
发布时间:2020-10-12 12:14:00


作者:Jules Verne 儒勒·凡尔纳






第一章 菲利斯·福格和路路通接纳彼此,确定了主仆关系

Mr Phileas Fogg lived, in 1872, at No. 7, Saville Row, Burlington Gardens, the house in which Sheridan died in 1814. He was one of the most noticeable members of the Reform Club, though he seemed always to avoid attracting attention; an enigmatical personage, about whom little was known, except that he was a polished man of the world. People said that he resembled Byron,—at least that his head was Byronic; but he was a bearded, tranquil Byron, who might live on a thousand years without growing old.


Certainly an Englishman, it was more doubtful whether Phileas Fogg was a Londoner. He was never seen on 'Change, nor at the Bank, nor in the counting-rooms of the 'City'; no ships ever came into London docks of which he was the owner; he had no public employment; he had never been entered at any of the Inns of Court, either at the Temple, or Lincoln's Inn, or Gray's Inn; nor had his voice ever resounded in the Court of Chancery, or in the Exchequer, or the Queen's Bench, or the Ecclesiastical Courts. He certainly was not a manufacturer; nor was he a merchant or a gentleman farmer. His name was strange to the scientific and learned societies, and he never was known to take part in the sage deliberations of the Royal Institution or the London Institution, the Artisan's Association or the Institution of Arts and Sciences. He belonged, in fact, to none of the numerous societies which swarm in the English capital, from the Harmonic to that of the Entomologists, founded mainly for the purpose of abolishing pernicious insects.


Phileas Fogg was a member of the Reform, and that was all.


The way in which he got admission to this exclusive club was simple enough.


He was recommended by the Barings, with whom he had an open credit. His cheques were regularly paid at sight from his account current, which was always flush.


Was Phileas Fogg rich? Undoubtedly. But those who knew him best could not imagine how he had made his fortune, and Mr Fogg was the last person to whom to apply for the information. He was not lavish, nor, on the contrary, avaricious; for whenever he knew that money was needed for a noble, useful, or benevolent purpose, he supplied it quietly and sometimes anonymously. He was, in short, the least communicative of men. He talked very little and seemed all the more mysterious for his taciturn manner. His daily habits were quite open to observation; but whatever he did was so exactly the same thing that he had always done before, that the wits of the curious were fairly puzzled.


Had he travelled? It was likely, for no one seemed to know the world more familiarly; there was no spot so secluded that he did not appear to have an intimate acquaintance with it. He often corrected, with a few clear words, the thousand conjectures advanced by members of the club as to lost and unheard-of travellers, pointing out the true probabilities, and seeming as if gifted with a sort of second sight, so often did events justify his predictions. He must have travelled everywhere, at least in the spirit.


It was at least certain that Phileas Fogg had not absented himself from London for many years. Those who were honoured by a better acquaintance with him than the rest, declared that nobody could pretend to have ever seen him anywhere else. His sole pastimes were reading the papers and playing whist. He often won at this game, which, as a silent one, harmonized with his nature; but his winnings never went into his purse, being reserved as a fund for his charities. Mr Fogg played, not to win, but for the sake of playing. The game was in his eyes a contest, struggle with a difficulty, yet a motionless, unwearying struggle, congenial to his tastes.


Phileas Fogg was not known to have either wife or children, which may happen to the most honest people; either relatives or near friends, which is certainly more unusual. He lived alone in his house in Saville Row, whither none penetrated. A single domestic sufficed to serve him. He breakfasted and dined at the club, at hours mathematically fixed, in the same room, at the same table, never taking his meals with other members, much less bringing a guest with him; and went home at exactly midnight, only to retire at once to bed. He never used the cosy chambers which the Reform provides for its favoured members. He passed ten hours out of the twenty-four in Saville Row, either in sleeping or making his toilet. When he chose to take a walk it was with a regular step in the entrance hall with its mosaic flooring, or in the circular gallery with its dome supported by twenty red porphyry Ionic columns, and illumined by blue painted windows. When he breakfasted or dined all the resources of the club—its kitchens and pantries, its buttery and dairy—aided to crowd his table with their most succulent stores; he was served by the gravest waiters, in dress coats, and shoes with swan-skin soles, who proffered the viands in special porcelain, and on the finest linen; club decanters, of a lost mould, contained his sherry, his port, and his cinnamon-spiced claret; while his beverages were refreshingly cooled with ice, brought at great cost from the American lakes.


If to live in this style is to be eccentric, it must be confessed that there is something good in eccentricity.


The mansion in Saville Row, though not sumptuous, was exceedingly comfortable. The habits of its occupant were such as to demand but little from the sole domestic, but Phileas Fogg required him to be almost superhumanly prompt and regular. On this very 2nd of October he had dismissed James Forster, because that luckless youth had brought him shaving-water at eighty-four degrees Fahrenheit instead of eighty-six; and he was awaiting his successor, who was due at the house between eleven and half-past.


Phileas Fogg was seated squarely in his armchair, his feet close together like those of a grenadier on parade, his hands resting on his knees, his body straight, his head erect; he was steadily watching a complicated clock which indicated the hours, the minutes, the seconds, the days, the months, and the years. At exactly half-past eleven Mr Fogg would, according to his daily habit, quit Saville Row, and repair to the Reform.


A rap at this moment sounded on the door of the cosy apartment where Phileas Fogg was seated, and James Forster, the dismissed servant, appeared.


'The new servant,' said he.“这就是新仆人。”他说道。

A young man of thirty advanced and bowed.


'You are a Frenchman, I believe,' asked Phileas Fogg, 'and your name is John?'“我想,你是个法国人,”菲利斯·福格问道,“你叫约翰?”

'Jean, if monsieur pleases,' replied the newcomer, 'Jean Passepartout, a surname which has clung to me because I have a natural aptness for going out of one business into another. I believe I'm honest, monsieur, but, to be outspoken, I've had several trades. I've been an itinerant singer, a circus-rider, when I used to vault like Leotard, and dance on a rope like Blondin. Then I got to be a professor of gymnastics, so as to make better use of my talents; and then I was a sergeant fireman at Paris, and assisted at many a big fire. But I quitted France five years ago and, wishing to taste the sweets of domestic life, took service as a valet here in England. Finding myself out of place, and hearing that Monsieur Phileas Fogg was the most exact and settled gentleman in the United Kingdom, I have come to monsieur in the hope of living with him a tranquil life, and forgetting even the name of Passepartout.’“我叫琼,如果先生乐意的话,”新来的人回答道,“叫我琼·路路通吧,一般都加上我的姓,因为我有种天分,能适应从这一行转到另一行。我自己觉得我是个诚实的人,先生,但是,坦率地说,我已经干过好几行了。我做过流浪歌手、马戏团的骑士,那时我常常像利奥塔德那样撑杆跳跃,像布隆丁那样在绳索上跳舞。随后我去做体操教练,以便更好地发挥我的天赋;然后我又在巴黎当过消防小队长,并曾参与过很多大火的消防行动。但是五年前我离开了法国,希望体会一下家庭生活的甜蜜,于是来到英国这里做一名为人服务的男仆。我还没找到合适的工作,又听说菲利斯·福格先生是英国做事讲究精确、为人特别稳重的一名绅士,于是就来到先生这里,希望能和您一起过安静的生活,甚至忘掉路路通这个名字。”

'Passepartout suits me,' responded Mr Fogg. 'You are well recommended to me; I hear a good report of you. You know my conditions?'“路路通适合我,”福格先生回答说,“有人极力推荐向我推荐你,我也听说你名声不错。你知道我的条件吗?”

'Yes, monsieur.'“知道,先生。”

'Good. What time is it?'“很好。几点了?”

'Twenty-two minutes after eleven,' returned Passepartout, drawing an enormous silver watch from the depths of his pocket.“11点22分。”路路通回答着,从他深深的口袋里取出一只巨大的银表。

'You are too slow,' said Mr Fogg.“你动作太慢了。”福格先生说。

'Pardon me, monsieur, it is impossible—’“请原谅,先生,我不可能——”

'You are four minutes too slow. No matter; it's enough to mention the error. Now from this moment, twenty-nine minutes after eleven, a.m., this Wednesday, October 2nd, you are in my service.’“你慢了4分钟。不过没关系,指出错误就足够了。从这一刻起,上午11点29分,10月2号,星期三,你就开始为我服务了。”

Phileas Fogg got up, took his hat in his left hand, put it on his head with an automatic motion, and went off without a word.


Passepartout heard the street door shut once; it was his new master going out. He heard it shut again; it was his predecessor, James Forster, departing in his turn. Passepartout remained alone in the house in Saville Row.



第二章 路路通确信他终于找到了自己的理想之地

'Faith,' muttered Passepartout, somewhat flurried, 'I've seen people at Madame Tussaud's as lively as my new master!’“真的,”路路通嘟囔着,有点激动,“我在蒂索夫人家见过像我新主人一样逼真的人!”

Madame Tussaud's 'people,' let it be said, are of wax, and are much visited in London; speech is all that is wanting to make them human.


During his brief interview with Mr Fogg, Passepartout had been carefully observing him. He appeared to be a man about forty years of age, with fine, handsome features, and a tall, well-shaped figure; his hair and whiskers were light, his forehead compact and unwrinkled, his face rather pale, his teeth magnificent. His countenance possessed in the highest degree what physiognomists call 'repose in action,' a quality of those who act rather than talk. Calm and phlegmatic, with a clear eye, Mr Fogg seemed a perfect type of that English composure which Angelica Kauffmann has so skilfully represented on canvas. Seen in the various phases of his daily life, he gave the idea of being perfectly well-balanced, as exactly regulated as a Leroy chronometer. Phileas Fogg was, indeed, exactitude personified, and this was betrayed even in the expression of his very hands and feet; for in men, as well as in animals, the limbs themselves are expressive of the passions.


He was so exact that he was never in a hurry, was always ready, and was economical alike of his steps and his motions. He never took one step too many, and always went to his destination by the shortest cut; he made no superfluous gestures, and was never seen to be moved or agitated. He was the most deliberate person in the world, yet always reached his destination at the exact moment.


He lived alone, and so to speak, outside of every social relation; and as he knew that in this world account must be taken of friction, and that friction retards, he never rubbed against anybody.


As for Passepartout, he was a true Parisian of Paris. Since he had abandoned his own country for England, taking service as a valet, he had in vain searched for a master after his own heart. Passepartout was by no means one of those pert dunces depicted by Molière, with a bold gaze and a nose held high in the air; he was an honest fellow, with a pleasant face, lips a trifle protruding, soft-mannered and serviceable, with a good round head, such as one likes to see on the shoulders of a friend. His eyes were blue, his complexion rubicund, his figure almost portly and well-built, his body muscular, and his physical powers fully developed by the exercises of his younger days. His brown hair was somewhat tumbled; for while the ancient sculptors are said to have known eighteen methods of arranging Minerva's tresses, Passepartout was familiar with but one of dressing his own: three strokes of a large-tooth comb completed his toilet.


It would be rash to predict how Passepartout's lively nature would agree with Mr Fogg. It was impossible to tell whether the new servant would turn out as absolutely methodical as his master required; experience alone could solve the question. Passepartout had been a sort of vagrant in his early years, and now yearned for repose; but so far he had failed to find it, though he had already served in ten English houses. But he could not take root in any of these; with chagrin he found his masters invariably whimsical and irregular, constantly running about the country, or on the look-out for adventure. His last master, young Lord Longferry, Member of Parliament, after passing his nights in the Haymarket taverns, was too often brought home in the morning on policemen's shoulders. Passepartout, desirous of respecting the gentleman whom he served, ventured a mild remonstrance on such conduct; which being ill-received, he took his leave. Hearing that Mr Phileas Fogg was looking for a servant, and that his life was one of unbroken regularity, that he neither travelled nor stayed from home overnight, he felt sure that this would be the place he was after. He presented himself, and was accepted, as has been seen.


At half-past eleven, then, Passepartout found himself alone in the house in Saville Row. He began its inspection without delay, scouring it from cellar to garret. So clean, well-arranged, solemn a mansion pleased him; it seemed to him like a snail's shell, lighted and warmed by gas, which sufficed for both these purposes. When Passepartout reached the second storey he recognized at once the room which he was to inhabit, and he was well satisfied with it. Electric bells and speaking tubes afforded communication with the lower stories; while on the mantel stood an electric clock, precisely like that in Mr Fogg's bedchamber, both beating the same second at the same instant. 'That's good, that'll do,' said Passepartout to himself.


He suddenly observed, hung over the clock, a card which, upon inspection, proved to be a programme of the daily routine of the house. It comprised all that was required of the servant, from eight in the morning, exactly at which hour Phileas Fogg rose, till half-past eleven, when he left the house for the Reform Club,—all the details of service, the tea and toast at twenty-three minutes past eight, the shaving-water at thirty-seven minutes past nine, and the toilet at twenty minutes before ten. Everything was regulated and foreseen that was to be done from half-past eleven a.m. till midnight, the hour at which the methodical gentleman retired.


Mr Fogg's wardrobe was amply supplied and in the best taste. Each pair of trousers, coat, and vest bore a number, indicating the time of year and season at which they were in turn to be laid out for wearing; and the same system was applied to the master's shoes. In short, the house in Saville Row, which must have been a very temple of disorder and unrest under the illustrious but dissipated Sheridan, was cosiness, comfort, and method idealized. There was no study, nor were there books, which would have been quite useless to Mr Fogg; for at the Reform two libraries, one of general literature and the other of law and politics, were at his service. A moderate sized sofa stood in his bedroom, constructed so as to defy fire as well as burglars; but Passepartout found neither arms nor hunting weapons anywhere; everything betrayed the most tranquil and peaceable habits.


Having scrutinized the house from top to bottom, he rubbed his hands, a broad smile overspread his features, and he said joyfully, 'This is just what I wanted! Ah, we shall get on together, Mr Fogg and I! What a domestic and regular gentleman! A real machine; well, I don't mind serving a machine.’



第三章 一场可能会让菲利斯·福格付出极高代价的谈话

Phileas Fogg, having shut the door of his house at half-past eleven, and having put his right foot before his left five hundred and seventy-five times, and his left foot before his right five hundred and seventy-six times, reached the Reform Club, an imposing edifice in Pall Mall, which could not have cost less than three millions. He repaired at once to the dining-room, the nine windows of which open upon a tasteful garden, where the trees were already gilded with an autumn colouring; and took his place at the habitual table, the cover of which had already been laid for him. His breakfast consisted of a side-dish, a broiled fish with leading sauce, a scarlet slice of roast beef garnished with mushrooms, a rhubarb and gooseberry tart, and a morsel of Cheshire cheese, the whole being washed down with several cups of tea, for which the Reform is famous. He rose at thirteen minutes to one, and directed his steps towards the large hall, a sumptuous apartment adorned with lavishly-framed paintings. A flunkey handed him an uncut Times, which he proceeded to cut with a skill which betrayed familiarity with this delicate operation. The perusal of this paper absorbed Phileas Fogg until a quarter before four, whilst the Standard, his next task, occupied him till the dinner hour. Dinner passed as breakfast had done, and Mr Fogg reappeared in the reading-room and sat down to the Pall Mall at twenty minutes before six. Half-an-hour later several members of the Reform came in and drew up to the fireplace, where a coal fire was steadily burning. They were Mr Fogg's usual partners at whist: Andrew Stuart, an engineer; John Sullivan and Samuel Fallentin, bankers; Thomas Flanagan, a brewer; and Gauthier Ralph, one of the Directors of the Bank of England;—all rich and highly respectable personages, even in a club which comprises the princes of English trade and finance.


