
发布时间:2020-09-25 03:12:36








Ⅰ. Vocabulary (20points)

A. Directions: There are 10 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C, and D. Choose the ONE that best completes the sentence. Be sure to write down your choice in the numbered space on the answer sheet. (10 points)

1. MacDonald suddenly couldn’t find his voice as he had a ____ in the throat.

A. bump

B. chunk

C. sore

D. lump【答案】D【解析】句意,麦克唐纳因为哽咽而几乎不能说话。have a lump in the throat意为“哽咽”。因此选D。

2. “The poor girl uttered an ululating sound like a bird.

A. happy

B. lamentable

C. humorous

D. queer【答案】B【解析】句意,那个可怜的女孩像鸟一样失声痛哭。happy快乐的,lamentable哀伤的,humorous幽默的,queer奇怪的。因此选B。

3. The Aral is disappearing because its water has been _____ to supply the growth of cotton in the desert.

A. diverted

B. Inverted

C. Reverted

D. averted【答案】A【解析】句意,咸海因为水被使用于浇灌沙漠里的棉花而正在消失。divert转移,invert使反转,revert恢复,avert防止。因此选A。

4. Bargaining is the order of the day in the Eastern bazaar.

A. sequence

B. instruction

C. command

D. practice【答案】D【解析】句意,讨价还价在中东集市的一天中是习以为常的。sequence顺序,instruction指示,command命令,practice实际。因此选D。

5. Her decision to study abroad _____ on her belief that the outside world is colorful.

A. rested

B. based

C. counted

D. focused【答案】B【解析】句意,她相信外面的世界是丰富多彩的,基于此她选择出国。rest on休息,base on基于,count on指望,focus on集中在。因此选B。

6. Jane has been like his, chin on chest, eyes on ground, feet _____ shuffle, ever since the fire that burned the other house to the ground.

A. on

B. off

C. in

D. from【答案】C【解析】句意,自从那次大火把房屋烧垮后,她一直是这个样子,下巴贴近胸口,眼盯着地面,走路拖着脚。介词in可用于表示处于某种状态之下,在此最为合适。因此选C。

7. From the discouragement of his mining failures, Mark Twain began ____ his way to regional fame as a newspaper reporter and humorist.

A. walking

B. running

C. paving

D. digging【答案】D【解析】句意,自从他失败之后,马克吐温便开始努力博取作为一名报社记者和幽默作家的地区性声望。dig one’s way意为“崭露头角”。因此选D。

8. In recent years the trees _____ to the charcoal burner and the builder.

A. surrendered

B. gave in

C. yielded

D. succumbed【答案】D【解析】句意,近几年来,树木任凭烧炭人和建屋者砍伐。surrender投降,give in to给,yield to屈服,succumbed to屈服于。succumb有“被压垮,死”的意思,因此选D。

9. Almost everyone at the party was strange to him, so he felt much _____.

A. initiated

B. inhibited

C. restricted

D. refrained【答案】B【解析】句意,他几乎不认识派对上任何一个人,因此他感到十分不自在。initiated启动,inhibited不自在的,restricted限制的,refrained避免。因此选B。

10. This slope _____ buildings in the early days and by default became a half-hearted park.

A. repelled

B. expelled

C. compelled

D. dispelled【答案】A【解析】句意,在这个斜坡上面早期是不允许建筑的,因此就这样一直被荒废着。repel抵制,expel驱逐,compel强迫,dispel驱散。因此选A。

B. Directions: Explain the italicized words in the following sentences with simple, everyday words or expressions in English. Be sure to write down your explanation in the numbered space on the answer sheet. (10 points)

1. The wooden frame warped in the humidity.【答案】twisted【解析】句意,木架结构因受潮而弯曲。warp缠绕。

2. Hurricane Daisy devastated everything in its swath.【答案】destroy【解析】句意,飓风摧毁了它所及之处的所有东西。devastate破坏。

3. I award this championship only after laborious research and incessant prayer.【答案】constant【解析】句意,我是在经过一番苦心探究和不断祈祷之后才授予其这顶桂冠的。incessant不停的。

