
发布时间:2020-10-09 21:22:11












ISBN 978-7-111-57892-5

Ⅰ.①舌… Ⅱ.①李… Ⅲ.①TOEFL-口语-自学参考资料 Ⅳ.①H319.9


机械工业出版社(北京市百万庄大街22号 邮政编码100037)

策划编辑:苏筛琴   责任编辑:苏筛琴





标准书号:ISBN 978-7-111-57892-5

定价: 元











封面无防伪标均为盗版Preface 序言

一、不要让托福口语23分成为你的瓶颈“你的托福口语成绩达到你dream school对托福口语单项成绩的要求吗?”这个问题是不是太残酷了?现实就是残酷的,往下看吧。












强力赞同,我不鼓吹复习无用论,但我坚信只有你掌握了正确的复习方向,才有可能有一天取得你dream school要求的成绩。









Question 1:口语成绩是以分数区分优劣嘛?






Question 2: 各个分数档的典型答案有什么特点?






Question 3: 考试的时候一个单词说错了扣几分?


Question 4: 考试的时候落下一些内容没说会扣几分?


Question 5: 有没有推荐的模板?”

没有。口语考试的最高要求是“Speak Naturally”,而只要用模板,回答必然不会自然,所以没有任何模板值得推荐。

Question 6: 考试前有没有预测题和答案?


Question 7: 独立题目只有15秒准备,没有足够时间写出(甚至只是想出)全部的思路怎么办?

ETS出题的思路是学生看到题目之后应该不需要准备就可以自然回答,所以15秒的准备时间只是为了让大家准备笔和纸的时间。当然了,ETS考官们作为native speakers是不会理解我们看到某个topic之后无法思如泉涌的,我们还是需要做一些不被他们察觉的准备的。但是不要误会,这里的“准备”并不是提前写好、背好模板,而是准备思考的方向和快速形成思路的能力。

Question 8: 应该怎么练口语?


Question 9: 有没有特别适合考生自行练习口语的并且提分明显的参考资料推荐?

有啊,拿好你手里的这本秘籍,Jason老师带你一步一步修炼内功,打败敌人指日可待!Preface 前言






对于ETS发布的49套TPO的所有综合口语题目,作者从真实的题目入手,从考生的角度,详细示范了每道题目的听力部分需要记录的内容,并且严格按照考试时间要求给出了满分范答,并为考生将所有范答音频转录成文字,手把手帮助考生提分。本书是一本不可多得的工具书。李彦彬2017年6月Instructions 使用说明独立口语综合口语Part 1 托福口语考试总论

托福口语考试时长20分钟左右,共包含6道题目。Task 1和 Task 2为独立口语任务,无背景阅读或者听力材料,只需要阐述个人生活经历即可。Task 3~Task 6为综合口语任务,需要先阅读并听一些简短的材料,然后口头作答。01 题型介绍

托福口语考试时长20分钟左右,共包含6道题目。Task 1和 Task 2为独立口语任务,无背景阅读或者听力材料,只需要阐述个人生活经历即可。Task 3到Task 6 为综合口语任务,需要先读阅读再听听力(或只听听力)之后口头叙述(阅读或)听力中提到的主要内容。


托福口语考试专为这三种场合设计了三类题型:Personal Experiences and Preferences, Campus Situations, Academic Courses。(1)Personal Experiences and Preferences

这类题型说的是Task 1和Task 2, 就是我们通常说的Independent tasks(独立口语题目), 共有三种类型的问题:开放式题目、三选一题目、二选一题目。这三种问题都是围绕生活中遇到的常见话题展开。考试时在题目处出现文字,读题目之后,考生会有15秒的准备时间,然后45秒的回答时间。比较传统的简单的题型是围绕人物、事件、地点和物品四种类型展开,2016年以来针对某件事情给出建议和描述个人爱好的题型日益增多,难度有所加大,扣分、压分力度亦有所增强。对于这类题型,同学们要多关注生活中常见的话题,多练free talk,即开放式地练习描述你身边的所见所闻。(2)Campus Situations

