
发布时间:2020-10-02 16:08:00







★Editors’Notes 编辑手记★


勇气成就人生——“Angelina Jolie's Stripped Down, Very Real Self”

2014年11月,安吉丽娜·朱莉表示,自己已经对表演失去兴趣,打算放弃表演,专心做导演。这样一位全球知名的超级女星做出息影的决定,不少粉丝难免困惑并为之惋惜。然而,读完本期“Angelina Jolie's Stripped Down, Very Real Self”一文,你会明白,这是朱莉自然又必然的选择。从模特到巨星,从演员到导演,从问题少女到人道主义者,从对组建家庭不抱希望到为人妻、为人母,朱莉的人生有过低谷,犯过错误,但始终不变的是,她从来没有停止过对生命潜能的探索。如果说以前朱莉打动我的是她的性感与美丽,那如今她打动我的则是她内心的勇气。正是她那股冲破禁锢、突破自我的勇气让她拥有了全新的事业与完满的家庭,也让她由内而外散发出比以往更夺目的光彩。这不禁让我想起了之前读到的一句话:“Courage is an angel that makes a difference between a good life and a great life.”(廖粮粮)致不完美的我们——《Commnuity废柴联盟》

社区大学对很多人来说是个陌生的概念,但有一点可以肯定:没能进入“正经大学”的人才会去读社区大学。美剧Community之所以被译为“废柴联盟”,也正因为如此。这里有高中退学生,有学历造假者,有中年离异人士,有回炉再造的老头。他们带着自己的某种“失败”来到社区大学,却意外被绑在了一起,有过排斥和挣扎,却又在跌跌撞撞中一路同行。在该剧天马行空、荒诞离奇的剧情之下,潜藏着他们惺惺相惜的珍贵情谊。或许每个人都曾身处这样一个小团体,体会过这种情谊:它不是玫瑰色,也没有蜜糖味,或许还带着些许苦涩,但这种不完美却令人心动和怀念。如果当时有一台摄像机把我们自己的故事记录下来,想必也会如剧集般精彩。(李晓涵)在书中与气味相遇——“Smells Like Words”

你可否在心中设想过,若有一天失去了嗅觉,那会怎样?也许你会说:不就是闻不到味道吗?没什么大不了。我起初也是这么想的,但在读完“Smells Like Words”这篇文章后,我开始觉得问题没这么简单:嗅觉缺失给人带来的不便和痛苦是一般人无法想象的。作为一名失嗅症患者,作者失去了诸多体验美好气味的机会,她闻不到花香、饭香、孩子身上的奶香,同时也无法通过嗅觉预知潜在的危险,比如烧焦的气味、装修的味道、食物腐败的味道。她就像个局外人,无法和正常人一样完全融入世界。但庆幸的是,世上还有书这种伟大之物,书中对味道的描述多少弥补了她在嗅觉方面的缺失:“如果闻不到某种东西,我就不了解它。但如果是阅读,我就了解。”虽然生活会有很多不完美之处,但在不完美中我们总能发现其他一些东西可以弥补这些遗憾,让我们能有机会感知世界的美好。(耳海燕)和宝贝一起成长——“The Bizarre Case of a Dad Traveling Alone with a Baby”

如果你和我一样都是《爸爸去哪儿》的忠实粉丝,那可不要错过本期这篇“The Bizarre Case of a Dad Traveling Alone with a Baby”。作为一篇“国外版”《爸爸去哪儿》,文章讲述了一位菜鸟老爸独自带娃外出的故事。和节目中的情形一样,文中这位老爸的旅程也是状况百出、笑料不断。面对各种突发事件,这位老爸束手无策,几近崩溃。看到这样的情形,想必会有不少人为其揪心,甚至在心中默默呼唤宝贝的妈妈。不过,我倒是觉得我们可以收起多余的担心,相信这些勇于独自带娃的老爸。因为在如此难得的历练中,老爸们是在和宝贝一起成长。(王扬)