4. It did not make me feel melancholy.【答案】sad, depressed【解析】句意,这没有使我感到悲伤。melancholy悲哀。

5. Falstaff is an interesting character in Shakespeare’s play and there is a striking discrepancy between what he claimed to be and what he in reality was.【答案】difference【解析】句意,福斯塔夫是莎士比亚戏剧中一个很有趣的角色,而他本人实际上和他声称的样子有很大差别。discrepancy,差异。

6. If the repairs were done discreetly, the duke and the duchess could get their car away safely.【答案】secretly【解析】句意,如果偷偷地进行修理,那么犯罪分子就可以很安全的开走他们的车。discreetly,小心地,暗自地。

7. Novelist Salman Rushdie’s book The Satanic Verses angered many Muslims, who accused Rushdie of blasphemy.【答案】insulting their sacred religion【解析】句意,小说家萨尔曼鲁西迪的作品《撒旦诗篇》激怒了许多穆斯林,他们指控鲁西迪渎神。blasphemy亵渎。

8. A woman’s mummified body was found in her home 2 years after she died.【答案】thin and withered【解析】句意,一个女人木乃伊似得尸体在她死后两年被在她的家中发现。mummified干瘪的,木乃伊状的。

9. Keen, poignant agonies seemed to shoot from his neck downward.【答案】physically painful【解析】句意,强烈而痛苦的疼痛似乎从他的脖子直往下蔓延。poignant痛苦的。

10. This is an irrevocable decision.【答案】impossible to retract or revoke【解析】句意,这是个不可改变的决定。irrevocable不可反转的。

Ⅱ. Cloze (20 points)

A. Fill in each of the following blanks with a suitable word in its proper form and write down the required word in the numbered space on the answer sheet. (10 points)

If reading is to accomplish anything more than passing time, it must be active. You can’t let your (1)______ glide across the lines of a book and (2)______ up with an understanding of what you have read. Now an ordinary (3)______ of light fiction like, Gone with the Wind, (4)______ require the most active kind of reading. The books you have read for (5)______ can be read in a state of relaxation, and (6)______ is lost. But a great book rich (7)______ ideas and beauty, (8)______ book that raises and tries to answer great fundamental (9)______ , demands the most active reading of which you are (10)______. If when you’ve finished (11)______ a book, the pages are (12)______ with your notes, you know that you have read (13)______.

But, you may ask (14)______ is writing necessary? Well, the physical (15)______ of writing, with your hand, brings words and sentences (16)______ sharply before your mind and preserves them better in your (17)______. To set down your (18)______ to important words and sentences you have read, and the questions they have (19)______ in your mind, is to preserve (20)______ reactions and sharpen those questions.【答案与解析】

1. eye  根据前后文,glide有“滑动”的意思,在此处可以理解为“快速的划过”。而根据文意,能够快速划过书的只有眼睛,因此填eye。

2. come  根据句意,出现了对于书的理解,因此填come,组成come up with词组,意为“想到”。

3. piece  根据前后文,此处是在描述一部作品,缺少量词,而可以与fiction搭配的量词为piece,因此填piece。

4. doesn’t  根据前文可知《飘》是一本轻小说,而下一句中作者又提到relaxation可以看出,此处作者认为不需要最活跃的阅读方式。因此填doesn’t。

5. pleasure  根据文意,作者是在描述读轻小说所带来的感受,不需要十分活跃的读书方式,因此读这种书只是休闲,可以推断出读这种书是为了娱乐,因此填pleasure。

6. nothing  根据文意,既然是休闲娱乐就不会有什么东西失去,所以填nothing。

7. in  根据句意,great book即为“好书”,而此处对好书的定义则是富于思想和美。be rich in意为“在某方面很丰富”,因此填in。

8. a  根据前文,此处是在讨论一本书,因此填a。

9. questions  根据句子结构此处缺少一个宾语,而与answer最合适的搭配即为questions,因此填questions。

10. capable  根据句意,这种书要求你用最积极的读书方式,而这种读书方式一定要是你可以用的,因此填capable。be capable of意为“能够”。

11. reading  根据文意,此处是在说读完一本书,finish doing意为“完成某事”,因此填reading。

12. filled  根据文意,此处是在描述一本读完的书和笔记之间的关系,联想到作者所推崇的积极的读书方法,不难推断出读过的书上的笔记应是很多的,因此填filled。