这类题型说的是Task 3和Task 5,就是我们通常说的综合口语题目中的校园生活类题型。

Task 3是考生先看一篇讲述校园将要发生的一个变化的校园公告或者公开信,并给出发生此变化的两个原因,然后听到一篇一男一女的对话,其中一个人提出同意或者反对阅读中提出的变化,并给出两个理由。之后考生有30秒的准备时间和60秒的回答时间,概括阅读中提到的“变化”的主要内容,听力中主说人的态度及其两个理由。

Task 5是考生听一段一男一女的对话,描述生活中遇到的一个困难及两个相应的解决方案。之后考生有20秒的准备时间和60秒的回答时间。与第三题不同的是,在考生复述完听力中的概况之后,需要增加自己的个人建议,帮助听力中遇到困难的人从两个解决方案中选择一个,并给出理由。(3)Academic Courses

这类题型说的是Task 4和Task 6, 就是我们通常说的综合口语题目中的学术讲座类题目。在题目中考生会听到教授讲座的一个片段。

Task 4是考生先看针对某一个学科术语的描述性文章(即阅读部分),然后再听教授对这个术语进行的举例解释(即听力部分)。之后,学生有30秒的准备时间和60秒的回答时间概括阅读和听力中的主要内容(不需要增加个人观点)。

Task 6是考生直接听一篇讲座片段,教授先对某一现象做一个基本概述,然后用两个对称的例子对现象进行解释。听完听力之后考生有20秒的准备时间和60秒的回答时间复述听力中的主要内容(同样不需要增加个人观点)。02 考查要求



托福口语各项题目中,所有环节都只有一次机会,所以在每一个环节中同学们都要注意及时记下重要内容,以便在回答题目时给自己提醒。各题型横向解析(续)Part 2 攻克独立口语

Task 1和 Task 2为独立口语任务,无背景阅读或者听力材料,只需要阐述个人的生活经历即可。






有同学问:“在答题过程中是不是给出的理由越多显得我思考得越周全?” 实际上恰好相反,给出的理由越多,说明细节越少,内容越肤浅。毕竟托福口语是计时考试,在有限的时间内,细节量与理由量是成反比的。因此为了尽量多地阐述细节,我们要尽量少地给理论点。通常尽量用“一个理由+展开”占满全文,如果实在不足以撑满45秒,才给出第二个理论点凑数。



每道题目尽量用一个理由说完全文,具体使用方法如下:(1)点题:开门见山提出主题,不要用模板式的开头,简单粗暴,主谓宾即可。(2)Jason三大理由:Friends (Make Friends, Enhance Friendship), Money (Make Money, Save Money, Economical), Efficiency (Convenient, Simple, Save Time, etc.)(3)展开:相比于“讲道理”,更推荐将“举例子”“做对比”和“给数据”结合起来使用,使得文章结构清晰的同时,充满细节。


b)“举例子”并不需要真正背很多实际的例子,比如Harry Potter, Pride and Prejudice, Bill Gates, Steve Jobs等。一是范围庞大,浪费时间;二是容易因为内容解释不清或者有偏差而增加被扣分的原因。只要找到一个常用的对象去说明“例子的内容即可。



例 题:

Which do you prefer as a way of daily transportation, the bus or the subway?

Sample Answer:

如何在独立任务题目中具体广泛应用本方法,请看后面的“TPO独立口语高分范文”部分。Part 3 TPO独立口语高分范文TPO 1Task 1

An important book that I have read is the biography of Jason, a famous Chinese English teacher, because it helped me understand my students.

As a teacher myself, I always got angry when students didn't do things the way I instructed them to do. Jason explained this in the book. He said that we teachers need to put ourselves in students' shoes, and we shouldn't just think from our own perspective.

After reading his book, I tried to think from students' angle. Now I can always understand them. (88 words)Task 2

I believe that television has a good influence on society, because it helps people know what's going on in the entire world.

Back in the old days, we didn't have access to television, so we were so isolated. We weren't able to learn about what's happening in other countries.

However, with the availability of television, we get to know the most updated news all over the world, so we are able to understand people's life styles however far they are from us. (82 words)TPO 2Task 1

There's this cafe called “the corner” that I usually go to. It's an important place for me because it's super quiet, so I can focus on my projects without being interrupted.

