
发布时间:2020-10-08 23:19:49








—— 序为《黄山神韵》摄影集












[1] 叶挺军长诗句(Annotation)Mountain in Fogs,Beauty in Clouds——Preface for Photos Collection Charm of Huangshan Mountain

Huang Shan is a very remarkable place of interest which is widely known by the world for her steep peaks,interlaced streams,peculiar clouds and magnificent momentum. Each of 72 peaks is of different characteristic,but setting off each other in clear large and small,dominating and subordinate relationship. The main towering peak is surrounded by others with well-arranged layout. Powerful pines,mysterious sea of clouds and changeable climate form the unique s scenery of Huangshan Mountain,which attracted numerous men of letters and tourists to praise and admire it. Xu Xiake has written:“You may ignore all mountains after you climbed Huangshan Mountain”. There is an old saying:“You have no wish to visit any other mountains after viewing the Five Mountains,while you won’t wish to visit the Five Mountains after you coming back from a trip to Huangshan Mountain”. A lot of masters love Huangshan Mountain and created well-known masterpieces for it,such as Xin’an Painting School,Huangshan Painting School and other groups;Jian Jiang,Shi Tao,Huang Binhong and other masters. Contemporary masters including Liu Haisu,Fu Baoshi,Zhang Daqian,Pan Tianshou,Li Keran and Lai Shaoqi have all visited it many times and created many masterpieces too. When Zhang Daqian lived in Brazil,he missed motherland very much. To express homesick sensation,he wrote a poet in 1954:“I topped Huangshan Mountain for three times,sometimes in sunshine or sometimes in rain. Though I’ve been to so many places,in my dream it’s only there”,from which people can feel how moving Huangshan Mountain is.

My classmate,Mr. Liu Chuanyan contacts with Huangshan Mountain for all his life. He insists on observing,experiencing,exploring and recognizing it with sincere heart;he loves and finds true essence of Huangshan Mountain’s beauty with his own broad visual field,unique perspective and artistic language;He captures Huangshan Mountain’s beautiful sceneries with camera and his characteristic aesthetics. The plentiful achievements lead to publication of the collection named Charm of Huangshan Mountain,which is gratifying and congratulated!

Liu Xie once wrote in book Wen Xin Diao Long:“Never climb a mountain without enthusiasm,never enjoy an ocean without inspiration”. That means the primary factors for artistic creation are enthusiasm and inspiration. Since he decided to take Huangshan Mountain as the theme in 1950s,my classmate,Liu Chuanyan has been engaged in artistic creation for more than half a century. In past decades,he always contacts with mountain like relatives. It’s his deep understanding on soul of Huangshan Mountain that he can boldly absorb and utilize theories,skills,conceptions and interest of painting on its rich colors to show poetic feeling in photos,which is different from others. For example,both Smoke from Mountain at Dawn and Clouds and Mist have strong charm and sense of Chinese ink painting. The mode,color and line fully reflect Huangshan Mountain’s dignified,heavy,virtual and real state by simple black and white effect,like a Chinese traditional ink painting. In another photo Powerful Beihai,a corner of the mountain triggers people’s imagination on precipitous mountain and peculiar peak. Sea of Clouds shows vast and majestic scenery with wide visual field and rolling waves of clouds,while Fairy Peak in Spring and Outstanding Mountain are of different style,in light mist,“concise brushwork” shows simple but elegant mountains. Though using the few to defeat the many,they are more attractive.

In Song Dynasty,there was an artist called Mi Fu who was known for his “Mi’s Mountain with Clouds”,meaning he caught spirit of mountain because he painted mountain with clouds. Though photography and painting’s categories are different,the beauty they convey to the viewers is same. Liu Chuanyan closely masters changes of clouds to set off grandness,speciality and beauty of Huangshan Mountain. Mountains with clouds in his works mostly have indistinct peak,partly visible rock and part of cliff,but people can still feel towering mountain and magnificent scene. Clouds,fogs,pines,stones and sunglow are all resplendent with colors. Wang Guowei said:“It’s better to express spirit than to express temperament and charm. Spirit is the essence”. When I watch Liu Chuanyan’s photographic works,I can feel the spirit expressed by his photographic art. The spirit of his photography is serenity and etherealness that the photos convey to viewers. Su Dongpo of Song Dynasty has written:“Serenity freezes all movements,etherealness contains everything”.

