
发布时间:2020-10-01 08:53:41












本书以我国英语界泰斗、英语惯用法权威葛传椝先生所著的《英语惯用法词典》(新修订本简体字重排本)为蓝本对原书中一些过于陈旧的汉译作了相应的改动。Aa, an

1.a和an用法的区别,一般说来,是在以辅音开首的词前面用a,在以元音开首的词前面用an。不过要注意,这里说的是辅音和元音,不是辅音字母和元音字母。如hour以辅音字母h开首,但读音作[ˈaʊə],是以元音开首的,所以前面该用an,不用a。又如one以元音字母o开首,但读音作[wʌn],是以辅音开首的,所以前面该用a,不用an。又如M. A.(=Master of Arts,文科硕士)里的M是辅音字母,但读音作[em](M. A. 读[ˈemˈeɪ]或[emˈeɪ]),所以前面该用an,不用a。MS(=manuscript,手稿)前面往往用a而不用an,并不因为M是辅音字母,却因为读音往往作[ˈmænjʊskrɪpt]。又如8并不是词,无所谓辅音或元音,但读音作[eɪt],所以前面该用an,不用a。&只是一个符号,因为它的名称是ampersand,读音作[ˈæmpəsænd],所以前面该用an。

据有些语法书说,以[h]音开首而没有重音的音节前面该用an,如an historian,不作a historian。这规则现在可说不成立了(虽然还有人——尤其是英国人——遵守着),现在尽可用a,用an反嫌不自然。例如:

a habitual smile, a heroic act, a historian, a hotel, a hypothesis

有些英国人,在以[juː]或[jʊ]音开首的词(如eulogy, euphonic, European, university, united和usual)前面,用an而不用a,在以[h]音开首的词(如hero, history, hospital, hundred和hymn)前面也用an而不用a,在one前面也用an而不用a,这种人似乎现在比以前少了。

2.哪个名词前面可以用a(或an),哪个名词前面不可用a(或an)呢?一般说来,可数名词前面可以用a(或an),不可数名词前面不可用a(或an),如可以说a healthy boy,却不可说a health,可以说a chair,却不可说a furniture。但事实并不这样简单。所谓“可数”和“不可数”,要看那个词的正确意思而定,不可根据它的普通汉译。如不可说a fun, an information,却可以说a pastime, a knowledge。又如dance, hurry, interest, kiss等词前面都可以用a(或an)。又如with child(有孕的),in class(在教室里),take horse(上马),send word(通知)等习语里都不可用a(或an)。但at a loss(不知所措的),with a view to(以…为目的),on an average(作为平均数),take a fancy to(喜欢)等习语里的a(或an)都是少不得的。这些都应该从习惯,不是几条规则所能包括得了的。一般说来,有复数形式的名词前面可以用a(或an),无复数形式的名词前面不可用a(或an)。如boy和laugh有复数形式boys和laughs,所以可以说a boy和a laugh,completion和laughter无复数形式,所以不可说a completion和a laughter。但有些在习惯上无复数形式的名词,前面却往往也用a(或an)。这大概有下面四种情况:(1)多少有些抽象性的。例如:

I have a great admiration for Gorky.


e has received a good education.

She has a fondness for roses.

You seem to have a hatred of dogs.


am in a hurry.

There is a bustle going on in the house.

We need not make a fuss about the matter.

The arrival of the visitors caused a great stir.

He speaks with a lisp.

She talks with a stammer.

We had a fine catch yesterday. (我们昨天捉到了许多鱼。)

We had a plentiful kill today. (我们今天打到了许多猎物。)

I hope you will give me a lead. (我希望你给我开个头。)

He has a good knowledge of Russian.

You must avoid such a waste of time.

The book has a wealth of pictures.(2)a(或an)...指“一个…的泉源”。例如:

A good pupil is a credit to his teachers.

A lazy boy is a discredit to his parents.

A lazy boy is a dishonour to his class.

A patriot is an honour to his country.

Such cruelty is a reproach to modern society.