★Test Bible 考试手册★



托福阅读中的句子插入题(Insert Text Questions)的考查形式如下:题目给出一个句子(以下简称“插入句”),要求考生判断该句子应插入文章的哪个位置最合适,题目会提供四个位置(用“▇”标出,以下为行文方便,例句全部使用A、B、C、D来代替黑方块)供考生选择。该题型在托福阅读中考查的数量不多,不是每一篇阅读理解文章都有会这类题目,一篇阅读理解文章最多只会出现一道句子插入题,且都出现在倒数第二道题中。该题型的难度较大,考生要理解句子的意思以及句子之间的逻辑关系才能正确地答题。



例1 Scholars offer three related but different opinions about this puzzle. A One opinion is that the paintings were a record of the seasonal migration made by herds. B Because some paintings were made directly over others, obliterating them, it is probable that a painting’s value ended with the migration it pictured. C Unfortunately, this explanation fails to explain the hidden location, unless the migrations were celebrated with secret ceremonies. D

Where would the sentence best fit?

All three of them have strengths and weaknesses, but none adequately answers all of the questions the paintings present. (摘自《新托福考试官方指南第四版》P49)

解析:此题给出的插入句里含有all three of them这个含有指代关系的词组,考生据此可以判断该插入句的上文(前面的句子)应该出现过某个复数名词。有此预判后,考生可以假设插入句放在A处,那么all three of them指代的便是前面句子出现的复数名词opinions。然后考生再判断插入句放在A处时,其与上下文句子的意思和逻辑衔接是否连贯。A处前面的句子的含义是“关于这个谜团,学者们提供了三个相关但不同的看法”,而插入句的意思是“这三个看法都有优点和缺点,但是没有一个看法可以充分解释这些画存在的所有问题”,插入句正好承接前面那一句,继续评论三种看法。由此考生能够判断插入句放置于A处时,可以与前面的句子意思连贯起来,逻辑关系也很通顺,因此此题的插入句放在A处最合适。

例2 The sheer scale of the investment it took to begin commercial expansion at sea reflects the immensity of the profits that such East-West trade could create. A Spices were the most sought-after commodities. B Spices not only dramatically improved the taste of the European diet but also were used to manufacture perfumes and certain medicines. C But even high-priced commodities like spices had to be transported in large bulk in order to justify the expense and trouble of sailing around the African continent all the way to India and China. D

Where would the sentence best fit?

They were highly valued for a couple of reasons. (摘自TPO 17 “Europe’s Early Sea Trade with Asia”)


如果插入句含有明确的逻辑关系词,可以利用插入句所含的逻辑关系来判断插入句最适合插入的位置。插入句常出现的逻辑关系词包括以下几类:①转折关系词,比如but、however、yet、even though等;②因果关系词,比如because、due to、so、consequently等;③递进关系词,比如also、in fact、even、furthermore等。如果插入句中有如上这些逻辑关系词的话,考生就可以利用它们作为线索,阅读题目提供的位置前后的句子,判断插入句插入后,其是否与位置前后的句子逻辑关系相符。下面笔者列举两例予以说明。

例3 A Because they are always swimming, tunas simply have to open their mouths and water is forced in and over their gills. B Accordingly, they have lost most of the muscles that other fishes use to suck in water and push it past the gills.C In fact, tunas must swim to breathe. D They must also keep swimming to keep from sinking, since most have largely or completely lost the swim bladder, the gas-filled sac (囊) that helps most other fish remain buoyant.

Where would the sentence best fit?

Consequently, tunas do not need to suck in water. (摘自《新托福考试官方指南第四版》P117)


例4 A Ecologists are especially interested in knowing what factors contribute to the resilience of communities because climax communites (顶级群落) all over the world are being severely damaged or destroyed by human activities. B The destruction caused by the volcanic explosion of Mount St. Helens, in the northwestern United States, for example, pales in comparison to the destruction caused by humans. C We need to know what aspects of a community are most important to the community’s resistance to destruction, as well as its recovery. D

Where would the sentence best fit?

