
发布时间:2020-09-30 02:42:19


























Confucius remarked,“It is indeed a pleasure to acquire knowledge and,as you go on acquiring,to put into practice what you have acquired.A greater pleasure still it is when friends of congenial minds come from afar to see you because of your attainments.But he is truly a wise and good man who feels no discomposure even when he is not noticed of men.”二

A disciple of Confucius remarked,“A man who is a good son and a good citizen will seldom be found to be a man dis-posed to quarrel with those in authority over him;and men who are not disposed to quarrel with those in authority will never be found to disturb the peace and order of the State.

“A wise man devotes his attention to what is essential in the foundation of life.When the foundation is laid,wisdom will come.Now,to be a good son and a good citizen——do not these form the foundation of a moral life?”三

Confucius remarked,“With plausible speech and fine manners will seldom be found moral character.”四

A disciple of Confucius remarked,“I daily examine into my personal conduct on three points:——First,whether in carrying out the duties entrusted to me by others,i have not failed in conscientiousness;Secondly,whether in intercourse with friends,I have not failed in sincerity and trustworthi-ness;Thirdly,whether I have not failed to practice what I pro-fess in my teaching.”五

Confucius remarked,“When directing the affairs of a great nation,a man must be serious in attention to business and faith-ful and punctual in his engagements.He must study economy in the public expenditure,and love the welfare of the people.He must employ the people at the proper time of the year.”六

Confucius remarked,“A young man,when at home,should be a good son;when out in the world,a good citizen.He should be circumspect and truthful.He should be in sympathy with all men,but intimate with men of moral character.If he has time and opportunity to spare,after the performance of those duties,be should then employ them in literary pursuits.”七

A disciple of Confucius remarked,“A man who can love worthiness in man as he loves beauty in woman;who in his duties to his parents is ready to do his utmost,and in the service of his prince is ready to give up his life;who in intercourse with friends is found trustworthy in what hesays,——such a man,although men may say of him that he is an uneducated man,I must consider him to be really an edu-cated man.”八

Confucius remarked,“A wise man who is not seri-ous will not inspire respect;what he learns will not remain permanent.”

“Make conscientiousness and sincerity your first principles.”

“Have no firends who are not as yourself.When you have bad habits do not hesitate to change them.”九

A disciple of Confucius remarked,“By cultivating respect for the dead,and carrying the memory back to the distant past,the moral feeling of the people will waken and grow in depth.”一〇

A man once asked a disciple of Confucius,saying,“How was it that whenever the Master came into a country be was always informed of the actual state and policy of its government?Did he seek for the information or was it given to him?”

“The Master,”replied the disciple,“was gracious,simple,earnest,modest and courteous;therefore he could obtain what information he wanted .The master’s way of obtaining infor-mation——well,it was different from other people’s ways.”一一

Confucius remarked,“When a man’s father is living the son should have regard to what his father would have him do,when the father is dead,to what his father has done.A son who for three years after his father’s death does not in his own life change his father’s principles,may be said to be a good son.”一二

A disciplc of Confucius remarked,“In the practice of art,what is valuable is natural spontaneity.According to the rules of art held by the ancient kings it was this quality in a work of art which constituted its excellence;in great as well as in small things they were guided by this principl.But in being natural there is something not permitted.To know that it is necessary to be natural without restraning the impulse to be natural by the strict principle of art,——that is something not permitted.”一三

A disciple of Confucius remarked,“If you make promises within the bounds of what is right,you will be able to keep your word.If you confine earnestness within the bounds of judgment and good taste,you will keep out of discomfiture and insult.If you make friends of those with whom you ought to,you will be able to depend upon them.”一四

Confucius remarked,“A wise and good man,in matters of food,should never seek to indulge his appetite;in lodging,be should not be too solicitous of comfort.He should be diligent in business and careful in speech.He should seek for the com-pany of men of virtue and learning,in order to profit by their lessons and example.In this way he may become a man of real culture.”一五

A disciple of Confucius said to him,“To be poor and yet not to be servile;to be rich and yet not to be proud,what do you say to that?”

“It is good.”replied Confucius,“but better still it is to be poor and yet contented;to be courteous.”

“I understand,”answered the disciple:

“We must cut,we must file”

“Must chisel and must grind.”

“That is what you mean,is it not?”

“My friend,”replied Confucius,“now I can begin to speak of poetry to you.I see you understand how to apply the moral.”一六

Confucius remarked,“One should not be concerned not to be understood of men;one should be concerned not to understand men.”




























Confucius remarked,“He who rules the people,depending upon the moral sentiment,is like the Pole-star,which keeps its place while all the other stars revolve round it.”二

Confucius remrked,“The Book of Ballads,Songs and Psalmscontains three hundred pieces.The moral of them all may be summed up in one sentence;‘Have no evil thoughts’”三

Confucius remarked,“If in government you depend upon laws,and maintain order by enforcing those laws by punish-ments,you can also make the people keep away from wrong-doing,but they will lose the sense of shame for wrong-doing.If,on the other hand,in goverment you depend upon the moral Sentiment,and maintain order by encouraging education and good manners,the people will have a sense of shame for wrong——doing and,moreover,will emulate what is good.”四

Confucius remarked,“At fifteen I had made up my mind to give myself up to serious studies.At thirty I had formed my opinions and judgment.At forty l had no more doubts.At fifty I understood the truth in religion.At sixty I could understand whatever I heard without exertion.At seventy I could follow whatever my heart desired without transgressing the law.”五

A noble of the Court in Confucius’native State asked him what constituted the duty of a good son.Confucius answered,“Do not fail in what is required of you.”

Afterwards,as a disciple was driving him in his carriage.Confucius told the disciple,saying,“My Lord M——asked me what constituted the duty of a good son,and I answered,‘Do not fail in what is required of you.’”

“What did you mean by that?”asked the disciple.