Terrorism is a shame to civilization.(3)a(或an)...指“一次…”,那名词本来是动词。例如:

After a run (或a climb,或a swim) I had a wash (或a rest,或a feed,或a smoke,或a read).(4)a...ing指“一次…”。例如:

Instead of giving the peasant a hearing, the heartless landlord gave him a good beating (或a good hiding,或a good licking,或a good thrashing) as well as a good scolding.


a few (books), a very few (books), a good few (books), a good many (books), a great many (books), a many (books)(2)在表示时间或款项的短语前面。例如:

a further five minutes, a mere two hours, a very busy six weeks, a whole three years, a pleasant spring holidays, an additional ¥60(3)在若干在形式上是复数而在意思上是单数的单词前面。例如:

a barracks, a bellows, a gallows, a headquarters, an innings, a links, a means, a scissors, a shambles, a tongs(4)在下列美国口语中。例如:

a good ways, a great ways, a long ways


I was expecting to hear from my father. I got a letter indeed, but it was from a friend.(1)

I wanted to read a book, I did not care whether it was a history, a novel, or a biography.(2)



a Smith(姓Smith的某人)



ohn Smith(名叫John Smith的某人)(2)指在某时的某人、某地等。例如:

He is now a different John Smith from what he was three years ago.

He was met at the door by a contented Mary, not an angry Mary.


ifty years ago we little dreamt of such a Shanghai as we have today.

Our children will find it hard to imagine a semi-feudal, semi-colonial China.(3)指跟某人、某地等相仿的人、地等。例如:

He talks like a Johnson.(Johnson指英国18世纪的大文豪Samuel Johnson,很健谈,多妙论。)

The humorist considers himself a (second) Mark Twain.


o you think it possible for the




ole ever to have a Shanghai?

We may look upon the romantic tragedy as a Chinese Romeo and Juliet.(4)指某人的作品。例如:

A new Michael


old(当代美国作家)has appeared.

A new Shakespeare(莎士比亚全集新版)is in preparation.

I found a Picasso(毕加索画的画)on the wall.(5)指某人所发明、设计或制造的机器等。例如:

a Remington(美国人Philo Remington所设计制造的打字机)

a Merriam-Webster(美国G. & C. Merriam Company出版,根据Webster原著编的词典)(6)指“…的图或像”。例如:

a West Lake(一幅西湖图),a Cupid(一幅爱神图或一个爱神像)(7)指“好比…那回事”。例如:

a Dunkirk(敦刻尔克式撤退:1940年5、6月间英军从法国北部港口城市Dunkirk大败撤退)





The room was furnished with a simplicity that is almost elegance.(这间房子的陈设有一种近似文雅的朴素。)

He answered my questions with an accuracy not to be expected of an ordinary schoolboy.(他回答了我的问题,准确得不像出自一个普通小学生之口。)

The bird disappeared with a startling suddenness.(那只鸟惊人地忽然不见了。)



a green tea, an old wine (1)

a coffee, a tea, an ice(英:一客冰淇淋,美:一客冷饮),a whisky and soda (2)

8.a(或an)通常不可用在only的前面,也不可用在属于最高级的词的前面,如不可说an only house, a best essay, a greatest poet, a longest street,但尽可说an only son(一个独生子),a best seller(一本畅销书),a best man(一个男傧相),a first night(某剧的第一夜表演)。因为这些已经成为习惯了。

a用在副词most前面是很普通的,如a most happy life和a most learned man。但该注意这里的most并不真正属于最高级,它的意思跟very相仿。


Apple is a noun.

He is dubbed 'poet'.(人家给他“诗人”的诨名。)

We should not call every school 'college'.(我们不该把每个学校都叫作“学院”。)

'Rogue' is too mild a term for him, he is an arrant ruffian.(对他来说,“流氓”这名称是太轻了,他是一个十足的恶棍。)


He is dubbed (a) poet.

We should not call every school a college.


10.许多语法书里说,kind of和sort of后面的名词的前面不该用a(或an),但事实上并非绝对不可用。例如:

What kind (或sort) of tree is this?

What kind (或sort) of(a)man is he?

