新东方词汇进阶Vocabulary 6000(txt+pdf+epub+mobi电子书下载)

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新东方词汇进阶Vocabulary 6000

新东方词汇进阶Vocabulary 6000试读:



◎ 准备参加TOEFL、IELTS、GRE、GMAT等考试,但英语水平或词汇量不足,难以直接复习备考,需要实实在在、循序渐进提高词汇量及英文水平的人——本丛书词汇从“Vocabulary Basic”开始,难度逐级提高,直到“Vocabulary 23000”。

◎ 准备参加大学英语四级考试的人——“Vocabulary Basic”包括了《大学英语教学大纲》规定的英语四级应掌握的全部核心词汇。

◎ 准备参加大学英语六级考试的人——“Vocabulary Basic”+“Vocabulary 6000”,包括了《大学英语教学大纲》规定的英语六级应掌握的全部核心词汇。

◎ 准备参加TOEFL、研究生入学等考试的人——“Vocabulary Basic”+ “Vocabulary 6000”+“Vocabulary 12000”,包含了TOEFL、研究生入学考试应掌握的全部核心词汇。

◎ 以上所有类型的读者均可首先学习或最后总结学习“Vocabulary 23000”。该书采用“词根词缀”记忆法,为读者构建词汇学习之框架,同时结合“近形”和“同根”记忆法,帮助读者轻松、快速地扩大词汇量。本丛书有何特点?

◎ 以“课”为单元,每课包括4个部分或3~5个Group,各部分虽只有10个左右的主词,但由其衍生出来的同义、反义、形近、同根、同类词等的量非常之大。这样既可方便读者安排学习进度(每天1~2课),又能够保证其3个月内词汇量迅速达到20000以上。

◎ 每个单词均附有国际音标、词性说明、中文释义、英文例句及译文。

◎ 列出各单词的同义词,帮助读者迅速扩大词汇量。配合联想记忆法,举一反三,事半功倍。

◎ 根据词义精心设计了助记插图,既便于读者更好地理解单词,又为学习增加了趣味性。

◎ 前三册每一部分后均附有习题,以加深读者对所学单词的印象;全四册每一课后均有综合复习,便于读者自我检测对所学单词的了解程度,并增强活用单词的能力。

◎ 附赠MP3录音,可在网络上免费下载,其中包含书中的所有主词和英文例句。录音由英音外教朗读,发音纯正地道,配合学习,效果更佳。

词汇量的增加不可一蹴而就,但是若能采用系统的方法,还是可以缩短扩大词汇量所需的时间。为此,我们特别为全国广大的英语学习者编写了这套词汇丛书。从最基本的“Vocabulary Basic”到足以应付留学考试之需的“Vocabulary 23000”,读者只要按部就班、循序渐进地学习本丛书,必可在最短的时间内取得最大的成效。无论您目前是在校求学或已步入社会,都会发现本系列书籍即是您苦寻已久、增强英文实力的最佳利器。学校老师更可采用本系列书籍作为辅助教材,以弥补平时上课内容之不足。编者

Lesson 1




1. During the Second World War, all important resources in the United States were allocated by the federal government.(A) distributed(B) commanded(C) nationalized

2. Chicago's O'Hare International Airport accommodates forty-four million passengers per year.(A) amazes(B) lures(C) carries

3. One of California's most acute problems is inadequate water supply.(A) unusual(B) critical(C) persistent

4. Most traditional folk songs are of anonymous origin.(A) insignificant(B) inconspicuous(C) unknown

5. The fear of smallpox, which terrorized the eighteenth century, has no analogy today.(A) occurrence(B) remnants(C) parallel



vi. 遵守(by)〈同 follow, comply with〉

例 Players have to abide by the referee's decision. 参赛者必须遵守裁判的判定。

vt. 忍受〈同 endure, put up with〉

例 Many people can't abide the smell of cheap cigars. 许多人没法忍受廉价雪茄的气味。

联 abiding adj. 持久的


adj. 反常的,异常的;变态的〈同 anomalous, unnatural〉

例 The warm December weather in Beijing is abnormal. 在北京,12月份还这么暖和是不正常的。

记 ab(不)+ norm(标准)+ al → 不标准的 → 异常的

联 normal adj. 正常的,正规的,标准的;supernormal adj. 非凡的,异乎寻常的;subnormal adj. 低于正常的,弱智的


vt. 废除,取消〈同 eliminate〉

例 Slavery was abolished in the United States after the Civil War. 美国在南北战争以后废除了奴隶制。