“I meant,”replied Confucius,“when his parents are living,a good son should do his duties to them according to the usage prescribed by propriety;when they are dead,be should bury them and honour their memory according to the rites prescribed by propriety.”六

A son of the noble mentioned above put the same ques-tion to Confucius as his father did.Confucius answered,“Think how anxious your parents are when you are sick.And you will know your duty towards them.”七

A disciple of Confucius asked him the same questionas the above.Confucius answered,“The duty of a good son nowadays means only to be able to support his parents.But you also keep your dogs and horses alive.If there is no feeling of love and respect,where is the difference?”八

Another disciple asked the same question.Confucius an swered,“The difficulty is with the expression of your look.That merely when anything is to be done the young people do it,and when there is food and wine the old folk are allowed to enjoy it,do you think that is the whole duty of a good son?”九

Confucius,speaking of a favourite disciple whose name was Yen Hui,remarked,“I have talked with him for one whole day,during which he has never once raised one single objec-tion to what I have said,as if he were dull of understanding.But when he has retired,on examining into his life and con-versation I find he has been able to profit by what I have said to him.No——he is not a man dull of understanding.”一〇

Confucius remarked,“You look at how a man acts;con-sider his motives;find out his tastes.How can a man hide himself;how can he hide himself from you?”一一

Confucius remarked,“If a man will constantly go over what he has acquired and keep continually adding to it new acquirements,he may become a teacher of men.”一二

Confucius remarked,“A wise man will not make himself into a mere machine fit only to do one kind of work.”一三

A disciple enquired what constituted a wise and good man.Confucius answered.A wise and good man is one who acts before he speaks,and afterwards speaks according to his actions.一四

Confucius remarked,“A wise man is impartial,not neu-tral.A fool is neutral but not impartial.”一五

Confucius remarked,“Study without thinking is labour lost.Thinking without study is perilous.”一六

Confucius remarked,“To give oneself up to the study of metaphysical theories——that is very injurious indeed.”一七

Confucius said to a disciple,“Shall I teach you what is understanding?To know what it is that you know,and to know what it is that you do not know,——that is understanding.”一八

A disciple was studying with a view to preferment.Con-fucius said to him,Read and learn everything,but suspend your judgment on anything of which you are in doubt;for the rest,be careful in what you say:in that way you will give few occasions for men to criticise what you say.Mix with the world and see everything,but keep away and do not med-dle with anything which may bring you into trouble;for the rest,be careful in what you do:in that way you will have few occasions for self-reproach.

“Now if in your conversation you give few occasions for men to criticise you,and in your conduct you have few occasions for self——reproach,you cannot help getting preferment,even if you would.”一九

The reigning prince of his native State asked Confucius what should he done to secure the submission of the people.Confucius answered,“Uphold the cause of the just and put down every cause that is unjust,and the people will submit.But uphold the cause of the unjust and put down every cause that is just,then the people will not submit.”二〇

A noble who was the minister in power in the gov-ernment in Confucius’native State asked him what should be done to inspire a feeling of respect and loyalty in the people,in order to make them exert themselves for the good of the country.Confucius answered,“Treat them with seri-ousness and they will respect you.Let them see that you hon-our your parents and your prince,and are considerate for the welfare of those under you,and the people will be loyal to you.Advance those who excel in anything and educate the ignorant,and the people will exert themselves.”二一

Somebody asked Confucius,saying,“Why are you not taking part in the government of the country?”

Confucius answered:“What does the‘Book of records’say of the duties of a good son?”

“‘Be dutiful to your parents;be brotherly to your broth-ers;discharge your duties in the government of your family.’ hese,then,are also duties of government why then must one take part in the government of the country in order to discharge the duties of government?”二二

Confucius remarked,“I do not know how men get along without good faith.A cart without a yoke and a carriage with-out harness,——how could they go?”二三

A disciple asked Confucius whether ten generations after their time the state of the civilization of the worldcould be known.

Confucius answered.“The House of Yin adopted the civil station of the Hsia dynasty;what modifications they made is known.The present Chou dynasty adopted the civilisation of the House of Yin;what modifications this last dynasty made are also known.Perhaps some other may hereafter take the place of the present Chou dynasty;but should that happen a hundred generations after this,the state of the civilisation of the worldthen,can be known.”二四

Confucius remarked,“To worship a spirit to whom one is not bound by a real feeling of duty or respect is idolatry;to see what is right and to act against one’s judgment shows a want of courage.”































The head of a powerful family of nobles in Confucius’ native State employed eight sets of choristers[an Imperial prerogative]in their family chapel.Confucius,remarking on this,was heard to say,“If this is allowed to pass,what may not be allowed?”二

The members of the same powerful family mentioned above concluded the service in their chapel by chanting the hymn used only on occasions of Imperial worship.Confucius remarked on it,saying:“The words of the hymn begin——‘Surrounded by his nobles and princes,‘August the Son of Heaven looks;’

“Now what is there in the chapel of this nobie family to which those words of the hymn can be applied?”三

Confucius remarked,“If a man is without moral charac-ter,what good can the use of the fine arts do him?If a man is without moral character,what good can the use of music do him?”四

A disciple asked what constituted the fundamental principle of art.“That is a very great question.”replied Con-fucius,“but in the art used in social usages it is better to be simple than to be expensive;in rituals for the dead,it is better that there should be heartfelt grief than minute attention to observances.”五

Confucius remarked.“The heathen hordes of the North and East,even,acknowledge the authority of their chiefs,whereas now in China respect for authority no longer exists anywhere.”六

The head of the powerful family of nobles mentioned in section I of this chapter was going to offer sacrifice on the top of the Great Tai Mountain[an Imperial prerogative].Confucius then said to a disciple who was in the service of the noble,“Can you not do anything to save him from this?”“No,”repied the disciple,“I cannot.”“Ah,then,”answered Confucius,“it is useless to say anything more.But,really,do you think that the Spirit of the Great Mountain is not as Lin-fang?”七

Confucius remarked,“A gentleman never competes in anything he does,——except perhaps in archery.But even then,when he wins he courteously makes his bow before he advances to take his place among the winners;and,when he has lost he walks down and drinks his cup of forfeit.Thus,even in this case of competition,he shows himself to be a gentleman.”八

A disciple asked Confucius for the meaning of the fol-lowing verse:

Her coquettish smiles,

How dimpling they are;

Her beautiful eyes,

How beaming they are;

How fairest is sheWho is simple and plain.