第一句里不用a,因为kind或sort明白地作“种类”解。第二句里可以用a,因为kind或sort并不明白地作“种类”解。what kind (或sort) of (a) man是“怎么样的一个人”的意思。

其实在指“种类”的场合,不但kind of和sort of后面的名词的前面不用a(或an),其他相似的短语后面也是这样。例如:

a kind of car, kinds of car, a sort of car, sorts of car,

a brand of car, brands of car, a class of car, classes of car,

a form of car, forms of car, a make of car, makes of car,

a style of car, styles of car, a type of car, types of car,

a variety of car, varieties of car

11.part of前面用a也有,不用a也有,但意思略有不同。例如:

part of it(它的一部分:不一定一半以下,也不一定一半以上)

a part of it(它的一小部分:一半以下)但great part of it和a great part of it是没有区别的。不一定一半以下,也不一定一半以上。

12.a(或an)不用在a change of后面的名词的前面。例如:

a change of address, a change of name, a change of scene


five hundred miles of railway, a stretch of road, an acre of garden, an expanse of lake

14.下面各种表达方式里的no都是形容词,等于not a:

no small value(很大的价值),no mean city(名城),

no such man(没有这样的人),no other person than...(不是别人,却是…)。所以不可说:

a no small value, a no mean city, no such a man, no other a person than...

a no mean city是不可说的,但a no meaner city是可以说的,no meaner里的no是副词,修饰meaner,并不等于not a,所以前面用a。比较:

This is no (形容词) mean city. (这是一个名城。)

This is a no (副词) meaner city (than that). (这是一个[跟那个]同样有名的城。)

There is no (形容词) meaner city (than that). (没有[比那个]更无名的城。)

There is a no (副词) meaner city (than that). (有一个[跟那个]同样有名的城。)


They asked me to act as (an) interpreter.

I served them fairly well in the capacity of (an) interpreter.

I served them fairly well in my capacity as (an) interpreter.

She has obtained a position as (或of) (a) typist.

He has left his situation as (或of) (a) gardener.

He is (a) professor of philosophy at that university.

He has the degree of Doctor of Literature.

He soon rose to the rank of colonel.

The title of model worker has been conferred on the young man.





nglish poet, was born in 1795.注意在As a physician, he does not deserve much praise等句子里的as等于considered as,那a是不可少的。


He commenced schoolmaster in 1956. (commence[d]的这种用法现在不很普通)

He turned soldier at twenty-one.

The boy was bound apprentice to a carpenter.


The old man was sitting in a chair, pipe in mouth.

The huntsman entered the forest, gun in hand.


hard of heart, large of limb, nimble of foot, quick of eye, pale of face



ucky dog! (幸运儿!)Lucky beggar! (幸运儿!)You beauty!

You fool! You fool you! You lucky rascal! (你好一个幸运儿!)

'Keep by me, you lovely thing!' the girl said to her cat.

The old man got run over, poor fellow.

Poor man, he never knew what love was like.

20.a(或an)是“一”,one也是“一”,在用法上有下面几点该注意:(1)固定习语里的a(或an)和one不可调换。如once upon a time(从前有一次)和one day(有一天)里的a和one不可互换。an hour or two(一二小时,若干小时)和one or two hours里的an和one不可互换。to a man(全体地)不可改作to one man。one man one vote(每人投一票)不可改作a man a vote。但“一个…还是两个”可以说one...or two。例如:Do you spell 'traveller' with one '1' or two?注意下面每组里的两句意思相同,但用了a该有on,用了one没有on:(2)有些习语用a或one都可以。如at a blow和at one blow(一下子地),in a word和in one word(简单地说),be of a mind和be of one mind(同意),a hundred per cent...和one hundred per cent...(十足地…)。(3)有时用a和用one意思不同。如as a man是“就他的性格而论”,as one man是“大家一致地”,at a time是“每次”(如three at a time),at one time是“从前有一个时期”(如At one time we met every day)。

注意下面每组里的两种表达方式意思不同:(4)在姓或名前面,用a(或an)或one意思相同。如a Smith和one Smith都是“一个姓Smith的人”。就语法讲,one Smith里的one被看作形容词或代词都讲得通。(5)在dozen, hundred, thousand和million前面,用a或one意思相同,用a普通些。如a dozen(一打),a hundred(一百),a thousand(一千),a million(一百万),把a改作one,意思不变,但往往有跟“二打、三打”等,“二百、三百”等,“二千、三千”等,“二百万、三百万”等对比的意味。


a hundred(许多,如a hundred things),

a thousand(许多,如a thousand thanks),

a hundred and one(许多,如a hundred and one points of usage),

a thousand and one(许多,如a thousand and one points of usage),

not a hundred miles away(不远、近),

one in a thousand(极难得的一个)(6)a(或an)只有“一”的意思,却并不跟“二、三、四、五”等相对,one便可以有这种对比的意味。如I have a pen只说“我有一枝笔”,I have one pen便可有“我并没有两枝、三枝或更多枝笔”的意思。


Can a boy do this? (回答可能是No, but a man can。)

Can one boy do this? (回答可能是No, but two boys can。)列宁著的


ne Step Forward, Two Steps



I have one pen, but my sister has three pens.