13. actively  前后文相对照后会发现此处作者是在描述积极的读书方法,因此填actively。

14. why  根据句意,本句意为“你可能会问为什么写东西是必须的。”因此填why。

15. act  根据句意,此处是在描述写字这个动作,所以要填act,意为“行动”。

16. more  句中sharply意为“鲜明地”,而此处是在描述书写的好处,亲手书写的动作会使词语和句子更加鲜明地呈现在人的脑海里,因此填more去修饰sharply。

17. memory  根据句意,能够保存所看过的书的东西只有记忆,因此填memory。

18. reaction  根据前后文,作者此处是在描述所写笔记的内容,其中包括了人对于书中字句的反应,因此填reaction。

19. raised  根据句意,此处描述的应是人对于书中内容所提出的问题,因此填raise。

20. those  根据句意可知此处是在做一个小总结,而reactions则是复数,所以此处应填those。

B. Fill in each blank with a proper word from the following box. Change its form if necessary and write down the required word in the numbered space on the answer sheet. (10 points)

Science fiction is a type of fiction that is based on either actual or imagined discoveries of science. It is (1)______ from other forms of fantasy in which the events are supernatural or (2)______ implausible in scientific terms. (3)______ the usual subjects of science fiction (4)______ travel in space or time, robots and mechanical brains, physical or mental changes in man brought (5)______ by evolution, catastrophe, or science, mental telepathy and (6)______ forms of extrasensory perception, and invasion of the earth from other (7)______. Often, the predictions of science fiction have come (8)______, especially those concerning inventions such as the mechanical brain, spaceships, (9)______ television. Many science fiction stories have philosophical and sociological (10)______.

Elements of science fiction can be found throughout literature, (11)______ in myths, legends, and fairy tales. (12)______, true science fiction originated in the 19th century. In stories as (13)______ by Jules Verne, II G Wells, the basic science fiction (14)______, such as travel in space (15)______ time, were established.

Science fiction was first recognized (16)______ a separate branch of literature in 1926, (17)______ Hugo Gernsback started publication of Amazing Stories, the earliest magazine to be (18)______ to this type of literature

In (19)______ 1930s and 1940s, some authors adapted the science fiction form in order to criticize (20)______ tendencies in modern society.【答案与解析】

1. distinguished  根据句子结构判断此处缺少与from相搭配的动词,而根据句意,是从多种想象作品中区别出来的,因此填distinguished。

2. otherwise  根据句意此处是在描述这种作品的特点。or otherwise意为其他方面的。因此填otherwise。

3. Among  根据前后文可以判断这句话是在描述这种作品的内容,而根据句子结构此处缺少介词,又根据空后的subjects可以判断出填among。

4. are  根据句子结构判断此处缺少动词,而根据句意,后文是在对作品主要内容进行描述,因此填are。

5. about  根据句子结构此处缺少一个与bring相搭配的介词。bring about意为“引起”,因此填about。

6. other  根据句意,此处是在做一个列举,而这部分是对剩下的比较少的一部分做的一个小总结,因此空后出现了forms,所以填other。

7. planets  根据文意,这是科幻小说,而此句中又提到了地球,因此不难判断作者是在描述其他星球对地球的进攻,因此填planets。

8. true  根据前后文,作者是在描述一些成真了的预言,因此填true。come true意为“成真”。

9. and  根据句子结构,此处是一个列举的最后一项,英文中需要在最后一项前加and。所以填and。

10. implications  根据前文,作者是在说科幻作品当中出现的预言,可以看出这是科学家们在某种层面上的暗示,因此填implications。

11. notably  根据句子结构可以判断出此处缺少一个副词,而根据句意,作者是在描述各种文学当中科幻的元素,因此填notably,意为“显著地”。

12. However  前句在讲各种文学作品中科幻的元素,而后句却在讲真正的科幻作品,可以看出此处是一个转折,因此填However。

13. written  根据句意可知此处是在列举各种科幻故事,而后文中又提到了各种作者,可以判断出此处应填written。

14. themes  根据句子结构,此处缺少一个与establish相搭配的主语,而根据such as当中出现的科幻小说常见的主题可以判断出此处填themes。