“In painting,”answered confucius,“ornamentation and colour are of secondary importance compared with the ground work.”

“Then art itself,”said the disciple.“is a matter of‘second-ary’ consideration?”

“My friend,”replied Confucius,“You have given me an idea.Now I can talk of poetry with you.”九

Confucius remarked to a disciple.“I can tell you of the state of the arts and civilization during the Hsia dynasty[say the Greek civilisation];but the modern State of Ts’i[say modern Greece]cannot furnish sufficient evidence to prove what I say.I can tell you of the state of the arts and civilisation during the Yin dynasty[say Roman civilisation];but the modern state of Sung[say Italy]cannot furnish sufficient evidence to prove what I say.The reason is because the literary monuments extant are too meagre,——otherwise I could prove to you what I say.”一〇

Confucius remarked,“At the service of the great Ti sac-rifice [the‘Mass’in ancient China],I always make it a point to leave as soon as the pouring of the libation on the ground is over.”一一

Somebody asked Confucius for the meaning of the great Ti sacrifice mentioned above.

“I do not know,”answered Confucius.“One who under-stands its significance will find it as easy to rule the world as to look at this,thus,pointing to the palm of his hand.”一二

Confucius worshipped the dead as if he actually felt the presence of the departed ones.He worshipped the Spiritual Powers as if he actually felt the presence of the Powers.

He once remarked,“If I cannot give up heart and soul when I am worshipping,I always consider as if I have not worshipped.”一三

An officer in a certain State asked Confucius,saying,“What is meant by the common saying‘It is better to pray to the God of the Hearth than to the God of the House?’”

“Not so,”replied Confucius,“a man who has sinned against God,——it is useless for him to pray anywhere at all,”一四

Confucius remarked,“The civilisation of the present Chou dynasty is founded on the civilisations of the two pre-ceding dynasties.How splendidly rich it is in all the arts!I pre-fer the present Chou civilisation.”一五

When Confucius first attended the service at the State Cathedral(Ancestral Temple of the reigning prince),he enquired as to what he should do at every stage of the ser-vice.Somebody thereupon remarked,“Who tells me that the son of the plebeian of Ts’owis a man who knows the correct forms?”When Confucius heard of the remark,he said,“That is the correct form.”一六

Confucius remarked,“In archery,putting the arrow through the target should not count as points,because the competitors cannot all be expected to be equal in mere physi-cal strength.At least,that was the old rule.”一七

A disciple wanted to dispense with the sheep offered in sacrifice in the religious ceremony held at the beginning of every month.

“What you would save,”said Confucius to him,“is the cost of the sheep;what I would save is the principle of the rite.”一八

Confucius remarked,“Men now account it servile to pay to their prince all the honours due to him.”一九

The reigning prince of Confucius’native State asked Confucius how a prince should treat his public servant and how a public servant should behave to his prince.

“Let the prince,”answered Confucius,“treat his pub-lic servant with honour.The public servant must serve the prince,his master,with loyalty.”二〇

Confucius remarked,“The first ballad in the Book of Ballads and Songsexpresses the emotions of love.It is passionate,but not sensual;it is melancholy,but not morbid.”二一

The reigning prince of Confucius’native State asked a disciple of Confucius about the emblems used on the altars tothe Titular Genius of the land.

The disciple answered,“The sovereigns of the House of Hsia planted the pine tree;the people of the Yin dynasty adopted the cypress;and the people of the present Chou dynasty has chosen the Li(chestnut)tree as a symbol of awe(Li)to the population.”

When Confucius afterwards heard of what the disciple said,he remarked,“It is useless to speak of a thing that is done;to change a course that is begun;or to blame what is past and gone.”二二

Confucius,speaking of a famous statesman(the Bismarck of the time),remarked,“Kuan Chung was by no means a great-minded man!”

“But,”said somebody,“Kuan Chung was simple in his life:was he not?”

“Why,”replied Confucius,“Kuan Chung had that mag-nificent Sansouci Pleasaunce of his.Besides,he had a special officer appointed to every function in his household.How can one say that he was simple in his life?”

“Well,”rejoined the enquirer,“but still,Kuan Chung was a man of taste who observed the correct forms;was he not?”

“No,”answered Confucius,“The reigning princes have walls built before their palace gates.Kuan Chung also had a wall built before his door.When two reigning princes meet,each has a special buffet.Kuan Chung also had his spe-cial buffet.If you say Kuan Chung was a man of taste,who is not a man of taste?”二三

Confucius remarked to the Grand Kapel Meister of his native State,“I think I know the way in which a piece should be played with a full orchestra.At first,the full vol-ume of sound in the piece should be heard.Then,as you proceed,you must pay attention to and bring out each note of the piece,distinct and clear,but flowing,as it were,without break or interval,——thus to the end.”二四

An officer in command of a certain Pass on the frontier where Confucius on his travels was passing,asked for the per-mission to be presented to him,saying,“Whenever a wise man pass-es this way,I have always had the honour to wait upon him.”Confucius’disciples accordingly presented him.

