
发布时间:2020-10-03 23:29:29








《铁路动车组英德汉双译术语》是一部工具书,笔者根据自己多35年铁路工作经验和知识积累,并大量研读了CRH 型和CRH 型动车组“随车说明书”和“维修手册”等相关资料,参考了相关高铁和地铁的标书内容,编写而成。笔者还从动车组专业术语向整个高速铁路各专业术语进行了扩展,并辅以少量的动词短语,使本书内容比较全面。






3.本《术语》词条中“( )”内为可省略的字或词。

4.本《术语》对单词、词汇及缩略语,都标明了易出现的部位、处所或车型等应用处所,在词条后用“[ ]”注明。应用处所不是唯一的。本《术语》中“辅变”指辅助变流器。


0%slope track  0%的平直轨道 [CRH 型高压]5

1 generic message data  1类信息数据 [CRH ]3

100%traction  100%牵引力 [CRH ]

110 V voltage measurement test  110V电压测试 [地铁]3

12-digit drawing number  12位的图纸号 [CRH ]3

12-pin plug connector  12-插针插头连接器 [CRH ]

16 Mb code memory  16兆位代码存储器 [Sibase]5

18 V threshold  18伏阈值 [CRH ]3

18-pole UIC wires  18极UIC导线 [CRH ]3

2 bit long  2比特长 [CRH ]5

2 couples  2组 [CRH 牵引及辅变]5

2 couples of triangular carriers  2组三角载波 [CRH 牵引及辅变]

2/2 way solenoid valve  2位2通电磁阀 [水箱]

24 Vdc/Vac50-60Hz  24V直流/交流50~60Hz [暖通空调]

24 V power supply  24 V电源 [牵引变流器]

2-hours rest  放置2小时 [蓄电池]

2-methoxy  2-甲氧基 [有害物质]3

2nd class non smoker  2等舱无烟区 [CRH ]

2nd sequence  第二个程序序列 [厨房设备]5

3 consecutive fan faults  3次连续的风扇故障 [CRH ]5

3 ways valve  三通阀 [CRH ]3

3.0%incline  3.0%斜坡 [CRH ]

3/2 way solenoid  3/2路电磁阀 [卫生间]5

3/2-way cock  二位三通塞门 [CRH 型制动]

32 MHz clock frequency  32MHz时钟频率 [Sibase]

32-pin plug connector  32针插头连接器 [Sibase]

3-layer paintwork  3层油漆作业 [双辅助变流器]

3-phase squirrel cage asynchronous type  三相异步鼠笼电动机 [高铁]

3-pin plug of the sensor  传感器的3芯插头 [自动过分相]

3-pole male connector  阳性连接器 [工作站灯]

3-pole tension spring terminal  3插针弹簧接线端子 [灯模块]5

4 QC1module  4 QC1模块 [CRH 牵引及辅变]5

4 quadrants  4个象限 [CRH 牵引及辅变]3

440 V 3 AC  440 V 3相交流 [CRH ]5

4-core shielded wire  4-芯屏蔽线 [CRH 牵引及辅变]

4QC-Converter  4QC-变流器 [牵引变流器]

5 digits password  5位数的密码 [屏幕界面]

5/2 directional valve  5/2通方向阀 [整体维护]

5/2 way valve  5/2通阀门 [整体维护]

5/2-magnet valve  5/2-电磁阀 [受电弓]

5/2-way magnetic valve  5/2-通电磁阀 [受电弓]3

5-character extension  5个符号扩展 [CRH ]3

6-layer artwork design  6-层工艺设计 [CRH ]3

7 segment indication  7段显示 [CRH ]

7-segment display  7段码显示器 [Si-base]

8 Mb service memory  8兆位服务存储器 [Sibase]

8-bit input port  8-位输入断开 [Sibase]

9 o’ clock position  9点钟位置 [暖通空调]A5

a cyclicity of 20ms  以20毫秒为周期 [CRH 牵引及辅变]3

A-key operated switch  A钥匙操纵开关 [CRH ]3

A-key-lock switch  A钥匙锁定开关 [CRH ]5

a train of impulses  一串脉冲 [CRH 牵引及辅变]3

A/D conversion  模拟/数字转换 [CRH ]3

A/D converter  交直流变流器 [CRH ]3

A2-key  A2-钥匙 [CRH ]

