
发布时间:2020-09-27 17:48:00





















本书收录每个单元所有录音的文本,方便学习者做完题目以后可以研读,找出听错的地方,加以注记。除此之外,还可以利用朗读文本来练习口语,更可以和亲朋好友一同模拟文本中的对话,一起增进英语实力。Unit1社区Local Community

Part 1 社交英语无师自通,地道的“居住场所或区域”该怎么说?

Part 2 社交英语无师自通,地道的“用电话询问住处细节”该怎么说?

Part 3 社交英语无师自通,地道的“小区内的各种设施”该怎么说?

Part 4 社交英语无师自通,地道的“各种设施的功用”该怎么说?

Part 5 社交英语无师自通,地道的“小区安全计划”该怎么说?

Part 6 社交英语无师自通,地道的“处理银行事务”该怎么说?

Part 7 社交英语无师自通,地道的“初来乍到遇到的情况”该怎么说?

Part 8 社交英语无师自通,地道的“描述我的新家”该怎么写?

★ 第一单元总复习

★ 录音内容文本







中国人喜欢说“living in the countryside”(住在乡下),英美国家的人怎么表达“住在乡下”呢?他们常会说“living out of town”或“living in the country”。点拨与解答


housing estate, district, neighbourhood, suburb, campus, country, town centre

这些单词或短语都可以用来描述人们所居住的区域。要注意句子中出现的介词!其中,“in”是最常用来搭配这些词或短语的介词,而“on”后面有可能接“housing estate”或“campus”等词汇。

无论住在哪个区域,你都算是住在一个“community”之中。“community”直接翻译就是“社区”的意思,但和中文所说的“社区”又不完全一样。在这个单元中,我们会好好探究“community”到底有哪些含意。Part 1——社交英语无师自通,地道的“居住场所或区域”该怎么说?十年英语不白学,“各式各样的居住场所或区域”就这么说


在中国,过去最常见的房屋种类就是四合院,现在则是一个个街区的公寓大楼。此外,中国与世界其他地方还有很多不同种类的房屋:detached houses(独立式住宅),terraced houses(排屋公寓),bungalows(小平房)等。下面的方框中有许多不同种类的房屋,方框下方提供了它们的定义。请在每个定义旁边写下相对应的房屋名称,并观察这些房屋的图片,将每种房屋的名称写在对应图片下方的横线上。

将房屋种类的不同表达分别与其定义搭配。a detached house  a semi-detached house  a terraced house  a housing estate  a block of flats  a cottage  a bungalow  a caravan  a high-rise / tower block

1 ____: a house which is part of a continuous row of houses all of the same type in one block

2 ____: a small house, especially in the country

3 ____: a building with several storeys and separate flats

4 ____: a temporary home on wheels which can be moved from place to place

5 ____: a house which is totally separate from other houses

6 ____: a tall building which has many storeys

7 ____: an area where lots of houses are grouped together

8 ____: a house which is joined to another house by one wall that they share

9 ____: a house with only one storey

将房屋种类的名称写在相应图片下方的横线上,其中前三个已为你写好了。点拨与解答定义搭配:1 a terraced house2 a cottage3 a block of flats4 a caravan5 a detached house6 a high-rise / tower block7 a housing estate8 a semi-detached house9 a bungalow请注意,a high-rise / tower block和a block of flats不一样!前者是有很多层楼的一栋高楼(里面通常会有电梯),而后者通常不会很高。图片名称:④ a caravan  ⑤ a bungalow  ⑥ a semi-detached house  ⑦ a housing estate  ⑧ a cottage  ⑨ a high-rise / tower block十年英语不白学,“房屋广告的相关缩写”就这么写

高斌问了许多人,怎样才能找到最适合自己的房子,于是有人建议他看当地报纸的租房专栏(Accommodation to Let)。高斌觉得,他比较想住“house”或“flat”,最好在市中心或方便的车站附近,并且想和其他人合租,因为一个人住可能会寂寞。此外,他希望新家最好配备家具,而且可以做饭,因为他不想天天在外吃饭。他知道曼彻斯特的冬天又湿又冷,所以他还希望新家有空调。他的预算是一个月600英镑至700英镑,视燃气费和电费等是否需要另外计算而定。也就是说,如果燃气费和电费等杂费需要额外算,每个月租金最好不超过600英镑;如果租金包含燃气费和电费等杂费,则可以接受700英镑的月租。