When the officer came out of the interview he said to the disciples,“Gentlemen,why should you be concerned at your present want of official position!The world has long been without the order and justifice of good government;now God is going to make use of your Teacher as a tocsin to awaken the world.”二五

Confucius,speaking of a famous piece of music(the most ancient then known in China)remarked,“It has all the excel-lence of the physical beauty of harmony;it has also all the excellence of moral grandeur.”Speaking of another piece,of a more recent date,Confucius remarked,“It has all the excel-lence of the physical beauty of harmony;but it has not all the excellence of moral grandeur.”二六

Confucius remarked,“Possession of power without gen-erosity;courtesy without seriousness;mourning without grief,——I have no desire to look at such a state of things.”






























Confucius remarked,“It is the moral life of a neighbour-hood which constitutes its excellence.He is not an intelligent man,who,in choosing his residence,does not select a place with a moral surrounding.”二

Confucius remarked,“A man without moral charac-ter cannot long put up with adversity,nor can he long enjoy prosperity.”

“Men of moral character find themselves at home in being moral;men of intelligence find it advantageous to be moral.”三

Confucius remarked,“It is only men of moral character who know how to love men or to hate men.”四

Confucius remarked,“If you fix your mind upon a moral life,you will be free from evil.”五

Confucius remarked,“riches and honours are objects of men’s desire;but if I cannot have them without leaving the path of duty,I would not have them.Poverty and a low position in life are objects of men’s dislike;but if I cannot leave them without departing from the path of duty,I would not leave them.”

“A wise man who leaves his moral character is no lon-ger entitled to the name of a wise man.A wise man never for one single moment in his life loses sight of a moral life;in moments of haste and hurry,as in moments of danger and peril,he always clings to it.”六

Confucius remarked,“I do not now see a man who really loves a moral life;or one who really hates an immoral life.One who really loves a moral life would esteem nothing above it,One who really hates an immoral life would be a moral man who would not allow anything the least immoral in his life.”

“Nevertheless,if a man were really to exert himself for one single day to live a moral life,I do not believe he will find that he has not the strength to do it.At least I have never heard of such a case.”七

Confucius remarked,“Men’s faults are characteristic.By observing a man’s failings you can judge of his moral character.”八

Confucius remarked,“when a man has learnt wisdom in the morning,he may be content to die in the evening before the sun sets.”九

Confucius remarked,“It is useless to speak to a gentle-man who wants to give himself up to serious studies and who yet is ashamed because of his poor food or bad clothes.”一〇

Confucius remarked,“A wise man in his judgment of the world,has no predilections nor prejudices;he is on the side of what is right.”一一

Confucius remarked,“A wise man regards the moral-worth of a man;a fool,only his position.A wise man expects justice;a fool,only expects favours.”一二

Confucius remarked,“If you always look only to your own advantage you will be sure to make many enemies.”一三

Confucius remarked,“He who can rule a country by real courtesy and good manners that are in him,will find no dif-ficulty in doing it.But a ruler who has no real courtesy and good manners in him,what can the mere rules of etiquette and formality avail him.”一四

Confucius remarked,“Be not concerned for want of a position;be concerned how to fit yourself for a position.Be not concerned that you are not known,but seek to do something to deserve a reputation.”一五

Confucius remarked to a disciple,“In all my life and teaching there is one underlying connected principle.”“Even so,”answered the disciple.

Afterwards,when Confucius had left,the other disciples asked the disciple who was above spoken to,“What did the master mean by what he said just now?”“The principle in the master’s life and teaching,”answered the disciple,“is com-prised in the two words:conscientiousness and charity.”一六

Confucius remarked,“A wise man sees what is right in a question;a fool,what is advantageous to himself.”一七

Confucius remarked,“When we meet with men of worth,we should think how we may equal them.When we meet with worthless men,we should turn into ourselves and find out if we do not resemble them.”一八

Confucius remarked,“In serving his parents a son should seldom remonstrate with them;but if he was obliged to do so,and should find that they will not listen,he should yet not fail in respect nor disregard their wishes;however much trou-ble they may give him,he should never complain.”一九

Confucius remarked,“While his parents are living,a son should not go far abroad;if he does,he should let them know where he goes.”二〇

Confucius remarked,“A son who for three years after his father’s death does not,in his own life,change his father’s principles,may be considered to be a good son.”二一

Confucius remarked,“A son should always keep in mind the age of his parents,as a matter for thankfulness as well as for anxiety.”二一

Confucius remarked,“Men of old kept silence for fear lest what they said should not come up to what they did.”二三

Confucius remarked,“He who wants littleseldom goes wrong.”二四

Confucius remarked,“A wise man wants to be slow in speech and diligent in conduct.”二五

Confucius remarked,“Moral worth is never left alone;society is sure to grow round him.”二六

A disciple of Confucius remarked,“In the service of your prince,if you keep constantly pointing out his errors it will lead to your disgrace;if you act in the same way to your friends it will estrange them.”































Confucius remarked of a disciple,saying,“No man need hesitate to give his daughter to such a man to wife.It is true he has been in prison,but it was through no crime of his.”Confucius accordingly gave him his own daughter to wife.

Confucius remarked of another disciple,saying,“When there is order and justice in the government of the country,he will not be neglected.But should there be no order and justice in the government of the country,he will escape persecution.”Confucius accordingly gave his niece to him to wife.二

Confucius then went on to remark of another disciple,saying,“What a wise and good man he is!I wonder if there were no wise and good men in the country,how that man could have acquired the character he has.”三

Another disciple who heard the above remarks said then to Confucius,“And I,what do you say of me?”“You are,”answered Confucius,“a work of art.”“What work of art?”asked the other.“A rich jewelled work of art,”was the reply.四

Somebody remarked of a disciple of Confucius,saying,“He is a good moral man,but he is not a man of ready wit.”

