商务谈判英语 看这本就够了(txt+pdf+epub+mobi电子书下载)

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商务谈判英语 看这本就够了

商务谈判英语 看这本就够了试读:



本书内容深入浅出,让您轻松学习,快速进阶。共分为两大部分:Part 1成功谈判商场无敌




四、重要词汇:上百个符合商务谈判情境的单词,是您谈判时最不可或缺的关键词汇,另外搭配常用词组,谈判贴士绝对不能错过!Part 2商务谈判赢家关键句


为此,本书特别收录谈判桌上最常出现的惯用语,教你如何以纯熟的技巧分析谈判焦点,适时以退为进、以攻为守,或是转换语气、坚守立场,熟练这些谈判桌上临机应变的技巧,就能轻松练就谈判英语,活用筹码出奇制胜!Part 1成功谈判商场无敌Chapter 1 Daily Negotiations 日常谈判For Your Information背景介绍

Negotiations aren't just for business;they lie at the heart of all human interaction. They make it possible for society to function.Unless you're a hermit living in a cave, you negotiate things every day from the time you get up, until you go to bed.At home, people negotiate the restaurant they go to, the movie they see, the TV program they watch, who showers frst, and who goes to the market.At work, we negotiate who uses the copy machine first, and who watches the phone during lunch.

中译 谈判不只是为了做生意而已,它们根植于所有人类的沟通活动中,让社会得以运作。除非你是一个住在洞穴里的隐士,否则你每天从早上起床开始,到睡觉为止,都得谈判。当人们在家中时,人们会为了要去哪家餐厅、看哪部电影、哪个电视节目、谁先洗澡、谁该去超市买东西而商量或决议。在工作中,我们得讨论谁先用复印机、谁该在午餐时间留下来接电话等。

Our day is one continuous negotiation, and it's likely none of them involve money. We're so used to negotiating that we don't even think about it, it's how we live peacefully together.We learn in childhood that things are a value for value trade off.

中译 我们每日的生活就是不断地商议,而这些商议都和金钱无关。我们太习惯和他人商议,所以这样的动作几乎成了我们的反射动作,商议、谈判正是人们得以和平相处的原因。我们在孩童时期就学到了每件事都有价值,都可以当作谈判筹码。

To get what we want, we have to trade what we have, and we take that idea into adulthood. It's great if things stay like that your entire life.If all negotiations were performed with the honesty kids use in the playground, there'd be no need for this book.But, sometimes they don't.Things have been kicked up a few notches, and some negotiators don't play fair.This book will tell you what's going on, and how to handle it.

中译 要得到自己想要的东西,我们就必须拿自己拥有的东西去交换,而我们也把这种思维模式带到了成人阶段。如果事情能够一辈子都是这样该多好。如果谈判时,大家都秉持着孩提时代玩耍时的诚实态度,那么就没有写这本书的必要了。但是有时候,人们并不会诚实相待。事情改观了,有些谈判人员并不会公平地就事论事,而本书将会为你解析情况,并给你一些应对的参考。

There are no set pattern negotiations in English that you must follow. It's determined by the local customs and the players involved.I've seen minor points take days of hard talking, and once negotiated a three hundred thousand dollar contract during a two-hour lunch.We spent five minutes on the deal, the rest on other topics.

中译 英语并没有必须遵守的既定谈判模式,主要看当地的规矩和相关人员而定。我曾为一些小事情,费尽唇舌商量;但也有一次,只花了两个小时的午餐时间,便谈成了价值三十万美金的合约。真正在谈生意只花了五分钟,其他时间都在谈其他的事。

The following are examples of day-to-day negations we perform without thinking. The first shows Jack and Mary as children at play working things out.In the second one, Jack and Mary are a couple planning an evening out.Thethird shows Jack and Mary as coworkers cooperating to keep things running smoothly.

中译 下面这几个对话,是我们不自觉中就会进行的日常生活谈判。第一个对话是孩提时代的杰克和玛丽,他们正想解决事情。第二个对话中,杰克和玛丽是一对情侣,他们在商量晚上要去哪里。在第三个对话中,杰克和玛丽是同事,他们讨论该如何把工作配合地尽善尽美。Dialog 1MP3-1

This dialog is between Jack, who's pretty good at playing chess, and his friend and next-door neighbor Mary, a member of the school chess club. Jack promised to play chess with Mary on Monday after school, to help her get ready for a competition if she did the dishes for him on Sunday.Mary did the dishes and now Jack needs to keep his promises.


Jack:I'm going to the park to play baseball with the guys.


Mary:But you promised to play chess with me this afternoon.


Jack:Yeah, but that was before the guys asked me to join the team.


Mary:So what?


Jack:You know how much I want to be on the team, and now there's an opening for me.