Like last Sunday, I went there to write my final thesis at around 10 am. Next thing I knew, it was already 7 pm when I felt starved. I didn't realize how fast the time passed by at all.

Other places like the Starbucks are always crowded with people so I can barely concentrate. (82 words)Task 2

I think it's better for students to focus on a single subject area, because it's more useful for their future career.

For example, when I was in college, I majored in English. We had so much practice in English that I was a professional translator when I graduated, so I got multiple job offers.

My friend Jason, however, majored in business. He learned a little bit of everything in school, so he didn't have expertise in anything. It's been a year and he still hasn't settled a job yet. (89 words)TPO 3Task 1

I think reliability makes somebody a good parent, because their kids are able to count on them.

For example, when I was little, I always thought that my dad was the hero, because he always kept his words. As long as he agreed to do something for me, I could always consider it done already.

On the contrary, my friend Jason's dad always promised to help him with many things, but he always had excuses and canceled on him later. Obviously, my dad is way better than Jason's dad. (89 words)Task 2

I think it's obviously better to work on class assignments in a group, because it's more efficient.

For example, I used to do the assignments by myself, and I was never able to finish them on time. I felt very distracted when I was studying alone because I kept eating snacks and checking new comments on Facebook.

However, I'm in a study group now. We would remind each other to stay focused and work together on the assigned tasks. I can always finish everything several days before the deadline. (88 words)TPO 4Task 1

I miss my mom most when I am away from home, because she's the only person who always encourages me.

I used to always talk to her about all my crazy dreams like installing a huge air purifier above Beijing. She never judged me, and she would even sit down with me and discuss the feasibility of my ideas.

However, I work away from home now. I still dream big like I always did, but everybody says that I'm crazy when I tell them about my ideas. (87 words)Task 2

I prefer to attend classes in the traditional classrooms, because it's way more efficient than studying over the Internet.

I used to take online courses, because I thought that could help me save some time on the way, but what I didn't anticipate was how distracted I was during the class. I would check the comments on Facebook, and eat all kinds of snacks, etc. I barely learned anything.

However, I always take traditional classes now. I can focus on the teacher and what he/she's teaching all the time. (90 words)TPO 5Task 1

I enjoyed going to the downtown park when I was a kid, because it was the only park with a lake where I got to boat.

My dad used to take me there a lot because he knew that I enjoyed boating. We would play poker games and chess in the boat, and that is a very precious memory of me and my dad when I was little.

Other parks might be larger than the downtown park, but I didn't care about the size at all. (86 words)Task 2

I do think it's more important to study math or science than to study art or literature, because I think math and science enable people to solve problems.

For example, I'm a science student, and I'm accustomed to logic and tend to do everything rationally. I'm good at prioritizing my tasks and finishing them one by one efficiently.

My friend Jason, however, is the opposite. He has a hard time deciding which tasks are more important, so he is always driven crazy when juggling assignments. (85 words)TPO 6Task 1

I saw a painting called The Classroom the other day and I can never take it out of my mind.

It is memorable to me because I can feel it speaking to me.

I have seen other masterpieces by some big names, but they are so abstract that I could never get the point.

But this one appeals to me way more than the others because I myself am a student and I think it specifically and perfectly captures the class scene. I feel like I'm in the picture immediately. (89 words)Task 2

I think having one career throughout one's life is way better than doing different jobs at different points in his life, because he has a chance to be the expert in his field and be respected.

For example, my father did all kinds of jobs that I can imagine, but he only got to do all the entry-level tasks, and hardly mastered any key skills, so he kept getting replaced.

By contrast, my mother has been a dentist for 30 years and nobody can ever replace her. (88 words)TPO 7Task 1

If my foreign friend is coming to my country, I will advise him to visit my hometown, because it is one of the few cities with clean air in my country.

We have the luxury to enjoy the blue sky, so if my friend is coming, he can freely go to the outdoor tourism attractions without worrying about inhaling toxic air.

There are indeed other great cities in my country, but since they have been so heavily polluted, it's not a great idea for my friend to visit. (88 words)Task 2

I agree that learning through online courses is more efficient than learning in the traditional classroom setting, because we can save much time on the way back and forth.