When Confucius heard the remark,he said,“What is the good of a ready wit?A man who is always ready with his tongue to others will only often make enemies.I do not know if he is a moral man,but I do not see the good of having a ready wit.”五

Confucius on one occasion wanted a disciple to enter public life.“No,”answered the disciple,“I have not yet confi-dence in myself.”Thereupon Confucius commended him.六

Confucius on one occasion remarked,“There is no order and justice now in the government in China.I will betake me to a ship and sail over sea to seek for it in other countries.If I take anybody with me,I will take Yu,”referring to a dis-ciple.The disciple referred to,when he heard of what Confu-cius said,was glad,and offered to go.“My friend,”said Con-fucius then to him,“You have certainly more courage than I have;only you do not exercise judgment when using it.”七

A member of a powerful family of nobles in Confu-cius’ native State asked Confucius if his disciple,the above mentioned Chung Yu,was a moral character.“I cannot say,”answered Confucius.But on being pressed,confucius said,“In the government of a State of even the first-rate power the man could be entrusted with the organisation of the army.I cannot say if he could be called a moral character.”

The noble then put the same question with regard to another disciple.Confucius answered,“In the government of a large town or in the direction of affairs in a small principality,the man could be entrusted with the chief author-ity.I cannot say if he could be called a moral character.”

The noble went on to put the same question with regard to another disciple.Confucius answered,“At court,in a gala-dress reception,he could be entrusted with the duty of enter-taining the visitors.I cannot say if he could be called a moral character.”八

Confucius once said to a disciple,“You and Hui(the favou-rite Yen Hui),who is the abler man?”

The disciple answered,“How should I dare compare myself with him.When he has learnt one thing he immedi-ately understands its application to all cases;whereas I,when I have learnt one thing I can only follow out its bearing and applications to one or two particular cases.”九

A disciple of Confucius spent the best hours of the day in sleep.Confucius,remarking on it,said:“You cannot carve anything out of rotten wood nor plaster up wall built up of rubbish.What is the use of rebuke in such a case?”

Confucius then went on to say,“At one time,when I wanted to judge of a man,I listened to what he said,and I knew for certain what he would do in his life.But now,when I want to judge of a man,I have to look at what he does in his life as well as listen to what he says.It is,perhaps,men like this young man who have made me change my method of judging men.”一〇

Confucius once remarked,“I do not now see a man of strong character.”“There is so-and-so,”said somebody.“No,”replied Confucius,“he is a man of strong passions;he is not a man of strong character.”一一

A disciple said to Confucius,“What I do not wish that others should not do unto me,I also do not wish that I should do unto them.”“My friend,”answered Confucius,“You have not yet attained to that.”一二

A disciple of Confucius remarked,“You will often hear the master speak on the subjects of art and literature,but you will never hear him speak on the subjects of metaphysics or theology.”一三

When Confucius’disciple,the intrepid Chung Yu,had learnt anything which he was not yet able to carry out into practice,he was afraid to learn anything new.一四

A disciple,speaking of an ancient worthy of the time,enquired of Confucius saying,“How was it that he had the title of‘Beau-clerc’added as an honour to his name after his death?”

“He was,”answered Confucius,“a man of great industri-ous,who applied himself to self-culture;he was not ashamed to seek for information from others more ignorant than him-self.For that reason he has had the title of“Beau-clerc”added as an honour to his name after his death.”一五

Confucius remarked of a famous statesman(the Col-bert of the time),saying“He showed himself to be a good and wise man in four ways.In his conduct of himself he was earnest,and in serving the interests of his prince he was serious.In providing for the wants of the people,he was generous,and in dealing with them he was just.”一六

Confucius remarked of another famous statesman(the Sir William Temple of the time),saying:“He knew how to observe the true relations in friendship.However long-standing his acquaintance with a man might be,he always maintained throughout the same invariable careful respect.”一七

Confucius remarked of an eccentric character of the time,saying,“The man actually built a chapel elaborate with carvings for a large tortoise which he kept.What can one say of the intellect of a man like that?”一八

A disciple of Confucius asked him to give his opinion of a public character of the time,saying,“In his public life three times he was made Prime Minister,and yet on none of these occasions did he show the least signs of elation.Three times he was dismissed from office,and also on none of these occa-sions did he show the least signs of disappointment.He was careful every time,when giving up office,to explain to his sucessor the line of policy which the government under him hitherto had been pursuing.”“Now,”asked the disciple.“what do you think of him?”“He was,”answered Confucius,“a con-scientious man.”“But,”asked the disciple,“could he be called a moral character?”“I cannot say,”replied Confucius,“if he could be called a moral character.”

The disciple then went on to ask about another public character,saying,“when the Prime Minister in his native State murdered the prince,his master,that worthy had large possessions in the country,but he threw them all away and quitted the country.Arriving at another State,he remarked,‘I see here they are all patricides,the same as our patricide min-ister at home;’and immediately again quitted that country.Thus he went on from one State to another,making the same observation.Now,what do you think of this man?”

“He was,”replied Confucius,“a pure,high-minded man.”“But,”asked the disciple,“could he be called a moral character?”“I cannot say,”answered Confucius,“if he could be called a moral character.”一九

It was remarked of a public character of the time that he always reflected three times over every time before he acted.When Confucius heard of the remark,he observed,“Think twice——that is sufficient.”二〇

Confucius remarked of a public character of the time,saying,“He was a man who,when there was order and jus-tice in the government of the country,acted as a man of great understanding.But when there was no order and justice in the government of the country,he acted as if he was a man of no understanding.It is easy to act like him as a man of understanding,but it is not easy to imitate him in the way he showed how to act as a man of no understanding.”二一

When Confucius in the last days of his travels abroad was in a certain State he was heard to say,“I must think of going home.I must really think of going home.My young people at home are all high-spirited and independent;they are,besides,accomplished in all the arts;but they have no judgment.”二二

Confucius,remarking of two ancient worthies,famousfor the purity and saintliness of their lives and character,said,“They forgave old wrongs:therefore they had little to complain of the world.”二三

Confucius remarked of a character of the time,“Who says that the man is an honest man?When somebody begged him for some household necessary,he went and begged of his neighbours for it and gave it as his own.”二四

Confucius remarked,“Plausible speech,fine manners and studied earnestness are things of which a friend of mine was ashamed;I am also ashamed of such things.To conceal resent-ment against a person and to make friends with him:that is also something of which my same friend was ashamed;I am also ashamed to do such a thing.”二五

On one occasion,when two of his disciples,the favourite Yen Hui and Chung Yu the intrepid,were in attendance on him,Confucius said to them,“Now tell me,each of you,your aim in the conduct of life.”