联 abolition n. 废除,革除;abolitionist n. 废奴主义者


adj. ① 突然的,意外的〈同 sudden〉

例 There is a road with many abrupt turns. 那儿有一条路有很多急转弯。

② 唐突的;无礼的

例 Abrupt responses often cause hurt feelings. 无礼的回答通常会伤害别人的感情。


adj. 荒谬的,可笑的〈同 foolish, ridiculous〉

例 It is absurd to wear a coat at the swimming pool. 在游泳池边穿着外套很可笑。

记 ab + surd(笨)→ 笨的 → 可笑的

联 absurdity n. 荒谬,谬论


n. ① 口音

例 My father was born in Germany and still speaks English with a German accent. 我的父亲出生在德国,他在说英语的时候仍带着德国口音。

② 重音〈同 emphasis〉

例 In the word“wonderful”, the accent is on the first syllable. 单词wonderful的重音在第一个音节上。

联 accentuate vt. 重读;强调


n. 附件,零件〈同 accompaniment〉

例 Her new car has many accessories, including air conditioning. 她的新车有许多配套设施,包括空调。


vt. ① 容纳,为…提供空间;供应(膳宿)〈同 contain, supply〉

例 That hotel can accommodate up to one hundred guests. 那家旅馆总共可以容纳100个客人。

② 使适应;调节〈同 suit, adjust〉

例 I will accommodate my scheme to yours. 我会调整我的计划以适应你的计划。

记 ac(朝向)+ commodate(使合适,方便)→ 使适应;调节

联 accommodation n. 住处,膳宿;accommodating adj. 乐于助人的,随和的;commodity n. 商品;commodious adj. 宽敞的


vt. 刺激,使活动〈同 mobilize〉

例 The hungry and tired child was activated when he saw the bread. 这个又饿又累的孩子一看见面包马上变得精神起来。

联 activation n.【化】活化作用;active adj. 积极的,活跃的;activity n. 活跃,行动,行为


adj. ① 灵敏的,敏锐的〈同 keen〉

例 Acute hearing helps most animals sense the approach of thunderstorms long before people do. 大多数动物都有着灵敏的听觉,它们比人类感知雷雨到来的时间要早很多。

② 剧烈的;严重的;紧要关头的〈同 intense, critical〉

例 With the acceleration of industrial growth came acute urban crowding and accompanying social stress. 随着工业化的加速发展,城市里出现了严重拥挤和随之而来的社会压力。

记 acu(尖)+ te → 尖锐的 → 敏锐的

联 acuity n. 尖锐,敏锐;acumen n. 敏锐,聪明;cute adj. 可爱的

自我检测 从第一部分中选出最适当的词填入空格内。

6. The boy's parents were worried about his ______ behavior that never had happened before.

7. The long drought caused an ______ shortage of water in the city.

8. The idea that the number 13 brings bad luck is ______.

9. Dialing 110 ______ your community's emergency response program.

10. Both teams will ______ the umpire's(裁判员)decision.

11. I made an ______ turn to avoid another car.



vi. ① 黏附,粘牢〈同 stick〉

例 Mud adheres to your shoes. 你的鞋粘上泥了。

② 追随,坚持;遵守(to)〈同 follow〉

例 In China, many people adhere to Confucius' teaching. 在中国,有很多人遵循孔子的教育理念。

联 adhesive adj. 有黏性的;adherent adj. 黏着的 n. 信徒,追随者;adhesion n. 黏附,支持;cohere vi. 粘连,结合;inhere vi. 与生俱来


adj. 毗连的,邻近的〈同 neighboring〉

例 The house adjacent to ours has been sold, so we have a new neighbor. 我们隔壁的房子已经卖出去了,于是我们有了新的邻居。