'Well, Ralph,' said Thomas Flanagan, 'what about that robbery?'“喂,拉尔夫,”托马斯·弗拉纳根说,“那场盗窃案怎么样了?”

'Oh,' replied Stuart, 'the bank will lose the money.'“噢,”斯图尔特回答道,“这钱银行是找不回来了。”

'On the contrary,' broke in Ralph, 'I hope we may put our hands on the robber. Skilful detectives have been sent to all the principal ports of America and the Continent, and he'll be a clever fellow if he slips through their fingers.’“恰恰相反,”拉尔夫打断说,“我希望我们能抓住这个贼。侦探能手已经被派到美洲和欧洲大陆所有主要港口去了,如果他能从他们的指缝中溜掉,那他可真是个机灵的家伙。”

'But have you got the robber's description?' asked Stuart.“但是你知道窃贼有什么特征吗?”斯图尔特问道。

'In the first place he is no robber at all,' returned Ralph, positively.“首先,他根本就不是窃贼。”拉尔夫肯定地回答道。

'What! a fellow who makes off with fifty-five thousand pounds, no robber?’“什么!一个偷走55,000英镑的家伙还不是窃贼?”


'Perhaps he's a manufacturer, then.’“那么,他也许是一个制造商。”

'The Daily Telegraph says that he is a gentleman.’“《每日电讯报》说他是一位绅士。”

It was Phileas Fogg, whose head now emerged from behind his newspapers, who made this remark. He bowed to his friends, and entered into the conversation. The affair which formed its subject, and which was town talk, had occurred three days before at the Bank of England. A package of bank-notes, to the value of fifty-five thousand pounds, had been taken from the principal cashier's table, that functionary being at the moment engaged in registering the receipt of three shillings and sixpence. Of course he could not have his eyes everywhere. Let it be observed that the Bank of England reposes a touching confidence in the honesty of the public. There are neither guards nor gratings to protect its treasures; gold, silver, bank-notes are freely exposed, at the mercy of the first comer. A keen observer of English customs relates that, being in one of the rooms of the Bank one day, he had the curiosity to examine a gold ingot weighing some seven or eight pounds. He took it up, scrutinized it, passed it to his neighbour, he to the next man, and so on until the ingot, going from hand to hand, was transferred to the end of a dark entry; nor did it return to its place for half-an-hour. Meanwhile, the cashier had not so much as raised his head. But in the present instance things had not gone so smoothly. The package of notes not being found when five o'clock sounded from the ponderous clock in the 'drawing office,' the amount was passed to the account of profit and loss. As soon as the robbery was discovered, picked detectives hastened off to Liverpool, Glasgow, Havre, Suez, Brindisi, New York, and other ports, inspired by the proffered reward of two thousand pounds, and five per cent on the sum that might be recovered. Detectives were also charged with narrowly watching those who arrived at or left London by rail, and a judicial examination was at once entered upon.


There were real grounds for supposing, as the Daily Telegraph said, that the thief did not belong to a professional band. On the day of the robbery a well-dressed gentleman of polished manners, and with a well-to-do air, had been observed going to and fro in the paying-room, where the crime was committed. A description of him was easily procured and sent to the detectives; and some hopeful spirits, of whom Ralph was one, did not despair of his apprehension. The papers and clubs were full of the affair, and everywhere people were discussing the probabilities of a successful pursuit; and the Reform Club was especially agitated, several of its members being Bank officials.


Ralph would not concede that the work of the detectives was likely to be in vain, for he thought that the prize offered would greatly stimulate their zeal and activity. But Stuart was far from sharing this confidence; and as they placed themselves at the whist-table, they continued to argue the matter. Stuart and Flanagan played together, while Phileas Fogg had Fallentin for his partner. As the game proceeded the conversation ceased, excepting between the rubbers, when it revived again.


'I maintain,' said Stuart, 'that the chances are favour of the thief, who must be a shrewd fellow.'“我想,”斯图尔特说,“机会对窃贼有利,他一定是个精明的家伙。”

'Well, but where can he fly to?' asked Ralph. 'No country is safe for him.'“嗯,可他能飞到哪儿去呢?”拉尔夫问道,“对他来说,没有一个国家是安全的。”


'Where could he go, then?'“那么他能去哪儿呢?”

'Oh, I don't know that. The world is big enough.’“哦,这我不知道。世界大得很。”

'It was once,' said Phileas Fogg, in a low tone. 'Cut, sir,' he added, handing the cards to Thomas Flanagan.“那是从前。”菲利斯·福格低声说道,“切牌,先生。”他补充说道,把牌递给了托马斯·弗拉纳根。

The discussion fell during the rubber, after which Stuart took up its thread.


'What do you mean by "once"? Has the world grown smaller?’“你说‘从前’是什么意思?难道世界变小了吗?”

'Certainly,' returned Ralph. 'I agree with Mr Fogg. The world has grown smaller, since a man can now go round it ten times more quickly than a hundred years ago. And that is why the search for this thief will be more likely to succeed.'“当然了,”拉尔夫回话道,“我同意福格先生的话。世界确实变小了,因为如今人绕地球走一圈比一百年前快十倍。而这就是为什么对那个贼的搜查工作很有可能会成功。”

'And also why the thief can get away more easily.'“同时也是那个贼能更轻易地逃掉的原因。”

'Be so good as to play, Mr Stuart,' said Phileas Fogg.“该出牌了,斯图尔特先生。”菲利斯·福格说。

But the incredulous Stuart was not convinced, and when the hand was finished, said eagerly: 'You have a strange way, Ralph, of proving that the world has grown smaller. So, because you can go round it in three months—’


'In eighty days,' interrupted Phileas Fogg.“80天就够。”菲利斯·福格打断说。

'That is true, gentlemen,' added John Sullivan.“那是真的,先生们。”约翰·沙利文补充道。

'Only eighty days, now that the section between Rothal and Allahabad, on the Great Indian Peninsula Railway, has been opened. Here is the estimate made by the Daily Telegraph:—“只要80天,因为大印度半岛上柔佐和阿拉哈巴德之间那部分铁路已经开通了。这是《每日电讯报》所做的一个估算——

From London to Suez via Mont Cenis and Brindisi, by rail and steamboats 7 days.


From Suez to Bombay, by steamer -----------------------13,


From Bombay to Calcutta, by rail -------------------------3,


From Calcutta to Hong Kong, by steamer----------------13,


From Hong Kong to Yokohama (Japan), by steamer-----6,


From Yokohama to San Francisco, by steamer----------22,


From San Francisco to New York, by rail-----------------7,


From New York to London, by steamer and rail----------9,


Total----------------------80 days.”


'Yes, in eighty days!' exclaimed Stuart, who in his excitement made a false deal. 'But that doesn't take into account bad weather, contrary winds, ship-wrecks, railway accidents, and so on.’“是啊,80天!”斯图尔特惊叫道,他激动得竟发错了牌。“但那没有把坏天气、逆风、海难、铁路事故等等计算在内。”

'All included,' returned Phileas Fogg, continuing to play despite the discussion.“所有的都算上了。”菲利斯·福格回话道,他继续玩着牌,而讨论还在进行。

'But suppose the Hindoos or Indians pull up the rails,' replied Stuart; 'suppose they stop the trains, pillage the luggage-vans, and scalp the passengers!’“但假如印度人把铁轨拔出来了呢,”斯图尔特反问道,“假如他们拦住火车,抢劫行李车厢,剥掉乘客的头皮呢!”

'All included,' calmly retorted Fogg; adding, as he threw down the cards, 'Two trumps.'“所有的都算上了。”福格平静地反驳道;他扔下牌,补充说:“两张王牌。”

Stuart, whose turn it was to deal, gathered them up, and went on: 'You are right, theoretically, Mr Fogg, but practically—’


'Practically also, Mr Stuart.'“从实践上来讲也是,斯图尔特先生。”

'I'd like to see you do it in eighty days.’“我倒想看看你在80天内环游世界。”

'It depends on you. Shall we go?'“那要看你了。咱们一起去好吗?”

'Heaven preserve me! But I would wager four thousand pounds that such a journey, made under these conditions, is impossible.'“上帝保佑我!可我敢赌4,000英镑,在所有这些条件下来完成这样一次旅行是不可能的。”

'Quite possible, on the contrary,' returned Mr Fogg.“恰恰相反,完全可能。”福格先生回答道。

'Well, make it, then!'“好啊,那就去做吧!”

'The journey round the world in eighty days?'“80天环游世界的旅行?”


'I should like nothing better.'“没有比这更让我喜欢的事情了。”


'At once. Only I warn you that I shall do it at your expense.'“马上。只是我得事先讲明,我的旅行费用由你来出。”

'It's absurd!' cried Stuart, who was beginning to be annoyed at the persistency of his friend. 'Come, let's go on with the game.’“这太荒谬了!”斯图尔特喊叫道,他的朋友如此坚持让他大为恼火。“来,我们还是继续打牌吧。”

'Deal over again, then,' said Phileas Fogg. 'There's a false deal.’“那就重新发牌吧,”菲利斯·福格说,“刚才发错了一张牌。”

Stuart took up the pack with a feverish hand; then suddenly put them down again.


'Well, Mr Fogg,' said he, 'it shall be so: I will wager the four thousand on it.’“那么,福格先生,”他说,“可以这样:我愿意为此下4,000英镑的赌注。”

'Calm yourself, my dear Stuart,' said Fallentin. 'It's only a joke.’“冷静点,我亲爱的斯图尔特,”法勒廷说,“这只是个玩笑。”

'When I say I'll wager,' returned Stuart, 'I mean it.'“当我说我要打赌时,”斯图尔特回应说,“我就是认真的。”

'All right,' said Mr Fogg; and turning to the others he continued: 'I have a deposit of twenty thousand at Baring's which I will willingly risk upon it.’“好吧。”福格先生说,然后他转向其他人继续说,“我在巴林家有20,000的存款,我愿意拿它来冒险。”

'Twenty thousand pounds!' cried Sullivan. 'Twenty thousand pounds, which you would lose by a single accidental delay!'“20,000英镑!”沙利文叫道,“20,000英镑,一次意外的耽搁就会让你把它全都输掉!”

'The unforeseen does not exist,' quietly replied Phileas Fogg.“根本就没有预见不到的事。”菲利斯·福格平静地回答道。

'But, Mr Fogg, eighty days are only the estimate of the least possible time in which the journey can be made.'“但是,福格先生,80天只是对可能需要的时间做的最少的估算。”

'A well-used minimum suffices for everything.’“充分利用这段时间的话,就足够了。”

'But, in order not to exceed it, you must jump mathematically from the trains upon the steamers, and from the steamers upon the trains again.'“但是,为了不超出这个时间,你必须精确地从这趟火车下来跳到那艘蒸汽船上,然后又从那艘蒸汽船跳到这趟火车上。”

'I will jump-mathematically.’“我会精确地跳。”

'You are joking.'“你在开玩笑。”

'A true Englishman doesn't joke when he is talking about so serious a thing as a wager,' replied Phileas Fogg, solemnly. 'I will bet twenty thousand pounds against anyone who wishes, that I will make the tour of the world in eighty days or less; in nineteen hundred and twenty hours, or a hundred and fifteen thousand two hundred minutes. Do you accept?'“真正的英国人在谈论像打赌这么严肃的事情时是不会开玩笑的。”菲利斯·福格十分严肃地回答道。“我会和任何一个愿意打赌的人赌两万英镑,赌我是否能在80天或是更少的时间里做环球旅行;我会在1,920个小时内,或115,200分钟内。你们接受吗?”

'We accept,' replied Messrs Stuart, Fallentin, Sullivan, Flanagan, and Ralph, after consulting each other.“我们接受。”斯图尔特、法勒廷、沙利文、弗拉纳根,和拉尔夫诸位先生在商量之后回答道。

'Good,' said Mr Fogg. 'The train leaves for Dover at a quarter before nine. I will take it.'“很好,”福格先生说,“8点45分有趟火车去多佛尔。我就乘那趟车。”

'This very evening?' asked Stuart.“今晚就走?”斯图尔特问道。

'This very evening,' returned Phileas Fogg. He took out and consulted a pocket almanac, and added, 'As to-day is Wednesday, the second of October, I shall be due in London, in this very room of the Reform Club, on Saturday, the twenty-first of December, at a quarter before nine p.m.; or else the twenty thousand pounds, now deposited in my name at Baring's, will belong to you, in fact and in right, gentlemen. Here is a cheque for the amount.’“今晚就走。”菲利斯·福格回答道。他拿出一个口袋年历查看了一下,补充说:“今天是10月2号星期三,12月21日星期六、晚上8点45分我将会回到伦敦改良俱乐部的这间屋子里;否则,先生们,现在以我的名义在巴林家存着的20,000英镑,无论从事实上还是法律上来说,都将属于你们。这是那笔钱的支票。”

A memorandum of the wager was at once drawn up and signed by the six parties, during which Phileas Fogg preserved a stoical composure. He certainly did not bet to win, and had only staked the twenty thousand pounds, half of his fortune, because he foresaw that he might have to expend the other half to carry out this difficult, not to say unattainable, project. As for his antagonists, they seemed much agitated; not so much by the value of their stake, as because they had some scruples about betting under conditions so difficult to their friend.


The clock struck seven, and the party offered to suspend the game so that Mr Fogg might make his preparations for departure.


'I am quite ready now,' was his tranquil response.“我已经完全准备好了。”这便是他平静的回答。

'Diamonds are trumps: be so good as to play, gentlemen.’“现在方块是王牌:牌真是不错,先生们。”


第四章 菲利斯·福格让他的仆人路路通大吃一惊

Having won twenty guineas at whist, and taken leave of his friends, Phileas Fogg, at twenty-five minutes past seven, left the Reform Club.


Passepartout, who had conscientiously studied the programme of his duties, was more than surprised to see his master guilty of the inexactness of appearing at this unaccustomed hour; for, according to rule, he was not due in Saville Row until precisely midnight.


Mr Fogg repaired to his bedroom, and called out, 'Passepartout!'


Passepartout did not reply. It could not be he who was called; it was not the right hour.


'Passepartout!' repeated Mr Fogg, without raising his voice.“路路通!”福格先生又喊了一遍,但并没有提高他的声音。

Passepartout made his appearance.