“I would like,”answered the intrepid Chung Yu,“If I had carriages and horese and clothings of costly furs,to share them with my friends,to be able to consider such things as much belonging to them as belonging to me.”

“And I,”answered the favourite Yen Hui,“I would like to be able not to boast of my ability and to be able to be humble in my estimate of what I have done for others.”

“Now,”said the i nt repid Chu ng Yu then to Confucius,“We would like to hear your aim,sir,in the conduct of life.”

“My aim,”replied Confucius,“would be to be a comfort to my old folk at home;to be sincere,and to be found trustwor-thy by my friends;and to love and care for my young people at home.”二六

Confucius was once heard to say,“Alas!I do not see now a man who can see his own failing or is willing to bring a suit against himself before his own conscience.”二七

Confucius once remarked,“Even in a very small town there must be men who are as conscientious and honest as myself,only they have not tried to cultivate themselves as I have done.”


































Confucius,once expressing admiration for a disciple,remarked,“There is Yung——he should be made a prince.”

On another occasion,when that disciple asked Confucius’ opinion of a certain public character of the time.Confucius answered,“He is a good man;he is independent.”

“But,”replied the disciple,“when a man in his private life is serious with himself,he may,in his public life,be inde-pendent in dealing with the people.But to be independent with himself in his private lifeas well as independent in his public life,——is there not too much independence in that?”“Yes,”answered Confucius,“you are right.”二

The reigning prince of Confucius’native State asked him which one of his disciples he considered man of real culture.

Confucius answered.“There was Yen Hui.He never made others suffer for his own annoyances.He never did a wrong thing twice.But unfortunately he died in the prime of his life.Now there in no one,none who can be said to be a man of real culture.”三

On one occasion when a disciple of Confucius was sent on a public mission to a foreign State,he left his mother at home unprovided for.Another disciple then asked Confu-cius to provide her with grain.“Give her,”said Confucius,“so much,”naming a certain quantity.The disciple asked for more.Confucius then named a larger quantity.Finally the dis-ciple gave her a larger quantity than the quantity which Con-fucius named.

When Confucius came to know of it,he remarked,“When that woman’son left on his mission he drove in a carriage with fine horses and was clothed with costly furs.Now I believe a wise and good man reserves his charity for the real need;he does hot help the well-to-do and rich.”

On another occasion,when another disciple was appointed the chief magistrate of a town,Confucius appointed his salary at nine hundred measures of grain.The disciple declined it as being too much.

“Do not decline it,”said Confucius to him,“If that is more than necessary for your own wants,cannot you share what you do not want with your relatives and neighbours at home?”四

Confucius remarked of a disciple whose father was a notoriously bad man,saying:“The calf of a brindled cow,pro-vided it be well conditioned,although men may hesitate to use it in sacrifice,is yet not unacceptable to the Spirits of the land.”五

A minister who was in power in Confucius’native State asked him if his disciple,the intrepid Chung Yu,could bemade a minister under the government.“He is a man of deci-sion,”answered Confucius.“What is there in being a minister under the government that he should find any difficulty in it?”The minister then put the same question with regard to another disciple.“He is a man of great penetration,”answered Confucius.“What is there in being a minister that he should find any difficulty in it?”

The minister then went on to ask the same question about another disciple.“He is a man of many accomplishments,”answered Confucius.“What is there in being a minister that he should find any difficulty in it?”六

Confucius remarked of his disciple,the favourite Yen Hui,saying,“For months he could live without deviating from a pure moral life in thought as in deed.With other people,the utmost is a question of a day or a month.”七

A minister in power in Confucius’native State sent for a disciple of Confucius to make him the chief magistrate of an important town.

“Politely decline the offer for me,”said the disciple to the messenger sent to him,“and if your master again should send for me,I shall have to leave the country altogether.”八

On one occasion,when a disciple was sick with an infectious disease,Confucius,went to see him.Confucius,however,did not enter the house,but,taking the sick man’s hands from outside the window,made him his last adieus.Confucius was then heard to say,“We shall lose him.But God’s will be done!”At the same time he went on repeating,“Ah,that such a man should dieof such a sickness.Ah,that such a man should die of such a sickness!”九

Confucius remarked of his disciple,the favourite Yen Hui,saying,“How much heroism is in that man!Living on one single meal a day,with water for his drink,and living in the lowest hovels of the city,——no man could have stood such hardship,yet he——he did not lose his cheerfulness.How much heroism is in that man!”一〇

A disciple once said to Confucius,“It is not because I do not believe in your teaching,but I want the strength to carry it out into practice.”

“Those,”answered Confucius,“who only want the neces-sary strength,show it when they are on the way.But you——you stick at it from the outset altogether.”一一

Confucius said to a disciple,“Be a good and wise man while you try to be an encyclopaedic man of culture;be not a fool while you try to be an encyclopaedic man of culture.”

“The aim in education,”says Cofucius,“is to teach him everything which is necessary to enable him to attain to what a human being can attain to.”一二

On one occasion,when a disciple was appointed chief magistrate of an important town,Confucius said to him,“Have you succeeded in getting a good man under you?”