记 ad + jacent(躺)→ 躺在附近 → 邻近的


vt. 调整;使适应〈同 regulate, adapt〉

例 It took Janet more than half a year to adjust to the new business after she changed her job. 珍妮特跳槽以后,花了多半年的时间来适应这份新工作。

联 adjustment n. 调整


vt. 管理〈同 govern〉

例 The British administered Hong Kong until 1997. 英国对香港的管辖持续到1997年。

联 administration n. 管理,经营;administrative adj. 管理的,行政的;administrator n. 管理人,行政官


adj. 青春期的;成长中的

例 In his adolescent years, the successful businessman claimed, he had undergone many hardships. 这位成功的商人说,他在青少年时期受过很多的磨难。

记 adol(成年)+ escent(开始…的)→ 开始成年的 → 青春期的

联 adolescence n. 青春期


n.(尤指不寻常的人或事的)出现,到来〈同 coming into being〉

例 The advent of e-mail changed communication. 电子邮件的出现改变了通信方式。

记 ad + vent(到来)→ 出现,到来

联 adventure n. 冒险;adventitious adj. 偶然的;prevent vt. 防止,预防;circumvent vt. 包围;intervention n. 干涉


adj. 负面的,不利的;相反的〈同 unfavorable, opposite〉

例 The adverse effects from most of the medication were minimal. 大多数药物的副作用很小。

联 adversary n. 敌人,对手;adversity n. 不幸,灾难


['ædvəkət] n. 提倡者,主张者,拥护者〈同 proponent〉

例 The International Fund for Animal Welfare was a strong advocate of the campaign to save dolphins from death. 国际爱护动物基金会是拯救海豚运动的坚决拥护者。

['ædvəkeɪt] vt. 拥护,主张〈同 support〉

例 Some people advocated limiting the number of cars on the main road. 有些人倡议限制主路上的汽车数量。


adj. 美学的,审美的〈同 artistic〉

例 The new building has little aesthetic value, but can accommodate a lot of people. 这座新楼没有多少美学价值,不过可以容纳很多人。

联 anesthetic n. 麻醉剂


vt. 使隶属;接纳…为成员〈同 associate, incorporate〉

例 The hospital is affiliated with a local university. 这家医院是当地一所大学的附属医院。

记 af + fili(儿子)+ ate → 使成为儿子 → 使隶属

联 affiliation n. 联系,从属关系;afflict vt. 使痛苦;affinity n. 密切关系;吸引力

自我检测 从第二部分中选出最适当的词填入空格内。

12. Some people ______ stricter laws against drunk drivers.

13. The Secretary of Defense ______ a department of the government.

14. That TV station is ______ with a national network.

15. My house is ______ to hers, so we are neighbors.

16. ______ criticism discouraged me.

17. This chair may be ______ but it's not very comfortable.



vt. ① 断言;坚称〈同 assert〉

例 She affirmed before the policeman that he was the one who stole her purse. 她在警察面前坚称他就是偷她钱包的那个人。

② 证实,确认;批准〈同 approve〉

例 The post office affirmed that the letter was delivered. 邮局证实信已寄出。

联 affirmative adj. 表示同意的,肯定的;infirm adj. 体弱的,意志薄弱的;infirmary n. 医务室


vt. 折磨;使苦恼〈同 plague〉

例 The villagers in several mountainous areas are afflicted by poverty in the nation. 在这个国家,一些山区的村民深受穷困之苦。

记 af + flict(打击)→ 一再受到打击 → 折磨

联 afflicting adj. 痛苦的;affliction n. 苦难;conflict n./vi. 斗争,冲突


n. 日程,议程〈同 schedule〉

例 My agenda is quite full for the whole week, so I can't make an appointment with you. 这个星期我的日程已经排得很满了,所以我没有时间跟你会面了。


vt. 使恶化,使加重〈同 worsen〉

例 Mary aggravated her injuries by refusing treatment. 由于玛丽拒绝接受治疗,她的伤情加重了。

记 ag + grav(重)+ ate → 加重

联 aggravating adj. 恼人的,讨厌的;aggravation n. 加重,恶化;grave n. 墓穴,坟墓;gravitate vi. 受引力作用,下沉;gravity n. 庄重,地球引力