15. or  根据句子结构判断出此处缺少一个连词,而根据句意,是指时间穿梭和空间穿梭,因此填or。

16. as  根据句意,科幻小说是1926年第一次作为一个文学的独立分枝出现,因此填as。

17. when  根据句子结构可以判断出此处是一个定语从句,而根据前文中提到的时间可以判断出,这是一个由when引导的定语从句。因此填when。

18. devoted  根据句意,此处在介绍一本杂志,而这本杂志是最早专门为了这类文学作品出现的杂志,因此填devoted。devote to意为“把……用于”。

19. the  此处特指1930s和1940s,因此要填the。

20. certain  根据句意,此处可以理解为是在批判现代社会某些趋势,因此填certain。

Ⅲ. Error correction (20 points)

Directions: There are twenty mistakes in the following passage. You are required to underline or mark the mistakes and got them corrected .Be sure to write down the correct form in the numbered space on the answer sheet.【答案与解析】

1. 将carefully改为careful(careful在此处作形容词,用来修饰reading,因此改为careful。)

2. 将which改为whose(此处定语从句的本意是指审查者的技术和判断可以被他信任,因此要改为whose。)

3. 将read改为reading(while一般用来表示正在进行的动作的并列,因此改为reading。)

4. 将a改为the(此处是特指符合前文描写的年轻的科学家,因此改为the。)

5. 将on改为in(此处是指青年科学家切莫太过推崇这些出版物。place on意为“将……强加于……”,在此用法不合适,应将on改为in。place sth. in sp. 将……放置在……)

6. 将never改为ever(此处句意为“没有一个伟大的科学家曾经…”而不是“没有一个伟大的科学家从来没有…”,因此将never改为ever。)

7. 将reproduced改为reproducing(此处reproduce和它所搭配的主语pupils之间是主动关系,而非被动关系,因此要改为reproducing。)

8. 将that改为what(此处what在从句中做宾语,这种情况下不可以使用that,因此填what。)

9. 在proceed后加with(proceed with意为“入手,着手”,符合前文中提到的“与最开始做什么并列”这样的含义,因此要加with。)

10. 将it改为they(此处指代的是最开始的观察和实验,而他们都是复数形式,因此要改为they。)

11. 将literatures改为literature(literature没有复数形式。)

12. 将studied改为studying(此处是指科学家正在做研究,而不是科学家们正在被人研究,因此不能使用过去分词形式,要改为studying。)

13. 将other改为another(other多指两者之中另外一个,而此处只是指“另外的”,因此改为another。)

14. 将craftsman改为craftsmen(根据文中的all可以判断出有许多工匠,而非一个,因此要改为craftsmen。)

15. 将one改为any(此处是指“任何一个”而非是指单独的某一个,因此要用any而非one。)

16. 将back改为down(look down upon为固定搭配,意为“轻视”。)

17. 将differ改为differs(information为不可数名词,因此与其搭配的动词differ要使用单数第三人称形式,改为differs。)

18. 将which改为that(此句为原因状语从句,in that固定搭配,意为“原因在于,因为”。而in which没有此用法。因此将which改为that。)

19. 将complete改为completely(此处completely作为副词修饰unscientific,因此改为completely。)

20. 在that后加if(根据句意可以判断出,此处是一个条件状语从句,因此要在that后加上if。)

Ⅳ. Paraphrase (20 points)

Directions: Restate the following sentences in another form in English to clarify the meaning. Be sure to write down your restatement in the numbered space on the answer sheet

1. Sold at the bazaar are goods of every conceivable kind.【答案】Goods of every kind you can think of are sold at the market.

2. The prospects of a good catch looked bleak.【答案】It is not at all possible to catch a large amount of fish.

3. I want my fill of beauty before I go.【答案】I want to enjoy beauty to my heart’s content/ to enjoy as much as I can before I die.

4. They are bent on taking the lion’s share of the trade.【答案】They are determined to make the greatest profit from the trade.

5. The girl’s attendance had always been sporadic and her interest in schoolwork negligible.【答案】The girl often missed her classes and had little interest in her schoolwork.

6. All languages are dynamic rather than static.【答案】All languages are in a process of constant change. Nothing (including pronunciation, vocabulary and grammar) remains the same.