“Yes,”answered the disciple,“I have now a man who would never act upon expediency.He never comes to see me in my house except when there is urgent public business to be done.”一三

Confucius remarked of a chivalrous public character of the time,saying,“He was a man who never would boast.On one occasion,when the troops among whom he was,took to flight,he slowly brought up the rear;and when they had approached the city gate to which they were retreating,he whipped his horse and was the last man to enter the gate,remarking,simply,‘It was not courage which kept me behind.But you see——my horse would not go!’”一四

Confucius,referring to two noted characters of his time,remarked,“A man who has not the wit of that person(the Syd hey Smith of the time)and the fine appearance of that noble lord(the Lord Chesterfield of the time),will never get on in society now.”一五

Confucius remarked,“Who can get out of the house except through the door.How is it that men do not know that one cannot live except through the Way?”一六

Confucius remarked,“When the natural qualities of men get the better of the results of education,they are rude men.

When the results of education get the better of their natural qualities,they become literati.It is only when the natural qualities and the results of education are properly blended,that we have the truly wise and good man.”一七

Confucius remarked,“Man is born to be upright;when a man ceases to be that,it is by the merest chance that he can keep himself alive.”一八

Confucius remarked,“Those who know it are not as those who love it;those who love it are not as those who find their joy in it.”一九

Confucius remarked,“You may speak of high things to those who in natural qualities of mind are above average men.You may not speak to those who in natural qualities of mind are below average men.”二〇

A disciple enquired what constituted understanding.Confucius answered,“To know the essential duties of man living in a society of men,and to hold in awe and fear theSpiritual Powers of the Universe,while keeping aloof from jrreverent familiarty with them;that may be considered as understanding.”

The disciple then asked what constituted a moral life.Con-fucius answered,“A man who wants to live a moral life must first be conscious within himself of a difficulty and has strug-gled to overcome the difficulty:that is the definition or test of a moral life.”二一

Confucius remarked,“Men of intellectuaI character delight in water scenery;men of moral character delight in mountain scenery.Intellectual men are active;moral men are calm.Intel-lectual men enjoy life;moral men live long.”二二

Confucius,referring to the state of government in his native State and that in a neighbouring State,remarked,“If Ts’iwould only reform,she would have as good a government as Lu(Confucius’native State),and if Lu would only reform she would have a perfect government.”二三

Confucius was once heard to exclaim.“A goblet that is not globular:why call it a goblet;why call it a goblet?”二四

A disciple of Confucius once said to him,“A moral man,——if somebody told him that there was a man fallen into a well,I suppose he would immediately follow into the well?”“Why should he?”replied Confucius,“A good and wise man might be led to hurry to the scene,but not to plunge into the well.He could be imposed upon,but not made a fool of.”二五

Confucius remarked,“A good man who studies exten-sively into the arts and literature,and directs his studies with judgment and taste,is not likely to get into a wrong track.”二六

On one occasion When Confucius allowed himself to be presented to a princess of a State who was notorious for the irregularities of her life,his disciple,the intrepid Chung Yu,was vexed.

Confucius then swore an oath,saying,“If I have had an unworthy motive in doing that,may God forsake me,may God forsake me for ever!”二七

Confucius remarked,“The Use of the moral sentiment,well balanced and kept in perfect equilibrium,——that is the true State of human perfection.It is seldom found long so kept up amongst man.”二八

A disciple once said to Confucius,“If there is a man who carries out extensively good works for the welfare of the peo-ple and is really able to benefit the multitude,what would you say of such a man could be he called a moral character?”

“Why call him only a moral character,”answered Confu-cius,“if one must call such a man by a name,one would call him a holy or sainted man.For,judged by the works of which you speak,even the ancient Emperors Yao and Shunfelt their shortcomings.”

















































Confucius remarked,“I transmit the old truth and do not originate any new theory.I am well acquainted and love the study of Antiquity.In this respect I may venture to compare myself with our old Worthy Pang.”二

Confucius then went on to say,“To meditate in silence;patiently to acquire knowledge;and to be indefatigable in teaching it to others:which one of these things can I say that I have done?”三

Lastly,Confucius said,“Neglect of godliness;study without understanding;failure to act up to what I believe to be right;and inability to change bad habits:these are things which cause me constant solicitude.”四

But not with standing what he said above,Confucius in his disengaged hours was always serene and cheerful.五

Only once in his old age Confucius was heard to say:“How my mental powers have decayed!For a long time now I have not dreamt,as I was won’t to do,of our Lord of Chou.”六

Confucius said to his disciples:“Seck for wisdom;hold fast to godliness;live a moral life;and enjoy the pleasures derived from the pursuit of the polite arts.”七

Confucius remarked,“In teaching men,I make no differ-ence between the rich and the poor.I have taught men who could just afford to bring me the barest presentation gift in the same way as I have taught others.”八

Confucius then went on to say:“In my method of teach-ing,I always wait for my student to make an effort himself to find his way through a difficulty,before I show him the way myself.I also make him find his own illustrations before I give him one of my own.When I have pointed out the bearing of a subject in one direction and found that my student can-not himself see its bearings into other directions,I do not then repeat my lesson.”九

When Confucius dined in a house of mourning he never ate much.On the same day in which he had occasion to mourn for the death of a friend,the sound of music was never heard in his house.一〇

Confucius once said to his disciple,the favourite Yen Hui,“To act when called upon to act,in public life,and,when neglected,to be content to lead out a private life——that is what you and I——we both have made up our minds upon.”

When his other disciple,the intrepid Chung Yu,heard the remark,he said to Confucius:“But if you were in command of an army,whom would you have with you?”

“I would not have him,”replied Confucius,“who is ready to seize a live tiger with his bare arms,Or jump into the sea,without fear of death.The man I would have with me would be a man who is conscious of the difficulties of any task set before him,and who,only after mature deliberation,proceeds to accomplish it.”一一

Confucius once remarked,“If there is a sure way of get-ting rich,even though one had to be a groom and keep horses,I would be willing to be one.But as there is really no sure way of getting rich,I prefer to follow the pursuits congenial to me.”一二

There were three cases in life in which Confucius con-sidered a man was called upon to exercise the most mature deliberation:in case of worship,of war and of sickness.一三

When Confucius on his travels was in a certain State he,for the first time,heard played a piece of ancient music(the oldest then known in China).Thereupon he gave himself up to the study of it for three months,to the entire neglect of his ordinary food.He was then heard to say,“I should never have thought that music could be brought to such perfection.”一四

A disciple who was with Confucius on his travels while in a certain State,——speaking of the reigning prince of that State who,while his father was driven to exile,succeeded,on his grandfather’s death,to the throne,and was then opposing the attempt of his father to return to the country,——said to another disciple:“Is the master in favour of the son,the present ruler?”“oh,”replied the other disciple,“I will ask him.”

