此本题应选B项。legally valid有法律效力的。ineffective无效的,失效的,不起作用的。default违约,缺席。

6.The new Treasury bill seeks to ensure the prosperity of all citizens, _____ simply supporting large corporations and the wealthy.

A. in spite of

B. in case of

C. as a result of

D. rather than【答案】D【解析】句意:新的国库券试图确保全体公民受益,而不是简单地只支持大企业和富人。rather than表示“而不是……”。因此本题应选D项。in spite of尽管,虽然。in case of假设,万一。as a result of由于,作为……的结果。

7.While most experts _____ the idea that corporations could actually become human beings, most agree that punishing corporations for the crimes they commit will at the very least have a positive effect on the world.

A. scoff at

B. support for

C. scold on

D. stand over【答案】A【解析】句意:虽然大多数专家都嘲笑公司可以成为真正的人类这一想法,但大多数人认为对企业所犯的罪行进行惩罚至少会对世界有些积极影响。scoff at表示“嘲笑,奚落”,符合题干语境。因此本题应选A项。support for支持。scold on责骂,斥责。stand over延期,监督。

8._____ in a time of shortage is wrong.

A. Profit-making

B. Non-profit-making

C. Profiteer

D. Profiteering【答案】D【解析】句意:在物资短缺的时候投机倒把是错误的。profiteer投机倒把,牟取暴利。本空应填入其动名词形式profiteering作主语。因此D项正确。profit-making营利,赚钱。non-profit-making非盈利的。

9._____ please find one set of the shipping documents covering this consignment.

A. The attached

B. Enclosure

C. Enclosing

D. Enclosed【答案】D【解析】句意:随函附上一套这批货的装运单据。enclosed please find sth.是固定用法,表示“随函附上,请查收”。因此本题应选D项。

10.Steady interest and strong local _____ in non-core shopping districts are backing retailers.

A. purchase power

B. purchasing power

C. power purchase

D. preference power【答案】B【解析】句意:非核心购物区稳定的利益和当地较强的购买力正在为零售商们提供支持。purchasing power是固定词组,表示“购买力”。因此本题应选B项。preference power偏好强度。

11.This service should be available to everybody, _____ whether they can afford it.

A. irrespective

B. irrespective that

C. irrespective of

D. irrespective to【答案】C【解析】句意:无论他们是否能负担得起,这项服务应该提供给所有人。irrespective of表示“不顾,不考虑,无论”,相当于regardless of,后面可接宾语从句。因此本题应选C项。

12.Theoretically, lending rates have already been liberalized, with no floor on them; in reality, bankers say they still price loans off the _____.

A. bottom line

B. benchmark

C. starting point

D. interest rate【答案】B【解析】句意:理论上而言,贷款利率已经自由化了,不设下限;实际上银行从业者表示他们提供的贷款比规定的标准要优惠。benchmark基准。因此本题应选B项。bottom line底线,最低限度。starting point出发点,起始点。interest rate利率。price off表示“优惠,折扣”。

13.The company is reported to have _____ of nearly $90,000.

A. debt

B. asset

C. responsibilities

D. liabilities【答案】D【解析】句意:据报道,该公司负债近9万美元。liability是会计学术语,表示“负债,债务”。因此本题应选D项。debt欠款,债款。asset资产,财产。responsibility责任,职责。

14.He carried out extensive research into the local real estate market before he decided to _____ a mortgage.

A. take out

B. take in

C. take off

D. take on【答案】A【解析】句意:在他决定进行抵押之前,他对当地的房地产市场进行了广泛的研究。take out a mortgage是固定用法,表示“办理抵押贷款”。因此本题应选A项。take in吸收,领会;欺骗。take off成名;脱下,起飞。take on承担,呈现。

15.We are looking forward to _____ your reply.

A. receive

B. receiving

C. accept

D. accepting【答案】B【解析】句意:我们期盼能收到您的回复。look forward to是固定词组,表示“期待/盼望做某事”,其中to是介词,后面应接动名词。receive是指客观地收到某物。accept表示主观地接受某人或某物。故本题应选B项。

16.He built up the business _____ his health.

A. at expense of

B. to the expense of

C. at the expense of

D. on expense of【答案】C【解析】句意:他以他的健康为代价创立了他的事业。at the expense of sth.是固定词组,表示“以……为代价”。因此本题应选C项。

17.The problem is that most local authorities lack the _____ in dealing with the financial problems.