Ad. 1

To LET: Exc. 1st fl. flat; conv. for buses, shops etc., dbl. b., fitted k& b, gar., gas c.h. unfurn., prof. person / couple preferred. No pets. £300 pw. Tel: Happy Flats Agency, 3035847

Ad. 2

FOR RENT: part-furn. modern flat, of a high standard, avail. now in new city centre bl. Would suit single prof. person. £240 pw. Tel: 3424673

Ad. 3

AVAILABLE NOW: Close to buses and shops, two single rooms in comfortable shared house. Fully equipped. £160 pw. inc. bills. Non-smokers. Male pref. Call 3075219 for details.

Ad. 4

TO LET: conv. 3 b. furn. flat with gar., fitted k & b, suit 3 gentlemen sharing. Rent: £450 (£150 each) pw., excluding bills. Tel: 3622179.

Ad. 5

FOR RENT: single furn. room in family house, extremely clean and well maintained. No cooking facilities. Chinese students pref.£150 + bills. Tel: 3760417

Ad. 6

AVAILABLE NOW: Bedsit, recently converted and decorated. No cooking. Shared b., female pref. £100 pw. Contact: Happy Flats Agency, 3035847点拨与解答2 convenient3 kitchen and bathroom4 double bedroom5 (un)furnished6 part-furnished7 preferred / preferable8 professional9 included / including10 per week11 central heating12 available13 block (or building)14 first floor15 garage (or garden)16 telephone (number)你有没有发现第13项和第15项有两个可能的答案?这就是缩写可能会产生的不便之处,因为大家有时会解读成不同的意思。所以要搞清楚这些缩写到底代表什么意思,最快的方式就是直接打电话去问!十年英语不白学,“对住宿的要求”就这么说


写出高斌对住处的要求。rent (per week): ____________________other requirements: _______________________________________________

写下比较适合高斌的租屋广告号码。Possible choice(s) for Gao Bin: ________________________________________________________________________点拨与解答rent (per week): £150―£175other requirements:a shared house or flat, near convenient bus stops, furnished, with cooking facilities, central heating, a fair rentPossible choice(s) for Gao Bin: 3, 4(这两间的租金合适,而且都可以与人合租。第3条广告的房子还离公交车站很近,非常符合高斌的要求。)别忘了,广告中的信息不见得完整,所以必要的话还是打电话去问!十年英语不白学,“住处不合适的原因”就这么说


The house / flat / room in Ad. x is not suitable for Gao Bin because ______.


1 Ad. 1

2 Ad. 2

3 Ad. 5

4 Ad. 6点拨与解答参考答案:1 The flat in Ad. 1 is not suitable for Gao Bin because it is too expensive and is for a single person or a couple.2 The flat in Ad. 2 is not suitable for Gao Bin because it is too expensive and not shared with other people.3 The room in Ad. 5 is not suitable for Gao Bin because there are no cooking facilities and students are preferred.4 The bedsit in Ad. 6 is not suitable for Gao Bin because there are no cooking facilities and females are preferred.