n. 焦虑,不安;煽动〈同 anxiety〉

例 Because of her agitation over losing her job, she could not sleep. 由于失业让她很焦虑,她都睡不着觉了。


n. 苦恼;极大的痛苦〈同 anguish〉

例 Listening to my neighbor practice the piano is an agony. 听我的邻居练习钢琴是一件很痛苦的事。

记 agon(挣扎)+y → 拼命挣扎 → 极大的痛苦

联 agonize vt. 使极度痛苦,折磨


adj. ①(指计划等)使人愉快的,合意的〈同 pleasing, acceptable〉

例 The plan was agreeable to everyone but Mary. 除了玛丽,所有人都对这个计划满意。

② 和蔼可亲的,容易相处的〈同 affable〉

例 Mr. Bao is an agreeable man with a kind smile. 包先生是一个面带微笑、十分随和的人。

记 agree(赞同)+ able → 表示同意的 → 合意的

联 agreement n. 协议,一致;disagree vi. 不一致,争执;disagreeable adj. 不友善的,令人厌恶的


adj. 相异的,陌生的〈同 strange〉

例 When I first went to New York, it all felt very alien to me. 当我第一次去纽约的时候,那里的一切对我来说都很陌生。

联 alienate vt. 使疏远,离间;salient adj. 显著的,突出的


vt.(尤指无根据地)宣称;断言〈同 assert〉

例 Although he has no proof, this man alleges that the janitor stole his watch. 尽管没有证据,这个男人还是断言是看门人偷了他的表。

联 allegedly adv. 据说;allegation n. 主张,断言


vt. 减轻(痛苦等),缓和〈同 reduce, lighten〉

例 To alleviate symptoms, you should drink plenty of water and stay in bed. 为缓解症状,你需要多喝水,卧床休息。

记 al + lev(轻)+ iate → 减轻

联 alleviation n. 缓和;levity n. 轻率,轻浮;levitate v.(使)飘浮在空中

自我检测 从第三部分中选出最适当的词填入空格内。

18. The loss of their child filled them with ______.

19. Cruelty is ______ to his kind nature.

20. Although Janet was ______ with a bad cold, she kept on working.

21. Congress ______ the President's nominee for the Supreme Court.

22. He arrived home in a state of ______ after he quarreled with his boss.

23. This medicine will ______ your sore throat.



vt. 分配,分派,拨出〈同 allot〉

例 The federal government allocated millions of dollars for cancer research. 联邦政府拨出几百万美元用于癌症研究。

联 allocation n. 分配,安置;locate v. 定位,定居


[ɔ:l'tɜ:nət] adj. ① 交替的,轮流的〈同 intermittent〉

例 Private cars are banned from the city on alternate days. 私家车每隔一天就被禁止入城。

② 替代的〈同 alternative〉

例 If that business does not make what we want, we can always find an alternate one that does. 如果那项业务达不到我们想要的水平,我们随时都可以选择其他的业务来替代。

['ɔ:ltɜ:neɪt] vi. 轮流,交替〈同 rotate〉

例 Her cheerfulness alternated with despair. 她的欢乐和绝望交替而来。

联 alternative adj. 两者(或两者以上)择一的,另外的 n. 可选事物,另一种选择;alternation n. 交替,轮流


adj. 歧义的,含糊的〈同 unclear, equivocal〉

例 His ambiguous statements could have been understood in more than one way. 他含糊不清的陈述可能让人有不止一种理解方式。

记 ambi(双,两个)+ gu(= go 走)+ ous → 有两种意义的 → 歧义的,含糊的

联 ambiguity n. 歧义,含糊


adj. 有雄心的,渴望成功的;有野心的〈同 aspiring〉

例 She has some ambitious expansion plans for her business. 她的事业拓展计划野心勃勃。

记 ambi(多于一的)+ tious → 志向多的 → 有雄心的

联 ambition n. 雄心,野心


vt. 修正,改正〈同 revise〉

例 Rather than amend the club's constitution again, let us discard it and start afresh. 与其再次修改俱乐部的章程,我们还不如把它废弃,制定新的章程。

