
发布时间:2020-09-30 20:49:21
















限于编者水平,疏误在所难免,希望读者批评指正。作 者


adjectiveadj.形容词adverbadv.副词art.article冠词conjunctionconj.连词interjectioninterj.感叹词n.noun名词num.numeral数词pluralpl.复数prep.preposition介词pron.pronoun代词singlesing.单数v.aux.auxiliary verb助动词intransitive verbvi.不及物动词vt.transitive verb及物动词link verblink.v.系动词AmEAmerican English美式英语


rEBritish English英式英语




Vowels 元音Consonants 辅音




[eɪ, ə](an [æn, ən]) art.①一个 ②任何一个(强调类别)③每,每一able

[ˈeɪbl] adj.①有能力的,能干的[反]unable:Your father is an able man.你父亲是个能干的人。②能够:Will you be able to come tonight?你今晚能来吗?

词组短语 be able to(do)能,会about

[əˈbaʊt] adv.①大约,左右:We have learned about 500 English words.我们已经学了500个左右英语单词。②到处,四处,在附近 prep.①关于,对于:Mr.Smith asked the teacher about his son.史密斯先生向老师询问有关他儿子的情况。②四处,在各处

构词巧记 be about to do sth.后不接表示将来的时间状语:The sun is about to set soon.(误)The sun is about to set.(正)太阳快要落山了。

同义辨析 ①about常用于比较一般和随便的场合,常与hear,read,think,argue,worry,know,learn等词连用。②on多用于较严肃的或有关学术讨论的场合,常与report,lecture等词连用。a book about Africa 一本关于非洲的书(内容一般,介绍非

洲)a book on Africa(严肃的学术著作,研究性质)

词组短语 be about to do 正要做,即将做;What/How about …?怎么样…?怎么办…?(用于询问消息,提供建议或征询意见)above

[əˈbʌv] prep.①在…上面:The temperature will stay above zero in the day-time.白天的温度将保持在零度以上。②(数量、价格等)大于 ③超出 adv.①在上面:There is a picture above.上面有一幅画。②前述,上文。

同义辨析 ①above表示位置:在…之上,高于(反义词below)。②over也表示位置:在…之上,高于,但含有在正上方,垂直在上之意(反义词under)。③on表示同某物的上面接触(反义词beneath)。



词组短语 above all 首要的是,尤其重要的是abroad

[əˈbrɔːd] adv.在国外,到国外:She was sent abroad.她被派往国外了。

词组短语 go abroad 出国;at home and abroad 国内外accept

[əkˈsept] vt.①接受:I think he will accept your suggestion.我认为他会接受你的建议。②同意,相信:Many people accept this scientific idea.许多人同意这一科学观点。

同义辨析 ①receive:客观上“收到”。②accept:主观上(愿意)“接受”。receive的东西主观上不一定accept。accident

[ˈæksɪdənt] n.(C)①事故,意外遭遇:I had a little accident last Sunday.上星期天我遇到了一点意外的事。②意外,意外因素:It was a pure accident.这纯属意外。

同义辨析 ①accident:偶然发生的意外事件,如车祸、火灾等。②incident:附属性的小事件,也指政治事件。③event:重大活动,重大事件,具有历史意义的事。

词组短语 by accident 偶然,无意中,不小心ache

[eɪk] n.(C)疼痛:The ache in her tooth was terrific and she couldn't eat anything.她牙痛得厉害,什么东西也不能吃。

同义辨析 ①ache:身体局部的、持续的隐痛。②pain:泛指“疼痛”,也可指剧痛。

联想扩展 headache n.头痛;stomachache n.胃痛;backache n.背痛;toothache n.牙痛across

[əˈkrɒs] prep.①穿过,横穿,越过:He helped a blind man across the street.他帮助一位盲人过街。②在对面 adv.①横越,穿过:Tell the children to walk across when the road is busy.告诫孩子们交通拥挤时不要过马路。②交叉地。

同义辨析 ①across:在事物的表面穿过。②through:在事物的中间穿过。③around:环绕,围绕。across the street:从大街一边到另一边through the street:从大街的一头到另一头