'I've called you twice,' observed his master.“我叫了你两遍。”他的主人说道。

'But it is not midnight,' responded the other, showing his watch.“但这不是午夜。”另一位回答着,还展示了他的手表。

'I know it; I don't blame you. We start for Dover and Calais in ten minutes.’“我知道,我不是责备你。10分钟后我们前往多佛尔和加来。”

A puzzled grin overspread Passepartout's round face, clearly he had not comprehended his master.


'Monsieur is going to leave home?'“先生是要出门吗?”

'Yes,' returned Phileas Fogg. 'We are going round the world.'“是的,”菲利斯·福格回答道,“我们要开始环游世界。”

Passepartout opened wide his eyes, raised his eyebrows, held up his hands, and seemed about to collapse, so overcome was he with stupefied astonishment.


'Round the world!' he murmured.“环游世界!”他嘟囔着说。

'In eighty days,' responded Mr Fogg. 'So we haven't a moment to lose.’“在80天内。”福格先生回答说。“所以我们没有时间可以浪费了。”

'But the trunks?' gasped Passepartout, unconsciously swaying his head from right to left.“但是行李呢?”路路通吸了口气说,下意识地从右到左摇着脑袋。

'We'll have no trunks; only a carpet-bag, with two shirts and three pairs of stockings for me, and the same for you. We'll buy our clothes on the way. Bring down my mackintosh and travelling-cloak, and some stout shoes, though we shall do little walking. Make haste!’“我们没有行李,只有一个旅行包,给我带2件衬衫和3双袜子,你也一样。我们会在路上买衣服。把我的马金托什雨衣、旅行斗篷拿下来,再拿一双结实的鞋子,虽然我们并不会走很多路。动作快一点!”

Passepartout tried to reply, but could not. He went out, mounted to his own room, fell into a chair, and muttered: 'That's good, that is! And I, who wanted to remain quiet!’


He mechanically set about making the preparations for departure. Around the world in eighty days! Was his master a fool? No. Was this a joke, then? They were going to Dover; good. To Calais; good again. After all, Passepartout, who had been away from France five years, would not be sorry to set foot on his native soil again. Perhaps they would go as far as Paris, and it would do his eyes good to see Paris once more. But surely a gentleman so chary of his steps would stop there; no doubt,—but, then, it was none the less true that he was going away, this so domestic person hitherto!


By eight o'clock Passepartout had packed the modest carpet-bag, containing the wardrobes of his master and himself; then, still troubled in mind, he carefully shut the door of his room, and descended to Mr Fogg.


Mr Fogg was quite ready. Under his arm might have been observed a red-bound copy of 'Bradshaw's Continental Railway Steam Transit and General Guide,' with its time-tables showing the arrival and departure of steamers and railways. He took the carpet-bag, opened it, and slipped into it a goodly roll of Bank of England notes, which would pass wherever he might go.


'You have forgotten nothing?' asked he.“你没忘记什么吗?”他问。

'Nothing, monsieur.'“没有,先生。”

'My mackintosh and cloak?'“我的雨衣和斗篷呢?”

'Here they are.'“在这儿。”

'Good. Take this carpet-bag,' handing it to Passepartout. 'Take good care of it, for there are twenty thousand pounds in it.'“很好。带上这个旅行包。”他将旅行包递给了路路通,“看好它,里面可有两万英镑呢。”

Passepartout nearly dropped the bag, as if the twenty thousand pounds were in gold, and weighted him down.


Master and man then descended, the street-door was double-locked, and at the end of Saville Row they took a cab and drove rapidly to Charing Cross. The cab stopped before the railway station at twenty minutes past eight. Passepartout jumped off the box and followed his master, who, after paying the cabman, was about to enter the station, when a poor beggar-woman, with a child in her arms, her naked feet smeared with mud, her head covered with a wretched bonnet, from which hung a tattered feather, and her shoulders shrouded in a ragged shawl, approached, and mournfully asked for alms.


Mr Fogg took out the twenty guineas he had just won at whist, and handed them to the beggar, saying, 'Here, my good woman. I'm glad that I met you’; and passed on.


Passepartout had a moist sensation about the eyes; his master's action touched his susceptible heart.


Two first-class tickets for Paris having been speedily purchased, Mr Fogg was crossing the station to the train, when he perceived his five friends of the Reform.


'Well, gentlemen,' said he, 'I'm off, you see; and if you will examine my passport when I get back, you will be able to judge whether I have accomplished the journey agreed upon.’“嗯,先生们,”他说,“瞧,我要走了,如果你们在我回来之后检查我护照的话,就能判断我是否完成了约定的旅程。”

'Oh, that would be quite unnecessary, Mr Fogg,' said Ralph politely. 'We will trust your word, as a gentleman of honour.'“哦,那倒完全没必要,福格先生。”拉尔夫礼貌地说道,“我们相信你是言而有信的人。”

'You do not forget when you are due in London again?' asked Stuart.“你不会忘记你应该什么时候再回到伦敦吧?”斯图尔特问道。

'In eighty days; on Saturday, the 21st of December, 1872, at a quarter before nine p.m. Good-bye, gentlemen.”“80天后,1872年12月21日,星期六,晚上8点45分。再见了,先生们。”

Phileas Fogg and his servant seated themselves in a first-class carriage at twenty minutes before nine; five minutes later the whistle screamed, and the train slowly glided out of the Station.


The night was dark, and a fine, steady rain was falling. Phileas Fogg, snugly ensconced in his corner, did not open his lips. Passepartout, not yet recovered from his stupefaction, clung mechanically to the carpet-bag, with its enormous treasure.


Just as the train was whirling through Sydenham, Passepartout suddenly uttered a cry of despair.


'What's the matter?' asked Mr Fogg.“怎么了?”福格先生问道。

'Alas! In my hurry—I—I forgot—’“天哪!我在匆忙中——我——我忘了——”


'To turn off the gas in my room!'“关我房间里的煤气!”

'Very well, young man,' returned Mr Fogg, coolly; 'it will burn—at your expense.’“很好,年轻人,”福格先生冷冰冰地回答道,“所有点着的煤气你来付钱。”


第五章 交易所出现了一种不为富人所知的新基金

Phileas Fogg rightly suspected that his departure from London would create a lively sensation at the West End. The news of the bet spread through the Reform Club, and afforded an exciting topic of conversation to its members. From the Club it soon got into the papers throughout England. The boasted 'tour of the world' was talked about, disputed, argued with as much warmth as if the subject were another Alabama claim. Some took sides with Phileas Fogg, but the large majority shook their heads and declared against him; it was absurd, impossible, they declared, that the tour of the world could be made, except theoretically and on paper, in this minimum of time, and with the existing means of travelling. Times, Standard, Morning Post, and Daily News, and twenty other highly respectable newspapers scouted Mr Fogg's project as madness; the Daily Telegraph alone supported him. People in general thought him a lunatic, and blamed his Reform Club friends for having accepted a wager which betrayed the mental aberration of its proposer.


Articles no less passionate than logical appeared on the question, for geography is one of the pet subjects of the English; and the columns devoted to Phileas Fogg's venture were eagerly devoured by all classes of readers. At first some rash individuals, principally of the gentler sex, espoused his cause, which became still more popular when the Illustrated London News came out with his portrait, copied from a photograph in the Reform Club. A few readers of the Daily Telegraph even dared to say, 'Why not, after all? Stranger things have come to pass.'


At last a long article appeared, on the 7th of October, in the bulletin of the Royal Geographical Society, which treated the question from every point of view, and demonstrated the utter folly of the enterprise.


Everything, it said, was against the travellers, every obstacle imposed alike by man and by nature. A miraculous agreement of the times of departure and arrival, which was impossible, was absolutely necessary to his success. He might, perhaps, reckon on the arrival of trains at the designated hours, in Europe, where the distances were relatively moderate; but when he calculated upon crossing India in three days, and the United States in seven, could he rely beyond misgiving upon accomplishing his task? There were accidents to machinery, the liability of trains to run off the line, collisions, bad weather, the blocking up by snow,—were not all these against Phileas Fogg? Would he not find himself, when travelling by steamer in winter, at the mercy of the winds and fogs? Is it uncommon for the best ocean steamers to be two or three days behind time? But a single delay would suffice to fatally break the chain of communication; should Phileas Fogg once miss, even by an hour, a steamer, he would have to wait for the next, and that would irrevocably render his attempt vain.


This article made a great deal of noise, and being copied into all the papers, seriously depressed the advocates of the rash tourist.


Everybody knows that England is the world of betting men, who are of a higher class than mere gamblers; to bet is in the English temperament. Not only the members of the Reform, but the general public, made heavy wagers for or against Phileas Fogg, who was set down in the betting books as if he were a race-horse. Bonds were issued, and made their appearance on 'Change; 'Phileas Fogg bonds' were offered at par or at a premium, and a great business was done in them. But five days after the article in the bulletin of the Geographical Society appeared, the demand began to subside: 'Phileas Fogg' declined. They were offered by packages, at first of five, then of ten, until at last nobody would take less than twenty, fifty, a hundred!


Lord Albermarle, an elderly paralytic gentleman, was now the only advocate of Phileas Fogg left. This noble lord, who was fastened to his chair, would have given his fortune to be able to make the tour of the world, if it took ten years; and bet five thousand pounds on Phileas Fogg. When the folly as well as the uselessness of the adventure was pointed out to him, he contented himself with replying, 'If the thing is feasible, the first to do it ought to be an Englishman.'


The Fogg party dwindled more and more, everybody was going against him, and the bets stood a hundred and fifty and two hundred to one; and a week after his departure an incident occurred which deprived him of backers at any price.


The commissioner of police was sitting in his office at nine o'clock one evening, when the following telegraphic despatch was put into his hands:—




I've found the bank robber, Phileas Fogg. Send without delay warrant of arrest to Bombay.


FIX, Detective.


The effect of this despatch was instantaneous. The polished gentleman disappeared to give place to the bank robber. His photograph, which was hung with those of the rest of the members at the Reform Club, was minutely examined, and it betrayed, feature by feature, the description of the robber which had been provided to the police. The mysterious habits of Phileas Fogg were recalled; his solitary ways, his sudden departure; and it seemed clear that, in undertaking a tour round the world on the pretext of a wager, he had had no other end in view than to elude the detectives, and throw them off his track.



第六章 菲克斯侦探很自然地流露出不耐烦的情绪

The circumstances under which this telegraphic despatch about Phileas Fogg was sent were as follows:—


The steamer 'Mongolia', belonging to the Peninsular and Oriental Company, built of iron, of two thousand eight hundred tons burden, and five hundred horse-power, was due at eleven o'clock a.m. on Wednesday, the 9th of October, at Suez. The 'Mongolia' plied regularly between Brindisi and Bombay via the Suez Canal, and was one of the fastest steamers belonging to the company, always making more than ten knots an hour between Brindisi and Suez, and nine and a half between Suez and Bombay.


Two men were promenading up and down the wharves, among the crowd of natives and strangers who were sojourning at this once straggling village—now, thanks to the enterprise of M. Lesseps, a fast-growing town. One was the British consul at Suez, who, despite the prophecies of the English Government, and the unfavourable predictions of Stephenson, was in the habit of seeing, from his office window, English ships daily passing to and fro on the great canal, by which the old roundabout route from England to India by the Cape of Good Hope was abridged by at least a half. The other was a small, slight-built personage, with a nervous, intelligent face, and bright eyes peering out from under eyebrows which he was incessantly twitching. He was just now manifesting unmistakable signs of impatience, nervously pacing up and down, and unable to stand still for a moment. This was Fix, one of the detectives who had been despatched from England in search of the bank robber; it was his task to narrowly watch every passenger who arrived at Suez, and to follow up all who seemed to be suspicious characters, or bore a resemblance to the description of the criminal, which he had received two days before from the police headquarters at London. The detective was evidently inspired by the hope of obtaining the splendid reward which would be the prize of success, and awaited with a feverish impatience, easy to understand, the arrival of the steamer 'Mongolia'.


'So you say, consul,' asked he for the twentieth time, 'that this steamer is never behind time?'“领事,那您说,”他第20次问道,“这艘船从没延误过?”

'No, Mr Fix,' replied the consul. 'She was bespoken yesterday at Port Said, and the rest of the way is of no account to such a craft. I repeat that the 'Mongolia' has been in advance of the time required by the company's regulations, and gained the prize awarded for excess of speed.’“没有,菲克斯先生。”领事回答道。“据说它昨天到了塞德港,剩下的路程对于这艘船来说不算什么。我再说一次,‘蒙古’号已经比公司规定的时间提前了,而且曾因为速度比预期快而获得奖励。”

'Does she come directly from Brindisi?'“它是直接从布林迪西来的吗?”

'Directly from Brindisi; she takes on the Indian mails there, and she left there Saturday at five p.m. Have patience, Mr Fix; she will not be late. But really I don't see how, for the description you have, you will be able to recognize your man, even if he is on board the "Mongolia".’“是直接从那儿来的,它在那儿装上寄往印度的邮件,然后在星期六下午5点出发。要有耐心,菲克斯先生,它不会晚点的。但我真的不明白,根据你掌握的那些特征,你怎么就能认出你要找的人,即使他在‘蒙古’号上。”

'A man rather feels the presence of these fellows, consul, than recognizes them. You must have a scent for them, and a scent is like a sixth sense which combines hearing, seeing and smelling. I've arrested more than one of these gentlemen in my time, and if my thief is on board, I'll answer for it, he'll not slip through my fingers.’“领事,发现这些家伙,靠的是感觉,而不是眼睛。你对他们必须有一种察觉能力,这种能力就像第六感,会把听觉、视觉和嗅觉融合到一起。这样的绅士我已经逮捕了不止一个了,如果我的贼就在船上,我一定会对此负责,他不会从我的指缝里溜掉的。”

'I hope so, Mr Fix, for it was a heavy robbery.'“我希望是这样,菲克斯先生,因为这是一起严重的盗窃案。”

'A magnificent robbery, consul; fifty-five thousand pounds! We don't often have such windfalls. Burglars are getting to be so contemptible nowadays! A fellow gets hung for a handful of shillings!’“一起巨大的盗窃案,领事,55,000英镑啊!我们可不是经常能发这种意外之财的。现在的贼变得越发可鄙了!一个家伙因为几个先令就被绞死了!”

'Mr Fix,' said the consul, 'I like your way of talking, and hope you'll succeed; but I fear you will find it far from easy. Don't you see, the description which you have there has a singular resemblance to an honest man?’“菲克斯先生,”领事说,“我喜欢你说话的方式,我也希望你会成功,但我恐怕你会发现这件事没那么容易。你还没明白吗,你掌握的特征看起来非常像正人君子。”

'Consul,' remarked the detective, dogmatically, 'great robbers always resemble honest folks. Fellows who have rascally faces have only one course to take, and that is to remain honest; otherwise they would be arrested off-hand. The artistic thing is, to unmask honest countenances; it's no light task, I admit, but a real art.’“领事,”这个侦探武断地说,“盗窃能手总是长得像正人君子。那些长着一副无赖面孔的人只有一条路可走,就是一直都老老实实的,否则他们一下子就被抓到了。具有艺术性的事情就是揭开他们诚实的面具;我承认,这不是件轻松的任务,它是门真正的艺术。”

Mr Fix evidently was not wanting in a tinge of self-conceit.