A. expert

B. expertise

C. profession

D. acknowledgement【答案】B【解析】句意:问题是,大多数地方政府在处理金融问题上缺乏专业知识。expertise专业知识,专门技术。因此本题应选B项。expert专家,能手。profession职业,专业。acknowledgement确认,感谢。

18._____ these conditions are fulfilled _____ the application proceed to the next stage.

A. Not until...that

B. Only when…did

C. All...except for

D. Only if... can【答案】D【解析】句意:只有在满足这些条件的情况下才可以进行下一阶段的申请。only if... can表示“只要……就……,只有……才……”。因此本题应选D项。A项中that错误,应改为一个助动词。B项时态错误。C项意思不符合。

19.The President _____ reforming health care.

A. is obliged to

B. is committed to

C. promised to

D. is convinced to【答案】B【解析】句意:这位总统致力于医疗改革。be committed to doing sth.致力于,以……为己任。因此本题应选B项。be obliged to do sth.有义务,不得不做某事。promise to do sth.承诺做某事。be convinced to do sth. 必定要做某事,被说服做某事。

20.China is confident of meeting its 2030 goals for a peak in carbon dioxide _____ and lifting the share of non-fossil fuel to around 20 percent of energy use.

A. ejections

B. disposals

C. emissions

D. eruption【答案】C【解析】句意:中国有信心在二氧化碳排放量达到峰值时,即2030年,实现目标,将非化石燃料能源消耗的比例提高到20%左右。carbon dioxide emission是固定短语,表示“二氧化碳排放”。因此本题应选C项。ejection喷出;排出物。disposal处置,处理,安排。eruption爆发,喷发。

Section Two: Identify Stylistic Problems (10 points, 1 point each)

Identify the stylistic problem with each of the following sentences by choosing A, B, C or D. Write your correct sentence on the ANSWER SHEET.

21.Although economic ties between most Asia-Pacific economies have not yet suffered any fundamental damage.

A. choppy

B. correct

C. fragment

D. run on【答案】C【解析】分析题干可知,本句是一个although引导的让步状语从句,缺少主句。因此本句是个残缺句。应选C项。

22.It had nothing to do with the environment, the cost of infrastructure, public transport or any other reason put forward.

A. fragment

B. choppy

C. comma splice

D. correct【答案】B【解析】本句中四个并列宾语分类混乱,the cost of infrastructure(基础设施成本)就包含了public transport(公共交通),因此本句内容生涩混乱、没有条理。应选B项。

23.WeChat has seen monthly active users grow to 468 million worldwide since its 2011 introduction, Chinese students who adopted WeChat while in their home country are now set to be the foundation of the app’s US push.

A. correct

B. comma splice

C. run on

D. choppy【答案】B【解析】分析题干可知,题干中用逗号连接了两个相互独立的完整的句子,因此本句犯了“逗号叠加”的语法错误。因此本题应选B项。

24.Perplexed by the rising rates of inflation and alarmed by the decline in major construction projects.

A. fragment

B. run on

C. correct

D. choppy【答案】A【解析】分析题干可知,本句是由两个并列的过去分词短语(Perplexed和alarmed)组成的状语成分,缺少主句。因此本句是个残缺句。应选A项。

25.Over the last year employment has grown at the fastest pace since 2006 the pace of hiring seems to be trending upward.

A. correct

B. choppy

C. run on

D. fragment【答案】C【解析】分析题干可知,“the pace of hiring seems to be trending upward”是一个完整的句子,两个句子间没有连词连接,属于流水句。此部分应为定语从句,修饰时间状语2006,为使句子完整通顺,可在2006后面加上定语从句的引导词when。即本题应选C项。

26.Global commodity prices are sluggish. Domestic demand is weak. Manufacturers do not have much initiative. They do not expand output in the short run.

A. comma splice

B. choppy

C. fragment

D. correct【答案】B【解析】题干是由四个简单句组成的,没有分清句子之间的逻辑关系,因此犯了choppy(生涩、没有条理)的错误。因此应选B项。

27.It might be the case that the economy is fundamentally unchanged from where it was a year or two ago, but has received a boost from the falling cost of petrol and other commodities.