词组短语 come across 偶然遇到act

[ækt] n.(C)①行为,行动:It is a noble act to help the people in trouble.帮助有困难的人是一种高尚的行为。②法令,条例:The act has been passed and will soon go into effect.该法令已被通过,不久就生效。③(戏剧)幕 vt.&vi.扮演,演出,表演 vi.①行动,表现 ②起作用,发生作用

同义辨析 ①act:具体、一时的行动。②action:抽象的行动。③deed:高尚、英勇的行为,事迹。action

[ˈækʃn] n.①(U)行动,活动:His quick action saved the girl's life.他行动迅速,救了那女孩的命。②(C)行为,举动:Actions are more important than words.行动比言论重要。③(C)作用

词组短语 take action 采取行动;out of action 不运转,坏了;put into action 开始实施(计划、想法)active

[ˈæktɪv] adj.①积极的,活跃的:He is active in public affairs.他热心公共事业。②主动的,起作用的:Be careful!That dangerous chemical is still active.小心!那种危险的化学品仍是有作用的。

词组短语 take an active part in 积极参加activity

[ˈæktɪvɪti] n.(C)活动,各项活动:Among her activities are swimming and photography.游泳和摄影是她的两项活动。

词组短语 outdoor activities 户外活动;business activities 商业活动;social activities 社会活动actor

[ˈæktə] n.(C)男演员:A famous actor is coming to our school today.一位著名男演员今天要来我们学校。actress

[ˈæktrɪs] n.(C)女演员:She is a bad actress.她是一个蹩脚的女演员。

构词巧记 -ess 表示阴性:host 男主人→hostess 女主人;prince 王子,亲王→princess 公主;waiter 男侍者→waitress 女侍者。ad

[æd] n.[口]广告(advertisement 的缩写):He put an ad in the paper to sell his house.他在报上刊登广告,出售房子。add

[æd] vt.①加:If you add two to six,you get eight.二加六得八。②添加,增加:Add a few more names to the list.名单上再加上几个名字。vi.增添

词组短语 add in 加进,插入;add to增添,增加;add up总计,合计;add up to总计,总数是,意味着,总而言之address

[əˈdres] n.(C)①地址:I wrote the wrong address on the envelope.我在信封上写错了地址。②演说,讲话advantage

[ədˈvɑːntɪdʒ,ədˈvæntɪdʒ] n.(C,U)①优点,有利条件,有利因素:It is a big advantage.这是一个很大的优势。②利益,好处:There are many advantages of living in the city.住在城市里有诸多好处。

词组短语 take advantage of利用,捉弄advertisement

[ədˈvɜːtɪsmənt] n.(C)广告,广告活动:She put an advertisement in the paper to sell her house.她为售她的房在报上登广告。

词组短语 place/put an advertisement in a newspaper 在报纸上登广告;place/put an advertisement on TV 在电视上做广告advice

[ədˈvaɪs] n.(U)①劝告,忠告:If you follow the doctor's advice,you'll get well soon.如果你遵照医生的劝告,不久就会痊愈。②意见,建议:He asked his father for advice on the matter.他征求父亲对这件事的意见。

词组短语 give one's advice 给予建议;take one's advice 接受建议;a piece of advice 一个忠告

用法难点 advice 是不可数名词:many advices(误)much advice(正)许多劝告

同义辨析 ①advice:根据自己的经验、学识提出供人参考的意见。②suggestion:为改进工作等而提出的建议。advise

[ədˈvaɪz] vt.①劝告,建议:The doctor advised him to stop smoking.医生劝他戒烟。②通知,告知:I had advised her,but she didn't come.我通知过她了,可她没来。vi.①提出意见,商量

同义辨析 ①advise:提出有益的良言,给人的忠告。②suggest:提出建议。③recommend:就某种选择或可能性提出积极的建议。

词组短语 advise doing sth.建议做某事

advise sb.not to do 建议某人不做against doingaeroplane

[ˈeərəpleɪn] n.(C)飞机[同]airplane:The Wrights invented the first aeroplane.莱特兄弟发明了第一架飞机。