If I don't go to practice today, they'll get someone else, and I'll miss my chance.


Mary:I don't care about baseball, you know I need to practice for the chess championship, and you promised to help me if I washed the dishes for you last Sunday, and I did.


Jack:I know, and I will.




Jack:After baseball practice.


Mary:By then, it will be dinnertime, then homework and then your TV show is on. You're going to break your promise.


Jack:No, I won't. I'm going to skip TV tonight and work on your chess game with you if that's okay with you.


Mary:Well, I'd rather do it the way we set up, but if you promise to give me your best game, it's okay with me.


Jack:No problem. I'll play as hard as I can and give you an extra game to say thanks.

没问题。我一定使出全力,再多陪你下一场,以示回报。Dialog 2MP3-2

Jack and Mary are now grown up and dating. Their friendship is as strong as ever and there's a strong bond between them, so their dialog is relaxed and flows pretty freely.It's more like a married couple than young adults dating to get to know each other.


Mary:Let's have seafood tonight and then go to see the new movie at the Mall Cinema.


Betsy told me it's a beautiful love story and I shouldn't miss it.


Jack:Oh, Goodness, please not again. That's what we did last week.


Mary:No, we didn't. Last week we went to see thatmovie about a man's struggle against mental illness.


Jack:Right, it was a chick flick, just like this one, so what's the difference?


Besides, this is the last week for the third movie in the Destroyer series and I want to see that on a big screen.


Action movies need to be seen in a theater on a big screen.


Mary:Oh, yeah, and I did promise to see it with you if we went to that movie last week. But you liked that movie, didn't you?


Jack:Oh, sure, it was great. I had popcorn for dinner and paid the price of a movie ticket to get a two-hour nap.


Mary:It wasn't that bad, and you're the one that insisted on skipping dinner. We went to an excellent restaurant.


Jack:That place doesn't have a single meat dish. Just fish and shellfish and you know I don't like fish that much.


Mary:And I don't like meat that much. The only meat I eat is chicken.


Jack:But when I pick the restaurant, we go to a place that has both chicken and fish. I always respect your food preferences.


Mary:Well, I suppose that, to be fair, you should get to pick the movie and we can go to a restaurant that serves meat.


Jack:Now you're talking, we can see that love story next time.

你总算开窍了,我们可以下次再看爱情文艺片。Dialog 3MP3-3

In this dialog, Jack and Mary work at the same company, and remain good friends. They remain very professional and keep the dating part of their relationship to themselves and out of the work place.No one at work knows they're dating.


Jack:Hi, are you busy?


Mary:Hi, I was just coming to see you. But since you made the trek to my offce, you get to go frst.


Jack:Okay, I'm putting together a report on the Allied Marketing Co. failure, and I seem to have run into a stone wall.Can you help me out?


Mary:Well, I can try, what do you need?


Jack:You were there when the problem started. I was hoping you could fll me in on the details.


Mary:Sure, no problem. But I need something from you.


Jack:Name it.


Mary:I'm supposed to have this package ready for mailing out tomorrow morning and I'm miles away from being ready.


Can you edit this product study I wrote while I do these?


Jack:All right, I can do that, and as soon as we finish this, we can both work on my problem.


Mary:That works for me.


Jack:Give me the study. I'll start as soon as I get back to my offce.


Mary:Here's a print out of the study, and this is a disc with the full report on it.


The file name is product study;this is an extra copy so you can do whatever you want with it.


谈判停看听 The above are three prime examples of the kinds of negotiations we make with people in our everyday lives.There was no formal set up or appointment made frst, they just happened in the course of doing the business of living.These are the sort of things we do every day.

中译 上面这三个例子,是我们日常生活中常见的谈判范例。这些自然而然发生的讨论,并不需要事先制定或预约,而是我们每天都会经历的。Vocabulary 重要词汇MP3-4

interaction 互动

function 运作

hermit 隐士

negotiate 谈判

copy machine 复印机

involve 牵涉

trade 交易

playground 游乐场

kick up 引发

notch 鸿沟

play fair 公平行事

set pattern 固定模式

determine 决定

custom 惯例

minor point 次要点

hard talking 激烈谈论

topic 主题

cooperate 合作

smoothly 顺利地

chess 国际象棋

competition 竞争

do the dishes 洗碗

keep one's promise 履行承诺

So what?又怎么样?

be on the team 成为队员

opening 机会

championship 冠军赛

break one's promise 食言

skip 略过

work on 从事……

set up 订下

bond 联系

mental 心理的

chick fick 女生爱看的电影

insist on 坚持

preference 偏好

remain 维持

professional 专业的

trek 艰难跋涉

run into a stone wall 遇到困难

fll in 提供最新消息

name it 直说

miles away from 很远的

edit 编辑

fle 档案

prime 主要的

formal 正式的

appointment 预约

in the course of 在……过程中Chapter 2Sometimes It’s Fast and Easy 快速、简单的谈判For Your Information背景介绍

A fair and equitable deal can be reached quickly, with a minimum of effort on even the most complex issues. It depends on who the major players are, how motivated they feel and whether lawyers play an active role.If you think that's a little unfair to attorneys, you may be right.However, most of the lawyers I've worked with agree with me, off the record, of course.