看完解答后,还可以练习把这些句子大声读出来!Part 2——社交英语无师自通,地道的“用电话询问住处细节”该怎么说?十年英语不白学,“接通电话后”就这么说


听一听对话的开始部分,看一看以下的叙述,它们是正确的吗?如果听到Yes, of course. Go ahead. ,请先把录音暂停。

在正确的叙述旁打钩。Track 001

1 The person making the call speaks first.

2 The person answering the call speaks first.

3 The person answering the call asks what the caller wants.

4 The person answering the call simply states his / her name and / or telephone number.

5 The person making the call states his / her business.

6 The person making the call waits for the other person to ask him / her what he / she wants.

你觉得在电话中开始一个对话,用英文讲和用中文讲有什么差别呢?把你想到的差别之处写在下面。点拨与解答正确的叙述是2,4,5。习惯讲中文的人,和英文母语人士通电话时,要注意一些文化上的差异。中文在接电话的时候会说“喂”,英文母语人士则会说“Hello”,但有时还会接着报上自己的名字、电话号码、公司名称等。像在这段会话中,接电话的人(房东先生)就说了“Hello”,并报上自己的电话号码3075219。接下来,打电话的人才会提出自己的问题或表明自己打电话的理由。举例来说,在这段对话中,高斌说:“I'm calling about the advertisement in the newspaper.”(我打电话是要问报纸上租房广告的事情)。而其他人则有可能问:“Is this Mary?”(是玛丽吗?)或“Could I speak to Mary?”(可以请玛丽来听电话吗?)要注意英语国家与中国打电话习惯的差异,在英语国家,接电话的人会希望你开门见山地说明打电话的理由,而不是像在中国习惯性地先讲一些寒暄的话。十年英语不白学,“询问住处细节”就这么说



1 sort of house

What sort of house is it?

2 age of house

3 size of house

4 other people living there

5 the facilities

6 the furniture

7 facilities in the area

8 distance from city centre

9 Chinese shops or restaurants nearby

10 phone bill included in rent or not

11 the exact location点拨与解答参考答案:

2 How old is the house?

3 What size is the house? / How big is the house? / How many rooms does the house have?

4 Are there any other people living in the house? / Who else lives in the house?

5 What are the facilities in the house? / What facilities are there? / What are the facilities like?

6 What furniture is provided in the house? / What furniture is there?

7 What about the facilities in the local area? / What are the local facilities like?

8 Is the house far from the city centre / the place I work at? / How far is it from the city centre / the place I work at?

9 Are there any Chinese shops or restaurants nearby?

10 Is phone bill included in the rent?

11 What is the exact location of the house? / Where exactly is the house?以上只是参考答案,你也可以写下不一样的句子。你可能会发现这些解答中经常用到这个句型:What is / are ________________ like? (……是什么样子?)这个句型非常实用。



听录音,根据括号中的提示写出高斌问的关于房子的问题。Track 001

1 (sort of house)

2 (furniture)

3 (kitchen)

4 (television)

5 (telephone)

6 (water, gas, electricity)

7 (direct bus)

8 (see the house)点拨与解答答案:

1 What sort of house is it?

2 Are the rooms fully furnished?

3 And what about the kitchen?

4 Is there a television in the house?

5 And what about a telephone?

6 Are water, gas and electricity included in the rent?

7 Is there a direct bus from the house?

8 Could I come and see the house this afternoon?现在把高斌问的问题和我们在上一个活动中写下的问题比较一下,是不是不太一样呢?这是因为高斌在问问题的时候,多少会被对方所说的话影响。例如高斌会问:“What about a telephone?”(那电话呢?),而不是问:“Is there a telephone in the house?”(房子里有电话吗?),因为对方已经可以从对话中判断他问的是房子的事,并且要问房子里有哪些东西,所以高斌就不需要再重复问一次“房子里有……吗?”。语言使用真是很灵活吧。


再次听录音,并重复高斌问的问题。Track 001十年英语不白学,“回复住处细节”就这么说


听录音,完成表格。Track 001点拨与解答The house is a terraced house.It has three floors with eight rooms.Seven people share the house.The rooms are furnished with a single bed, a wardrobe, a desk, a chair and a bookcase.The kitchen has most cooking utensils except a Chinese wok.The facilities in the living room include a TV set and a telephone.There is a Chinese supermarket nearby.The house is about half-an-hour walk from the place Gao Bin works at.Gao Bin can take Bus 57 to his work place.The housing rent includes water, gas and electricity bills.The phone bill is not included in the rent.Gao Bin is going to see the house at two o'clock in the afternoon.Part 3——社交英语无师自通,地道的“小区内的各种设施”该怎么说?十年英语不白学,“小区内的各种设施”就这么说




facilities your community has: post office, bank,                    

facilities that you think are also desirable: ________________________________________________________________________________________点拨与解答你写下了哪些设施呢?这里当然没有固定的答案,下面列出了几个你可能会想到的设施。接下来的活动中还会提到许许多多种不同的设施,可以对照看一看,你有没有在这里列出。



beauty salon

book store

telephone booth





community centre十年英语不白学,“讨论小区内的细节”就这么说

高斌和房东韦斯特先生(Mr. West)约了下午2点看房子,结果提早到了。他便趁这个时间在附近到处看看,并和路人聊了起来。


听录音,写出以下信息。Track 002

Gao Bin is talking to: ___________________________

Who is the person? _______________________________

The facilities mentioned in the conversation are: _____________________________________________________________________________________________点拨与解答Gao Bin is talking to Jean Kingsley.She is a neighbour.The facilities mentioned in the conversation are:a park, a Chinese supermarket, a library, the community centre, a newsagent's, and a launderette

看看以下的叙述,再听一遍对话,判断这些语句是否正确,在正确的叙述前写T,不正确的叙述前写F。如果对话没有提到相关信息,则写N(No information)。我已经帮你做好第一题了!