词组短语 by aeroplane 乘飞机afraid

[əˈfreɪd] adj.①害怕的:He is afraid to go there.他不敢去那里。②担心的:I am afraid he will be late.我担心他会迟到。

用法难点 ①afraid只可作表语,不可作定语,不可说an afraid boy。②I'm afraid not(恐怕不是)和I'm afraid so(恐怕是这样)常用作答语。

词组短语 be afraid of 害怕;be afraid of doing sth.害怕做某事;be afraid to do sth.不敢做某事;be afraid+从句恐怕(提出异议或表示歉意的回绝)Africa

[ˈæfrɪkə] n.非洲:Many countries in Africa are still very poor even today.即使在今天,非洲的许多国家仍然很贫穷。African

[ˈæfrɪkən] n.(C)非洲人:He met some Africans on the way back.他在返回的路上遇见几个非洲人。adj.非洲(人)的:The expert wrote a book about his strange adventures in the African forests.那位专家写了一本书,讲述了他在非洲丛林中的种种奇遇。after

[ˈɑːftə] prep.①在…之后(表示时间):He went to school after breakfast.他吃完早饭后上学了。②在…后面(表示位置) adv.在后,后来 conj.在…以后:Let's meet outside the gate after school is over.放学后我们在大门外见面。

词组短语 after class 课后;soon/shortly after 不久以后;be/run after 追逐,追赶;after all 毕竟;one after another 陆续地,一个接一个地

用法难点 ①下面的句子要用in,不用after:He will return after an hour.(误)He will return in an hour.(正)他一个小时以后回来。

②after常指时间的先后,表明顺序时,指先后次序;behind常指位置的先后,指“在…的背后”,指时间时,有“晚于,迟于”的含义,但有时可换用:go to bed after ten o'clock 10点后睡觉stand behind the door 站在门后go into the room after/behind sb.跟着某人进入房间afternoon

[ˌɑːftəˈnuːn] n.(C)下午,午后:Please come this afternoon.请今天下午来。

词组短语 an afternoon sleep 午睡;an afternoon walk 午后散步;afternoon tea 下午茶again

[əˈɡeɪn] adv.①再一次:Let's go over the lesson again.咱们把课文再复习一遍。②再,又:Can I try again?我再试试,行吗?

同义辨析 ①again是副词,指再次,重复原来的动作。②another是形容词,意为“另外的”。

词组短语 again and again 一再地,反复地;once again 再次,重新against

[əˈɡeɪnst] prep.①反对:Are you for or against the plan?你支持还是反对这个计划?②逆:The ship is sailing against the wind.船正逆风航行。

词组短语 be against the plan反对该计划;fight against the enemy 对敌斗争age

[eɪdʒ] n.①(C)年龄,年纪:At the age of forty a person has reached middle age.人到了40岁就进入中年。②(C)时代,世纪:The tool belongs to the Stone Ages.这件工具是属于石器时代的。

词组短语 be of age 成年;the middle ages中古时代;at the age of在…岁时ago

[əˈɡəʊ] adv.以前(用于被修饰词之后):She studied here two years ago.她两年前在这里学习。

用法难点 ①ago以现在时间为准,指在现时前,用于过去时。②before以过去时间为准,指在过去某时以前,用于过去完成时中agree

[əˈɡriː] vt.&vi.①同意,意见一致:I asked to use the room and he agreed.我要用那个房间,他同意了。②应允,答应:He agreed to lend me some money.他答应借给我一些钱。

用法难点 agree后不能接不定式的复合结构,不能说:She agreed us to use the bike.应该说:She agreed to let us use the bike.她同意我们用这辆自行车。

同义辨析 ①agree to同意或接受某人的观点、意见(plan,suggestion,request等)。②agree with 赞成(sb.,one's opinion,what one said)。③agree on/upon就…达成协议,与…意见一致(term,date)。④agree:一般的同意,达成一致。