In fact, damage to the environment by humans is often much more severe than by natural events and processes. (摘自《新托福考试官方指南第四版》P474)

解析:本题插入句的逻辑提示词是in fact,句意是“事实上,人类对于环境的破坏通常远比自然事件和过程带来的破坏更严重”,带有递进的含义,因此考生可以推断出该插入句前面应该谈到人类对环境的破坏。考生回到原文,发现B处前面的一句谈到了human activities对于环境的破坏,而B处后面的一句举了一个Mount St. Helens火山爆发的例子,例子的大意是“与人类对Mount St. Helens的破坏相比,火山爆发给它带来的破坏就显得微不足道了”,这进一步证明了插入句的观点——人类对环境的破坏大于自然事件带来的危害,由此考生可以判断出插入句放在B处最合适。



托福独立写作的主体段是独立写作最为核心的部分,主体段的论证质量决定了整个独立写作的质量和成败。《新托福考试官方指南》对于独立写作论证(development)部分的说明指出:Development is the amount and kinds of support (examples, details, reasons) for your ideas that you present in your essay. To get a top score, your essay should be, according to the rater guidelines, “well developed, using clearly appropriate explanations, exemplifications, and/or details.”这段话中的引号部分是《新托福考试官方指南》中最高档的评分标准对论证的要求,即要求“通过清晰且恰当的解释、例证和/或细节来充分论证观点”。那么如何才能达到论证充分的要求呢?本文笔者就提供一些实用的托福独立写作主体段的论证展开模式,供考生参考和学习。“因果+例证”模式

这种模式是最为常用的一种主体段展开方式。因果论证是指通过前因后果的关系来解释为什么段落分论点能够支撑全文总论点。在运用因果论证时,考生可以使用一些表达因果关系的词汇和短语来加强因果逻辑,比如表示原因的有because、as、since、now that、considering that、given that、in that、this is because、due to、owing to、thanks to、because of、on account of、as a result of、as a consequence of、“the reason why...is that”等;表示从因到果的有cause、lead to、result in、contribute to、give rise to、give birth to等;表示前果后因的有result from、attribute A to B、ascribe A to B等;表示结果的有so、thus、hence、therefore、as a result、as a consequence、consequently、accordingly、this is why等。例证是指运用更加具体的例子和细节来细化因果说理部分,且段落主题句、因果说理部分以及例子和细节之间必须相互呼应,这样才能够达到主体段论证充分的要求。


The first reason why I prefer to hold this position is that children may get addicted to TV as they are too young to organize their study and free time. Without limit on the amount of time spent watching TV, children may watch TV all day long, which is very harmful for their studies. As a consequence, the time they spend studying is insufficient and it is impossible for them to achieve well at school. Take my neighbor’s daughter Jessica as an example. As her father didn’t care much about how much time she spent watching TV, Jessica watched it for about six hours per day. Considering she had to go to school, there wasn’t enough time for her to finish all her homework and review what she had learned at school. After becoming addicted to TV, Jessica failed the final exams in three courses. Cases like this abound among teenagers. So I believe if parents want their children to do well at school, they have to limit the amount of time they can watch TV.


除了因果说理和例证之外,有时候为了充实段落内容,更为详尽地证明主题句,考生可以结合对比论证的手法,将对比论证和因果、举例相结合。考生可以利用on the contrary、by contrast、however等表达引出对比的内容。对比论证又可以分为一事物和另一事物的对比、现在和过去的对比、有和无的对比等几种情况,下面分别来具体说明。




First and foremost, not taking too many subjects contributes to effective study. Students have limited time. If they take too many subjects, there will be less time for each one. If a student studies eight hours per day and takes four subjects, he/she would have two hours to study and revise each one. However, if this student takes eight subjects, he/she can only spend one hour on each one. Obviously, two hours of study time for each subject is much better than one hour of study time, since students can understand the topic more deeply and do more practice.



托福独立写作的题目中有一类题目涉及过去和现在的对比,或是涉及科技带来的改变,比如:“Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Technology makes people's lives simpler rather than more complicated.” 对于这类题目,考生在段落内部展开论证时就可以通过对比过去来突出现在。


To begin with, our daily life has been greatly simplified. Specifically, the time taken for traveling and communicating has been shortened through the advent of new modes of transportation and the media of communication. In the past, if you wanted to travel to a distant place, you might ride a horse or a bicycle and it would seem to take up the rest of your life due to the unexploited areas without roads and the extremely low speed. But nowadays, citizens are able to travel internationally within hours. In addition, many years ago, particularly in China, if you wanted to communicate with your relatives, you were supposed to rush to the post office, put your mail into the mailbox, and then the mail was transported several days later by a low-speed train. By the time your relatives received the letter and replied to you, a few months would have passed. However, today you are able to send a “to-the-point” e-mail with a click of your mouse and people will response within minutes.