听录音,做判断。Track 002

(F) 1 Gao Bin starts the conversation by commenting on the weather.

( ) 2 Mrs. Kingsley starts the conversation by commenting on the house.

( ) 3 The houses in the area are rather old.

( ) 4 Mrs. Kingsley is a middle-aged woman.

( ) 5 Mrs. Kingsley has lived in this area for thirty years.

( ) 6 Mr. and Mrs. West lived in this area for almost forty years and moved to a smaller place a couple of years ago.

( ) 7 Though Mr. and Mrs. West have moved out, their grandson still lives here.

( ) 8 People living in this area get along with each other quite well.

( ) 9 Mr. West's son often helps Mrs. Kingsley when she has problems.

( ) 10 Both young and old in this area often go to the park to enjoy themselves.

( ) 11 The local library not only provides people with newspapers, but also organises the delivery of newspapers to their houses.

( ) 12 The community centre provides the service of delivering newspapers to people's houses.

( ) 13 The newsagent's provides the service of delivering newspapers to people's houses.

( ) 14 There is a laundry as well as a launderette in the area.

( ) 15 Mrs. Kingsley doesn't think Gao Bin has much money and suggests he should go to the launderette.

( ) 16 Mrs. Kingsley suggests that Gao Bin go to the launderette since she thinks that young people can make friends there.

( ) 17 Gao Bin likes the place very much and hopes that Mr. West will accept him as a tenant.

( ) 18 Mrs. Kingsley has no idea whether Gao Bin will be accepted by Mr. West.

你能不能从上述的对话中了解到这个小区是否适合居住呢?为什么?点拨与解答正确(T):2,8,10,13,15,17不正确(F):1,4,5,7,9,11,12,16,18未提到(N):3,6,14第4题:金斯利太太(Mrs. Kingsley)说她45年前结婚时搬到这一带,可见她不可能是中年太太,应该至少有60多岁了。第7题:还住在那栋房子里的是韦斯特先生的儿子。第9题:韦斯特先生以前会帮金斯利太太忙。第11题和12题:图书馆和小区中心不提供送报纸服务。第18题:金斯利太太认为韦斯特先生会租房子给高斌。对了,你知道对话中的“laundry”和“launderette”有什么区别吗?原来,要请人帮你洗衣服的时候,应该拿去“laundry”。而在“launderette”,不会有人帮你洗衣服,它只提供洗衣机和烘衣机,你可以自己洗。这些机器通常是投币式的(coin-operated),直接将钱投入投币口(slot)就行。我们可以猜测,这个区域应该是适合居住的,首先感觉居民比较友善,而且设施比较完善。此外,金斯利太太还说她已经在这里住了40多年,完全没有想过搬到别的地方去住。十年英语不白学,“想延续对话”就这么说

你注意到这段对话中使用的问句了吗?金斯利太太一开始就说:“Are you looking at the house? Nice, isn't it?”聊到公园时,她又说:“OK, the park is lovely, isn't it?”后来在谈到洗衣服很贵时,还说:“You're not made of money, are you?”

对话中,“isn't it?”和“are you?”这类问句,用途是什么呢?其实是想和别人确认他们的想法,并将对话继续下去,并不是真的想要对方详细回答问题。大多数人和陌生人或不熟的人对话时,经常会使用这种问句。这里金斯利太太也一样,为了和高斌将聊天继续下去,使用了这些简短的问句。以下有几个这种简短问句的示例,都是用来开启话题的。请将问句和下面表格中的各种情境搭配在一起。


a. They're cheap, aren't they?

b. They're not cheap, are they?

c. The service is very slow, isn't it?

d. This is a lovely place, isn't it?

e. It's very stuffy in here, isn't it?