词组短语 agree on对…意见一致;agree to do sth.同意做某事;agree with sb.同意某人的意见;agree to(a plan)同意(计划)。agreement

[əˈɡriːmənt] n.①(U)同意,一致:We are quite in agreement with what you said.我们十分同意你所说的话。②(C)协议,约定:The first agreement on education between the two countries was signed in 2002.这两个国家的第一个教育方面的协议签署于2002年。

词组短语 arrive at/come to/reach an agreement 达成协议

联想扩展 disagreement n.不一致;disagree vt.&vi.不同意agricultural

[ˌæɡrɪˈkʌltʃərəl] adj.农业的,农用的:There new measures will lead to agricultural development.这些新的措施将带来农业的发展。

词组短语 agricultural bank 农业银行agriculture

[ˈæɡrɪkʌltʃə] n.(U)农业,农学:The country depends on agriculture for most of its income.这个国家的大部分收入依赖于农业生产。

联想扩展 commerce n.商业;industry n.工业;trade n.贸易ahead

[əˈhed] adv.①在前面,在前头:The road ahead leads to a small town.前面的路通向一个小镇。②向前,朝前:He is staring straight ahead.他目不转睛地盯着前方。

同义辨析 ①ahead of:在时间、某人之前(time,us)。②in front of:在场所的前面(the library)。

词组短语 ahead of①在…前面 ②提前,比…早;go ahead 往前走,继续,进展,干吧air

[eə] n.①(U)大气,空气:He opened the window and let in some fresh air.他打开窗户,透透新鲜空气。②(U)空中,天空:He saw an eagle flying in the air.他看见一只鹰在空中飞翔。

词组短语 by air乘飞机,用无线电;on the air播送,广播;in the air在空中,流传中airplane

[ˈeəpleɪn] n.(C)(AmE)飞机:Jumping out of an airplane is an exciting experience.从飞机上往下跳是令人激动的体验。

词组短语 by airplane乘坐飞机

联想扩展 jet n.喷气式飞机;helicopter n.直升机;airliner n.班机,客机;fighter n.歼击机airport

[ˈeəpɔːt] n.(C)航空站,飞机场alive

[əˈlaɪv] adj.①活的,活着的:The two fish in the bottle are still alive.瓶子里的两条鱼仍然活着。②活跃的,充满生气的:My grandpa is still very much alive.我祖父的精力依然十分充沛。

同义辨析 ①alive:常作表语,多指人(stay alive)。②living:可作定语和表语,指人或物,意为“活着的,现存的,现行的”(my living relatives 我在世的亲友)。③live [laɪv]:作定语,指物,表示“活的,现场转播的,精力充沛的”(live/living fish活鱼)。

词组短语 stay alive 活下去;come alive活跃起来,(城市等)变得繁忙。all

[ɔːl] adj.①全,总,整(修饰单数名词)②全部,所有的(修饰复数名词):Of all the students,she studies hardest.所有学生中,她学习最努力。adv.全部地,都 pron./n.①每一个,全部(用于三者或三者以上)②全体(用作同位语):The workers all wore thick clothes and glasses over their eyes.工人们都穿着厚厚的衣服,戴着眼镜。

用法难点 ①All men are not honest.所有的人都不诚实。(误)并非所有的人都诚实。(正)

②句中的谓语动词要同all所修饰的名词一致:All the meat have gone bad.(误)All the meat has gone bad.(正)所有的肉都坏了。

同义辨析 ①all和every的区别:all是整体上去看,可同单数名词或复数名词连用;every是从每个个体着眼,只能同单数名词连用。all可以修饰不可数名词,而every不可以。

②all和whole的区别:结构上不同。the whole money(误)all the money(正)所有的钱all her lifeher whole life 她整个一生

③all和all of的区别:结构上不同。all+名词:all countries 所有的国家all of+定冠词等限定词+名词:all of the students所有的学

生all of+人称代词宾格:all of them 他们所有的人

词组短语 all day long 终日,整天;all one's life 一辈子,一生;above all首先,最重要的是;after all终究,最后;first of all首先,最重要的;in all全部,合计;all over结束,遍及,到处;all right行了,好吧,(病)好了;all the same仍然,依然;all the time一直;at all完全,根本(常用于否定句中);not at all不用谢(答谢的客套话);all in all总的来说,从各方面来说allow