AAR  美国铁道协会 [总体]

abbreviation  缩略语 [其他]

ability to withstand vibrations and shocks  振动和冲击承受能力 [主断路器]

abnormal noises  反常的噪声 [齿轮箱]

abort  干扰,中断,失败,受干扰 [综合]5

aborted  失败,干扰,失效 [CRH ]

abortion of inputs  终止输入 [机师综合]3

above and below  上层和下层 [CRH ]

above sea level  海拔高度 [牵引变流器]5

abrade(dress)  打磨(修整) [CRH 型轮对]

abraded material  剥蚀材料 [齿轮箱]

abrasions  擦破 [真空单元]

abrasive  研磨剂 [司机室墙板]

abrasive blasting cabin  打沙间(仓) [高铁]

abrasive paper  砂纸 [内墙板]

abrasive substances  研磨材料 [避雷器]

abrasives  磨蚀剂,研磨剂 [整体维护]5

absence  不应有 [CRH 型轮对]

absence of voltage  存在电压 [限压电阻]

absolute  绝对 [主变压器]

absolute limit values  绝对极限值 [速度表]

absolute maximum volume  绝对最大音量 [机师综合]

absolute-value generators  绝对值发生器 [Sibase]

absorb surge voltage  吸收冲击电压 [双辅助变流器]

absorbed  吸收 [暖通空调]5

absorbed elastically  弹性地吸收 [CRH ]

absorbed substance  吸附材料 [有害物质]

absorbent material  吸收剂材质 [变流器冷却单元]

absorption capacity  吸收能力 [总体]

absorption characteristic  吸收特性 [主变压器]

absorption signal  吸合信号 [开水炉]

absorption through the skin  通过皮肤吸收 [有害物质]

AC  交流 [综合]

AC contractor  交流接触器 [开水炉]5

AC line current transducer  AC线电流传感器 [CRH 牵引及辅变]

AC main circuit breaker  交流主断路器 [主断路器]

AC on-board power supply operational  车载AC电源可用 [机师综合]

AC power supply  交流电源 [暖通空调]

AC voltage definition  交流电压的定义 [双辅助变流器]

accelerated corrosion test  加速腐蚀试验 [冷却液]

accelerating the oil  加速油 [总体]

acceleration  加速度 [综合]

acceleration distance-time diagram  加速距离—时间图 3[CRH ]

acceleration from 0 to maximum operating speed with 15km/h 3headwind  15km/h逆风时从0到最大运行速度的加速度 [CRH ]3

acceleration jerk  加速度冲击 [CRH ]

acceleration of piston  活塞的加速度 [主断路器]3

acceleration sensor  加速度传感器 [CRH ]5

accelerometer  加速度计 [CRH ]

acceptable roll angle between car body and bogie  车辆箱体和5转向架之间允许的摆动角度 [CRH 型制动]

access  权限,通过,接近 [烟火报警]

access control panel  检查口控制板 [暖通空调]

access cover  检查口盖板 [暖通空调]

access cover filter  检查口盖板过滤器 [暖通空调]

access cover of the evaporator unit  蒸发器装置检查口盖板 [暖通空调]

access door  通道门 [内墙板]

access memory  存取存储器

access return air door cover subassembly  回流空气风门检查口盖板分组件 [暖通空调]

access this menu  调出这个菜单 [屏幕界面]

access to  接通 [其他]

access to other screens  访问其他界面 [机师综合]

access to the adjustment plate under WB/WC  洗脸盆下的检查门板/卫生间 [卫生间]

access to the terminal  接触到接线柱 [转向架诊断]

accessibility  接触 [卫生间]

accessible parts  牵引电机的所有 [牵引电机]

accessing the fault overview  访问故障总览 [总体]

accessing vehicle-specific information  读取列车特定信息 [机师综合]