Little by little the scene on the quay became more animated; sailors of various nations, merchants, shipbrokers, porters, fellahs, bustled to and fro as if the steamer were immediately expected. The weather was clear, and slightly chilly. The minarets of the town loomed above the houses in the pale rays of the sun. A jetty pier, some two thousand yards along, extended into the roadstead. A number of fishing-smacks and coasting boats, some retaining the fantastic fashion of ancient galleys, were discernible on the Red Sea.


As he passed among the busy crowd, Fix, according to habit, scrutinized the passers-by with a keen, rapid glance.


It was now half-past ten.


'The steamer doesn't come!' he exclaimed, as the port clock struck.


'She can't be far off now,' returned his companion.“它可能已经在附近了。”他的同伴回答道。

'How long will she stop at Suez?'“它会在苏伊士停留多长时间?”

'Four hours; long enough to get in her coal. It is thirteen hundred and ten miles from Suez to Aden, at the other end of the Red Sea, and she has to take in a fresh coal supply.'“4个小时,足够给它加煤的时间。从苏伊士到红海另一端的亚丁湾是1310英里,必须给船加点新煤了。”

'And does she go from Suez directly to Bombay?'“那这船是从苏伊士直接去孟买吗?”

'Without putting in anywhere.'“不去别的地方的。”

'Good,' said Fix. 'If the robber is on board he will no doubt get off at Suez, so as to reach the Dutch or French colonies in Asia by some other route. He ought to know that he would not be safe an hour in India, which is English soil.'“好。”菲克斯说。“如果窃贼在船上,他必将在苏伊士下船,这样就能通过别的什么路线去荷兰和法国在亚洲的殖民地了。他应该知道,即便他只在印度呆1个小时,也是不安全的,因为印度是英国的地盘。”

'Unless,' objected the consul, 'he is exceptionally shrewd. An English criminal, you know, is always better concealed in London than anywhere else.'“没用的,”那位领事反驳说,“他特别精明。你知道,一个英国罪犯藏在伦敦比去其他地方都要好得多。”

This observation furnished the detective food for thought, and meanwhile the consul went away to his office. Fix, left alone, was more impatient than ever, having a presentiment that the robber was on board the 'Mongolia'. If he had indeed left London intending to reach the New World he would naturally take the route via India, which was less watched and more difficult to watch than that of the Atlantic. But Fix's reflections were soon interrupted by a succession of sharp whistles, which announced the arrival of the 'Mongolia'. The porters and fellahs rushed down the quay, and a dozen boats pushed off from the shore to go and meet the steamer. Soon her gigantic hull appeared passing along between the banks, and eleven o'clock struck as she anchored in the road. She brought an unusual number of passengers, some of whom remained on deck to scan the picturesque panorama of the town, while the greater part disembarked in the boats, and landed on the quay.


Fix took up a position, and carefully examined each face and figure which made its appearance. Presently one of the passengers, after vigorously pushing his way through the importunate crowd of porters, came up to him and politely asked if he could point out the English consulate, at the same time showing a passport which he wished to have visaed. Fix instinctively took the passport, and with a rapid glance read the description of its bearer. An involuntary motion of surprise nearly escaped him, for the description in the passport was identical with that of the bank robber which he had received from Scotland Yard.


'Is this your passport?' asked he.“这是你的护照吗?”他问。

'No, it's my master's.’“不,它是我主人的。”

'And your master is—’“那么你的主人是——”

'He stayed on board.'“他留在了船上。”

'But he must go to the consul's in person, so as to establish his identity.’“但他必须亲自去一趟领事馆,以便确定他的身份。”

'Oh, is that necessary?'“哦,是必须的吗?”

'Quite indispensable.'“非常必要。”

'And where is the consulate?'“那么领事馆在哪儿呢?”

'There, on the corner of the square,' said Fix, pointing to a house two hundred steps off.“那边,在广场的拐角处。”菲克斯说着,指了指200步远的一栋房子。

'I'll go and fetch my master, who won't be much pleased, however, to be disturbed.’“我去叫我的主人来,不过,这样被人打扰他是不会很高兴的。”

The passenger bowed to Fix, and returned to the Steamer.



第七章 护照,作为侦探的辅助工具,又一次被证明是没用的

The detective passed down the quay, and rapidly made his way to the consul's office, where he was at once admitted to the presence of that official.


'Consul,' said he, without preamble, 'I have strong reasons for believing that my man is a passenger on the "Mongolia".’And he narrated what had just passed concerning the passport.“领事,”他开门见山地说,“我有充分的理由认为我的人就在‘蒙古’号上。”然后他叙述了刚刚发生的关于护照的事情。

'Well, Mr Fix,' replied the consul, 'I shall not be sorry to see the rascal's face; but perhaps he won't come here,—that is, if he is the person you suppose him to be. A robber doesn't quite like to leave traces of his flight behind him; and, besides, he is not obliged to have his passport countersigned.’“好,菲克斯先生,”领事回答道,“我倒愿意见见那个无赖,但是也许他并不会来这里——也就是说,如果他确实像你想的那样的话。窃贼可不怎么喜欢在自己身后留下经过的痕迹;还有,他不是非签他的护照不可的。”

'If he is as shrewd as I think he is, consul, he will come.'“领事,如果他如我所想的那样精明的话,他会来的。”

'To have his passport visaed?’“来签发他的护照?”

'Yes. Passports are only good for annoying honest folks, and aiding in the flight of rogues. I assure you it will be quite the thing for him to do; but I hope you will not visa the passport.’“是的。护照唯一的好处就是给诚实的人添乱,帮犯罪的人逃跑。我向你保证他一定会这么做,但我希望你不要给他签发护照。”

'Why not? If the passport is genuine I have no right to refuse.'“为什么不签呢?如果护照是真的,我没有权利拒签。”

'Still, I must keep this man here until I can get a warrant to arrest him from London.'“但是,我必须把这个人留在这儿,直到我拿到伦敦来的逮捕令。”

'Ah, that's your look-out. But I cannot—’“啊,那是你的事。但是我不能——”

The consul did not finish his sentence, for as he spoke a knock was heard at the door, and two strangers entered, one of whom was the servant whom Fix had met on the quay. The other, who was his master, held out his passport with the request that the consul would do him the favour to visa it. The consul took the document and carefully read it, whilst Fix observed, or rather devoured, the stranger with his eyes from a corner of the room.


'You are Mr Phileas Fogg?' said the consul, after reading the passport.“你是菲利斯·福格先生?”领事在看过护照之后问道。

'I am.'“我是。”

'And this man is your servant?'“这个男人是你的仆人?”

'He is; a Frenchman, named Passepartout.'“是的,他是个法国人,叫路路通。”

'You are from London?'“你是从伦敦来的?”


'And you are going—’“那么你是要去——”

'To Bombay.'“去孟买。”

'Very good, sir. You know that a visa is useless, and that no passport is required?’“很好,先生。你不知道现在的签证没用了,也不再要求签发护照了吗?”

'I know it, sir,' replied Phileas Fogg; 'But I wish to prove, by your visa, that I came by Suez.’“我知道,先生,”菲利斯·福格回答说,“但我希望能通过这道手续证明我到过苏伊士。”

'Very well, Sir.'“很好,先生。”

The consul proceeded to sign and date the passport, after which he added his official seal. Mr Fogg paid the customary fee, coldly bowed, and went out, followed by his servant.


'Well?' queried the detective.“怎么样?”那个侦探问道。

'Well, he looks and acts like a perfectly honest man,' replied the consul.“哎呀,他的相貌和行为都像是非常诚实的人。”领事回答道。

'Possibly; but that is not the question. Do you think, consul, that this phlegmatic gentleman resembles, feature by feature, the robber whose description I have received?'“也许吧,但这不是问题。领事,你觉不觉得这位冷静的绅士的每个特征都和我得知的那个窃贼的很像吗?”

'I concede that; but then, you know, all descriptions—’“我承认那一点,但是,你知道,所有的特征——”

'I'll make certain of it,' interrupted Fix. 'The servant seems to me less mysterious than the master; besides, he's a Frenchman, and can't help talking. Excuse me for a little while, consul.’“我敢肯定,”菲克斯打断说,“我似乎觉得那个仆人并不像他主人那么神秘;还有,他是个法国人,藏不住话的。抱歉失陪一会儿,领事。”

Fix started off in search of Passepartout.


Meanwhile Mr Fogg, after leaving the consulate, repaired to the quay, gave some orders to Passepartout, went off to the 'Mongolia' in a boat, and descended to his cabin. He took up his note-book, which contained the following memoranda:—


'Left London, Wednesday, October 2nd, at 8.45 p.m.“10月2日,星期三,晚上8点45分,离开伦敦。

'Reached Paris, Thursday, October 3rd, at 7.20 a.m.“10月3日,星期四,早上7点20分,到达巴黎。

'Left Paris, Thursday, at 8.40 a.m.“星期四,早上8点40分,离开巴黎。

'Reached Turin by Mont Cenis, Friday, October 4th, at 6.35 a.m.“10月4日,星期五,早上6点35分,经过塞尼斯山到达都灵。

'Left Turin, Friday, at 7.20 a.m.“星期五,早上7点20分,离开都灵。

'Arrived at Brindisi, Saturday, October 5th, at 4 p.m.“10月5日,星期六,下午4点,到达布林迪西。

'Sailed on the "Mongolia", Saturday, at 5 p.m.“星期六,下午5点,乘‘蒙古’号航行。

'Reached Suez, Wednesday, October 9th, at 11 a.m.“10月9日,星期三,上午11点,到达苏伊士。

'Total of hours spent, 1581/2; or, in days, six days and a half.“总共花费的小时数,158.5小时,或花费的天数,6.5天。”

These dates were inscribed in an itinerary divided into columns, indicating the month, the day of the month, and the day for the stipulated and actual arrivals at each principal point,—Paris, Brindisi, Suez, Bombay, Calcutta, Singapore, Hong Kong, Yokohama, San Francisco, New York, and London,—from the 2nd of October to the 21st of December; and giving a space for setting down the gain made or the loss suffered on arrival at each locality.


This methodical record thus contained an account of everything needed, and Mr Fogg always knew whether he was behindhand or in advance of his time. On this Friday, October 9th, he noted his arrival at Suez, and observed that he had as yet neither gained nor lost. He sat down quietly to breakfast in his cabin, never once thinking of inspecting the town, being one of those Englishmen who are wont to see foreign countries through the eyes of their domestics.



第八章 路路通说话相当多,也许不够谨慎

Fix soon rejoined Passepartout, who was lounging and looking about on the quay, as if he did not feel that he, at least, was obliged not to see anything.


'Well, my friend,' said the detective, coming up with him, 'is your passport visaed?’“喂,我的朋友,”侦探走到路路通身边说道,“你们的护照签了吗?”

'Ah, it's you, is it, monsieur?' responded Passepartout. 'Thanks, yes, the passport is all right.'“啊,是您啊,是吗,先生?”路路通回答道,“谢谢,已经签了,护照的事都办好了。”

'And you are looking about you?'“你是在四处看看吗?”

'Yes; but we travel so fast that I seem to be journeying in a dream. So this is Suez?'“是的,可我们走得太快了,我好像在梦里旅行一样。这就是苏伊士了?”


'In Egypt?'“在埃及?”

'Certainly, in Egypt.'“当然,在埃及。”

'And in Africa?'“也就是在非洲?”

'In Africa.'“是在非洲。”

'In Africa!' repeated Passepartout. 'Just think, monsieur, I had no idea that we should go farther than Paris; and all that I saw of Paris was between twenty minutes past seven and twenty minutes before nine in the morning, between the Northern and the Lyons stations, through the windows of a car, and in a driving rain! How I regret not having seen once more Père la Chaise and the circus in the Champs Elysees!’“在非洲!”路路通重复道,“想想吧,先生,我从来没想过我们会去比巴黎还远的地方;早上7点20分到8点40分之间,在从北站到里昂站的途中,我仅仅透过汽车窗户看了一会儿巴黎,而且是在瓢泼大雨中!我多么后悔没有再去一次拉雪兹神父公墓和香榭丽舍大街的马戏团啊!”

'You are in a great hurry, then?'“这么说你们很着急?”

'I am not, but my master is. By the way, I must buy some shoes and shirts. We came away without trunks, only with a carpet-bag.’“我不着急,但我的主人着急。对了,我得去买几双鞋子和几件衬衫。我们出来时没带行李,只带了一个旅行包。”

'I will show you an excellent shop for getting what you want.'“我可以带你去一家很好的商店买你需要的东西。”

'Really, monsieur, you are very kind.'“真的吗,先生,您人真是太好了。”

And they walked off together, Passepartout chatting volubly as they went along.


'Above all,' said he; 'don't let me lose the steamer.’“最重要的是,”他说,“别让我误了船。”

'You have plenty of time; it's only twelve o'clock.’“你有很多时间呢,现在才12点钟。”

Passepartout pulled out his big watch. 'Twelve!' he exclaimed; 'why it's only eight minutes before ten.’


'Your watch is slow.'“你的表慢了。”

'My watch? A family watch, monsieur, which has come down from my great-grandfather! It doesn't vary five minutes in the year, it's a perfect chronometer, look you.’“我的表慢了?先生,这块表是祖传的,是从我曾祖父那里传下来的!一年到头也差不了5分钟,您瞧瞧,它是一个完美的精准记时计。”

'I see how it is,' said Fix. 'You have kept London time, which is two hours behind that of Suez. You ought to regulate your watch at noon in each country.'“我明白这是怎么回事了,”菲克斯说,“你用的是伦敦时间,比苏伊士时间要慢两小时。你每到一个国家,就应该在中午的时候调一下你的表。”

'I regulate my watch? Never!'“调我的表?不可能!”

'Well, then, it will not agree with the sun.'“好吧,那么它就不会和太阳保持同步了。”

'So much the worse for the sun, monsieur. The sun will be wrong, then!'“要说太阳那就更糟糕了,先生。太阳也会出错啊!”

And the worthy fellow returned the watch to its fob with a defiant gesture. After a few minutes' silence, Fix resumed: 'You left London hastily, then?'


'I rather think so! Last Friday at eight o'clock in the evening, Monsieur Fogg came home from his club, and three-quarters of an hour afterwards we were off.’“反正我这么觉得!上周五晚上8点钟,福格先生从俱乐部回到家,45分钟之后我们就出发了。”

'But where is your master going?'“可你的主人要去哪里呢?”

'Always straight ahead. He is going round the world.'“一直向前走,他要环游世界。”

'Round the world?' cried Fix.“环游世界?”菲克斯大叫道。

'Yes, and in eighty days! He says it is on a wager; but, between us, I don't believe a word of it. That wouldn't be common sense. There's something else in the wind.’“是的,而且是在80天内!他说这是下了赌注的,可是,不瞒您说,我一点儿也不相信。那不符合常理,一定有什么事情将要发生。”

'Ah! Mr Fogg is a character, is he?'“啊!福格先生是个人物,对吗?”