[əˈlaʊ] vt.①准许,允许:You are not allowed to talk loud in class.你不可以在课堂上大声讲话。②承认,认可

用法难点 他不允许在这里抽烟。He doesn't allow to smoke here.(误)He doesn't allow smoking here.(正)almost

[ˈɔːlməʊst] adv.几乎,差不多:I stayed there for almost a week.我在那里逗留了将近一个星期。

同义辨析 ①almost 可同never,nothing,nobody,nowhere,no one,too连用。②nearly不可同never等连用,但almost和never有时可通用。alone

[əˈləʊn] adj.①单独的,独自的:She is alone.她独自一人。②孤独的,孤单的:He felt terribly alone when Jane left.简走后,他感到非常孤独。

同义辨析alone:作表语、状语或后置定语lonely:作定语或表语:a lonely man,feel lonelyalone:单独的,独个的,说明客观事实。lonely:孤独的,寂寞的,有感情色彩:The old man often feels lonely when he is alone.这位老人独自一人常感到孤独。

词组短语 leave/let sb.or sth.alone别打扰,不要碰;all alone独自地,独立地along

[əˈlɒŋ] prep.沿着,顺着:She walked along the river.她沿着河岸走。adv.①向前 ②和…一起,一同:I took a friend along with me.我带了一位朋友去。

同义辨析 ①along常同表示形状狭长的名词连用 ②through 表示从中间穿过

词组短语 walk along 向前走;all along一直,始终;along with与…一起;get along进展,过生活aloud

[əˈlaʊd] adv.出声地,大声地:The teacher asked me to read the story aloud.老师要我朗读这个故事。

同义辨析 ①aloud:声音大得可以听见。②loud:声音大而传得远。③loudly:同loud,较正式,常同表示抱怨、喧闹、抗议的动词连用。

词组短语 call aloud大叫already

[ɔːlˈredi] adv.已经:I have been to the park already and I don't want to go again.我去过那个公园,不想再去了。

用法难点 already 用于疑问句表示惊讶,常放在句尾:Have you finished the work already?你竟然已经完成工作了?(真想不到这么快)

同义辨析 ①already 通常用于肯定句,放在句中。②yet 常用于否定句和疑问句,放在句中also

[ˈɔːlsəʊ] adv.①也,同样:The fire also destroyed an ancient tower.这场大火还烧毁了一座古塔。②而且,此外:My father can speak English and also a little



词组短语 not only …but also 不仅…而且(连接两个相同的句子成分)although

[ɔːlˈðəʊ] conj.虽然,尽管:Although the car is old it still runs well.汽车虽然很旧,但跑起来仍然不错。

用法难点 although 不同but 连用,但可同yet,still连用:

这个房间虽小,但很舒适。Although the room is small but it is comfortable. (误)Although the room is small,it is comfortable.(正)Although the room is small,yet/still it is comfortable.(正)

同义辨析 ①although:较正式,位于句首。②though:可用于强调或作副词,在倒装句中要用though,不用although,可以说even though,as though。always

[ˈɔːlweɪz] adv.①总是,永远,始终,一直:I'll always remember the day.我会永远记住那一天。

用法难点 always 在句中要放在实义动词前,助动词和情态动词后:

我早饭总要吃一个煮鸡蛋。I have always a boiled egg for breakfast.(误)I always have a boiled egg for breakfast.(正)a.m/am,A.M./AM

[ˈeɪˈem] (用于表示时间的数字后)上午,午前[反]p.m.:She works from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.every day.她每天从上午8点工作到下午5点。amaze