accessory  配件,附件 [蓄电池]

accident  事故 [综合]

accident prevention  事故预防 [其他]

accident prevention regulation  事故预防规程 [牵引电机风扇]

accidental release measures  事故应急处理措施 [变流器冷却单元]

accidentally spilling  意外溢出 [卫生间]

accommodates  容纳 [开水炉]5

accomplish  完成 [CRH 牵引及辅变]

according  根据 [综合]

according time interval  对应的时间间隔 [其他]3

according to the fault severity  根据其错误严重性 [CRH ]3

account being taken  被考虑到 [CRH ]

accumulate  积累 [主变压器]

accumulated dirt  沉积脏物 [暖通空调]

accumulation  沉积,积累 [暖通空调]5

accumulation of metal  金属堆积 [CRH 型轮对]

accuracy  精确度 [综合]

accuracy category  精度类别 [牵引电机风扇]5

accuracy of level positioning  水平位置的准确度 [CRH 型制动]

acetone  丙酮 [线路电流互感器]

acetylene  乙炔 [主变压器]

achieve sufficient freedom of movement  有充分的自由移动空间 [其他]

acid  酸 [有害物质]

acid binder  酸性黏接剂 [变流器冷却单元]

acid free  无酸 [受电弓]

acid-free grease  无酸润滑脂 [主变压器冷却单元]

acid proof gloves  耐酸手套 [污物箱]

acid rain  酸雨 [受电弓]

acid test kit  酸性试验工具 [暖通空调]

acidic organic material  酸性有机材料 [主变压器]

acidity  酸度 [暖通空调]

acknowledge  应答 [综合]

acknowledged  确认 [机师综合]3

acknowledged events  应答事件 [CRH ]

acknowledgement of faults  确认故障 [机师综合]

acknowledgement signals for firing pulses  触发脉冲的确认信号3 [CRH ]

acoustic  声学 [综合]5

acoustic horn  风笛,鸣笛 [CRH ]

acoustic and visual  声音和视觉 [机师综合]

acoustic and visual alarm signal  声音和视觉报警信号 [总体]

acoustic check  声测 [整体维护]

acoustic information facility  声学的信息工具 [整体维护/3CRH ]

acoustic passenger information system  声音乘客信息系统 [机师综合]

acoustic signaling devices  听觉信号装置 [整体维护]

acoustic warning signal  声音警报信号 [机师综合]3

acquires  获取 [CRH ]5

acquisition  获得,采集值,采集 [CRH 牵引及辅变]5

acquisition of logical inputs  采集逻辑输出 [CRH 牵引及辅变]

act for the time  作用一段时间 [主变压器冷却单元]

action  操作,动作 [综合]

activate  激活,启动 [综合]5

activate alternately  交替激活 [CRH 牵引及辅变]

activate the heating stages  启动加热级 [暖通空调]

activated simultaneously  同时激活 [其他]

activating the auxiliary driver’ s brake system  激发司机辅助制3动系统 [CRH ]

activating the horn  启动喇叭 [总体]

activating the mechanism  激活机构 [主断路器]3

activation mode  激活方式,激活模式 [CRH ]

activation of a lamp test  启动灯测试 [厨房设备]3

activation of the train  启动列车 [CRH ]

activator  活化剂 [牵引电机]

active  主动的,有源的,工作中 [综合]

active and non-active alarm signals  激活及未激活警报信号 [烟火报警]5

active branch  有源支线 [CRH 牵引及辅变]

active command level  激活的命令等级 [机师综合]3

active gateway  有源网关 [CRH ]

active inhibit signal  有效抑制(禁止)信号 [Sibase]

active mass  有效重量 [限压电阻]

active material  活性材料 [限压电阻]3

active program  激活的程序 [CRH ]5

active resonance  源谐振 [CRH 牵引及辅变]3

active signal  有效信号 [CRH ]

active surface area  有效表面积 [限压电阻]5

active type  有源型 [CRH 牵引及辅变]

activity description  工作说明 [轮对]5

actual Cv-pressure  实际Cv-压力 [CRH ]