f. It's already fifteen minutes late, isn't it?

g. Dreadful weather, isn't it?

h. The strawberries look good, don't they?点拨与解答2 f 3 g 4 c 5 h 6 a 7 b 8 e仔细看一看这些问句与陈述部分的搭配。“肯定”的陈述部分一般会搭配“否定”的问句,而“否定”的陈述部分一般则会搭配“肯定”的问句。问句和陈述部分的主语要一致,并使用代词取代名词主语。






1 You are in a very slow queue / line-up at a supermarket.

You could say: _________________________________

2 It's the interval during a very amusing play in the theatre.

You could say: _________________________________

3 You are in a flower shop where there are some very nice roses.

You could say: _________________________________

4 An elder lady sits down beside you on a bench in a quiet park.

You could say: _________________________________

5 You are in a very crowded waiting room at the railway station.

You could say: _________________________________

6 You feel bored waiting for the machine to finish washing your clothes at the launderette.

You could say: _________________________________

7 You are talking to another customer at the hairdresser's, about a very modern hairstyle in a magazine.

You could say: _________________________________

8 You notice a group of children playing happily in the park.

You could say: _________________________________点拨与解答我为各种情境都提供了两个可能的答案。以下这些都是供参考的说法,你也可以有一些其他不同的答案,不过,无论你的答案是什么都一定要注意句子前后部分主语一致,而且在肯定的叙述后面一般要加上否定的问句,在否定的叙述后一般要加上肯定的问句。参考答案:

1 This is taking a long time, isn't it? / It's not exactly quick, is it?

2 It's very funny, isn't it? / The actors are great, aren't they?

3 The roses are really lovely, aren't they? / The roses look beautiful, don't they?

4 It's a lovely day, isn't it? / It's lovely and quiet, isn't it?

5 It's crowded today, isn't it? / There are lots of people, aren't there?

6 It's boring, isn't it? / It takes a long time, doesn't it?

7 It's lovely, isn't it? / It's very fashionable, isn't it?

8 They're really sweet, aren't they? / They seem happy, don't they?Part 4——社交英语无师自通,地道的“各种设施的功用”该怎么说?十年英语不白学,“小区内各种场所、设施的功用”就这么说



1 (  ) — organise finances / get a cheque book or credit card

2 (  ) — borrow some books about the area

3 (  ) — buy stamps and post letters back home

4 (  ) — order newspapers to be delivered to the house

5 (  ) — have shoes repaired

6 (  ) — have a haircut

7 (  ) — have films (of London photographs) developed

8 (  ) — get a discount bus card点拨与解答答案:

1 Gao Bin needs to go to the bank to organise his finances or to get a cheque book or credit card.

2 He needs to go to a library to borrow some books.

3 He needs to go to the post office to buy stamps and post letters back home.

4 He needs to go to the newsagent's to order newspapers to be delivered to the house.

5 He needs to go to the shoe-repairer's (or cobbler's) to have his shoes repaired.

6 He needs to go to a hairdresser's (or barber's) to have a haircut.

7 He needs to go to a photographer's (or a film-developer's) to have his films developed.

8 He needs to go to the bus terminal (or bus station) to get a discount bus card.



(police station) —to get registered

You say: He needs to go to the police station to get registered.十年英语不白学,“场所、设施的相关事项”就这么说


将以下方框中的单词或短语填入表格适当的位置。account airmail sticker spin dryer hairdryer negative tumble dryer heel on loan cheque trim enlargement say "cheese" post card sole perm overdraft detergent interest rate leather stylist special delivery lace shave washer postage author index registered shampoo and set subject catalogue washing powder laundry bag washing cycle developed and printed appointment processing time washing machine点拨与解答答案:Post office: airmail sticker, post card, special delivery, postage, registeredHairdresser's: hairdryer, trim, perm, stylist, shampoo and set, shave, appointmentLaunderette: spin dryer, tumble dryer, detergent, washer, washing powder, laundry bag, washing cycle, washing machinePhotographer's: negative, enlargement, say "cheese", developed and printed, processing timeShoe repairer's: heel, sole, leather, laceLibrary: on loan, author index, subject catalogue十年英语不白学,“场所、设施内的对话”就这么说



1 (  )A: You booked for a perm, didn't you?





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