[əˈmeɪz] vt.使吃惊,使惊愕:I was amazed by his great progress.他的巨大进步让我吃惊。

用法难点be amazed by:amazed 为过去分词,是被动语态。be amazed at:amazed 为形容词,是系表结构。

同义辨析 ①amaze:由于好奇或心理上的混乱而吃惊。②surprise:感到意外、突然而吃惊。③shock:出人意料,使人感到震惊、不快。

词组短语 be amazedto do sth.at sth.that 从句amazing

[əˈmeɪzɪŋ] adj.①令人吃惊的:It is an amazing achievement.这是一项惊人成就。②了不起的,好得惊人的:He's an amazing player to watch.看他比赛那才叫精彩呢。America

[əˈmerɪkə] n.美洲,美国:Her parents moved to America before she was born.在她出生之前,她父母就移民到了美国。American

[əˈmerɪkən] adj.美洲的,美国(人)的:Many young men like to see American films.许多年轻人喜欢看美国影片。n.(C)美洲人,美国人:A favourite drink of the Americans is coca-cola.美国人最喜欢的饮料之一是可口可乐。among

[əˈmʌŋ] prep.①在…中间,为…所围绕,在(三者或三者以上)之间:Miss Jones was sitting among the students then.那时,琼斯小姐正坐在学生们中间。

同义辨析 ①among常用于三者或三者以上。②between 常用于两者之间:③among 后接最高级形容词,the first,the last,表示“…之一”:amuse

[əˈmjuːz] vt.①逗乐,逗笑:His jokes amused all the people present.他的笑话把所有在场的人都逗乐了。②供娱乐或消遣:He amused himself by playing card games.他用打牌来消遣。

词组短语 amuse oneself by 以…自娱;feel amused at/by/with 对…感到有趣;an amusing story 有趣的故事ancient

[ˈeɪnʃənt] adj.古代的,古老的:The ancient building has a history of 1,500 years.这座古建筑有1500年历史。

同义辨析 ①ancient:古代的,古老的。②old:相对young或new而言的“老,旧”。and

[ænd,ənd] conj.①和,又:John and I have passed the exam.我和约翰通过了考试。②(表示结果)只要…就会,那么:Make another try,and you will succeed.再试一次,你就会成功的。③然后

词组短语 again and again 一次又一次;better and better 越来越好;more and more 越来越多angry

[ˈæŋɡri] adj.发怒的,愤怒的,生气的,易发火的:The teacher was angry at seeing so many students absent from class.老师看到这么多学生缺课,非常生气。

词组短语 be/get angry at/about sth.因某事生气;be angry with sb.对某人生气animal

[ˈænɪml] n.(C)①(四肢)动物:There are a lot of animals on the island.这座岛上有许多动物。②牲畜,走兽:My uncle feeds a lot of animals on the farm.我叔叔在农场上养了许多牲畜。

联想扩展 plant n.植物;botany n.植物学;zoology n.动物学;biology n.生物学another

[əˈnʌðə] adj.①又一的,别的,不同的:I'll give you another example.我再给你举一个例子。pron.①(同类)另一个,再一个:I don't like this book.Can you lend me another?我不喜欢这本书,你能不能借给我一本别的?

用法难点 another 后面要用单数名词,但也可以跟带few 或带数字的复数名词:Jack kicked another goal.杰克又射进一个球。another few weeks 另几周,another three weeks 另三周,another ten dollars 另加10美元。

同义辨析 ①another指不定数目的另一个。②the other指两者中的另一个。

词组短语 one after another相继地,一个接一个地answer

[ˈɑːnsə] n.(C)回答,答案:


o you know the answer to the question?你知道这个问题的答案吗?vt.&vi.①回答,答复 ②接,应:No one answered the phone at home,so I rang her at work.家里没有人接电话,所以我就打到她上班的地方。③回信

同义辨析 ①answer:及物动词,常用词,书面、口头回答皆可。②reply(to):不及物动词,书面语,考虑后的正式回答。③respond(to):不及物动词,对他人的言行作出反应。④solve:解决(problem,puzzle)。

词组短语 answer a telephone call 接电话;answer a door(应声)开门;make an answer 作出回答;give an answer 给予回答ant