actual ratio  实际传动比 [齿轮箱]

actual screen content  实际显示内容 [机师综合]

actual temperature  实际温度 [厨房设备]

actual value preprocessing  实际值处理 [其他]3

actual valve control  实际电子管控制 [CRH ]

actually occur  实际所产生 [其他]

actuate  使执行,使动作,激励,操纵 [综合]

actuates the pump  启动泵 [总体]5

actuating lever  操纵杆 [CRH 型制动]3

actuating signal  控制信号 [CRH ]3

actuation motor  启动电机 [CRH ]

actuation pressure  作动压力 [暖通空调]3

actuator  执行器 [CRH ]

acute dermal toxicity  急性皮肤毒性 [变流器冷却单元]

acute effect  急性反应 [有害物质]

acute inhalation toxicity  急性吸入毒性 [变流器冷却单元]

acute oral toxicity  急性口服毒性 [变流器冷却单元]

acute toxicity  急性中毒 [有害物质]

acute toxicity aquatic invertebrates  对水中无脊椎动物的急性毒性 [有害物质]

acyclic  非循环的 [综合]

adapt  符合 [主断路器]

adaptation  适应,匹配 [综合]

adapter  联轴套管,适配器,接合件 [烟火报警]

adapter angle position  安装座角度位置 [行李架]

adapter box  匹配(适配器、工具)箱 [司机座椅]3

adapter converter  附加变频器 [CRH ]

adapter coupler  接合车钩(过渡钩),接合器(鸳鸯钩) 3[CRH ]5

adapter F-M  适配器 F-M [CRH 牵引及辅变]

adapter for gap cover  间隙盖板的安装座 [行李架]

adapter for hinges  用于铰链的安装座 [行李架]

adaptor ring  配接环 [联轴器]

ADD  自动下降装置(受电弓) [受电弓]5

ADD intervention  ADD干涉 [CRH ]

add-on part  附件,附件 [联轴器]5

added bulk for rotary part  外加旋转零件 [CRH 牵引及辅变]3

addition  掺加物 [CRH ]

additional advice  附加建议 [有害物质]

additional air volume  额外的空气 [拖车转向架]

additional circuitry  附加电路 [Sibase]

additional clean cover over the package  在包装上加装干净的遮盖物 [蓄电池]5

additional equipment  附加设备 [CRH 型制动]

additional function  附加功能 [可视化系统]

additional information  附加信息 [变流器冷却单元]

additional interface  附加接口 [双辅助变流器]3

additional optocoupler  附加的光耦合器 [CRH ]

additional or excessive stress  额外或过多的应力 [总体]

additional register  附加寄存器 [可视化系统]

additional rubber buffer  附加橡胶缓冲器 [动力转向架]

additional spring  附加弹簧 [空气弹簧]

additional start  再次启动 [卫生间]5

additional volume  附加体积 [CRH 型制动]

additive  添加剂 [蓄电池、暖通空调]

address  地址 [综合]3

address bits  地址位 [CRH ]3

address bus  地址总线 [CRH ]3

addressed bus participant  有地址的总线参与者 [CRH ]3

addressed receiver  确定地址的接收器 [CRH ]3

addressing  选址 [CRH ]

adequate  合适的 [综合]

adequate airway  充分的通风 [有害物质]

adequate level of electrolyte  具有适当的电解液液位 [蓄电池]

adequate redevelopment of the track section  轨道段适当的改造 [轮轴定位]3

adequate ride quality  运行平稳性良好 [CRH ]

adequate standard torque  合适的标准扭矩 [转向架诊断]

adequate tool  适当的工具 [导流罩]

adequately protect the packing of the accessories against rotting  采取充分措施防止配件包装腐蚀 [主变压器]

adequately secure  可靠固定 [牵引电机组成]

adequately stable  足够坚固 [主变压器]

adhere  粘连 [暖通空调]

adhere strictly  严格遵守 [其他]

adhere to short waiting time  遵守短的等待时间 [齿轮箱]

adhere to skin  冻结到皮肤上 [暖通空调]

adhere to the sequence  遵守安装顺序 [限压电阻]