记 a + mend(补,修)→ 修订

联 amends n. 赔偿,赔礼;amendment n. 改正,修正;mend vt. 修改,修理;amenable adj. 应服从的,有责任的;amenity n.(地方、气候等的)宜人,礼仪;mendacious adj. 虚假的,说谎的


adj. 富足的,充足的〈同 abundant〉

例 She received ample compensation for her injuries from this accident. 她在这起交通事故中所受到的伤害获得了足够的赔偿。

联 trample v. 践踏,毁坏


vt. 放大;扩大;增强〈同 enlarge, strengthen〉

例 They needed the radio signal to be amplified in order to receive it properly. 他们需要增强广播信号以便更好地接收。

联 amplification n. 扩大


n. 类比,类推;类似物〈同 comparison, parallel〉

例 He drew an analogy between the brain and a computer. 他打了个比方,把人脑比作电脑。

联 analogous adj. 类似的


adj. 分析的,解析的

例 He has a very analytical mind and always gets the highest score in his geometry course. 他的分析能力很强,总是在几何学课程中得最高分。

联 analyze vt. 分析,分解;analysis n. 分析,分解


adj. 匿名的〈同 unknown〉

例 Sometimes, the newspaper publishes anonymous articles in the political opinion section. 有时候,报纸在政治观点版刊登匿名文章。

记 an + onym(名称)+ ous → 无名称的 → 匿名的

联 anonymity n. 无名,匿名;onymous adj. 署名的;synonym n. 同义词

自我检测 从第四部分中选出最适当的词填入空格内。

24. We needn't hurry; there's ______ time to catch our bus.

25. When sound is ______, it can be heard from a greater distance.

26.“After John hit Dick he ran away”is ______ because we cannot tell which boy ran away.

27. The president ______ each person fifteen minutes for an interview.

28. The Constitution of the United States was ______ so that women could vote.

29. The flag of the United States has ______ stripes of red and white.


Exercise 1 从第二栏中选出第一栏各词的反义词。COLUMN COLUMN ⅡⅠ30. ______adverseA. scarce31. ______abruptB. aggravate32. ______adventC. gradual33. ______ampleD. maintain34. ______ambiguousE. disappearance35. ______alleviateF. deny36. ______acuteG. soothe37. ______abolishH. favorable38. ______affirmI. dull39. ______aggravateJ. unequivocal

Exercise 2 从第二栏中选出第一栏各词的同义词。COLUMN ⅠCOLUMN Ⅱ40. ______agreeableA. unfamiliar41. ______absurdB. manage42. ______abideC. similarity43. ______administerD. tolerate44. ______afflictE. every other45. ______alienF. friendly46. ______analogyG. torment47. ______ambitiousH. champion48. ______alternateI. ridiculous49. ______advocateJ. enterprising

Exercise 3 从下列单词中选出最适当的词填入空格内。amplifyadjustadolescenambitioadjacenttusaccessaccommoabolishaccentadventorydate

50. The death penalty has recently been ______ in many countries.

51. A. 13 years old, he is still in the ______ stage of development.

52. Please ______ the TV so that the picture doesn't jump.

53. This classroom can ______ twenty-five students.

54. She is ______ to get through high school in two years.

55. Most cars come with optional ______.

56. In“letter,”the ______ is on the first syllable.

57. The prehistoric art of inscribing figures and designs on rock surfaces seems to have slowly disappeared with the ______ of agriculture, which required a large amount of time and energy.