If it’s said that beauty of Huangshan Mountain lies in its towering mountains,steep cliffs,peculiar stones,interlaced streams and clouds that make it vivid and charmful,the beauty of Liu Chuanyan’s photographic works is not only that he keeps the beautiful scenery in photos,but also that he keeps the color of clouds – white. It’s both clouds of Huangshan Mountain and factor of composing the picture,including Huangshan Mountain but more than it. The painter Pan Tianshou said:“The difficult thing of painting is reflecting charm and spirit”. Charm of scenery can been found from Liu Chuanyan’s works,which is the understanding on beauty.

Another outstanding point in Liu Chuanyan’s works is “pureness” in photos. “There is no need for musical instruments,because mountain and water has pure voice”. “Limpid natural water can wash my hat”. Buddhism,Taoism and Confucianism all emphasize pureness. The word “pureness” condenses innocent and poetic understand on Chinese culture. Etherealness,desolation and gorgeousness have ever appeared in Liu Chuanyan’s works,but pure and transparent beauty is the basic feature. It’s the photographer’s life-like tacit understanding with clean and pure beauty in the nature;it’s the photographer’s “bright and wise” personality reflected from works;and it’s essence of beauty of in lives of nature.

In the late Ming Dynasty,in the preface Huang Ruheng wrote for Yao Zhisu’s Story about Huangshan Mountain,he wrote:“We enjoy the charm of the mountain is just like we see a beautiful lady,smiling or frowning,tall or low,walking or lying,her beauty is always changing’’. Even the same scenery results in different feelings,let alone colorful and changeable Huangshan Mountain. Some artists collect vast scenery into one picture,so that people will be surprise at magnificence of the nature;while some artists only select one corner of scenery,so that people will be intoxicated in its mysterious charm.

I’m excited at publication of my classmate Liu Chuanyan’s photos collection. Well-known beautiful scenery of Huangshan Mountain seems to be more attractive and touching in his photography. After reading Charm of Huangshan Mountain,I have the excitement and desire to visit Huangshan Mountain again.

Liu Chuanyan is more than 70 years old now. It’s admirable for him to leave achievements of our generation. Modern photographic art is in era of great development and popularity. The rapid progress of science enriches development of photographic equipment and new technologies,especially application of digital technology will inevitably lead to new prosperity of photography. The following generations must exceed us. I sincerely hope that my old schoolmate will provide us more fine works. That’s my preface.Xiao FengAt Guiyu Shanju in Xihu LakeMay 2006Note:Army Commander Ye Ting’s Poet

This article was originally the preface that the author wrote for Liu Chuanyan’s photos collection Charm of Huangshan Mountain.

As a famous contemporary oil painter,Xiao Feng is the vice chairman of Chinese Artists Association,member of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference and the former president of Zhejiang Academy of Art (present China Academy of Art). He has won the Medal of Outstanding Contributions to Human Science and Culture in 1995 and Russian Pushkin Medal in 1999.黄山简介









黄山又是世界名山,被联合国教科文组织列为世界地质公园,自然与文化遗产保护单位。Brief Introduction of Huangshan Mountain

Huangshan Mountain is located in southeast of Anhui Province in China. In Qin Dynasty,it’s called as Yishan Mountain and as Huangshan Mountain from Tang Dynasty. Seventy-two peaks are famous in the scenic spot with area of 154 square kilometers.

The sceneries of Huangshan Mountain are the creations of nature. The three main peaks,Guangmingding,Lianhua Peak and Tiandu Peak tower in the center and are surrounded by others in clear large and small,dominating and subordinate relationship,which form majestic momentum of Huangshan Mountain. There are many peculiar peaks in Huangshan Mountain,but the layout is well-arranged and orderly. The natural charm attracted artists and poets of all periods to praise it. The critic of Qing Dynasty,Pan Lei praised it’s “like a main hall with yard in orderly design,and also like troops arrayed by the most cunning general”. There is absolutely no pity for mess and disorder.

According to natural features,Huangshan scenic spot is divided into Donghai,Xihai,Nanhai,Beihai and Tianhai,which are known as Five Hai with different features and attractive sceneries.

Tiandu Peak is the main body of Front Mountain (Nanhai). Yuping Peak and Zhusha Peak stand beside it. The towering,precipitous,mighty and spectacular mountains are the most majestic place of Huangshan Mountain. The structure of the rocks is composed of coarse-grained granite. The peculiar peaks and deep valleys are formed after long years’ washout,erosion,crack and other external forces. Overlooking from the high place,the drastic style is like “an irony mountain after raining” made by Dafupi,Xiaofupi,Pimacun and other techniques used in Chinese landscape paintings. The natural magnificent carving created spacious and vigorous southern area of Huangshan Mountain.