I used to study in the traditional classrooms, and it usually took me 5 hours on the way and I was always exhausted. You know, in a mega city like Beijing, traffic jams are always the greatest headache of the citizens.

However, I take online courses now, and I don't have to even get out of my bed.(87 words)(与TPO 4-Task 2同类型的题目)TPO 8Task 1

My parents helped me decide on my college major. It is important to me because it may change my life in a good way.

I used to make all the decisions by myself without consulting them, because I tried to be independent.

However, since this could have been the life-changing decision, I figured that I ought to discuss it with them. They sorted all the information about different universities and made a very important checklist for me. With their help, I found the most suitable school for me. (89 words)Task 2

I think taking risks and trying new things is better, because that's the best way to explore life.

I myself am a life adventurer, and I always do things that might seem dangerous. I think life is short and I shouldn't be wasting any minute by staying where I am all the time.

My friend Jason, on the opposite, always avoids doing anything risky. He never wants to step out of his comfort zone, and he's never tried anything fascinating. I think life like that is too boring. (88 words)TPO 9Task 1

I started my first internship last week. This is very important for me because it's my first time to work in the summer.

In the past, I used to stay at home and do nothing during school breaks, it was usually fun and relaxing for the first few days, but when I got bored later on, it was too late to do anything meaningful.

However, this year I decided to work instead of wasting my time. It turned out great and I have learnt a lot this past week. (89 words)Task 2

I agree that friends are the most important influence, because it's their friends who young people spend most of their time with.

Take myself for instance, my parents always manage to save every penny, but I don't live with them so I'm not much influenced by them.

However, my roommate Jason always tells me and shows me how making money is actually the best way to help us live better, so I think he makes much more sense and I always try to act like him. (85 words)TPO 10Task 1

I got admitted to the best university in town. I didn't think I was able to do so because it was the dream school for every student.

I used to sleep at 10 pm in the first two years of high school. I never had a huge goal, so I seldom pushed myself very hard for anything.

However, after making the decision to study for that university, I pulled countless all-nighters and spent every minute studying.

All my efforts paid off and I was very proud of myself. (88 words)Task 2

I don't think all children should be required to learn a second language in school, because not all students can learn much.

For instance, back in the old days when I was in school, we were required so. Many students were neither interested nor talented in learning it. Time flew by, but they hardly learned a thing.

My friend Jason's school, however, didn't have such requirements. Students who didn't want to study languages had a variety of other course options and they learned much out of them. (87 words)TPO 11Task 1

I have read a storybook of Jason, a famous teacher in China, and I think the book is interesting, because it gives me a very different insight of Jason's everyday life.

I presumed all he does is read and write every day.

However, I learned that he lives a way more fascinating life. Besides skydiving and skiing, he always travels to developing countries and lives there for a month or so. He talks much with local people, so he has many interesting perspectives about life from his experience.(88 words) (与TPO 1-Task 1同类型的题目)Task 2

I think parents should exercise control over what television programs their children watch, because it can efficiently prevent their children from learning something bad from them.

For example, when my classmate Jason was little, his parents never controlled what programs he watched, so he has picked up many bad words and commonly used them in his daily life. As a result, many people consider him rude.

However, my mom used to strictly filter the programs I watched, so I have never said any bad words and everybody likes me. (89 words)TPO 12Task 1

The most efficient type of transportation in my country is the high-speed train, because it's even faster than the plane.

For example, if I want to return to my hometown from Beijing by train, I can arrive at home in 5 hours, since the train stations of both cities are in downtown where I live.

However, if I fly home, it'll take me much longer time, because both airports are in distant suburbs and I need to set aside much time for the security check and luggage claim. (89 words)Task 2

I don't think it is essential for a person to learn to play a musical instrument for education, since people who are not interested in it can make better use of the time otherwise.

For example, my parents forced me to learn to play the piano. Since I have no interest in it, I still cannot play a single tune after wasting that much time.

However, if I had been allowed to practice swimming, which I loved, I believe that I would have become a successful swimmer. (87 words)





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