'I should say he was.'“我觉得是。”

'Is he rich?'“他很有钱吗?”

'No doubt, for he is carrying an enormous sum in brand-new bank-notes with him. And he doesn't spare the money on the way, either: he has offered a large reward to the engineer of the 'Mongolia' if he gets us to Bombay well in advance of time.’“那当然了,因为他随身带着一大笔崭新的钞票。而且他在路上也不节约:如果‘蒙古’号的轮机员能让我们提前到达孟买的话,福格先生就奖励给他一大笔钱。”

'And you have known your master a long time?'“那么你认识你主人很长时间了吗?”

'Why, no; I entered his service the very day we left London.'“哦,不,我就是在我们离开伦敦的那天成为他的仆人的。”

The effect of these replies upon the already suspicious and excited detective may be imagined. The hasty departure from London soon after the robbery; the large sum carried by Mr Fogg; his eagerness to reach distant countries; the pretext of an eccentric and foolhardy bet,—all confirmed Fix in his theory. He continued to pump poor Passepartout, and learned that he really knew little or nothing of his master, who lived a solitary existence in London, was said to be rich, though no one knew whence came his riches, and was mysterious and impenetrable in his affairs and habits. Fix felt sure that Phileas Fogg would not land at Suez, but was really going on to Bombay.


'Is Bombay far from here?' asked Passepartout.“孟买离这儿远吗?”路路通问。

'Pretty far. It is a ten days' voyage by sea.’“很远。在海上得航行十天。”

'And in what country is Bombay?'“那么孟买在哪个国家呢?”


'In Asia?'“在亚洲吗?”


'The deuce! I was going to tell you—there's one thing that worries me—my burner!’“糟糕!我想告诉你——有一件事情让我很是担心——我的灯!”

'What burner?'“什么灯?”

'My gas-burner, which I forgot to turn off, and which is at this moment burning—at my expense. I have calculated, monsieur, that I lose two shillings every four and twenty hours, exactly sixpence more than I earn; and you will understand that the longer our journey—’“我的煤气灯,我忘记关了,它这会儿还烧着呢——花我的钱。我已经算过了,先生,每24小时我就会损失2先令,恰好比我的工钱还多6便士,所以您明白我们的旅程越长——”

Did Fix pay any attention to Passepartout's trouble about the gas? It is not probable. He was not listening, but was cogitating a project. Passepartout and he had now reached the shop, where Fix left his companion to make his purchases, after recommending him not to miss the steamer, and hurried back to the consulate. Now that he was fully convinced, Fix had quite recovered his equanimity.


'Consul,' said he, 'I have no longer any doubt. I have spotted my man. He passes himself off as an odd stick, who is going round the world in eighty days."“领事,”他说,“我不再有任何疑虑了。我已经认出了我的人。他把自己假扮成一个古怪的人,打算在80天内环游世界。”

'Then he's a sharp fellow,' returned the consul, "and counts on returning to London after putting the police of the two continents off his track.'“这么说他是个狡猾的家伙了,”领事回答道,“他指望把两个洲的警察都甩到身后,然后再回伦敦。”

'We'll see about that,' replied Fix.“我们去处理这件事吧。”菲克斯回答道。

'But are you not mistaken?'“可是你不会弄错吗?”

'I am not mistaken.'“我不会弄错的。”

'Why was this robber so anxious to prove, by the visa, that he had passed through Suez?’“为什么这个窃贼这么渴望通过签证来证明他已经经过了苏伊士呢?”

'Why? I have no idea; but listen to me.'“为什么?我也想不明白,但听我说。”

He reported in a few words the most important parts of his conversation with Passepartout.


'In short,' said the consul, 'appearances are wholly against this man. And what are you going to do?'“总而言之,”那位领事说,“表面的现象全都不利于这个人。那你打算怎么办?”

'Send a despatch to London for a warrant of arrest to be despatched instantly to Bombay, take passage on board the "Mongolia", follow my rogue to India, and there, on English ground, arrest him politely, with my warrant in my hand, and my hand on his shoulder.’“我先给伦敦发一封急件请求那边立刻把逮捕令发到孟买,然后乘坐‘蒙古’号跟着这个坏蛋去印度,然后在那儿,英国的土地上,手里拿着逮捕令,然后搭在他的肩上,彬彬有礼地逮捕他。”

Having uttered these words with a cool, careless air, the detective took leave of the consul, and repaired to the telegraph office, whence he sent the despatch which we have seen to the London police office. A quarter of an hour later found Fix, with a small bag in his hand, proceeding on board the 'Mongolia'; and ere many moments longer, the noble steamer rode out at full steam upon the waters of the Red Sea.



第九章 事实证明红海和印度洋对菲利斯·福格的计划十分有利

The distance between Suez and Aden is precisely thirteen hundred and ten miles, and the regulations of the company allow the steamers one hundred and thirty-eight hours in which to traverse it. The 'Mongolia', thanks to the vigorous exertions of the engineer, seemed likely, so rapid was her speed, to reach her destination considerably within that time. The greater part of the passengers from Brindisi were bound for India—some for Bombay, others for Calcutta by way of Bombay, the nearest route thither, now that a railway crosses the Indian peninsula. Among the passengers was a number of officials and military officers of various grades, the latter being either attached to the regular British forces, or commanding the Sepoy troops and receiving high salaries ever since the central government has assumed the powers of the East India Company: for the sub-lieutenants get 280l., brigadiers, 2400l., and generals of division, 4000l. What with the military men, a number of rich young Englishmen on their travels, and the hospitable efforts of the purser, the time passed quickly on the 'Mongolia'.


The best of fare was spread upon the cabin tables at breakfast, lunch, dinner and the eight o'clock supper, and the ladies scrupulously changed their toilets twice a day; and the hours were whiled away, when the sea was tranquil, with music, dancing and games.


But the Red Sea is full of caprice, and often boisterous, like most long and narrow gulfs. When the wind came from the African or Asian coast the 'Mongolia', with her long hull, rolled fearfully. Then the ladies speedily disappeared below; the pianos were silent; singing and dancing suddenly ceased. Yet the good ship ploughed straight on, unretarded by wind or wave, towards the straits of Bab-el-Mandeb. What was Phileas Fogg doing all this time? It might be thought that, in his anxiety, he would be constantly watching the changes of the wind, the disorderly raging of the billows—every chance, in short, which might force the 'Mongolia' to slacken her speed, and thus interrupt his journey. But if he thought of these possibilities, he did not betray the fact by any outward sign.


Always the same impassable member of the Reform Club, whom no incident could surprise, as unvarying as the ship's chronometers, and seldom having the curiosity even to go upon the deck, he passed through the memorable scenes of the Red Sea with cold indifference; did not care to recognize the historic towns and villages which, along its borders, raised their picturesque outlines against the sky; and betrayed no fear of the dangers of the Arabic Gulf, which the old historians always spoke of with horror, and upon which the ancient navigators never ventured without propitiating the gods by ample sacrifices. How did this eccentric personage pass the time on the 'Mongolia'? He made his four hearty meals every day, regardless of the most persistent rolling and pitching on the part of the steamer; and he played whist indefatigably, for he had found partners as enthusiastic in the game as himself. A tax collector, on the way to his post at Goa; the Rev. Decimus Smith, returning to his parish at Bombay; and a brigadier-general of the English army, who was about to rejoin his brigade at Benares, made up the party, and, with Mr Fogg, played whist by the hour together in absorbing silence.


As for Passepartout, he, too, had escaped seasickness, and took his meals conscientiously in the forward cabin. He rather enjoyed the voyage, for he was well fed and well lodged, took a great interest in the scenes through which they were passing, and consoled himself with the delusion that his master's whim would end at Bombay. He was pleased, on the day after leaving Suez, to find on deck the obliging person with whom he had walked and chatted on the quays.


'If I am not mistaken,' said he, approaching this person with his most amiable smile, 'you are the gentleman who so kindly volunteered to guide me at Suez?'“如果我没弄错的话,”他带着极其和蔼的微笑走上前说,“您就是那位在苏伊士主动热心为我带路的先生吧?”

'Ah! I quite recognize you. You are the servant of the strange Englishman—’“啊!我认出你了。你就是那位古怪的英国人的仆人——”

'Just so, Monsieur—’“没错,您是——”


'Monsieur Fix,' resumed Passepartout, 'I'm charmed to find you on board. Where are you bound?’“菲克斯先生,”路路通继续说道,“很高兴在船上看到您。您这是要去哪儿呢?”

'Like you, to Bombay.'“和你一样,去孟买。”

'That's capital! Have you made this trip before?’“那太好了!您之前去过孟买吗?”

'Several times. I am one of the agents of the Peninsula Company.'“去过几次,我是半岛公司的代理之一。”

'Then you know India?'“那您很了解印度了?”

'Why—yes,' replied Fix, who spoke cautiously.“嗯——是的。”菲克斯回答道,他说话很谨慎。

'A curious place, this India?'“这印度是个很神奇的地方,是吗?”

'Oh, very curious. Mosques, minarets, temples, fakirs, pagodas, tigers, snakes, elephants! I hope you will have ample time to see the sights.'“哦,非常神奇。清真寺、光塔、庙宇、托钵僧、塔式寺庙、老虎、蛇、大象!我希望你有充足的时间欣赏这些风景。”

'I hope so, Monsieur Fix. You see, a man of sound sense ought not to spend his life jumping from a steamer upon a railway train, and from a railway train upon a steamer again, pretending to make the tour of the world in eighty days! No; all these gymnastics, you may be sure, will cease at Bombay.'“我也希望如此,菲克斯先生。你看,一个理智的人不会耗费他的生命从船跳到火车上,然后又从火车跳到船上,假装要在80天内环游地球!不,相信我,所有这些体操式的运动都将会在孟买结束。”

'And Mr Fogg is getting on well?' asked Fix, in the most natural tone in the world.“那么福格先生还好吗?”菲克斯以世界上最自然的口吻问道。

'Quite well, and I too. I eat like a famished ogre; it, the sea air.'“很好,我也很好。我吃饭时就像一个饿鬼,是因为海洋的缘故吧。”

'But I never see your master on deck.'“但我从来没在甲板上见过你的主人。”

'Never; he hasn't the least curiosity.’“他从来没来过,他一点兴趣都没有。”

'Do you know, Mr Passepartout, that this pretended tour in eighty days may conceal some secret errand—perhaps a diplomatic mission?’“你知道吗,路路通先生,这样假装做80天的旅行可能隐藏着某种机密的使命——也许是某种外交任务?”

'Faith, Monsieur Fix, I assure you I know nothing about it, nor would I give half-a-crown to find out.’“上帝啊,菲克斯先生,我向您保证我对此一无所知,我也不会花半个克朗去打听它。”

After this meeting, Passepartout and Fix got into the habit of chatting together, the latter making it a point to gain the worthy man's confidence. He frequently offered him a glass of whisky or pale ale in the steamer bar-room, which Passepartout never failed to accept with graceful alacrity, mentally pronouncing Fix the best of good fellows.


Meanwhile the 'Mongolia' was pushing forward rapidly; on the 13th, Mocha, surrounded by its ruined walls whereon date-trees were growing, was sighted, and on the mountains beyond were espied vast coffee-fields. Passepartout was ravished to behold this celebrated place, and thought that, with its circular walls and dismantled fort, it looked like an immense coffee cup and saucer. The following night they passed through the Strait of Bab-el-Mandeb, which means in Arabic 'The Bridge of Tears', and the next day they put in at Steamer Point, north-west of Aden harbour, to take in coal. This matter of fuelling steamers is a serious one at such distances from the coal mines; it costs the Peninsular Company some eight hundred thousand pounds a year. In these distant seas, coal is worth three or four pounds sterling a ton.


The 'Mongolia' had still sixteen hundred and fifty miles to traverse before reaching Bombay, and was obliged to remain four hours at Steamer Point to coal up. But this delay, as it was foreseen, did not affect Phileas Fogg's programme; besides, the 'Mongolia', instead of reaching Aden on the morning of the 15th, when she was due, arrived there on the evening of the 14th, a gain of fifteen hours.“蒙古”号在到达孟买前还得航行1650英里,而且不得不在汽船岬停留4小时来把煤加满。但是正如菲利斯·福格所预料的那样,这种耽搁不会影响他的计划;此外,“蒙古”号并非在预期的15号的早上到达亚丁湾,而是在14号的晚上就到达了那里,提前了15个小时。

Mr Fogg and his servant went ashore at Aden to have the passport again visaed; Fix, unobserved, followed them. The visa procured, Mr Fogg returned on board to resume his former habits; while Passepartout, according to custom, sauntered about among the mixed population of Somalis, Banyans, Parsees, Jews, Arabs and Europeans who comprise the twenty-five thousand inhabitants of Aden. He gazed with wonder upon the fortifications which make this place the Gibraltar of the Indian Ocean, and the vast cisterns where the English engineers were still at work, two thousand years after the engineers of Solomon.


'Very curious, very curious,' said Passepartout to himself, on returning to the steamer. 'I see that it is by no means useless to travel, if a man wants to see something new.' At six p.m. the 'Mongolia' slowly moved out of the roadstead, and was soon once more on the Indian Ocean. She had a hundred and sixty-eight hours in which to reach Bombay, and the sea was favourable, the wind being in the north-west, and all sails aiding the engine. The steamer rolled but little, the ladies, in fresh toilets, reappeared on deck, and the singing and dancing were resumed. The trip was being accomplished most successfully, and Passepartout was enchanted with the congenial companion which chance had secured him in the person of the delightful Fix. On Sunday, October 20th, towards noon, they came in sight of the Indian coast: two hour later pilot came on board. A range of hills lay against the sky in the horizon, and soon the rows of palms which adorn Bombay came distinctly into view. The steamer entered the road formed by the islands in the bay, and at half-past four she hauled up at the quays of Bombay.“太神奇了,真是太神奇了。”路路通在回船的路上自言自语地说着。“我看出来旅行绝不是没用的,如果一个人想看点新鲜的东西的话。”下午6点钟的时候,“蒙古”号慢慢驶出抛锚处,很快再一次驰骋在了印度洋上。按规定它应该在168个小时之后到达孟买。海上的条件非常有利,刮的是西北风,所有的船帆都帮助发动机推动着船身。此时船身有些颠簸,但很轻微。那些重新打扮的女士又出现在了甲板上。人们又开始唱歌和舞蹈了。这次旅行完成得非常成功。路路通也为偶然结识菲克斯这样意气相投的伙伴而感到高兴。10月20日,星期六,几近中午时,他们已经能望到印度的海岸了:2小时后,领航员上了船。地平线上群山依靠着天空,很快一排排装点着孟买的棕榈树清晰地出现在眼前。蒸汽船进入港湾中由小岛形成的海路上,4点30分时它在孟买码头靠岸。

Phileas Fogg was in the act of finishing the thirty-third rubber of the voyage, and his partner and himself having, by a bold stroke, captured all thirteen of the tricks, concluded this fine campaign with a brilliant victory.