Shixin Peak,Shisun Peak,Xiannv Peak,Shangsheng Peak and Shisungang constitute Back Mountain (Beihai) where is special,dangerous,strange and rare. Elegance of peaks and pecularity of rocks in Beihai are exquisite place of Huangshan Mountain. The famous rocks are all here,such as Dreaming Flower Blooming at Nib,Immortal Ferrying Sea,Eighteen Arhats toward Nanhai and Monkey Watching Sea. Amazingly they all look so real and elegant. At sunrise when the clouds turn colorful,they are more beautiful and splendid in sunglow.

Xihai includes Shichuang Peak,Jiulong Peak,Songlin Peak and Shuanjian Peak. The peaks scatter orderly and Flying Stone on high peak becomes a stroke of God. The visual field in Xihai is open and wide. When clouds are full of valleys,it seems that the sky is connected with water,which is endless,shocking and spectacular. Xihai Canyon is deep,serene,mysterious and fantastic. No wonder it’s called as Dream Land with pines growing beside stones. Because temperature is always low in high mountain,wind force is strong and humus soil is thin,roots of pines in Huangshan Mountain are flourishing and branches are sturdy and vigorous. “Pine never exists without stone,stone never exists without pine”. Pines of Huangshan Mountain created another special charm for scenery of Huangshan Mountain.

“From ancient times,Huangshan Mountain is famous for sea of clouds”. The sea of clouds in Huangshan Mountain is fickle:sometimes mountains suddenly appear and disappear among clouds and fogs;sometimes valleys are full of calm clouds to be endless;sometimes mist-shrouded mountains look like islands in vast sea;and sometimes they become rushing waterfall from high place. In short,sea of clouds in Huangshan Mountain is changing all the time,various,fantastic,ethereal,magical and wonderful. Even you climb Huangshan Mountain twenty times or thirty times,you will find clouds and sceneries are different every time,so you will have new discovery,new experience and new understanding every time.

Another marvelous spectacle of Huangshan Mountain is rime. Air humidity is high with plenty of clouds,so when the temperature abruptly descends lower than 0℃,mist will coagulate into shining and loose white ice crystal that accumulate on rocks,pines and other trees,as if thousands of blooming pear flowers or pure white dazzling corals carved by ice. Rime in fog becomes another scenery of Huangshan Mountain in winter.

Huangshan Mountain has rich cultural deposits. It has nursed famous Xin'an Painting School for Chinese traditional painting,including the founders or representatives Jian Jiang,Shi Tao,Mei Qushan and Huang Binhong. Brush pen and ink stick of Huizhou,rice paper of Jing County and inkstone of Xi County are regarded as the four treasures of the study that were widely collected by literati and painters in all periods.

Huangshan Mountain is a world-known mountain too. It has been listed as the World Geological Park and Protected Place of Natural and Cultural Heritage by the UNESCO.● 风云跌宕● 峰伟石奇● 云海壮山河● 雨去雷哑现奇峰● 烟云斜阳峰林奇● 伟峰晓生烟● 卷壹 Volume I 云山浩气 Mountain with Clouds● 卷贰 Volume II 天资神韵 Natural Charm● 卷叁 Volume III 烟云画意 Smoke flavor风云跌宕风云跌宕 Free Clouds峰伟石奇峰伟石奇

Majestic Mountains and Peculiar Stones云海壮山河云海壮山河 Sea of Clouds雨去雷哑现奇峰雨去雷哑现奇峰 Peculiar Mountains Appearing after Raining烟云斜阳峰林奇烟云斜阳峰林奇

Forest in Misty Clouds at Dusk伟峰晓生烟伟峰晓生烟

Smoke from Mountains at Dawn卷壹 Volume I 云山浩气 Mountain with Clouds山川浩气意 Noble Spirit of Mountains聚云凝意2011·大美黄山 (国际)摄影大展获优胜奖

Gathering Clouds

Won Excellence Prize in the international photography contest named Beautiful Huangshan Mountain in 2011青山如铸

Green Mountains峰峦凝重

Imposing Mountains群峰浩然


Main Peak翻云覆雨

Clouds and Rain峰奇云舞

Peculiar Mountains in Dancing Clouds寒谷卧云受佛光

Valley in Buddhist Light霞光初照

Sunglow in Morning云波流韵

Waves of Clouds山川明丽

Bright Mountains破晓


Awakening of Spring春雨之韵

Charm of Rain in Spring碧嶂尽晴空

Green Woods under Sky in Fine Day红日升腾

Rising Red Sun寒山曙光

First Light of Morning峰横云怒 气冠五岳

Mountains in Clouds空溟


Spring Hiding in Cold Winter





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