在托福独立写作题目中,有些题目既没有问某一事物(或做法)和另一事物(或做法)的对比,也没有问现在和过去的对比,只是单纯地问某一事物(或做法)的好坏,比如:“Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Always telling the truth is the most important consideration in any relationship.” 对于这类题目,考生也可以运用对比手法来论证,此时要对比的就是“有”和“无”的差异。就这道题目而言,考生可以对比“诚实”和“不诚实”有何差异。又如,想要证明互联网的好处,考生可以先说明互联网带来的方便,然后对比说如果现在没有互联网,人们的生活中将会有许多不方便。再比如,想要证明做某件事带来的好处,考生可以先分析这件事的好处,再对比说明如果当时没有做这件事情将有什么后果。考生需要注意,因为对比的内容尚未发生,与事实相反,因此需要使用虚拟语气。

下面这个段落节选自SAT官方给出的一篇满分作文。这篇作文的题目是:欺骗有没有可能是合理的?作者的观点是欺骗总体上是不好的 ,这个段落是想证明“欺骗会带来更加糟糕的后果”。这篇作文虽然来自于SAT考试,但这道写作题目和托福独立写作题目的命题方式很像,托福独立写作的主体段也完全可以借鉴这样的论证方式。

With regards to more serious matters, however, deception can lead to more dire consequences. Cheating in a test, for instance, may result in failing a class or expulsion from school. My brother once helped his best friend cheat in a maths test, but he confessed to the teacher immediately afterwards. The teacher only forced the two boys to retake the test because she appreciated their honesty. If my brother had not approached his teacher, he might have been kicked out of school. Furthermore, my brother’s decision serves as an example of morality to his friend and other students. Thus, he saved his friend from more serious punishment, which would have been his justification for lying anyway.




Besides helping others in conventional ways, nowadays, young people tend to help others in various new ways. They take advantage of their new abilities and skills to help others. Some computer talents go to help the senior citizens in the community send emails or make contact with their children overseas; some English majors go to help foreigners as tour guides or language partners; some people with a background in economics set up new banks to help farmers invest in their farmland and expand their production.




Besides, charging money will not improve the traffic situation in rush hour but will bring more traffic jams. For one thing, because the fee that drivers pay for a single time may seem cheap, drivers probably don’t mind when they are asked to pay it. In this case, the fee will not prevent too many drivers from driving when the traffic is heavy. For another thing, it is difficult to take the action of charging drivers money during heavy traffic. If toll stations are set up at the entrances of the main streets, they will create a very long queue of cars outside the stations waiting to pay the fees to get through. Not only is this inconvenient, but it also makes the traffic worse and drivers may become more anxious when waiting for a long time to pass the toll stations. Thus, this action will not ease the pressure of traffic jam.


在运用并列列举的方法时,考生需要注意段落内部层次和逻辑的清晰性,段落内部不同层次之间不能交叉重叠。考生在写作时可以使用一些表达方式来增强层次感,比如first、to begin with、to start with、besides、in addition、additionally、furthermore、finally、lastly、for one thing、for another thing等。“因果+例证+对比+并列列举”模式



Electronic books are more convenient for students to use than traditional paper books. Firstly, it is easier and time-saving for students to buy electronic books. When we want to purchase an e-book, we just need to order and pay for the book online and the book will be instantly transmitted to our iPhone or iPad. But, when we buy a paper book, even though we can also order the book online, it will be sent to our hand one or more days later. Secondly, it is easier for students to carry electronic books than heavy traditional books. Considering that students have to carry and use a lot of textbooks and reference books every day, carrying too many heavy books in their backpacks poses a great burden on students and is harmful for their physical health. On the contrary, if they use e-books, all they have to take is just an iPad or a Kindle, and it is obvious that this will greatly reduce students’ burden. Thirdly, it is more convenient for students to search for information in digital books. When we need to find some essential information in paper books, such as an important quotation, a formula, or a crucial paragraph, we need to search for the information page by page, or even book by book, which is really time-consuming. By contrast, with a digital book, we just need to type in the key words and immediately all the related information will appear on the screen. It is clear that electronic books bring huge convenience to students.