adhere to the shut-down procedures  遵守关闭程序 [牵引电机风扇]

adhere to the tolerances  遵守容差值 [司机室内墙]

adhered  遵守 [主变压器]

adhered to  取决于 [总体]

adherence risk  具有连带风险 [轮对]

adhesion  黏附力(轮轨黏着力) [综合]

adhesion coefficient  黏着系数 [高铁]

adhesive  可黏合,活化剂 [动力转向架]

adhesive cloth tape  胶带 [动力转向架]

adhesive joints on bogie  转向架上的黏合剂 [拖车转向架]3

adhesive strips  黏性胶带 [CRH ]

adhesive surface  黏结面 [卫生间]

adhesive tape  胶带 [行李架]

adjacent  相邻的 [综合]

adjacent car  相邻的车厢 [厨房设备]

adjacent luggage racks  相邻行李架 [行李架]

adjacent parts  邻近部件 [牵引电机风扇]5

adjacent phase  相邻相位 [CRH 牵引及辅变]

adjacent surfaces  相邻表面 [暖通空调]3

adjacent traction unit  相邻的牵引单元 [CRH ]

adjoin  接合部 [内墙板]

adjoin the glass partitions  邻接玻璃隔板 [内墙板]

adjust position of coupler head above top of rail  调整车钩头距轨面距离 [整体维护]

adjust sanding equipment  调整撒砂设备 [撒砂]

adjust the contacts  调整接触件 [隔离开关]

adjust the coupling rod  调节连杆 [受电弓]

adjust the door  调整舱门 [司机室内墙]

adjust the front bar  调整前杆 [行李架]

adjustable filter  可调滤波器 [Sibase]

adjustable floor bearing  地板可调轴承 [司机室内墙]3

adjustable gain  增益可调整 [CRH ]

adjustable gain(R)and time delay(C)  增益(R)和时间延3迟(C)可调整 [CRH ]

adjustable gain and time delay  可调增益和延时 [Sibase]3

adjustable input voltage level  可调输入电压电平 [CRH ]

adjustable threshold  可调节阈值 [Sibase]

adjusted incorrectly  不正确地调整 [撒砂]

adjusting nut  调整螺母 [行李架]

adjusting one pump stroke  调节泵冲程 [总体]

adjusting ring  调节环 [顶板射灯]

adjusting shim  调整垫片 [牵引变流器]

adjustment flap  检查门板 [卫生间]

adjustment mechanism  调整机构 [司机座椅]

adjustment mechanisms of the seat  座椅的调整机构 [司机座椅]

adjustment of the antennae  天线的调整 [整体维护]

adjustment opening  调节开口 [卫生间]

adjustment plate  调节板 [齿轮箱]

adjustment plate above uni WC  通用卫生间顶板检查门 [卫生间]

adjustment point of the filter voltage  滤波器电压的调节点 5[CRH 牵引及辅变]5

adjustment screw  调节螺丝 [CRH 型制动]

administer  实施 [有害物质]

administration  管理,管理局 [综合]

administration of cyclical events classes  管理循环事件等级 3[CRH ]

administrative voice communication system  行政语音通讯系统 [高铁]3

administrator  管理器 [CRH ]

admissible frequency(voltage)variation  容许频率(电压)变化 [暖通空调]

adsorptive  吸附 [总体]

adsorptive desiccant  吸附型干燥剂 [总体]

advance announcement of neutral sections  提前发出分相段通知 [司机]5

advantage deriving  得到的好处 [CRH 牵引及辅变]5

adverse  不利条件 [CRH 牵引及辅变]

adverse effect  副作用 [有害物质]

adverse effect on the surrounding  周围环境产生负面影响 [主变压器]

adverse health effect  带来健康伤害 [有害物质]5

adverse weather condition  外部不利气候环境 [CRH 牵引及辅变]

adversely affect the life  影响使用寿命 [厨房设备]

aerodynamic  空气动力学 [过压保护罩]5

aerodynamic factor  空气动力学系数 [CRH 牵引及辅变]

aerodynamic type code  空气动力类型代码 [牵引电机风扇]

aerosol  悬浮微粒,气溶胶 [有害物质]