A. correct

B. run on

C. comma splice

D. choppy【答案】A【解析】题干中that引导的是主语从句。主语从句又由but连接的两个小分句组成。句子成分完整,条理清晰。因此本句是正确的。即应选A项。

28.In all the cities that have already banned smoking in public venues it is still very difficult to prohibit smoking in places such as restaurants the owners do not want to offend their customers.

A. correct

B. run on

C. fragment

D. comma splice【答案】B【解析】分析题干可知,“that have already banned smoking in public venues”是一个定语从句,修饰先行词the cities,应该在venues后面加上逗号;restaurants和the owners之间是所属关系,因此应该在owners后面加上介词和关系代词of which,或者将owners前面的the改为whose。即本题应选B项。

29.Climate is a scientific question. Climate is not a moral question. We should respond to what really happens. We should not respond to what happens in a novel.

A. run on

B. correct

C. choppy

D. fragment【答案】C【解析】题干过度使用简单句,没有任何连词连接,逻辑关系不明,因此属于choppy sentence。因此应选C项。

30.Monthly job growth has picked up this year, factory output and business investment have advanced, consumer spending and the housing market have been mixed.

A. fragment

B. run on

C. correct

D. comma splice【答案】D【解析】分析题干可知,题干中用逗号连接了三个相互独立的完整的句子,因此本句犯了“逗号叠加”的语法错误。因此本题应选D项。

Part II Reading Comprehension (40%)

Read the following passages and answer the questions by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET (2 points each).

Passage 1

There comes a time when all monopolies falter. Think of telecoms operators or utilities, for example. For Google, too, its near-monopoly on search ads will someday end. The company is nowhere near this point yet, of course. But recently there have been signs that Google is no longer quite as untouchable as it once was.

Start with online ads. The market for digital advertising has weakened recently. According to IAB, US digital ad spend grew 14 per cent in the second quarter. Not bad. But that was the lowest rate of growth in two years. More concerning still for Google is that search ads’ share of the digital advertising pie has been shrinking since 2011.

Google is still outgrowing the market—revenues from its own sites, including YouTube, grew 20 per cent in the most recent quarter. But the move away from search is starting to hurt: Bernstein estimates that Google search revenue growth slowed to 17 per cent. Google’s fastest-growing source of revenue has become its lower-margin “other” category, which includes sales from Google Play and is growing at 50 per cent a year.

As ad dollars move away from search, Google has been losing share of the overall online advertising market to Facebook. In the US, eMarketer expects Google’s share of digital ads to fall from 40 per cent (2013), to 38 per cent (2014), to 34 per cent (2016). Facebook’s market share is expected to climb from 8 per cent to 11 per cent in the same period.

Part of the problem is that search ads do not seem to be quite as successful on mobile (the fastest-growing part of digital ad spend) as on desktop. People do use search on phones—search is about half of mobile ad spending. But these ads appear to have less impact than targeted social media ads, and could fall off quickly as more effective forms of mobile advertising are found. Facebook, which has a higher ad market share on mobile than on desktop, has seen its click-through rate triple over the past year, according to Nanigans.

Unfortunately for Google, mobile advertising is getting increasingly crowded. Snapchat, a popular photo-sharing app, is launching ads. And Yahoo is trying to boost its mobile ad offering with its acquisition of Flurry. The search business naturally tends towards monopoly. But the advertising business, ex-search, does not.

1.What does the word “shrink” mean?

A. Thrive

B. Stable

C. Expand

D. Compress

2.Why does the author mention IAB in the second paragraph?

A. To explain why the digital advertising market has weakened recently.

B. To support the viewpoint that digital advertising market has weakened recently.

C. To argue the point that digital advertising market has weakened recently.

D. To counter-argue that the digital advertising market has weakened recently.

3.According to this article, Facebook and Yahoo might NOT be the competitor of mobile advertising for Google.




4.According to this article, Microsoft might be the competitor of mobile advertising for Google.




5.According to this article, Snapchat IS the competitor of mobile advertising for Google.