中译 即使议题复杂,但如果在公平、平等的条件下交易也可以轻松达成。这一切取决于主要谈判人员是否积极,以及律师是否扮演了主动的角色。或许你认为这对代理人来说有点不公平,但私下来说,大部分和我共事过的律师,都同意这点,当然是私底下。

There are businessmen and women out there who still do things the old-fashioned way. Their negotiating style is much the same as it was when they were kids.They know the rules, that to get value, they have to give value.All they want is a reasonable profit.When you run across a company like this, you should go out of your way to keep them happy.

中译 商场上有些人,仍然用传统方法做事;他们的谈判模式和孩提时代很像,游戏规则就是:“想要什么,就得拿东西来换。”既然他们要求的是“合理的利润”,当你碰上这样的公司时,应该尽量让他们开心。Dialog 1MP3-5

In the following dialog, Mike is an honest old-fashioned businessman content to make an honest living. He wants to buy some big screen TV sets to distribute in the U.S.May has often contacted Mike and tried to sell him electronics, but this is the first time she's meeting Mike in person and she's hopeful Mike will actually buy from her.


Mike:Hello, come in, I've been waiting for you.


May:Thank you, I'm not late, am I?


Mike:No, no, no, not at all. It's just that I've been looking forward to meeting you.


May:Well, thank you, but it's not all that hard to do, you know.


I've been calling your office and sending you proposals for about two years now, and you've never responded before.


Mike:Ha, ha, ha!Yes, I guess I deserved that. Let me explain, okay?


May:Please, I wish you would.


Mike:Well, as you probably know I buy from a selected group of suppliers and don't, as a rule, deal with new people.


May:Yes, I know that. That's why I've been trying to become one of those suppliers.I hear you're a good man to do business with.


Mike:I'm very old-fashioned. I believe in loyalty.Once I start a sales relationship with someone, I stay with him or her, and we do most of our business on the phone.


I expect their absolute best price possible and don't haggle. But if I find out they screwed me over, then I fnd another supplier.


May:That's pretty much what I heard.


Mike:Well, those are my terms. As long as you honor them, we do business.


If you break faith and try to take advantage, I'll find someone else to work with. Can you live with that?


May:No problem at all, Mike. Just give me the chance.

没问题,迈克。请给我一个机会。Dialog 2MP3-6

The meeting is going well for May. She's been offered a chance to work with Mike and become one of his suppliers.Next, they have to work out an understanding.Situations like this are not that uncommon, the buyer is in charge, and he gets to make the rules.That's the way it usually is.In the next part of the negotiation, May fnds out Mike's ground rules and decides if she can live with them.Even though this sounds like instruction, it is a negotiation.


Mike:Well, that's why you're here. My source for Big TV sets overcharged me on the last shipment, so I need someone new.


I wanted to meet you to see if we can work together. I think we can.


May:I agree.


Mike:Fine, but before you agree, don't you need to know what you're agreeing to?


May:I guess you're right. But like you said, you called me here to check me out.I've been doing the same.


Mike:Ha, ha, ha!That's fair. How did I do?


May:Quite good, actually. I'm pretty sure you're demanding, but fair and honest.I feel we can work together.


Mike:Good, well, here's what I need from you. Are you ready?




Mike:Well, I know you work for someone else, but as your client, please, we have to get this straight between us.


I'm your client, not your company. As your client, I expect you to be square with me at all times.Can you do that?


May:I don't see a problem.


Mike:Good!Do you have any questions?

很好!你有问题想问吗?Dialog 3MP3-7

Now that the basic ground rules are set and the details have been cleared up. In the next stage of the negotiation, May learns what Mike needs and has to decide if she can do that.


May:What happens if we make a deal and thirty to sixty days after delivery the price goes down and you didn't get the best possible price?


How do I handle that?


Mike:Well, these things happen, I know that. You just have to stay straight with me.


May:Right!So how do I do that?What will make you happy?


Mike:Well, I suggest you just keep me posted. That should do it.


That way the burden is on me to decide when to buy, not you.


May:Excuse me?


Mike:Yeah, it really is that simple.


Every time there's a change in the items we do business on, you let me know. That's all you need to do.


May:What kind of change, just in prices?


Mike:No, any change. I want you to keep me as informed as you are.