I have one pen, but three pencils.注意上面说a或an不跟“二、三、四、五”等对比,并不说不可跟two, three, four, five等连用。I have a pen, but three pencils里的a该改作one,但I have a pen and three pencils里的a却不必改作one。(7)注意下面各句的意思不同:

There is a pen on the table. (桌上有一枝钢笔:不是一枝铅笔或一本书。)

There is one pen on the table. (桌上有一枝钢笔:不是两枝、三枝或更多枝钢笔。)

A pen is on the table. (跟第一句意思相同,很少见。)

One pen is on the table. (一枝钢笔在桌上:也许还有其他笔,但在桌上没有。)(8)说“每一…”计算价钱、款项、速度等,用a(或an),不用one。例如:

¥3.10 a dozen(每打三元一角),¥ 70 a month(每月七十元),

twice a week(每星期两次),ten miles an hour(每小时十英里)这种用法里的a原来是介词,但现在不妨把它看作冠词。

21.of a(或an)...表明在时间上经常的行为:

We would sit together in the park of a morning.

They often met of an afternoon.

The artist may have frequently been seen strolling along the street of an evening.

His friends used to go to see him in his cottage of a Sunday.注意:(1)这种结构现在少用。(2)只用于经常的事,不用于一次的事,如不可说The old man died of a morning。

22.由a...of a...构成一种习语,如a fool of a man是“一个呆子般的男子”,a gem of a poem是“一首宝石般(精致)的诗”,a mountain of a wave是“一个高山似的浪”。又例如:

his angel of a wife, a beast of a place (一个很脏的地方), her brute of a husband, a devil of a hurry (极度的匆忙), his dome of a forehead, a great elephant of a woman, a jewel of an assistant, a kitten of a girl, a lamb of a temper(像羔羊般驯服的脾气), a love of a ring (一枚极可爱的戒指), a poem of a hotel (一个像诗一般幽雅的旅馆), that rascal of a landlord, her tyrant of a father注意a...of a...里的两个名词不可互调,如a boy of a girl是“一个男孩子似的女孩子”,a girl of a boy是“一个女孩子似的男孩子”,意思各不相同。

23.a(或an)通常用在一般形容词的前面,如a beautiful garden,但也有几个例外。a(或an)该用在what、such和many三个形容词的后面。例如:

What a beautiful garden! such a garden, many a garden

假使形容词前面有how, however, as, so或too,那末a(或an)也用在这形容词的后面。例如:

how beautiful a garden, however beautiful a garden, as beautiful a garden as I ever saw, so beautiful a garden, too beautiful a gardena so beautiful garden和a too beautiful garden这种结构也有,但不很自然。似乎a so beautiful garden比a too beautiful garden更不自然。当代英国作家William Somerset Maugham的On a


hinese Screen的Romance一篇里有somewhat Ouidaesque a fashion,当然极不普通。

假使形容词前面有no less,那末a(或an)用在no less的前面或这形容词的后面都可以。例如:

a no less beautiful garden, no less beautiful a garden前者比后者自然。假使后面加上than yours,than this等,改作a garden no less beautiful than...就更自然些。

假使形容词前面有no more,那末a(或an)就用在no more的前面,如a no more beautiful garden。不过no more beautiful a garden这种结构也有。

假使形容词前面有more或less(不是no more或no less),那末a(或an)就用在more或less的前面,如a more(或less)beautiful garden。上面所说no less里的less是副词,no less a person than...中的less是形容词,作“较不重要”解,a的位置不可改动。


a quite big dog, quite a big dog,

a rather big dog, rather a big dog在口语里quite a(或an)...和rather a(或an)...比a quite...和a rather...普通。


quite big a dog, rather big a dog

25.就普通语法讲,a black and a white dog是“一只黑狗和一只白狗”,a black and white dog是“一只黑白花狗”,a journalist and an author 是“一个新闻记者和一个作家”,a journalist and author是“一个新闻记者兼作家”。


He has become a sadder and a wiser man.