[ænt] n.(C)蚂蚁:She found a swarm of ants on the roadside.她发现路边有一群蚂蚁。anxious

[ˈæŋkʃəs] adj.①忧虑的,担心的:Mrs.Brown was anxious about/for her daughter's safety.布朗夫人担心女儿的安全。②急切的,渴望的:He is anxious for a car.他渴望拥有一辆车。

同义辨析 ①anxious:担心失败或不好的遭遇。②eager(for,about):渴望做某事的急切心情。③keen(on):因有强烈的兴趣而急于做。

词组短语 be anxious about/for 担心,着急,渴望any

[ˈeni] adj.①任一的,任何一个:Are there any people on the island?岛上有人吗?②一些(用于否定句、疑问句、条件句等,常不译出)。pron.任何一个,(无论)哪一个,(无论)哪些:Have you read any of these books?这些书有你读过的吗?adv.丝毫,一点,稍(多用于否定句):I can't walk any further.我再也走不动了。

用法难点 ①表示请求或期望得到肯定回答时用some:Would you lend me some money?你借些钱给我好吗?

②any与either的区别:any指三个或三个以上人或物中的任何一个(any of her

books)either指两个中的任何一个(either of her parents)

词组短语 (not)any longer不再;not any more不再anybody

[ˈenɪbɒdi] pron.①(用在否定句、疑问句、条件句中)任何人:I didn't see anybody else there.我在那里没有看到别的人。②无论谁:Anybody can do such a thing.这种事谁都能做。anyone

[ˈenɪwʌn] pron.①任何人(用在否定句、疑问句、条件句中):Did anyone call when I was out?我外出时有人打电话吗?②任何人,无论谁(用在肯定句中):He is cleverer than anyone I know.他比我认识的任何人都聪明。

同义辨析 ①anyone,everyone和someone为代词,只指人,不指物,后不可接of短语。②any one,every one,some one 为短语,可指人或物,后常接of短语。Anyone of us can make a mistake.(误)Any one of us can make a mistake.(正)anything

[ˈenɪθɪŋ] pron.①任何事物,任何东西(用在否定句、疑问句、条件句中):Is there anything else you want to borrow?你还要借别的什么吗?②无论何事,无论何物(用在肯定句中):You can do anything you like.你想做什么就做什么。

同义辨析 ①anything but:根本不是(=not at all)。②nothing but:只,仅仅。③all but:除了…都(=except),几乎(=almost)。anywhere

[ˈenɪweə] adv.①(用在否定句、疑问句、条件句中)在或往什么地方,在或往任何地方:Are you going anywhere this weekend?你周末要去什么地方吗?②(用在肯定句中)随便什么地方:Sit anywhere,there are plenty of seats.随便坐吧,有的是座位。appear

[əˈpɪə] vi.出现,显露:A rainbow appeared in the sky after the heavy rain.大雨过后,天空出现了一道彩虹。apple

[ˈæpl] n.(C)苹果:Please give an apple to each of the children.请给孩子们每人一个苹果。

联想扩展 banana n.香蕉;pear n.梨;apricot n.杏;plum n.李子;orange n.橘子;pineapple n.菠萝April

[ˈeɪprəl] (缩写Apr.) n.四月:April is the fourth month of the year.四月是一年中的第四个月。area

[ˈeərɪə] n.①(C,U)面积。②(C)地区,地域,地方:Many areas of Asia suffered severe drought last year.亚洲的许多地区去年都遭遇了严重的干旱。③(C)领域,范围:There have been new developments in the area of language teaching in the past few years.最近几年,语言教学领域有了新的发展。

词组短语 an area of research 研究范围;the shopping area 购物区arm

[ɑːm] n.①(C)手臂,胳膊:Mother carries a baby in her arms.母亲抱着一个婴儿。②(pl.)武器:The soldiers had plenty of arms.士兵们有充足的武器。

用法难点 表示“武器”必须用复数arms。

词组短语 with open arms 伸出双臂,热情地;take …in one's arms拥抱;take up arms拿起武器army

[ˈɑːmi] n.(C)①军队:He joined the army two years ago.他两年前参军的。②陆军:We have a powerful modern army and air force.我们有一支强大的现代化陆军和空军。around