I need to know as much as you do. If you hear about something that might happen, then tell me about it.


Tell me it's a rumor, what it's based on and your opinion on how likely it is.


May:You mean on product availability, reliability and price?


Mike:No, everything. Those things for sure, but also laborproblems, raw materials, new subcontractors, mergers, in short, anything and everything.


So I can make a fully informed decision.


May:So it's like you want me to be your eyes and ears into the industry.


I can do that, provided the company I'm working for isn't hurt.


Mike:I think we'll get along fne.

我想我们会合作愉快的。Vocabulary 重要词汇MP3-8

equitable 公平的

minimum 最小的

effort 努力

complex 复杂的

motivate 激发

attorney 律师;代理人

off the record 私下来说;没有记载的

old-fashioned 老式的;传统的

proft 利润

run across 碰见

content 满意的

make a living 谋生

distribute 供应

electronics 电器

in person 亲自

proposal 企划;提案

respond 回应

supplier 供应商

loyalty 忠诚度

haggle 讨价还价

screw over 欺骗

take advantage 利用;占便宜

live with(勉强)接受

ground rule 基本原则

instruction 指令

overcharged 索价过高

shipment 运送

shoot 直说

square 正直的

burden 重担;负担

item 货物;项目

rumor 谣传

availability 有效性

reliability 可信度

raw material 原料

subcontractor 承包商

merger 合并Chapter 3Playing Fair 公平交易For Your Information背景介绍

I did my best for my clients, but I never screwed a contractor to gain my client an unfair advantage, and that earned me a reputation for being fair. It made it easier for me to do business and get good deals for my clients.I was more effective with less effort than the other managers in the offce.I got things done faster and the company's board was able to handle business more easily, especially when it came to getting competitive bids.

中译 我一向尽全力服务客户,但我也不会因此压榨承包商,借此为客户获取额外的利益,而这也为我赢得了公平的美誉。跟客户做生意时,我比其他经理更有效率,也花费较少精力。我办事快速,因此董事会可以更轻松地处理公务,尤其是在争取竞争激烈的标价时。

Thankfully, there were a lot of businessmen and women out there who were the same way and bidding out work was one of the easier parts of my job. Being fair and easy to deal with got me the bids on time with a minimum of effort.Once a bid was accepted, working out the details was friendly and quick.

中译 幸好,商场上有许多人也持相同的做事态度,所以对外竞标是我工作上最简单的一部分。“公平”和“亲和力”这两项特质,让我花最少的力气,就能准时得到报价。报价一旦得手,谈细节就会友善又快速。

When I asked for a bid, the contractor knew I was serious and the work would be done. I wasn't just gettingdata for a curious board that might not do the work for another year or two.What I'm getting at is that no matter how large the town where you do business is, not everyone in the town is in the same business.The people in your field are competitors and they may not share trade secrets but they do talk and from time to time you get to be the topic of the day.It's a small town, and everybody knows everybody else.

中译 当我要求标价时,合约商知道我是认真的,就会准时出价。因为我不是在帮一两年内都不打算动工的董事会,搜集满足他们好奇心的资料而已。我的重点是,不管你在多大的城市做生意,遇到的不可能都是同行。同行的人都是竞争者,当然不会把商业机密谈开来。但是大家还是会讨论,甚至有时候,你也会是大家的谈论主题。业界是个小地方,每个人都知道对方的底细。

Remember there's no such thing as a free lunch. Everything has a price and somebody pays for it.A free estimate isn't free.It's called free because you don't have to pay for it, but it cost time and materials for the vendor to prepare.They are part of the game and every proposal doesn't get accepted, but if a vendor has a choice of doing one for someone who only asks when he’s serious or someone who is only testing the waters for a sale that’s still months down the road, and the job will have to be bid for again, who gets priority?

中译 要记住,“天下没有免费的午餐”,每样东西都有价码,总有人要付出代价。“免费估价”不是真的免费,之所以称为免费,是指你不用付费,但它是需要卖方花工夫或材料准备的。这是游戏的一部分,并不是每个提案都会被接受。然而如果厂商能选择为谁估价,一方是很认真询问的人;另一方只是试探地要一些资料,好几个月后才会动工,且到时又要再报一次价。你认为厂商会以谁为优先考量?

If it's for information only, I tell them so. Then, the vendor knows how much research he needs and it will take him or her a tenth of the time it takes to put a formal bid.After you're asked for a bid, stay in contact with your contacts.If they lose the bid, you should call them and tell them the details about why they lost it, so they know all their work wasn't for nothing.

中译 如果我的目的只是为了获取资料,我会坦白告诉对方,让卖方知道自己该出多少力:通常只需正式报价的十分之一准备即可。在招标时,你也该和对方保持联系,若对方竞标失败,你也该致电对





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