The 'Mongolia' was due at Bombay on the 22nd; she arrived on the 20th. This was a gain to Phileas Fogg of two days since his departure from London, and he calmly entered the fact in the itinerary, in the column of gains.“蒙古”号应该在22号到达孟买,但它20号就到了。自菲利斯·福格离开伦敦之日起,他又赢得了2天的时间,他平静地将其写入了旅行日记中的提前栏里。


第十章 路路通乐极生悲丢了鞋

Everybody knows that the great reversed triangle of land, with its base in the north and its apex in the south, which is called India, embraces fourteen hundred thousand square miles, upon which is spread unequally a population of one hundred and eighty millions of souls. The British Crown exercises a real and despotic dominion over the larger portion of this vast country, and has a governor-general stationed at Calcutta, governors at Madras, Bombay, and in Bengal, and a lieutenant-governor at Agra.


But British India, properly so called, only embraces seven hundred thousand square miles, and a population of from one hundred to one hundred and ten millions of inhabitants. A considerable portion of India is still free from British authority; and there are certain ferocious rajahs in the interior who are absolutely independent. The celebrated East India Company was all-powerful from 1756, when the English first gained a foothold on the spot where now stands the city of Madras, down to the time of the great Sepoy insurrection. It gradually annexed province after province, purchasing them of the native chiefs, whom it seldom paid, and appointed the governor-general and his subordinates, civil and military. But the East India Company has now passed away, leaving the British possessions in India directly under the control of the Crown. The aspect of the country, as well as the manners and distinctions of race, is daily changing.


Formerly one was obliged to travel in India by the old cumbrous methods of going on foot or on horseback, in palanquins or unwieldy coaches; now, fast steamboats ply on the Indus and the Ganges, and a great railway, with branch lines joining the main line at many points on its route, traverses the peninsula from Bombay to Calcutta in three days. This railway does not run in a direct line across India. The distance between Bombay and Calcutta, as the bird flies, is only from one thousand to eleven hundred miles; but the deflections of the road increase this distance by more than a third.


The general route of the Great Indian Peninsula Railway is as follows:—Leaving Bombay, it passes through Salcette, crossing to the continent opposite Tannah, goes over the chain of the Western Ghauts, runs thence north-east as far as Burhampoor, skirts the nearly independent territory of Bundelcund, ascends to Allahabad, turns thence eastwardly, meeting the Ganges at Benares, then departs from the river a little, and, descending south-eastward by Burdivan and the French town of Chandernagor, has its terminus at Calcutta.


The passengers of the 'Mongolia' went ashore at half-past four p.m.; at exactly eight the train would start for Calcutta.“蒙古”号上的乘客在下午4点30分上岸;8点整有一趟火车将开往加尔各答。

Mr Fogg, after bidding good-bye to his whist partners, left the steamer, gave his servant several errands to do, urged it upon him to be at the station promptly at eight, and, with his regular step, which beat to the second, like an astronomical clock, directed his Steps to the passport office. As for the wonders of Bombay—its famous city hall, its splendid library, its forts and docks, its bazaars, mosques, synagogues, its Armenian churches, and the noble pagoda on Malabar Hill with its two polygonal towers—he cared not a straw to see them. He would not deign to examine even the masterpieces of Elephanta, or the mysterious hypogea, concealed southeast from the docks, or those fine remains of Buddhist architecture, the Kanherian grottoes of the island of Salcette.


Having transacted his business at the passport office, Phileas Fogg repaired quietly to the railway station, where he ordered dinner. Among the dishes served up to him, the landlord especially recommended a certain giblet of 'native rabbit', on which he prided himself.


Mr Fogg accordingly tasted the dish, but, despite its spiced sauce, found it far from palatable. He rang for the landlord, and on his appearance, said, fixing his clear eyes upon him, 'Is this rabbit, sir?'


'Yes, my lord,' the rogue boldly replied, 'rabbit from the jungles.'“是的,阁下,”那个骗子大胆地回答说,“是从灌木丛打来的野兔。”

'And this rabbit did not mew when he was killed?'“那这只野兔死的时候没有喵喵地叫?”

'Mew, my lord! What, a rabbit mew! I swear to you—’“喵喵地叫,阁下!什么,野兔喵喵地叫!我向您发誓——”

'Be so good, landlord, as not to swear, but remember this: cats were formerly considered, in India, as sacred animals. That was a good time.’“好了,老板,不用发誓了,但是记着:猫先前在印度可是被视为神圣之物。那是个美好的时代。”

'For the cats, my lord?'“猫的美好时代,阁下?”

'Perhaps for the travellers as well!'“也许也是旅客的!”

After which Mr Fogg quietly continued his dinner. Fix had gone on shore shortly after Mr Fogg, and his first destination was the headquarters of the Bombay police. He made himself known as a London detective, told his business at Bombay, and the position of affairs relative to the supposed robber, and nervously asked if a warrant had arrived from London. It had not reached the office; indeed, there had not yet been time for it to arrive. Fix was sorely disappointed, and tried to obtain an order of arrest from the director of the Bombay police. This the director refused, as the matter concerned the London office, which alone could legally deliver the warrant. Fix did not insist, and was fain to resign himself to await the arrival of the important document; but he was determined not to lose sight of the mysterious rogue as long as he stayed in Bombay. He did not doubt for a moment, anymore than Passepartout, that Phileas Fogg would remain there, at least until it was time for the warrant to arrive.


Passepartout, however, had no sooner heard his master's orders on leaving the 'Mongolia', than he saw at once that they were to leave Bombay as they had done Suez and Paris, and that the journey would be extended at least as far as Calcutta, and perhaps beyond that place. He began to ask himself if this bet that Mr Fogg talked about was not really in good earnest, and whether his fate was not in truth forcing him, despite his love of repose, around the world in eighty days!


Having purchased the usual quota of shirts and shoes, he took a leisurely promenade about the streets, where crowds of people of many nationalities—Europeans, Persians with pointed caps, Banyas with round turbans, Sindis with square bonnets, Parsees with black mitres and long-robed Armenians—were collected. It happened to be the day of a Parsee festival. These descendants of the sect of Zoroaster—the most thrifty, civilized, intelligent and austere of the East Indians, among whom are counted the richest native merchants of Bombay—were celebrating a sort of religious carnival, with processions and shows, in the midst of which Indian dancing-girls, clothed in rose-coloured gauze, looped up with gold and silver, danced airily, but with perfect modesty, to the sound of viols and the clanging of tambourines. It is needless to say that Passepartout watched these curious ceremonies with staring eyes and gaping mouth, and that his countenance was that of the greenest booby imaginable.


Unhappily for his master, as well as himself, his curiosity drew him unconsciously farther off than he intended to go. At last, having seen the Parsee carnival wind away in the distance, he was turning his steps towards the station, when he happened to espy the splendid pagoda on Malabar Hill, and was seized with an irresistible desire to see its interior. He was quite ignorant that it is forbidden to Christians to enter certain Indian temples, and that even the faithful must not go in without first leaving their shoes outside the door. It may be said here that the wise policy of the British Government severely punishes a disregard of the practices of the native religions.


Passepartout, however, thinking no harm, went in like a simple tourist, and was soon lost in admiration of the splendid Brahmin ornamentation which everywhere met his eyes, when of a sudden he found himself sprawling on the sacred flagging. He looked up to behold three enraged priests, who forthwith fell upon him, tore off his shoes, and began to beat him with loud, savage exclamations. The agile Frenchman was soon upon his feet again, and lost no time in knocking down two of his long-gowned adversaries with his fists and a vigorous application of his toes; then, rushing out of the pagoda as fast as his legs could carry him, he soon escaped the third priest by mingling with the crowd in the streets.


At five minutes before eight, Passepartout, hatless, shoeless, and having in the squabble lost his package of shirts and shoes, rushed breathlessly into the station.


Fix, who had followed Mr Fogg to the station, and saw that he was really going to leave Bombay, was there, upon the platform. He had resolved to follow the supposed robber to Calcutta, and farther, if necessary. Passepartout did not observe the detective, who stood in an obscure corner; but Fix heard him relate his adventures in a few words to Mr Fogg.


'I hope that this will not happen again,' said Phileas Fogg, coldly, as he got into the train. Poor Passepartout, quite crestfallen, followed his master without a word. Fix was on the point of entering another carriage, when an idea struck him which induced him to alter his plan.“我希望这样的事不会再发生了。”菲利斯·福格上车的时候冷漠地说了一句。可怜的路路通非常沮丧,一言不发地跟在主人后面。菲克斯正要进入另一节车厢,这时他冒出了一个想法,致使他改变了他的计划。

'No, I'll stay,' muttered he. 'An offence has been committed on Indian soil. I've got my man.’“不,我要留下来。”他自言自语地说,“既然他在印度的土地上犯了罪,我就得抓人。”

Just then the locomotive gave a sharp screech, and the train passed out into the darkness of the night.



第十一章 菲利斯·福格以高价换得一种奇特的交通工具

The train had started punctually. Among the passengers were a number of officers, Government officials, and opium and indigo merchants, whose business called them to the eastern coast. Passepartout rode in the same carriage with his master, and a third passenger occupied a seat opposite to them. This was Sir Francis Cromarty, one of Mr Fogg's whist partners on the 'Mongolia', now on his way to join his corps at Benares. Sir Francis was a tall, fair man of fifty, who had greatly distinguished himself in the last Sepoy revolt. He made India his home only paying brief visits to England at rare intervals; and was almost as familiar as a native with the customs, history and character of India and its people. But Phileas Fogg, who was not travelling, but only describing a circumference, took no pains to inquire into these subjects; he was a solid body, traversing an orbit around the terrestrial globe, according to the laws of rational mechanics. He was at this moment calculating in his mind the number of hours spent since his departure from London, and, had it been in his nature to make a useless demonstration, would have rubbed his hands for satisfaction. Sir Francis Cromarty had observed the oddity of his travelling companion—although the only opportunity he had for studying him had been while he was dealing the cards, and between two rubbers—and questioned himself whether a human heart really beat beneath this cold exterior, and whether Phileas Fogg had any sense of the beauties of nature. The brigadier-general was free to mentally confess, that, of all the eccentric persons he had ever met, none was comparable to this product of the exact sciences.


Phileas Fogg had not concealed from Sir Francis his design of going round the world, nor the circumstances under which he set out; and the general only saw in the wager a useless eccentricity and a lack of sound common sense. In the way this strange gentleman was going on, he would leave the world without having done any good to himself or anybody else.


An hour after leaving Bombay the train had passed the viaducts and the island Salcette, and had got into the open country. At Callyan they reached the junction of the branch line which descends towards southeastern India by Kandallah and Pounah; and, passing Pauwell, they entered the defiles of the mountains, with their basalt bases, and their summits crowned with thick and verdant forests. Phileas Fogg and Sir Francis Cromarty exchanged a few words from time to time, and now Sir Francis, reviving the conversation, observed, 'Some years ago, Mr Fogg, you would have met with a delay at this point which would probably have lost you your wager.'


'How so, Sir Francis?'“怎么会这样,弗朗西斯爵士?”

'Because the railway stopped at the base of these mountains, which the passengers were obliged to cross in palanquins or on ponies to Kandallah, on the other side.'“因为铁路只通到山脚下,要想去山那边的坎达拉哈,乘客们只能乘轿子或骑小马驹。”

'Such a delay would not have deranged my plans in the least,' said Mr Fogg. 'I have constantly foreseen the likelihood of certain obstacles.'“这样的耽搁一点也不会打乱我的计划,”福格先生说,“可能出现的障碍事先我已经都预见到了。”

'But, Mr Fogg,' pursued Sir Francis, 'you run the risk of having some difficulty about this worthy fellow's adventure at the pagoda.' Passepartout, his feet comfortably wrapped in his travelling-blanket, was sound asleep, and did not dream that anybody was talking about him. 'The Government is very severe upon that kind of offence. It takes particular care that the religious customs of the Indians should be respected, and if your servant were caught—’“但是,福格先生,”弗朗西斯爵士继续说,“这个棒小伙在寺庙闯的祸就差点坏了你的好事。”此时路路通的脚舒服地裹在旅行毯里,睡得很香,丝毫不知有人正在说他。“政府对那种罪行惩罚得非常严厉。英国政府特别注意尊重印度人的宗教习俗,所以如果你的仆人被抓住的话——”

'Very well, Sir Francis,' replied Mr Fogg, 'if he had been caught he would have been condemned and punished, and then would have quietly returned to Europe. I don't see how this affair could have delayed his master.’“很好,弗朗西斯爵士,”福格先生回答说,“如果他被抓住的话,就会被定罪、被惩罚,随后再不声不响地回到欧洲。我想不明白这事怎么会耽搁他的主人。”

The conversation fell again. During the night the train left the mountains behind, and passed Nassik, and the next day proceeded over the flat, well-cultivated country of the Khandeish, with its straggling villages, above which rose the minarets of the pagodas. This fertile territory is watered by numerous small rivers and limpid streams, mostly tributaries of the Godavery.


Passepartout, on waking and looking out, could not realize that he was actually crossing India in a railway train. The locomotive, guided by an English engineer and fed with English coal, threw out its smoke upon cotton, coffee, nutmeg, clove and pepper plantations, while the steam curled in spirals around groups of palm-trees, in the midst of which were seen picturesque bungalows, viharis (a sort of abandoned monasteries), and marvellous temples enriched by the exhaustless ornamentation of Indian architecture. Then they came upon vast tracts extending to the horizon, with jungles inhabited by snakes and tigers, which fled at the noise of the train; succeeded by forests penetrated by the railway, and still haunted by elephants which, with pensive eyes, gazed at the train as it passed. The travellers crossed, beyond Malligaum, the fatal country so often stained with blood by the sectaries of the goddess Kali. Not far off rose Ellora, with its graceful pagodas, and the famous Aurungabad, capital of the ferocious Aureng-Zeb, now the chief town of one of the detached provinces of the kingdom of the Nizam. It was thereabouts that Feringhea, the Thuggee chief, king of the stranglers, held his sway. These ruffians, united by a secret bond, strangled victims of every age in honour of the goddess Death, without ever shedding blood; there was a period when this part of the country could scarcely be travelled over without corpses being found in every direction. The English Government has succeeded in greatly diminishing these murders, though the Thuggees still exist, and pursue the exercise of their horrible rites.


At half-past twelve the train stopped at Burhampoor, where Passepartout was able to purchase some Indian slippers, ornamented with false pearls, in which, with evident vanity, he proceeded to incase his feet. The travellers made a hasty breakfast and started off for Assurghur, after skirting for a little the banks of the small river Tapty, which empties into the Gulf of Cambray, near Surat.