7. The lawyer mopped his bald dome in silence.【答案】The lawyer wiped the sweat off his bald head in silence.

8. He flirted with the colossal wealth and was rebuffed.【答案】He tried but not very hard or persistently enough to get the enormous wealth, but was rejected bluntly.

9. No one has any idea where the conversation will go as it meanders or leaps and sparkles or just glows.【答案】No one knows the conversation will go once started as it flows like a stream peacefully and aimlessly or swiftly and joyously onwards, or like fire burns steadily without flame or brightly throwing off sparks.

10. The obese body shook in an appreciative chuckle.【答案】The fat man laughed quietly to himself, appreciating the fact that the opponents are no fool.

Ⅴ. General Knowledge (20 points)

a. Directions: Choose the best to fill in the blank or answer the question. (10 points)

1. The study of meaning of words, phrases and sentences is called _____.

A. semantics

B. semiotics

C. syntactics

D. tactics【答案】A【解析】semantics语义学,研究自然语言中词语意义的学科。因此选A。

2. Where is Edinburgh?

A. In Wales

B. In Ireland

C In Northern Ireland

D. Scotland【答案】D【解析】爱丁堡是英国著名的文化古城、苏格兰首府。因此选D。

3. Which of the following is Not a British news and cable network?


B. BSkyB

C. BRS Media

D. BBC【答案】A【解析】ABC全称为“Australian Broadcasting Corporation”,指的是澳大利亚广播公司。因此选A。

4. Who is NOT a romanticist poet?

A. Samuel Taylor Coleridge

B. Robert Southey

C. Robert Burns

D. William Wordsworth【答案】C【解析】塞缪尔·泰勒·柯尔律治(Samuel Taylor Coleridge),罗伯特·骚塞(Robert Southey),华兹华斯(William Wordsworth)均为浪漫主义诗人。因此答案选C项。

5. The Emancipation Proclamation was an executive decree by U.S. President _____ during the country’s Civil War.

A. Thomas Jefferson

B. John Adams

C. George Washington

D. Abraham Lincoln【答案】D【解析】Civil War指美国南北战争,而在南北战争期间美国总统为林肯,因此选D。The Emancipation Proclamation是《解放黑奴宣言》。

6. Jane Austen is the writer of _____.

A. Sense and Sensibility

B. Vanity Fair

C. Wuthering Heights

D. Tess of the D’Urbervilles【答案】A【解析】《理智与情感》是英国作家简奥斯汀的长篇小说。因此选A。

7. The Thanksgiving feast takes place on _____.

A. the fourth Thursday of October

B. the fourth Thursday of November

C. the first Thursday of October

D. the first Thursday of November【答案】B【解析】感恩节是每个十一月的第四个周四。因此选B。

8 Which of the following is written by N. Chomsky?

A. An Introduction to Functional Grammar

B. Course in General Linguistics

C. Syntactic Structures

D. Schools of Linguistics【答案】C【解析】《句法结构》是乔姆斯基的著作。因此选C。

9. John Steinbeck is an American _____.

A. poet

B. playwright

C. novelist

D. short story writer【答案】C【解析】约翰斯坦贝克是20世纪美国最具影响力的小说家之一。因此选C。

10. The UN’s eighth secretary general, to succeed Kofi Annan is _____.

A. South Korean Foreign Minster Ran Ki-Moon

B. Latvian President Vike-Freiberga

C. former Polish President Alexander Kwasniewski

D. Thailand’s Deputy Prime Minister Surakiart Sathirathai【答案】A【解析】联合国第八任秘书长为潘基文,韩国人。因此选A。

b. Directions: Candidates are FREE to choose any five from the following ten terms and explain them in plain English on the answer sheet (10 points)

1. vowel【答案】It’s a speech sound in which airstream from the lungs is not blocked in any way in the mouth or throat, and which is usually pronounced with vibration of the vocal cords.

2. universal grammar【答案】It’s a theory which claims to account for the grammatical competence of every adult native speaker UG claims that every speaker knows a set of principles which apply to all languages and also a set of parameters that can vary from language to language within certain limits.