AEU(audio entertainment unit)  音频娱乐装置 [机师综合]

AEU config  AEU配置 [屏幕界面]

AEU controller  AEU控制器 [整车]

AEU MMI part for wall and seat mounting  墙和座椅安装用的AEU MMI零件 [整车]

AEU status  AEU状态 [屏幕界面]

affect  影响 [综合]

affect the accuracy of the temperature control  影响温度控制的精确度 [厨房设备]

affected car  受影响的车厢 [机师综合]

affix  粘贴 [机师综合]

affix label  粘贴标签 [机师综合]

after contact with eyes  与眼睛接触 [变流器冷却单元]

after installation of the transformer mounting frame to the vehicle  在将变压器安装框架安装到车辆上之后 [主变压器冷却单元]

against  防止 [综合]

against neg.ground  相对于负地 [卫生间]5

against plus  防止正 [CRH ]

against reverse polarity  防止极性相反 [水箱]

against the ratchets  抵住棘轮 [总体]

aged  过期,老化 [主变压器]

aged silicagel  过期硅胶 [主变压器]

ageing of mineral oil  矿物油老化 [主变压器]

ageing process of the rubber  橡胶的老化过程 [转向架诊断]

ageing stability  老化稳定性 [主变压器]

agent  制剂 [牵引电机]

aggressive  腐蚀性的 [综合]

aggressive acid  侵蚀性酸液 [真空单元]3

aggressive exhalations  腐蚀性气体 [CRH ]

aging  老化 [主变压器]

aging material  老化材料 [主变压器]

aging of insulation material  绝缘材料老化 [主变压器]

aging of the oil  油的老化 [主变压器]

aid  帮助 [综合]

aid to commissioning  调试帮助 [其他]3

air conditioning  空调 [CRH ]3

air spring  空气弹簧 [CRH ]

air bellow lifting device  气囊提升装置 [受电弓]

air bellows  气囊 [受电弓]

air blast dust  采用气冲击法去除灰尘 [双辅助变流器]

air bleeder  放气阀 [齿轮箱]

air bubbles  气泡 [主变压器冷却单元]

air compressor check  空压机检查 [地铁]3

air compressor unit  空气压缩机组 [CRH ]3

air conditioning  空调装置 [CRH ]3

air conditioning-adjusting panel  空调调节面板 [CRH ]3

air-conditioning cabinet  空调机柜 [CRH ]3

air conditioning contactor  空调接触器 [CRH ]

air conditioning control program upload  空调控制系统程序上载 [地铁]3

air-conditioning emergency off  空调(紧急关闭) [CRH ]3

air-conditioning facilities  空调设施 [CRH ]3

air-conditioning off  空调关闭 [CRH ]3

air-conditioning on  空调工作 [CRH ]3

air conditioning saloon  空调舱,客室空调 [CRH ]

air conditioning screen  空调控制屏 [显示屏]

air-conditioning system  空调系统 [机师综合]

air-conditioning system test  空调系统试验 [地铁]

air conditioning unit  空调机组 [总体]3

air-conditioning unit cab  司机室空调装置 [CRH ]3

air-conditioning unit saloon  客室空调装置 [CRH ]

air connection  空气连接器 [受电弓]

air consumption  耗气量 [主断路器]

air-current  气流 [过压保护罩]

air cylinder  气缸 [车顶隔离开关]

air dampening  空气阻尼 [主断路器]

air damper  空气节气阀 [暖通空调]

air delivery and pressure regulation  风量与压力调节 [整体维护]

air direction  气流方向 [暖通空调]

air disappear  气体消散 [主变压器]3

air distribution box  空气分配箱 [CRH ]3

air distribution box damper  空气分配箱调节器 [CRH ]

air door assembly  风门盖板组件 [暖通空调]3

air dryer  空气干燥器 [CRH ]

air dryer unit  空气干燥装置 [总体]

air drying system  空气干燥系统 [总体]