He is a journalist and an author.


A man and woman are walking arm-in-arm.

A boy and girl are playing together.


A man and a woman may not always agree on such a question.


a knife and fork, a cup and saucer, a needle and thread, a coat and tie, a short beard and moustache, a swimming head and parched throat


We are brother and sister.

He was printer, publisher, and editor before 1949.

This room is study, bedroom, and sitting room all in one.

This article is meant to appear in newspaper or magazine.

Like father, like son. (有其父必有其子。——谚语)

Diamond cut diamond. (旗鼓相当。)

Dog eat dog. (同类相残。)

27.假使把though he is a child里的child放在开首,a便该去掉,作child though he is。child as he is有同样的意思,也不该有a。


A baby never sat so gracefully.

Did a baby ever sit so gracefully?假使把never或ever放在baby的前面,通常把a去掉。例如:

Never did baby sit so gracefully.

Did ever baby sit so gracefully?never a...作no...解,不过语气强些,a决不可省。例如:He found never a baby there.这里的never并不指时间。

29.He is a scholar等句子里的a(或an)当然不可省去,但注意下面各句里都不用a(或an):

He is artist enough to appreciate these pictures.

Surely you are scholar enough to read this old book.

I was fool enough to believe him.这里artist, scholar和fool前面都不用a(或an),因为后面加上了enough,把这些名词抽象化了。

30.A Tale of Two Cities里有A,但说Dickens's A Tale of Two Cities或Dickens's Tale of Two Cities都可以。the Tale of Two Cities that I bought yesterday里不可在Tale前面加上A。

31.上面所讲到的a(或an)的省略,可说都跟语法有关,都是一般的用法。还有为了节省空间、时间、金钱或精力,或为了引起注意力,而省去a(或an)的,主要有下面各种情况:(1)报纸标题:(A)New Book by E. G. Flynn (当代美国进步女作家) Published.(A)Noted Scientist to Make (a) Report on (an) Important Invention at (a) Local Technical School.(2)工商业文件:(A)Copy of the booklet is enclosed.(A)Duplicate of this letter will be sent to the management.(3)广告:(A)Fully furnished flat to let.(A)Secondhand typewriter wanted.(4)电报:(A)Girl born today.

Brother away on (a) visit.(5)公告:(A)School Ahead.

(An) Exit.(6)日记:

Attended (a) lecture on IT technology.

Got (a) long letter from James.(7)非正式信札:

Hope to send you (a) picture of the Lake soon.

Could you let me have (a) summary of the story?(8)注释和定义:

Fleet Street: (A) Famous old London street, now the location of many newspaper offices, often used allusively for the English press.

landscape: (A) Piece of land scenery.

32.few和a few不同。few是“很少”,有“几乎没有”的意思。a few是“若干”,有“颇有几个”的意思。但两种表达方式的不同,不在于实际数目的大小,却在于说话者的语意。如一篇作文里有三个错误,要是你说There are few mistakes in it,你在说它“错误很少”,便是说它好。要是你说There are a few mistakes in it,你在说它“有若干错误”,便是说它不好。可以说few, or perhaps none和a few, or perhaps many。注意only a few却等于few,也是“很少”的意思。

little和a little的不同,相当于few和a few的不同。如little trouble是“很少麻烦”或“几乎没有麻烦”,a little trouble是“若干麻烦”或“颇有些麻烦”。

33.下面各种表达方式里都有half a(或half an):

half a mile, half a month, half an inch, half an hour, half a bottle, half a cup, half a dozen, half a million在这种用法里,把half看作形容词或看作名词后面省去of都可以。但不论half是形容词还是名词,a总是冠词,所以下面各种表达方式里的a或an照理都该去掉:

that half a mile, this half a month, another half an inch, the next half an hour, my half a dozen不过这个多余的a(或an)事实上很常见,因为half a...或half an...用得很多,好似成为一个单位了。甚至有人说a half an hour。

上面所举的half a mile, half a month等表达方式里的half a(或half an)英美通用。但在美国也往往用a half。例如:

a half mile, a half month, a half inch, a half houra half在英国也用,但不用在表示距离、时间、数量等的词的前面。如不说a half mile, a half month等,却说a half length, a half share, a half conviction等。