C. NOT GIVEN【答案与解析】

1.D  由题干中的“shrink”可定位至原文第二段。由第二段中的“The market for digital advertising has weakened recently... was the lowest rate of growth in two years(最近数字广告市场减弱,第二季度的数字广告支出增长率已达两年来最低)”可知,shrink表达的应是消极的含义。shrink收缩,缩小。故本题应选D项compress“压缩,缩小”。thrive繁荣,兴旺。stable稳定的。expand扩张。

2.B  第二段的首句是主题句,提出观点:最近数字广告市场减弱。接着提到IBA(美国互动广告局)是为了支持主题句中的观点。因此B项正确。

3.B  由题干中的“mobile advertising”可以定位到原文最后两段。文章倒数第二段提到Facebook手机上的广告市场份额比电脑上的要高,它的点击率在过去一年内已经翻了三番。文章最后一段提到,对谷歌来说很不幸的是,移动广告渐趋拥挤,雅虎正试图掀起移动广告收购狂潮。由此可知,Facebook和雅虎都有可能成为谷歌移动广告的竞争者。因此题干表述是错误的。故选B项。

4.C  原文最后两段讲述谷歌移动广告的竞争者时,提到了Facebook,Snapchat和Yahoo,但并没有提到Microsoft,因此本题应选C项。

5.A  原文最后一段提到“...mobile advertising is getting increasingly crowded. Snapchat, a popular photo-sharing app, is launching ads.”,由此可知,Snapchat是一个照片共享应用程序,也正在发布广告,并且后文也提到搜索业务很自然地正倾向于垄断。因此Snapchat也是谷歌移动广告的竞争者之一。因此本题应选A项。

Passage 2

“Weapons of math instruction.” That is what Beijing’s English-language mouthpiece, Global Times—not normally much given to such wit—calls a Sino-British plan to export Chinese maths instructors to the UK and to send British teachers to Shanghai to learn why China is so good at numbers.

A scouting party of British teachers has been in Shanghai for the past week learning how to deploy those weapons in the gross domestic product wars. The logic is simple, not to mention simplistic: Shanghai tops the global league table in tests by the OECD, the Paris-based think-tank, of 15-year-olds’ maths skills. Now the UK wants to get its hands on some of that Shanghai magic for its own maths-free masses so they can end up as rich as the Chinese.

Elizabeth Truss, then UK education minister, this year visited the Chinese financial centre and waxed lyrical about the advantages of giving the UK a maths education system with more Chinese characteristics. But quite apart from the rather breathless quality of her accolade, the logic is faulty.

If Chinese schools are so fabulous, why are a staggering 85 per cent of Chinese parents thinking about sending their children overseas to study, according to a recent HSBC report? And why are more and more mainland parents eager to expatriate their children in time to finish their final years of secondary school overseas when they could just as easily stay at home and win accolades from the OECD?

The apparent obsession of Britain’s Conservative party with the performance of one Chinese city’s students on a single mathematics test is probably just a manifestation of a global angst about China taking over the world. But other countries don’t seem to be importing Chinese teachers wholesale to show the locals how it’s done.

Of course, every education system can learn something from every other—not least about how not to do things. And there is much to be admired about Chinese students, their teachers and even their tiger parents.

There’s plenty of academic debate about why exactly Shanghai tops the maths charts on the OECD’s programme for international student assessment tests. There are those who would have us believe it’s all genetic—though, as the mother of one ethnically Chinese child who flunked her last maths test and another who counts maths as her worst subject. I am not much swayed by that argument.

Then there are those who say that it makes no sense to compare the test results of one of China’s richest, most advanced cities with entire countries where rich and poor school districts are combined. But that, too, is not all that persuasive since poor Chinese students in the hinterland have, if anything, even more incentive to do well in maths exams.

Australia’s Grattan Institute argues, in a recent study, that it is all about pedagogical strategies, such as mentoring and giving teachers more time outside the classroom. Grattan says, for example, that each new Shanghai teacher has two in-school mentors, one for classroom management and one for content. But an admittedly unscientific straw poll of a handful of teachers in Shanghai schools found that this was true for them only in their first year. How much difference can that make?

And then there’s the parenting: even Chinese cubs who don’t have a tiger mum usually have parents who spend a lot of time teaching them basic numeracy from infancy — when mums elsewhere are still mesmerising them with Baby Beethoven. And last we come to what is, for me, the most entertaining argument of all: that Mandarin is a better language to learn maths in, for—among other things—the excellent reason that Mandarin speakers say “10+1” and “10+2”, saving the effort of learning to say “eleven” and “twelve”.





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