Passepartout was now plunged into absorbing reverie. Up to his arrival at Bombay, he had entertained hopes that their journey would end there; but now that they were plainly whirling across India at full speed, a sudden change had come over the spirit of his dreams. His old vagabond nature returned to him; the fantastic ideas of his youth once more took possession of him. He came to regard his master's project as intended in good earnest, believed in the reality of the bet, and therefore in the tour of the worlds and the necessity of making it without fail within the designated period. Already he began to worry about possible delays, and accidents which might happen on the way. He recognized himself as being personally interested in the wager, and trembled at the thought that he might have been the means of losing it by his unpardonable folly of the night before. Being much less cool-headed than Mr Fogg, he was much more restless, counting and recounting the days passed over, uttering maledictions when the train stopped, and accusing it of sluggishness, and mentally blaming Mr Fogg for not having bribed the engineer. The worthy fellow was ignorant that, while it was possible by such means to hasten the rate of a steamer, it could not be done on the railway.


The train entered the defiles of the Sutpour Mountains, which separate the Khandeish from Bundelcund, towards evening. The next day Sir Francis Cromarty asked Passepartout what time it was; to which, on consulting his watch, he replied that it was three in the morning. This famous timepiece, always regulated on the Greenwich meridian, which was now some seventy-seven degrees westward, was at least four hours slow. Sir Francis corrected Passepartout's time, whereupon the latter made the same remark that he had done to Fix; and upon the general insisting that the watch should be regulated in each new meridian, since he was constantly going east-ward, that is in the face of the sun, and therefore the days were shorter by four minutes for each degree gone over, Passepartout obstinately refused to alter his watch, which he kept at London time. It was an innocent delusion which could harm no one.


The train stopped, at eight o'clock, in the midst of a glade some fifteen miles beyond Rothal, where there were several bungalows and workmen's cabins.


The conductor, passing along the carriages, shouted, 'Passengers will get out here!'


Phileas Fogg looked at Sir Francis Cromarty for an explanation; but the general could not tell what meant a halt in the midst of this forest of dates and acacias.


Passepartout, not less surprised, rushed out and speedily returned, crying: 'Monsieur, no more railway!'


'What do you mean?' asked Sir Francis.“什么意思?”弗朗西斯爵士问道。

'I mean to say that the train isn't going on.’“我是说火车停这儿不走了。”

The general at once stepped out, while Phileas Fogg calmly followed him, and they proceeded together to the conductor.


'Where are we?' asked Sir Francis.“我们这是在哪儿啊?”弗朗西斯爵士问道。

'At the hamlet of Kholby.'“一个小村庄,叫科尔比。”

'Do we stop here?'“我们就停在这儿了吗?”

'Certainly. The railway isn't finished.’“当然,铁路还没有完工。”

'What! not finished?'“什么!还没完工?”

'No. There's still a matter of fifty miles to be laid from here to Allahabad, where the line begins again.’“是的。从这儿到阿拉哈巴德还得铺50英里的铁路,到阿拉哈巴德就又有铁路了。”

'But the papers announced the opening of the railway throughout.'“但是报纸上说铁路已经全线开通了。”

'What would you have, officer? The papers were mistaken.'“那又怎么样,长官?报纸弄错了。”

'Yet you sell tickets from Bombay to Calcutta,' retorted Sir Francis, who was growing warm.“可你们卖的是从孟买到加尔各答的车票。”弗朗西斯爵士变得越来越激动,反驳他说。

'No doubt,' replied the conductor; 'but the passengers know that they must provide means of transportation for themselves from Kholby to Allahabad.'“不错,”列车长回答道,“但是旅客们都知道他们得自己想办法从科尔比到阿拉哈巴德。”

Sir Francis was furious. Passepartout would willingly have knocked the conductor down, and did not dare to look at his master.


'Sir Francis,' said Mr Fogg quietly, 'we will, if you please, look about for some means of conveyance to Allahabad.'“弗朗西斯爵士,”福格先生平静地说,“如果您愿意的话,我们还是四处看看有没有什么交通工具能到阿拉哈巴德吧。”

'Mr Fogg, this is a delay greatly to your disadvantage.'“福格先生,这种耽搁对你极为不利啊。”

'No, Sir Francis; it was foreseen.'“不,弗朗西斯爵士,这都在意料之中。”

'What! You knew that the way—’“什么!难道你知道这条路——”

'Not at all; but I knew that some obstacle or other would sooner or later arise on my route. Nothing, therefore, is lost. I have two days, which I have already gained, to sacrifice. A steamer leaves Calcutta for Hong Kong at noon, on the 25th. This is the 22nd, and we shall reach Calcutta in time.’“我并不知道,但是我知道旅途中早晚都会有这样、那样的障碍。因此,没什么损失。我已经提前两天了,可以拿这两天来抵。25号有一艘轮船会在中午从加尔各答出发去香港。今天是22号,所以我们得及时赶到加尔各答。”

There was nothing to say to so confident a response.


It was but too true that the railway came to a termination at this point. The papers were like some watches, which have a way of getting too fast, and had been premature in their announcement of the completion of the line. The greater part of the travellers were aware of this interruption, and leaving the train, they began to engage such vehicles as the village could provide four-wheeled palkigharis, waggons drawn by zebus, carriages that looked like perambulating pagodas, palanquins, ponies and what not.


Mr Fogg and Sir Francis Cromarty, after searching the village from end to end, came back without having found anything.


'I shall go afoot,' said Phileas Fogg.“我要步行到阿拉哈巴德去。”菲利斯·福格说。

Passepartout, who had now rejoined his master, made a wry grimace, as he thought of his magnificent, but too frail Indian shoes. Happily he too had been looking about him, and, after a moment's hesitation, said, 'Monsieur, I think I have found a means of conveyance.'



'An elephant! An elephant that belongs to an Indian who lives but a hundred steps from here.'“大象!有一个印度人有一头大象,他就住在离这儿100步远的地方。

'Let's go and see the elephant,' replied Mr Fogg.“我们去看看这头大象吧。”福格先生回答说。

They soon reached a small hut, near which, enclosed within some high palings, was the animal in question. An Indian came out of the hut, and, at their request, conducted them within the enclosure. The elephant, which its owner had reared, not for a beast of burden, but for warlike purposes, was half domesticated. The Indian had begun already, by often irritating him, and feeding him every three months on sugar and butter, to impart to him a ferocity not in his nature, this method being often employed by those who train the Indian elephants for battle. Happily, however, for Mr Fogg, the animal's instruction in this direction had not gone far, and the elephant still preserved his natural gentleness. Kiouni—this was the name of the beast—could doubtless travel rapidly for a long time, and, in default of any other means of Conveyance, Mr Fogg resolved to hire him. But elephants are far from cheap in India, where they are becoming scarce; the males, which alone are suitable for circus shows, are much sought, especially as but few of them are domesticated. When, therefore, Mr Fogg proposed to the Indian to hire Kiouni, he refused point-blank. Mr Fogg persisted, offering the excessive sum of ten pounds an hour for the loan of the beast to Allahabad. Refused. Twenty pounds? Refused also. Forty pounds? Still refused. Passepartout jumped at each advance; but the Indian declined to be tempted. Yet the offer was an alluring one, for, supposing it took the elephant fifteen hours to reach Allahabad, his owner would receive no less than six hundred pounds sterling.


Phileas Fogg, without getting in the least flurried, then proposed to purchase the animal outright, and at first offered a thousand pounds for him. The Indian, perhaps thinking he was going to make a great bargain, still refused.


Sir Francis Cromarty took Mr Fogg aside, and begged him to reflect before he went any further; to which that gentleman replied that he was not in the habit of acting rashly, that a bet of twenty thousand pounds was at stake, that the elephant was absolutely necessary to him, and that he would secure him if he had to pay twenty times his value. Returning to the Indian, whose small, sharp eyes, glistening with avarice, betrayed that with him it was only a question of how great a price he could obtain, Mr Fogg offered first twelve hundred, then fifteen hundred, eighteen hundred, two thousand pounds. Passepartout, usually so rubicund, was fairly white with suspense.


At two thousand pounds the Indian yielded.


'What a price, good heaven!' cried Passepartout, 'for an elephant!'“天哪,这么高的价钱!”路路通大喊一声,“就为了一头大象!”

It only remained now to find a guide, which was comparatively easy. A young Parsee, with an intelligent face, offered his services, which Mr Fogg accepted, promising so generous a reward as to materially stimulate his zeal. The elephant was led out and equipped. The Parsee, who was an accomplished elephant driver, covered his back with a sort of saddle-cloth, and attached to each of his flanks some curiously uncomfortable howdahs.


Phileas Fogg paid the Indian with some bank-notes which he extracted from the famous carpet-bag, a proceeding that seemed to deprive poor Passepartout of his vitals. Then he offered to carry Sir Francis to Allahabad, which the brigadier gratefully accepted, as one traveller the more would not be likely to fatigue the gigantic beast. Provisions were purchased at Kholby, and while Sir Francis and Mr Fogg took the howdahs on either side, Passepartout got astride the saddle-cloth between them. The Parsee perched himself on the elephant's neck, and at nine o'clock they set out from the village, the animal marching off through the dense forest of palms by the shortest cut.



第十二章 菲利斯·福格和他的同伴们冒险穿越印度森林,以及接下来发生的事情

In order to shorten the journey, the guide passed to the left of the line where the railway was still in process of being built. This line owing to the capricious turnings of the Vindhia Mountains, did not pursue a straight course. The Parsee, who was quite familiar with the roads and paths in the district, declared that they would gain twenty miles by striking directly through the forest.


Phileas Fogg and Sir Francis Cromarty plunged to the neck in the peculiar howdahs provided for theme were horribly jostled by the swift trotting of the elephant, spurred on as he was by the skilful Parsee; but they endured the discomfort with true British phlegm, talking little, and scarcely able to catch a glimpse of each other. As for Passepartout, who was mounted on the beast's back, and received the direct force of each concussion as he trod along, he was very careful, in accordance with his master's advice, to keep his tongue from between his teeth, as it would otherwise have been bitten off short. The worthy fellow bounced from the elephant's neck to his rump, and vaulted like a clown on a spring-board; yet he laughed in the midst of his bouncing, and from time to time took a piece of sugar out of his pocket, and inserted it in Kiouni's trunks who received it without in the least slackening his regular trot.


After two hours the guide stopped the elephant, and gave him an hour for rest, during which Kiouni, after quenching his thirst at a neighbouring spring, set to devouring the branches and shrubs round about him. Neither Sir Francis nor Mr. Fogg regretted the delay, and both descended with a feeling of relief. 'Why, he's made of iron!' exclaimed the general, gazing admiringly on Kiouni.


'Of-forged iron,' replied Passepartout, as he set about preparing a hasty breakfast.“锻铁做的。”路路通一边说着,一边开始准备一顿简单的早餐。

At noon the Parsee gave the signal of departure.


The country soon presented a very savage aspect. Copses of dates and dwarf-palms succeeded the dense forests; then vast, dry plains, dotted with scanty shrubs, and sown with great blocks of syenite. All this portion of Bundelcund, which is little frequented by travellers, is inhabited by a fanatical population, hardened in the most horrible practices of the Hindoo faith. The English have not been able to secure complete dominion over this territory, which is subjected to the influence of rajahs, whom it is almost impossible to reach in their inaccessible mountain fastnesses. The travellers several times saw bands of ferocious Indians, who, when they perceived the elephant striding across the country, made angry and threatening motions. The Parsee avoided them as much as possible. Few animals were observed on the route; even the monkeys hurried from their path with contortions and grimaces which convulsed Passepartout with laughter.


In the midst of his gaiety, however, one thought troubled the worthy servant. What would Mr. Fogg do with the elephant, when he got to Allahabad? Would he carry him on with him? Impossible! The cost of transporting him would make him ruinously expensive. Would he sell him, or set him free? The estimable beast certainly deserved some consideration. Should Mr. Fogg choose to make him, Passepartout, a present of Kiouni, he would be very much embarrassed; and these thoughts did not cease worrying him for a long time.


The principal chain of the Vindhias was crossed by eight in the evening, and another halt was made on the northern slope, in a bad bungalow. They had gone nearly twenty-five miles that day, and an equal distance still separated them from the station of Allahabad.


The night was cold. The Parsee lit a fire in the bungalow with a few dry branches, and the warmth was very grateful. The provisions purchased at Kholby sufficed for supper, and the travellers ate ravenously. The conversation, beginning with a few disconnected phrases, soon gave place to loud and steady snores. The guide watched Kiouni, who slept standing, bolstering himself against the trunk of a large tree. Nothing occurred during the night to disturb the slumberers, although occasional growls from panthers and chatterings of monkeys broke the silence; the more formidable beasts made no cries or hostile demonstration against the occupants of the bungalow. Sir Francis slept heavily, like an honest soldier overcome with fatigue. Passepartout was wrapped in uneasy dreams of the bouncing of the day before. As for Mr. Fogg, he slumbered as peacefully as if he had been in his serene mansion in Saville Row.


The journey was resumed at six in the morning; the guide hoped to reach Allahabad by evening. In that case, Mr. Fogg would only lose a part of the forty-eight hours saved since the beginning of the tour. Kiouni, resuming his rapid gait, soon descended the lower spurs of the Vindhias, and towards noon they passed by the age of Kallenger, on the Cani, one of the branches of the Ganges. The guide avoided inhabited places, tag it safer to keep the open country, which lies along the first depressions of the basin of the great river. Allahabad was now only twelve miles to the northeast. They stopped under a clump of bananas, the fruit of which, as healthy as bread and as succulent as cream, was amply partaken of and appreciated.


At two o'clock the guide entered a thick forest which extended several miles; he preferred to travel under cover of the woods. They had not as yet had any unpleasant encounters, and the journey seemed on the point of being successfully accomplished, when the elephant, becoming restless, suddenly stopped.


It was then four o'clock.


'What's the matter?' asked Sir Francis, putting out his head.“出什么事了?”弗朗西斯爵士探出头问道。

'I don't know, officer,' replied the Parsee, listening attentively to a confused murmur which came through the thick branches.“我也不知道,长官。”帕西人说着,一面聚精会神地听着从浓密的树枝间传来的混乱的嘈杂声。

The murmur soon became more distinct; it now seemed like a distant concert of human voices accompanied by brass instruments. Passepartout was all eyes and ears. Mr. Fogg patiently waited without a word. The Parsee jumped to the ground, fastened the elephant to a tree, and plunged into the thicket. He soon returned, saying,


'A procession of Brahmins is coming this way. We must prevent their seeing us, if possible.'“一队婆罗门僧人正朝这边走来。如果可能的话,我们决不能让他们看到我们。”

The guide unloosed the elephant and led him into a thicket, at the same time asking the travellers not to stir. He held himself ready to bestride the animal at a moment's notice, should flight become necessary; but he evidently thought that the procession of the faithful would pass without perceiving them amid the thick foliage, in which they were wholly concealed.