[əˈraʊnd] prep.①在各处,到处:The children started to walk around the island.孩子们开始在岛上四处转悠。②在那边,在…附近,在…近处 ③围绕 ④大约,左右 adv.①到处,四处 ②大约,左右:It takes around twenty minutes to get there.到那里大约需要20分钟。③在附近,出现 ④绕圈,转圈:He watched the wheels going around silently.他静静地看着轮子旋转。

词组短语 all around到处,四周,周围;look around四下看看,环视;show sb.around领某人参观;get around(消息等)传开arrive

[əˈraɪv] vi.①到达:She arrived at the airport at ten o'clock.她10点钟到达机场。②(时间等)来到,来临:The summer holiday arrived at last.暑假终于到来了。

用法难点arrive at到达较小的地方(乡村,车站,机场,小城镇)arrive in到达大地方(大城市,国家,州)arrive on用于某些词前(farm,scene)

同义辨析 ①arrive 是不及物动词,arrive 接副词时,不可用介词:arrive home 到家,arrive there 到达那里。②arrive 为瞬间动词,不能与表示“一段”的时间状语连用:He has arrived for two hours.(误)He arrived two hours ago.(正)他两小时前到达的。

③reach 为及物动词,表示“到达”时,不需要加介词。④get to 常作为口语用词:Did you get to your uncle's at nine yesterday evening?昨夜9点你到你叔叔家的吗?get to 接副词时,要去掉介词to:get home 到家,get here 到达这里。

词组短语 arrive at an agreement 达成协议art

[ɑːt] n.①(U)美术:She is fond of art and music.她喜爱美术和音乐。②(C,U)艺术:He can appreciate modern art.他能欣赏现代艺术。

词组短语 art of living 谋生的本领;a work of art 艺术品article

[ˈɑːtɪkl] n.(C)①文章:He began writing articles for a newspaper at the age of thirteen.他13岁就开始为一家报纸写文章。②(一件)物品,商品:She didn't take much with her,just a few articles of clothing.她没带太多东西,只带了几件衣服。

词组短语 an article of 一件(常修饰不可数名词)as

[æz,əz] prep.①作为,当作 ②像,如同 adv.同样地,一样地:This maths problem is as difficult as that one.这道数学题同那道一样难。conj.①像…(一样),以…方式,正如 ②当…时:As I was looking out of the window,I saw a rainbow.我向窗外望时,看见一道彩虹。③由于,鉴于 ④虽然,尽管:pron.①…样的人或物(常与the same,such等连用):This is the same kinfe as I lost yesterday.这与我昨天丢失的那把小刀一样。

用法难点 as引导让步状语从句和原因状语从句,常倒装:Poor as he is,he is honest.他虽穷但却诚实。(让步)Child as he is,he can't understand it.他还是个孩子,理解


词组短语 as if/though 好像,似乎;as …as像,如同;not as/so …as不像,不如;as …as possible/one can尽可能地;as far as直到,远到;as soon as一…就;as usual像平常一样;the same …as与…一样;such …as如此的,这样的;such as例如,如…的;as/so long as只要;as a result因此,终于,结果;as well as除…之外还,和,及;as a whole整个来说,作为一个整体Asia

[ˈeɪʃə] n.亚洲:China is the biggest country in Asia.中国是亚洲最大的国家。Asian

[ˈeɪʃn] adj.亚洲的,亚洲人的:the Asian countries 亚洲诸国 n.(C)亚洲人。ask

[ɑːsk] vt.①问,询问[同]question:I asked what he wanted.我问他要什么。②要求,请求[同]demand,request:They asked her to sing a song.他们请求她唱一支歌。③邀请[同]invite vi.①问,询问:②要求,请求:He asked for my support.他要求我支持他。

用法难点Jim asked for him 吉姆要见他。Jim asked for his advice.吉姆征求他的意见。Jim asked about him.吉姆问候他。Jim asked about his school life.吉姆询问他的学校生活。

词组短语 ask sb.for sth.向某人要某物;ask the way 问路;





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