air duct  风道,导气管 [动力转向架]3

air duct grid plates  风道隔栅条 [CRH ]3

air ducting and distribution  空气的输送和分配 [CRH ]3

air ducting system  风道系统 [CRH ]5

air/water exchanger  空气/水交换器 [CRH 牵引及辅变]5

air filling  充气装置 [CRH 牵引及辅变]

air filter  空气过滤器 [整体维护]

air filter assembly  空气过滤器组件 [暖通空调]5

air filter or the oil filter  空气过滤器或油过滤器 [CRH ]

air fin  空气散热片 [暖通空调]

air flow/airflow  空气流量,气流 [暖通空调]3

air flow failure  气流失效 [CRH ]

air-flow pressure switch  气流压力开关 [暖通空调]

air flow restrictions  气流受阻 [暖通空调]

air foil  空气薄片,翼片,翅片 [整体维护]3

air heater  空气(预热器)加热器 [CRH ]5

air heater breaker  空气加热器断路器 [CRH ]3

air humidity  空气湿度 [CRH ]5

air inlet  进气口 [CRH 型制动]

air inlet filer  进气口过滤器 [整体维护]

air inlet grille  进气口护栅 [双辅助变流器]5

air inlet port  进气口 [CRH 型制动]

air intake  进风口 [整体维护]

air intake grille  进气栅格 [单辅变]

air intake openings  进气口 [厨房设备]

air jet  喷射气流 [暖通空调]

air lever  空气杠杆(高度阀调整杆) [受电弓]

air outlet  排风口,出风口 [单辅变]

air outlet area  排气口区域 [牵引电机]

air outlet grid  出风口栅格 [牵引电机]

air outlet in the bottom cover  底盖板上的排风口 [单辅变]5

air outlet port  出气口 [CRH 型制动]

air outlet to regeneration air reservoir  再生风缸中的出气口 5[CRH 型制动]3

air pipe connection  气管连接 [CRH ]

air pipe from the air suspension  空气悬挂压缩空气管道 5[CRH 型制动]

air pipe from the auxiliary reservoir  辅助风缸压缩空气管道 5[CRH 型制动]5

air pipe to the brake cylinder  制动缸压缩空气管道 [CRH 型制动]

air pollution  空气污染 [受电弓]3

air pressure monitoring  气压监控 [CRH ]

air pressure of control circuit  控制电路气压 [主断路器]3

air pressure supply  压力空气供应 [CRH ]

air pressure switch  空气压力开关 [暖通空调]3

air reservoir  储气器,风缸 [CRH ]

air sensor assembly  空气传感器组件 [暖通空调]

air spring bellow  空气弹簧气囊 [空气弹簧]

air spring control assembly  空气弹簧控制组成 [整体维护]

air spring leverage  空气弹簧调整杆 [牵引电机组成]3

air spring linkage  空气弹簧连杆 [CRH ]

air spring linkage assembly  空气弹簧联接组件 [拖车转向架]

air spring system  空气弹簧系统 [转向架]5

air supply equipment  供风装置 [CRH 型制动]

air supply pipe diameter  供气管直径 [主断路器]5

air supply port  压缩空气接口 [CRH 型制动]5

air supply port for drying  烘干压缩空气接口 [CRH 型制动]5

air supply port for sanding  撒砂压缩空气接口 [CRH 型制动]

air supply system  供风设备 [制动]5

air supply units(ASU)  供风单元(ASU) [CRH 型制动]

air suspension  空气悬挂(二系) [整体维护]

air suspension control  空气悬架控件 [机师综合]

air suspension equipment  空气悬挂设备(二系减振) 3[CRH ]

air suspension levelling valve linkage broken  空气悬架调平阀(高度阀)连接装置破损 [机师综合]

air switch  空气开关 [开水炉]

air systems  空气系统 [地铁]

air tank’ s cap  气缸盖 [主断路器]

air tightness test  空气气密性试验 [地铁]

air tool point  风扳手 [高铁]

air transport  空运 [有害物质]

air ventilation with mesh  带滤网的空气通风口 [卫生间]5

airless  无空气 [CRH 型轮对]