◎文 /秦朗



内容主题题着重考查的是录音材料的主要内容,常见的提问方式有:What's the main idea of the lecture?/What are the two speakers talking about?/What dose the professor mainly discuss?/What is the conversation mainly about?

目的主题题则着重考查录音材料中说话人表达的目的、愿望,有时它考查的内容会与内容主题题考查的内容有重合。其常见的提问方式有:Why dose the student go to see the lab assistant?/What is the purpose of the lecture?


笔者首先通过几道例题为考生分析和讲解内容主题题的解题思路与技巧。文中的例题均选自TPO (TOEFL Practice Online),即托福在线考试练习。TPO中的题目是ETS (Educational Testing Service)之前考过的真题,对于考生考前模拟和复习具有很大的价值。下面笔者着重介绍两种解题技巧。开头解题法

前文中我们已强调过,主题题一般是一篇录音材料的第一道题。而托福听力中题目的 出题顺序一般与录音材料的行文顺序保持一致。也就是说,出题顺序越靠前的题目,其答案对应的内容在录音中出现的位置也越靠前。因此,作为第一道题的主题题,其答案一般出现在录音的开头。那么,具体到托福听力的录音原文中,开头是个什么概念呢?或者说,多长的内容可以算作是托福听力一篇录音材料的开头?一般来说,在长对话中,两个说话人各自所说的前三次话的内容可以看做是开头内容。而在讲座类录音中,说话人所说的前五句话可以视为开头内容。也就是说,考生只要抓住长对话的前三次对话和讲座的前五句话,一般就能得出主题题的答案。考生需要注意的是,这里所谓的前三次对话或前五句话必须是包含有实际内容的对话及叙述。诸如“How are you” “Nice to meet you here”之类的寒暄语或其他无实际意义的内容都不能计入开头内容。

例1 What do the speakers mainly discuss?

A) Why the woman has little in common with her roommates.

B) How the woman can keep up in her academic studies.

C) The woman’s adjustment to life at the university.

D) The woman’s decision to transfer to another university.

(选自TPO 5 Conversation 1的第1题)


Student: Hi, thanks for seeing me at such short notice.

Counselor: No problem. How can I help?

Student: Well, I think I might have made a mistake coming to this school.

Counselor: What makes you say that?

Student: I’m a little overwhelmed by the size of this place. I come from a small town. There were only 75 of us in my high school graduating class. Everyone knew everyone. We all grew up together.

Counselor: So it’s a bit of a culture shock for you? Being one of 15,000 students in an unfamiliar city?

Student: That’s an understatement. I just can’t get comfortable in class or in the dorms. You know, socially.


例2 What aspect of creative writing does the professor mainly discuss?

A) How to keep a reader’s interest.

B) How to create believable characters.

C) Key differences between major and minor characters.

D) Techniques for developing short-story plots.

(选自TPO 6 Lecture 3的第23题)

分析:这道题的出题形式稍微有一些变化,并没有直接提问全文主题,而是问“教授主要讨论的是创造性写作的哪个方面”。由于录音材料的全文都是在讨论创造性写作的这个方面,因此本题也是在考查录音原文的主题。这道题在录音原文中对应的出题点如下:“Allright everybody, the topic for today is, well, we're gonna take a look at how to start creating the characters for the story you're writing.” 这是全文的第一句话。讲话人非常清楚地点明:“今天讲座的主题就是关于如何为你写的故事创造人物”。与这一内容相对应的只有选项B,也就是本题的正确答案。重复解题法



例3 Why does the student go to the campus newspaper office?

A) To turn in outlines of possible articles.

B) To find out when his article will be printed in the newspaper.

C) To find out if he got a position as a reporter.

D) To get help with an assignment for his journalism class.

(选自TPO 15 Conversation 1的第1题)






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