3. allomorph【答案】It refers to any of the different forms of a morpheme. The English plural morpheme is often shown in writing by adding -s to the end of a word like cats, dogs, and classes, which are pronounced /s/, /z/and /iz/ respectively and have the same grammatical function of showing plural.

4. sentence【答案】It is the largest unit of grammatical organization within which parts of speech and grammatical classes are said to function. In English a sentence normally contains one independent clause with a finite verb.

5. generative semantics【答案】It’s an approach to linguistic theory which grew as a reaction to Chomsky’s syntactic-based TG. It considers that all sentences are generated from a semantic structure, which is often expressed in the form of a proposition which is similar to logical propositions in philosophy.

6. characterization【答案】The method a writer uses to reveal the personality of a character in a literary work: Methods may include (1) by what the character says about himself or herself; (2) by what others reveal about the character: and (3) by the character’s own actions.

7. free verse【答案】Unrhymed Poetry with lines of varying lengths, and containing no specific metrical pattern.

8. comedy【答案】A literary work which is amusing and ends happily.

9. iamb【答案】A metrical pattern of one unstressed syllable followed by one stressed syllabic.

10. lyric poem【答案】A short poem wherein the poet expresses an emotion or illuminates some life principle.

Ⅵ. Reading Comprehension (50 points)

Directions: Each of the passages below is followed by some questions. For each question there are four answers marked [A], [B], [C] or [D]. Read the passages carefully and choose the best answer to each of the questions. Be sure to write down your choice in the numbered space on the answer sheet.

Passage A

President Roosevelt’s administration suffered a devastating defeat when, on January 6, 1936, the Agricultural Adjustment Act was declared unconstitutional. New Deal planners quickly pushed through Congress the Soil Conservation and Domestic Allotment Act of 1935, one purpose of which was conservation, but which also aimed at controlling surpluses by retiring land from production. The law was intended as a stopgap measure until the administration could formulate a permanent farm program that would satisfy the nation’s farmers as well as the Supreme Court. Roosevelt’s landslide victory over Landon in 1936 obscured the ambivalent nature of his support in the farm states. Despite extensive government propaganda, many farmers still refused to participate in the Agricultural Adjustment Administration’s voluntary production control programs, and the burdensome surpluses of 1933 were gone—not the result of the AAA, but a consequence of great droughts.

In February of 1937, Secretary of Agriculture Wallace convened a meeting of farm leaders to promote the concept of the ever-normal granary, a policy which would encourage farmers to store crop surpluses (rather than dump them on the market) until years of small harvests. The Commodity Credit Corporation would grant loans to be repaid when the grain was later sold for a reasonable profit. The conference chose a Committee of Eighteen which drafted a bill, but the major form organizations were divided. Since ten of the eighteen members were also members of the American Farm Bureau Federation, the measure was quickly labeled a Farm Bureau bill, and there were protests from the small, but highly vocal. Farmer’s Holiday Association. When debate on the bill began, Roosevelt himself was vague and elusive and didn’t move the proposed legislation into the “desirable” category until midsummer. In addition, there were demands that the New Deal’s deficit spending be curtailed, and opponents of the bill charged that the AAA was wasteful and primarily benefited corporations and large-scale farmers

The Soil Conservation and Domestic Allotment Act had failed to limit agricultural production as the administration had hoped, Farm prices were high and so was consumer demand. Many farmers, convinced that the drought had ended the need for crop controls, refused to participate in the AAA’s soil conservation program. Without direct crop controls, agricultural production skyrocketed in I937, and by late summer, there was panic in the farm belt that prices would again be driven down to disastrously low levels. Congressmen began to pressure Roosevelt to place a floor under farm prices by making loans through the CCC, but Roosevelt made such loans contingent upon the willingness of Congress to support the administration’s plan for a new system of crop controls. When the price of cotton began to drop, Roosevelt’s adroit political maneuver finally forced Congressional representatives from the South to agree to support a bill providing for crop controls and the ever-normal granary. The following year Congress passed the Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1938.

1. The primary propose of the passage is to_____.

A. analyze the connection between changes in weather conditions and the movement of agricultural prices

B. call attention to the economic hardship suffered by farmers during the 1930s

C. discuss the reasoning that led the Supreme Court to declare the Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1933 unconstitutional

D. describe the events that led to the passage of the Agricultural





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