aisle  过道 [内墙板]

alarm  报警,警报 [综合]5

alarm and block  报警和终止 [CRH 型轮对]

alarm auxiliary converter  辅助变流器报警 [烟火报警]

alarm control cabinet  控制机柜报警 [烟火报警]

alarm driver area  驾驶室报警 [烟火报警]

alarm entries  警报输入 [烟火报警]

alarm evaluation  警报评定 [烟火报警]

alarm localization  局部化警报 [烟火报警]

alarm PIS cabinet  PIS机柜报警 [烟火报警]

alarm signal  报警信号 [总体]3

alarm signal case  报警信号盒 [CRH ]3

alarm system  报警系统 [CRH ]3

alarm threshold  报警门限值 [CRH ]

alarm toilet  盥洗室报警 [烟火报警]

alarm traction converter  牵引变流器报警 [烟火报警]

alcohol-resistant foam  抗酒精泡沫 [变流器冷却单元]5

algorithm  算法 [CRH 牵引及辅变]

alight from the driver’ s cab  司机室离开 [司机]

align  定位,调整、对正,调直 [牵引电机风扇]

align of the door and control of the key locks

locks  将门对正键锁控制装置 [卫生间]

align opposite each other in a longitudinal direction  在纵向上相对对准 [转向架]3

aligned  排成直线 [CRH ]

aligner  调直器 [转向架]

aligning  对正 [避雷器]

alignment  对准 [行李架]

alignment of all adapters  对准所有的安装座 [行李架]

alkaline  碱 [有害物质]

alkalis  碱 [变流器冷却单元]

all items indicated  提及的所有零部件 [司机室内墙]3

all railway applications  所有铁路应用 [CRH ]5

all the operation field  整个运行范围 [CRH 牵引及辅变]

allen wrench  内六角扳手 [暖通空调]

allergic reaction  过敏反应 [变流器冷却单元]

allergic reaction possible  可能的过敏反应 [变流器冷却单元]

allowable max  允许最大 [污物箱]

allowed value of voltage pulsation  电压允许波动值 [开水炉]

alloy  合金 [综合]

alongside  旁边 [机师综合]

alphabetical  字母的 [综合]3

alphabetical designation strip  字母代号条 [CRH ]

alphanumeric data input  字母数字数据输入 [双辅助变流器]

alphanumeric form  以字母数字形式 [可视化系统]5

alter  变化 [CRH 型高压]

alter their size  大小改变 [其他]

alteration in layout  布置更改 [逆变器]

altered as desired  随意改变 [其他]

alternate  交替 [综合]5

alternate current mesh  交流电网孔 [CRH 牵引及辅变]5

alternate current mode  交流电模式 [CRH 牵引及辅变]5

alternated the conduction  交替传导 [CRH 牵引及辅变]

alternately in conduction the couples  连接器交替传导 [CRH 5 牵引及辅变]

alternates current  交流电 [其他]

altitude  海拔高度 [隔离开关]5

aluminium housing  铝制外壳 [CRH 型制动]

aluminum  铝 [综合]3

aluminum alloy  铝合金 [CRH ]

aluminum bottle  铝瓶 [主变压器]

aluminum case  铝盒 [卫生间]

aluminum flat  扁铝线 [避雷器]

aluminum foil  铝箔,铝铂 [暖通空调]

aluminum frame  铝框架 [整体维护]

aluminum front profile  前部铝型材(车头) [行李架]

aluminum honeycomb material  铝蜂窝板 [高铁]

aliminum profile  铝型材 [行李架]

ambient  环境的,外界的 [综合]5

ambient condition  环境条件 [水箱、CRH 型轮对]

ambient conditions for operation  运行的环境条件 [牵引变流器]3

ambient temperature  环境温度 [CRH ]

ambient temperature range for operating  工作环境温度范围 [双辅助变流器]

ambient temperature range permissible  允许的温度范围 3[CRH ]

ambient working temperature  环境工作温度 [暖通空调]

ambiguous  含糊 [综合]

ammeter  安培表 [牵引变流器]





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