The discordant tones of the voices and instruments drew nearer, and now droning songs mingled with the sound of the tambourines and cymbals. The head of the procession soon appeared beneath the trees, a hundred paces away; and the strange figures who performed the religious ceremony were easily distinguished through the branches. First came the priests, with mitres on their heads, and clothed in long lace robes. They were surrounded by men, women, and children, who sang a kind of lugubrious psalm, interrupted at regular intervals by the tambourines and cymbals; while behind them was drawn a car with large wheels, the spokes of which represented serpents entwined with each other. Upon the car, which was drawn by four richly caparisoned zebus stood a hideous statue with four arms, the body coloured a dull red, with haggard eyes, dishevelled hair, protruding tongue, and lips tinted with betel. It stood upright upon the figure of a prostrate and headless giant.


Sir Francis, recognizing the statue, whispered, 'The goddess Kali; the goddess of love and death.'


'Of death, perhaps,' muttered back Passepartout, 'but of love—that ugly old hag? Never!’“死亡女神的话,也许是,”路路通回过头嘟囔着说,“但是爱情女神——就那个又丑又老的巫婆?绝不是!”

The Parsee made a motion to keep silence.


A group of old fakirs were capering and making a wild ado round the statue; they were striped with ochre, and covered with cuts whence their blood issued drop by drop—stupid fanatics, who, in the great Indian ceremonies, still throw themselves under the wheels of Juggernaut. Some Brahmins, clad in all the sumptuousness of Oriental apparel, and leading a woman who faltered at every step, followed. This woman was young, and as fair as a European. Her head and neck, shoulders, ears, arms, hands and toes, were loaded down with jewels and gems,—with bracelets, earrings, and rings; while a tunic bordered with gold, and covered with a light muslin robe, betrayed the outline of her form.


The guards who followed the young woman presented a violent contrast to her, armed as they were with naked sabres hung at their waists, and long damascened pistols, and bearing a corpse on a palanquin. It was the body of an old man, gorgeously arrayed in the habiliments of a rajah, wearing, as in life, a turban embroidered with pearls, a robe of tissue of silk and gold, a scarf of cashmere sewed with diamonds, and the magnificent weapons of a Hindoo prince. Next came the musicians and a rearguard of capering fakirs, whose cries sometimes drowned the noise of the instruments; these closed the procession.


Sir Francis watched the procession with a sad countenance, and, turning to the guide, said, 'A suttee.'


The Parsee nodded, and put his finger to his lips. The procession slowly wound under the trees, and soon its last ranks disappeared in the depths of the wood. The songs gradually died away; occasionally cries were heard in the distance, until at last all was silence again.


Phileas Fogg had heard what Sir Francis said, and, as soon as the procession had disappeared, asked:


'What is a "suttee"?’“什么是‘殉夫自焚’?"

'A suttee,' returned the general, 'is a human sacrifice but a voluntary one. The woman you have just seen will be burned tomorrow at the dawn of day.'“殉夫自焚,”准将回答说,“就是活人献祭,不过是自愿的。你刚刚看到的那个女人明天黎明时分就会被烧掉。”

'Oh, the scoundrels!' cried Passepartout, who could not repress his indignation.“啊,这些恶棍!”路路通无法控制自己的愤怒,喊了起来。

'And the corpse?' asked Mr. Fogg.“那么那具尸体呢?”福格先生问道。

'Is that of the prince, her husband,' said the guide; 'an independent rajah of Bundelcund.'“是王子的,她丈夫的,”向导说,“是本德尔肯德一个独立的王侯。”

'Is it possible,' resumed Phileas Fogg, his voice betraying not the least emotion, 'that these barbarous customs still exist in India, and that the English have been unable to put a stop to them?'“是不是,”菲利斯·福格继续说,他的声音没有流露出丝毫的情感,“这种残暴的习俗在印度仍然存在,而英国人却无法阻止他们?”

'These sacrifices do not occur in the larger portion of India,' replied Sir Francis, 'but we have no power over these savage territories, and especially here in Bundelcund. The whole district north of the Vindhias is the theatre of incessant murders and pillage.'“印度大一些的地区都不会发生这些祭祀,”弗朗西斯爵士回答说,“但是我们管不了这些蛮夷之地,尤其在本德尔肯德的土地上。温迪亚山脉北面的整个地区都是谋杀案和抢劫案的多发地带。”

'The poor wretch!' exclaimed Passepartout. 'To be burned alive!'“可怜的女人!”路路通惊叫道。“她就要被活活烧死了!”

'Yes,' returned Sir Francis, 'burned alive. And if she were not, you cannot conceive what treatment she would be obliged to submit to from her relatives. They would shave off her hair, feed her on a scanty allowance of rice, treat her with contempt; she would be looked upon as an unclean creature, and would die in some corner, like a scurvy dog. The prospect of so frightful an existence drives these poor creatures to the sacrifice much more than love or religious fanaticism. Sometimes, however, the sacrifice is really voluntary, and it requires the active interference of the Government to prevent it. Several years ago, when I was living at Bombay, a young widow asked permission of the governor to be burned along with her husband's body; but, as you may imagine, he refused. The woman left the town, took refuge with an independent rajah, and there carried out her self-devoted purpose.’“是的,”弗朗西斯爵士回答道,“被活活烧死。而如果她拒绝的话,你无法想象她的亲属会如何处置她。他们会剃光她的头发,只给她一点米饭填肚子,唾弃鄙视她;她会被视为不洁的女人,然后像一只癞皮狗一样死在某个角落里。这样恐怖的生存前景迫使这些可怜的人们只能去献祭,远非出于对爱情或宗教的信仰。然而,献祭有时真的是自愿的,还需要政府主动干涉才能阻止。几年前,在我还住在孟买时,一位年轻的寡妇请求总督批准她和她丈夫的尸体一起被烧掉;但是,你能想到的,总督拒绝了她。那个女人离开了小镇,到一个独立的王侯那里寻求庇护,然后在那儿完成了献身的心愿。”

While Sir Francis was speaking, the guide shook his head several times, and now said, 'The sacrifice which will take place tomorrow at dawn is not a voluntary one.'


'How do you know?'“你怎么知道?”

'Everybody knows about this affair in Bundelcund.'“本德尔肯德人都知道这件事。”

'But the wretched creature did not seem to be making any resistance,' observed Sir Francis.“但是那个可怜的女人似乎没做任何抵抗呀。”弗朗西斯爵士说道。

'That was because they had intoxicated her with fumes of hemp and opium.'“那是因为他们已经用大麻和鸦片的烟雾把她熏晕了。”

'But where are they taking her?'“但是他们要带她去哪儿呢?”

'To the pagoda of Pillaji, two miles from here; she will pass the night there.'“去皮拉吉寺,离这儿两英里的地方,她会在那儿过夜。”

'And the sacrifice will take place—’“那么祭祀将会在……”

'To-morrow, at the first light of dawn.’“明天,天一亮就动手。”

The guide now led the elephant out of the thicket, and leaped upon his neck. Just at the moment that he was about to urge Kiouni forward with a peculiar whistle, Mr. Fogg stopped him, and, turning to Sir Francis Cromarty, said, 'Suppose we save this woman.'


'Save the woman, Mr. Fogg!'“救这个女人,福格先生!”

'I have yet twelve hours to spare; I can devote them to that.'“我还富余12个小时的时间,我可以把时间拿出来做这件事。”

'Why, you are a man of heart!'“天呐,你真是个热心人!”

'Sometimes,' replied Phileas Fogg, quietly, 'when I have the time.'“有时候,”菲利斯·福格平静地说,“如果我还来得及。”


第十三章 路路通再一次证明:好运总是垂青勇敢的人

The project was a bold one, full of difficulty, perhaps impracticable. Mr Fogg was going to risk life, or at least liberty, and therefore the success of his tour. But he did not hesitate, and he found in Sir Francis Cromarty an enthusiastic ally.


As for Passepartout, he was ready for anything that might be proposed. His master's idea charmed him; he perceived a heart, a soul, under that icy exterior. He began to love Phileas Fogg.


There remained the guide: what course would he adopt? Would he not take part with the Indians? In default of his assistance, it was necessary to be assured of his neutrality.


Sir Francis frankly put the question to him.


'Officers,' replied the guide, 'I am a Parsee, and this woman is a Parsee. Command me as you will.'“长官,”向导回答到,“我是个帕西人,而这个女人也是个帕西人。你们尽管吩咐我吧。”

'Excellent,' said Mr Fogg.“太好了。”福格先生说。

'However,' resumed the guide,'it is certain, not only that we shall risk our lives, but horrible tortures, if we are taken.'“可是,”向导接着说,“可以确定的是,我们不仅会有生命危险,而且一旦被抓住的话,还会遭受恐怖的酷刑。”

'That is foreseen,' replied Mr Fogg. 'I think we must wait till night before acting.'“那是已经预料到的,”福格先生回答说。“我想我们必须等到晚上才能行动。”

'I think so,' said the guide.“我也这样认为。”向导说。

The worthy Indian then gave some account of the victim, who, he said, was a celebrated beauty of the Parsee race, and the daughter of a wealthy Bombay merchant. She had received a thoroughly English education in that city, and, from her manners and intelligence, would be thought an European. Her name was Aouda. Left an orphan, she was married against her will to the old rajah of Bundelcund; and, knowing the fate that awaited her, she escaped, was retaken, and devoted by the rajah's relatives, who had an interest in her death, to the sacrifice from which it seemed she could not escape.


The Parsee's narrative only confirmed Mr Fogg and his companions in their generous design.


It was decided that the guide should direct the elephant towards the pagoda of Pillaji, which he accordingly approached as quickly as possible. They halted, half-an-hour afterwards, in a copse, some five hundred feet from the pagoda, where they were well concealed; but they could hear the groans and cries of the fakirs distinctly.


They then discussed the means of getting at the victim. The guide was familiar with the pagoda of Pillaji, in which, as he declared, the young woman was imprisoned. Could they enter any of its doors while the whole party of Indians was plunged in a drunken sleep or was it safer to attempt to make a hole in the walls? This could only be determined at the moment and the place themselves; but it was certain that the abduction must be made that night, and not when, at break of day, the victim was led to her funeral pyre. Then no human intervention could save her.


As soon as night fell, about six o'clock, they decided to make a reconnaissance around the pagoda. The cries of the fakirs were just ceasing; the Indians were in the act of plunging themselves into the drunkenness caused by liquid opium mingled with hemp, and it might be possible to slip between them to the temple itself.


The Parsee, leading the others, noiselessly crept through the wood, and in ten minutes they found themselves on the banks of a small stream, whence, by the light of the rosin torches, they perceived a pyre of wood, on the top of which lay the embalmed body of the rajah, which was to be burned with his wife. The pagoda, whose minarets loomed above the trees in the deepening dusk, stood a hundred steps away.


'Come!' whispered the guide.“到这里来!”向导轻声说道。

He slipped more cautiously than ever through the brush, followed by his companions; the silence around was only broken by the low murmuring of the wind among the branches.


Soon the Parsee stopped on the borders of the glade, which was lit up by the torches. The ground was covered by groups of the Indians, motionless in their drunken sleep; it seemed a battle-field strewn with the dead. Men, women, and children lay together.


In the background, among the trees, the pagoda of Pillaji loomed indistinctly. Much to the guide's disappointment, the guards of the rajah, lighted by torches, were watching at the doors and marching to and fro with naked sabres; probably the priests, too, were watching within.


The Parsee, now convinced that it was impossible to force an entrance to the temple, advanced no farther, but led his companions back again. Phileas Fogg and Sir Francis Cromarty also saw that nothing could be attempted in that direction. They stopped, and engaged in a whispered colloquy.


'It is only eight now,' said the brigadier, 'and these guards may also go to sleep.'“现在才8点钟,”旅长说,“这些卫兵们也许会去睡觉。”

'It is not impossible,' returned the Parsee. They lay down at the foot of a tree, and waited.“那倒也没准儿。”帕西人回答道。他们在一棵树下躺下来等着。

The time seemed long; the guide ever and anon left them to take an observation on the edge of the wood, but the guards watched steadily by the glare of the torches, and a dim light crept through the windows of the pagoda.


They waited till midnight; but no change took place among the guards, and it became apparent that their yielding to sleep could not be counted on. The other plan must be carried out; an opening in the walls of the pagoda must be made. It remained to ascertain whether the priests were watching by the side of their victim as assiduously as were the soldiers at the door.


After a last consultation, the guide announced that he was ready for the attempt, and advanced, followed by the others. They took a roundabout way, so as to get at the pagoda on the rear. They reached the walls about half-past twelve, without having met anyone; here there was no guard, nor were there either windows or doors.


The night was dark. The moon, on the wane, scarcely left the horizon, and was covered with heavy clouds; the height of the trees deepened the darkness.


It was not enough to reach the walls; an opening in them must be accomplished, and to attain this purpose the party only had their pocket-knives. Happily the temple walls were built of brick and wood, which could be penetrated with little difficulty; after one brick had been taken out, the rest would yield easily.


They set noiselessly to work, and the Parsee on one side and Passepartout on the other began to loosen the bricks so as to make an aperture two feet wide. They were getting on rapidly, when suddenly a cry was heard in the interior of the temple, followed almost instantly by other cries replying from the outside. Passepartout and the guide stopped. Had they been heard? Was the alarm being given? Common prudence urged them to retire, and they did so, followed by Phileas Fogg and Sir Francis. They again hid themselves in the wood, and waited till the disturbance, whatever it might be, ceased, holding themselves ready to resume their attempt without delay. But, awkwardly enough, the guards now appeared at the rear of the temple, and there installed themselves, in readiness to prevent a surprise.


It would be difficult to describe the disappointment of the party, thus interrupted in their work. They could not now reach the victim; how, then, could they save her? Sir Francis shook his fists, Passepartout was beside himself, and the guide gnashed his teeth with rage. The tranquil Fogg waited, without betraying any emotion.


'We have nothing to do but to go away,' whispered Sir Francis.“我们只能离开了。”弗朗西斯先生低声说道。

'Nothing but to go away,' echoed the guide.“除了离开,无路可循。”向导回应道。

'Stop,' said Fogg. 'I am only due at Allahabad to-morrow before noon.”“等一下,”福格说,“我只要在明天中午前到达阿拉哈巴德就行。”

'But what can you hope to do?' asked Sir Francis. 'In a few hours it will be daylight, and—’“但是你还希望能做些什么呢?”弗朗西斯先生问道。“再过几个小时,天就亮了,然后——”

'The chance which now seems lost may present itself at the last moment.'“现在看上去丧失的机会可能会在最后的时刻出现。”

Sir Francis would have liked to read Phileas Fogg's eyes.


What was this cool Englishman thinking of? Was he planning to make a rush for the young woman at the very moment of the sacrifice, and boldly snatch her from her executioners?


This would be utter folly, and it was hard to admit that Fogg was such a fool. Sir Francis consented, however, to remain to the end of this terrible drama. The guide led them to the rear of the glade, where they were able to observe the sleeping groups.


Meanwhile Passepartout, who had perched himself on the lower branches of a tree, was resolving an idea which had at first struck him like a flash, and which was now firmly lodged in his brain.






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