58. Weed killers must be chosen and applied with great care to avoid damage to ______ trees and shrubs.

59. The relatives are reluctant to show up for the funeral, which can ______ the feelings of regret and loss further.参考答案

1. A

2. C

3. B

4. C

5. C

6. abnormal

7. acute

8. absurd

9. activates

10. abide by

11. abrupt

12. advocate

13. administers

14. affiliated

15. adjacent

16. Adverse

17. aesthetic

18. agony

19. alien

20. afflicted

21. affirmed

22. agitation

23. alleviate

24. ample

25. amplified

26. ambiguous

27. allocated

28. amended

29. alternate

30. H

31. C

32. E

33. A

34. J

35. B

36. I

37. D

38. F

39. G

40. F

41. I

42. D

43. B

44. G

45. A

46. C

47. J

48. E

49. H

50. abolished

51. adolescent

52. adjust

53. accommodate

54. ambitious

55. accessories

56. accent

57. advent

58. adjacent

59. amplify

Lesson 2




1. He made an apt remark and everybody agreed with it.(A) a happy(B) an appropriate(C) a fast

2. In early New England, bachelors were required to live with families.(A) school teachers(B) college students(C) unmarried men

3. Nitrogen is the most plentiful gas in the atmosphere.(A) water(B) earth(C) air

4. The term“composition”refers to the way the components of a drawing are arranged by the artist.(A) took(B) imagined(C) put together

5. They hoped to avert a disaster by draining some of the flood waters.(A) avenge(B) prevent(C) endure第一部分



例 Scientists are keen to track the fortunes of Antarctic plant life over 30 million years. 科学家热衷于追踪3000万年以来南极地区植物的生长情况的宝贵信息。

n.[常作the A-]南极地区

例 The protection of the Antarctic from commercial exploitation is an important goal of environmentalists. 保护南极地区不被商业开发是环保人士重要的工作目标。


n. ① 附录;附属品

例 This dictionary has an appendix which lists computer terms. 这本字典有一个列举计算机术语的附录。


例 She had her appendix out last summer. 去年夏天,她做了阑尾切除手术。


v.(向…)鼓掌喝彩,欢呼〈同 clap〉

例 The audience stood up and applauded at the end of the concert. 音乐会结束时,观众们起立鼓掌。

联 applause n. 鼓掌欢迎,欢呼;plausible adj. 似是而非的


n. ① 申请

例 Application must be made early for the banquet. 宴会的邀请必须早点发出。

② 施用,运用;作用,影响〈同 employment, influence〉

例 Mathematics has applications in science. 数学在科学领域有所应用。

联 apply v. 申请,应用,适用


n. 评价;估价〈同 assessment〉

例 Fifty thousand dollars would be a fair appraisal of their new house. 给他们的新房估价5万美元是客观公正的。

联 appraise vt. 评价,鉴定;appraiser n. 评价者;apprise vt. 通知,报告


adj.(数量或变化等)很大的;值得重视的〈同 considerable〉

例 There has been an appreciable drop in the number of the unemployed since the new government came to power. 新政府执政以后,失业人员的数量有了明显下降。

记 ap + preci(赞扬)+ able → 值得赞扬的 → 值得重视的

联 appreciate v. 赏识,感激,涨价;depreciate v. 降低,贬值;perceptible adj. 可感觉到的


n. 担心,害怕;理解〈同 worry, understand〉

例 The English test caused me a lot of apprehension because I did not study hard for it. 因为我没有努力学习,英语测试让我感到很恐惧。

联 apprehend v. 逮捕,忧虑,理解;comprehend vt. 理解,包含;reprehend vt. 责备


adj. ① 恰当的,贴切的〈同 appropriate〉

例 His apt reply to the question showed that he had understood it very well. 他对这个问题做出的恰当的回答表明他已经理解得很好了。

② 易于…的〈同 likely〉

例 A careless person is apt to make mistakes. 粗心的人容易犯错误。

联 aptly adv. 恰当地,得体地


n. 弧;弓形

例 The crowd watched as the ball rose in a high arc and fell behind the boundary line. 观众们看着球划了一条高弧线,然后落在了边界线之外。

联 arch n. 拱门;arcade n. 拱廊



例 The Arctic Circle is an imaginary line drawn at approximately 66.5 degrees North. 北极圈是在北纬66.5度附近划的一个假想的圈。

自我检测 从第一部分中选出最适当的词填入空格内。

6. There's an ______ at the end of the book with a list of dates.

7. A. ______ of Five Year Plans reveals that they have failed to decrease unemployment and poverty from the country.

8. The audience ______ her wonderful speech.

9. I filled out an ______ for a job at the supermarket.

10. The roar of the hurricane filled us with ______.

11. The penguin(企鹅)lives in the ______, which is fully covered with snow and ice.第二部分


vt. ① 计划,准备〈同 plan, schedule〉

例 I'm trying to arrange my work so that I can have a couple of days off next week. 我尽量安排好工作,好在下周请几天假。