The other disciple accordingly went in where Confucius was,and said to him:“What kind of men were Po-yi and Shuh-ts’i.”“They are ancient worthies”,answered Confucius.“But”,asked the disciple,“did they complain of the world?”“No”.

replied Confucius,“What they sought for in life was to live a high moral life,and they succeeded in living a high moral life.What had they then to complain of the world?”The disciple then went out and said to the other disciple,“No,the master is not in favour of the present ruler.”一五

Confucius remarked,“Living upon the poorest fare with cold water for drink,and with my bended arms for a pil-low,——I could yet find pleasure in such a life,whereas riches and honours acquired through the sacrifice of what is right,would be to me as unreal as a mirage.”一六

Confucius once remarked,after he had begun the study of the I-king,“If I could hope to live some years more,long enough to complete my study of the I-king,I should then hope to be without any great shortcomings in my life.”一七

The subjects upon which Confucius loved to talk were:Poetry,history,and the rules of courtesy and good manners.He frequently talked on these subjects.一八

The reigning prince of a small principality asked a dis-ciple of Confucius,the intrepid Chung Yu,to give his opin-ion of Confucius.The disciple did not say anything in reply.When Confucius afterwards heard of the enquiry,he said to his disciple:“Why did you not say to him thus:‘He is a man who,in the efforts he makes to overcome the difficulty in acquiring knowledge.neglects his food,and,in the joy of its attainment,forgets his sorrows of life;and,who thus absorbed,becomes oblivious that old age is stealing on him?’”一九

Confucius remarked,“I am not one born with under-standing.I am only one who has given himself to the study of Antiquity and is diligent in seeking for understanding in such studies.”二〇

Confucius always refused to talk of supernatural phenom-ena;of extraordinay feats of strength;of crime of unnatural depravity of men;or of supernatural beings.二一

Confucius remarked,“When three men meet together,one of them who is anxious to learn can always learn something of the other two.He can profit by the good example of the one and avoid the bad example of the other.”二二

Confucius,on one occasion of great personal danger to his person from an enemy,was heard to say,“God has given me this moral and intellectual power in me;what can that man do to me?”二三

But on another occasion Confucius remarked to his disciples,“Do you think,my friends,that I have somemysterious power within me?I have really nothing mysteri-ous in me——to you,of all others.For if there is anyone who shows to you everything which he does,I am,you know,my friends,that person.”二四

Confucius through his life and teaching taught only four things:a knowledge of literature and the arts,conduct,con-scientiousness and truthfulness.二五

Confucius once speaking of the men and state of the society of his time,remarked,“Holy,sainted men I do not expect to see;if I could only meet with wise and good men I would be satisfied.”

“Perfectly honest men I do not expect to see;if I could only meet with scrupulous men I would be satisfied.But in a state of society in which men must pretend to possess what they really do not possess;pretend to have plenty,when they have really nothing;and pretend to be in affluence when they are in actual want——in such a state of society,it is difficult to be even a scrupulous man.”二六

Confucius sometimes went out fishing,but always with the rod and angle;he would never use a net.He sometimes went out shooting,but he would never shoot at a bird except on the wing.二七

Confucius once remarked,“There are,perhaps,men who propound theories which they themselves do not understand.That is a thing I never do.I read and learn everthing and,choose what is excellent,I adopt it;I see everything and take note of what I see:that is,perhaps,next to having a great understanding.”二八

A certain place was noted for the bad character of the people in it.When Confucius allowed a young man of that place to be presented to him,his disciples were astonished.But Confucius said,“Why should one be too severe?When a man reforms and comes to me for advice,I accept his pres-ent reformation without inquiring what his past life has been.I am satisfied if I find that,for the present,he has really reformed,without being able to guarantee that he will not relapes again.But why should one be too severe?”二九

Confucius then went on to remark,“Is moral life some-thing remote or difficult?If a men will only wish to live a moral life——there and then his life becomes moral.”三〇

A minister of justice in a certain State enquired of Con-fucius,while he was in that State on his travels,if the reigning prince in Confucius’native State was a man of propriety in his life.“Yes,”answered Confucius,“he is.”

After a while,when Confucius had left,the minister beck-oned to a disciple of Confucius to approach,and said to him:“I have always been taught to believe that a good and wise man is impartial in his judgment.But now I find it is not so.The reiging prince of your State married a princess from the reign-ing house of a State whose family surname is the same as thatof your prince;and,to conceal the impropriety,your prince changed her surname in the title given to her a Court.Now if,after his,your prince can be considered a man of propriety in life,who may not be considered so?”

Afterwards when the disciple told Confucius of what the minister said,Confucius remarked,“I am glad that whenever I make a mistake,people always know it.”三一

When Confucius asked a man to sing,if he sang well,Confucius would make him sing again the same song,accom-panying him with his own voice.三二

Confucius remarked,“In the knowledge of letters and the arts,I may perhaps compare myself with other men.But as the character of a good and wise man who carries out in his personal conduct what he professes,——that is something to which I have not yet attained.”三三

Confucius then went on to say,“And as for the charac-ter of a holy,sainted man or even a moral character,——how should I dare to pretend to that.That I spare no pains in striv-ing after it and I am indefatigable in teaching others to strive for it.——that,perhaps,may be said of me.”

A disciple,who heard what was said,thereupon remarked,





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