...and a half和...and a half...两种表达方式意思相同,如two miles and a half和two and a half miles都是“两英里半”。这两种表达方式是英美通用的。即使在英国也并没有two miles and half a mile, two and half a mile或two and half a miles的结构。

把two miles and a half跟two and a half miles比较起来,前者好些,因为a half miles读起来似乎很不自然。就时间讲,先有前者,后有后者,后者是从miles这种写法产生出来的。同样地,a foot and a quarter比one and a quarter feet好些。

上面说过,that half a mile等表达方式里的a照理该去掉。下面各种表达方式里的a照理也该去掉:

those two miles and a half,

those two and a half miles,

the foot and a quarter,

the one and a quarter feet但习惯上这种多用的a可说是不可少的,省去了反而觉得不自然。A. B.

A. B. (=Bachelor of Arts,文学士)是美国拼写形式,相当于英国拼写形式的B. A.。abashed

abashed是表语形容词,不可说very abashed,该说much abashed或very much abashed。abbreviate


United Nations is abbreviated to UN.

UN is abbreviated from United Nations.ABC

ABC指某科的初步知识,如ABC of English grammar。这意思是从英语开首字母ABC来的,并不是缩写,所以不该写作A. B. C.,但事实上很多写作A. B. C.,如英国Oxford University Press出版的An A. B. C. of English Usage。abdomen


abed 现在不很通用,最好改用in bed。ability

1.ability指体力或智力,后面通常接不定式,很少接of和动名词,如通常说ability to do it, ability to lift a great stone和ability to write correct English,很少说ability of doing it等,但可以说reading ability, writing ability, driving (驾驶) ability等,也可以说his ability in reading and writing, his ability in drawing等。


man of ability(有才的人),great ability(大才),

in point of ability(就才能讲),He lacks ability. (他缺少才能。)复数形式abilities只指智力,不指体力,如his abilities, manifold abilities 等都指智力。

3.ability to do it, the ability to do it, an ability to do it和his(或your等)ability to do it都可以说,第一种形式最不普通。able

1.able后面的不定式通常不属于被动语态,如通常不说The mistake is able to be corrected,最好改作The mistake is capable of being corrected。

2.able指能力,不一定意味着实行,如“经过了两个月的步行,他们到达了目的地”通常不说After a two-month tramp they were able to reach their destination,而用下面的任何一种:

After a two-month tramp they reached their destination.

After a two-month tramp they succeeded in reaching their destination.

After a two-month tramp they managed to reach their destination.aboard



Fish abound in this stream.

This stream abounds in fish.

2.abound in(指以盛产某东西的地方作主语的)和abound with略有区别,abound in除了“盛产…”的意思以外,往往有“那东西是特有的或固有的”的含意。如This stream abounds in fish含有“以产鱼著称”的意思,This stream abounds with fish只说“盛产鱼”罢了。又如He abounds in courage作“他天性勇敢”解,不可把in改作with。about

1.about在用作“不久就要…”解的时候后面通常接不定式,如about to start。但也有接动名词的,如about starting。用不定式比较普通。

about在用作“不久就要…”解的时候不可再加表示时间的词,如不可说about to start next morning或about starng at once。


about ten, about a hundred, about half, about a quarter注意ten, a hundred, half和a quarter都是明确的数或量,原来并没有“多少不定”的意思。在有“多少不定”的意思的词语前面不该用about,如不可说about more than ten, about less than half, about several, about some 或about a few等。

虽然about three or four和about a dozen or so等表达方式也有人用,但最好删去about。

3.下面各句里可以有at,也可以没有at,意思并没有区别。有了at, about是副词,没有at, about是介词:

I went (at) about five (o'clock).

I went (at) about noon.

I went (at) about midnight.

I went (at) about Christmas.这里at用的少,不用的多。同样地,下面两句里的on和in也用的少,不用的多:

I went (on) about 18 January.

I went (in) about January.at about five (o'clock), at about noon等不可改作about at five (o'clock), about at noon等。above

1.above用作形容词作“上面的”解,如the above list, the above statement, the above facts和the above topic。当然从修辞学上说,用得太多了不好,可以用above-mentioned, foregoing, preceding等调剂一下。

2.above有时也用作名词,如from above和the above。the above当作单数或复数都可以,看所指的东西是单数还是复数而定,如The above is a true story和The above are the essentials。



abreast of the times, abreast with the times, abreast the times





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