② 整理,摆放〈同 organize, order〉

例 Every morning, Janet arranged the papers on her desk and then began work. 每天早上,珍妮特都要整理好桌上的文件,然后开始工作。

联 arrangement n. 排列,安排


n. 展示,陈列;一批,一系列〈同 collection〉

例 The designer displayed an array of new fashions. 设计师展示了一系列新的流行服饰。


[ɑ:'tɪkjʊleɪt] vt. 清楚地讲话,清晰地发音〈同 enunciate〉

例 People learning a foreign language often have difficulty in articulating certain sounds. 人们在学习一门外语的时候,经常在发某些音时比较困难。

[ɑ:'tɪkjələt] adj. 善于言辞的,表达清晰的〈同 clear〉

例 At the age of 93, he was still sharp-witted and articulate. 他93岁了,仍然思维敏捷,表达清晰。

记 articul(接合)+ ate →(语言)连接得好 → 说话清楚的

联 speculate v. 思索,投机;gesticulate v. 用手势示意


v.(渐渐)上升,升高;攀登〈同 climb〉

例 They slowly ascended the steep mountain. 他们慢慢地爬上了这座陡峭的山。

记 a + scend(爬)→ 爬上 → 攀登

联 ascent n. 攀登,上升;ascendancy n. 优势,支配(或统治)地位;descend v. 下降;condescend vi. 屈尊,俯就;transcend vt. 超越


vt. 查明;确定〈同 confirm〉

例 I ascertained that no one could overhear us before I told Bob the news. 我确定没有人偷听我们讲话,然后才把这个消息告诉鲍勃。

记 as + certain(肯定的)→ 可以肯定的 → 确定

联 certain adj. 确定的,无疑的


vt. 把…归于(to)〈同 attribute〉

例 John ascribed his success to hard work. 约翰把他的成功归功于努力工作。


n. ①(问题等的)方面;(事物的)一部分〈同 respect〉

例 The one aspect of the case that puzzled me was why he had committed the crime. 这个案子让我感到困惑的一点是,他为什么要犯罪。

② 观点,角度〈同 perspective, viewpoint〉

例 From the cost aspect, the product is not expensive. 从成本角度来看,这个产品不贵。


n.(武力)袭击;(语言)攻击〈同 attack〉

例 The man was charged with sexual assault. 这个男人被指控性侵犯。

记 as(一再)+ sault(瀑布,急流)→ 一再像瀑布一样冲击 → 袭击


vt. 声称,坚持〈同 emphatically state〉

例 The lawyer asserts that his client is not guilty. 律师坚称他的委托人无罪。

记 as + sert(参与)→ 一再参与(讨论)→ 主张

联 assertion n. 主张,断言,声明


n. ① 任务,作业〈同 task, job〉

例 I have a lot of reading assignments to complete before the end of the term. 我有许多阅读作业要在期末前完成。

② 分配;(财产、权力等)转让〈同 distribution, appointment〉

例 The assignment of the property will take place tomorrow. 产权转让将在明天进行。

自我检测 从第二部分中选出最适当的词填入空格内。

12. John ______ his brother's success to good luck.

13. Despite his team's recent loss, he still ______ that they're the best.

14. The team had an impressive ______ of fine players.

15. She watched the airplane ______ higher and higher.

16. Today's ______ in arithmetic consists of ten exercises.

17. Please ______ the books on the library shelf.第三部分


vt. ① 学习,吸收(知识)〈同 understand〉

例 You'll need to assimilate all Einstein's work before doing this research. 在进行这项研究之前,你需要学习一下爱因斯坦所有的研究成果。

② 吃,吸收(食物或营养)〈同 absorb〉

例 People assimilate nutrients from food. 人们从食物中吸收营养。

记 as + simil(相同)+ ate → 使相同 → 同化


vt. 使惊讶〈同 surprise, shock〉





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